.NET collections library:
- Priority queue implementation C#
- Height balanced binary search tree implementation C#
- Skip list implementation C#
Docs: Online site generated with the help of DocFx tool
DocFx: DocFx project to generate NetCollections docs
NetCollections library:
- PriorityQueue: binary heap based min/max priority queue implementation
- PriorityLookupQueue: Binary heap based min/max priority queue implementation with the fast lookup
- AvlTree: Self balanced (AVL) binary search tree
- AvlRecursiveTree: Self balanced (AVL) binary search tree with recursive logic
- SkipList: randomized data structure which supports O(logN) lookup, insert and remove operations
NetCollectionsTests library:
- PriorityQueue unit tests
- PriorityLookupQueue unit tests
- AvlTree unit tests
- AvlRecursiveTree unit tests
- SkipList unit tests
NetCollections online docs build with DocFx: https://paralaxrus.github.io/NetCollections/