🏦: Bank_Management_System
This project is a simple yet effective implementation of a Bank Management System using C++. It allows users to perform various operations such as opening a new bank account, checking balance, depositing funds, withdrawing funds, closing accounts, and viewing all existing accounts.
🔑:Key Features:
Account Management: Users can open a new account with a specified initial balance, check account balance, deposit funds, withdraw funds (with a minimum balance constraint), and close accounts.
Persistence: Account data is stored persistently in a file (Bank.data). This ensures that account information is preserved between program runs.
Exception Handling: The system incorporates exception handling with a custom InsufficientFunds exception, ensuring safe withdrawals when account balances are insufficient.
Object-Oriented Design: The code utilizes classes (Account and Bank) and object-oriented principles such as encapsulation and inheritance, demonstrating good software design practices.
File Handling: Input/output operations are handled using file streams (ofstream and ifstream) to read from and write to the data file.
Open an Account: Users can create a new bank account by providing their first name, last name, and initial balance.
Check Balance: Account holders can check their current balance by entering their account number.
Deposit and Withdraw: Funds can be deposited or withdrawn from an existing account. Withdrawals are protected by a minimum balance requirement.
Close Account: Account holders can close their accounts, which deletes the account from the system.
Show All Accounts: Displays details of all existing accounts in the bank.