Build a function that will take the length of each side of a triangle and return if it's either an Equilateral, an Isosceles, a Scalene or an invalid triangle.
It has to return a string with the type of triangle.
type_of_triangle(2, 2, 1) --> "Isosceles"
def type_of_triangle(a, b, c):
# your code here
def type_of_triangle(a, b, c):
tup = (a,b,c)
triangle = {1: "Equilateral",
2: "Isosceles",
3: "Scalene"}
if all(isinstance(n, int) for n in tup) and (a+b)>c and (b+c)>a and (a+c)>b:
msg = triangle.get(len(set(tup)))
msg = "Not a valid triangle"
return msg