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This reference page give a full walkthrough over observables that can be computed during the simulation or afterward.

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Observable types

Observables are (usually numerical) parameters characterizing various aspects of the system. They can be a single number (such as number density), set of numbers (such as box dimensions) or even whole matrices of values (such as density histogram). There are 2 types of observables available in the software:

They are described in corresponding sections of this documentation page.

Normal observables

Normal observables can be calculated for a single snapshot. They consist of a couple of numbers (interval values), which can be added/averaged/etc. and/or a couple of strings (nominal values), which cannot be averaged. They can be computed in both the thermalization and the averaging phase. Normal observables have 3 scopes in which they can be computed and presented:

  1. Inline scope - they are computed and printed to the standard output together with cycle number and other information. Both interval and nominal values are printed.
  2. Snapshot scope - they are gathered in both the thermalization and the averaging phase every snapshot_every cycles and printed as a single entry (a single row) in the file given by observables_out (the links refer to class integration, but for class overlap_relaxation it is analogous). Both interval and nominal values are printed.
  3. Averaging scope - each separate interval value (nominal values are skipped) is averaged in the averaging phase. The values are taken every averaging_every cycles. When the averaging phase is completed, average values are printed on the standard output and appended as a single row to the file given by averages_out, together with NpT pressure and temperature.

Scopes are NOT mutually exclusive and can be combined. By default, the observable has all 3 scopes. To restrict the scopes, one can use class scoped:

    snapshot = False,
    averaging = False,
    inline = False

where obs is the observable, while snapshot, averaging and inline arguments toggle the scopes on/off. For example, to print the number density only on the standard output, one can use:

scoped(number_density, inline=True)

Currently, the following observables are supported:

as well as Trackers, which are described in a separate section. All observables have the primary name (displayed when printing averages on the standard output) and one or more named interval/nominal values.

Class number_density

number_density( )
  • Primary name: Number density
  • Interval values:
    • rho - number density N/V, where N is number of particle and V is box volume
  • Nominal values: None

Class box_dimensions

box_dimensions( )
  • Primary name: Box dimensions
  • Interval values:
    • L_X - height of the box orthogonal to 2nd and 3rd box vectors (parallel to the 1st vector if the box is orthorhombic)
    • L_Y - height of the box orthogonal to 3rd and 1st box vectors (parallel to the 2nd vector if the box is orthorhombic)
    • L_Z - height of the box orthogonal to 1st and 2nd box vectors (parallel to the 3rd vector if the box is orthorhombic)
  • Nominal values: None

Class packing_fraction

packing_fraction( )
  • Primary name: Packing fraction
  • Interval values:
    • theta - packing fraction NVP/V, where N is number of particle, V is the box volume and VP is the volume of a particle
  • Nominal values: None

Class compressibility_factor

compressibility_factor( )

Factor ≥ 1, which describes how much the state deviates from the ideal gas equation.

  • Primary name: Compressibility factor
  • Interval values:
    • Z - pV/NT, where p - pressure, V - box volume, N - number of particles, T - temperature
  • Nominal values: None

Class energy_per_particle

energy_per_particle( )
  • Primary name: Energy per particle
  • Interval values:
    • E - average interaction energy of a single particle with the rest of the system
  • Nominal values: None

Class energy_fluctuations_per_particle

energy_fluctuations_per_particle( )
  • Primary name: Energy fluctuation per particle
  • Interval values:
    • varE - variance of the interaction of a single particle with the rest of the system
  • Nominal values: None

Class nematic_order

    dump_qtensor = False

Nematic order parameter, which quantifies ordering of orientations along a preferred direction. It is an eigenvalue of the symmetric Q-tensor with the largest magnitude. The Q-tensor is defined as

Q = 1/Ni (3/2 aiai - 1/2),

where index i runs over all N particles.

  • Arguments:
    • dump_qtensor (= False)
      If True, in addition to nematic order value, independent entries of the Q-tensor will be printed.
  • Primary name: Nematic order
  • Interval values:
    • P2 - eigenvalue of the Q-tensor with the highest magnitude
    • Q11, Q12, Q13, Q22, Q23, Q33 - all independent (upper triangular) entries of the Q-tensor. Those parameters are only present if dump_qtensor = True
  • Nominal values: None

Class smectic_order

    dump_tau_vector = False,
    focal_point = "o",
    function = const

Smectic order parameter, which in its most general form quantifies modulation of some quantity in the direction of wavevector k. It is defined as

τf = | 1/Ni fi exp(ιk · ri) |,

where index i goes over all N particles, ri is the position of ith particle, fi is the value of function for this particle, ι is the imaginary unit and |...| is modulus. If function = const (default argument value), it recudes to a standard smectic parameter quantifying the density modulation:

τ = | 1/Ni exp(ιk · ri) |.

Wavevector k has to be compatible with periodic boundary conditions; thus it is specified using Miller indices h, k, l:

k = h g1 + k g2 + l g3,

where gi are reciprocal box vectors:

g1 = 2π/V (v2v3),
g2 = 2π/V (v3v1),
g3 = 2π/V (v1v2).

Here, vi are real-space box vectors and V is the box volume. Values of h, k, l are selected from the range given by max_hkl argument to maximize τ value.

  • Arguments:
    • max_hkl
      An Array of 3 Integers representing maximal magnitudes of subsequent Miller indices h, k, l, which will be searched to find the best k wavevector, excluding vectors differing only by the sign. For example, for max_hkl = [0, 1, 1] all independent indices to be checked are [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, -1], [0, 1, 0] and [0, 1, 1].
    • dump_tau_vector (= False)
      If True, additional tau_[function name]_k_x, ..._y, ..._z interval parameters with wavevector k components will be printed.
    • focal_point (= "o")
      Named point on the particle that will be used as position vector r.
    • function (= const)
      Shape function f that will be used in computations.
  • Primary name: Smectic order
  • Interval values:
    • tau_[function name] - smectic order magnitude τ
    • tau_[function name]_k_x, ..._y, ..._z - components of wavevector k. Those parameters are only present if dump_tau_vector = True
  • Nominal values:
    • tau_[function name]_hkl - h, k, l giving the highest τ in the format h.k.l, for example 0.-1.5

[function name] describes the Shape function used. If function = const, [function name] is dropped from constituent values' names - thus, for example tau_[function name]_k_x becomes just tau_k_x.

Class bond_order

    layering_point = "o",
    focal_point = "o",
    local = True

Bond order parameter, which quantifies the order of angles between the nearest neighbors. On a 2D plane, it is defined as

  1. Local bond order
    ψr = 1/ni 1/r | ∑j exp(r ι θij) |
  2. Global bond order
    ψr = 1/n | ∑i 1/rj exp(r ι θij) |

where index i goes over all n particles lying on the plane, r is the rank of the order parameter, ∑j sum goes over j = 1, ..., r nearest neighbours of the ith particle, ι is the imaginary unit and |...| is modulus. Finally, θij is the angle between the vector joining ith and jth particles and a constant arbitrary direction on the plane. Local and global bond order parameter differ by the placement of the absolute value. Local bond order quantifies only the ordering of nearest neighbors, while global bond order also takes into account phase differences between all particles.

To make it applicable to a 3D system, the system is assumed to be layered smectic (you can also project all particles on a single plane, see hkl argument description). All positions are projected onto the nearest layers, ψr is calculated for each layer separately and then averaged over all layers. Number of layers and their wavevector are specified upfront by hkl Miller indices (see class smectic_order), while layer shifts as well as association of particles to them are inferred automatically.

  • Arguments:
    • hkl
      An Array of Integers specifying Miller indices of the wavevector of layers. For example, hkl = [0, 0, 6] represents 6 layers stacked along the z axis. Tip: use hkl = [0, 0, 1] to project all particles onto a single XY plane.
    • ranks
      An Integer or Array of Integers with one or more ranks r of the bond order parameter to be calculated. For example, to quantify hexatic honeycomb order, you want to use ranks = 6, while for a square lattice ranks = 4 will do the job (ranks = [4, 6] will calculate both).
    • layering_point (= "o")
      Named point on the particle that will be used to associate particles to the nearest layers.
    • focal_point (= "o")
      Named point on the particle that will be used to compute θij angles.
    • local (= True)
      If True, local bond order is computed, otherwise - global.
  • Primary name: Bond order
  • Interval values:
    • psi_[r1], psi_[r2], ... - bond order parameters for all [r1], [r2], ... ranks specified by ranks argument.
  • Nominal values: None

Class rotation_matrix_drift

rotation_matrix_drift( )

A rather technical parameter, which measures how rotation matrices accumulate numerical errors during the simulation. It can be used for debugging purposes, especially when using non-standard particle moves. For a rotation matrix R, one defines

M = RTR - I,

which is mathematically equal 0 for a rotation matrix. Then, the Frobenius norm of M is computed:

F2 = ‖M2 = ∑i,j Mij2

For each snapshot, the observable reports the minimal, the maximal and the average value of F2.

  • Primary name: Rotation matrix drift
  • Interval values:
    • F^2 - the average value of F2 over all particles in the snapshot
    • min(F^2) - the minimal value of F2 in the snapshot
    • max(F^2) - the maximal value of F2 in the snapshot
  • Nominal values: None

Class temperature

temperature( )

The current NpT/NVT temperature of the system. It is useful when the temperature is a dynamic parameter, and you want to monitor its instantaneous value.

  • Primary name: Temperature
  • Interval values:
    • T - the current NpT/NVT temperature
  • Nominal values: None

Class pressure

pressure( )

The current NpT pressure of the system. It is useful when the temperature is a dynamic parameter, and you want to monitor its instantaneous value. Please note that it is not the effective pressure computed from a numerical virial - it is the one imposed in the NpT ensemble. Virial pressure computation is not yet supported.

  • Primary name: Pressure
  • Interval values:
    • p - the current NpT pressure
  • Nominal values: None

Bulk observables

Bulk observables, contrary to normal observables, consist of too many values to be meaningfully presented as a part of a single-line entry on the standard output or in the observables' snapshots file. They are usually entire plots, maps, etc. Their data is gathered only in the averaging phase, averaged over many system snapshots and printed to a separate file (with name generated using bulk_observables_out_pattern). The format of the output is specific to a given bulk observable.

The following bulk observables are available:

Each observable has a short name, which is used in the output file name.

Class pair_density_correlation

    print_count = False

General one-dimensional pair density correlation function ρ(r). It is equal to the number of particles in the system with a distance around r normalized by the number that would be found in a uniform system. Please note that the meaning of distance is defined by the binning argument. For example, when binning = radial, it reduces to the standard radial distribution function.

  • Arguments:
    • max_r
      Maximal distance which is going to be probed. The observable range starts at 0 and ends at this value.
    • n_bins
      Number of bins to use. The more of them, the higher is the resolution of the plot, but the smaller are the statistics in the single bin.
    • binning
      Binning type used. It defines what distance as a norm of a distance vector means. For example, for binning = radial, distance reduces to a standard Euclidean distance between the particles.
    • since v1.2.0 print_count (= False)
      If True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots will be added to the output.
  • Short name: rho_[binning name], where [binning name] depends on the binning type (binning argument).
  • Output: Rows with space-separated pairs (r, ρ(r)). If print_count = True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots is added.

Class pair_averaged_correlation


Correlations S(r) between particles as a function of a generalized distance r (defined by the binning argument). It is defined as the average of correlation function specified by function parameter over all particles with a distance around r.

  • Arguments:
    • max_r
      Maximal distance which is going to be probed. The observable range starts at 0 and ends at this value.
    • n_bins
      Number of bins to use. The more of them, the higher is the resolution of the plot, but the smaller are the statistics in the single bin.
    • binning
      Binning type used. It defines what distance as a norm of a distance vector means. For example, for binning = radial, distance reduces to a standard Euclidean distance between the particles. Some correlation function also use the distance vector explicitly.
    • function
      Two-particle correlation functions which is being averaged.
    • since v1.2.0 print_count (= False)
      If True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots will be added to the output.
  • Short name: [function name]_[binning name], where [function name] depends on the correlation function (function argument), while [binning name] depends on the binning type (binning argument).
  • Output: Rows with space-separated pairs (r, S(r)). If print_count = True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots is added.

Class density_histogram

    n_bins_x = None,
    n_bins_y = None,
    n_bins_z = None,
    tracker = None,
    normalization = "unit",
    print_count = False

Density histogram, which can be 1D, 2D or 3D. It also supports cancelling out the translational Goldstone mode to prevent softening of the histogram due to zero-energy bulk system drift. Relative positions are used for binning. Thus, the domain is always [0, 1)d, where d is the dimension.

  • Arguments:
    • n_bins_x (= None)
      n_bins_y (= None)
      n_bins_z (= None)
      Number of bins in each direction. If 1 or None is specified, the given direction is turned off completely. For example, to prepare the density histogram of the system projected on YZ plane (with 100 x 100 bins), you should specify n_bins_x = 1 (or n_bins_x = None), n_bins_y = 100 and n_bins_z = 100.
    • tracker (= None)
      Goldstone tracker used to cancel out system drift. If None, no compensation is applied.
    • since v1.2.0 normalization (= "unit")
      Normalization of the density. Allowed values:
      • "avg_count"
        No normalization is performed - each bin contains the count divided by the number of snapshots.
      • "unit"
        Average value in the bin is normalized to 1.
    • since v1.2.0 print_count (= False)
      If True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots will be added to the output.
  • Short name: rho_xyz
  • Output: Rows with space-separated tuples (bx, by, bz, ρ(b)), where b is relative middle of the bin (with coordinates from the range [0, 1)). If the direction is turned off, the corresponding bin coordinate is equal 0.5. If print_count = True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots is added.

Class probability_evolution

    normalization = "avg_count",
    print_count = False

Two-dimensional plot of a function

P(r, f) = prob(f|r)

where prob(f|r) is a conditional probability density of correlation function f for a fixed generalized distance r between particles (defined by the binning argument). It represents how the distribution of f changes with r.

  • Arguments:
    • max_r
      Maximal distance which is going to be probed. The distance range starts at 0 and ends at this value.
    • n_bins_r
      Number of bins to use for distance. The more of them, the higher is the resolution of the plot, but the smaller are the statistics in the single bin.
    • binning
      Binning type used. It defines what distance as a norm of a distance vector means. For example, for binning = radial, distance reduces to a standard Euclidean distance between the particles. Some correlation functions also use the distance vector explicitly.
    • fun_range
      An Array of 2 Floats representing minimal and maximal value of the function f that will be plotted.
    • n_bins_fun
      Number of bins to use for f values. The more of them, the higher is the resolution of the plot, but the smaller are the statistics in the single bin.
    • function
      Two-particle correlation function which is being averaged.
    • normalization (= "avg_count")
      How P(r, f) should be normalized. There are 3 options:
      • "avg_count" or (deprecated since v1.2.0 None)
        No normalization is performed. The values are snapshot-averaged counts of particles in the bins. Please note that in that case, the sum of counts for a fixed distance r is proportional to the pair density correlation function.
      • "pdf"
        Standard probability density function normalization, for which ∫P(r, f) df = 1.
      • "unit"
        Average value in the bin is normalized to 1: ∫P(r, f) df = fmax - fmin
    • since v1.2.0 print_count (= False)
      If True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots will be added to the output.
  • Short name: prob_[function name]_[binning name], where [function name] depends on the correlation function (function argument), while [binning name] depends on the binning type (binning argument).
  • Output: Rows with space-separated 3-tuples (r, f, P(r, f)), where r, f are bin middles. If print_count = True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots is added.

Class bin_averaged_function

Since v1.2.0

    n_bins_x = None,
    n_bins_y = None,
    n_bins_z = None,
    tracker = None,
    print_count = False

Shape function (possibly multivalued) averaged in 1D, 2D or 3D bins over system snapshots. It supports cancelling out the translational Goldstone mode to prevent softening of values due to zero-energy bulk system drift. Relative positions are used for binning. Thus, the domain is always [0, 1)d, where d is the dimension.

  • Arguments:
    • function
      Single or multivalued shape function to be averaged.
    • n_bins_x (= None)
      n_bins_y (= None)
      n_bins_z (= None)
      Number of bins in each direction. If 1 or None is specified, the given direction is turned off completely. For example, to average the function over all X values with 100 x 100 bins on a YZ plane, you should specify n_bins_x = 1 (or n_bins_x = None), n_bins_y = 100 and n_bins_z = 100.
    • tracker (= None)
      Goldstone tracker used to cancel out system drift. If None, no compensation is applied.
    • since v1.2.0 print_count (= False)
      If True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots will be added to the output.
  • Short name: [function name]_xyz, where [function name] is shape function's primary name.
  • Output: Rows with space-separated tuples (bx, by, bz, f1(b), ..., fn(b)), where b is relative middle of the bin (with coordinates from the range [0, 1)) and f1(b), ..., fn(b) are subsequent bin and snapshot averaged function values. If the direction is turned off, the corresponding bin coordinate is equal 0.5. If print_count = True, additional column with total bin count from all snapshots is added.


A special class of normal observables, with 6 interval values specifying how the system translates and rotates during its evolution. Those are:

  • [tracker name]_x, [...]_y, [...]_z - evolving position of the origin of the system,
  • [tracker name]_ox, [...]_oy, [...]_oz - evolving orientation of the system (as Euler angles).

What is considered origin and the identity orientation (zero Euler angles), as well as how the movement is inferred is specific to a particular tracker type. Some trackers may track only one type of movement (translational or orientational). Each tracker has its tracker name, which is used for example in interval value's names.

The trackers are mainly used by other types of observables, such as class density_histogram to cancel out zero-energy movement of the system during the course of the simulation.

Currently, the following trackers are available:

Class fourier_tracker


A 1D, 2D or 3D tracker, which tracks system movement based on first-order Fourier expansion of a shape function f. More precisely, it tracks how modulations of the shape function move in space. Most generally, for 3 dimensions, first-order Fourier expansion of f in the relative position s is

F(s) = ∑trig1,trig2,trig3 Atrig1,trig2,trig3 trig1(2πn1s1) trig2(2πn2s2) trig3(2πn3s3),

where trigi, i = 1, 2, 3 is sin(...) or cos(...), s is a relative position in the box and ni are wavenumbers of shape function modulations. The evolving position of the system's origin is taken as the maximum of F(s), converted back to an absolute position. Please note that F(s) is oscillatory and has more than one maximum. Thus, for subsequent snapshots the maximum closest to the previous one is chosen. The 8 coefficients for a snapshot are calculated using

Atrig1,trig2,trig3 = 1/Ni fi trig1(2πn1si,1) trig2(2πn2si,2) trig3(2πn3si,3),

where fi and si are, respectively value of the shape function f and relative position of ith particle. For 2D and 1D (where some ni are 0), the number of coefficients decreases to, respectively 4 and 2.

Please note, that F(s) is sensitive to density modulation - if f = const, it tracks a generalized type of smectic order. In fact, if only a single wavenumber is non-zero (1D), it is equivalent to the smectic order parameter.

  • Arguments:
    • wavenumbers
      An Array of Integers (for example [1, 2, 0]) representing wavenumbers ni of modulation. If all are non-zero, the modulation is 3-dimensional, while setting 1 or 2 of them to 0 reduces dimensionality.
    • function
      Shape function, whose modulation we are testing. It can be const - then we are probing the density modulation.
  • Tracker name: [function name]_fourier, where [function name] depends on the shape function (function argument)

Binning types

Binning type dictates how various types of observables are calculated. Most importantly, it defines what distance vector between particles means. Binning type is chosen, for example, when using class pair_density_correlation. There, it decides what type of correlation is probed - radial, transversal, etc. It can also restrict which pairs of particles should be selected at all - for example, class layerwise_radial takes into account only particles from the same layers. Each binning type has binning name which is used in a signature name of observables.

There are the following types of binning:

Note: distance vector was introduced in v1.2.0 for observables such as class s221. Previously only its norm (the distance) was considered.

Class radial

    focal_point = "o"

The standard, radial binning type. Here, the vector distance is simply a vector joining first particle with the second, and all pairs of particles are enumerated. focal_point is a named point, with respect to which the distance should be calculated.

  • Binning name: r

Class layerwise_radial

    focal_point = "o"

Layerwise, transversal binning type. Particles are projected on nearest layers as specified by hkl Miller indices (see class smectic_order) and the vector distance is calculated along the layer (transversally) - it is a vector joining the first particle's projection with that of a second one. Moreover, pairs of particles in different layers are not enumerated. focal_point is a named point, which is used to associate particles to layers and with respect to which the distance should be calculated.

Hint: class layerwise_radial can be also used for cylindrical binning. For example, to project all particles onto a single XY plane, one can use hkl = [0, 0, 1].

  • Binning name: lr

Class linear

Since v1.2.0

    focal_point = "o"

Linear binning type. Particles are projected onto the height of the simulation box specified by axis and the vector distance is calculated along this axis - it is a vector joining the first particle's projection with that of a second one.

  • Arguments:
    • axis
      The axis (height of the simulation box) along which the binning is performed. Allowed values:
      • "x" - height of the box orthogonal to 2nd and 3rd box vectors (parallel to the 1st vector if the box is orthorhombic)
      • "y" - height of the box orthogonal to 3rd and 1st box vectors (parallel to the 2nd vector if the box is orthorhombic)
      • "z" - height of the box orthogonal to 1st and 2nd box vectors (parallel to the 3rd vector if the box is orthorhombic)
    • focal_point
      A named point, with respect to which the distance should be calculated.
  • Binning name: x, y or z, as chosen for axis

Correlation functions

Correlation functions take a pair of particles and map it to a single value. They are used in correlation observables, such as class pair_averaged_correlation. All have a function name, which is used in observables signatures.

Currently, the following correlation functions are available:

Class s110


S110 element of the S-expansion, which is defined as

S110(i, j) = ai · aj,

where ai and aj are (unit) shape axes of the ith and jth molecule, determined by the axis argument ("primary", "secondary" or "auxiliary").

  • Function name: S110

Class s220

Since v1.2.0


S220 element of the S-expansion, which is defined as

S220(i, j) = 3/2 (ai · aj)2 - 1/2,

where ai and aj are (unit) shape axes of the ith and jth molecule, determined by the axis argument ("primary", "secondary" or "auxiliary").

  • Function name: S220

Class s221

Since v1.2.0


S221 element of the S-expansion, which is defined as

S221(i, j) = [(ai × aj) · r] (ai · aj),

where ai and aj are (unit) shape axes of the ith and jth molecule, determined by the axis argument ("primary", "secondary" or "auxiliary"), while r is the distance vector, as defined by the binning type used.

  • Function name: S221

Class axes_angle


The (smaller) angle between axes of two particles, expressed in degrees:

θ(i, j) = (180/π) cos-1|ai · aj|.

ai and aj are (unit) shape axes of the ith and jth molecule, determined by the axis argument ("primary", "secondary" or "auxiliary").

  • Function name: theta

Shape functions

Shape functions take a single particle and map it to a single or multiple values. They are used for example in class smectic_order and class fourier_tracker. Each shape function has a primary name describing it as a whole. Moreover, each function value is named. For example, function representing an axis can have primary name axis and values named x, y, z (axis components). If a function is single-valued, the primary name and the name of the only value are always the same.

Currently, the following correlation functions are available:

Note: shape functions can be multivalued since v1.2.0. Previously, all were single-valued. The distinction between primary name and component names was also introduced in that version.

Class const

    value = 1

Constant shape function always returning value (1 by default).

  • Primary name: const
  • Values:
    • const - constant value of the function

Class axis

    comp = "xyz"

Shape function returning either a specific component of a specific shape axis or all components.

  • Arguments:
    • which
      Shape axis whose component(s) is/are to be taken. It can be either of: "primary", "secondary" or "auxiliary".
    • comp
      Coordinate system component of the axis vector to be returned. It can be "x", "y" or "z" for a single component and "xyz" for all components.
  • Primary name:
    • If comp = "x", "y", "z":
      • [the axis]_[the comp]
    • If comp = "xyz":
      • [the axis]
    • In both cases [the axis] is pa, sa or aa, standing for, respectively, primary, secondary and auxiliary axis, while [the comp] is x, y or z, depending on the arguments passed.
  • Values:
    • If comp = "x", "y", "z":
      • [the axis]_[the comp] - particular component of the axis, depending on the arguments passed.
    • If comp = "xyz":
      • x - x coordinate of the axis
      • y - y coordinate of the axis
      • z - z coordinate of the axis

Since v1.2.0 "xyz" value for the comp argument was introduced and was made its default value.

Class q_tensor

Since v1.2.0


Shape function returning independent values of the symetric Q-tensor for a given particle. It is defined as

Q = 3/2 (aa - 1/3 I),

where a is shape's axis and I is the identity matrix. The independent values of the Q-tensor are its upper triangular part.

  • Arguments:
    • axis
      Shape axis for which the Q-tensor should be computed. It can be either of: "primary", "secondary" or "auxiliary".
  • Primary name: Q_[the axis], where [the axis] is pa, sa or aa, standing for, respectively, primary, secondary and auxiliary axis
  • Values:
    • xx - Q11 tensor component
    • xy - Q12 tensor component
    • xz - Q13 tensor component
    • yy - Q22 tensor component
    • yz - Q23 tensor component
    • zz - Q33 tensor component

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