is a awesome , flexible and cross-browser dynamically color changing tool for web projects.
With colorido colors can be dynamically generated, with many other options:
- autoChange
- chromTab Color
- refresh color change etc
Install Colorido via Bower:
$ bower install colorido.js --save
Install Colorido via npm:
$ npm install colorido.js
- Include the colorido at bottom of file and above
<script src="scripts/colorido.min.js" type="text/javascript>
2.Initiate the colorido.js script in the file by following json:
var config = {
opacity: 0.5, // background opacity for colorido-o (0-1)
choice: [
'rgb(138, 43, 43)',
'rgb(98, 162, 40)',
'rgb(40, 162, 162)',
'rgb(40, 66, 162)',
'rgb(121, 40, 162)', //Color array for random colors, add color in rgb for more
'rgb(121, 40, 162)',
'rgb(40, 100, 162)',
'rgb(230, 74, 25)'
gradMix : "#d6d26f", //any color value or type random, update : grad mix color
autoChange: true, // Auto Color Change Settings true = yes, false= no
autoDuration: 4, // Auto Color Change Duration in Seconds
animationDuration: 0.3, //Color Changing Animation Duration
animationType:"ease-in-out", //Animation Type
chromeTab: true // Color Change Settings for chrome Tabs on android, wp and ios
opacity: Background opacity for colorido-o (0-1)
choice: Array of colors.
autoChange: true|False, Auto Color Change Settings
autoDuration: Auto Color Change Duration in Seconds
gradMix: Optional mixing color for gradient bg
animationDuration:Color Changing Animation Duration
animationType:Animation Type
chromeTab: Color Change Settings for chrome Tabs on android, wp and ios
3.Colorido.js simply works upon 7 css classes:
colorido: Applies Dynamic background color
colorido-o: Applies background color with opacity
colorido-t: Applies dynamic Text-color
colorido-gr: Applies dynamic Radial Gradient
colorido-gl: Applies dynamic linear Gradient
colorido-gd: Applies dynamic diagonal Gradient
colorido-gh: Applies dynamic Horizontal Gradient
Applies these classes on your webcomponents to see magic
Colorido.JS is licensed under the MIT license. (
You are free to contribute to colorido.js. It is built in javascript,I would love to upgrade it to jquery or any other