Original project: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-slimes
RotN Edition: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-slimes-rotn-edition
This version is modified with changes fit for Rebirth of the Night.
Changes from the original project:
Renamed King Slime to Quazar.
Quazar has new textures and particles.
Remove sound and message when Quazar is spawned.
Quazar no longer spawns around the player.
Quazar now has an attack attribute
Quazar is no longer affected by cobwebs or liquids.
Quazar is resistant to fire.
Slimes no longer transform into different ones when spawning in certain specific biomes.
Fixed the way entities are registered.
Added Slime Boss leap attack.
The entity which Quazar splits to on death is now configurable. Also now toggleable.
Setting a slime to 0 spawn rate in the config now actually disables it
BetterSlimes now have a config variable that multiplies their dealt damage