Releases: RIVM-bioinformatics/SARS2seq
Releases · RIVM-bioinformatics/SARS2seq
SARS2seq v0.5.3
Bug Fixes
- allow pangolin v4 empty output when there's low coverage in the typing sequence (3237202)
SARS2seq v0.5.2
SARS2seq v0.5.1
SARS2seq v0.5.0
- Write a short report with used/configured settings of the analysis (ffe3141)
Bug Fixes
- properly exit with right exit codes (4ec6307)
- sucessfully finish an analysis when no primers are given (4916731)
Performance Improvements
- tweak read qc filtering settings (27916d4)
- add FPDF version 1.7.2 to dependency list(s) (1a192ec)
- add urllib3 to dependency list for the auto-updater (f3b9b53)
- include conda (lenient) version 4.11.x in main environment to circumvent python3.10 bug (a7821f4)
- remove pysamstats from 'clean' environment (485c94e)
- update (pangolin) snakemake 6.4.1 --> 6.8.0 (1ffc79d)
- update AmpliGone version v0.3.3 --> v0.4.0 (999b757)
- update bcftools 1.12 --> 1.14 (9108076)
- update bedtools 2.29.2 --> 2.30.0 (9108076)
- update biopython 1.78 --> 1.79 (9108076)
- update biopython to version 1.79 in main environment (43251f0)
- update FastP to version 0.23.2 (b134b64)
- update fastqc 0.11.8 --> 0.11.9 (485c94e)
- update minimap2 & mappy 2.17 --> 2.24 (cb99be4)
- update multiqc 1.9 --> 1.11 (485c94e)
- update nextclade 1.6.0 --> 1.9 + change to lenient versioning (1ffc79d)
- update nextclade lenient version v1.9.x --> v1.10.x (2e1cf9e)
- update pandas 1.2.3 --> 1.3.5 (485c94e)
- update pangolin 3.0 --> 3.1 + change to lenient versioning (1ffc79d)
- update parmap 1.5.2 --> 1.5.3 (485c94e)
- update PyYaml 5.4.1 --> 6.0 and fix compatibility (e9a1ef9)
- update samtools 1.10 --> 1.14 (cb99be4)
- update seqkit 0.14.0 --> 2.1.0 (cb99be4)
- update snakemake to version 6.13.1 in main environment (43251f0)
- update tqdm 4.59 --> 4.62 (485c94e)
SARS2seq v0.4.2
SARS2seq v0.4.1
- update AmpliGone to version 0.3.2 (d47f62b)
SARS2seq v0.4.0
- allow SARS2seq to update itself to latest release (41b711b)
- override consensus-index with overlap coordinates index (b81fd1c)
Bug Fixes
- Remove --end-bonus and -k28, update -A4 (e7f8bf7)
- update sars-cov-2 genomic features GFF to include missing ORF (4399cf4)
Performance Improvements
- Update minimap2 settings for nanopore data (75bb475)
- add (auto-)updating behaviour and "skip-updates" flag to documentation (43c3655)
- pin TrueConsense to version 0.3.0 (b6dfd46)
- update AmpliGone to version 0.3.0 (f028403)
- update AmpliGone to version 0.3.1 (29f1516)
- remove trailing space (9933ab4)
SARS2seq v0.3.0
First release: SARS2seq 0.2.2
Initial versioned release of SARS2seq with version 0.2.2
SARS2seqis a pipeline designed to process raw FastQ data from viral amplicon-based sequencing and generate biologically correct consensus sequences from your data based on a given reference genome.
SARS2seq performs high speed data quality control, data cleanup, and high accuracy removal of primer-sequences from NGS reads. As well as alignment of reads and generation of a consensus sequence using the TrueConsense consensus-caller which accounts for common sequencing errors and alignment artefacts.