This repository is for book application to search for books using Google Books API and bookmark the books wanted. It is a backend application to present a user authentication with JWT and CRUD skills using NodeJS. This repo is for the backend server purpose for this frontend application. After following in this README and running the backend application, you need to go that frontend application and follow the running steps in there.
You will need to have the following tech stack installed in your local environment.
- MySQL Ver 8.0.28
- NodeJS v14.18.x
- npm v6.14.x
Clone the repo by typing
git clone
Cd indo the project
cd nodejs-books-app
Install packages with
npm install
Create database with Sequelize-cli command
npx sequelize-cli db:create
Migrate models with Sequelize-cli command
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Seed Books data with Sequelize-cli command
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
If all is set, you will have a database with the name books_api_dev
created and 2 tables called Users and Books created inside it.
Start server with:
npm run start
It will start running in PORT 4000. You can test the following endpoints in http://localhost:4000 url:
/GET http://localhost:4000/books/
/GET http://localhost:4000/books/:id
/POST http://localhost:4000/books/
/PUT http://localhost:4000/books/:id
/DELETE http://localhost:4000/books/:id
/POST http://localhost:4000/auth/signup
/POST http://localhost:4000/auth/signin
/POST http://localhost:4000/auth/signout
Unit tests not implemented yet.
👤 Ramin Mammadzada
- Github: @raminmammadzada
- Twitter: @raminmammadzada
- Linkedin: Ramin Mammadzada
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page
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