First off, thank you for considering contributing to YouTube Ad Muter! It's people like you that make this project possible.
If you find a bug, please report it by opening an issue using the bug report template. Be sure to include as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the bug, your environment, and any relevant screenshots.
If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue using the feature request template. Describe your idea in detail, including any potential use cases and alternatives you've considered.
- Fork the repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page.
- Clone your fork:
git clone cd youtube-ad-muter
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature-branch
- Make your changes: Implement your changes in the codebase.
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add new feature'
- Push to your branch:
git push origin feature-branch
- Create a Pull Request: Go to the original repository and click the "New Pull Request" button. Select your branch and submit the pull request.
Please follow the existing code style in the project. This includes indentation, naming conventions, and commenting. Consistent code style helps keep the project maintainable and readable.
If your changes include new functionality, please add tests to cover the new code. Ensure that all existing and new tests pass before submitting your pull request.
If your changes affect the usage or behavior of the project, please update the documentation accordingly. This includes the README file and any other relevant documentation files.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
If you discover a security vulnerability, please report it to us by sending an email to or contacting us on Twitter @purewebdev. We will respond as quickly as possible to address the issue.
Thank you for contributing!