diff --git a/bibliographien/bib_conrardy_full.bib b/bibliographien/bib_conrardy_full.bib index 9b2a772..e2ac035 100644 --- a/bibliographien/bib_conrardy_full.bib +++ b/bibliographien/bib_conrardy_full.bib @@ -1,3304 +1,3529 @@ -@article{slavin_model_1995, - title = {A Model of Effective Instruction}, - volume = {59}, - issn = {0013-1725, 1938-8098}, - url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00131729509336383}, - doi = {10.1080/00131729509336383}, - pages = {166--176}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {The Educational Forum}, - shortjournal = {The Educational Forum}, - author = {Slavin, Robert E.}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {1995-06-30}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Slavin - 1995 - A Model of Effective Instruction.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/PPP9M3TV/Slavin - 1995 - A Model of Effective Instruction.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{krebs_anleitung_2004, + title = {Anleitung zur Herstellung von {MC}-Fragen und {MC}-Prüfungen für die ärztliche Ausbildung}, + url = {https://www.iml.unibe.ch/attachment/7/download/mc_anleitung.pdf}, + publisher = {Abteilung für Assessment und Evaluation {AAE}}, + author = {Krebs, René}, + urldate = {2024-03-03}, + date = {2004-07}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Krebs - 2004 - Anleitung zur Herstellung von MC-Fragen und MC-Prü.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/VE5ULG6T/Krebs - 2004 - Anleitung zur Herstellung von MC-Fragen und MC-Prü.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{kim_effects_2015, - title = {Effects of learner–instructor relationship-building strategies in online video instruction}, - volume = {36}, - doi = {10.1080/01587919.2015.1019965}, - abstract = {Although research has demonstrated that an increased rapport between instructors and learners can positively relate with increased learning gains, perhaps mediated by the positive attitudes toward the course and self-efficacy beliefs in the coursework, little has been done to test what instructional strategies might increase this rapport in online video-based instruction. This study compared online video-based instruction that made use of relationship-building strategies with online video-based instruction that did not use those strategies. The two instructions were identical in every other way. The results show that the attitudes of the college students were positively affected by the relationship building strategies in a statistically significant way (p = .025) and that learning gains were also positively affected at a very near-significant level (p = .052). The implications of the findings are discussed.}, - pages = {100--114}, - journaltitle = {Distance Education}, - shortjournal = {Distance Education}, - author = {Kim, Yanghee and Thayne, Jeffrey}, - date = {2015-01-02}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/8L62I78X/Kim and Thayne - 2015 - Effects of learner–instructor relationship-buildin.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{tulodziecki_medienbildung_2019, + location = {Bad Heilbrunn}, + edition = {2., vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage}, + title = {Medienbildung in Schule und Unterricht: Grundlagen und Beispiele}, + isbn = {978-3-8252-5029-4}, + series = {{UTB} Erziehungswissenschaft, Schulpädagogik, allgemeine Didaktik}, + shorttitle = {Medienbildung in Schule und Unterricht}, + pagetotal = {399}, + number = {3414}, + publisher = {Verlag Julius Klinkhardt}, + author = {Tulodziecki, Gerhard and Herzig, Bardo and Grafe, Silke}, + date = {2019}, + file = {Medienbildung in Schule und Unterricht. Grundlage und -- Gerhard Tulodziecki, Bardo Herzig, Silke Grafe -- utb 3414, 2, 2019 -- Julius Klinkhardt -- 9783825250294 -- 7a669cd217d6632ee05179f76992f979 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9EH4I6TV/Medienbildung in Schule und Unterricht. Grundlage und -- Gerhard Tulodziecki, Bardo Herzig, Silke Grafe -- utb 3414, 2, 2019 -- Julius Klinkhardt -- 9783825250294 -- 7a669cd217d6632ee05179f76992f979 .pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/266TPE9N/Tulodziecki et al. - 2019 - Medienbildung in Schule und Unterricht Grundlagen.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{moon_effects_2021, - title = {The effects of social and cognitive cues on learning comprehension, eye-gaze pattern, and cognitive load in video instruction}, - volume = {33}, - issn = {1867-1233}, - url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-020-09255-x}, - doi = {10.1007/s12528-020-09255-x}, - abstract = {Students experience challenges when understanding visual information in multimedia learning. Specifically, immersive multimedia environments, such as virtual reality increase the likelihood that students undergo distractions in which information seeking during system-paced instruction occurred. Although previous studies have reviewed various cue designs to yield students’ higher attention, skepticism still exists regarding which ways cue designs can support their learning comprehension in video instruction. For this study, we sampled a total of 64 undergraduates in a university. Using video instruction performed by an animated pedagogical agent ({APA}), this study examined the effect of social (i.e., an {APA}’s conversational gestures) and cognitive (i.e., visual cue) cues on students’ learning comprehension and eye-gaze data within types of visual information (text and pictorial). Also, this study investigated how both cues promoted students’ cognitive load overall. Specific to text information processing, the results of the study confirmed that the negative prime effect of social cues undermined students’ learning comprehension and increased their cognitive load, whereas cognitive cues appeared to be supportive in video instruction. Also, this study found that students’ different visual-attention patterns appeared in pictorial information processing. In terms of pictorial information processing, the study finding implies that whereas social cues caused visual distractions and lowered learning comprehension, cognitive cues as visual cues helped learners to integrate pictorial information via visuospatial clues. Conclusively, we reported several design implications derived from the study findings.}, - pages = {39--63}, +@misc{renganathar_interdisziplinare_2023, + title = {Interdisziplinäre Unterrichtsmaterialien zum Klimawandel}, + author = {Renganathar, Keerththanan}, + date = {2023-08-20}, + file = {Klimawandel.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/RUNFXJFR/Klimawandel.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{herzog_qualifizierung_2009, + title = {Qualifizierung von Dozierenden an Pädagogischen Hochschulen: Eine Einleitung mit offenen Fragen}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + issn = {0259-353X}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=13699}, + doi = {10.25656/01:13699}, + shorttitle = {Qualifizierung von Dozierenden an Pädagogischen Hochschulen}, + author = {Herzog, Silvio and Tettenborn, Annette}, + editora = {{DIPF {\textbar} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2024-03-01}, + date = {2009}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Publisher: [object Object]}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, College of education, Lehrerbildung, Pädagogische Hochschule, Qualification, Qualifizierung, Schweiz, Switzerland, Teacher education, Teacher training college, Teachers' college, Teachers' training}, + file = {Herzog und Tettenborn - 2009 - Qualifizierung von Dozierenden an Pädagogischen Ho.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/YH5UQGM7/Herzog und Tettenborn - 2009 - Qualifizierung von Dozierenden an Pädagogischen Ho.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@misc{walti_jahresplanung_2021, + title = {Jahresplanung zu mathbuch 1, 2, und 3}, + url = {https://www.faechernet.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/faechernet_bkd/dokumente-bilder/de/startseite/unterrichtsfaecher/mathematik/unterricht/planen/planungen-zum-mathbuch-1bis3-z3.pdf}, + abstract = {Umsetzungshilfen zum Lehrplan 21 der Lehrplan- und Lehrmittelkommission des Kantons Bern}, + author = {Wälti, Beat}, + urldate = {2023-03-01}, + date = {2021-01-03}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Wälti - 2021 - Zu den Jahresplanungen.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UC9Z6KSW/Wälti - 2021 - Zu den Jahresplanungen.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@book{reiss_grundlagen_2021, + location = {Cham}, + title = {Grundlagen der Mathematikdidaktik: Eine Einführung für den Unterricht in der Sekundarstufe}, + isbn = {978-3-030-65428-3 978-3-030-65429-0}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-030-65429-0}, + series = {Mathematik Kompakt}, + shorttitle = {Grundlagen der Mathematikdidaktik}, + publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, + author = {Reiss, Kristina and Hammer, Christoph}, + urldate = {2024-02-29}, + date = {2021}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-65429-0}, + keywords = {Entwicklung, Kompetenzorientiertes Lehren und Lernen, Lehramtsstudium, Mathematikdidaktisches Basiswissen, Mathematikunterricht, mathematisches Denken, selbstreguliertes Lernen}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/VE292EFM/Reiss und Hammer - 2021 - Grundlagen der Mathematikdidaktik Eine Einführung.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@misc{affolter_ubersichtsraster_2014, + title = {Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 3 - {LP} 21» Stand: 1.7.2015 C200-01}, + url = {https://www.mathbuch.info/_file/471/a200-01.pdf}, + publisher = {Schulverlag plus {AG} / Klett und Balmer {AG}}, + author = {Affolter, Walter and Nydegger, Annegret and Wälti, Beat and Wieland, Gregor}, + date = {2014-02-11}, + file = {Affolter et al. - 2014 - Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 1 - LP21» Stand 2.11.2.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ARUKR6QW/Affolter et al. - 2014 - Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 1 - LP21» Stand 2.11.2.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@misc{affolter_ubersichtsraster_2014-1, + title = {Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 2 - {LP}21» Stand: 2.11.2014}, + url = {https://www.mathbuch.info/_file/471/a200-01.pdf}, + publisher = {Schulverlag plus {AG} / Klett und Balmer {AG}}, + author = {Affolter, Walter and Nydegger, Annegret and Wälti, Beat and Wieland, Gregor}, + date = {2014-02-11}, + file = {Affolter et al. - 2014 - Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 2 - LP21» Stand 2.11.2.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6YW45YMT/Affolter et al. - 2014 - Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 2 - LP21» Stand 2.11.2.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@misc{affolter_ubersichtsraster_2014-2, + title = {Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 1 - {LP}21» Stand: 2.11.2014}, + url = {https://www.mathbuch.info/_file/471/a200-01.pdf}, + publisher = {Schulverlag plus {AG} / Klett und Balmer {AG}}, + author = {Affolter, Walter and Nydegger, Annegret and Wälti, Beat and Wieland, Gregor}, + date = {2014-02-11}, + file = {Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 1 - LP21» Stand 2.11.2.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/F27I6JEF/Übersichtsraster «mathbuch 1 - LP21» Stand 2.11.2.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@collection{werner_flipped_2021, + location = {Gütersloh}, + edition = {3. Auflage}, + title = {Flipped Classroom - Zeit für deinen Unterricht: Praxisbeispiele, Erfahrungen und Handlungsempfehlungen}, + isbn = {978-3-86793-869-3 978-3-86793-790-0}, + shorttitle = {Flipped Classroom - Zeit für deinen Unterricht}, + pagetotal = {228}, + publisher = {Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung}, + editor = {Werner, Julia and Ebel, Christian and Spannagel, Christian and Bayer, Stephan}, + date = {2021}, + file = {Werner et al. - 2021 - Flipped Classroom - Zeit für deinen Unterricht Pr.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/NPPZHY4T/Werner et al. - 2021 - Flipped Classroom - Zeit für deinen Unterricht Pr.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@collection{handke_inverted_2017, + title = {Das Inverted Classroom Model: Begleitband zur ersten deutschen {ICM}-Konferenz}, + isbn = {978-3-486-71664-1}, + url = {https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783486716641/html}, + shorttitle = {Das Inverted Classroom Model}, + publisher = {De Gruyter}, + editor = {Handke, Jürgen and Sperl, Alexander}, + urldate = {2024-02-26}, + date = {2017-12-31}, + doi = {10.1515/9783486716641}, + file = {Handke and Sperl - 2017 - Das Inverted Classroom Model Begleitband zur erst.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ZNGTRZVN/Handke and Sperl - 2017 - Das Inverted Classroom Model Begleitband zur erst.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{lage_inverting_2000, + title = {Inverting the Classroom: A Gateway to Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment}, + volume = {31}, + issn = {0022-0485}, + url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00220480009596759}, + doi = {10.1080/00220480009596759}, + shorttitle = {Inverting the Classroom}, + pages = {30--43}, number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Computing in Higher Education}, - shortjournal = {J Comput High Educ}, - author = {Moon, Jewoong and Ryu, Jeeheon}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2021-04-01}, + journaltitle = {The Journal of Economic Education}, + author = {Lage, Maureen J. and Platt, Glenn J. and Treglia, Michael}, + urldate = {2024-02-26}, + date = {2000-01-01}, + note = {Publisher: Routledge +\_eprint: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00220480009596759}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/MDMFKJ5B/Lage et al. - 2000 - Inverting the Classroom A Gateway to Creating an .pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@book{ende_momo_1973, + location = {München Zürich}, + edition = {Ungekürzte Taschenbuchausg}, + title = {Momo oder die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gestohlene Zeit zurückbrachte: ein Märchen-Roman}, + isbn = {978-3-492-25349-9}, + series = {Piper}, + shorttitle = {Momo oder die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gestohlene Zeit zurückbrachte}, + pagetotal = {299}, + number = {5349}, + publisher = {Piper}, + author = {Ende, Michael}, + date = {1973}, +} + +@article{ouyang_artificial_2022, + title = {Artificial intelligence in online higher education: A systematic review of empirical research from 2011 to 2020}, + volume = {27}, + issn = {1360-2357, 1573-7608}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10639-022-10925-9}, + doi = {10.1007/s10639-022-10925-9}, + shorttitle = {Artificial intelligence in online higher education}, + pages = {7893--7925}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {Education and Information Technologies}, + shortjournal = {Educ Inf Technol}, + author = {Ouyang, Fan and Zheng, Luyi and Jiao, Pengcheng}, + urldate = {2024-02-24}, + date = {2022-07}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {Animated pedagogical agent, Cognitive load, Conversational gestures, Eye-tracking, Learning comprehension, Visual cues}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/J5A2X6TT/Moon and Ryu - 2021 - The effects of social and cognitive cues on learni.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Ouyang et al. - 2022 - Artificial intelligence in online higher education.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/DXEUFXKE/Ouyang et al. - 2022 - Artificial intelligence in online higher education.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{koumoutsakis_gesture_2016, - title = {Gesture in Instruction: Evidence from Live and Video Lessons}, - volume = {40}, - issn = {1573-3653}, - url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10919-016-0234-z}, - doi = {10.1007/s10919-016-0234-z}, - shorttitle = {Gesture in Instruction}, - abstract = {Previous studies have shown that teachers’ gestures are beneficial for student learning. In this research, we investigate whether teachers’ gestures have comparable effects in face-to-face live instruction and video-based instruction. We provided sixty-three 7–10 year old students with instruction about mathematical equivalence problems (e.g., 3 + 4 + 5 = \_\_ + 5). Students were assigned to one of four experimental conditions in a 2 × 2 factorial design that varied (1) instruction medium (video vs. live), and (2) instruction modality (speech vs. speech + gesture). There was no main effect of medium: The same amount of learning occurred whether instruction was done live or on video. There was a main effect of modality: Speech instruction accompanied by gesture resulted in significantly more learning and transfer than instruction conveyed through speech only. Gesture’s effect on instruction was stronger for video instruction than live instruction. These findings suggest that there may be a limit to gesture’s role in communication that results in student learning.}, - pages = {301--315}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Nonverbal Behavior}, - shortjournal = {J Nonverbal Behav}, - author = {Koumoutsakis, Theodora and Church, Ruth Breckinridge and Alibali, Martha W. and Singer, Melissa and Ayman-Nolley, Saba}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2016-12-01}, +@book{wolfram_what_2023, + location = {Champaign, Illinois}, + title = {What is {ChatGPT} doing ... and why does it work?}, + isbn = {978-1-57955-081-3 978-81-19-21664-2 978-81-19-21665-9}, + abstract = {"Nobody expected this-not even its creators: {ChatGPT} has burst onto the scene as an {AI} capable of writing at a convincingly human level. But how does it really work? What's going on inside its "{AI} mind"? In this short book, distinguished scientist and computation pioneer Stephen Wolfram provides a readable and engaging explanation that draws on his decades-long unique experience at the frontiers of science and technology. Find out how the success of {ChatGPT} brings together the latest neural net technology with foundational questions about language and human thought posed by Aristotle more than two thousand years ago"--}, + pagetotal = {102}, + publisher = {Wolfram Media, Inc}, + author = {Wolfram, Stephen}, + date = {2023}, + file = {Stephen Wolfram - What Is ChatGPT Doing ... and Why Does It Work_-Wolfram Research (2023).pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QT3P9LQC/Stephen Wolfram - What Is ChatGPT Doing ... and Why Does It Work_-Wolfram Research (2023).pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/863RWTL3/Wolfram - 2023 - What is ChatGPT doing ... and why does it work.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@inproceedings{vaswani_attention_2017, + location = {{CA}, {USA}}, + title = {Attention is All you Need}, + volume = {30}, + isbn = {978-1-5108-6096-4}, + url = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.5555/3295222.3295349}, + abstract = {The dominant sequence transduction models are based on complex recurrent or convolutional neural networks that include an encoder and a decoder. The best performing models also connect the encoder and decoder through an attention mechanism. We propose a new simple network architecture, the Transformer, based solely on attention mechanisms, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely. Experiments on two machine translation tasks show these models to be superior in quality while being more parallelizable and requiring significantly less time to train. Our model achieves 28.4 {BLEU} on the {WMT} 2014 Englishto-German translation task, improving over the existing best results, including ensembles, by over 2 {BLEU}. On the {WMT} 2014 English-to-French translation task, our model establishes a new single-model state-of-the-art {BLEU} score of 41.0 after training for 3.5 days on eight {GPUs}, a small fraction of the training costs of the best models from the literature.}, + eventtitle = {31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems}, + pages = {5999--6010}, + booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30}, + author = {Vaswani, Ashish and Shazeer, Noam and Parmar, Niki and Uszkoreit, Jakob and Jones, Llion and Gomez, Aidan N and Kaiser, Łukasz and Polosukhin, Illia}, + date = {2017}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {Gesture, Learning, Mathematics}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/S7ZM3YLM/Koumoutsakis et al. - 2016 - Gesture in Instruction Evidence from Live and Vid.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Vaswani et al. - Attention is All you Need.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/TAXXIL97/Vaswani et al. - Attention is All you Need.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{henderson_systematic_2021, - title = {A Systematic review of instructor presence in instructional videos: Effects on learning and affect}, - volume = {2}, - issn = {2666-5573}, - url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666557321000306}, - doi = {10.1016/j.caeo.2021.100059}, - shorttitle = {A Systematic review of instructor presence in instructional videos}, - abstract = {In recent years the use of instructional videos with on-screen instructors has gained global popularity in college classrooms and across private industries. However, it is not clear if including the instructor on-screen in an instructional video provides any benefit to learners, and the research in the area has not been synthesized. We conducted a systematic review to examine the impact of an on-screen instructor on learning and affect. Twelve studies met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Our analysis of the results showed no consistent, compelling evidence that an instructor should be included on-screen in instructional videos, as non-significant and mixed results were pervasive throughout the literature. However, we also did not find convincing evidence to leave an instructor out of the instructional video, as some studies found that learners were more satisfied when the instructor was visually-present. We explore these results in more depth, highlight the need for more studies in the area, and outline potentially productive frameworks for systematic lines of research.}, - pages = {100059}, - journaltitle = {Computers and Education Open}, - shortjournal = {Computers and Education Open}, - author = {Henderson, Marsha L. and Schroeder, Noah L.}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2021-12-01}, +@misc{kuratle_kompetenzorientierte_2021, + title = {Kompetenzorientierte Beurteilung an der Volksschule des Kantons Bern}, + publisher = {Institut für Weiterbildung und Medienbildung}, + author = {Kuratle, R. and Balmer, T.}, + date = {2021-01-19}, + file = {Kompetenzorientierte Beurteilung an der Volksschul.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/5Z22MSLQ/Kompetenzorientierte Beurteilung an der Volksschul.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{essel_chatgpt_2024, + title = {{ChatGPT} effects on cognitive skills of undergraduate students: Receiving instant responses from {AI}-based conversational large language models ({LLMs})}, + volume = {6}, + issn = {2666920X}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2666920X23000772}, + doi = {10.1016/j.caeai.2023.100198}, + shorttitle = {{ChatGPT} effects on cognitive skills of undergraduate students}, + pages = {100198}, + journaltitle = {Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence}, + shortjournal = {Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence}, + author = {Essel, Harry Barton and Vlachopoulos, Dimitrios and Essuman, Albert Benjamin and Amankwa, John Opuni}, + urldate = {2024-02-18}, + date = {2024-06}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {Image principle, Instructional video, Instructor presence, On-screen instructor}, - file = {ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RAP5MMS6/Henderson and Schroeder - 2021 - A Systematic review of instructor presence in inst.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/TDKDXRE4/S2666557321000306.html:text/html}, + file = {Essel et al. - 2024 - ChatGPT effects on cognitive skills of undergradua.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/EFFWHT3V/Essel et al. - 2024 - ChatGPT effects on cognitive skills of undergradua.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{brame_effective_2016, - title = {Effective Educational Videos: Principles and Guidelines for Maximizing Student Learning from Video Content}, - volume = {15}, - issn = {1931-7913}, - doi = {10.1187/cbe.16-03-0125}, - shorttitle = {Effective Educational Videos}, - abstract = {Educational videos have become an important part of higher education, providing an important content-delivery tool in many flipped, blended, and online classes. Effective use of video as an educational tool is enhanced when instructors consider three elements: how to manage cognitive load of the video; how to maximize student engagement with the video; and how to promote active learning from the video. This essay reviews literature relevant to each of these principles and suggests practical ways instructors can use these principles when using video as an educational tool.}, - pages = {es6}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {{CBE} life sciences education}, - shortjournal = {{CBE} Life Sci Educ}, - author = {Brame, Cynthia J.}, +@collection{weinert_leistungsmessungen_2014, + location = {Weinheim Basel}, + edition = {3., aktualisierte Aufl}, + title = {Leistungsmessungen in Schulen}, + isbn = {978-3-407-29318-3 978-3-407-25690-4}, + series = {Pädagogik}, + pagetotal = {398}, + publisher = {Beltz}, + editor = {Weinert, Franz E.}, + date = {2014}, + file = {Leistungsmessungen in Schulen -- Franz E. Weinert (ed.) -- 3., 2014 -- Beltz -- 9783407256904 -- 3895f0c46f77114c2dd99293c619ea03 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KF928YHQ/Leistungsmessungen in Schulen -- Franz E. Weinert (ed.) -- 3., 2014 -- Beltz -- 9783407256904 -- 3895f0c46f77114c2dd99293c619ea03 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ZLQUGZ2I/Weinert - 2014 - Leistungsmessungen in Schulen.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@misc{linneweber-lammerskitten_mathematik_2009, + title = {Mathematik Wissenschaftlicher Kurzbericht und Kompetenzmodell}, + author = {Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Helmut and Wälti, Beat and Moser Opitz, Elisabeth}, + date = {2009-12-13}, + file = {Linneweber-Lammerskitten et al. - 2009 - Mathematik Wissenschaftlicher Kurzbericht und Komp.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/3NGJPNSZ/Linneweber-Lammerskitten et al. - 2009 - Mathematik Wissenschaftlicher Kurzbericht und Komp.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@book{rychen_defining_2001, + location = {Ashland, {OH}, {US}}, + title = {Defining and selecting key competencies}, + isbn = {978-0-88937-248-1}, + series = {Defining and selecting key competencies}, + abstract = {Though literacy has been measured throughout Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ({OECD}) countries, and indeed, the world, we are still far from assessing a comprehensive set of competencies, particularly key competencies. The project Definition and Selection of Competencies: Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations ({DeSeCo}), under the auspices of the {OECD}, is led by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office in collaboration with the {US} Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Its goal is to conduct research that will help foster the development of the needed framework for defining and selecting key competencies. The contributions published in this volume represent the result of the scholarly work conducted during the 1st phase of the {DeSeCo} project. This book sounds out perspectives on competencies from different academic principles, as well as from various areas of policy and practice. ({PsycInfo} Database Record (c) 2022 {APA}, all rights reserved)}, + pagetotal = {xii, 251}, + publisher = {Hogrefe \& Huber Publishers}, + editorb = {Rychen, Dominique Simone and Salganik, Laura Hersh}, + editorbtype = {redactor}, + date = {2001}, + note = {Pages: xii, 251}, + keywords = {Cognitive Ability, Competence, Literacy, Self-Management, Theoretical Interpretation}, + file = {2001 - Defining and selecting key competencies.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/V5HIXQFS/2001 - Defining and selecting key competencies.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/2YJ6GIRC/2001-05275-000.html:text/html}, +} + +@incollection{weinert_concept_2001, + location = {Ashland, {OH}, {US}}, + title = {Concept of competence: A conceptual clarification}, + isbn = {978-0-88937-248-1}, + shorttitle = {Concept of competence}, + abstract = {Discusses the concept of competence, mentioning specific competencies including: economic, technological, technical, and methodological competencies; social competencies; creativity and innovation skills; and mobility and flexibility combined with persistence, reliability, and precision. The variety of meanings given to the concept of competence is seen not only in its many uses, but also in the construction of terminology to express competence, such as media competence, business competence, traffic competence, age competence, and also cognitive, social, motivational, personal, an other competencies. This chapter contains 7 different ways in which competence has been defined, described, or interpreted theoretically. ({PsycInfo} Database Record (c) 2022 {APA}, all rights reserved)}, + pages = {45--65}, + booktitle = {Defining and selecting key competencies}, + publisher = {Hogrefe \& Huber Publishers}, + author = {Weinert, Franz E.}, + date = {2001}, + keywords = {Cognitive Ability, Competence, Theoretical Interpretation, Concepts, Meaning}, + file = {Weinert - 2001 - Concept of competence A conceptual clarification.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/VRGBPV55/Weinert - 2001 - Concept of competence A conceptual clarification.pdf:application/pdf;Weinert 2001 - Concept of Competence - A Conceptual Clarification (1).pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/LQVT4RE8/Weinert 2001 - Concept of Competence - A Conceptual Clarification (1).pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{aeppli_edama_2016, + title = {{EDAMA} - Ein Rahmenmodell für Reflexion}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + issn = {0259-353X}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=13921}, + doi = {10.25656/01:13921}, + abstract = {The {EDAMA} framework model for reflection is presented on the basis of an understanding of reflection which sees reflection as the mental process of trying to structure or restructure. This model is supposed to provide a framework which demonstrates how reflection can basically manifest itself. Three structural elements form its skeleton: (1) five phases of reflection, (2) two directions of view as well as (3) two aspects of thinking activity. This structuring yields different domains of reflection (characterized by 15 categories of reflection) which are arranged in a non-hierarchical order. By means of the framework model with its structural elements and the categories of reflection, an elaborate understanding of reflection can be established, on the one hand. On the other hand, the model lays a basis for a more accurate analysis of reflections.}, + author = {Aeppli, Jürg and Lötscher, Hanni}, + editora = {{DIPF {\textbar} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2024-02-14}, date = {2016}, - pmid = {27789532}, - pmcid = {PMC5132380}, - keywords = {Cognition, Educational Technology, Guidelines as Topic, Problem-Based Learning, Students, Video Recording}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/8KFDZAFD/Brame - 2016 - Effective Educational Videos Principles and Guide.pdf:application/pdf}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Publisher: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ({SGL}) : Langnau, Emmental}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Lehrerbildung, Teacher education, Teachers' training, Reflexionsvermögen}, + file = {Aeppli und Lötscher - 2016 - EDAMA - Ein Rahmenmodell für Reflexion.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IKMZDADT/Aeppli und Lötscher - 2016 - EDAMA - Ein Rahmenmodell für Reflexion.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{sablic_video-based_2021, - title = {Video-Based Learning ({VBL})—Past, Present and Future: an Overview of the Research Published from 2008 to 2019}, - volume = {26}, - issn = {2211-1670}, - url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-020-09455-5}, - doi = {10.1007/s10758-020-09455-5}, - shorttitle = {Video-Based Learning ({VBL})—Past, Present and Future}, - abstract = {The advance of video technology in education has been accelerated due to the wide use of portable devices, the increase in the number of Internet users and massive online open courses. Online-learning videos, due to their various positive effects, are becoming increasingly acceptable for both successful students and teachers. In addition to supporting students in learning, video-based learning has proven to be a powerful reflection tool for teachers, but also significant in the context of their professional development. This study aims to analyze published work on the video-based learning to assist teachers and other educational professionals in widening their understanding of the educational benefits of the video-based learning. Also, this analysis provides video-based learning possibilities that can improve teacher/student learning and the overall quality of the classroom experience. There were 39 peer reviewed papers selected in this review and categorized into three main dimensions, namely, student learning outcomes, teachers’ reflections and feedback and teachers’ professional development. We review and explore past research on video-based learning in order to guide us through future studies and sketch the research status and directions.}, - pages = {1061--1077}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Technology, Knowledge and Learning}, - shortjournal = {Tech Know Learn}, - author = {Sablić, Marija and Mirosavljević, Ana and Škugor, Alma}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2021-12-01}, +@article{hussmann_kontexte_2011, + title = {Kontexte und Kernprozesse – Aspekte eines theoriegeleiteten und praxiserprobten Schulbuchkonzepts}, + journaltitle = {Beiträgen zum Mathematikunterricht}, + author = {Hussmann, Stephan}, + date = {2011}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Hussmann - Kontexte und Kernprozesse – Aspekte eines theorieg.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/AYUIYDF4/Hussmann - Kontexte und Kernprozesse – Aspekte eines theorieg.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{wiechmann_zehn_2015, + title = {Zehn unbequeme Fragen zur Kompetenzorientierung des Mathematikunterrichts}, + volume = {23}, + rights = {De Gruyter expressly reserves the right to use all content for commercial text and data mining within the meaning of Section 44b of the German Copyright Act.}, + issn = {0942-5977}, + url = {https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/dmvm-2015-0066/html}, + doi = {10.1515/dmvm-2015-0066}, + abstract = {Article Zehn unbequeme Fragen zur Kompetenzorientierung des Mathematikunterrichts was published on September 18, 2015 in the journal Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (volume 23, issue 3).}, + pages = {176--180}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung}, + author = {Wiechmann, Ralf and Bandelt, Hans-Jürgen}, + urldate = {2024-02-12}, + date = {2015-09-18}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {Learning outcomes, Professional development, Reflection, Video-based learning}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QATIKQPW/Sablić et al. - 2021 - Video-Based Learning (VBL)—Past, Present and Futur.pdf:application/pdf}, + note = {Publisher: De Gruyter}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/WYJ69YYY/Wiechmann and Bandelt - 2015 - Zehn unbequeme Fragen zur Kompetenzorientierung de.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{choi_effect_2005, - title = {The Effect of Context-Based Video Instruction on Learning and Motivation in Online Courses}, - volume = {19}, - doi = {10.1207/s15389286ajde1904_3}, - abstract = {The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential of a constructivist approach to context-based video instruction for enhanc- ing learning. To achieve this purpose, the authors examined whether video-based instruction that was developed using constructivist theory can affect student learning (i.e., comprehension and retention) and motivation (i.e., attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) by comparing learners' perceptions of both video-based instruction and traditional text-based instruction in an online context-based lesson. There was a significant difference in learners' motivation in terms of attention between the video-based instruction and traditional text-based instruction. In addition, the learners reported that the video-based instruction was more memorable than the traditional text-based instruction. This study implies that context-based videos in online courses have the potential to enhance learners' retention and motivation.}, - pages = {215--227}, - journaltitle = {American Journal of Distance Education}, - shortjournal = {American Journal of Distance Education}, - author = {Choi, Hee Jun and Johnson, Scott}, - date = {2005-12-01}, - file = {Choi and Johnson - 2005 - The Effect of Context-Based Video Instruction on L.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/HC5PQ4AM/Choi and Johnson - 2005 - The Effect of Context-Based Video Instruction on L.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{klein_folgen_2012, + title = {Die Folgen der Kompetenzorientierung im Fach Mathematik The consequences of competence orientation in maths}, + abstract = {New competency-based examinations have recently been introduced in many federal states in Germany. In order to test the effectiveness of these new style examinations, 11th grade students (age 16 years) were asked to complete analysis tasks in maths without having been taught the topic of the exam. The tasks in the questions were examples taken from the new exam of the German Zentralabitur, which is usually written by students in Grade 13 when they are aged 18-19 years. As a comparative test, these students were also asked to complete analysis tasks taken from exams written before the introduction of this German Zentralabitur. Only two students out of a total of 18 failed the newly introduced competency-based task exam. The results from the comparative exam revealed that the students were unable to achieve a sufficient grade. Sixty three per cent of them achieved the lowest grade, “ungenügend” (6) on the typical German 6-scale grading. This was because the students were unable to answer the questions. Furthermore, the evaluation of the competency-based tasks and additional work sheet material provided showed that most of the information necessary to answer the questions correctly was provided for the students, in detailed descriptions, figures and tables. Thus, reading competence and everyday knowledge, not mathematical understanding, was entirely sufficient to fulfil most of the tasks successfully. Even basic mathematical knowledge was redundant. On the other hand, this study has demonstrated that 11th graders are not able to cope with the much more challenging mathematical tasks dating from the time before the introduction of competency based learning. Hence the study has revealed that this kind of competence orientation applied to the German Zentralabitur evidently achieves a levelling effect, even in mathematics.}, + pages = {1--9}, + journaltitle = {Journal für Didaktik der Biowissenschaften (F)}, + author = {Klein, Hans Peter and Jahnke, Thomas}, + date = {2012}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Klein and Jahnke - Die Folgen der Kompetenzorientierung im Fach Mathe.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CXNRC6UT/Klein and Jahnke - Die Folgen der Kompetenzorientierung im Fach Mathe.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@inproceedings{poquet_video_2018, - location = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, - title = {Video and learning: a systematic review (2007--2017)}, - isbn = {978-1-4503-6400-3}, - url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3170358.3170376}, - doi = {10.1145/3170358.3170376}, - series = {{LAK} '18}, - shorttitle = {Video and learning}, - abstract = {Video materials have become an integral part of university learning and teaching practice. While empirical research concerning the use of videos for educational purposes has increased, the literature lacks an overview of the specific effects of videos on diverse learning outcomes. To address such a gap, this paper presents preliminary results of a large-scale systematic review of peer-reviewed empirical studies published from 2007-2017. The study synthesizes the trends observed through the analysis of 178 papers selected from the screening of 2531 abstracts. The findings summarize the effects of manipulating video presentation, content and tasks on learning outcomes, such as recall, transfer, academic achievement, among others. The study points out the gap between large-scale analysis of fine-grained data on video interaction and experimental findings reliant on established psychological instruments. Narrowing this gap is suggested as the future direction for the research on video-based learning.}, - pages = {151--160}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge}, - publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, - author = {Poquet, Oleksandra and Lim, Lisa and Mirriahi, Negin and Dawson, Shane}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2018-03-07}, - keywords = {systematic review, video-based learning}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/LYS7YIBU/Poquet et al. - 2018 - Video and learning a systematic review (2007--201.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{herrera_new_2001, + title = {The "New New Math"?: Two Reform Movements in Mathematics Education}, + volume = {40}, + issn = {0040-5841, 1543-0421}, + url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15430421tip4002_2}, + doi = {10.1207/s15430421tip4002_2}, + shorttitle = {The "New New Math"?}, + pages = {84--92}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Theory Into Practice}, + shortjournal = {Theory Into Practice}, + author = {Herrera, Terese A. and Owens, Douglas T.}, + urldate = {2024-02-10}, + date = {2001-05}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Herrera and Owens - 2001 - The New New Math Two Reform Movements in Mathe.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/C85HKIWE/Herrera and Owens - 2001 - The New New Math Two Reform Movements in Mathe.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{meyer_investigating_2019, - title = {Investigating the effect of pre-training when learning through immersive virtual reality and video: A media and methods experiment}, - volume = {140}, - issn = {0360-1315}, - url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131519301563}, - doi = {10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103603}, - shorttitle = {Investigating the effect of pre-training when learning through immersive virtual reality and video}, - abstract = {Immersive virtual reality ({VR}) is predicted to have a significant impact on education; but most studies investigating learning with immersive {VR} have reported mixed results when compared to low-immersion media. In this study, a sample of 118 participants was used to test whether a lesson presented in either immersive {VR} or as a video could benefit from the pre-training principle, as a means of reducing cognitive load. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two method conditions (with/without pre-training), and one of two media conditions (immersive {VR}/video). The results showed an interaction between media and method, indicating that pre-training had a positive effect on knowledge (d = 0.81), transfer (d = 0.62), and self-efficacy (d = 0.64) directly following the intervention; and on self-efficacy (d = 0.84) in a one-week delayed post-test in the immersive {VR} condition. No effect was found for any of these variables within the video condition.}, - pages = {103603}, - journaltitle = {Computers \& Education}, - shortjournal = {Computers \& Education}, - author = {Meyer, Oliver A. and Omdahl, Magnus K. and Makransky, Guido}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2019-10-01}, +@article{jones_was_2022, + title = {Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine}, + url = {https://www.bernerzeitung.ch/vieles-was-wir-frueher-einueben-mussten-macht-heute-die-maschine-706462600086}, + pages = {3}, + journaltitle = {Berner Zeitung}, + author = {Jones, Naomi}, + date = {2022-12-13}, + file = {Jones - 2022 - Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SGQ9JZZS/Jones - 2022 - Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{spannagel_hat_2023, + title = {Hat {ChatGPT} eine Zukunft in der Mathematik?}, + volume = {31}, + rights = {De Gruyter expressly reserves the right to use all content for commercial text and data mining within the meaning of Section 44b of the German Copyright Act.}, + issn = {0942-5977}, + url = {https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/dmvm-2023-0055/html}, + doi = {10.1515/dmvm-2023-0055}, + abstract = {Article Hat {ChatGPT} eine Zukunft in der Mathematik? was published on September 30, 2023 in the journal Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (volume 31, issue 3).}, + pages = {168--172}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung}, + author = {Spannagel, Christian}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + date = {2023-09-30}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Publisher: De Gruyter}, + file = {Spannagel - 2023 - Hat ChatGPT eine Zukunft in der Mathematik.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/TRDQP8J3/Spannagel - 2023 - Hat ChatGPT eine Zukunft in der Mathematik.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{serra-garcia_nonreplicable_2021, + title = {Nonreplicable publications are cited more than replicable ones}, + volume = {7}, + url = {https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciadv.abd1705}, + doi = {10.1126/sciadv.abd1705}, + abstract = {We use publicly available data to show that published papers in top psychology, economics, and general interest journals that fail to replicate are cited more than those that replicate. This difference in citation does not change after the publication of the failure to replicate. Only 12\% of postreplication citations of nonreplicable findings acknowledge the replication failure. Existing evidence also shows that experts predict well which papers will be replicated. Given this prediction, why are nonreplicable papers accepted for publication in the first place? A possible answer is that the review team faces a trade-off. When the results are more “interesting,” they apply lower standards regarding their reproducibility.}, + pages = {eabd1705}, + number = {21}, + journaltitle = {Science Advances}, + author = {Serra-Garcia, Marta and Gneezy, Uri}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + date = {2021-05-21}, + note = {Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/VCQY9MH7/Serra-Garcia and Gneezy - 2021 - Nonreplicable publications are cited more than rep.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{stoet_gender-equality_2018, + title = {The Gender-Equality Paradox in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education}, + volume = {29}, + issn = {0956-7976}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797617741719}, + doi = {10.1177/0956797617741719}, + abstract = {The underrepresentation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics ({STEM}) fields is a continual concern for social scientists and policymakers. Using an international database on adolescent achievement in science, mathematics, and reading (N = 472,242), we showed that girls performed similarly to or better than boys in science in two of every three countries, and in nearly all countries, more girls appeared capable of college-level {STEM} study than had enrolled. Paradoxically, the sex differences in the magnitude of relative academic strengths and pursuit of {STEM} degrees rose with increases in national gender equality. The gap between boys’ science achievement and girls’ reading achievement relative to their mean academic performance was near universal. These sex differences in academic strengths and attitudes toward science correlated with the {STEM} graduation gap. A mediation analysis suggested that life-quality pressures in less gender-equal countries promote girls’ and women’s engagement with {STEM} subjects.}, + pages = {581--593}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Psychological Science}, + shortjournal = {Psychol Sci}, + author = {Stoet, Gijsbert and Geary, David C.}, + urldate = {2024-01-31}, + date = {2018-04-01}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {Cognitive theory of multimedia learning, Immersive virtual reality, Multimedia learning, Pre-training principle}, - file = {ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/H2QSYYDY/Meyer et al. - 2019 - Investigating the effect of pre-training when lear.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/6BYQ5IM7/S0360131519301563.html:text/html}, + note = {Publisher: {SAGE} Publications Inc}, + file = {SAGE PDF Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FIUM8QKS/Stoet and Geary - 2018 - The Gender-Equality Paradox in Science, Technology.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{wespi_mit_2015, + title = {Mit Aufgabensets Kompetenzaufbau und Kompetenzförderung ermöglichen}, + volume = {4}, + rights = {Alle Open Access-Inhalte der Zeitschriften des Verlags Barbara Budrich, die ab dem 01.01.2021 veröffentlicht wurden, nutzen die Modullizenz {CC} {BY} 4.0 . Dies bedeutet, dass die Verbreitung, Speicherung, Bearbeitung und Vervielfältigung erlaubt sind, wenn: (a) Urheber-, Rechte- und Lizenzangaben sowie der Verweis auf Bearbeitung angemessen gemacht werden. [gültig bis Ende 2020: {CC} {BY}-{SA} 4.0 ] [gültig bis Anfang 2018: {CC} {BY}-{NC}-{ND} 3.0 ]}, + issn = {2196-1662}, + url = {https://www.budrich-journals.de/index.php/HiBiFo/article/view/21292}, + abstract = {{ZusammenfassungMit} der Forderung eines kompetenzorientierten Unterrichts gilt es, das Potenzial von Aufgaben einerseits und ihre Funktion für den vollständigen Lernzyklus andererseits zu erkennen. Zudem verlangt der Kompetenzaufbau, wenn dieser als Prozess verstanden wird, nach einem Set von aufeinander abgestimmten Aufgaben. Lernrelevante Merkmale von Aufgaben sind dabei zu berücksichtigen.Schlüsselwörter: Kompetenzfördernde Aufgabensets, didaktische Funktionen von Aufgaben, lernrelevante Merkmale von Aufgaben-----Bibliographie: Wespi, Claudia/Luthiger, Herbert/Wilhelm, Markus: Mit Aufgabensets Kompetenzaufbau und Kompetenzförderung ermöglichen, {HiBiFo}, 4-2015, S. 31-46. http://dx.doi.org/10.3224/hibifo.v4i4.21292}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {{HiBiFo} – Haushalt in Bildung \& Forschung}, + author = {Wespi, Claudia and Luthiger, Herbert and Wilhelm, Markus}, + urldate = {2024-01-30}, + date = {2015-10-12}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Number: 4}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/D8IKDR7R/Wespi et al. - 2015 - Mit Aufgabensets Kompetenzaufbau und Kompetenzförd.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{chan_video_2010, - title = {Video instructions as support for beyond classroom learning}, - volume = {9}, - issn = {1877-0428}, - url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042810024316}, - doi = {10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.12.326}, - series = {World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration Papers}, - abstract = {Learners are referring to streaming instructional videos for the understanding of concepts and theories, for step-by-step demonstrations in learning to do something as well as in familiarizing themselves with environments through simulations and virtual tours. Through a survey set out to a group of university students in a computer based course, this research reports the use and beliefs of using video instructions as a tool for learning that transcends the classroom. Findings show that students will refer to video instructions first before attempting any other form of online instruction.}, - pages = {1313--1318}, - journaltitle = {Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences}, - shortjournal = {Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences}, - author = {Chan, Yuen May}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2010-01-01}, - langid = {english}, - keywords = {Instruction video, learner's preference, Youtube}, - file = {ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RIRM7763/Chan - 2010 - Video instructions as support for beyond classroom.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SSD6VWHI/S1877042810024316.html:text/html}, +@article{luthiger_entwicklung_2014, + title = {Entwicklung von kompetenzorientierten Aufgabensets - Prozessmodell und Kategoriensystem}, + abstract = {Der folgende Beitrag stellt die beiden „Instrumente“ Prozessmodell und fächerübergreifenden Kategoriensystem vor und will exemplarisch zeigen, wie sich Studierende durch Lernaufgaben auf einen kompetenzorientierten Unterricht vorbereiten können. Ein besonderes Augenmerk soll dabei auf lernrelevante Merkmale von Aufgaben und ihre Wirkung auf die Kompetenzorientierung gelegt werden.}, + pages = {56--66}, + journaltitle = {journal für {lehrerInnenbildung}}, + shortjournal = {journal für {lehrerInnenbildung}}, + author = {Luthiger, Herbert and Wilhelm, Markus and Wespi, Claudia}, + date = {2014-01-01}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/YYAMVIB9/Luthiger et al. - 2014 - Entwicklung von kompetenzorientierten Aufgabensets.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{tamim_what_2011, - title = {What Forty Years of Research Says About the Impact of Technology on Learning: A Second-Order Meta-Analysis and Validation Study}, - volume = {81}, - issn = {0034-6543}, - url = {https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654310393361}, - doi = {10.3102/0034654310393361}, - shorttitle = {What Forty Years of Research Says About the Impact of Technology on Learning}, - abstract = {This research study employs a second-order meta-analysis procedure to summarize 40 years of research activity addressing the question, does computer technology use affect student achievement in formal face-to-face classrooms as compared to classrooms that do not use technology? A study-level meta-analytic validation was also conducted for purposes of comparison. An extensive literature search and a systematic review process resulted in the inclusion of 25 meta-analyses with minimal overlap in primary literature, encompassing 1,055 primary studies. The random effects mean effect size of 0.35 was significantly different from zero. The distribution was heterogeneous under the fixed effects model. To validate the second-order meta-analysis, 574 individual independent effect sizes were extracted from 13 out of the 25 meta-analyses. The mean effect size was 0.33 under the random effects model, and the distribution was heterogeneous. Insights about the state of the field, implications for technology use, and prospects for future research are discussed.}, - pages = {4--28}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Review of Educational Research}, - author = {Tamim, Rana M. and Bernard, Robert M. and Borokhovski, Eugene and Abrami, Philip C. and Schmid, Richard F.}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2011-03-01}, +@article{thurlbeck_perestroika_1989, + title = {Perestroika, Fashion, and the Universal Glue}, + volume = {139}, + issn = {0003-0805}, + url = {http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/ajrccm/139.5.1280}, + doi = {10.1164/ajrccm/139.5.1280}, + abstract = {Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Perestroika, fashion, and the universal glue." by W. Thurlbeck}, + pages = {1280--1281}, + number = {5}, + journaltitle = {American Review of Respiratory Disease}, + shortjournal = {Am Rev Respir Dis}, + author = {Thurlbeck, William M.}, + urldate = {2024-01-30}, + date = {1989-05}, langid = {english}, - note = {Publisher: American Educational Research Association}, - file = {SAGE PDF Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/YK7HYGBS/Tamim et al. - 2011 - What Forty Years of Research Says About the Impact.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Thurlbeck - 1989 - Perestroika, Fashion, and the Universal Glue.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6QVZAW5U/Thurlbeck - 1989 - Perestroika, Fashion, and the Universal Glue.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{scheid_elemente_2017, - location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, - edition = {5. Auflage}, - title = {Elemente der Geometrie}, - isbn = {978-3-662-50323-2 978-3-662-50322-5}, - series = {Lehrbuch}, - abstract = {Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende in Lehramtsstudiengängen aller Schulstufen sowie an Lehrende des Faches Mathematik. Es enthält den fachwissenschaftlichen Hintergrund der Geometrie des aktuellen Mathematikunterrichts einschliesslich rechnerischer Methoden, streift aber auch zahlreiche darüber hinausführende Themen wie die Geometrie der komplexen Zahlen, die sphärische Trigonometrie, die Graphentheorie, endliche Geometrien und Modelle nichteuklidischer Geometrien. Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele und viele Aufgaben mit Lösungen machen das Buch zu einer effektiven Arbeitsgrundlage}, - pagetotal = {373}, - publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, - author = {Scheid, Harald and Schwarz, Wolfgang}, - date = {2017}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-50323-2}, - file = {978-3-662-50323-2.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2YI7RNEQ/978-3-662-50323-2.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BXG4PSD2/Scheid and Schwarz - 2017 - Elemente der Geometrie.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{ericsson_acquisition_2015, + title = {Acquisition and Maintenance of Medical Expertise: A Perspective From the Expert-Performance Approach With Deliberate Practice}, + volume = {90}, + issn = {1040-2446}, + url = {https://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2015/11000/Acquisition_and_Maintenance_of_Medical_Expertise_.16.aspx}, + doi = {10.1097/ACM.0000000000000939}, + shorttitle = {Acquisition and Maintenance of Medical Expertise}, + abstract = {As a part of a special collection in this issue of Academic Medicine, which is focused on mastery learning in medical education, this Perspective describes how the expert-performance approach with deliberate practice is consistent with many characteristics of mastery learning. Importantly, this Perspective also explains how the expert-performance approach provides a very different perspective on the acquisition of skill. Whereas traditional education with mastery learning focuses on having students attain an adequate level of performance that is based on goals set by the existing curricula, the expert-performance approach takes an empirical approach and first identifies the final goal of training—namely, reproducibly superior objective performance (superior patient outcomes) for individuals in particular medical specialties. Analyzing this superior complex performance reveals three types of mental representations that permit expert performers to plan, execute, and monitor their own performance. By reviewing research on medical performance and education, the author describes evidence for these representations and their development within the expert-performance framework. He uses the research to generate suggestions for improved training of medical students and professionals. Two strategies—designing learning environments with libraries of cases and creating opportunities for individualized teacher-guided training—should enable motivated individuals to acquire a full set of refined mental representations. Providing the right resources to support the expert-performance approach will allow such individuals to become self-regulated learners—that is, members of the medical community who have the tools to improve their own and their team members’ performances throughout their entire professional careers.}, + pages = {1471}, + number = {11}, + journaltitle = {Academic Medicine}, + author = {Ericsson, K. Anders}, + urldate = {2024-01-30}, + date = {2015-11}, + langid = {american}, + file = {Ericsson - 2015 - Acquisition and Maintenance of Medical Expertise .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XP6IB4NS/Ericsson - 2015 - Acquisition and Maintenance of Medical Expertise .pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IRPRSV8U/Acquisition_and_Maintenance_of_Medical_Expertise_.16.html:text/html}, } -@collection{baumler_datenschutz_2002, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Datenschutz als Wettbewerbsvorteil}, - isbn = {978-3-322-90278-8 978-3-322-90277-1}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-322-90277-1}, - publisher = {Vieweg+Teubner Verlag}, - editor = {Bäumler, Helmut and von Mutius, Albert}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2002}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-322-90277-1}, - file = {Datenschutz als Wettbewerbsvorteil Privacy sells Mit modernen Datenschutzkomponenten Erfolg beim Kunden (Dr. Helmut Bäumler (auth.), Dr. Helmut Bäumler etc.) (z-lib.org).pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/DIXXHCTE/Datenschutz als Wettbewerbsvorteil Privacy sells Mit modernen Datenschutzkomponenten Erfolg beim Kunden (Dr. Helmut Bäumler (auth.), Dr. Helmut Bäumler etc.) (z-lib.org).pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/5MWI2PQ5/Bäumler and von Mutius - 2002 - Datenschutz als Wettbewerbsvorteil.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{egan_chunking_1979, + title = {Chunking in recall of symbolic drawings}, + volume = {7}, + issn = {1532-5946}, + doi = {10.3758/BF03197595}, + abstract = {Three experiments explored memory for symbolic circuit drawings using 19 skilled electronics technicians and 18 novice Ss. In Exp I, a skilled technician reconstructed circuit diagrams from memory. Recall showed marked "chunking," or grouping, by functional units similar to chess masters' recall of chess positions. In Exp {II}, skilled Ss were able to recall more than were novice Ss following a brief exposure of the drawings. This advantage did not hold for randomly arranged symbols. In Exp {III}, the size of chunks retrieved systematically increased with additional study time. Supplementary analyses suggested that the chunking by skilled Ss was not an artifact of spatial proximity and chunk statistics and that severe constraints are placed on any explanation of the data based on guessing. It is proposed that the skilled Ss identified the conceptual category for an entire drawing and retrieved elements using a generate-and-test process. (11 ref) ({PsycINFO} Database Record (c) 2016 {APA}, all rights reserved)}, + pages = {149--158}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Memory \& Cognition}, + author = {Egan, Dennis E. and Schwartz, Barry J.}, + date = {1979}, + note = {Place: {US} +Publisher: Psychonomic Society}, + keywords = {Chunking, Classification (Cognitive Process), Drawing, Recall (Learning), Symbolism}, + file = {Chunking in recall of symbolic drawings -- Dennis E. Egan, Barry J. Schwartz -- Memory & Cognition, #2, 7, pages 149-158, 1979 mar -- Psychonomic -- 10.3758_BF03197595 -- f9ad02d38f8958e95ce6bb697b430d0e -- Anna.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IRH8XKSW/Chunking in recall of symbolic drawings -- Dennis E. Egan, Barry J. Schwartz -- Memory & Cognition, #2, 7, pages 149-158, 1979 mar -- Psychonomic -- 10.3758_BF03197595 -- f9ad02d38f8958e95ce6bb697b43.pdf:application/pdf;Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7HL67BGW/Egan and Schwartz - 1979 - Chunking in recall of symbolic drawings.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/AZP3E3MN/1980-29520-001.html:text/html}, } -@book{schaumburg_medien_2019, - location = {Bad Heilbrunn}, - title = {Medien und Schule: Theorie - Forschung - Praxis}, - isbn = {978-3-8252-4447-7}, - series = {utb Schulpädagogik}, - shorttitle = {Medien und Schule}, - abstract = {Die beiden Autorinnen gehen einleitend der Frage nach, welche Bedeutung Medien in der Lebenswelt von Kindern und Jugendlichen haben, sowohl die klassischen Medien Fernsehen, Radio und Zeitung als auch Internet, Computer und Smartphone. Dann untersuchen sie, welche Konzepte von Medienbildung und Medienkompetenz es eigentlich gibt und wie medienbezogene Kompetenzen im Unterricht vermittelt werden können. Im letzten Kapitel geht es um eine verstärkte digitale Medienintegration in die Unterrichtsarbeit, wie sie gegenwärtig nicht nur in Fachkreisen, sondern auch in der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit diskutiert und verlangt wird. Zwischendurch gibt es zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele sowie Tabellen und Abbildungen. Ein gelungenes Studienbuch für angehende Lehrer mit gut strukturiertem und verständlich aufbereitetem medienpädagogischen Grundlagenwissen. Auch für praxiserfahrene Lehrkräfte zur Unterfütterung der einschlägigen Unterrichtshilfen. (2-3S)}, - pagetotal = {288}, - number = {4447}, - publisher = {Verlag Julius Klinkhardt}, - author = {Schaumburg, Heike and Prasse, Doreen}, - editora = {Uni-Taschenbücher {GmbH}}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - date = {2019}, - file = {Schaumburg_Prasse_2018_Medien und Schule.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/MRQ3D983/Schaumburg_Prasse_2018_Medien und Schule.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/JDW9I5DW/Schaumburg and Prasse - 2019 - Medien und Schule Theorie - Forschung - Praxis.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{ericsson_role_1993, + title = {The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance}, + volume = {100}, + issn = {1939-1471}, + doi = {10.1037/0033-295X.100.3.363}, + abstract = {The theoretical framework presented in this article explains expert performance as the end result of individuals' prolonged efforts to improve performance while negotiating motivational and external constraints. In most domains of expertise, individuals begin in their childhood a regimen of effortful activities (deliberate practice) designed to optimize improvement. Individual differences, even among elite performers, are closely related to assessed amounts of deliberate practice. Many characteristics once believed to reflect innate talent are actually the result of intense practice extended for a minimum of 10 yrs. Analysis of expert performance provides unique evidence on the potential and limits of extreme environmental adaptation and learning. ({PsycINFO} Database Record (c) 2016 {APA}, all rights reserved)}, + pages = {363--406}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Psychological Review}, + author = {Ericsson, K. Anders and Krampe, Ralf T. and Tesch-Römer, Clemens}, + date = {1993}, + note = {Place: {US} +Publisher: American Psychological Association}, + keywords = {Musical Ability, Musicians, Practice}, + file = {Ericsson et al. - 1993 - The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6SSM9WRI/Ericsson et al. - 1993 - The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/HPAUFSUE/doiLanding.html:text/html}, } -@article{chaarani_association_2022, - title = {Association of Video Gaming With Cognitive Performance Among Children}, - volume = {5}, - issn = {2574-3805}, - url = {https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2797596}, - doi = {10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.35721}, - abstract = {Importance - Although most research has linked video gaming to subsequent increases in aggressive behavior in children after accounting for prior aggression, findings have been divided with respect to video gaming’s association with cognitive skills. - - - Objective - To examine the association between video gaming and cognition in children using data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development ({ABCD}) study. - - - Design, Setting, and Participants - In this case-control study, cognitive performance and blood oxygen level–dependent ({BOLD}) signal were compared in video gamers ({VGs}) and non–video gamers ({NVGs}) during response inhibition and working memory using task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging ({fMRI}) in a large data set of 9- and 10-year-old children from the {ABCD} study, with good control of demographic, behavioral, and psychiatric confounding effects. A sample from the baseline assessment of the {ABCD} 2.0.1 release in 2019 was largely recruited across 21 sites in the {US} through public, private, and charter elementary schools using a population neuroscience approach to recruitment, aiming to mirror demographic variation in the {US} population. Children with valid neuroimaging and behavioral data were included. Some exclusions included common {MRI} contraindications, history of major neurologic disorders, and history of traumatic brain injury. - - - Exposures - Participants completed a self-reported screen time survey including an item asking children to report the time specifically spent on video gaming. All {fMRI} tasks were performed by all participants. - - - Main Outcomes and Measures - Video gaming time, cognitive performance, and {BOLD} signal assessed with n-back and stop signal tasks on {fMRI}. Collected data were analyzed between October 2019 and October 2020. - - - Results - A total of 2217 children (mean [{SD}] age, 9.91 [0.62] years; 1399 [63.1\%] female) participated in this study. The final sample used in the stop signal task analyses consisted of 1128 {NVGs} (0 gaming hours per week) and 679 {VGs} who played at least 21 hours per week. The final sample used in the n-back analyses consisted of 1278 {NVGs} who had never played video games (0 hours per week of gaming) and 800 {VGs} who played at least 21 hours per week. The {VGs} performed better on both {fMRI} tasks compared with the {NVGs}. Nonparametric analyses of {fMRI} data demonstrated a greater {BOLD} signal in {VGs} in the precuneus during inhibitory control. During working memory, a smaller {BOLD} signal was observed in {VGs} in parts of the occipital cortex and calcarine sulcus and a larger {BOLD} signal in the cingulate, middle, and frontal gyri and the precuneus. - - - Conclusions and Relevance - In this study, compared with {NVGs}, {VGs} were found to exhibit better cognitive performance involving response inhibition and working memory as well as altered {BOLD} signal in key regions of the cortex responsible for visual, attention, and memory processing. The findings are consistent with videogaming improving cognitive abilities that involve response inhibition and working memory and altering their underlying cortical pathways.}, - pages = {e2235721}, - number = {10}, - journaltitle = {{JAMA} Network Open}, - shortjournal = {{JAMA} Netw Open}, - author = {Chaarani, Bader and Ortigara, Joseph and Yuan, {DeKang} and Loso, Hannah and Potter, Alexandra and Garavan, Hugh P.}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2022-10-24}, +@article{chase_perception_1973, + title = {Perception in chess}, + volume = {4}, + issn = {00100285}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/0010028573900042}, + doi = {10.1016/0010-0285(73)90004-2}, + pages = {55--81}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Cognitive Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Cognitive Psychology}, + author = {Chase, William G. and Simon, Herbert A.}, + urldate = {2024-01-30}, + date = {1973-01}, langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XCAK2GDV/Chaarani et al. - 2022 - Association of Video Gaming With Cognitive Perform.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Chase and Simon - 1973 - Perception in chess.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/8WV5YYJI/Chase and Simon - 1973 - Perception in chess.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{selwyn_whats_2019, - title = {What’s the Problem with Learning Analytics?}, - volume = {6}, - rights = {Copyright (c) 2019 Journal of Learning Analytics}, - issn = {1929-7750}, - url = {https://learning-analytics.info/index.php/JLA/article/view/6386}, - doi = {10.18608/jla.2019.63.3}, - abstract = {This article summarizes some emerging concerns as learning analytics become implemented throughout education. The article takes a sociotechnical perspective — positioning learning analytics as shaped by a range of social, cultural, political, and economic factors. In this manner, various concerns are outlined regarding the propensity of learning analytics to entrench and deepen the status quo, disempower and disenfranchise vulnerable groups, and further subjugate public education to the profit-led machinations of the burgeoning “data economy.” In light of these charges, the article briefly considers some possible areas of change. These include the design of analytics applications that are more open and accessible, that offer genuine control and oversight to users, and that better reflect students’ lived reality. The article also considers ways of rethinking the political economy of the learning analytics industry. Above all, learning analytics researchers need to begin talking more openly about the values and politics of data-driven analytics technologies as they are implemented along mass lines throughout school and university contexts.}, - pages = {11--19}, +@article{burke_remembering_1992, + title = {Remembering emotional events}, + volume = {20}, + issn = {0090-502X, 1532-5946}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.3758/BF03199665}, + doi = {10.3758/BF03199665}, + pages = {277--290}, number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Learning Analytics}, - author = {Selwyn, Neil}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2019-12-13}, + journaltitle = {Memory \& Cognition}, + shortjournal = {Memory \& Cognition}, + author = {Burke, Alafair and Heuer, Friderike and Reisberg, Daniel}, + urldate = {2024-01-29}, + date = {1992-05}, langid = {english}, - note = {Number: 3}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/X3EZ3SPC/Selwyn - 2019 - What’s the Problem with Learning Analytics.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@book{williams_digital_2013, - location = {Rotterdam}, - title = {Digital representations of student performance for assessment}, - isbn = {978-94-6209-341-6}, - abstract = {It was the belief that assessment is the driving force of curriculum that motivated the authors of this monograph to embark on a program of research and development into the use of digital technologies to support more authentic forms of assessment. They perceived that in responding to the educational needs of children in the 21st Century, curriculum needed to become more relevant and engaging, but that change was unlikely without commensurate change in methods and forms of assessment. This was particularly true for the high-stakes assessment typically conducted at the conclusion of schooling as this tended to become the focus of the implemented curriculum throughout the years of school. Therefore the authors chose to focus on this area of assessment with the understanding that this would inform assessment policy and practices generally in schools. This book provides a conceptual framework and outlines a project in which digital methods of representing students performance were developed and tested in the subject areas of Applied Information Technology, Engineering, Italian and Physical Education. The methodology and data collection processes are discussed, and the data is analysed, providing the basis for conclusions and recommendations--Résumé de l'éditeur}, - publisher = {Sense Publishers}, - author = {Williams, John and Newhouse, C. Paul}, - date = {2013}, - file = {Williams and Newhouse - 2013 - Digital representations of student performance for.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QSBNZ63I/Williams and Newhouse - 2013 - Digital representations of student performance for.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Volltext:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/PX4PZFX9/Burke et al. - 1992 - Remembering emotional events.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{pallack_digitale_2018, - location = {Berlin}, - edition = {1. Auflage}, - title = {Digitale Medien im Mathematikunterricht der Sekundarstufen I + {II}}, - isbn = {978-3-662-47300-9}, - series = {Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + {II}}, - abstract = {Die Zeit der wissenschaftlichen Taschenrechner im Mathematikunterricht ist vorbei. Dieses Lehrwerk zeigt auf, was an digitalen Medien und Medienkompetenz im Fach Mathematik möglich ist. Der Autor war in der Lehrerausbildung tätig und ist jetzt Leiter des Franz-Stock-Gymnasiums in Arnsberg, welches für den progressiven Einsatz digitaler Medien bekannt ist. Strukturiert erklärt er nach einer Einführung zum Thema Mathematik lehren die Chancen und Risiken für den Unterricht mit u.a. Wikis, Blogs, Apps, Lernprogrammen und Computeralgebrasystemen. Dabei werden die Bildungsstandards der {KMK} berücksichtigt. Von seiner Erfahrung können Studierende und Lehrende in der digitalen Mathematikdidaktik profitieren. (3S)}, - pagetotal = {194}, - publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, - author = {Pallack, Andreas}, - date = {2018}, - file = {Digitale Medien im Mathematikunterricht.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ADWUUJBJ/Digitale Medien im Mathematikunterricht.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/39Z7BM5I/Pallack - 2018 - Digitale Medien im Mathematikunterricht der Sekund.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{humbert_didaktik_2006, + location = {Wiesbaden}, + edition = {2., überarb. u. erw. Aufl}, + title = {Didaktik der Informatik: mit praxiserprobtem Unterrichtsmaterial}, + isbn = {978-3-8351-0112-8}, + series = {Leitfäden der Informatik}, + shorttitle = {Didaktik der Informatik}, + abstract = {Klar und fundiert führt dieses Buch in die Grundlagen der Didaktik der Informatik ein. Neben dem theoretischen Rüstzeug bietet es praxiserprobte Materialien für die Lehrerausbildung. Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen helfen den Stoff zu vertiefen und bereiten auf die praktische Lehrtätigkeit vor}, + pagetotal = {284}, + publisher = {Teubner}, + author = {Humbert, Ludger}, + date = {2006}, + file = {Didaktik der Informatik mit praxiserprobtem -- Ludger Humbert -- 2006 -- Teubner B.G. GmbH -- 9783835190467 -- 0c916ce398f8ad86f1b6575fc199a949 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/S2PINJ6U/Didaktik der Informatik mit praxiserprobtem -- Ludger Humbert -- 2006 -- Teubner B.G. GmbH -- 9783835190467 -- 0c916ce398f8ad86f1b6575fc199a949 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/PKEKZAZJ/Humbert - 2006 - Didaktik der Informatik mit praxiserprobtem Unter.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{bearman_re-imagining_2020, - location = {Cham, Switzerland}, - title = {Re-imagining university assessment in a digital world}, - isbn = {978-3-030-41955-4 978-3-030-41958-5}, - series = {The enabling power of assessment}, - pagetotal = {296}, - number = {volume 7}, - publisher = {Springer}, - editor = {Bearman, Margaret and Dawson, Phillip and Ajjawi, Rola and Tai, Joanna and Boud, David}, +@collection{akpan_science_2020, + location = {Cham}, + title = {Science Education in Theory and Practice: An Introductory Guide to Learning Theory}, + isbn = {978-3-030-43619-3 978-3-030-43620-9}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-030-43620-9}, + series = {Springer Texts in Education}, + shorttitle = {Science Education in Theory and Practice}, + publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, + editor = {Akpan, Ben and Kennedy, Teresa J.}, + urldate = {2024-01-29}, date = {2020}, - file = {Bearman et al. - 2020 - Re-imagining university assessment in a digital wo.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RST4CUL9/Bearman et al. - 2020 - Re-imagining university assessment in a digital wo.pdf:application/pdf}, + langid = {english}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-43620-9}, + file = {978-3-030-43620-9.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GKISD3I5/978-3-030-43620-9.pdf:application/pdf;Eingereichte Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IX6TPJNC/Akpan und Kennedy - 2020 - Science Education in Theory and Practice An Intro.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{dilling_neue_2022, - location = {Wiesbaden [Heidelberg]}, - title = {Neue Perspektiven auf mathematische Lehr-Lernprozesse mit digitalen Medien: eine Auswahl grundlagenorientierter und praxisorientierter Beiträge}, - isbn = {978-3-658-36763-3}, - series = {{MINTUS} – Beiträge zur mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Bildung}, - shorttitle = {Neue Perspektiven auf mathematische Lehr-Lernprozesse mit digitalen Medien}, - pagetotal = {384}, - publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, - editor = {Dilling, Frederik and Pielsticker, Felicitas and Witzke, Ingo}, - date = {2022}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-36764-0}, - file = {Neue Perspektiven auf mathematisch Lehr-Lernprozesse mit digitalen Medien.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UIM9CXF5/Neue Perspektiven auf mathematisch Lehr-Lernprozesse mit digitalen Medien.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/HQL8QCPT/Dilling et al. - 2022 - Neue Perspektiven auf mathematische Lehr-Lernproze.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{egger_bias_1997, + title = {Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test.}, + volume = {315}, + issn = {0959-8138}, + url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2127453/}, + abstract = {{OBJECTIVE}: Funnel plots (plots of effect estimates against sample size) may be useful to detect bias in meta-analyses that were later contradicted by large trials. We examined whether a simple test of asymmetry of funnel plots predicts discordance of results when meta-analyses are compared to large trials, and we assessed the prevalence of bias in published meta-analyses. {DESIGN}: Medline search to identify pairs consisting of a meta-analysis and a single large trial (concordance of results was assumed if effects were in the same direction and the meta-analytic estimate was within 30\% of the trial); analysis of funnel plots from 37 meta-analyses identified from a hand search of four leading general medicine journals 1993-6 and 38 meta-analyses from the second 1996 issue of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. {MAIN} {OUTCOME} {MEASURE}: Degree of funnel plot asymmetry as measured by the intercept from regression of standard normal deviates against precision. {RESULTS}: In the eight pairs of meta-analysis and large trial that were identified (five from cardiovascular medicine, one from diabetic medicine, one from geriatric medicine, one from perinatal medicine) there were four concordant and four discordant pairs. In all cases discordance was due to meta-analyses showing larger effects. Funnel plot asymmetry was present in three out of four discordant pairs but in none of concordant pairs. In 14 (38\%) journal meta-analyses and 5 (13\%) Cochrane reviews, funnel plot asymmetry indicated that there was bias. {CONCLUSIONS}: A simple analysis of funnel plots provides a useful test for the likely presence of bias in meta-analyses, but as the capacity to detect bias will be limited when meta-analyses are based on a limited number of small trials the results from such analyses should be treated with considerable caution.}, + pages = {629--634}, + number = {7109}, + journaltitle = {{BMJ} : British Medical Journal}, + shortjournal = {{BMJ}}, + author = {Egger, M. and Davey Smith, G. and Schneider, M. and Minder, C.}, + urldate = {2024-01-28}, + date = {1997-09-13}, + pmid = {9310563}, + pmcid = {PMC2127453}, + file = {PubMed Central Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/NC7CD35U/Egger et al. - 1997 - Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphi.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{petko_einfuhrung_2020, - location = {Weinheim Basel}, - edition = {2. Auflage}, - title = {Einführung in die Mediendidaktik: Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien}, - isbn = {978-3-407-25876-2 978-3-407-25810-6}, - series = {Pädagogik}, - shorttitle = {Einführung in die Mediendidaktik}, - abstract = {Die Einführung ist für angehende und praktizierende Lehrpersonen gedacht und soll eher konzeptuelles Wissen vermitteln, das hilft, sich in der Fülle der Lernmedien und ihrer Einsatzmöglichkeiten zurechtzufinden. Nach einer Erläuterung des Medienbegriffs wird sowohl auf lerntheoretische Grundlagen als auch auf mediendidaktische Möglichkeiten ausführlich eingegangen. Es folgen Kapitel zu Medien im Unterricht für verschiedene Fächer und die Förderung von Medienkompetenz sowie zu den notwendigen Rahmenbedingungen in Schulen. Zu jedem der Kapitel gibt es eine Zusammenfassung. Umfangreiches, aktualisiertes Literaturverzeichnis. (2-3)}, - pagetotal = {212}, - publisher = {Beltz}, - author = {Petko, Dominik}, +@book{stadeli_aviva_2020, + title = {The {AVIVA} model A competence-oriented approach to teaching and learning}, + isbn = {978-3-0355-1502-2}, + url = {https://www.hep-verlag.ch/the-aviva-model}, + shorttitle = {The {AVIVA} model}, + pagetotal = {84}, + author = {Städeli, Christoph and Maurer, Markus}, date = {2020}, - file = {Petko_2020_Einführung in die Mediendidaktik.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7HKBVKP7/Petko_2020_Einführung in die Mediendidaktik.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QYUN69Y6/Petko - 2020 - Einführung in die Mediendidaktik Lehren und Lerne.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@book{kerres_mediendidaktik_2018, - location = {Boston, Massachusetts}, - edition = {Fifth edition}, - title = {Mediendidaktik: Konzeption und Entwicklung digitaler Lernangebote}, - isbn = {978-3-11-045683-7}, - series = {De Gruyter Studium}, - shorttitle = {Mediendidaktik}, - pagetotal = {1}, - publisher = {Walter de Gruyter {GmbH}}, - author = {Kerres, Michael}, - date = {2018}, - keywords = {Computer-assisted instruction, Educational technology}, - file = {Kerres - 2018 - Mediendidaktik Konzeption und Entwicklung digital.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7TAU597G/Kerres - 2018 - Mediendidaktik Konzeption und Entwicklung digital.pdf:application/pdf}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Städeli and Maurer - The AVIVA model A competence-oriented approach to.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CESKTMHF/Städeli and Maurer - The AVIVA model A competence-oriented approach to.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{weselek_digitale_2022, - location = {Berlin}, - title = {Digitale Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Anwendung und Praxis in der Hochschulbildung}, - isbn = {978-3-662-65119-3}, - shorttitle = {Digitale Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung}, - pagetotal = {284}, - publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, - editor = {Weselek, Johanna and Köhler, Florian and Siegmund, Alexander}, - date = {2022}, - file = {Weselek et al. - 2022 - Digitale Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Anwe.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/5NFUC7FI/Weselek et al. - 2022 - Digitale Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Anwe.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{noauthor_grundlagen_nodate, + title = {Grundlagen und Grundformen des Unterrichtens}, + publisher = {{PH} Luzern}, + file = {Grundlagen und Grundformen des Unterrichtens.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9ZYGDJGE/Grundlagen und Grundformen des Unterrichtens.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{wiggerthale_konzernmacht_2019, - title = {Konzernmacht in der digitalen Welt}, - issn = {1430-8800}, - url = {http://oekologisches-wirtschaften.de/index.php/oew/article/view/1660}, - doi = {10.14512/OEW340110}, - abstract = {Permanente kommerzielle Überwachung, detaillierte Nutzerprofile und undurchsichtige Algorithmen: Willkommen im Wilden Westen des Datenzeitalters! Wie kann der Einfluss von Konzernen im digitalen Zeitalter kontrolliert werden?}, - pages = {10}, +@article{mazziotti_probing_2019, + title = {Probing boundary conditions of Productive Failure and analyzing the role of young students’ collaboration}, + volume = {4}, + rights = {2019 The Author(s)}, + issn = {2056-7936}, + url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41539-019-0041-5}, + doi = {10.1038/s41539-019-0041-5}, + abstract = {Productive Failure ({PF}) facilitates students’ conceptual knowledge by delaying instruction until after problem solving. While {PF} is well investigated in middle and high school students, little is known about its effectiveness in younger students. Studies in younger samples, which implemented delayed instruction designs similar to those used in {PF} studies, showed mixed results. However, these studies did not implement two core design components of {PF}: (1) contrasting and comparing student-generated solutions and the canonical solution during the instructional phase (contrasting activity), and (2) students’ collaboration in small groups during the initial problem-solving phase. Both components can be expected to contribute to the effectiveness of {PF}. In a quasi-experimental study with 228 fifth graders, we implemented the first component (contrasting activity) with all students to establish whether under this condition, problem solving prior to instruction would be more effective for younger students’ conceptual knowledge acquisition than direct instruction (i.e., problem solving after instruction). Further, we experimentally tested the effect of the second component (collaborative vs. individual problem solving) on students’ conceptual knowledge and the number of solution ideas generated during initial problem solving. We found no empirical support for either of our hypotheses. To explore the extent to which students’ collaboration actually achieved its potential and relates to students’ conceptual knowledge and solution ideas in {PF}, we conducted analyses of collaborative processes. Our study adds to the mixed results regarding the superiority of problem solving prior to instruction for young students, thus opening the discussion about age-related prerequisites as boundary conditions for {PF}.}, + pages = {1--9}, number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Ökologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift}, - shortjournal = {ÖW}, - author = {Wiggerthale, Marita}, - urldate = {2022-12-19}, - date = {2019-03-01}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/773XG7TB/Wiggerthale - 2019 - Konzernmacht in der digitalen Welt.pdf:application/pdf}, + journaltitle = {npj Science of Learning}, + shortjournal = {npj Sci. Learn.}, + author = {Mazziotti, Claudia and Rummel, Nikol and Deiglmayr, Anne and Loibl, Katharina}, + urldate = {2024-01-28}, + date = {2019-03-26}, + langid = {english}, + note = {Number: 1 +Publisher: Nature Publishing Group}, + keywords = {Education, Human behaviour}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/U6V7TAP3/Mazziotti et al. - 2019 - Probing boundary conditions of Productive Failure .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{halverscheid_bedarfsgerechte_2022, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Bedarfsgerechte fachmathematische Lehramtsausbildung: Analyse, Zielsetzungen und Konzepte unter heterogenen Voraussetzungen}, - isbn = {978-3-658-34067-4 978-3-658-34066-7}, - series = {Konzepte und Studien zur Hochschuldidaktik und Lehrerbildung Mathematik}, - shorttitle = {Bedarfsgerechte fachmathematische Lehramtsausbildung}, - pagetotal = {396}, - publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, - editor = {Halverscheid, Stefan and Kersten, Ina and Schmidt-Thieme, Barbara}, - date = {2022}, - file = {Halverscheid et al. - 2022 - Bedarfsgerechte fachmathematische Lehramtsausbildu.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/K92EJVC8/Halverscheid et al. - 2022 - Bedarfsgerechte fachmathematische Lehramtsausbildu.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{eidgenossisches_institut_fur_geistiges_eigentum_zitieren_nodate, + title = {Zitieren aus Werken - Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum}, + url = {https://www.ige.ch/de/etwas-schuetzen/urheberrecht/ein-werk-nutzen/erlaubte-nutzungen/zitieren-aus-werken}, + titleaddon = {{IGE}}, + author = {{Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum}}, + urldate = {2024-01-26}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Zitieren aus Werken - Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/MIQRHLKL/zitieren-aus-werken.html:text/html}, } -@book{leuders_erlebnis_2016, - location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, - title = {Erlebnis Algebra: zum aktiven Entdecken und selbstständigen Erarbeiten}, - isbn = {978-3-662-46297-3 978-3-662-46296-6}, - series = {Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + {II}}, - shorttitle = {Erlebnis Algebra}, - abstract = {Verl.Beschr.: In diesem Buch lernen Sie, wie diese Ideen moderner Mathematik mit den mathematischen Konzepten aus der Schule zusammenhängen. Sie erleben, wie durch mathematische Abstraktion das Gemeinsame aus den Inhaltsbereichen der Schule, aus Arithmetik, Kombinatorik, Geometrie und Gleichungsalgebra hervortritt. Sie lernen keine trockenen Fakten, sondern verstehen Hintergründe und bauen Brücken von der Schulmathematik zur modernen Mathematik. Sie werden eingeladen zu einer mathematischen Entdeckungsreise und zur selbstständigen Erforschung mathematischer Strukturen. In leicht zugänglichen Texten können Sie Ihre Erfahrungen dann reflektieren und zu einem fundierten und systematischen Wissen über die Kernideen der Algebra ausbauen}, - pagetotal = {264}, - publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, - author = {Leuders, Timo}, - date = {2016}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-46297-3}, - file = {978-3-662-46297-3.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/H9KU9SMH/978-3-662-46297-3.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/Q46XPWNR/Leuders - 2016 - Erlebnis Algebra zum aktiven Entdecken und selbst.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{edk_grundkompetenzen_2011, + title = {Grundkompetenzen für die Mathematik Nationale Bildungsstandards {\textbar} Frei gegeben von der {EDK}-Plenarversammlung am 16. Juni 2011}, + url = {https://edudoc.ch/record/96784/files/grundkomp_math_d.pdf}, + author = {{EDK}}, + date = {2011-06-16}, + file = {EDK - 2011 - Grundkompetenzen für dIe Mathematik.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/F48JX82K/EDK - 2011 - Grundkompetenzen für dIe Mathematik.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@incollection{mayer_principles_2005, - edition = {1}, - title = {Principles of Multimedia Learning Based on Social Cues : Personalization, Voice, and Image Principles}, - isbn = {978-0-521-83873-3 978-0-521-54751-2 978-0-511-81681-9}, - url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/CBO9780511816819A021/type/book_part}, - shorttitle = {Principles of Multimedia Learning Based on Social Cues}, - pages = {201--212}, - booktitle = {The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning}, - publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, - author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, - editor = {Mayer, Richard}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2005-08-15}, - doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511816819.014}, - file = {Mayer - 2005 - Principles of Multimedia Learning Based on Social .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/9YEW5JXN/Mayer - 2005 - Principles of Multimedia Learning Based on Social .pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{aebli_zwolf_1983, + location = {Stuttgart}, + edition = {15. Auflage}, + title = {Zwölf Grundformen des Lehrens: eine allgemeine Didaktik auf psychologischer Grundlage: Medien und Inhalte didaktischer Kommunikation, der Lernzyklus}, + isbn = {978-3-608-93044-3}, + series = {Fachbuch Klett-Cotta}, + shorttitle = {Zwölf Grundformen des Lehrens}, + abstract = {Hans Aebli verbindet psychologische Erkenntnisse aus der neueren Zeit mit der Erkenntnis seiner Vorbilder: Jean Piaget, John Dewey, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi; Psychologen und Pädagogen, deren Einsichten allgemein neu diskutiert werden. Das Buch beweist unmittelbar den Wert einer fundierten didaktischen Theorie und es zeigt, wie sie sich in der Praxis des Unterrichtens einsetzen läßt}, + pagetotal = {409}, + publisher = {Klett-Cotta}, + author = {Aebli, Hans}, + date = {1983}, + file = {Aebli - 2019 - Zwölf Grundformen des Lehrens eine allgemeine Did.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/X29C7TUX/Aebli - 2019 - Zwölf Grundformen des Lehrens eine allgemeine Did.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{mayer_nine_2003, - title = {Nine Ways to Reduce Cognitive Load in Multimedia Learning}, - volume = {38}, - issn = {0046-1520, 1532-6985}, - url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1207/S15326985EP3801_6}, - doi = {10.1207/S15326985EP3801_6}, - pages = {43--52}, +@article{mayer_past_2024, + title = {The Past, Present, and Future of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning}, + volume = {36}, + issn = {1040-726X, 1573-336X}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10648-023-09842-1}, + doi = {10.1007/s10648-023-09842-1}, + abstract = {Abstract + The cognitive theory of multimedia learning (Mayer, 2021, 2022), which seeks to explain how people learn academic material from words and graphics, has developed over the past four decades. Although the name and graphical representation of the theory have evolved over the years, the core ideas have been constant—dual channels (i.e., humans have separate information processing channels for verbal and visual information), limited capacity (i.e., processing capacity is severely limited), and active processing (i.e., meaningful learning involves selecting relevant material to be processed in working memory, mentally organizing the material into coherent verbal and visual structures, and integrating them with each other and with relevant knowledge activated from long-term memory). This review describes how the theory has developed (i.e., the past), the current state of the theory (i.e., the present), and new directions for future development (i.e., the future). In addition, the review includes examples of the events and findings that led to changes in the theory. Implications for educational psychology are discussed, including 15 evidence-based principles of multimedia design.}, + pages = {8}, number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Educational Psychologist}, - shortjournal = {Educational Psychologist}, - author = {Mayer, Richard E. and Moreno, Roxana}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2003-01-01}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/DAT57Q52/Mayer and Moreno - 2003 - Nine Ways to Reduce Cognitive Load in Multimedia L.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{mayer_social_2003, - title = {Social cues in multimedia learning: Role of speaker's voice.}, - volume = {95}, - issn = {1939-2176, 0022-0663}, - url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0022-0663.95.2.419}, - doi = {10.1037/0022-0663.95.2.419}, - shorttitle = {Social cues in multimedia learning}, - pages = {419--425}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, - shortjournal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, - author = {Mayer, Richard E. and Sobko, Kristina and Mautone, Patricia D.}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2003-06}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Mayer et al. - 2003 - Social cues in multimedia learning Role of speake.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/GZE7M2AB/Mayer et al. - 2003 - Social cues in multimedia learning Role of speake.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{mayer_personalization_2004, - title = {A Personalization Effect in Multimedia Learning: Students Learn Better When Words Are in Conversational Style Rather Than Formal Style.}, - volume = {96}, - issn = {1939-2176, 0022-0663}, - url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0022-0663.96.2.389}, - doi = {10.1037/0022-0663.96.2.389}, - shorttitle = {A Personalization Effect in Multimedia Learning}, - pages = {389--395}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, - shortjournal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, - author = {Mayer, Richard E. and Fennell, Sherry and Farmer, Lindsay and Campbell, Julie}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2004-06}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, + shortjournal = {Educ Psychol Rev}, + author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, + urldate = {2024-01-25}, + date = {2024-03}, langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/3FJ74SMK/Mayer et al. - 2004 - A Personalization Effect in Multimedia Learning S.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/YUGUKV59/Mayer - 2024 - The Past, Present, and Future of the Cognitive The.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@incollection{dunlosky_how_2019, - edition = {1}, - title = {How Multimedia Can Improve Learning and Instruction}, - isbn = {978-1-108-23563-1 978-1-108-41601-6 978-1-108-40130-2}, - url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/9781108235631%23CN-bp-18/type/book_part}, - pages = {460--479}, - booktitle = {The Cambridge Handbook of Cognition and Education}, - publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, - author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, - editor = {Dunlosky, John and Rawson, Katherine A.}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2019-02-07}, - doi = {10.1017/9781108235631.019}, - file = {Mayer - 2019 - How Multimedia Can Improve Learning and Instructio.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/6Y5UNEP3/Mayer - 2019 - How Multimedia Can Improve Learning and Instructio.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{bildungs-_und_kulturdirektion_des_kantons_bern_strukturelle_2016, + title = {Strukturelle und inhaltliche Hinweise - Lehrplan21}, + url = {https://be.lehrplan.ch/index.php?code=e|5|3}, + titleaddon = {Lehrplan 21 für die Volksschule des Kantons Bern}, + author = {{Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, + urldate = {2024-01-24}, + date = {2016-06-23}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Lehrplan 21:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/33A6PPUF/index.html:text/html}, } -@article{mayer_searching_2020, - title = {Searching for the role of emotions in e-learning}, - volume = {70}, +@article{glogger-frey_learning_2017, + title = {Learning from direct instruction: Best prepared by several self-regulated or guided invention activities?}, + volume = {51}, issn = {09594752}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S095947521930324X}, - doi = {10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.05.010}, - pages = {101213}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S095947521630216X}, + doi = {10.1016/j.learninstruc.2016.11.002}, + shorttitle = {Learning from direct instruction}, + pages = {26--35}, journaltitle = {Learning and Instruction}, shortjournal = {Learning and Instruction}, - author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2020-12}, + author = {Glogger-Frey, Inga and Gaus, Katharina and Renkl, Alexander}, + urldate = {2024-01-24}, + date = {2017-10}, langid = {english}, - file = {Mayer - 2020 - Searching for the role of emotions in e-learning.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ZQP6WQGA/Mayer - 2020 - Searching for the role of emotions in e-learning.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Glogger-Frey et al. - 2017 - Learning from direct instruction Best prepared by.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/DTMQ3SLQ/Glogger-Frey et al. - 2017 - Learning from direct instruction Best prepared by.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{mayer_thirty_2019, - title = {Thirty years of research on online learning}, - volume = {33}, - issn = {0888-4080, 1099-0720}, - url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/acp.3482}, - doi = {10.1002/acp.3482}, - pages = {152--159}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Applied Cognitive Psychology}, - shortjournal = {Appl Cognit Psychol}, - author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2019-03}, +@article{abrahamson_reinventing_2018, + title = {Reinventing discovery learning: a field-wide research program}, + volume = {46}, + issn = {0020-4277, 1573-1952}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11251-017-9444-y}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-017-9444-y}, + shorttitle = {Reinventing discovery learning}, + pages = {1--10}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Abrahamson, Dor and Kapur, Manu}, + urldate = {2024-01-24}, + date = {2018-02}, langid = {english}, - file = {Mayer - 2019 - Thirty years of research on online learning.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/DLZD92LE/Mayer - 2019 - Thirty years of research on online learning.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Volltext:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/HL8LFWIM/Abrahamson und Kapur - 2018 - Reinventing discovery learning a field-wide resea.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{mayer_where_2020, - title = {Where is the learning in mobile technologies for learning?}, - volume = {60}, - issn = {0361476X}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0361476X19304291}, - doi = {10.1016/j.cedpsych.2019.101824}, - pages = {101824}, - journaltitle = {Contemporary Educational Psychology}, - shortjournal = {Contemporary Educational Psychology}, - author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2020-01}, +@article{ashman_problem-solving_2020, + title = {Problem-solving or Explicit Instruction: Which Should Go First When Element Interactivity Is High?}, + volume = {32}, + issn = {1040-726X, 1573-336X}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10648-019-09500-5}, + doi = {10.1007/s10648-019-09500-5}, + shorttitle = {Problem-solving or Explicit Instruction}, + pages = {229--247}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, + shortjournal = {Educ Psychol Rev}, + author = {Ashman, Greg and Kalyuga, Slava and Sweller, John}, + urldate = {2024-01-24}, + date = {2020-03}, langid = {english}, - file = {Mayer - 2020 - Where is the learning in mobile technologies for l.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2NL578FC/Mayer - 2020 - Where is the learning in mobile technologies for l.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Ashman et al. - 2020 - Problem-solving or Explicit Instruction Which Sho.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/NZNWYI26/Ashman et al. - 2020 - Problem-solving or Explicit Instruction Which Sho.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{parong_cognitive_2021, - title = {Cognitive and affective processes for learning science in immersive virtual reality}, - volume = {37}, - issn = {0266-4909, 1365-2729}, - url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcal.12482}, - doi = {10.1111/jcal.12482}, - pages = {226--241}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Computer Assisted Learning}, - shortjournal = {J Comput Assist Learn}, - author = {Parong, Jocelyn and Mayer, Richard E.}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2021-02}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Parong and Mayer - 2021 - Cognitive and affective processes for learning sci.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/CRX57ZHH/Parong and Mayer - 2021 - Cognitive and affective processes for learning sci.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{phbern_institut_fur_weiterbildung_und_medienbildung_iwb_erlauterungen_2016, + title = {Erläuterungen zur Kompetenzorientierung und zum Lern- und Unterrichtsverständnis im Lehrplan 21}, + url = {https://www.phbern.ch/sites/default/files/2020-06/02_madamina-etal-2015_grundl_doku_lp21_bern_teil_2_kompetenzen.pdf}, + author = {{PHBern, Institut für Weiterbildung und Medienbildung (IWB)}}, + date = {2016-06}, + file = {PHBern, Institut für Weiterbildung und Medienbildung (IWB) - 2016 - Erläuterungen zur Kompetenzorientierung und zum Le.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9THXELNK/PHBern, Institut für Weiterbildung und Medienbildung (IWB) - 2016 - Erläuterungen zur Kompetenzorientierung und zum Le.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{jansen_self-regulated_2019, - title = {Self-regulated learning partially mediates the effect of self-regulated learning interventions on achievement in higher education: A meta-analysis}, - volume = {28}, - issn = {1747938X}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1747938X18304342}, - doi = {10.1016/j.edurev.2019.100292}, - shorttitle = {Self-regulated learning partially mediates the effect of self-regulated learning interventions on achievement in higher education}, - pages = {100292}, - journaltitle = {Educational Research Review}, - shortjournal = {Educational Research Review}, - author = {Jansen, Renée S. and van Leeuwen, Anouschka and Janssen, Jeroen and Jak, Suzanne and Kester, Liesbeth}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2019-11}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/GU9MRRPU/Jansen et al. - 2019 - Self-regulated learning partially mediates the eff.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{fs_vorlage_nodate, + title = {Vorlage für die Unterrichtsplanung mit Aufgabensets/Lernarrangements im Fach Musik}, + author = {Fs, Unterrichtseinheiten}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Fs - Vorlage für die Unterrichtsplanung mit Aufgabenset.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CQCFEGFI/Fs - Vorlage für die Unterrichtsplanung mit Aufgabenset.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{van_alten_self-regulated_2020, - title = {Self-regulated learning support in flipped learning videos enhances learning outcomes}, - volume = {158}, - issn = {03601315}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0360131520301986}, - doi = {10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104000}, - pages = {104000}, - journaltitle = {Computers \& Education}, - shortjournal = {Computers \& Education}, - author = {van Alten, David C.D. and Phielix, Chris and Janssen, Jeroen and Kester, Liesbeth}, - urldate = {2022-12-24}, - date = {2020-12}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/HKAXS3EC/van Alten et al. - 2020 - Self-regulated learning support in flipped learnin.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{bildungs-_und_kulturdirektion_des_kantons_bern_52_2016, + title = {5.2 Beurteilung - Lehrplan 21 - Allgemeine Hinweise und Bestimmungen ({AHB})}, + url = {https://be.lehrplan.ch/index.php?code=e|92|5#102mWGPxSAR8AFePDMWqVh45MaUsKm}, + titleaddon = {Lehrplan 21}, + author = {{Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, + urldate = {2024-01-19}, + date = {2016-06-23}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Lehrplan 21:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/V4JJVNBR/index.html:text/html}, } -@collection{valenzise_immersive_2023, - location = {London}, - title = {Immersive Video Technologies}, - isbn = {978-0-323-98623-6}, - publisher = {Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier}, - editor = {Valenzise, Giuseppe}, - date = {2023}, - note = {{OCLC}: 1346536558}, - file = {Valenzise - 2023 - Immersive Video Technologies.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2DD8IBAR/Valenzise - 2023 - Immersive Video Technologies.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{erziehungsdirektion_des_kantons_bern_5_2016, + title = {5. Unterrichtsentwicklung Lehrplan 21}, + rights = {Alle Rechte liegen bei der Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern.}, + url = {https://be.lehrplan.ch/index.php?code=e|92|5&hilit=102DWtDbmuAvrr6c4hsW4y7hEfghvP#102DWtDbmuAvrr6c4hsW4y7hEfghvP}, + titleaddon = {Lehrplan 21 für die Volksschule des Kantons Bern}, + author = {{Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, + urldate = {2024-01-21}, + date = {2016-06-23}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Lehrplan 21:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/J5QAXX8Q/index.html:text/html}, } -@article{chi_icap_2014, - title = {The {ICAP} Framework: Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes}, - volume = {49}, - issn = {0046-1520, 1532-6985}, - url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00461520.2014.965823}, - doi = {10.1080/00461520.2014.965823}, - shorttitle = {The {ICAP} Framework}, - pages = {219--243}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Educational Psychologist}, - shortjournal = {Educational Psychologist}, - author = {Chi, Michelene T. H. and Wylie, Ruth}, - urldate = {2023-01-04}, - date = {2014-10-02}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Chi and Wylie - 2014 - The ICAP Framework Linking Cognitive Engagement t.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/VPL96EAB/Chi and Wylie - 2014 - The ICAP Framework Linking Cognitive Engagement t.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{erziehungsdirektion_des_kantons_bern_beurteilung_2018, + title = {Beurteilung in der Primarstufe und in der Sekundarstufe I der Volksschule}, + url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/bkd/dokumente/de/themen/bildung/kindergarten-und-volksschule/die-volksschule/media-center/deutsch/beurteilung-lp21-elterninformation-deutsch-d.pdf}, + abstract = {Informationen für Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte zur Beurteilung in der +Primarstufe und in der Sekundarstufe I der Volksschule}, + author = {{Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, + urldate = {2024-01-20}, + date = {2018-02}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern - 2018 - Beurteilung in der Primarstufe und in der Sekundar.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/BMHPZTP4/Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern - 2018 - Beurteilung in der Primarstufe und in der Sekundar.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{antonietti_development_2023, - title = {“Development and validation of the {ICAP} Technology Scale to measure how teachers integrate technology into learning activities”}, - volume = {192}, - issn = {03601315}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0360131522002196}, - doi = {10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104648}, - pages = {104648}, - journaltitle = {Computers \& Education}, - shortjournal = {Computers \& Education}, - author = {Antonietti, Chiara and Schmitz, Maria-Luisa and Consoli, Tessa and Cattaneo, Alberto and Gonon, Philipp and Petko, Dominik}, - urldate = {2023-01-04}, - date = {2023-01}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/TAKJEVKV/Antonietti et al. - 2023 - “Development and validation of the ICAP Technology.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{erziehungsdirektion_des_kantons_bern_bsg_2022, + title = {{BSG} 432.213.11 - Direktionsverordnung über die Beurteilung und Schullaufbahnentscheide in der Volksschule - Kanton Bern - Erlass-Sammlung}, + url = {https://www.belex.sites.be.ch/app/de/texts_of_law/432.213.11}, + titleaddon = {Systematische Sammlung ({BSG})}, + author = {{Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, + urldate = {2024-01-20}, + date = {2022-01-08}, + file = {BSG 432.213.11 - Direktionsverordnung über die Beurteilung und Schullaufbahnentscheide in der Volksschule - Kanton Bern - Erlass-Sammlung:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/LIF3P7Z7/432.213.html:text/html}, } -@article{reinhold_considering_2021, - title = {Considering Teachers’ Beliefs, Motivation, and Emotions Regarding Teaching Mathematics With Digital Tools: The Effect of an In-Service Teacher Training}, - volume = {6}, - issn = {2504-284X}, - url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2021.723869/full}, - doi = {10.3389/feduc.2021.723869}, - shorttitle = {Considering Teachers’ Beliefs, Motivation, and Emotions Regarding Teaching Mathematics With Digital Tools}, - abstract = {Mathematics teachers’ motivational and emotional orientations regarding digital tools in mathematics classrooms are key aspects influencing - whether - and - how - technology is used to teach mathematics—making the support of those characteristics one central goal for teacher education. In this article we investigated if and how a workshop-based in-service teacher training can foster teachers’ perceived value of digital media in mathematics education, their self-efficacy, and their anxiety towards teaching mathematics with digital tools. In an intervention study with - N - = 83 in-service teachers with varying teaching experience, we used cluster analysis based on their experience, value, self-efficacy, and anxiety - before - the intervention to determine three different teacher orientations regarding teaching mathematics with digital tools. Paired sample - t - -tests with pretest and posttest data revealed that for two of three clusters these beliefs, motivation, and emotions changed in a positive way during the intervention while for the third no change was found. Our study sheds light on the role of motivational and emotional orientations for the implementation of digital tools in mathematics education: it shows that these orientations can be utilized to cluster teachers on this topic and illustrates that these orientations can be successfully fostered—while individual differences may exist in the effect and success of interventions.}, - pages = {723869}, - journaltitle = {Frontiers in Education}, - shortjournal = {Front. Educ.}, - author = {Reinhold, Frank and Strohmaier, Anselm and Finger-Collazos, Zoraida and Reiss, Kristina}, - urldate = {2023-01-04}, - date = {2021-10-06}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XHWAKKJN/Reinhold et al. - 2021 - Considering Teachers’ Beliefs, Motivation, and Emo.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{hirt_checkliste_2018, + title = {Checkliste zur Einschätzung der Reichhaltigkeit einer Aufgabe}, + url = {https://www.faechernet.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/faechernet_bkd/dokumente-bilder/de/startseite/unterrichtsfaecher/mathematik/unterricht/reichhaltige-aufgaben/allgemeine-hinweise-reichhaltige-aufgabe.pdf}, + abstract = {Umsetzungshilfen zum Lehrplan 21 +der Lehrplan- und Lehrmittelkommission +des Kantons Bern +Zusatzmaterialien für Zyklen 1 bis 3}, + publisher = {Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}, + author = {Hirt, Ueli and Marti, Maria and Sasdi, Philippe and Schärer, Andy and Seiler, Isabelle and Wehrlin, Johanna}, + urldate = {2024-01-19}, + date = {2018}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Hirt et al. - 2018 - Checkliste zur Einschätzung der Reichhaltigkeit ei.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ZREPN8RR/Hirt et al. - 2018 - Checkliste zur Einschätzung der Reichhaltigkeit ei.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{brandhofer_professionsentwicklung_2022, - title = {Professionsentwicklung und Kompetenzen von Lehrpersonen in einer Kultur der Digitalität am Beispiel digi.{kompP}}, - issn = {2313-1640}, - url = {https://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/article/view/1085}, - doi = {10.53349/resource.2022.i18.a1085}, - abstract = {Die Kompetenzen der Lehrenden in Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung von digitalen Medien im Unterricht stehen im Mittelpunkt der Überlegungen in diesem Artikel. Ausgehend von einem Kompetenzmodel ({digikompP}) gehen wir der Frage nach, wie etabliert dieses Modell ist und in welchen Kontexten das Kompetenzmodell in der Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz genutzt wird. Daraus wollen wir im Folgenden herausarbeiten, welche Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten sich daraus ergeben und warum diese aufgegriffen werden sollten.}, - number = {18}, - journaltitle = {R\&E-{SOURCE}}, - shortjournal = {R\&E-{SOURCE}}, - author = {Brandhofer, Gerhard and Miglbauer, Marlene and Fikisz, Walter and Garzi, Manuel and Groißböck, Peter and Leitgeb, Thomas and Winder, Georg}, - urldate = {2023-01-04}, - date = {2022-10-15}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/VARQTD92/Brandhofer et al. - 2022 - Professionsentwicklung und Kompetenzen von Lehrper.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{erziehungsdirektion_des_kantons_bern_dokumentation_nodate, + title = {Dokumentation der summativen Beurteilung Mathematik}, + url = {https://www.akvb-unterricht.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/akvb-unterricht_bkd/dokumente/de/startseite/regelunterricht/beurteilung-uebertritte/dokumentation-zur-summativen-beurteilung/beurteilung-lp21-dokumentation-summative-beurteilung-mathematik-d.pdf}, + publisher = {Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}, + author = {{Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, + urldate = {2024-01-19}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern - Dokumentation der summativen Beurteilung Mathemati.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/2ET9DAU4/Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern - Dokumentation der summativen Beurteilung Mathemati.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@misc{hirt_umsetzung_2022, + title = {Umsetzung des Lehrplans 21 im Fachbereich Mathematik Handreichung für die Zyklen 1 bis 3}, + url = {https://www.faechernet.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/faechernet_bkd/dokumente-bilder/de/startseite/unterrichtsfaecher/mathematik/umsetzungshilfe/umsetzungshilfen-zyklus-1-bis-3.pdf}, + publisher = {Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern Lehrplan- und Lehrmittelkommission ({LPLMK})}, + author = {Hirt, Ueli and Marti, Maria and Sasdi, Philippe and Schärer, Andy and Seiler, Isabelle and Wehrlin, Johanna}, + date = {2022}, + file = {Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Bern - 2022 - Umsetzung des Lehrplans 21 im Fachbereich Mathemat.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IAAS97EX/Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Bern - 2022 - Umsetzung des Lehrplans 21 im Fachbereich Mathemat.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{ploetzner_when_2021, - title = {When learning from animations is more successful than learning from static pictures: learning the specifics of change}, - volume = {49}, - issn = {0020-4277, 1573-1952}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11251-021-09541-w}, - doi = {10.1007/s11251-021-09541-w}, - shorttitle = {When learning from animations is more successful than learning from static pictures}, - abstract = {Abstract - - The results of three meta-analyses show that the effectiveness of learning from animations, when compared to learning from static pictures, is rather limited. A recent re-analysis of one of these meta-analyses, however, supports that learning from animations is considerably more effective than learning from static pictures if the specifics of the displayed changes need to be learned. In order to further validate this finding as well as to clarify the educational strengths and weaknesses of animations and static pictures, an experimental study with three groups was conducted. Overall, 88 university students participated in the study. One group of learners ( - n -  = 30) watched a single picture of a gear mechanism, one group of learners ( - n -  = 28) watched four pictures, and one group of learners ( - n -  = 30) watched an animation. All groups had to identify specific motions and spatial arrangements covered by the gear mechanism. While learners who watched the animation exhibited the best performance with respect to the identification of motions, learners who watched the pictures showed the best performance with respect to the identification of spatial arrangements. The effect sizes are large. The results of the study help to clarify when animations and when static pictures are most suitable for learning.}, - pages = {497--514}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, - shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, - author = {Ploetzner, Rolf and Berney, Sandra and Bétrancourt, Mireille}, - urldate = {2023-01-04}, - date = {2021-08}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QXFP7E8N/Ploetzner et al. - 2021 - When learning from animations is more successful t.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{luthiger_lern-_nodate, + title = {Lern- und Leistungsaufgaben in einem kompetenzorientierten Unterricht}, + author = {Luthiger, Herbert}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Luthiger - Lern- und Leistungsaufgaben in einem kompetenzorie.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IDXPZDTD/Luthiger - Lern- und Leistungsaufgaben in einem kompetenzorie.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{weidlich_joshua_vorbereitungsphase_2014, - title = {Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorlesungsvideos versus Aufgaben}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10105}, - doi = {10.25656/01:10105}, - abstract = {Im Flipped Classroom oder Inverted Classroom bereiten sich Studierende in der Regel mit Hilfe von Vorlesungsvideos auf die Präsenzveranstaltungen vor. Problematisch daran ist, dass Videos oft nur beiläufig geschaut und oberflächlich verarbeitet werden. In der aufgabenbasierten Vorbereitungsphase befassen sich die Studierenden mit geeigneten Aufgaben anstelle von Vorlesungsvideos. Dadurch sollen lernrelevante kognitive Prozesse initiiert werden, welche wiederum höhere Lernergebnisse in der gemeinsamen Präsenzphase ermöglichen können. Auf Basis der Revised Taxonomy nach Anderson und Krathwohl (2001) und der Basismodelle nach Oser und Patry (1994) sowie Oser und Baeriswyl (2001) wurde eine aufgabenbasierte Flipped-Classroom-Einheit mit dem Ziel konzipiert, den außerhochschulischen Lernraum in der Vorbereitungsphase effektiver zu nutzen. In einer ersten Studie zeichneten sich gewisse Vorteile der aufgabenbasierten Vorbereitungsphase gegenüber derjenigen mit Vorlesungsvideos ab. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-01-04}, - date = {2014}, +@online{lehrmittelverlag_stgallen_stellwerk_nodate, + title = {Stellwerk}, + url = {https://stellwerk.ch/stellwerk/#produkt}, + titleaddon = {Stellwerk}, + author = {{Lehrmittelverlag St.Gallen}}, + urldate = {2024-01-16}, langid = {german}, - note = {{ISBN}: 9783830931423 -Publisher: Waxmann : Münster u.a.}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Aufgabenorientierung, Blended learning, Blended Learning, Cognitive process, Deutschland, E-learning, E-Learning, Experimentelle Untersuchung, Germany, Higher education institute, Higher education lecturing, Hochschule, Hochschullehre, Kognitiver Prozess, Learning method, Learning techniques, Lecture, Lehramtsstudent, Lernmethode, Lernziel, Mathematics lessons, Mathematikunterricht, Method of teaching, Modell, Private study, Selbststudium, Self-instruction, Student teachers, Teaching objective, Teaching of mathematics, Test, University lecturing, University teaching, Videoaufzeichnung, Virtual learning, Vorbereitung, Vorlesung}, - file = {Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian - 2014 - Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorle.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/D2BTDHHR/Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian - 2014 - Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorle.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UU33UCDM/stellwerk.html:text/html}, } -@article{kapur_fail_2022, - title = {Fail, flip, fix, and feed – Rethinking flipped learning: A review of meta-analyses and a subsequent meta-analysis}, - volume = {7}, - issn = {2504-284X}, - url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2022.956416/full}, - doi = {10.3389/feduc.2022.956416}, - shorttitle = {Fail, flip, fix, and feed – Rethinking flipped learning}, - abstract = {The current levels of enthusiasm for flipped learning are not commensurate with and far exceed the vast variability of scientific evidence in its favor. We examined 46 meta-analyses only to find remarkably different overall effects, raising the question about possible moderators and confounds, showing the need to control for the nature of the intervention. We then conducted a meta-analysis of 173 studies specifically coding the nature of the flipped implementation. In contrast to many claims, most in-class sessions are not modified based on the flipped implementation. Furthermore, it was flipping followed by a more traditional class and not active learning that was more effective. Drawing on related research, we proposed a more specific model for flipping, “Fail, Flip, Fix, and Feed” whereby students are asked to first engage in generating solutions to novel problems even if they fail to generate the correct solutions, before receiving instructions.}, - pages = {956416}, - journaltitle = {Frontiers in Education}, - shortjournal = {Front. Educ.}, - author = {Kapur, Manu and Hattie, John and Grossman, Irina and Sinha, Tanmay}, - urldate = {2023-01-02}, - date = {2022-09-26}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/H34TFDSE/Kapur et al. - 2022 - Fail, flip, fix, and feed – Rethinking flipped lea.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{wwwmedien-datensicherheit-schuleninfo_leitfaden_2015, + title = {{LEITFADEN} {DATENSICHERHEIT} {FÜR} {LEHRPERSONEN} {UND} {SCHULLEITUNGEN}}, + url = {https://www.lch.ch/fileadmin/user_upload_lch/Orientierung/Leitfaeden/Leitfaden_Datensicherheit_Web_DEF.pdf}, + author = {{www.medien-datensicherheit-schulen.info}}, + date = {2015-11}, + file = {www.medien-datensicherheit-schulen.info - 2015 - LEITFADEN DATENSICHERHEIT FÜR LEHRPERSONEN UND SCH.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CBM9EBBN/www.medien-datensicherheit-schulen.info - 2015 - LEITFADEN DATENSICHERHEIT FÜR LEHRPERSONEN UND SCH.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{schneider_potenziale_2016, - location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, - title = {Potenziale entdecken: neun Inspirationen für eine ganzheitliche Persönlichkeits- und Unternehmensentwicklung}, - isbn = {978-3-662-48840-9 978-3-662-48839-3}, - shorttitle = {Potenziale entdecken}, - pagetotal = {111}, - publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, - editor = {Schneider, Ralf and Becker, Robert and Schreier, Marion}, - date = {2016}, - file = {978-3-662-48840-9.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/WIDHF8TC/978-3-662-48840-9.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/T4Y2QCED/Schneider et al. - 2016 - Potenziale entdecken neun Inspirationen für eine .pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{ermert_missing_2023, + title = {Missing Link: Von der Logik des Überflusses und einer gekauften Zukunft}, + url = {https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Missing-Link-Von-der-Logik-des-Ueberflusses-und-einer-gekauften-Zukunft-9330937.html}, + shorttitle = {Missing Link}, + abstract = {In unserer Reihe der Internet-Pioniere zieht es uns nach Australien. Wir sprechen mit Geoff Huston, der nicht nur das Netz in Australien mit aufgebaut hat.}, + titleaddon = {heise online}, + author = {Ermert, Monika}, + urldate = {2023-10-20}, + date = {2023-10-15}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/MKQISKRQ/Missing-Link-Von-der-Logik-des-Ueberflusses-und-einer-gekauften-Zukunft-9330937.html:text/html}, } -@book{schulmeister_lernplattformen_2005, - title = {Lernplattformen für das virtuelle Lernen: Evaluation und Didaktik}, - isbn = {978-3-486-81620-4}, - url = {https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783486816204/html}, - shorttitle = {Lernplattformen für das virtuelle Lernen}, - publisher = {De Gruyter}, - author = {Schulmeister, Rolf}, - urldate = {2022-12-29}, - date = {2005-12-31}, - doi = {10.1515/9783486816204}, - file = {Schulmeister - 2017 - Lernplattformen für das virtuelle Lernen Evaluati.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UHS8YQVP/Schulmeister - 2017 - Lernplattformen für das virtuelle Lernen Evaluati.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{openai_terms_2024, + title = {Terms of use}, + url = {https://openai.com/policies/terms-of-use}, + titleaddon = {Terms of Use}, + author = {{OpenAI}}, + urldate = {2024-01-08}, + date = {2024-01-31}, + langid = {american}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/RYTJZV7D/terms-of-use.html:text/html}, } -@article{kapur_productive_2014, - title = {Productive Failure in Learning Math}, - volume = {38}, - issn = {03640213}, - url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cogs.12107}, - doi = {10.1111/cogs.12107}, - pages = {1008--1022}, - number = {5}, - journaltitle = {Cognitive Science}, - shortjournal = {Cogn Sci}, - author = {Kapur, Manu}, - urldate = {2022-12-28}, - date = {2014-06}, - langid = {english}, - file = {cogs12107-sup-0001-appendixa-b-figures1-s3-tables1(1).pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/JAWDWS4R/cogs12107-sup-0001-appendixa-b-figures1-s3-tables1(1).pdf:application/pdf;Kapur - 2014 - Productive Failure in Learning Math.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/N9DASWYF/Kapur - 2014 - Productive Failure in Learning Math.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{regez_medien_2022, + title = {Medien Informatik Factsheet}, + rights = {{CC}-{BY}-4.0}, + url = {https://www.faechernet.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/faechernet_bkd/dokumente-bilder/de/startseite/uebergeordnete-themen/medien-und-informatik/unterricht/medien-informatik-factsheet.pdf}, + publisher = {{SIGFD}}, + author = {Regez, Adrian and Lutz, Elia}, + urldate = {2024-07-01}, + date = {2022}, + file = {Regez and Lutz - 2022 - Medien Informatik Factsheet.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KVIMHIGQ/Regez and Lutz - 2022 - Medien Informatik Factsheet.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{kapur_productive_2008, - title = {Productive Failure}, - volume = {26}, - issn = {0737-0008, 1532-690X}, - url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07370000802212669}, - doi = {10.1080/07370000802212669}, - pages = {379--424}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Cognition and Instruction}, - shortjournal = {Cognition and Instruction}, - author = {Kapur, Manu}, - urldate = {2022-12-28}, - date = {2008-07-08}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Kapur - 2008 - Productive Failure.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/I4DVZNNQ/Kapur - 2008 - Productive Failure.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{moers_ensel_2000, + location = {Frankfurt}, + title = {Ensel und Krete: ein Märchen aus Zamonien von Hildegunst von Mythenmetz ; mit Erläuterungen aus dem Lexikon der erklärungsbedürftigen Wunder, Daseinsformen und Phänomene Zamoniens und Umgebung von Professor Dr. Abdul Nachtigaller}, + isbn = {978-3-8218-2949-4}, + shorttitle = {Ensel und Krete}, + pagetotal = {254}, + publisher = {Eichborn}, + author = {Moers, Walter}, + date = {2000}, + file = {Hildegunst von Mythenmetz, - Ensel und Krete (2000-10-00, Eichborn) - libgen.li.epub:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SCWSUY2J/Hildegunst von Mythenmetz, - Ensel und Krete (2000-10-00, Eichborn) - libgen.li.epub:application/epub+zip}, } -@article{jacobson_schema_2020, - title = {Schema abstraction with productive failure and analogical comparison: Learning designs for far across domain transfer}, - volume = {65}, - issn = {09594752}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0959475218301506}, - doi = {10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101222}, - shorttitle = {Schema abstraction with productive failure and analogical comparison}, - pages = {101222}, - journaltitle = {Learning and Instruction}, - shortjournal = {Learning and Instruction}, - author = {Jacobson, Michael J. and Goldwater, Micah and Markauskaite, Lina and Lai, Polly K. and Kapur, Manu and Roberts, Gareth and Hilton, Courtney}, - urldate = {2022-12-28}, - date = {2020-02}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Jacobson et al. - 2020 - Schema abstraction with productive failure and ana.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/TMR66SSX/Jacobson et al. - 2020 - Schema abstraction with productive failure and ana.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{moers_13_2013, + location = {Knaus Verlag}, + title = {Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär: die halben Lebenserinnerungen eines Blaubären}, + isbn = {978-3-641-12836-4}, + shorttitle = {Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär}, + abstract = {Dieser Roman ist ein Buch der Superlative: Vor rund 13 1/2 Jahren erschienen, hat es dem renommierten Comic-Autor Walter Moers mit einem Mal auch als Romancier internationale Anerkennung und großen Erfolg gebracht. Sein vor Ideenreichtum überbordender Roman über die 13 1/2 Leben des legendären "Käpt'n Blaubär" hat bisher fast eine Million Exemplare verkauft, ist in über 20 Sprachen übersetzt und wird bis heute weltweit von Jung und Alt begeistert gelesen. Für diese Neuausgabe wurden die Illustrationen erstmals koloriert und das Buch vierfarbig gestaltet. Ein ideales Geschenk für alle Blaubär- und Moers-Fans, und solche, die es werden wollen}, + publisher = {Verlagsgruppe Random House {GmbH}}, + author = {Moers, Walter}, + date = {2013}, + note = {{OCLC}: 876193394}, + file = {Moers, Walter - Die 13 1_2 Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär.epub:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/TI6CQE3R/Moers, Walter - Die 13 1_2 Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär.epub:application/epub+zip}, } -@article{slattery_popular_2022, - title = {Popular interventions to enhance sustained attention in children and adolescents: A critical systematic review}, - volume = {137}, - issn = {01497634}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0149763422001221}, - doi = {10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104633}, - shorttitle = {Popular interventions to enhance sustained attention in children and adolescents}, - pages = {104633}, - journaltitle = {Neuroscience \& Biobehavioral Reviews}, - shortjournal = {Neuroscience \& Biobehavioral Reviews}, - author = {Slattery, Eadaoin J. and O’Callaghan, Eoin and Ryan, Patrick and Fortune, Donal G. and {McAvinue}, Laura P.}, - urldate = {2022-12-27}, - date = {2022-06}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XTLIFIKB/Slattery et al. - 2022 - Popular interventions to enhance sustained attenti.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{moers_insel_2023, + location = {München}, + title = {Die Insel der tausend Leuchttürme: mit Bleistiftzeichnungen von Hildegunst von Mythenmetz ; herausgegeben, aus dem Zamonischen übertragen, mit zusätzlichen Illustrationen und einem Nachwort versehen von Walter Moers}, + isbn = {978-3-328-60006-0}, + shorttitle = {Die Insel der tausend Leuchttürme}, + abstract = {Hildegunst von Mythenmetz hätte gewarnt sein müssen. Schon auf der Überfahrt zur Insel Eydernorn, wo er seine Bücherstauballergie kurieren will, entgeht er nur knapp dem Tod. Doch im Hotel erwartet ihn ein musikalisches Hummdudel, seine Prominenz verhilft ihm zum Rang eines Patienten erster Klasse, und hilfreiche Küstengnome bieten ihm ihre Dienste an. Neugierig erforscht er die bizarre Fauna und Flora der Insel und widmet sich den hundertelf Leuchttürmen, die in der Nacht funkeln wie tausend. Alles könnte so erholsam sein, wären da nur nicht die immer bedrohlicher werdenden Begegnungen mit der Natur Eydernorns: hungrigen Belphegatoren und aufdringlichen Strandlöpern, monströsen Frostfratten, schaurigen Wolkenspinnen und dem gefährlichsten Dämon aus der Tiefe des zamonischen Ozeans, dem sagenumwobenen Quaquappa. „Das ganze Buch läuft auf einen ziemlich spektakulären Höhepunkt am Ende hinaus. Die 650 Seiten dahin sind, je nachdem, ob man diesen Stil nun liebt oder nicht, sehr lang- oder sehr kurzweilig“ (ndr.de)}, + pagetotal = {635}, + publisher = {Penguin Verlag}, + author = {Moers, Walter}, + date = {2023}, + file = {009 - Die Insel der tausend Leuchttürme -- Walter Moers -- 2023 -- Penguin Verlag -- 9783641197827 -- 297794119ca8a4e41a7692573d257e04 -- Anna’s Archive.epub:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7QINNWBS/009 - Die Insel der tausend Leuchttürme -- Walter Moers -- 2023 -- Penguin Verlag -- 9783641197827 -- 297794119ca8a4e41a7692573d257e04 -- Anna’s Archive.epub:application/epub+zip}, } -@collection{musseler_allgemeine_2017, - location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, - edition = {3. Auflage}, - title = {Allgemeine Psychologie}, - isbn = {978-3-642-53898-8 978-3-642-53897-1}, - series = {Lehrbuch}, - pagetotal = {850}, - publisher = {Springer}, - editor = {Müsseler, Jochen and Rieger, Martina}, - date = {2017}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-53898-8}, - file = {978-3-642-53898-8.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/TD4RM9WR/978-3-642-53898-8.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BG45TDQ5/Müsseler and Rieger - 2017 - Allgemeine Psychologie.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{moers_bucherdrache_2021, + location = {München}, + edition = {1. Auflage}, + title = {Der Bücherdrache: ein Roman aus Zamonien von Hildegunst von Mythenmetz}, + isbn = {978-3-641-23423-2 978-3-328-10711-8}, + shorttitle = {Der Bücherdrache}, + pagetotal = {174}, + publisher = {Penguin Verlag}, + author = {Moers, Walter}, + date = {2021}, + file = {Der Bücherdrache Roman (German Edition) -- Walter Moers, -- 2019 -- Penguin Verlag -- 9783641234232 -- 6b7e46355174af5bcb6cfd3d3f0222cb -- Anna’s Archive.epub:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/DDBNFC59/Der Bücherdrache Roman (German Edition) -- Walter Moers, -- 2019 -- Penguin Verlag -- 9783641234232 -- 6b7e46355174af5bcb6cfd3d3f0222cb -- Anna’s Archive.epub:application/epub+zip}, } -@book{kaenders_mit_2014, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - edition = {2., erw. Aufl. 2014}, - title = {Mit {GeoGebra} mehr Mathematik verstehen: Beispiele für die Förderung eines tieferen Mathematikverständnisses aus dem {GeoGebra} Institut Köln/Bonn}, - isbn = {978-3-658-04222-6}, - series = {Mit {GeoGebra} mehr Mathematik verstehen}, - shorttitle = {Mit {GeoGebra} mehr Mathematik verstehen}, - publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, - author = {Kaenders, Rainer and Schmidt, Reinhard}, - date = {2014}, - file = {Kaenders and Schmidt - 2014 - Mit GeoGebra mehr Mathematik verstehen Beispiele .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/F5T8FKSX/Kaenders and Schmidt - 2014 - Mit GeoGebra mehr Mathematik verstehen Beispiele .pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{moers_weihnachten_2018, + location = {München}, + title = {Weihnachten auf der Lindwurmfeste oder: Warum ich Hamoulimepp hasse}, + isbn = {978-3-641-23470-6}, + shorttitle = {Weihnachten auf der Lindwurmfeste oder}, + publisher = {Penguin Verlag}, + editora = {Moers, Walter and Rode, Lydia}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + date = {2018}, + note = {{OCLC}: 1083916751}, + file = {Moers, Walter - Weihnachten auf der Lindwurmfeste · oder Warum ich Hamoulimepp hasse (2018, Penguin Verlag) - libgen.li.epub:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/D3GE7JCA/Moers, Walter - Weihnachten auf der Lindwurmfeste · oder Warum ich Hamoulimepp hasse (2018, Penguin Verlag) - libgen.li.epub:application/epub+zip}, +} + +@article{gillette_meta-analysis_2018, + title = {A Meta-Analysis of Outcomes Comparing Flipped Classroom and Lecture}, + volume = {82}, + issn = {0002-9459}, + url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6041496/}, + doi = {10.5688/ajpe6898}, + abstract = {Objective. To examine the evidence of the effectiveness of flipped classroom compared to traditional lecture., Methods. Experimental and observational studies were included and obtained through searches of {PubMed}, Education Resources Information Center ({ERIC}), and Google Scholar. Publications from January 1, 2000 through July 1, 2017 were included. Studies were eligible for this research if: (a) the study compared student outcomes using flipped classroom versus lecture and (b) at least one outcome measure was final examination score or final course score. This analysis used a random effects model with weighted mean difference ({WMD}) as the outcome., Results. Six studies were included in the qualitative synthesis and five were included in the quantitative synthesis. To date, there has only been one prospective randomized comparison of flipped classroom to lecture in student pharmacist education. When comparing final examination scores, there was no significant difference between flipped classroom and lecture based instruction. Only two studies examined the effect of flipped classroom compared to lecture on final course score. This analysis also found no significant difference., Conclusion. Despite a lack of prospective randomized studies, findings from this meta-analysis suggest that flipped classroom may be associated with minimal gains in student knowledge compared to lecture. These findings are important because previous research has estimated that the flipped classroom requires more time to develop and implement. Future studies using prospective randomized designs need to be conducted before widespread adoption.}, + pages = {6898}, + number = {5}, + journaltitle = {American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education}, + shortjournal = {Am J Pharm Educ}, + author = {Gillette, Chris and Rudolph, Michael and Kimble, Craig and Rockich-Winston, Nicole and Smith, Lisa and Broedel-Zaugg, Kimberly}, + urldate = {2024-01-02}, + date = {2018-06}, + pmid = {30013248}, + pmcid = {PMC6041496}, + file = {PubMed Central Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IUXN9HLJ/Gillette et al. - 2018 - A Meta-Analysis of Outcomes Comparing Flipped Clas.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{schulmeister_lernplattformen_2005-1, - location = {München Wien}, - edition = {2. Auflage}, - title = {Lernplattformen für das virtuelle Lernen: Evaluation und Didaktik}, - isbn = {978-3-486-27573-5}, - shorttitle = {Lernplattformen für das virtuelle Lernen}, - pagetotal = {291}, - publisher = {Oldenbourg Verlag}, - author = {Schulmeister, Rolf}, - date = {2005}, - file = {10.1515_9783486816204.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/4TGLVEQM/10.1515_9783486816204.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/VSICYN3S/Schulmeister - 2005 - Lernplattformen für das virtuelle Lernen Evaluati.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{bergmann_flipped_2011, + title = {The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality - {THE} {DAILY} {RIFF} - Be Smarter. About Education.}, + url = {http://web.archive.org/web/20160305005240/http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-class-conversation-689.php}, + shorttitle = {The Flipped Class}, + author = {Bergmann, Jonathan and Overmyer, Jerry and Wilie, Brett}, + urldate = {2023-12-29}, + date = {2011-06-21}, + file = {The Flipped Class\: Myths vs. Reality - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/VNZB3Q9F/the-flipped-class-conversation-689.html:text/html}, } -@collection{li_innovations_2018, - location = {Singapore}, - title = {Innovations in Open and Flexible Education}, - isbn = {978-981-10-7994-8 978-981-10-7995-5}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-981-10-7995-5}, - series = {Education Innovation Series}, - publisher = {Springer Singapore}, - editor = {Li, Kam Cheong and Yuen, Kin Sun and Wong, Billy Tak Ming}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2018}, - doi = {10.1007/978-981-10-7995-5}, - file = {Li et al. - 2018 - Innovations in Open and Flexible Education.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/N96G687J/Li et al. - 2018 - Innovations in Open and Flexible Education.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{loibl_errors_2018, + title = {Errors During Exploration and Consolidation—The Effectiveness of Productive Failure as Sequentially Guided Discovery Learning}, + volume = {39}, + issn = {0173-5322, 1869-2699}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s13138-018-0130-7}, + doi = {10.1007/s13138-018-0130-7}, + pages = {69--96}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik}, + shortjournal = {J Math Didakt}, + author = {Loibl, Katharina and Leuders, Timo}, + urldate = {2023-12-22}, + date = {2018-04}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Loibl and Leuders - 2018 - Errors During Exploration and Consolidation—The Ef.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IL8IYEBT/Loibl and Leuders - 2018 - Errors During Exploration and Consolidation—The Ef.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{koster_video_2018, - location = {Cham}, - title = {Video in the Age of Digital Learning}, - isbn = {978-3-319-93936-0 978-3-319-93937-7}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-93937-7}, - publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, - author = {Köster, Jonas}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2018}, +@article{nachtigall_when_2020, + title = {When failure fails to be productive: probing the effectiveness of productive failure for learning beyond {STEM} domains}, + volume = {48}, + issn = {0020-4277, 1573-1952}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11251-020-09525-2}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-020-09525-2}, + shorttitle = {When failure fails to be productive}, + abstract = {Abstract + The current work builds on research demonstrating the effectiveness of Productive Failure ({PF}) for learning. While the effectiveness of {PF} has been demonstrated for {STEM} learning, it has not yet been investigated whether {PF} is also beneficial for learning in non-{STEM} domains. Given this need to test {PF} for learning in domains other than mathematics or science, and the assumption that features embodied in a {PF} design are domain-independent, we investigated the effect of {PF} on learning social science research methods. We conducted two quasi-experimental studies with 212 and 152 10th graders. Following the paradigm of typical {PF} studies, we implemented two conditions: {PF}, in which students try to solve a complex problem prior to instruction, and Direct Instruction ({DI}), in which students first receive instruction followed by problem solving. In {PF}, students usually learn from their failure. Failing to solve a complex problem is assumed to prepare students for deeper learning from subsequent instruction. In {DI}, students usually learn through practice. Practicing and applying a given problem-solving procedure is assumed to help students to learn from previous instruction. In contrast to several studies demonstrating beneficial effects of {PF} on learning mathematics and science, in the present two studies, {PF} students did not outperform {DI} students on learning social science research methods. Thus, the findings did not replicate the {PF} effect on learning in a non-{STEM} domain. The results are discussed in light of mechanisms assumed to underlie the benefits of {PF}.}, + pages = {651--697}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Nachtigall, Valentina and Serova, Katja and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-12-22}, + date = {2020-12}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-93937-7}, - file = {978-3-319-93937-7.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/4A88WF42/978-3-319-93937-7.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/3UMRWLBM/Köster - 2018 - Video in the Age of Digital Learning.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/VIP57HBF/Nachtigall et al. - 2020 - When failure fails to be productive probing the e.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{hokanson_educational_2020, - location = {Cham}, - title = {Educational Technology Beyond Content: A New Focus for Learning}, - isbn = {978-3-030-37253-8 978-3-030-37254-5}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-030-37254-5}, - series = {Educational Communications and Technology: Issues and Innovations}, - shorttitle = {Educational Technology Beyond Content}, - publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, - editor = {Hokanson, Brad and Clinton, Gregory and Tawfik, Andrew A. and Grincewicz, Amy and Schmidt, Matthew}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2020}, +@article{steenhof_exploring_2020, + title = {Exploring why we learn from productive failure: insights from the cognitive and learning sciences}, + volume = {25}, + issn = {1382-4996, 1573-1677}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10459-020-10013-y}, + doi = {10.1007/s10459-020-10013-y}, + shorttitle = {Exploring why we learn from productive failure}, + pages = {1099--1106}, + number = {5}, + journaltitle = {Advances in Health Sciences Education}, + shortjournal = {Adv in Health Sci Educ}, + author = {Steenhof, Naomi and Woods, Nicole N. and Mylopoulos, Maria}, + urldate = {2023-12-22}, + date = {2020-12}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-37254-5}, - file = {978-3-030-37254-5.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ZPE26NC3/978-3-030-37254-5.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XM9UE9Z7/Hokanson et al. - 2020 - Educational Technology Beyond Content A New Focus.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Steenhof et al. - 2020 - Exploring why we learn from productive failure in.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FCB5TIVS/Steenhof et al. - 2020 - Exploring why we learn from productive failure in.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{hajhashemi_students_2018, - title = {Students’ multiple intelligences in video-assisted learning environments}, - volume = {5}, - issn = {2197-9987, 2197-9995}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s40692-018-0107-z}, - doi = {10.1007/s40692-018-0107-z}, - pages = {329--348}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Computers in Education}, - shortjournal = {J. Comput. Educ.}, - author = {Hajhashemi, Karim and Caltabiano, Nerina J. and Anderson, Neil and Tabibzadeh, Seyed Asadollah}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2018-09}, +@article{gambari_improving_2014, + title = {Improving Secondary School Students' Achievement and Retention in Biology Through Video-Based Multimedia Instruction}, + volume = {9}, + issn = {19334850, 19334869}, + url = {https://insightjournal.park.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/7-Improving-Secondary-School-Students-Achievement-and-Retention-in-Biology-Through-Video-Based-Multimedia-Instruction.pdf}, + doi = {10.46504/09201407ga}, + pages = {78--91}, + journaltitle = {{InSight}: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching}, + shortjournal = {{InSight}2006}, + author = {Gambari, Amosa and Yaki, Akawo and Gana, Eli and Ughovwa, Queen}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2014-08-01}, langid = {english}, - file = {Hajhashemi et al. - 2018 - Students’ multiple intelligences in video-assisted.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/A4R6AVJY/Hajhashemi et al. - 2018 - Students’ multiple intelligences in video-assisted.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Gambari et al. - 2014 - Improving Secondary School Students' Achievement a.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/AMNFWJKK/Gambari et al. - 2014 - Improving Secondary School Students' Achievement a.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{kaiser_proceedings_2017, - location = {Cham}, - title = {Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education: {ICME}-13}, - isbn = {978-3-319-62596-6 978-3-319-62597-3}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-62597-3}, - series = {{ICME}-13 Monographs}, - shorttitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education}, - publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, - editor = {Kaiser, Gabriele}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2017}, +@inproceedings{dodson_active_2018, + location = {London United Kingdom}, + title = {An active viewing framework for video-based learning}, + isbn = {978-1-4503-5886-6}, + url = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3231644.3231682}, + doi = {10.1145/3231644.3231682}, + abstract = {Video-based learning is most effective when students are engaged with video content; however, the literature has yet to identify students’ viewing behaviors and ground them in theory. This paper addresses this need by introducing a framework of active viewing, which is situated in an established model of active learning to describe students’ behaviors while learning from video. We conducted a field study with 460 undergraduates in an Applied Science course using a video player designed for active viewing to evaluate how students engage in passive and active video-based learning. The concept of active viewing, and the role of interactive, constructive, active, and passive behaviors in videobased learning, can be implemented in the design and evaluation of video players.}, + eventtitle = {L@S '18: Fifth (2018) {ACM} Conference on Learning @ Scale}, + pages = {1--4}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth Annual {ACM} Conference on Learning at Scale}, + publisher = {{ACM}}, + author = {Dodson, Samuel and Roll, Ido and Fong, Matthew and Yoon, Dongwook and Harandi, Negar M. and Fels, Sidney}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2018-06-26}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-62597-3}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/CXV6E5QU/Kaiser - 2017 - Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on .pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Dodson et al. - 2018 - An active viewing framework for video-based learni.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6V8XR4AB/Dodson et al. - 2018 - An active viewing framework for video-based learni.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{wennersten_improving_2015, - title = {Improving student learning via mobile phone video content: Evidence from the {BridgeIT} India project}, - volume = {61}, - issn = {0020-8566, 1573-0638}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11159-015-9504-y}, - doi = {10.1007/s11159-015-9504-y}, - shorttitle = {Improving student learning via mobile phone video content}, - pages = {503--528}, +@article{jensen_-class_2011, + title = {In-Class Versus Online Video Lectures: Similar Learning Outcomes, but a Preference for In-Class}, + volume = {38}, + issn = {0098-6283, 1532-8023}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0098628311421336}, + doi = {10.1177/0098628311421336}, + shorttitle = {In-Class Versus Online Video Lectures}, + abstract = {Previous findings suggest some advantages to using an online format to deliver declarative knowledge and to using class time for active learning and discussion. During 4 weeks of an introductory psychology course, students were assigned on alternate weeks to attend one of two lecture formats: in-class lecture or online video lecture with an in-class active learning session. No advantage was found for either format on the basis of quiz scores. Students appreciated the convenience of online lectures but preferred in-class lectures because of the increased ease of maintaining attention in the more structured environment. Attendance, as well as access of online content, decreased during the course of the study, suggesting that hybrid courses may lead to decreases in overall student effort.}, + pages = {298--302}, number = {4}, - journaltitle = {International Review of Education}, - shortjournal = {Int Rev Educ}, - author = {Wennersten, Matthew and Quraishy, Zubeeda Banu and Velamuri, Malathi}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2015-08}, + journaltitle = {Teaching of Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Teaching of Psychology}, + author = {Jensen, Scott A.}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2011-10}, langid = {english}, - file = {Wennersten et al. - 2015 - Improving student learning via mobile phone video .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SJ8LHF5A/Wennersten et al. - 2015 - Improving student learning via mobile phone video .pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Jensen - 2011 - In-Class Versus Online Video Lectures Similar Lea.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6CT97XZL/Jensen - 2011 - In-Class Versus Online Video Lectures Similar Lea.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{hoppenbrock_lehren_2016, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Studieneingangsphase: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze}, - isbn = {978-3-658-10260-9 978-3-658-10261-6}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-10261-6}, - series = {Konzepte und Studien zur Hochschuldidaktik und Lehrerbildung Mathematik}, - shorttitle = {Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Studieneingangsphase}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - editor = {Hoppenbrock, Axel and Biehler, Rolf and Hochmuth, Reinhard and Rück, Hans-Georg}, - urldate = {2023-01-12}, - date = {2016}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-10261-6}, - file = {Hoppenbrock et al. - 2016 - Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Studienein.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/KCZL5IQB/Hoppenbrock et al. - 2016 - Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Studienein.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{sobocinski_exploring_2022, - title = {Exploring Adaptation in Socially-Shared Regulation of Learning Using Video and Heart Rate Data}, - volume = {27}, - issn = {2211-1662, 2211-1670}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10758-021-09526-1}, - doi = {10.1007/s10758-021-09526-1}, - abstract = {Abstracts - In socially shared regulation of learning, adaptation is a key process for overcoming collaborative learning challenges. Monitoring the learning process allows learners to recognize the situations that require a need to change, revise, or optimize the current learning process. This can be done through adapting their strategies, task perception, goals, or standards for monitoring their progress. This process is called small-scale adaptation. It is not yet clear how shared monitoring in groups activates small-scale adaptation “on the fly” or how this phenomenon can be detected using multimodal data. The aim of this study is to explore how small-scale adaptation emerges during collaboration. Video and heart rate data were collected from four groups of three high-school students (age 16–17) who worked together during six 75-min advanced physics lessons. The results show small-scale adaptation occurs most often when groups switch from enacting tasks to defining them. Physiological synchrony occurred throughout the collaboration and was not significantly more prevalent before or after adaptation occurred. The opportunities and challenges of combining video observation to identify monitoring and adaptation events, and physiological synchrony as a possible indicator of “sharedness,” are discussed, contributing to the literature about using multimodal data to study learning processes.}, - pages = {385--404}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Technology, Knowledge and Learning}, - shortjournal = {Tech Know Learn}, - author = {Sobocinski, Márta and Malmberg, Jonna and Järvelä, Sanna}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2022-06}, +@online{noauthor_video_nodate, + title = {Video versus live lecture courses: a comparative evaluation of lecture types and results}, + url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/10872981.2018.1555434?needAccess=true}, + shorttitle = {Video versus live lecture courses}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SR2S9NPU/Sobocinski et al. - 2022 - Exploring Adaptation in Socially-Shared Regulation.pdf:application/pdf}, + note = {{ISSN}: 1087-2981}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6TIED7HL/10872981.2018.html:text/html;Video versus live lecture courses a comparative e.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GPURWGKM/Video versus live lecture courses a comparative e.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{breslyn_learning_2022, - title = {Learning science with {YouTube} videos and the impacts of Covid-19}, - volume = {4}, - issn = {2662-2300}, - url = {https://diser.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s43031-022-00051-4}, - doi = {10.1186/s43031-022-00051-4}, - abstract = {Abstract - - This study investigates student and teacher use of online instructional {YouTube} chemistry videos in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Data were collected from a global sample of students ( - n -  = 1147) subscribed to the first author’s popular chemistry education {YouTube} channel. Participants were in secondary school or college and reported having learned science in a variety of contexts including completely online, blended, or completely in-person. The data collection instrument, an online questionnaire, was designed to detect both quantitative and qualitative changes in the use of instructional video. In addition, statistics for the overall {YouTube} chemistry education channel for 2018 through 2021 were compiled to provide evidence of video viewing trends with a large sample (98.6 million video views) over a timeframe encompassing before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Findings indicate that students’ personal use of video for learning science increased substantially during the pandemic. However, for the majority of teachers, the use of video to support online learning during the pandemic either remained the same or declined. Post-pandemic, students plan to continue using science videos for learning and want teachers to do the same.}, - pages = {13}, +@article{chotiyarnwong_video-based_2021, + title = {Video-based learning versus traditional lecture-based learning for osteoporosis education: a randomized controlled trial}, + volume = {33}, + issn = {1720-8319}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s40520-020-01514-2}, + doi = {10.1007/s40520-020-01514-2}, + shorttitle = {Video-based learning versus traditional lecture-based learning for osteoporosis education}, + pages = {125--131}, number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research}, - shortjournal = {Discip Interdscip Sci Educ Res}, - author = {Breslyn, Wayne and Green, Amy E.}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2022-12}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/DV7VU4HB/Breslyn and Green - 2022 - Learning science with YouTube videos and the impac.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{lawson_positivity_2021, - title = {The positivity principle: do positive instructors improve learning from video lectures?}, - volume = {69}, - issn = {1042-1629, 1556-6501}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11423-021-10057-w}, - doi = {10.1007/s11423-021-10057-w}, - shorttitle = {The positivity principle}, - abstract = {Abstract - The positivity principle states that people learn better from instructors who display positive emotions rather than negative emotions. In two experiments, students viewed a short video lecture on a statistics topic in which an instructor stood next to a series of slides as she lectured and then they took either an immediate test (Experiment 1) or a delayed test (Experiment 2). In a between-subjects design, students saw an instructor who used her voice, body movement, gesture, facial expression, and eye gaze to display one of four emotions while lecturing: happy (positive/active), content (positive/passive), frustrated (negative/active), or bored (negative/passive). First, learners were able to recognize the emotional tone of the instructor in an instructional video lecture, particularly by more strongly rating a positive instructor as displaying positive emotions and a negative instructor as displaying negative emotions (in Experiments 1 and 2). Second, concerning building a social connection during learning, learners rated a positive instructor as more likely to facilitate learning, more credible, and more engaging than a negative instructor (in Experiments 1 and 2). Third, concerning cognitive engagement during learning, learners reported paying more attention during learning for a positive instructor than a negative instructor (in Experiments 1 and 2). Finally, concerning learning outcome, learners who had a positive instructor scored higher than learners who had a negative instructor on a delayed posttest (Experiment 2) but not an immediate posttest (Experiment 1). Overall, there is evidence for the positivity principle and the cognitive-affective model of e-learning from which it is derived.}, - pages = {3101--3129}, - number = {6}, - journaltitle = {Educational Technology Research and Development}, - shortjournal = {Education Tech Research Dev}, - author = {Lawson, Alyssa P. and Mayer, Richard E. and Adamo-Villani, Nicoletta and Benes, Bedrich and Lei, Xingyu and Cheng, Justin}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2021-12}, + journaltitle = {Aging Clinical and Experimental Research}, + shortjournal = {Aging Clin Exp Res}, + author = {Chotiyarnwong, Pojchong and Boonnasa, Wararat and Chotiyarnwong, Chayaporn and Unnanuntana, Aasis}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2021-01}, langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2FHPZ6SS/Lawson et al. - 2021 - The positivity principle do positive instructors .pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Chotiyarnwong et al. - 2021 - Video-based learning versus traditional lecture-ba.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6YJGKTJE/Chotiyarnwong et al. - 2021 - Video-based learning versus traditional lecture-ba.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{slemmons_impact_2018, - title = {The Impact of Video Length on Learning in a Middle-Level Flipped Science Setting: Implications for Diversity Inclusion}, - volume = {27}, - issn = {1059-0145, 1573-1839}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10956-018-9736-2}, - doi = {10.1007/s10956-018-9736-2}, - shorttitle = {The Impact of Video Length on Learning in a Middle-Level Flipped Science Setting}, - pages = {469--479}, - number = {5}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Science Education and Technology}, - shortjournal = {J Sci Educ Technol}, - author = {Slemmons, Krista and Anyanwu, Kele and Hames, Josh and Grabski, Dave and Mlsna, Jeffery and Simkins, Eric and Cook, Perry}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2018-10}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Slemmons et al. - 2018 - The Impact of Video Length on Learning in a Middle.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/V9F39IR6/Slemmons et al. - 2018 - The Impact of Video Length on Learning in a Middle.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{chen_learning_2021, + title = {Learning environments with different levels of technological engagement: a comparison of game-based, video-based, and traditional instruction on students’ learning}, + volume = {29}, + issn = {1049-4820}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2019.1628781}, + doi = {10.1080/10494820.2019.1628781}, + shorttitle = {Learning environments with different levels of technological engagement}, + abstract = {Students’ engagement in a learning environment has been a crucial factor in evaluating the quality of learning and predicting their academic success. With technologies being more applied in science education for enhancing learning engagement, it is important to study how learning environments with different levels of technological engagement ({LTEs}) affect students’ learning. Data were collected from 168 fourth-grade students, ages 9–10, divided into 3 groups of different learning environments: (1) game-based instruction (high {LTE}) and (2) video-based instruction (medium {LTE}) as the two experimental groups, and (3) traditional instruction (low {LTE}) as the control group. Students’ learning was monitored with two tests: scientific concept test and the scientific argumentation skills test. Descriptive and inferential statistics including t-test, {ANCOVA}, and the Johnson-Neyman procedure were used to examine how different {LTEs} affect students’ learning as a group and by level (high-, medium-, and low-achieving). Findings demonstrated that (a) three forms of technology-supported learning significantly improve students’ scientific knowledge and argumentation skills; (b) higher {LTEs} lead to significantly better learning of scientific knowledge, except for some high-achieving students who can learn equally well in traditional instruction; and (c) higher {LTEs} lead to significantly better learning of argumentation skills across all students.}, + pages = {1363--1379}, + number = {8}, + journaltitle = {Interactive Learning Environments}, + author = {Chen, Yen-Chieh and Lu, Yu-Ling and Lien, Chi-Jui}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2021-11-17}, + note = {Publisher: Routledge +\_eprint: https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2019.1628781}, + keywords = {engagement, game-based instruction, Learning environment, science learning, video-based instruction}, + file = {Chen et al. - 2021 - Learning environments with different levels of tec.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UJSTV6EL/Chen et al. - 2021 - Learning environments with different levels of tec.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{jong_flipped_2022, - title = {Flipped classroom: motivational affordances of spherical video-based immersive virtual reality in support of pre-lecture individual learning in pre-service teacher education}, - issn = {1042-1726, 1867-1233}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s12528-022-09334-1}, - doi = {10.1007/s12528-022-09334-1}, - shorttitle = {Flipped classroom}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Computing in Higher Education}, - shortjournal = {J Comput High Educ}, - author = {Jong, Morris Siu-Yung}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2022-09-07}, +@article{kazi_comparative_2021, + title = {A comparative study of learning outcomes between video-based and traditional lecture-based teaching in physiology}, + volume = {20}, + issn = {2076-0299, 2223-4721}, + url = {https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/BJMS/article/view/54142}, + doi = {10.3329/bjms.v20i4.54142}, + abstract = {Background: -Video-based teaching, a distance learning tools is widely beingused in the present {COVID}-19 pandemic. Present study compares cognitive and affective domains learning outcomes between traditional and video-based physiology lecture. Methods and material: -A total of 25female students of Applied Medical College, Prince Sattam bin Abdul Aziz University, kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2019 were selected for the study. Physiology course consist of 45 credit hours in a fifteen-week semester. Students were evaluated by various methods for different levels of cognitive and affective domains between traditional method of endocrine physiology lecture session and video-based digestive physiology lecture session. Marks obtained by each student in all the assessment methods of cognitive and affective domains were calculated to get a total mean score and expressed in percentage and compared between the traditional and video-based physiology lecture. Results: -The total mean score for all the assessment methods of the cognitive domains in the digestive physiology lecture with video was 70\% and endocrine lecture without video was 50\%.The total mean score for affective domain in the digestive physiology lecture with video was 80\% and endocrine lecture without video was 50\%.Cognitive domain show no major difference between traditional endocrine physiology and video-based digestive physiology lecture, while student performance was good for affective domain in the lecture supported by video. Conclusion: -Video-based teaching helps the learner to achieve objectives of the different levels of affective domain compared to cognitive domain as well as compared to traditional lecture with no video.}, + pages = {833--839}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science}, + shortjournal = {Bangladesh J Med Sci}, + author = {Kazi, Raisa Nazir Ahmed and El Kashif, Mirfat Mohamed Labib and Kolhar, Manjur}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2021-06-18}, langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/YNQUURQ6/Jong - 2022 - Flipped classroom motivational affordances of sph.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Kazi et al. - 2021 - A comparative study of learning outcomes between v.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/4ZS3KYJU/Kazi et al. - 2021 - A comparative study of learning outcomes between v.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{li_comparison_2022, - title = {Comparison of Mini-Game-Based Flipped Classroom and Video-Based Flipped Classroom: An Analysis of Learning Performance, Flow and Concentration on Discussion}, - volume = {31}, - issn = {0119-5646, 2243-7908}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s40299-021-00573-x}, - doi = {10.1007/s40299-021-00573-x}, - shorttitle = {Comparison of Mini-Game-Based Flipped Classroom and Video-Based Flipped Classroom}, - pages = {321--332}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher}, - shortjournal = {Asia-Pacific Edu Res}, - author = {Li, Cheng-Tai and Hou, Huei-Tse and Li, Ming-Chaun and Kuo, Chih-Chen}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2022-06}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Li et al. - 2022 - Comparison of Mini-Game-Based Flipped Classroom an.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/LU6MCNGU/Li et al. - 2022 - Comparison of Mini-Game-Based Flipped Classroom an.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{daquila_are_2019, + title = {Are instructor generated {YouTube} videos effective in accounting classes? A study of student performance, engagement, motivation, and perception}, + volume = {47}, + issn = {0748-5751}, + url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0748575117301859}, + doi = {10.1016/j.jaccedu.2019.02.002}, + shorttitle = {Are instructor generated {YouTube} videos effective in accounting classes?}, + abstract = {We examine whether instructor generated {YouTube} videos improve student performance in a principles of accounting class. We also gather information about student engagement, motivation, and perception. The instructor designed the videos to help students in traditional and hybrid classes to work through financial oriented problems. The instructor also created lecture videos and information videos. We find evidence that video usage improves student performance. This finding is noteworthy since learning is the foremost goal of any instructional method. Students viewed the videos primarily for exam review. Students watched the videos and believed they were helpful and should be used in class. However, students do not necessarily want video classes to replace traditional classes. We make an important contribution by providing information about the usefulness of instructor generated videos to deliver course content.}, + pages = {63--74}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Accounting Education}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Accounting Education}, + author = {D'Aquila, Jill M. and Wang, Daphne and Mattia, Angela}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2019-06-01}, + keywords = {Accounting, Engagement, Hybrid, Motivation, Performance, Teaching, {YouTube} videos}, + file = {D'Aquila et al. - 2019 - Are instructor generated YouTube videos effective .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/V4AE72TS/D'Aquila et al. - 2019 - Are instructor generated YouTube videos effective .pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/I7Y9KWI9/S0748575117301859.html:text/html}, } -@collection{zawacki-richter_handbook_2023, - location = {Singapore}, - title = {Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education}, - isbn = {978-981-19207-9-0 978-981-19208-0-6}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-981-19-2080-6}, - publisher = {Springer Nature Singapore}, - editor = {Zawacki-Richter, Olaf and Jung, Insung}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023}, +@article{islam_comparison_2020, + title = {A Comparison of Two Forms of Instruction: Pre-Recorded Video Lectures vs. Live {ZOOM} Lectures for Education in the Business Management Field}, + volume = {12}, + rights = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, + issn = {2071-1050}, + url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/19/8149}, + doi = {10.3390/su12198149}, + shorttitle = {A Comparison of Two Forms of Instruction}, + abstract = {This paper employs a comparison between two forms of online instruction to investigate which form is more preferred, as well as the advantages and the disadvantages for both forms of online education. The data for the research were collected via an online questionnaire that was purposely created for the research. A sample of 26 undergraduate students of Yonsei University, South Korea, were employed for this study. Pre-tests and post-tests were performed to compare between pre-recorded video lectures and live {ZOOM} lectures. The results show that students prefer pre-recorded video lectures to live {ZOOM} lectures; 53.8\% chose pre-recorded video lectures, 7.7\% chose live {ZOOM} lectures, and 30.8\% chose both pre-recorded and {ZOOM} lectures when they were asked to select their preferred method of learning. Furthermore, we asked several questions, and the mean values were compared. The results of this research showed that pre-recorded video lectures are preferred to live {ZOOM} lectures due to their flexibility, convenience, and educational effectiveness. However, learning through video lectures depends on students’ motivation to get through those materials on their own. Lack of motivation and clear deadlines to watch those video lecture materials could end up in an accumulation of workload, which would be difficult to overcome before examinations.}, + pages = {8149}, + number = {19}, + journaltitle = {Sustainability}, + author = {Islam, Maidul and Kim, Dan-A. and Kwon, Minjoo}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2020-01}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-981-19-2080-6}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BCV4G74U/Zawacki-Richter and Jung - 2023 - Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education.pdf:application/pdf}, + note = {Number: 19 +Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, + keywords = {business management, online education, pre-recorded lectures, students, {ZOOM} lectures}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/E6Z3AFY4/Islam et al. - 2020 - A Comparison of Two Forms of Instruction Pre-Reco.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{sampson_learning_2019, - location = {Cham}, - title = {Learning Technologies for Transforming Large-Scale Teaching, Learning, and Assessment}, - isbn = {978-3-030-15129-4 978-3-030-15130-0}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-030-15130-0}, - publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, - editor = {Sampson, Demetrios and Spector, J. Michael and Ifenthaler, Dirk and Isaías, Pedro and Sergis, Stylianos}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2019}, +@article{torrington_teacher-created_2021, + title = {Teacher-created video instruction in the elementary classroom—Its impact on students and teachers}, + volume = {37}, + issn = {1365-2729}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jcal.12549}, + doi = {10.1111/jcal.12549}, + abstract = {Despite the proliferation of multimedia devices in elementary classrooms, there is limited research examining teacher-created video instruction, particularly regarding its effect on academic growth and engagement. This study investigated the effect of teacher-created computer-based video instruction ({CBVI}) using {iPads} on students' academic, behavioural and affective learning in elementary classrooms. The study used a repeated-measures design with counterbalancing to measure the effects of {CBVI} during mathematics lessons on student achievement scores, time on-task and attitudes towards learning. Three year three classes (n = 49) completed three lessons, each using a different mode of instruction: {CBVI} created by the class teacher, {CBVI} created by a stranger, and a traditional live lesson delivered by the class teacher. Results were analysed using a Linear Mixed Model. No significant growth in performance was detected during video instruction, however a significant growth result was achieved for the traditional live teaching mode (p {\textless} 0.001), possibly attributable to the longer duration of experimental session. Behavioural engagement was considerably higher during {CBVI} lessons than live lessons and students preferred their teacher's voice during {CBVI}. Three teachers were interviewed to examine how {CBVI} affected teaching and learning, with two main themes emerging: (1) positive impacts of {CBVI} upon students; and (2) positive impacts on teacher wellbeing. This research indicates benefits for students and teachers when using teacher-created {CBVI}. Further research is needed to better understand the factors that influence cognitive development of students using {CBVI} and to also further explore the effect of {CBVI} on teacher wellbeing.}, + pages = {1107--1126}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Computer Assisted Learning}, + author = {Torrington, Jodie and Bower, Matt}, + urldate = {2023-12-19}, + date = {2021}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-15130-0}, - file = {978-3-030-15130-0.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/95RKB376/978-3-030-15130-0.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/39P9MKBR/Sampson et al. - 2019 - Learning Technologies for Transforming Large-Scale.pdf:application/pdf}, + note = {\_eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/jcal.12549}, + keywords = {distance education and online learning, elementary education, mobile learning, teacher professional development, teaching/learning strategies}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/MMQ6QQ7I/Torrington und Bower - 2021 - Teacher-created video instruction in the elementar.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/PQRWTBUQ/jcal.html:text/html}, } -@collection{mintzes_active_2020, - location = {Cham, Switzerland}, - title = {Active learning in college science: the case for evidence-based practice}, - isbn = {978-3-030-33599-1}, - shorttitle = {Active learning in college science}, - pagetotal = {1001}, - publisher = {Springer}, - editor = {Mintzes, Joel J. and Walter, Emily M.}, - date = {2020}, - file = {Mintzes and Walter - 2020 - Active learning in college science the case for e.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/42CP6C9F/Mintzes and Walter - 2020 - Active learning in college science the case for e.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{hess_beurteilungsanlasse_2023, + title = {Beurteilungsanlässe zum Plusrechnen im\#!. Zyklus}, + author = {Hess, Kurt}, + date = {2023}, + file = {Hess - 2023 - Beurteilungsanlässe zum Plusrechnen im#!. Zyklus.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KNXEGZTD/Hess - 2023 - Beurteilungsanlässe zum Plusrechnen im#!. Zyklus.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{kim_self-regulated_2021, - title = {Self-regulated learning strategies and student video engagement trajectory in a video-based asynchronous online course: a Bayesian latent growth modeling approach}, - volume = {22}, - issn = {1598-1037, 1876-407X}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s12564-021-09690-0}, - doi = {10.1007/s12564-021-09690-0}, - shorttitle = {Self-regulated learning strategies and student video engagement trajectory in a video-based asynchronous online course}, - pages = {305--317}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Asia Pacific Education Review}, - shortjournal = {Asia Pacific Educ. Rev.}, - author = {Kim, Dongho and Jo, Il-Hyun and Song, Donggil and Zheng, Hua and Li, Jingwei and Zhu, Jiawen and Huang, Xing and Yan, Wei and Xu, Zhen}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2021-06}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Kim et al. - 2021 - Self-regulated learning strategies and student vid.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/L6WJN53W/Kim et al. - 2021 - Self-regulated learning strategies and student vid.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{affolter_schweizer_2017, + title = {Schweizer Zahlenbuch 5, Begleitband mit reichhaltigem Online-Material}, + author = {Affolter, Walter and Amstad, Heinz and Doebeli, Monika and Wieland, Gregor}, + date = {2017}, + file = {Affolter et al. - 2017 - Schweizer Zahlenbuch 5, Begleitband mit reichhalti.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7I3VTJGJ/Affolter et al. - 2017 - Schweizer Zahlenbuch 5, Begleitband mit reichhalti.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{walker_flipped_2020, - location = {Singapore}, - title = {Flipped Classrooms with Diverse Learners: International Perspectives}, - isbn = {9789811541704 9789811541711}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-981-15-4171-1}, - series = {Springer Texts in Education}, - shorttitle = {Flipped Classrooms with Diverse Learners}, - publisher = {Springer Nature Singapore}, - editor = {Walker, Zachary and Tan, Desiree and Koh, Noi Keng}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2020}, - langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-981-15-4171-1}, - file = {978-981-15-4171-1.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/G5U625DJ/978-981-15-4171-1.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QMYGBAX6/Walker et al. - 2020 - Flipped Classrooms with Diverse Learners Internat.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{kalcsics_lernwelten_2017, + location = {Bern}, + edition = {1. Auflage}, + title = {Lernwelten. 3. Zyklus, Aubsildung Ausbildung: 3. Zyklus Ausbildung: fachdidaktische Grundlagen: Studienbuch / Autorin und Autor: Markus Wilhelm, Katharina Kalksics}, + isbn = {978-3-292-00838-1}, + shorttitle = {Lernwelten. 3. Zyklus, Aubsildung Ausbildung}, + pagetotal = {148}, + publisher = {Schulverlag plus}, + author = {Kalcsics, Katharina and Wilhelm, Markus}, + date = {2017}, + file = {Kalcsics and Wilhelm - 2017 - Lernwelten. 3. Zyklus, Aubsildung Ausbildung 3. Z.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/3DPVSQ22/Kalcsics and Wilhelm - 2017 - Lernwelten. 3. Zyklus, Aubsildung Ausbildung 3. Z.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{giannakos_video-based_2016, - title = {Video-based learning ecosystem to support active learning: application to an introductory computer science course}, - volume = {3}, - issn = {2196-7091}, - url = {http://slejournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40561-016-0036-0}, - doi = {10.1186/s40561-016-0036-0}, - shorttitle = {Video-based learning ecosystem to support active learning}, - pages = {11}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Smart Learning Environments}, - shortjournal = {Smart Learn. Environ.}, - author = {Giannakos, Michail N. and Krogstie, John and Aalberg, Trond}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2016-12}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/WIPNJNHI/Giannakos et al. - 2016 - Video-based learning ecosystem to support active l.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{sweller_response_2023, + title = {Response to De Jong et al.’s (2023) paper “Let's talk evidence – The case for combining inquiry-based and direct instruction”}, + issn = {1747-938X}, + url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1747938X23000775}, + doi = {10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100584}, + abstract = {De Jong et al. (2023) objected to the evidence presented by Zhang et al. (2022) to support their concerns about the unreserved acceptance and promotion of inquiry-based learning and problem solving in current policy documents related to the teaching of science. In their response, De Jong et al. (2023) reiterated their advocacy for inquiry approaches, arguing that an emphasis on a mixture of inquiry learning and explicit instruction is needed. The present article rebuts De Jong et al. (2023), in which we: 1) challenge their view of and approach to scientific methods in establishing the efficacy of different instructional approaches; 2) indicate that an underpinning theory to explain the cognitive machinery that drives inquiry-based instructional approaches is missing from their argument; and 3) address the empirical issues arising in their argument. We also highlight potential agreement with De Jong et al. (2023) on the essential role of explicit instruction and thus raise a call to the field to revise current science educational policies and standards to reflect such a role. Our agreements and disagreements advance the debate to a new focus concerning when and how inquiry-based learning and explicit instruction should be used and combined. While De Jong et al. (2023), in their theory-free paper, provided no answer to how explicit instruction and inquiry learning should be combined, we offer our suggestions based on evolutionary psychology and the expertise reversal effect from cognitive load theory.}, + pages = {100584}, + journaltitle = {Educational Research Review}, + shortjournal = {Educational Research Review}, + author = {Sweller, John and Zhang, Lin and Ashman, Greg and Cobern, William and Kirschner, Paul A.}, + urldate = {2023-12-18}, + date = {2023-12-13}, + keywords = {Cognitive load theory, Controlled trials, Explicit instruction, Inquiry learning, Randomised}, + file = {Sweller et al. - 2023 - Response to De Jong et al.’s (2023) paper “Let's t.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/REEZT4TN/Sweller et al. - 2023 - Response to De Jong et al.’s (2023) paper “Let's t.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{kleftodimos_using_2016, - title = {Using open source technologies and open internet resources for building an interactive video based learning environment that supports learning analytics}, - volume = {3}, - issn = {2196-7091}, - url = {http://slejournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40561-016-0032-4}, - doi = {10.1186/s40561-016-0032-4}, - pages = {9}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Smart Learning Environments}, - shortjournal = {Smart Learn. Environ.}, - author = {Kleftodimos, Alexandros and Evangelidis, Georgios}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2016-12}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FDECSVUQ/Kleftodimos and Evangelidis - 2016 - Using open source technologies and open internet r.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{de_jong_lets_2023, + title = {Let's talk evidence – The case for combining inquiry-based and direct instruction}, + volume = {39}, + issn = {1747-938X}, + url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1747938X23000295}, + doi = {10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100536}, + abstract = {Many studies investigating inquiry learning in science domains have appeared over the years. Throughout this period, inquiry learning has been regularly criticized by scholars who favor direct instruction over inquiry learning. In this vein, Zhang, Kirschner, Cobern, and Sweller (2022) recently asserted that direct instruction is overall superior to inquiry-based instruction and reproached policy makers for ignoring this fact. In the current article we reply to this assertion and the premises on which it is based. We review the evidence and argue that a more complete and correct interpretation of the literature demonstrates that inquiry-based instruction produces better overall results for acquiring conceptual knowledge than does direct instruction. We show that this conclusion holds for controlled, correlational, and program-based studies. We subsequently argue that inquiry-based and direct instruction each have their specific virtues and disadvantages and that the effectiveness of each approach depends on moderating factors such as the learning goal, the domain involved, and students' prior knowledge and other student characteristics. Furthermore, inquiry-based instruction is most effective when supplemented with guidance that can be personalized based on these moderating factors and can even involve providing direct instruction. Therefore, we posit that a combination of inquiry and direct instruction may often be the best approach to support student learning. We conclude that policy makers rightfully advocate inquiry-based instruction, particularly when students’ investigations are supplemented with direct instruction at appropriate junctures.}, + pages = {100536}, + journaltitle = {Educational Research Review}, + shortjournal = {Educational Research Review}, + author = {de Jong, Ton and Lazonder, Ard W. and Chinn, Clark A. and Fischer, Frank and Gobert, Janice and Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E. and Koedinger, Ken R. and Krajcik, Joseph S. and Kyza, Eleni A. and Linn, Marcia C. and Pedaste, Margus and Scheiter, Katharina and Zacharia, Zacharias C.}, + urldate = {2023-12-18}, + date = {2023-05-01}, + keywords = {Direct instruction, Evidence-based instruction, Inquiry-based instruction, Instructional design}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7RTUAF5I/de Jong et al. - 2023 - Let's talk evidence – The case for combining inqui.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/22W4Z98K/S1747938X23000295.html:text/html}, +} + +@collection{schumacher_intelligentes_2022, + location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, + title = {Intelligentes Wissen – und wie man es fördert: Kognitiv aktivierende Lernformen für den mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht}, + isbn = {978-3-662-63335-9 978-3-662-63336-6}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-662-63336-6}, + shorttitle = {Intelligentes Wissen – und wie man es fördert}, + publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, + editor = {Schumacher, Ralph and Stern, Elsbeth}, + urldate = {2023-12-18}, + date = {2022}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-63336-6}, + file = {978-3-662-63336-6.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/STY92BWL/978-3-662-63336-6.pdf:application/pdf;Eingereichte Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CQ5Y94HW/Schumacher und Stern - 2022 - Intelligentes Wissen – und wie man es fördert Kog.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{seel_encyclopedia_2012, - location = {New York}, - title = {Encyclopedia of the sciences of learning}, - isbn = {978-1-4419-1427-9 978-1-4419-1428-6 978-1-4419-5503-6}, - series = {Springer reference}, - pagetotal = {7}, - publisher = {Springer}, - editor = {Seel, Norbert M.}, - date = {2012}, - keywords = {Learning, Encyclopedias}, - file = {Seel - 2012 - Encyclopedia of the sciences of learning.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/KNJ2PRQW/Seel - 2012 - Encyclopedia of the sciences of learning.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{kumar_math_2023, + location = {Rochester, {NY}}, + title = {Math Education with Large Language Models: Peril or Promise?}, + url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=4641653}, + doi = {10.2139/ssrn.4641653}, + shorttitle = {Math Education with Large Language Models}, + abstract = {The widespread availability of large language models ({LLMs}) has provoked both fear and excitement in the domain of education.On one hand, there is the concern that students will offload their coursework to {LLMs}, limiting what they themselves learn.On the other hand, there is the hope that {LLMs} might serve as scalable, personalized tutors.Here we conduct a large, pre-registered experiment involving 1200 participants to investigate how exposure to {LLM}-based explanations affect learning.In the experiment's learning phase, we gave participants practice problems and manipulated two key factors in a between-participants design: first, whether they were required to attempt a problem before or after seeing the correct answer, and second, whether participants were shown only the answer or were also exposed to an {LLM}-generated explanation of the answer.Subsequently, all participants were tested on new test questions to assess how well they had learned the underlying concepts.Overall we found that {LLM}-based explanations positively impacted learning relative to seeing only correct answers.The benefits were largest for those who attempted problems on their own first before consulting {LLM} explanations, but surprisingly this trend held even for those participants who were exposed to {LLM} explanations before attempting to solve practice problems on their own.An accompanying qualitative analysis revealed that these boosts in performance were indeed due to participants adopting the strategies they were shown, and that exposure to {LLM} explanations increased the amount people felt they learned and decreased the perceived difficulty of the test problems.}, + number = {4641653}, + author = {Kumar, Harsh and Rothschild, David M. and Goldstein, Daniel G. and Hofman, Jake M.}, + urldate = {2023-12-18}, + date = {2023-11-22}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {{AI}, education, generative {AI}, human-{AI} interaction, large language models, llms, math, tutoring}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/MLIN45Z4/Kumar et al. - 2023 - Math Education with Large Language Models Peril o.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{giannakos_introduction_2016, - title = {Introduction to smart learning analytics: foundations and developments in video-based learning}, - volume = {3}, - issn = {2196-7091}, - url = {http://slejournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40561-016-0034-2}, - doi = {10.1186/s40561-016-0034-2}, - shorttitle = {Introduction to smart learning analytics}, - pages = {12}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Smart Learning Environments}, - shortjournal = {Smart Learn. Environ.}, - author = {Giannakos, Michail N. and Sampson, Demetrios G. and Kidziński, Łukasz}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2016-12}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/Z7FARFYI/Giannakos et al. - 2016 - Introduction to smart learning analytics foundati.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{dammert_opening_nodate, + title = {Opening up the literacy discussion – An intervention study to promote dia- logic discourse practices in primary education}, + author = {Dammert, Yvonne}, + file = {Dammert - Opening up the literacy discussion – An interventi.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/R5ZRJ4W2/Dammert - Opening up the literacy discussion – An interventi.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{buchele_changes_2023, - title = {Changes in Students’ Mathematical Competencies at the Beginning of Higher Education Within the Last Decade at a German University}, - issn = {1571-0068, 1573-1774}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10763-022-10350-x}, - doi = {10.1007/s10763-022-10350-x}, - abstract = {Abstract - Mathematics plays a significant role in many study programs. However, several studies show deficiencies and a decline in beginning undergraduates’ skills in mathematics in many content domains. However, it remains unclear whether they have improved in so-called process competencies like modeling, mathematical reasoning, or using different representations instead, because there has been a shift towards the acquisition of such in many recent curricula. We investigated this issue at a university in Germany based on data from a (non-standardized) mathematics entry test taken by 3076 economics students divided into different cohorts from 2012 to 2019. Using regression analyses, we found that, on the one hand, students’ ability to carry out symbolic calculations decreased. On the other hand, their performance increased in some test questions focusing on other process competencies like reasoning, mathematizing, or using different representations, which have become common tasks at school due to a stronger emphasis on these process competencies after a curriculum reform. Our data indicate that this reform might have had the desired effect.}, - journaltitle = {International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, - shortjournal = {Int J of Sci and Math Educ}, - author = {Büchele, Stefan and Feudel, Frank}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023-01-09}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Büchele and Feudel - 2023 - Changes in Students’ Mathematical Competencies at .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2CF5QZPU/Büchele and Feudel - 2023 - Changes in Students’ Mathematical Competencies at .pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{khatoon_flipped_2022, + title = {Flipped small group classes and peer marking: incentives, student participation and performance in a quasi-experimental approach}, + volume = {47}, + issn = {0260-2938}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2021.1981823}, + doi = {10.1080/02602938.2021.1981823}, + shorttitle = {Flipped small group classes and peer marking}, + abstract = {This paper proposes a new way of flipping small group classes in quantitative courses by active reading and peer marking using the virtual learning environment. We aim to engage students in the learning material by attempting a problem followed by peer marking based on some given solution guideline before they are exposed to another similar problem to solve during the small group classes. We design a quasi-experiment to evaluate the effect of peer marking by introducing an incentive in one such problem set and not in the other. The solution to the class problem is to act as the ‘incentive’, to be released only to the participants of the peer assessment. Using the data of two units from two {UK} universities and ‘incentives’ as instrumental variables to participation, our quantitative findings reveal the effect of participating in one more peer marking as a 3\% increase in final marks on average. The qualitative analysis based on focus group discussions shows that the process increases student engagement, satisfaction, confidence and overall learning responsibility. The challenges often lie to establish a clear understanding of the purpose and the process of peer marking to ensure student buy-in to the system.}, + pages = {910--927}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {Assessment \& Evaluation in Higher Education}, + author = {Khatoon, Rabeya and Jones, Elinor}, + urldate = {2023-12-14}, + date = {2022-08-18}, + note = {Publisher: Routledge +\_eprint: https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2021.1981823}, + keywords = {Flipped classes, incentives, peer marking, quasi-experiment}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/5D4BNQ4W/Khatoon and Jones - 2022 - Flipped small group classes and peer marking ince.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{shen_implementation_2023, - title = {Implementation of the flipped classroom approach for promoting college students’ deeper learning}, - issn = {1042-1629, 1556-6501}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11423-023-10186-4}, - doi = {10.1007/s11423-023-10186-4}, - journaltitle = {Educational technology research and development}, - shortjournal = {Education Tech Research Dev}, - author = {Shen, Dandan and Chang, Chiung-Sui}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023-01-09}, +@article{biggs_enhancing_1996, + title = {Enhancing teaching through constructive alignment}, + volume = {32}, + issn = {1573-174X}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00138871}, + doi = {10.1007/BF00138871}, + abstract = {Two lines of thinking are becoming increasingly important in higher educational practice. The first derives from constructivist learning theory, and the second from the instructional design literature. Constructivism comprises a family of theories but all have in common the centrality of the learner's activities in creating meaning. These and related ideas have important implications for teaching and assessment. Instructional designers for their part have emphasised alignment between the objectives of a course or unit and the targets for assessing student performance. “Constructive alignment” represents a marriage of the two thrusts, constructivism being used as a framework to guide decision-making at all stages in instructional design: in deriving curriculum objectives in terms of performances that represent a suitably high cognitive level, in deciding teaching/learning activities judged to elicit those performances, and to assess and summatively report student performance. The “performances of understanding” nominated in the objectives are thus used to systematically align the teaching methods and the assessment. The process is illustrated with reference to a professional development unit in educational psychology for teachers, but the model may be generalized to most units or programs in higher education.}, + pages = {347--364}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Higher Education}, + shortjournal = {High Educ}, + author = {Biggs, John}, + urldate = {2023-12-10}, + date = {1996-10-01}, langid = {english}, - file = {Shen and Chang - 2023 - Implementation of the flipped classroom approach f.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/6BFNW2GT/Shen and Chang - 2023 - Implementation of the flipped classroom approach f.pdf:application/pdf}, + keywords = {Educational Psychology, Instructional Design, Professional Development, Student Performance, Teaching Method}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/H74VR5TK/Biggs - 1996 - Enhancing teaching through constructive alignment.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{kajander_mathematics_2023, - title = {Mathematics Education Under the Gavel: Who Controls the Minimum Competency Standards?}, - issn = {1492-6156, 1942-4051}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s42330-022-00255-w}, - doi = {10.1007/s42330-022-00255-w}, - shorttitle = {Mathematics Education Under the Gavel}, - journaltitle = {Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education}, - shortjournal = {Can. J. Sci. Math. Techn. Educ.}, - author = {Kajander, Ann and Holm, Jennifer}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023-01-09}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Kajander and Holm - 2023 - Mathematics Education Under the Gavel Who Control.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/H3UTWY4M/Kajander and Holm - 2023 - Mathematics Education Under the Gavel Who Control.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{brunner_mathematisches_2014, + location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, + title = {Mathematisches Argumentieren, Begründen und Beweisen: Grundlagen, Befunde und Konzepte}, + isbn = {978-3-642-41863-1 978-3-642-41864-8}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-642-41864-8}, + shorttitle = {Mathematisches Argumentieren, Begründen und Beweisen}, + publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, + author = {Brunner, Esther}, + urldate = {2023-12-07}, + date = {2014}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-41864-8}, + file = {Brunner - 2014 - Mathematisches Argumentieren, Begründen und Beweis.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/WRXE8EMW/Brunner - 2014 - Mathematisches Argumentieren, Begründen und Beweis.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{cullinane_teachers_2023, - title = {Teachers' perceptions of Brandon's Matrix as a framework for the teaching and assessment of scientific methods in school science}, - volume = {53}, - issn = {0157-244X, 1573-1898}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11165-022-10044-y}, - doi = {10.1007/s11165-022-10044-y}, - abstract = {Abstract - - This article utilizes a framework for classifying different scientific methods suggested by a philosopher of science (Brandon - Synthese - , 99, 59–73, 1994) called Brandon’s Matrix. It presents findings from teachers who took part in a funded project in England that looked at the nature of scientific methods in science investigations. Science investigations are an integral aspect of science education and, as such, are often included in high stakes examinations. Therefore, teachers need to have a good understanding of  a range of scientific methods and their purposes in science investigations. The framework was used to ask teachers to classify science investigations based on how they teach them. It was also employed to devise assessments to measure students’ understanding of scientific methods. The teachers were introduced to the new approaches and their perceptions were gathered to understand if they supported this as a framework for their classroom practice. Evidence from the study suggested that Brandon’s Matrix appealed to teachers as a framework for practical science in schools, and they see potential benefits for its use in the teaching, learning, and assessment of science. Findings from the study showed it appealed to the teachers as a tool for classifying scientific methods, and how they also recognized the importance of assessing practical work and had an appreciation of the constraints and drivers in the current curriculum and assessment requirements in England. Implications for teachers’ professional development are discussed.}, - pages = {193--212}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Research in Science Education}, - shortjournal = {Res Sci Educ}, - author = {Cullinane, Alison and Hillier, Judith and Childs, Ann and Erduran, Sibel}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023-02}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/X9DACGTP/Cullinane et al. - 2023 - Teachers' perceptions of Brandon's Matrix as a fra.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{muller_mathematikunterricht_2019, + location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, + title = {Mathematikunterricht in der Praxis: Konkrete Anregungen für die Sekundarstufe I und {II}}, + isbn = {978-3-662-59706-4 978-3-662-59707-1}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-662-59707-1}, + shorttitle = {Mathematikunterricht in der Praxis}, + publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, + author = {Müller, Kai}, + urldate = {2023-12-07}, + date = {2019}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-59707-1}, + file = {978-3-662-59707-1.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/C4XZRF97/978-3-662-59707-1.pdf:application/pdf;Eingereichte Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7Y2AHVJC/Müller - 2019 - Mathematikunterricht in der Praxis Konkrete Anreg.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{jensen_measuring_2023, - title = {Measuring Pre-service Primary Teachers’ Shame in Mathematics—a Comprehensive Validation Study}, - volume = {21}, - issn = {1571-0068, 1573-1774}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10763-022-10253-x}, - doi = {10.1007/s10763-022-10253-x}, - abstract = {Abstract - Emotions play an essential role in educational processes. Previous research has mainly dealt with achievement emotions which are experienced in specific situations such as exams or learning situations in mathematics (e.g. enjoyment or anxiety). Some achievement emotions are rather experienced in social contexts in mathematics and are closely related to the self. These emotions such as shame are assumed to be also relevant for mathematics achievement. However, a reliable and valid instrument is missing to measure shame in mathematics. Validity evidence for the newly developed Shame in Mathematics Questionnaire ({SHAME}-Q) was collected in three studies with pre-service primary teachers. Study 1 investigated the content validity by conducting a systematic expert panel study. Study 2 and study 3 examined with two different samples the factorial structure and relations to other constructs in terms of discriminant (enjoyment) and convergent (anxiety) validity as well as to pre-service teachers’ grade in school mathematics, their intention to teach mathematics at school, and gender. The data supported strongly the validity assumptions as well as reliability and parsimony of the instrument. Psychometric limitations of {SHAME}-Q and applicability of the questionnaire are discussed.}, - pages = {463--488}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, - shortjournal = {Int J of Sci and Math Educ}, - author = {Jenßen, Lars and Roesken-Winter, Bettina and Blömeke, Sigrid}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023-02}, +@online{noauthor_quantitative_nodate, + title = {Quantitative research design ({JARS}–Quant)}, + url = {https://apastyle.apa.org/jars/quantitative}, + abstract = {The updated {APA} Style {JARS} for Quantitative Research address quantitative studies—studies that rely on measuring variables using a numerical system.}, + titleaddon = {https://apastyle.apa.org}, + urldate = {2023-12-06}, langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/GKBUCCCX/Jenßen et al. - 2023 - Measuring Pre-service Primary Teachers’ Shame in M.pdf:application/pdf;s10763-022-10253-x.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/E22EELKW/s10763-022-10253-x.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SKRW4UPL/quantitative.html:text/html}, } -@article{koyuncu_is_2023, - title = {Is It Possible to Bring the Past into the Present for an Effective History of Mathematics Teaching: Newspaper Preparation Method}, - volume = {21}, - issn = {1571-0068, 1573-1774}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10763-022-10246-w}, - doi = {10.1007/s10763-022-10246-w}, - shorttitle = {Is It Possible to Bring the Past into the Present for an Effective History of Mathematics Teaching}, - pages = {513--534}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, - shortjournal = {Int J of Sci and Math Educ}, - author = {Koyuncu, Mehmet Kasım}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023-02}, +@article{beserra_-task_2019, + title = {On-Task and Off-Task Behavior in the Classroom: A Study on Mathematics Learning With Educational Video Games}, + volume = {56}, + issn = {0735-6331, 1541-4140}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0735633117744346}, + doi = {10.1177/0735633117744346}, + shorttitle = {On-Task and Off-Task Behavior in the Classroom}, + abstract = {When performing a task in the classroom, it is essential to place the focus on learning. In the classroom, it is possible to distinguish between time spent by students on-task and off-task. The former is the time in which the student is focused on the learning task; the latter is the remaining time in which they focus on other activities. Understanding the relationship between the two is a concern for teachers, especially for those who teach mathematics and other subjects that are often considered unattractive by students. Given the opportunity afforded by educational video games to motivate and engage math students, an educational drill-and-practice video game was used in this study to practice second-grade arithmetic and study the students' on-task and off-task behavior. We found that when practicing arithmetic using an educational drill-and-practice video game, time on-task decreases during an activity (30 minutes) as well as over the course of the school year (March to December). This study has implications for the length of mathematics classes at schools as well as the need to vary activities during a class.}, + pages = {1361--1383}, + number = {8}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Educational Computing Research}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Educational Computing Research}, + author = {Beserra, Vagner and Nussbaum, Miguel and Oteo, Macarena}, + urldate = {2023-12-03}, + date = {2019-01}, langid = {english}, - file = {Koyuncu - 2023 - Is It Possible to Bring the Past into the Present .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QWQJC34F/Koyuncu - 2023 - Is It Possible to Bring the Past into the Present .pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Beserra et al. - 2019 - On-Task and Off-Task Behavior in the Classroom A .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XV49WHRT/Beserra et al. - 2019 - On-Task and Off-Task Behavior in the Classroom A .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{krell_pre-service_2023, - title = {Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Scientific Reasoning Competencies: Analysing the Impact of Contributing Factors}, - volume = {53}, - issn = {0157-244X, 1573-1898}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11165-022-10045-x}, - doi = {10.1007/s11165-022-10045-x}, - shorttitle = {Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Scientific Reasoning Competencies}, - abstract = {Abstract - - Scientific reasoning competencies ({SRC}) are one part of science teachers’ professional competencies. This study examines the contribution of three factors to the development of pre-service science teachers’ {SRC}: the - amount of science education classes - , the - amount of science classes - and the pre-service science teachers’ - age - . The factors - amount of science education classes - and - amount of science classes - have been operationalised in terms of {ECTS} credit points. - N -  = 438 pre-service science teachers from six universities in Germany, Chile and Canada voluntarily and anonymously responded to an established multiple-choice instrument for assessing {SRC}, which has been developed by the authors and is available in German, Spanish and English. Multiple linear regression analyses show that the included factors explain a proportion of about 9\% of the pre-service science teachers’ {SRC}. The factor - amount of science classes - is the only significant predictor and can be seen as an indicator of learning science content knowledge. These findings support the assumption of science content knowledge being a prerequisite for developing pre-service science teachers’ {SRC}.}, - pages = {59--79}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Research in Science Education}, - shortjournal = {Res Sci Educ}, - author = {Krell, Moritz and Khan, Samia and Vergara, Claudia and Cofré, Hernán and Mathesius, Sabrina and Krüger, Dirk}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023-02}, +@article{paas_training_1992, + title = {Training strategies for attaining transfer of problem-solving skill in statistics: A cognitive-load approach.}, + volume = {84}, + issn = {1939-2176, 0022-0663}, + url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0022-0663.84.4.429}, + doi = {10.1037/0022-0663.84.4.429}, + shorttitle = {Training strategies for attaining transfer of problem-solving skill in statistics}, + pages = {429--434}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, + author = {Paas, Fred G. W. C.}, + urldate = {2023-12-03}, + date = {1992-12}, langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/YKKAW797/Krell et al. - 2023 - Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Scientific Reasoning.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Paas - 1992 - Training strategies for attaining transfer of prob.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KETJUKFB/Paas - 1992 - Training strategies for attaining transfer of prob.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{twohill_primary_2023, - title = {Primary Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs: the Role Played by Mathematics Attainment, Educational Level, Preparedness to Teach, and Gender}, - volume = {21}, - issn = {1571-0068, 1573-1774}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10763-022-10259-5}, - doi = {10.1007/s10763-022-10259-5}, - shorttitle = {Primary Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs}, - abstract = {Abstract - This paper reports on research which explored the mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs of preservice primary teachers, where efficacy beliefs describe individuals’ beliefs in their potential to enact teaching to promote learning. Efficacy was conceptualised as a bi-faceted construct consisting of personal efficacy and outcome expectancy. This research sought to establish the extent to which differences in efficacy are explained by students’ mathematics attainment level prior to entry into teacher education; the educational level of the students (whether postgraduate or undergraduate); students’ sense of preparedness to teach mathematics on school placement; and students’ gender. A total of 186 students responded to a questionnaire designed to measure their efficacy beliefs after completing one taught mathematics education module in university and one teaching practice placement in primary schools. Bivariate and regression analysis pointed to complex relationships between the explanatory and outcome variables. On bivariate analysis, findings included statistically significant associations between gender, mathematics attainment, preparedness to teach, and one or both of personal efficacy and outcome expectancy. In the regression analysis, gender was statistically significantly associated with outcome expectancy, while preparedness to teach and mathematics attainment were statistically significantly correlated with personal efficacy. Personal efficacy and outcome expectancy were significantly correlated on bivariate analysis, but significance was not retained after controlling for other factors in the regression models. This research has implications for teacher educators in understanding factors explaining mathematics teaching efficacy and therefore helping to better prepare preservice teachers to teach mathematics in the primary school classroom.}, - pages = {601--622}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, - shortjournal = {Int J of Sci and Math Educ}, - author = {Twohill, Aisling and {NicMhuirí}, Siún and Harbison, Lorraine and Karakolidis, Anastasios}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2023-02}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/N7YWGMIN/Twohill et al. - 2023 - Primary Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Teaching .pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{king_sage_1993, + title = {From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side}, + volume = {41}, + issn = {8756-7555}, + url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/27558571}, + pages = {30--35}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {College Teaching}, + author = {King, Alison}, + urldate = {2023-11-29}, + date = {1993}, + note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis, Ltd.}, + file = {JSTOR Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/X93RCQG8/King - 1993 - From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{schacht_sprachbildung_2022, - location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, - title = {Sprachbildung in der Lehramtsausbildung Mathematik: Konzepte für eine sprachbewusste Hochschullehre}, - isbn = {978-3-662-63792-0 978-3-662-63793-7}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-662-63793-7}, - shorttitle = {Sprachbildung in der Lehramtsausbildung Mathematik}, - publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, - author = {Schacht, Florian and Guckelsberger, Susanne}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2022}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-63793-7}, - file = {978-3-662-63793-7.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/L7NI9PBE/978-3-662-63793-7.pdf:application/pdf;Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BTCW8JV3/Schacht and Guckelsberger - 2022 - Sprachbildung in der Lehramtsausbildung Mathematik.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{gem_report_unesco_global_2023, + edition = {1}, + title = {Global Education Monitoring Report 2023: Technology in education: A tool on whose terms?}, + isbn = {978-92-3-100609-8}, + url = {https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000385723}, + shorttitle = {Global Education Monitoring Report 2023}, + publisher = {{GEM} Report {UNESCO}}, + author = {{GEM Report UNESCO}}, + urldate = {2023-11-27}, + date = {2023-07-26}, + doi = {10.54676/UZQV8501}, + file = {GEM Report UNESCO - 2023 - Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 Technolog.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/PXNVT8YN/GEM Report UNESCO - 2023 - Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 Technolog.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{ferencik-lehmkuhl_inklusion_2022, - location = {Bad Heilbrunn}, - edition = {1. Auflage}, - title = {Inklusion digital! Chancen und Herausforderungen inklusiver Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung}, - isbn = {978-3-7815-5990-5}, - abstract = {Inklusion und Digitalisierung sind im Begriff, die Gesellschaft in mehreren Dimensionen entscheidend zu verändern. Dazu gehört auch (schulische) Bildung. Inklusive und digitale Bildung als zentrale Aufgaben des Bildungssystems werden allerdings bislang zu selten im Verbund diskutiert. Digitale Bildung ist für die Ermöglichung gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe jedoch grundlegend und muss damit bedeutender Bestandteil von Bildungsprozessen sein. Inhaltlich baut der Sammelband auf ausgewählten Beiträgen der Online-Tagung "Inklusion digital! - Chancen und Herausforderungen inklusiver Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung" auf. Die Artikel spiegeln die aktuellen Diskussionen der Lehrkräfteaus-, -fortund -weiterbildung bezogen auf Inklusion und Digitalisierung aus fachdidaktischer, fachwissenschaftlicher, bildungswissenschaftlicher und sonderpädagogischer Perspektiven wider}, - publisher = {Verlag Julius Klinkhardt}, - editor = {Ferencik-Lehmkuhl, Daria and Huynh, Ilham and Laubmeister, Clara and Lee, Curie and Melzer, Conny and Schwank, Inge and Weck, Hannah and Ziemen, Kerstin}, - date = {2022}, - note = {{OCLC}: 1356493929}, - file = {Ferencik-Lehmkuhl et al. - 2022 - Inklusion digital! Chancen und Herausforderungen i.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/VW69GRAS/Ferencik-Lehmkuhl et al. - 2022 - Inklusion digital! Chancen und Herausforderungen i.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{fiore_interdisciplinarity_2008, + title = {Interdisciplinarity as Teamwork: How the Science of Teams Can Inform Team Science}, + volume = {39}, + issn = {1046-4964, 1552-8278}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1046496408317797}, + doi = {10.1177/1046496408317797}, + shorttitle = {Interdisciplinarity as Teamwork}, + abstract = {This essay discusses interdisciplinary research in the context of science policy and the practice of science. Comparisons between interdisciplinary research and other forms of cross-disciplinary research are made, and a brief discussion of the development of the concept of interdisciplinarity is provided. The overarching thesis of this essay is that interdisciplinary research is team research, that is, research conducted by a team. This notion is developed via recent policy discussions of team science and the need to understand interdisciplinary research in action. The author shows how it may be possible to consider the implementation of principles from teamwork and team training to improve interdisciplinary research and the practice of team science.}, + pages = {251--277}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Small Group Research}, + shortjournal = {Small Group Research}, + author = {Fiore, Stephen M.}, + urldate = {2023-11-26}, + date = {2008-06}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Fiore - 2008 - Interdisciplinarity as Teamwork How the Science o.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GLY3VRIJ/Fiore - 2008 - Interdisciplinarity as Teamwork How the Science o.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@incollection{onnen_hochschulen_2022, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Hochschulen in der Pandemie. Die Digitalisierung der Lehre in Zeiten von {COVID}-19}, - isbn = {978-3-658-36513-4 978-3-658-36514-1}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-36514-1_18}, - pages = {301--320}, - booktitle = {Organisationen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - author = {Haag, Hanna and Kubiak, Daniel}, - editor = {Onnen, Corinna and Stein-Redent, Rita and Blättel-Mink, Birgit and Noack, Torsten and Opielka, Michael and Späte, Katrin}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2022}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-36514-1_18}, - note = {Series Title: Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis}, - file = {Haag and Kubiak - 2022 - Hochschulen in der Pandemie. Die Digitalisierung d.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/E77XVFMP/Haag and Kubiak - 2022 - Hochschulen in der Pandemie. Die Digitalisierung d.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{vanlehn_rule-learning_1999, + title = {Rule-Learning Events in the Acquisition of a Complex Skill: An Evaluation of Cascade}, + volume = {8}, + issn = {1050-8406, 1532-7809}, + url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327809jls0801_3}, + doi = {10.1207/s15327809jls0801_3}, + shorttitle = {Rule-Learning Events in the Acquisition of a Complex Skill}, + pages = {71--125}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Journal of the Learning Sciences}, + shortjournal = {Journal of the Learning Sciences}, + author = {{VanLehn}, Kurt}, + urldate = {2023-11-26}, + date = {1999-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {VanLehn - 1999 - Rule-Learning Events in the Acquisition of a Compl.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FP3WXHH2/VanLehn - 1999 - Rule-Learning Events in the Acquisition of a Compl.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{egger_hybrid_2022, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Hybrid, flexibel und vernetzt?: Möglichkeiten, Bedingungen und Grenzen von digitalen Lernumgebungen in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung}, - isbn = {978-3-658-37203-3 978-3-658-37204-0}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-37204-0}, - series = {Doing Higher Education}, - shorttitle = {Hybrid, flexibel und vernetzt?}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - editor = {Egger, Rudolf and Witzel, Stephan}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2022}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-37204-0}, - file = {978-3-658-37204-0.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/LAPJMELG/978-3-658-37204-0.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BCTUK4ZQ/Egger and Witzel - 2022 - Hybrid, flexibel und vernetzt Möglichkeiten, Bed.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{sears_effects_nodate, + title = {{EFFECTS} {OF} {INNOVATION} {VERSUS} {EFFICIENCY} {TASKS} {ON} {COLLABORATION} {AND} {LEARNING}}, + author = {Sears, David Andrew}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Sears - EFFECTS OF INNOVATION VERSUS EFFICIENCY TASKS ON C.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/WA7QY3KI/Sears - EFFECTS OF INNOVATION VERSUS EFFICIENCY TASKS ON C.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{bauer_vom_2020, - title = {Vom E-Learning zur Digitalisierung}, - isbn = {978-3-8309-4109-5}, - url = {http://www.waxmann.com/buch4109}, - publisher = {Waxmann Verlag {GmbH}}, - editor = {Bauer, Reinhard and Hafer, Jörg and Hofhues, Sandra and Schiefner-Rohs, Mandy and Thillosen, Anne and Volk, Benno and Wannemacher, Klaus}, - urldate = {2023-01-10}, - date = {2020-07-01}, - doi = {10.31244/9783830991090}, - file = {Bauer et al. - 2020 - Vom E-Learning zur Digitalisierung.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QCQHW4Q8/Bauer et al. - 2020 - Vom E-Learning zur Digitalisierung.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/3DGPILW7/Bauer et al. - 2020 - Vom E-Learning zur Digitalisierung.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{diehl_productivity_1987, + title = {Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: Toward the solution of a riddle.}, + volume = {53}, + issn = {1939-1315, 0022-3514}, + url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0022-3514.53.3.497}, + doi = {10.1037/0022-3514.53.3.497}, + shorttitle = {Productivity loss in brainstorming groups}, + pages = {497--509}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, + author = {Diehl, Michael and Stroebe, Wolfgang}, + urldate = {2023-11-26}, + date = {1987-09}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Diehl and Stroebe - 1987 - Productivity loss in brainstorming groups Toward .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FNTWV5XU/Diehl and Stroebe - 1987 - Productivity loss in brainstorming groups Toward .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@incollection{manuel_brito_cooperative_2019, - title = {Cooperative Learning: The Foundation for Active Learning}, - isbn = {978-1-83962-243-4 978-1-83962-244-1}, - url = {https://www.intechopen.com/books/active-learning-beyond-the-future/cooperative-learning-the-foundation-for-active-learning}, - shorttitle = {Cooperative Learning}, - booktitle = {Active Learning - Beyond the Future}, - publisher = {{IntechOpen}}, - author = {W. Johnson, David and T. Johnson, Roger}, - editor = {Manuel Brito, Sílvio}, - urldate = {2023-01-09}, - date = {2019-10-02}, +@article{torrance_influence_1970, + title = {Influence of Dyadic Interaction on Creative Functioning}, + volume = {26}, + issn = {0033-2941, 1558-691X}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.2466/pr0.1970.26.2.391}, + doi = {10.2466/pr0.1970.26.2.391}, + abstract = {Two experiments, one with college students and the other with 5-yr.-old children as Ss, were conducted to test the hypothesis that dyadic interaction will facilitate the production of original ideas among individuals. 20 college Ss were administered 4 tasks from the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking under standard conditions; 20 others randomly assigned to dyads from the same population were tested under the same conditions except that they were encouraged to hitchhike on one another's ideas but forbidden to repeat an idea produced by the other. Similarly, 24 5-yr.-olds were tested alone and 22 of their randomly selected classmates were tested in dyads. Results indicate that dyadic interaction facilitated originality of thinking but the differences are stronger for the college students than for the 5-yr.-olds.}, + pages = {391--394}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Psychological Reports}, + shortjournal = {Psychol Rep}, + author = {Torrance, E. Paul}, + urldate = {2023-11-26}, + date = {1970-04}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.5772/intechopen.81086}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/57YKTQ82/W. Johnson and T. Johnson - 2019 - Cooperative Learning The Foundation for Active Le.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Torrance - 1970 - Influence of Dyadic Interaction on Creative Functi.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/8PWSSRZB/Torrance - 1970 - Influence of Dyadic Interaction on Creative Functi.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{maher_learning_2004, - title = {Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Implications for Curriculum Design and Student Learning}, - volume = {3}, - issn = {14738376}, - url = {http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/hlst/documents/johlste/vol3no2/0078.pdf}, - doi = {10.3794/johlste.32.78}, - shorttitle = {Learning Outcomes in Higher Education}, - pages = {46--54}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {The Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport and Tourism}, - shortjournal = {{JoHLSTE}}, - author = {Maher, Angela}, - urldate = {2023-01-09}, - date = {2004-11-30}, - file = {Maher - 2004 - Learning Outcomes in Higher Education Implication.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7EV78G4J/Maher - 2004 - Learning Outcomes in Higher Education Implication.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{noauthor_inverted_2023, + location = {S.l.}, + title = {{INVERTED} {CLASSROOM} {AND} {BEYOND} 2023: agile didaktik fur nachhaltige bildung}, + isbn = {978-3-7526-4526-2}, + shorttitle = {{INVERTED} {CLASSROOM} {AND} {BEYOND} 2023}, + publisher = {{BOOKS} {ON} {DEMAND}}, + date = {2023}, + note = {{OCLC}: 1396144169}, + file = {2023 - INVERTED CLASSROOM AND BEYOND 2023 agile didaktik.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/DD6Q5SX6/2023 - INVERTED CLASSROOM AND BEYOND 2023 agile didaktik.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{reusser_kurt_kompetenzorientierung_2014, - title = {Kompetenzorientierung als Leitbegriff der Didaktik}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - issn = {0259-353X}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=13873}, - doi = {10.25656/01:13873}, - abstract = {This introductory article considers the notion of competence orientation as a pedagogical key concept from the perspective of knowledge education. Also along the lines of the guiding idea of competence orientation, the cultural dimension of knowledge and subject-specific instruction still remains a crucial pivot of education. This means that the knowledge-related kernel of education is not diminished, and that the role of teachers and instruction is not devalued either. Against this background, the article addresses the implications of competence-oriented instruction for actual (subject-specific) teaching practice, and pursues the questions pertaining to the role of teachers as diagnosticians and creators of learning settings.}, - author = {Reusser, Kurt}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-01-09}, - date = {2014}, - langid = {german}, - note = {Publisher: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ({SGL}) : Langnau, Emmental}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Competency-based method, Didakik, Kompetenzorientierte Methode, Lehrerbildung, Teacher education, Teachers' training}, - file = {Reusser, Kurt - 2014 - Kompetenzorientierung als Leitbegriff der Didaktik.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/DP6FLZLR/Reusser, Kurt - 2014 - Kompetenzorientierung als Leitbegriff der Didaktik.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{doolittle_defining_2023, + title = {Defining Active Learning: A Restricted Systemic Review}, + volume = {11}, + issn = {2167-4787, 2167-4779}, + url = {https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/TLI/article/view/76484}, + doi = {10.20343/teachlearninqu.11.25}, + shorttitle = {Defining Active Learning}, + abstract = {What is active learning? While active learning has been demonstrated to have positive impacts on student learning and performance, defining the concept has been elusive. Previous research examining active learning definitions in {STEM} fields found that the vast majority of published articles did not define active learning, and those that did defined active learning as interacting, engaging, or not lecturing. The current research extends this {STEM}-focused work by examining both social science and {STEM} science publications. A restricted systematic review of literature was conducted using the {SCOPUS} database, resulting in 547 relevant articles focused on active learning from 2017 to 2022. An examination of the articles indicated that 71\% of the reviewed articles did not define active learning and that the instructional strategies most often cited as fostering active learning emphasized social interactive learning strategies (e.g., small groups, team-based learning, discussion, and cooperative learning), as well as critical thinking strategies (e.g., problem-based learning, case-based learning, and inquiry-based learning). In addition, an in-depth qualitative analysis of the 161 definitions provided within the articles yielded three main emergent themes: (a) active learning is defined as grounded in student-centered constructivist theory, (b) active learning is defined as promoting higher-order thinking and deep learning, and (c) active learning is defined as an instructional strategy involving activity, participation, and engagement. Given these main findings, a representative definition was created: Active learning is a student-centered approach to the construction of knowledge focused on activities and strategies that foster higher-order thinking.}, + journaltitle = {Teaching and Learning Inquiry}, + shortjournal = {{TLI}}, + author = {Doolittle, Peter and Wojdak, Krista and Walters, Amanda}, + urldate = {2023-11-24}, + date = {2023-09-22}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/2DVH4ZF8/Doolittle et al. - 2023 - Defining Active Learning A Restricted Systemic Re.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{jutte_handbuch_2020, - location = {Wiesbaden [Heidelberg]}, - title = {Handbuch Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung}, - isbn = {978-3-658-17643-3 978-3-658-17642-6 978-3-658-28639-2}, - pagetotal = {627}, - publisher = {Springer {VS}}, - editor = {Jütte, Wolfgang and Rohs, Matthias}, - date = {2020}, - file = {978-3-658-17643-3.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/6XDKAIPL/978-3-658-17643-3.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BPXPY9YX/Jütte and Rohs - 2020 - Handbuch Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{cao_using_2023, + title = {Using productive failure to learn genetics in a game-based environment}, + issn = {1573-1952}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-023-09644-6}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-023-09644-6}, + abstract = {This study explored the use of an innovative instructional approach called Productive Failure ({PF}) to design an educational game and its support. The study then examined the effects of two different types of instruction—{PF} vs. Direct Instruction ({DI})—on learning genetics and relevant mathematical knowledge in a Game-Based Learning ({GBL}) environment. One hundred fifty-seven Year 10 students from two high schools participated in two quasi-experimental studies. The participants were divided into two treatment groups: one group learned targeted concepts using {PF} with {GBL} ({PF}-{GBL}), while the other group learned the same concepts using {DI} with {GBL} ({DI}-{GBL}). The results of the first study indicated that the {PF}-{GBL} group showed significantly higher learning gains than the {DI}-{GBL} group on explanatory genetics knowledge. In the second study, no group difference was found between the {PF}-{GBL} group and the {DI}-{GBL} group on learning genetics and relevant mathematical knowledge. Implications of findings, limitations, and future research are discussed.}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Cao, Lu and Lai, Polly K. and Yang, Hongzhi}, + urldate = {2023-11-23}, + date = {2023-11-04}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Game-based learning, Genetics education, Productive failure, Science education}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/3UDBZ5PA/Cao et al. - 2023 - Using productive failure to learn genetics in a ga.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@book{kounin_discipline_1970, + location = {New York, {NY}}, + title = {Discipline and group management in classrooms}, + isbn = {978-0-03-078210-7}, + pagetotal = {178}, + publisher = {Holt, Rinehart \& Winston}, + author = {Kounin, Jacob S.}, + date = {1970}, + file = {Kounin - 1970 - Discipline and group management in classrooms.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9LVTCNE8/Kounin - 1970 - Discipline and group management in classrooms.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@book{kounin_techniken_2006, + location = {Münster New York München Berlin}, + title = {Techniken der Klassenführung}, + isbn = {978-3-8309-1517-1}, + series = {Standardwerke aus Psychologie und Pädagogik Reprints}, + abstract = {Klassenführung als Aufgabe verlangt die Anwendung einer komplizierten Technologie zur Entwicklung Überdruss vermeidender Lernprogramme; zur Vorprogrammierung von Lernfortschritt; intellektueller Herausforderung und Abwechslung beim Lernen; zur Auslösung und Sicherung eines reibungslosen, schwungvollen Unterrichtsablaufs; zur simultanen Kontrolle von mehreren gleichzeitigen Vorgängen; zur rückkoppelnden Beobachtung verschiedener Ergebnisse und zur Adressierung von Handlungen an die richtigen Objekte. Kounins Techniken der Klassenführung sollen nicht Selbstzweck sein, sondern eine technologische Voraussetzung, um dem Lehrer jene Handlungsspielräume zu verschaffen, die Voraussetzung für einen entspannten, erfolgreichen Unterricht und damit für eine pädagogisch wünschenswerte Entwicklung der einzelnen Schüler darstellen. Sie bieten geeignete Informationen zur besseren Selbstbeobachtung und Selbststeuerung in den wechselnden Situationen des schulischen Alltags}, + pagetotal = {175}, + number = {3}, + publisher = {Waxmann}, + author = {Kounin, Jacob S.}, + translator = {Gellert, Maja and Gellert, Claudius}, + date = {2006}, + file = {Kounin2006a.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7EKN4G54/Kounin2006a.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/NIEVT3N4/Kounin - 2006 - Techniken der Klassenführung.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{lehner_phantastische_1997, - location = {Weinheim}, - edition = {2., überarb. Aufl., Dr. nach Typoskript}, - title = {Phantastische Lernwelt: vom "Wissensvermittler" zum "Lernhelfer" ; Anregungen für die Seminar-Praxis ; eine Ideensammlung für Dozenten, Trainer und Lehrer in der Weiterbildung}, - isbn = {978-3-89271-362-3}, - shorttitle = {Phantastische Lernwelt}, - pagetotal = {148}, - publisher = {Dt. Studien-Verl}, - author = {Lehner, Martin and Ziep, Klaus-Dieter}, - date = {1997}, - file = {Lehner,_Martin_Ziep,_Klaus-Dieter.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/C6KEVPSZ/Lehner,_Martin_Ziep,_Klaus-Dieter.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/K3BMYG2E/Lehner and Ziep - 1997 - Phantastische Lernwelt vom Wissensvermittler zu.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{kapur_examining_2016, + title = {Examining Productive Failure, Productive Success, Unproductive Failure, and Unproductive Success in Learning}, + volume = {51}, + issn = {0046-1520, 1532-6985}, + url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00461520.2016.1155457}, + doi = {10.1080/00461520.2016.1155457}, + pages = {289--299}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychologist}, + shortjournal = {Educational Psychologist}, + author = {Kapur, Manu}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2016-04-02}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Kapur - 2016 - Examining Productive Failure, Productive Success, .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/VJHEWRDM/Kapur - 2016 - Examining Productive Failure, Productive Success, .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{pfaffli_lehren_2005, - location = {Bern}, - title = {Lehren an Hochschulen: eine Hochschuldidaktik für den Aufbau von Wissen und Kompetenzen}, - isbn = {978-3-258-06871-8}, - shorttitle = {Lehren an Hochschulen}, - pagetotal = {287}, - publisher = {Haupt}, - author = {Pfäffli, Brigitta K.}, - date = {2005}, - keywords = {Germany, College teaching}, - file = {Pfäffli - 2005 - Lehren an Hochschulen eine Hochschuldidaktik für .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/F3WQL7W7/Pfäffli - 2005 - Lehren an Hochschulen eine Hochschuldidaktik für .pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{kyndt_meta-analysis_2013, + title = {A meta-analysis of the effects of face-to-face cooperative learning. Do recent studies falsify or verify earlier findings?}, + volume = {10}, + issn = {1747938X}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1747938X13000122}, + doi = {10.1016/j.edurev.2013.02.002}, + pages = {133--149}, + journaltitle = {Educational Research Review}, + shortjournal = {Educational Research Review}, + author = {Kyndt, Eva and Raes, Elisabeth and Lismont, Bart and Timmers, Fran and Cascallar, Eduardo and Dochy, Filip}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2013-12}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Kyndt et al. - 2013 - A meta-analysis of the effects of face-to-face coo.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/53GY4DDL/Kyndt et al. - 2013 - A meta-analysis of the effects of face-to-face coo.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{zendler_unterrichtsmethoden_2018, - location = {Wiesbaden [Heidelberg]}, - title = {Unterrichtsmethoden für {MINT}-Fächer: Bausteine für die Verbesserung von Lernwirksamkeit und Unterrichtsqualität}, - isbn = {978-3-658-22513-1 978-3-658-22512-4}, - series = {Lehrbuch}, - shorttitle = {Unterrichtsmethoden für {MINT}-Fächer}, - pagetotal = {235}, - publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, - editor = {Zendler, Andreas}, - date = {2018}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-22513-1}, - file = {978-3-658-22513-1.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/856PHU8P/978-3-658-22513-1.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/8G2SLQ26/Zendler - 2018 - Unterrichtsmethoden für MINT-Fächer Bausteine für.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{sung_effects_2017, + title = {The Effects of Mobile-Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Meta-Analysis and Critical Synthesis}, + volume = {87}, + issn = {0034-6543, 1935-1046}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/0034654317704307}, + doi = {10.3102/0034654317704307}, + shorttitle = {The Effects of Mobile-Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning}, + pages = {768--805}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Review of Educational Research}, + shortjournal = {Review of Educational Research}, + author = {Sung, Yao-Ting and Yang, Je-Ming and Lee, Han-Yueh}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2017-08}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FSDXG54D/Sung et al. - 2017 - The Effects of Mobile-Computer-Supported Collabora.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{muhlhauser_delfi_2006, - location = {Bonn}, - title = {{DeLFI} 2006: 4. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 11. - 14. September 2006 in Darmstadt, Germany}, - isbn = {978-3-88579-181-2}, - series = {{GI}-Edition Proceedings}, - shorttitle = {{DeLFI} 2006}, - pagetotal = {406}, - number = {87}, - publisher = {Ges. für Informatik}, - editor = {Mühlhäuser, Max and Rößling, Guido and Steinmetz, Ralf}, - date = {2006}, - note = {Meeting Name: {DeLFI}}, - file = {GI-Proceedings-87-4.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/6BXVDVIK/GI-Proceedings-87-4.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/Y95F2IEJ/Mühlhäuser et al. - 2006 - DeLFI 2006 4. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 1.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{tenenbaum_how_2020, + title = {How effective is peer interaction in facilitating learning? A meta-analysis}, + volume = {112}, + issn = {1939-2176}, + doi = {10.1037/edu0000436}, + shorttitle = {How effective is peer interaction in facilitating learning?}, + abstract = {Decades of research indicate that peer interaction, where individuals discuss or work on a task collaboratively, may be beneficial for children’s and adolescents’ learning. Yet, we do not know which features of interaction may be related to learning from peer interaction. This meta-analysis examined results from 62 articles with 71 studies into peer interaction, involving a total of 7,103 participants aged 4 to 18 years. Peer interaction was effective in promoting learning in comparison with other types of learning conditions, Hedges’ g = 0.40, 95\% confidence interval [{CI}: 0.27, 0.54], p {\textless} .0001, across different gender and age groups. In contrast, however, peer interaction was not more effective than child–adult dyadic interaction. Moderator analyses also indicated that peer interaction is more effective when children are specifically instructed to reach consensus than when they are not. Findings extend theoretical considerations by teasing apart the processes through which children learn from peer interactions and offer practical implications for the effective use of peer interaction techniques in the classroom. ({PsycInfo} Database Record (c) 2020 {APA}, all rights reserved)}, + pages = {1303--1319}, + number = {7}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, + author = {Tenenbaum, Harriet R. and Winstone, Naomi E. and Leman, Patrick J. and Avery, Rachel E.}, + date = {2020}, + note = {Place: {US} +Publisher: American Psychological Association}, + keywords = {Conversation, Dyads, Learning, Peer Relations, Social Interaction}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/3LJZEGI2/doiLanding.html:text/html;Submitted Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UATGWMGW/Tenenbaum et al. - 2020 - How effective is peer interaction in facilitating .pdf:application/pdf;tenenbaum2020.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/J6LR57YW/tenenbaum2020.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{zendler_unterrichtsmethoden_2018-1, - location = {Wiesbaden [Heidelberg]}, - title = {Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht: mit praktischen Beispielen für prozess- und ergebnisorientiertes Lehren}, - isbn = {978-3-658-20675-8 978-3-658-20674-1}, - series = {Lehrbuch}, - shorttitle = {Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht}, - abstract = {Zu den meisten Unterrichtsfächern findet man heute umfangreiche Standardwerke zum Thema Unterrichtsmethoden, nur für das Fach Informatik existiert keine vergleichbare Literatur. Dabei zeigt ein Blick auf die Bildungspläne aller Bundesländer, dass sich die Informatik als Unterrichtsfach in den Sekundarstufen I und {II} etablieren wird. Das vorliegende Buch versteht sich als ein Beitrag zur Schliessung dieser Lücke in der Informatikdidaktik. (Verlagstext)}, - pagetotal = {220}, - publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, - editor = {Zendler, Andreas}, - date = {2018}, - file = {978-3-658-20675-8.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/5ZBMEIDB/978-3-658-20675-8.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QT5TANDG/Zendler - 2018 - Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht .pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{hartmann_productive_2022, + title = {Productive versus vicarious failure: Do students need to fail themselves in order to learn?}, + volume = {36}, + rights = {© 2022 The Authors. Applied Cognitive Psychology published by John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.}, + issn = {1099-0720}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/acp.4004}, + doi = {10.1002/acp.4004}, + shorttitle = {Productive versus vicarious failure}, + abstract = {Productive Failure is an instructional approach in which students engage in problem-solving attempts prior to instruction. The Productive Failure approach has been found to be more supportive for conceptual knowledge acquisition during subsequent instruction compared to a direct-instruction condition in which students receive instruction first followed by problem solving. Failing at problem-solving attempts prior to instruction is considered to prepare students to better understand the concepts underlying the problem. However, it is an open question whether students need to fail themselves to be effectively prepared for subsequent instruction. We therefore compared the effectiveness of two alternative preparatory activities: Students either engaged in problem-solving attempts themselves or were shown problem-solving attempts of another student. This experimental variation allows to show the necessity of own failure for the effectiveness of the {PF} approach. The results indicated that the two conditions were equally effective at preparing students for subsequent instruction.}, + pages = {1219--1233}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {Applied Cognitive Psychology}, + author = {Hartmann, Christian and van Gog, Tamara and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2022}, + langid = {english}, + note = {\_eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/acp.4004}, + keywords = {conceptual knowledge acquisition, example-based learning, observational learning, productive failure, vicarious failure}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/83VURVIU/Hartmann et al. - 2022 - Productive versus vicarious failure Do students n.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/NV69XMY4/acp.html:text/html}, } -@book{bruder_handbuch_2014, - location = {Berlin}, - edition = {1., 2014}, - title = {Handbuch der Mathematikdidaktik}, - isbn = {978-3-642-35119-8}, - publisher = {Springer Berlin}, - author = {Bruder, Regina and Hefendehl-Hebeker, Lisa and Schmidt-Thieme, Barbara and Weigand, Hans-Georg}, - date = {2014}, - file = {Bruder et al. - 2014 - Handbuch der Mathematikdidaktik.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BQLE2W35/Bruder et al. - 2014 - Handbuch der Mathematikdidaktik.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{hartmann_preparatory_2021, + title = {Preparatory effects of problem solving versus studying examples prior to instruction}, + volume = {49}, + issn = {1573-1952}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-020-09528-z}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-020-09528-z}, + abstract = {The Productive Failure ({PF}) approach prompts students to attempt to solve a problem prior to instruction – at which point they typically fail. Yet, research on {PF} shows that students who are involved in problem solving prior to instruction gain more conceptual knowledge from the subsequent instruction compared to students who receive the instruction first. So far, there is no conclusive evidence, however, that the beneficial effects of {PF} are explained by the attempt to generate one’s own solutions prior to instruction. The literature on example-based learning suggests that observing someone else engaging in problem-solving attempts may be an equally effective means to prepare students for instruction. In an experimental study, we compared a {PF} condition, in which students were actively engaged in problem solving prior to instruction, to two example conditions, in which students either observed the complete problem-solving-and-failing process of another student engaging in {PF} or looked at the outcome of this process (i.e., another student’s failed solution attempts). Rather than worked examples of the correct solution procedure, the students observed examples of failed solution attempts. We found that students’ own problem solving was not superior to the two example conditions. In fact, students who observed the complete {PF} process even outperformed students who engaged in {PF} themselves. Additional analyses revealed that the students’ prior knowledge moderated this effect: While students who observed the complete {PF} process were able to take advantage of their prior knowledge to gain more conceptual knowledge from the subsequent instruction, prior knowledge did not affect students’ post-test performance in the {PF} condition.}, + pages = {1--21}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Hartmann, Christian and van Gog, Tamara and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2021-02-01}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Productive failure, Conceptual knowledge acquisition, Example-based learning, Mathematics, Observational learning, Vicarious failure}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9HPH3RKE/Hartmann et al. - 2021 - Preparatory effects of problem solving versus stud.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{morgan_speaking_2006, - location = {Cambridge ; New York}, - title = {Speaking about science: a manual for creating clear presentations}, - isbn = {978-0-521-86681-1 978-0-521-68345-6}, - shorttitle = {Speaking about science}, - pagetotal = {126}, - publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, - author = {Morgan, Scott and Whitener, Barrett}, - date = {2006}, - note = {{OCLC}: ocm64688488}, - keywords = {Communication in science, Congresses, Public speaking, Science, Vocational guidance}, - file = {Morgan and Whitener - 2006 - Speaking about science a manual for creating clea.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/HP2ST9I2/Morgan and Whitener - 2006 - Speaking about science a manual for creating clea.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{hartmann_examples_2020, + title = {Do examples of failure effectively prepare students for learning from subsequent instruction?}, + volume = {34}, + rights = {© 2020 The Authors. Applied Cognitive Psychology published by John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.}, + issn = {1099-0720}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/acp.3651}, + doi = {10.1002/acp.3651}, + abstract = {Studies on the productive failure ({PF}) approach have demonstrated that attempting to solve a problem prepares students more effectively for later instruction compared to observing failed problem-solving attempts prior to instruction. However, the examples of failure used in these studies did not display the problem-solving-and-failing process, which may have limited the preparatory effects. In this quasi-experiment, we investigated whether observing someone else engaging in problem solving can prepare students for instruction, and whether examples that show the problem-solving-and -failing process are more effective than those that only show the outcome of this process. We also explored whether the perceived model–observer similarity had an impact on the effectiveness of observing examples of failure. The results showed that observing examples effectively prepares students for learning from instruction. However, observing the model's problem-solving-and-failing process did not prepare students more effectively than merely looking at the outcome. Studying examples were more effective if model–observer similarity was high.}, + pages = {879--889}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Applied Cognitive Psychology}, + author = {Hartmann, Christian and van Gog, Tamara and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2020}, + langid = {english}, + note = {\_eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/acp.3651}, + keywords = {conceptual knowledge acquisition, example-based learning, observational learning, productive failure, vicarious failure, mathematics}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ACACMYPD/Hartmann et al. - 2020 - Do examples of failure effectively prepare student.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/F4AKUSFA/acp.html:text/html}, } -@collection{kauffeld_handbuch_2019, - location = {Wiesbaden [Heidelberg]}, - title = {Handbuch innovative Lehre: mit 91 Abbildungen}, - isbn = {978-3-658-22797-5 978-3-658-22796-8}, - shorttitle = {Handbuch innovative Lehre}, - pagetotal = {470}, - publisher = {Springer}, - editor = {Kauffeld, Simone and Othmer, Julius}, - date = {2019}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-22797-5}, - file = {978-3-658-22797-5.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/A9KWEFWH/978-3-658-22797-5.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/95U3TIIK/Kauffeld and Othmer - 2019 - Handbuch innovative Lehre mit 91 Abbildungen.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{loibl_knowing_2014, + title = {Knowing what you don't know makes failure productive}, + volume = {34}, + issn = {0959-4752}, + url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959475214000656}, + doi = {10.1016/j.learninstruc.2014.08.004}, + abstract = {To progress from intuitive ideas to deep conceptual understanding, students need to become aware of gaps in their ideas. Attempting to solve problems prior to instruction may lead to a global awareness of knowledge gaps (i.e., awareness without being able to identify which specific component is lacking). These gaps may subsequently be specified by comparing students' solutions to the canonical solution. In our first experiment, the teacher highlighted specific gaps by comparing typical student solutions to the canonical solution before or after problem solving. The second experiment varied the factors form of instruction (with or without student solutions) and timing of instruction (problem-solving prior to or after instruction). Problem-solving prior to instruction triggered a global awareness of knowledge gaps. While this was beneficial for learning when combined with instruction with student solutions, our results indicate that comparing student solutions during instruction to specify the gaps is the most relevant factor.}, + pages = {74--85}, + journaltitle = {Learning and Instruction}, + shortjournal = {Learning and Instruction}, + author = {Loibl, Katharina and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2014-12-01}, + keywords = {Productive failure, Comparison, Delaying instruction, Knowledge gap, Learning from errors}, + file = {ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6QNNXXFT/Loibl and Rummel - 2014 - Knowing what you don't know makes failure producti.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/BBJGV7KU/S0959475214000656.html:text/html}, } -@book{flechsig_kleines_1996, - location = {Eichenzell}, - title = {Kleines Handbuch didaktischer Modelle}, - isbn = {978-3-931403-07-2}, - abstract = {Das "Kleine Handbuch didaktischer Modelle" ist Teil eines umfassenden Systems didaktischen Wissens, des "Göttinger Katalogs Didaktischer Modelle" ({GKDM}). Dieser dient der Sammlung, Ordnung, Synthese und Vermittlung von Wissen über die Vielfalt der Formen organisierten Lehrens und Lernens. Dabei geht es um Lehren und Lernen an den verschiedensten Lernorten und in unterschiedlichen Kulturen. Es geht um allgemeinbildendes und berufsbildendes, wissenschaftliches und praktisches, traditionales und innovatives, elementares und komplexes Lernen. Inhaltsverzeichnis: I. Einleitung - 1. Ein Plädoyer für didaktische Vielfalt 2. Wie sich didaktische Vielfalt entwickelte 3. Didaktische Modelle als Rekonstruktionen von Unterrichtswirklichkeit 4. Didaktische Modelle als "Konstruktionspläne und Handlungsempfehlungen" - {II}. Beschreibungen der 20 didaktischen Modelle - 1. Arbeitsunterricht 2. Disputation 3. Erkundung 4. Fallmethode 5. Famulatur 6. Fernunterricht 7. Frontalunterricht 8. Individualisierter Programmierter Unterricht 9. Individueller Lernplatz 10. Kleingruppen-Lerngespräch 11. Lernausstellung 12. Lerndialog 13. Lernkabinett 14. Lernkonferenz 15. Lernnetzwerk 16. Lernprojekt 17. Simulation 18. Tutorium 19. Vorlesung 20. Werkstattseminar. ({TUB}/übern.)}, - pagetotal = {253}, - publisher = {Neuland - Verl. für lebendiges Lernen}, - author = {Flechsig, Karl-Heinz}, - date = {1996}, - file = {M2_Flechsig (1996).pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/3RS2RRR7/M2_Flechsig (1996).pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/8STQ5FL2/Flechsig - 1996 - Kleines Handbuch didaktischer Modelle.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{loibl_impact_2014, + title = {The impact of guidance during problem-solving prior to instruction on students’ inventions and learning outcomes}, + volume = {42}, + issn = {1573-1952}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-013-9282-5}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-013-9282-5}, + abstract = {Multiple studies have shown benefits of problem-solving prior to instruction (cf. Productive Failure, Invention) in comparison to direct instruction. However, students’ solutions prior to instruction are usually erroneous or incomplete. In analogy to guided discovery learning, it might therefore be fruitful to lead students towards the discovery of the canonical solution. In two quasi-experimental studies with 104 students and 175 students, respectively, we compared three conditions: problem-solving prior to instruction, guided problem-solving prior to instruction in which students were led towards the discovery of relevant solution components, and direct instruction. We replicated the beneficial effects of problem-solving prior to instruction in comparison to direct instruction on posttest items testing for conceptual knowledge. Our process analysis further revealed that guidance helped students to invent better solutions. However, the solution quality did not correlate with the posttest results in the guided condition, indicating that leading students towards the solution does not additionally promote learning. This interpretation is supported by the finding that the two conditions with problem-solving prior to instruction did not differ significantly at posttest. The second study replicated these findings with a greater sample size. The results indicate that different mechanisms underlie guided discovery learning and problem-solving prior to instruction: In guided discovery learning, the discovery of an underlying model is inherent to the method. In contrast, the effectiveness of problem-solving prior to instruction does not depend on students’ discovery of the canonical solution, but on the cognitive processes related to problem-solving, which prepare students for a deeper understanding during subsequent instruction.}, + pages = {305--326}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Loibl, Katharina and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2014-05-01}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Discovery learning, Guidance, Invention, Problem-solving, Productive Failure}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/59HA56KV/Loibl and Rummel - 2014 - The impact of guidance during problem-solving prio.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{lehner_didaktische_2020, - location = {Bern}, - edition = {2. Auflage}, - title = {Didaktische Reduktion}, - isbn = {978-3-8385-5383-2}, - publisher = {Haupt}, - author = {Lehner, Martin}, - date = {2020}, - note = {{OCLC}: 1226322774}, - file = {Lehner - 2020 - Didaktische Reduktion.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BYHZH5VN/Lehner - 2020 - Didaktische Reduktion.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{loibl_effect_2020, + title = {The effect of contrasting cases during problem solving prior to and after instruction}, + volume = {48}, + issn = {0020-4277, 1573-1952}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11251-020-09504-7}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-020-09504-7}, + abstract = {Abstract + + Research on productive failure suggests that attempting to solve a problem prior to instruction facilitates conceptual understanding compared to receiving instruction prior to problem solving. The assumptions are that during the problem-solving phase, students activate their prior knowledge, become aware of their knowledge gaps, and discover deep features of the target content, which prepares them to better process the subsequent instruction. Unclear is whether this effect results from merely changing the order of the learning phases (i.e., instruction or problem solving first) or from additional features, such as presenting problem-solving material in the form of cases that differ in one feature at a time. Contrasting such cases may highlight the deep features and provide grounded feedback to students’ problem-solving attempts. In addition, the effect of the order of instruction and problem solving on procedural fluency is still unclear. The present experiment ( + N +  = 181, mean age = 14.53) investigated in a 2 × 2 design the effects of order (instruction or problem solving first) and of contrasting cases in the problem-solving material (yes/no) on conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Additionally, the quality and quantity of students’ solution attempts from the problem-solving phase were coded. Regarding the learning outcomes, the {ANOVA} results suggest that for procedural fluency instruction prior to problem solving was more beneficial than problem solving prior to instruction. Merely delaying instruction did not increase conceptual understanding. The contrasting cases did not affect the quality of solution attempts, nor the posttest results. As expected, students who received instruction first generated fewer, but higher-quality solution attempts.}, + pages = {115--136}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Loibl, Katharina and Tillema, Marcel and Rummel, Nikol and Van Gog, Tamara}, + urldate = {2023-11-22}, + date = {2020-04}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/3I25HQ9R/Loibl et al. - 2020 - The effect of contrasting cases during problem sol.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{gerstenmaier_jochen_methodologie_2001, - title = {Methodologie und Empirie zum situierten Lernen}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - issn = {0252-9955}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=3775}, - doi = {10.25656/01:3775}, - abstract = {If new theoretical approaches emerge from criticism of established theories, they have to prove reasonable in the framework of empirical research projects. This is also true for approaches of contextual learning. In this contribution, characteristic features of contextual learning approaches will be described. In addition, the most important research surveys and their designs will be discussed. Following the first predominantly ethno-methodological phase, current research focuses on the investigation of the collaborative culture of learning, analyzing both shared and individual knowledge. At this stage, research is mainly based on the principle of ecological validity, implemented by means of complex designs and field experiments. The presented surveys of five research groups show a change in methodology that is called interactive or integrative methodology. Finally, this contribution refers to possible consequences for educational philosophy and technology. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Gerstenmaier, Jochen and Mandl, Heinz}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-01-09}, - date = {2001}, - langid = {german}, - note = {Publisher: Academic Press : Freiburg, Schweiz}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Bildungsforschung, Educational research, Empirical research, Empirische Forschung, Ethnomethodologie, Kollaboration, Methodologie, Methodology, Situierte Kognition}, - file = {Gerstenmaier, Jochen and Mandl, Heinz - 2001 - Methodologie und Empirie zum situierten Lernen.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/WGTCBMN2/Gerstenmaier, Jochen and Mandl, Heinz - 2001 - Methodologie und Empirie zum situierten Lernen.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{hecht_selbstorganisiertes_2023, + title = {Selbstorganisiertes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht}, + author = {Hecht, Nils}, + date = {2023}, + file = {Masterarbeit_NH.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/HEWE9X4X/Masterarbeit_NH.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{gagne_principles_2005, - location = {Belmont, {CA}}, - edition = {5th ed}, - title = {Principles of instructional design}, - isbn = {978-0-534-58284-5}, - pagetotal = {387}, - publisher = {Thomson/Wadsworth}, - editor = {Gagné, Robert M.}, - date = {2005}, - keywords = {Learning, Design, Instructional systems}, - file = {Gagné - 2005 - Principles of instructional design.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BVU68RST/Gagné - 2005 - Principles of instructional design.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{baucal_what_2023, + title = {What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review}, + issn = {1747938X}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1747938X2300060X}, + doi = {10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100567}, + shorttitle = {What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive}, + pages = {100567}, + journaltitle = {Educational Research Review}, + shortjournal = {Educational Research Review}, + author = {Baucal, Aleksandar and Jošić, Smiljana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Ivanović, Jovan and Krstić, Ksenija}, + urldate = {2023-11-18}, + date = {2023-11}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Baucal et al. - 2023 - What makes peer collaborative problem solving prod.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GQJPUDJT/Baucal et al. - 2023 - What makes peer collaborative problem solving prod.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{anderson_taxonomy_2001, - location = {New York}, - edition = {Complete ed}, - title = {A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives}, - isbn = {978-0-321-08405-7 978-0-8013-1903-7}, - shorttitle = {A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing}, - pagetotal = {352}, - publisher = {Longman}, - editor = {Anderson, Lorin W. and Krathwohl, David R.}, - date = {2001}, - keywords = {Aims and objectives, Benjamin Samuel, Bloom, Benjamin S, Education, Taxonomy of educational objectives}, - file = {Anderson and Krathwohl - 2001 - A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/HY9N59E4/Anderson and Krathwohl - 2001 - A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing .pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{kapur_productive_2012, + title = {Productive failure in learning the concept of variance}, + volume = {40}, + issn = {0020-4277, 1573-1952}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11251-012-9209-6}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-012-9209-6}, + pages = {651--672}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Kapur, Manu}, + urldate = {2023-11-17}, + date = {2012-07}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Submitted Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/B3WAY9G2/Kapur - 2012 - Productive failure in learning the concept of vari.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{hussey_trouble_2002, - title = {The Trouble with Learning Outcomes}, - volume = {3}, - issn = {1469-7874, 1741-2625}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1469787402003003003}, - doi = {10.1177/1469787402003003003}, - abstract = {Recent decades have seen an increasing stress on the need to monitor and manage educators, and hold them to account. This article argues that, while learning outcomes can be valuable if properly used, they have been misappropriated and adopted widely at all levels within the education system to facilitate the managerial process. This has led to their distortion. The claim that they can be made precise by being written with a prescribed vocabulary of special descriptors so as to serve as objective, measurable devices for monitoring performance, is fundamentally mistaken, and they may be damaging to education when used in this way. After a brief sketch of the background to the notion of learning outcomes, arguments are presented to show their vacuity and uselessness when misused in this way, and explanations of their inadequacies are offered.}, - pages = {220--233}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Active Learning in Higher Education}, - shortjournal = {Active Learning in Higher Education}, - author = {Hussey, Trevor and Smith, Patrick}, - urldate = {2023-01-09}, - date = {2002-11}, +@article{kim_social_2018, + title = {Social perspective-taking performance: Construct, measurement, and relations with academic performance and engagement}, + volume = {57}, + issn = {01933973}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0193397317300862}, + doi = {10.1016/j.appdev.2018.05.005}, + shorttitle = {Social perspective-taking performance}, + pages = {24--41}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology}, + author = {Kim, Ha Yeon and {LaRusso}, Maria D. and Hsin, Lisa B. and Harbaugh, Allen G. and Selman, Robert L. and Snow, Catherine E.}, + urldate = {2023-11-16}, + date = {2018-07}, langid = {english}, - file = {Hussey and Smith - 2002 - The Trouble with Learning Outcomes.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/3R8CQ7KC/Hussey and Smith - 2002 - The Trouble with Learning Outcomes.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Kim et al. - 2018 - Social perspective-taking performance Construct, .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IQUHK5EC/Kim et al. - 2018 - Social perspective-taking performance Construct, .pdf:application/pdf;Kodiermanual SPTAMCodebookFINALSelmanDiazgranadosDionne.docx:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/T934Y9ED/Kodiermanual SPTAMCodebookFINALSelmanDiazgranadosDionne.docx:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document;Kodiermanual SPTAMCodebookFINALSelmanDiazgranadosDionne.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XQDY73HY/Kodiermanual SPTAMCodebookFINALSelmanDiazgranadosDionne.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{de_witt_handbuch_2018, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Handbuch Mobile Learning}, - isbn = {978-3-658-19122-1 978-3-658-19123-8}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-19123-8}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - editor = {de Witt, Claudia and Gloerfeld, Christina}, - urldate = {2023-01-09}, - date = {2018}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-19123-8}, - file = {978-3-658-19123-8.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BFMEJMHG/978-3-658-19123-8.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2AASZ5PJ/de Witt and Gloerfeld - 2018 - Handbuch Mobile Learning.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{findeisen_lernen_2019, + title = {Lernen durch Videos – Empirische Befunde zur Gestaltung von Erklärvideos}, + issn = {1424-3636}, + url = {https://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/691}, + doi = {10.21240/mpaed/00/2019.10.01.X}, + abstract = {Sowohl im privaten Umfeld als auch im schulischen Bereich gewinnen Erklärvideos zunehmend an Bedeutung. Empirische Befunde belegen positive Effekte von Erklärvideos für kognitive (Wissenszuwachs) sowie für nicht-kognitive Faktoren (z.B. Motivation, Aufmerksamkeit). Dies gilt sowohl für die Rezeption als auch die Produktion von Videoerklärungen. Darüber hinaus befassen sich empirische Studien zunehmend mit der Analyse der Wirkung verschiedener Gestaltungselemente von Erklärvideos (z.B. Interaktivität, Eigenschaften der erklärenden Person). Der Beitrag verfolgt das Ziel, vorliegende empirische Befunde zu verschiedenen Gestaltungselementen zu systematisieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 24 Studien gesichtet, die sich mit der Wirkung einzelner Gestaltungselemente befassen. Auf Basis der Befunde werden Gestaltungsempfehlungen für Erklärvideos ausgesprochen. Es zeigt sich, dass insbesondere der Einsatz interaktiver Elemente bedeutsam für den Lernerfolg ist. Zudem wirken sich die gewählte Perspektive (d.h. die Entscheidung, ob das Video aus der Sicht des Erklärenden oder der Person, die das Modell beobachtet, gezeigt wird) sowie das Design (z.B. Ästhetik) signifikant auf den Lernerfolg aus. Mit Blick auf die erklärende Person scheint lediglich das Alter bedeutsam zu sein – nicht jedoch das Geschlecht oder deren Sichtbarkeit im Erklärvideo.}, + pages = {16--36}, + journaltitle = {{MedienPädagogik}: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung}, + shortjournal = {{MedienPädagogik}}, + author = {Findeisen, Stefanie and Horn, Sebastian and Seifried, Jürgen}, + urldate = {2023-11-15}, + date = {2019-10-01}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/4VQS7GKS/Findeisen et al. - 2019 - Lernen durch Videos – Empirische Befunde zur Gesta.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{chan_teaching_2015, - location = {Cham}, - title = {Teaching Anatomy}, - isbn = {978-3-319-08929-4 978-3-319-08930-0}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-08930-0}, - publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, - editor = {Chan, Lap Ki and Pawlina, Wojciech}, - urldate = {2023-01-13}, - date = {2015}, +@article{kulgemeyer_exploring_2016, + title = {Exploring the explaining quality of physics online explanatory videos}, + volume = {37}, + issn = {0143-0807}, + url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0143-0807/37/6/065705}, + doi = {10.1088/0143-0807/37/6/065705}, + abstract = {Explaining skills are among the most important skills educators possess. Those skills have also been researched in recent years. During the same period, another medium has additionally emerged and become a popular source of information for learners: online explanatory videos, chiefly from the online video sharing website {YouTube}. Their content and explaining quality remain to this day mostly unmonitored, as well is their educational impact in formal contexts such as schools or universities. In this study, a framework for explaining quality, which has emerged from surveying explaining skills in expert-novice face-to-face dialogues, was used to explore the explaining quality of such videos (36 {YouTube} explanatory videos on Kepler’s laws and 15 videos on Newton’s third law). The framework consists of 45 categories derived from physics education research that deal with explanation techniques. {YouTube} provides its own ‘quality measures’ based on surface features including ‘likes’, views, and comments for each video. The question is whether or not these measures provide valid information for educators and students if they have to decide which video to use. We compared the explaining quality with those measures. Our results suggest that there is a correlation between explaining quality and only one of these measures: the number of content-related comments.}, + pages = {065705}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {European Journal of Physics}, + shortjournal = {Eur. J. Phys.}, + author = {Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Peters, Cord H.}, + urldate = {2023-11-15}, + date = {2016-09}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08930-0}, - file = {978-3-319-08930-0.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FMK9NX4M/978-3-319-08930-0.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/B5UMSSPL/Chan and Pawlina - 2015 - Teaching Anatomy.pdf:application/pdf}, + note = {Publisher: {IOP} Publishing}, + file = {IOP Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KHDP7D3K/Kulgemeyer and Peters - 2016 - Exploring the explaining quality of physics online.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{biggs_teaching_2011, - location = {Maidenhead, England New York, {NY}}, - edition = {4th edition}, - title = {Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does}, - isbn = {978-0-335-24275-7}, - series = {{SRHE} and Open University Press imprint}, - shorttitle = {Teaching for quality learning at university}, - pagetotal = {389}, - publisher = {{McGraw}-Hill, Society for Research into Higher Education \& Open University Press}, - author = {Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine So-kum}, - editora = {Society for Research into Higher Education}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - date = {2011}, - file = {(The Society for Research into Higher Education) John Biggs and Catherine Tang - Teaching for Quality Learning at University_ What the Student Does, 4th Edition (The Society for Research into Higher E.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RHTUW56S/(The Society for Research into Higher Education) John Biggs and Catherine Tang - Teaching for Quality Learning at University_ What the Student Does, 4th Edition (The Society for Research into Higher .pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/EWZXRNQF/Biggs and Tang - 2011 - Teaching for quality learning at university what .pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{kulgemeyer_framework_2020, + title = {A Framework of Effective Science Explanation Videos Informed by Criteria for Instructional Explanations}, + volume = {50}, + issn = {1573-1898}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-018-9787-7}, + doi = {10.1007/s11165-018-9787-7}, + abstract = {Science explanation videos, especially online ones, have become popular. They cover nearly all topics from school science curricula. Teachers use them in a flipped classroom. Students watch them also in their leisure time. However, there is a lack of research on guidelines that effective science explanation videos should follow. The research on instructional explanations provides essential insights into the effectiveness of science explanation videos. The goal of the present article is to develop a framework for effective science explanation videos. The development consists of two steps. First, criteria for a high explaining quality are derived from the research on effective instructional explanations. That leads to a coherent theoretical framework that requires empirical justification. The second step, therefore, is an exploration of the effects of the framework. We developed two explanation videos: one high explaining quality ({HE}) video following the framework and one low explaining quality ({LE}) video explicitly not following the framework. Both videos, however, are scientifically correct and provide the same learning opportunities. Students from a German high school assigned to two groups (n = 90; n = 86) watched, respectively, the {HE} and {LE} videos, and participated in tests for declarative and conceptual knowledge before and after watching the videos. The main result is that the {HE} group outperformed the {LE} group in the achievement of declarative knowledge (Cohen’s d = .42, p = .007). We interpret that as an argument for the validity of the framework of effective science explanation videos presented in this article.}, + pages = {2441--2462}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {Research in Science Education}, + shortjournal = {Res Sci Educ}, + author = {Kulgemeyer, Christoph}, + urldate = {2023-11-15}, + date = {2020-12-01}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Achievement, Explanation videos, Explanatory videos, Flipped classroom, Instructional explanations, Instructional videos}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/U8HRYBGN/Kulgemeyer - 2020 - A Framework of Effective Science Explanation Video.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{de_bruyckere_urban_2015, - location = {Amsterdam ; Boston}, - title = {Urban myths about learning and education}, - isbn = {978-0-12-801537-7}, - pagetotal = {209}, - publisher = {Elsevier}, - author = {De Bruyckere, Pedro and Kirschner, Paul Arthur and Hulshof, Casper}, - date = {2015}, - keywords = {Education, Educational change}, - file = {De Bruyckere et al. - 2015 - Urban myths about learning and education.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/C57PNMUH/De Bruyckere et al. - 2015 - Urban myths about learning and education.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{kulgemeyer_wie_2018, + title = {Wie gut erklären Erklärvideos? Ein Bewertungs-Leitfaden}, + shorttitle = {Wie gut erklären Erklärvideos?}, + abstract = {Erklärvideos sind von wachsender Bedeutung für den Fachunterricht. Im Unterricht kann neben dem Rezipieren von Videos, die schulische Kerninhalte erklären, vor allem auch das Produzieren von großem Wert sein. Dabei muss nicht nur der Fachinhalt in seinen wesentlichen Konzepten verstanden werden, sondern es muss auch eine adressatengerechte Aufbereitung erfolgen, die es Rezipienten des Videos ermöglicht, diesen Inhalt auch nachvollziehen zu können. Der Beitrag stellt auf Basis empirischer Studien dar, welche Kriterien dabei hilfreich sein können, die Erklärqualität zu bewerten.}, + pages = {8--11}, + journaltitle = {Computer + Unterricht}, + shortjournal = {Computer + Unterricht}, + author = {Kulgemeyer, Christoph}, + date = {2018-03-08}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/77LSW9UH/Kulgemeyer - 2018 - Wie gut erklären Erklärvideos Ein Bewertungs-Leit.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{keup_internationale_2010, +@book{eichler_leitfaden_2011, location = {Wiesbaden}, edition = {1. Aufl}, - title = {Internationale Kompetenz: erfolgreich kommunizieren und handeln im Global Business}, - isbn = {978-3-8349-1740-9}, - shorttitle = {Internationale Kompetenz}, - pagetotal = {276}, - publisher = {Gabler}, - author = {Keup, Marion}, - date = {2010}, - file = {978-3-8349-8814-0.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/23GNIQS6/978-3-8349-8814-0.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/H3FDHN3G/Keup - 2010 - Internationale Kompetenz erfolgreich kommuniziere.pdf:application/pdf}, + title = {Leitfaden Stochastik: für Studierende und Ausübende des Lehramts}, + isbn = {978-3-8348-1402-9}, + series = {Mathematik für das Lehramt}, + shorttitle = {Leitfaden Stochastik}, + abstract = {Das aus Vorlesungen entstandene Werk aus dem Vieweg-Programm "Mathematik für das Lehramt" liefert Studierenden des Lehramts Mathematik mit Studienziel Sekundarstufe I und Lehrenden dieser Schulstufe eine sehr zugängliche und an Beispielen und Abbildungen reiche Darstellung der schulstufenrelevanten Stochastik. Mithin behandelt das Werk über einen vornehmlich datenorientierten Zugang nur elementare Konzepte der deskriptiven Datenanalyse, die durch Grundkonzepte der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung ergänzt werden. Durch eine miteinander verbundene Darstellung von deskriptiver Datenanalyse und der darauf basierenden Ausarbeitung wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischer Modelle gelingt sehr anschaulich die Vermittlung dieser beiden entscheidenden Aspekte der Stochastik unter Berücksichtigung ihres Verhältnisses zueinander (empirische Daten- versus theoretische Modell-Welt). Zusatzmaterialien und Lösungen zu den enthaltenen Aufgaben sind online verfügbar. Für die genannte Zielgruppe sehr brauchbar etwa neben der Einführung von N. Henze (zuletzt {BA} 7/08) oder der umfassenden Darstellung von A. Büchter ({ID}-G 19/07). (2 S)}, + pagetotal = {202}, + publisher = {Vieweg + Teubner}, + author = {Eichler, Andreas and Vogel, Markus}, + date = {2011}, + file = {978-3-8348-9909-5.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6BKZRPNM/978-3-8348-9909-5.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/3X5Y6FJI/Eichler and Vogel - 2011 - Leitfaden Stochastik für Studierende und Ausübend.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{phbern_studienplan_2022, - title = {{STUDIENPLAN} Sekundarstufe I Integriertes Bachelor- und Masterstudium}, - url = {https://qmp.phbern.ch/File/CoreDownload?id=5379&filename=2022Jan_integriertes-BA-MA_Web.pdf&langId=1}, - shorttitle = {Studienplan22}, - publisher = {{PHBern}}, - author = {{PHBern}}, - date = {2022-01-13}, - file = {PHBern - 2022 - STUDIENPLAN Sekundarstufe I Integriertes Bachelor-.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/N2GM9TYV/PHBern - 2022 - STUDIENPLAN Sekundarstufe I Integriertes Bachelor-.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{eichler_leitidee_2013, + location = {Wiesbaden}, + title = {Leitidee Daten und Zufall: Von konkreten Beispielen zur Didaktik der Stochastik}, + isbn = {978-3-658-00117-9 978-3-658-00118-6}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-00118-6}, + shorttitle = {Leitidee Daten und Zufall}, + publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, + author = {Eichler, Andreas and Vogel, Markus}, + urldate = {2023-11-15}, + date = {2013}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-00118-6}, + file = {Eichler and Vogel - 2013 - Leitidee Daten und Zufall Von konkreten Beispiele.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/RY9C6GAQ/Eichler and Vogel - 2013 - Leitidee Daten und Zufall Von konkreten Beispiele.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{kapur_preparatory_2015, + title = {The preparatory effects of problem solving versus problem posing on learning from instruction}, + volume = {39}, + issn = {09594752}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0959475215300049}, + doi = {10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.05.004}, + pages = {23--31}, + journaltitle = {Learning and Instruction}, + shortjournal = {Learning and Instruction}, + author = {Kapur, Manu}, + urldate = {2023-11-13}, + date = {2015-10}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Kapur - 2015 - The preparatory effects of problem solving versus .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XJQCFKRV/Kapur - 2015 - The preparatory effects of problem solving versus .pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{brand_students_2023, + title = {Do students learn more from failing alone or in groups? Insights into the effects of collaborative versus individual problem solving in productive failure}, + volume = {51}, + issn = {0020-4277, 1573-1952}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11251-023-09619-7}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-023-09619-7}, + shorttitle = {Do students learn more from failing alone or in groups?}, + abstract = {Abstract + Productive Failure ({PF}) is an instructional design that implements a problem-solving phase which aims at preparing students for learning from a subsequent instruction. {PF} has been shown to facilitate students’ conceptual knowledge acquisition in the mathematical domain. Collaboration has been described as a vital design component of {PF}, but studies that have investigated the role of collaboration in {PF} empirically so far, were not able to confirm the necessity of collaboration in {PF}. However, these studies have diverged significantly from prior traditional {PF} studies and design criteria. Therefore, the role of collaboration in {PF} remains unclear. In an experimental study that is based on the traditional design of {PF}, we compared a collaborative and an individual problem-solving setting. It was hypothesized that collaboration facilitates the beneficial preparatory mechanisms of the {PF} problem-solving phase: prior knowledge activation, awareness of knowledge gaps, and recognition of deep features. In a mediation analysis, the effects of collaborative and individual problem solving on conceptual knowledge acquisition as mediated through the preparatory mechanisms were tested. In contrast to the hypotheses, no mediations or differences between conditions were found. Thus, collaboration does not hold a major preparatory function in itself for the design of {PF}.}, + pages = {953--976}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Brand, Charleen and Hartmann, Christian and Loibl, Katharina and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-11-13}, + date = {2023-12}, + langid = {english}, + file = {PF Aufgabe.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/INF4MQYI/PF Aufgabe.pdf:application/pdf;Volltext:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KL3RXI4D/Brand et al. - 2023 - Do students learn more from failing alone or in gr.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{bloom_taxonomy_1956, - title = {Taxonomy of educational objectives}, - publisher = {David {McKay} Company, Inc.}, - author = {Bloom, Benjamin S. and Engelhart, Max D. and Furst, Edward J. and Hill, Walker H. and Krathwohl, David R.}, - date = {1956}, - file = {Bloom - 1956 - Taxonomy of educational objectives.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FY2IVQGW/Bloom - 1956 - Taxonomy of educational objectives.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{eichler_leitidee_2009, + location = {Wiesbaden}, + edition = {1. Aufl}, + title = {Leitidee Daten und Zufall: von konkreten Beispielen zur Didaktik der Stochastik}, + isbn = {978-3-8348-0681-9}, + series = {Mathematik für das Lehramt: Studium}, + shorttitle = {Leitidee Daten und Zufall}, + pagetotal = {262}, + publisher = {Vieweg + Teubner}, + author = {Eichler, Andreas and Vogel, Markus}, + date = {2009}, + file = {Leitidee Daten und Zufall Von konkreten Beispielen zur -- Andreas Eichler, Markus Vogel -- Mathematik für das Lehramt Studium, 1. Aufl., Wiesbaden, -- 9783834806819 -- 1e616db45ad8dbc9818f10406c86a272 -- Anna’s.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/N9DGETW7/Leitidee Daten und Zufall Von konkreten Beispielen zur -- Andreas Eichler, Markus Vogel -- Mathematik für das Lehramt Studium, 1. Aufl., Wiesbaden, -- 9783834806819 -- 1e616db45ad8dbc9818f10406c86a2.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KPUBTZD8/Eichler and Vogel - 2009 - Leitidee Daten und Zufall von konkreten Beispiele.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{de_bruyckere_technology_nodate, - title = {Technology in Education, what teachers should know}, - author = {De Bruyckere, Pedro and Kirschner, Paul Arthur and Hulshof, Casper}, - file = {De Bruyckere et al. - Technology in Education, what teachers should know.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/IJ2VPL8H/De Bruyckere et al. - Technology in Education, what teachers should know.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{bauer_bridging_2014, + location = {Dordrecht}, + title = {Bridging Occupational, Organizational and Public Health: A Transdisciplinary Approach}, + isbn = {978-94-007-5639-7 978-94-007-5640-3}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-94-007-5640-3}, + shorttitle = {Bridging Occupational, Organizational and Public Health}, + publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, + author = {Bauer, Georg F. and Hämmig, Oliver}, + urldate = {2023-11-02}, + date = {2014}, + langid = {english}, + doi = {10.1007/978-94-007-5640-3}, + file = {978-94-007-5640-3.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/DHVF4IKJ/978-94-007-5640-3.pdf:application/pdf;Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QBIERKN4/Bauer and Hämmig - 2014 - Bridging Occupational, Organizational and Public H.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{tribelhorn_leitfaden_nodate, - title = {Leitfaden Learning Outcomes}, - url = {https://www.unibe.ch/e1006/e855118/e855138/e855179/e913732/140415_LeitfadenLearningOutcomes_TTribelhorn_ger.pdf}, - publisher = {Universität Bern}, - author = {Tribelhorn, Thomas}, - urldate = {2023-01-14}, - file = {Tribelhorn - Leitfaden Learning Outcomes.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/74DU3KD2/Tribelhorn - Leitfaden Learning Outcomes.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{kuckartz_qualitative_2022, + location = {Weinheim Basel}, + edition = {5. Auflage}, + title = {Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung: Grundlagentexte Methoden}, + isbn = {978-3-7799-6231-1}, + series = {Grundlagentexte Methoden}, + shorttitle = {Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse}, + abstract = {Interviews, Gruppendiskussionen oder Feldnotizen systematisch und kontrolliert auswerten. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine methodisch fundierte, verständliche und anwendungsbezogene Anleitung zur inhaltsanalytischen Auswertung qualitativer Daten. Dabei werden drei Varianten qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausführlich vorgestellt: - die inhaltlich strukturierende, - die evaluative und - die typenbildende qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Dieses Buch ist ein wertvoller Begleiter für die wissenschaftliche Forschungspraxis in vielen Disziplinen. (Verlagsinformation)}, + pagetotal = {274}, + publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, + author = {Kuckartz, Udo and Rädiker, Stefan}, + date = {2022}, + file = {(Grundlagentexte Methoden) Udo Kuckartz, Stefan Rädiker - Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung-Beltz Juventa (2022).pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QFTEAIMD/(Grundlagentexte Methoden) Udo Kuckartz, Stefan Rädiker - Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung-Beltz Juventa (2022).pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/F7GXM8JP/Kuckartz and Rädiker - 2022 - Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse Methoden, Praxis, Comp.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{schulrat_der_phbern_kulturleitbild_2011, - title = {Kulturleitbild}, - url = {https://qmp.phbern.ch/File/CoreDownload?id=551&filename=PHB_Leitbild_2013_V1_Einzelseiten.pdf&langId=1}, - publisher = {{PHBern}}, - author = {{Schulrat der PHBern}}, - urldate = {2023-01-15}, - date = {2011-11-10}, +@article{harlen_assessment_nodate, + title = {assessment and {inquIry}-based science education: issues in policy and practice}, + author = {Harlen, Wynne}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Harlen - assessment and inquIry-based science education is.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/AMK4TGKF/Harlen - assessment and inquIry-based science education is.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{phbern_leitfaden_2022, - title = {{LEITFADEN} {FÜR} {DAS} {LABELING} {DER} {QUERSCHNITTSTHEMEN}}, - url = {https://ilias.phbern.ch/goto_phbern_file_1783576_download.html}, - publisher = {{PHBern}}, - author = {{PHBern}}, - urldate = {2023-01-15}, - date = {2022-05-19}, - file = {PHBern - 2022 - LEITFADEN FÜR DAS LABELING DER QUERSCHNITTSTHEMEN.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/GQSSAXUV/PHBern - 2022 - LEITFADEN FÜR DAS LABELING DER QUERSCHNITTSTHEMEN.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{ufer_sprache_2020, + title = {Sprache und Mathematik – theoretische Analysen und empirische Ergebnisse zum Einfluss sprachlicher Fähigkeiten in mathematischen Lern- und Leistungssituationen}, + volume = {41}, + issn = {0173-5322, 1869-2699}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s13138-020-00164-1}, + doi = {10.1007/s13138-020-00164-1}, + pages = {1--9}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik}, + shortjournal = {J Math Didakt}, + author = {Ufer, Stefan and Leiss, Dominik and Stanat, Petra and Gasteiger, Hedwig}, + urldate = {2023-10-28}, + date = {2020-03}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FPK2DIQB/Ufer et al. - 2020 - Sprache und Mathematik – theoretische Analysen und.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{niegemann_handbuch_2020, - location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, - title = {Handbuch Bildungstechnologie: Konzeption und Einsatz digitaler Lernumgebungen}, - isbn = {978-3-662-54367-2 978-3-662-54368-9}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-662-54368-9}, - shorttitle = {Handbuch Bildungstechnologie}, - publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, - editor = {Niegemann, Helmut and Weinberger, Armin}, - urldate = {2023-01-15}, - date = {2020}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-54368-9}, - file = {978-3-662-54368-9-1.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2NFTN94Q/978-3-662-54368-9-1.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/R2E2RD6G/Niegemann and Weinberger - 2020 - Handbuch Bildungstechnologie Konzeption und Einsa.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{european_commission_directorate_general_for_education_youth_sport_and_culture_ethische_2022, + location = {{LU}}, + title = {Ethische Leitlinien für Lehrkräfte über die Nutzung von {KI} und Daten für Lehr- und Lernzwecke.}, + url = {https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2766/494}, + publisher = {Publications Office}, + author = {{European Commission. Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.}}, + urldate = {2023-10-28}, + date = {2022}, + file = {European Commission. Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. - 2022 - Ethische Leitlinien für Lehrkräfte über die Nutzun.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/YT5JN9Q2/European Commission. Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. - 2022 - Ethische Leitlinien für Lehrkräfte über die Nutzun.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{arnold_handbuch_2018, - location = {Stuttgart, Deutschland}, - edition = {5}, - title = {Handbuch E-Learning: Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien}, - isbn = {978-3-8385-4965-1}, - url = {https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/book/10.36198/9783838549651}, - shorttitle = {Handbuch E-Learning}, - abstract = {Digitale Medien im Lehren und Lernen erfolgreich einsetzen -Das Handbuch ist ein vollständiges Kompendium der Didaktik des Lehrens und Lernens mit digitalen Medien. -Die Autor:innen stellen Konzepte zum Aufbau und zur Entwicklung virtueller Lehr- und Lernumgebungen vor. Auf dieser Grundlage können E-Learning-Angebote für alle Bildungsbereiche konzipiert werden: von der Schule bis zu Weiterbildung. -Schritt für Schritt werden alle Aspekte der Planung, Produktion, Implementierung, Durchführung, Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung erfolgreicher E-Learning Angebote beschrieben. -Das Standardwerk ist eine umfassende Einführung in die Gestaltung von Bildungsräumen und Bildungsressourcen, Didaktik des E-Learning, Entwicklung der medialen Kompetenzen und Aufbau von Prüfungen.}, - publisher = {utb {GmbH}}, - author = {Arnold, Patricia and Kilian, Lars and Thillosen, Anne and Zimmer, Gerhard M.}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2018-02-19}, +@article{kunzler_aktuelle_2018, + title = {Aktuelle Konzepte der Resilienzforschung}, + volume = {89}, + issn = {0028-2804, 1433-0407}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00115-018-0529-x}, + doi = {10.1007/s00115-018-0529-x}, + abstract = {Background. Stress-related mental disorders are the most prevalent and cost-intensive disorders of our time. On the other hand, the maintenance of mental health despite stressors, i. e. resilience, is a frequent phenomenon. Research on psychological resilience and its underlying mechanisms offers innovative possibilities for health promotion. It requires a consistent understanding of resilience and adequate methods of operationalization.}, + pages = {747--753}, + number = {7}, + journaltitle = {Der Nervenarzt}, + shortjournal = {Nervenarzt}, + author = {Kunzler, A. M. and Gilan, D. A. and Kalisch, R. and Tüscher, O. and Lieb, K.}, + urldate = {2023-10-24}, + date = {2018-07}, langid = {german}, - doi = {10.36198/9783838549651}, - file = {Arnold et al. - 2018 - Handbuch E-Learning Lehren und Lernen mit digital.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/5TQD8UNS/Arnold et al. - 2018 - Handbuch E-Learning Lehren und Lernen mit digital.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Kunzler et al. - 2018 - Aktuelle Konzepte der Resilienzforschung.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/YYAW67L6/Kunzler et al. - 2018 - Aktuelle Konzepte der Resilienzforschung.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{bennett_reinventing_1998, - title = {Reinventing Assessment. Speculations on the Future of Large-Scale Educational Testing. A Policy Information Perspective.}, - url = {https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED424254.pdf}, - author = {Bennett, Randy Elliot}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {1998}, - file = {Bennett - 1998 - Reinventing Assessment. Speculations on the Future.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7LJJQ6FU/Bennett - 1998 - Reinventing Assessment. Speculations on the Future.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{krummenacher_fostering_nodate, + title = {Fostering Resilience in Teacher Education: A Swiss Journey}, + author = {Krummenacher, Isabelle}, + file = {Krummenacher - Fostering Resilience in Teacher Education A Swiss.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/65DT3SZ3/Krummenacher - Fostering Resilience in Teacher Education A Swiss.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{makel_facts_2014, - title = {Facts Are More Important Than Novelty: Replication in the Education Sciences}, - volume = {43}, - issn = {0013-189X, 1935-102X}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/0013189X14545513}, - doi = {10.3102/0013189X14545513}, - shorttitle = {Facts Are More Important Than Novelty}, - abstract = {Despite increased attention to methodological rigor in education research, the field has focused heavily on experimental design and not on the merit of replicating important results. The present study analyzed the complete publication history of the current top 100 education journals ranked by 5-year impact factor and found that only 0.13\% of education articles were replications. Contrary to previous findings in medicine, but similar to psychology, the majority of education replications successfully replicated the original studies. However, replications were significantly less likely to be successful when there was no overlap in authorship between the original and replicating articles. The results emphasize the importance of third-party, direct replications in helping education research improve its ability to shape education policy and practice.}, - pages = {304--316}, - number = {6}, - journaltitle = {Educational Researcher}, - shortjournal = {Educational Researcher}, - author = {Makel, Matthew C. and Plucker, Jonathan A.}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2014-08}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Makel and Plucker - 2014 - Facts Are More Important Than Novelty Replication.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/54XT757D/Makel and Plucker - 2014 - Facts Are More Important Than Novelty Replication.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{herzog_berufswahlprozess_2006, + title = {Berufswahlprozess - Wie sich Jugendliche auf ihren Beruf vorbereiten}, + author = {Herzog, Walter and Neuenschwander, Markus and Wannack, Evelyne}, + date = {2006-01-01}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/EV58UZH3/Herzog et al. - 2006 - Berufswahlprozess - Wie sich Jugendliche auf ihren.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{fabian_putting_2019, - title = {Putting “mobile” into mathematics: Results of a randomised controlled trial}, - volume = {59}, - issn = {0361476X}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0361476X18303904}, - doi = {10.1016/j.cedpsych.2019.101783}, - shorttitle = {Putting “mobile” into mathematics}, - pages = {101783}, - journaltitle = {Contemporary Educational Psychology}, - shortjournal = {Contemporary Educational Psychology}, - author = {Fabian, Khristin and Topping, Keith J.}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2019-10}, - langid = {english}, - file = {1-s2.0-S0361476X18303904-main.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FKE338KE/1-s2.0-S0361476X18303904-main.pdf:application/pdf;Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UNFA7KGL/Fabian and Topping - 2019 - Putting “mobile” into mathematics Results of a ra.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{hanny_bewaltigungsstrategien_2023, + title = {Bewältigungsstrategien für Jugendliche im Übergang Schule - Beruf}, + publisher = {{PHBern}}, + author = {Hänny, Yves}, + date = {2023-08-05}, + file = {_.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/USNHJFMF/_.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{lo_toward_2017, - title = {Toward a set of design principles for mathematics flipped classrooms: A synthesis of research in mathematics education}, - volume = {22}, - issn = {1747938X}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1747938X17300295}, - doi = {10.1016/j.edurev.2017.08.002}, - shorttitle = {Toward a set of design principles for mathematics flipped classrooms}, - pages = {50--73}, - journaltitle = {Educational Research Review}, - shortjournal = {Educational Research Review}, - author = {Lo, Chung Kwan and Hew, Khe Foon and Chen, Gaowei}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2017-11}, +@article{king_video_2019, + title = {Video Game Monetization (e.g., ‘Loot Boxes’): a Blueprint for Practical Social Responsibility Measures}, + volume = {17}, + issn = {1557-1882}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-018-0009-3}, + doi = {10.1007/s11469-018-0009-3}, + shorttitle = {Video Game Monetization (e.g., ‘Loot Boxes’)}, + abstract = {Video games are becoming increasingly monetized with the addition of in-game purchasing options, which has prompted some comparisons of these products to electronic gaming machines. The expansion and sophistication of ‘microtransaction’ options in online games (e.g., ‘loot boxes’) has also led to concerns about vulnerable users (e.g., adolescents) overspending on these schemes. Currently, there are limited regulatory and/or consumer protection frameworks for video game monetization schemes. This conceptual paper explores some potential social responsibility measures for monetized gaming products to stimulate further discussion and developments in this area. Loot boxes are a focus of this discussion given the current debate on their legality, i.e., similarity to electronic gambling machines. Drawing on social responsibility principles and research in the field of gambling studies, we outline some potential measures in the areas of: (1) game design and in-game purchasing system characteristics, (2) transparency and accuracy of game design and features, (3) broad consumer protection measures, and (4) consumer information and industry accountability. It is hoped that this paper will encourage further discussion among academics, regulators, and the industry. An empirical evidence base is needed to inform the design and implementation of countermeasures for monetization schemes that increase risk of gaming-related harm for some users.}, + pages = {166--179}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction}, + shortjournal = {Int J Ment Health Addiction}, + author = {King, Daniel L. and Delfabbro, Paul H.}, + urldate = {2023-10-17}, + date = {2019-02-01}, langid = {english}, - file = {Lo et al. - 2017 - Toward a set of design principles for mathematics .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/EJV8Q6BV/Lo et al. - 2017 - Toward a set of design principles for mathematics .pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@collection{kauffeld_handbuch_2019-1, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Handbuch Innovative Lehre}, - isbn = {978-3-658-22796-8 978-3-658-22797-5}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-22797-5}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - editor = {Kauffeld, Simone and Othmer, Julius}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2019}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-22797-5}, - file = {978-3-658-22797-5.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2EG37AYQ/978-3-658-22797-5.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/F77X26K4/Kauffeld and Othmer - 2019 - Handbuch Innovative Lehre.pdf:application/pdf}, + keywords = {Loot box, Microtransaction, Predatory monetization, Social responsibility: consumer protection, Video game}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QVB8NLY9/King und Delfabbro - 2019 - Video Game Monetization (e.g., ‘Loot Boxes’) a Bl.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{university_of_applied_sciences_wilhelminenhofstrase_75a_12459_berlin_germany_effectiveness_2020, - title = {The Effectiveness of Peer-to-Peer Lecture Films in Inverted Classroom Teaching Scenarios}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {20103654}, - url = {http://www.ijeeee.org/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=81&id=952}, - doi = {10.17706/ijeeee.2020.10.3.229-234}, - abstract = {At {HTW} Berlin, Germany first year mechanical engineering students are taught material science as one of the fundamental courses with high work load in a blended learning environment with flipped classroom elements. Therefore peer-to-peer lecture films were established as source of theoretical background knowledge provided for self-study periods. Because the teaching method “inverted classroom” and class results directly relate to the quality of the video material one of the columns of lecture video production is the involvement of students in the lecture film production. First year students directly benefit from their fellow student learning experience, needs and perspective on teaching material. From the lecturers perspective students were generally more active and better prepared during class resulting in better grades. Practice examples introduce and evaluate both, the teaching method and videos.}, - pages = {229--234}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning}, - shortjournal = {{IJEEEE}}, - author = {{University of Applied Sciences, Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A, 12459 Berlin, Germany} and Pfennig, Anja}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2020}, - file = {University of Applied Sciences, Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A, 12459 Berlin, Germany and Pfennig - 2020 - The Effectiveness of Peer-to-Peer Lecture Films in.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/MA4N948G/University of Applied Sciences, Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A, 12459 Berlin, Germany and Pfennig - 2020 - The Effectiveness of Peer-to-Peer Lecture Films in.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{kircaburun_dark_2018, + title = {The Dark Tetrad traits and problematic online gaming: The mediating role of online gaming motives and moderating role of game types}, + volume = {135}, + issn = {01918869}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0191886918304343}, + doi = {10.1016/j.paid.2018.07.038}, + shorttitle = {The Dark Tetrad traits and problematic online gaming}, + abstract = {Different personality traits are correlated with problematic internet use and online gaming. However, associations between dark personality traits and problematic online gaming ({POG}) have received less attention. The present study investigated direct and indirect associations of the Dark Tetrad traits (i.e., Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, sadism) with {POG} via online gaming motives (controlling for hours spent gaming) among 421 online gamers. Mediation analyses showed narcissism was indirectly associated with {POG} via online gaming motives of escape and fantasy among role-playing game players and the total sample. Sadism was directly associated with {POG} among first-person shooter game players and indirectly with {POG} via online gaming motives of escape and fantasy among role-playing game players and the total sample. The findings suggest that dark traits should also be taken into account when considering theoretical models involving problematic gaming use, online gaming motives, and preference for different games.}, + pages = {298--303}, + journaltitle = {Personality and Individual Differences}, + shortjournal = {Personality and Individual Differences}, + author = {Kircaburun, Kagan and Jonason, Peter K. and Griffiths, Mark D.}, + urldate = {2023-10-17}, + date = {2018-12}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Kircaburun et al. - 2018 - The Dark Tetrad traits and problematic online gami.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CRCTMLQS/Kircaburun et al. - 2018 - The Dark Tetrad traits and problematic online gami.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{engel_flexibilizing_2017, - title = {Flexibilizing and Customizing Education using Inverted Classroom Model}, - volume = {34}, - issn = {1058-0530, 1934-8703}, - url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10580530.2017.1366221}, - doi = {10.1080/10580530.2017.1366221}, - pages = {378--389}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Information Systems Management}, - shortjournal = {Information Systems Management}, - author = {Engel, Manuela and Heinz, Matthias and Sonntag, Ralph}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2017-10-02}, +@article{balakrishnan_loyalty_2018, + title = {Loyalty towards online games, gaming addiction, and purchase intention towards online mobile in-game features}, + volume = {87}, + issn = {07475632}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0747563218302796}, + doi = {10.1016/j.chb.2018.06.002}, + abstract = {The most important stream of game developers' revenue is arguably via gamer's in-game purchases. Previous literature has identified a number of strong determinants of online purchase intention including values, consumer experience, lifestyle, security, perceived risk, information, and subjective norms and behavioural control. The present study examined the relationship between online mobile gaming addiction and loyalty towards purchase intention of online mobile game in-game apps. The present study comprised 430 students from two major Indian universities who completed a short 28-item survey focusing on three variables (i.e., addiction, loyalty towards online games, and purchase intention towards online mobile in-game features). The results demonstrated that (i) online mobile game addiction shared a significant positive relationship with online mobile game loyalty; (ii) online mobile game addiction had a positive relationship with the purchase of online mobile in-game apps, and (iii) online mobile game loyalty increased game users' intention to purchase online mobile ingame apps. The present study is the first to investigate loyalty and gaming addiction in relation to the purchase of in-game apps. Game developers will always want to facilitate loyalty among its clientele. However, if the engagement strategies used by gaming operators facilitate addiction as a way of increasing purchase intention of online mobile game in-game apps, this raises serious ethical questions which the gaming industry need to address as part of its corporate social responsibility strategy.}, + pages = {238--246}, + journaltitle = {Computers in Human Behavior}, + shortjournal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, + author = {Balakrishnan, Janarthanan and Griffiths, Mark D.}, + urldate = {2023-10-17}, + date = {2018-10}, langid = {english}, - file = {Engel et al. - 2017 - Flexibilizing and Customizing Education using Inve.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SJZ6XUIV/Engel et al. - 2017 - Flexibilizing and Customizing Education using Inve.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Balakrishnan und Griffiths - 2018 - Loyalty towards online games, gaming addiction, an.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QAMTJCLM/Balakrishnan und Griffiths - 2018 - Loyalty towards online games, gaming addiction, an.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@inproceedings{lape_probing_2014, - location = {Indianapolis, Indiana}, - title = {Probing the Inverted Classroom: A Controlled Study of Teaching and Learning Outcomes in Undergraduate Engineering and Mathematics}, - url = {http://peer.asee.org/22939}, - doi = {10.18260/1-2--22939}, - shorttitle = {Probing the Inverted Classroom}, - eventtitle = {2014 {ASEE} Annual Conference \& Exposition}, - pages = {24.1006.1--24.1006.21}, - booktitle = {2014 {ASEE} Annual Conference \& Exposition Proceedings}, - publisher = {{ASEE} Conferences}, - author = {Lape, Nancy and Levy, Rachel and Yong, Darryl and Haushalter, Karl and Eddy, Rebecca and Hankel, Nancy}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2014-06}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/D7YXH2GF/Lape et al. - 2014 - Probing the Inverted Classroom A Controlled Study.pdf:application/pdf;Lape et al. - 2014 - Probing the Inverted Classroom A Controlled Study.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RVJGF6I9/Lape et al. - 2014 - Probing the Inverted Classroom A Controlled Study.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{king_screening_2020, + title = {Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder: A comprehensive systematic review}, + volume = {77}, + issn = {02727358}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0272735820300192}, + doi = {10.1016/j.cpr.2020.101831}, + shorttitle = {Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder}, + pages = {101831}, + journaltitle = {Clinical Psychology Review}, + shortjournal = {Clinical Psychology Review}, + author = {King, Daniel L. and Chamberlain, Samuel R. and Carragher, Natacha and Billieux, Joel and Stein, Dan and Mueller, Kai and Potenza, Marc N. and Rumpf, Hans Juergen and Saunders, John and Starcevic, Vladan and Demetrovics, Zsolt and Brand, Matthias and Lee, Hae Kook and Spada, Marcantonio and Lindenberg, Katajun and Wu, Anise M.S. and Lemenager, Tagrid and Pallesen, Ståle and Achab, Sophia and Kyrios, Mike and Higuchi, Susumu and Fineberg, Naomi A. and Delfabbro, Paul H.}, + urldate = {2023-10-17}, + date = {2020-04}, + langid = {english}, + file = {King et al. - 2020 - Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/LKLLQIFI/King et al. - 2020 - Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@inproceedings{herold_student_2012, - location = {Seattle, {WA}, {USA}}, - title = {Student and instructor experiences in the inverted classroom}, - isbn = {978-1-4673-1352-0 978-1-4673-1353-7 978-1-4673-1351-3}, - url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6462428/}, - doi = {10.1109/FIE.2012.6462428}, - eventtitle = {2012 {IEEE} Frontiers in Education Conference ({FIE})}, - pages = {1--6}, - booktitle = {2012 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings}, - publisher = {{IEEE}}, - author = {Herold, Michael J. and Lynch, Thomas D. and Ramnath, Rajiv and Ramanathan, Jayashree}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2012-10}, - file = {Herold et al. - 2012 - Student and instructor experiences in the inverted.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/6PQ6YGG5/Herold et al. - 2012 - Student and instructor experiences in the inverted.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{american_psychiatric_association_diagnostic_2022, + edition = {{DSM}-5-{TR}}, + title = {Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders}, + isbn = {978-0-89042-575-6}, + url = {https://psychiatryonline.org/doi/book/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425787}, + publisher = {American Psychiatric Association Publishing}, + author = {{American Psychiatric Association}}, + urldate = {2023-10-17}, + date = {2022-03-18}, + langid = {english}, + doi = {10.1176/appi.books.9780890425787}, + file = {American Psychiatric Association - 2022 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disord.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/Y487KYD3/American Psychiatric Association - 2022 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disord.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@inproceedings{kellogg_developing_2009, - location = {San Antonio, {TX}, {USA}}, - title = {Developing online materials to facilitate an inverted classroom approach}, - isbn = {978-1-4244-4715-2}, - url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5350621/}, - doi = {10.1109/FIE.2009.5350621}, - eventtitle = {2009 39th {IEEE} Frontiers in Education Conference ({FIE})}, - pages = {1--6}, - booktitle = {2009 39th {IEEE} Frontiers in Education Conference}, - publisher = {{IEEE}}, - author = {Kellogg, Stuart}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2009-10}, - file = {Kellogg - 2009 - Developing online materials to facilitate an inver.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/5SH6L9MI/Kellogg - 2009 - Developing online materials to facilitate an inver.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{schettler_neural_2022, + title = {Neural correlates of problematic gaming in adolescents: A systematic review of structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging studies}, + volume = {27}, + issn = {1369-1600}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/adb.13093}, + doi = {10.1111/adb.13093}, + shorttitle = {Neural correlates of problematic gaming in adolescents}, + abstract = {The addictive use of digital games (problematic gaming [{PG}]) is a phenomenon with rising prevalence, especially in adolescents. The period of adolescence is characterized by intense brain maturation processes and increased vulnerability for mental disorders. However, no recent systematic review on functional and structural neural correlates of {PG} is available exclusively for this age group. This paper aimed to close this gap by describing neuroimaging findings and derive clinical implications. A systematic literature search was performed via {PubMed}, {PsycInfo}, and {PSYNDEX} including magnetic resonance imaging ({MRI}) studies on structural and functional changes in problematic gamers under 20 years of age until December 2020. The findings suggest especially prefrontal brain areas (important for cognitive control functions) but also temporoparietal regions (associated with attention processes and self-concepts), as well as frontolimbic and subcortical regions (connected to emotion regulation and reward processing) to be significantly altered in adolescents with {PG} compared with healthy controls. Reduced interhemispheric connectivity and altered network activity further support theories of neurofunctional imbalance as well as structural deficits to explain addictive behaviours. Based on these findings, interventions should specifically address executive and cognitive-affective deficits together with adolescent-specific developmental tasks such as personality formation. Methodological limitations including heterogeneous {PG} classifications need to be considered. Additional neuroimaging studies on {PG} based on the {DSM}-5 or {ICD}-11 framework for the (Internet) gaming disorder in adolescents with larger sample sizes and prospective designs are highly warranted to understand potential causality and to generate valid and reproducible results.}, + pages = {e13093}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Addiction Biology}, + author = {Schettler, Leonie and Thomasius, Rainer and Paschke, Kerstin}, + urldate = {2023-10-17}, + date = {2022}, + langid = {german}, + note = {\_eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/adb.13093}, + keywords = {adolescents, behavioural addiction, Internet gaming disorder, {MRI}, neurostructural and neurofunctional alterations}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/E26QEB5N/Schettler et al. - 2022 - Neural correlates of problematic gaming in adolesc.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/J7LKKNA5/adb.html:text/html}, } -@collection{handke_inverted_2013, - location = {München}, - title = {The Inverted Classroom Model: the 2nd German {ICM}-Conference proceedings}, - isbn = {978-3-486-74185-8}, - shorttitle = {The Inverted Classroom Model}, - pagetotal = {185}, - publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag}, - editor = {Handke, Jürgen and Kiesler, Natalie and Wiemeyer, Leonie}, - date = {2013}, - note = {Meeting Name: German {ICM}-Conference -{OCLC}: ocn864391122}, - keywords = {Congresses, Active learning, Conference papers and proceedings}, - file = {Handke et al. - 2013 - The Inverted Classroom Model the 2nd German ICM-C.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XHPIMPAP/Handke et al. - 2013 - The Inverted Classroom Model the 2nd German ICM-C.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{schnyder_gamingverhalten_2023, + title = {Gamingverhalten von Jugendlichen in der Sek I}, + author = {Schnyder, Lukas}, + date = {2023-05-24}, + file = {Schnyder - 2023 - Gamingverhalten von Jugendlichen in der Sek I.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/P5YYP2WW/Schnyder - 2023 - Gamingverhalten von Jugendlichen in der Sek I.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{strayer_how_2012, - title = {How learning in an inverted classroom influences cooperation, innovation and task orientation}, - volume = {15}, - issn = {1387-1579, 1573-1855}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10984-012-9108-4}, - doi = {10.1007/s10984-012-9108-4}, - pages = {171--193}, +@article{noetel_video_2021, + title = {Video Improves Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic Review}, + volume = {91}, + issn = {0034-6543, 1935-1046}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/0034654321990713}, + doi = {10.3102/0034654321990713}, + shorttitle = {Video Improves Learning in Higher Education}, + abstract = {Universities around the world are incorporating online learning, often relying on videos (asynchronous multimedia). We systematically reviewed the effects of video on learning in higher education. We searched five databases using 27 keywords to find randomized trials that measured the learning effects of video among college students. We conducted full-text screening, data extraction, and risk of bias in duplicate. We calculated pooled effect sizes using multilevel random-effects meta-analysis. Searches retrieved 9,677 unique records. After screening 329 full texts, 105 met inclusion criteria, with a pooled sample of 7,776 students. Swapping video for existing teaching methods led to small improvements in student learning (g = 0.28). Adding video to existing teaching led to strong learning benefits (g = 0.80). Although results may be subject to some experimental and publication biases, they suggest that videos are unlikely to be detrimental and usually improve student learning.}, + pages = {204--236}, number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Learning Environments Research}, - shortjournal = {Learning Environ Res}, - author = {Strayer, Jeremy F.}, - urldate = {2023-01-16}, - date = {2012-07}, + journaltitle = {Review of Educational Research}, + shortjournal = {Review of Educational Research}, + author = {Noetel, Michael and Griffith, Shantell and Delaney, Oscar and Sanders, Taren and Parker, Philip and Del Pozo Cruz, Borja and Lonsdale, Chris}, + urldate = {2023-10-11}, + date = {2021-04}, langid = {english}, - file = {Strayer - 2012 - How learning in an inverted classroom influences c.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QPP63VVI/Strayer - 2012 - How learning in an inverted classroom influences c.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{brinkmann_forschendes_2020, +@collection{tietze_mathematikunterricht_2002, location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Forschendes Lernen: Pädagogische Studien zur Konjunktur eines hochschuldidaktischen Konzepts}, - volume = {10}, - isbn = {978-3-658-28172-4 978-3-658-28173-1}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-28173-1}, - series = {Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft}, - shorttitle = {Forschendes Lernen}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - editor = {Brinkmann, Malte}, - urldate = {2023-01-17}, - date = {2020}, + title = {Mathematikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe {II}}, + isbn = {978-3-528-06999-5 978-3-322-83144-6}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-322-83144-6}, + publisher = {Vieweg+Teubner Verlag}, + editor = {Tietze, Uwe-Peter and Klika, Manfred and Wolpers, Hans}, + urldate = {2023-10-11}, + date = {2002}, langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-28173-1}, - file = {978-3-658-28173-1.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BIM2EKPE/978-3-658-28173-1.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2HHN8ST5/Brinkmann - 2020 - Forschendes Lernen Pädagogische Studien zur Konju.pdf:application/pdf}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-322-83144-6}, + file = {Mathematikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe II Band 3 -- Prof. Dr. Uwe-Peter Tietze, PD Dr. Manfred Klika, Dr. Hans -- 1, 2002 -- Vieweg+Teubner -- 9783528069995 -- d2c9561bde2aa82fe1f04817d7e51338 -- Anna’s Archive.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/N4RAPWB6/Mathematikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe II Band 3 -- Prof. Dr. Uwe-Peter Tietze, PD Dr. Manfred Klika, Dr. Hans -- 1, 2002 -- Vieweg+Teubner -- 9783528069995 -- d2c9561bde2aa82fe1f04817d7e51338 -- Anna’s .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{kattmann_modell_1997, - title = {Das Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion - Ein Rahmen für naturwissenschaftsdidaktische Forschung und Entwicklung.}, - volume = {{JG}. 3}, - url = {https://www.fachportal-paedagogik.de/literatur/vollanzeige.html?FId=482200}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften}, - author = {Kattmann, Ulrich and Duit, Reinders and Gropengiesser, Harald and Komorek, Michael}, - urldate = {2023-01-17}, - date = {1997}, - file = {Das Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion - Ein R.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SA6T6GBM/Das Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion - Ein R.pdf:application/pdf}, +@collection{allmendinger_mathematik_2013, + location = {Wiesbaden}, + title = {Mathematik verständlich unterrichten: Perspektiven für Unterricht und Lehrerbildung}, + isbn = {978-3-658-00991-5 978-3-658-00992-2}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-00992-2}, + shorttitle = {Mathematik verständlich unterrichten}, + publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, + editor = {Allmendinger, Henrike and Lengnink, Katja and Vohns, Andreas and Wickel, Gabriele}, + urldate = {2023-10-11}, + date = {2013}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-00992-2}, + file = {Allmendinger et al. - 2013 - Mathematik verständlich unterrichten Perspektiven.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/TGPXYZC2/Allmendinger et al. - 2013 - Mathematik verständlich unterrichten Perspektiven.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{reinfried_sibylle_modell_2009, - title = {Das Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion. Eine innovative Methode zur fachdidaktischen Erforschung und Entwicklung von Unterricht}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - issn = {0259-353X}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=13710}, - doi = {10.25656/01:13710}, - abstract = {In this paper the model of didactic reconstruction is described. The model is a theoretical and methodological framework for both curriculum planning and for didactic teaching-learning research. It consists of three parts: technical clarification, recording student perspectives and didactic structuring. The methodological research and implications for the design of teaching are clearly described based on an example from biology, history and geography didactics. The importance of the model is discussed for teacher training.}, - author = {Reinfried, Sibylle and Mathis, Christian and Kattmann, Ulrich}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-01-17}, - date = {2009}, +@book{kruger_didaktik_2015, + location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, + title = {Didaktik der Stochastik in der Sekundarstufe I}, + isbn = {978-3-662-43354-6 978-3-662-43355-3}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-662-43355-3}, + publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, + author = {Krüger, Katja and Sill, Hans-Dieter and Sikora, Christine}, + urldate = {2023-10-10}, + date = {2015}, langid = {german}, - note = {Publisher: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ({SGL}) : Langnau, Emmental}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Lehrerbildung, Teacher education, Teachers' training, Fachdidaktik, Lehr-Lern-Forschung, Lesson Planing, Planning of teaching, Specialized didactics, Subject didactics, Teaching-learning research, Unterrichtsplanung}, - file = {Reinfried, Sibylle et al. - 2009 - Das Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion. Eine i.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7FNSPCM5/Reinfried, Sibylle et al. - 2009 - Das Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion. Eine i.pdf:application/pdf}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-43355-3}, + file = {Krüger et al. - 2015 - Didaktik der Stochastik in der Sekundarstufe I.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/3XV74LAX/Krüger et al. - 2015 - Didaktik der Stochastik in der Sekundarstufe I.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{european_centre_for_the_development_of_vocational_training_defining_2017, - location = {{LU}}, - title = {Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes :a European handbook.}, - url = {https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/797160}, - shorttitle = {Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes}, - publisher = {Publications Office}, - author = {{European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.}}, - urldate = {2023-01-18}, - date = {2017}, - file = {European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. - 2017 - Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UZPCGG42/European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. - 2017 - Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes .pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{weigand_didaktik_2018, + location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, + title = {Didaktik der Geometrie für die Sekundarstufe I}, + isbn = {978-3-662-56216-1 978-3-662-56217-8}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-662-56217-8}, + publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, + author = {Weigand, Hans-Georg and Filler, Andreas and Hölzl, Reinhard and Kuntze, Sebastian and Ludwig, Matthias and Roth, Jürgen and Schmidt-Thieme, Barbara and Wittmann, Gerald}, + urldate = {2023-10-10}, + date = {2018}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-56217-8}, + file = {978-3-662-56217-8.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XAVVBKHY/978-3-662-56217-8.pdf:application/pdf;Eingereichte Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/8KZ88MB8/Weigand et al. - 2018 - Didaktik der Geometrie für die Sekundarstufe I.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{european_parliament_council_of_the_eu_recommendation_2008, - title = {Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European qualifications framework for lifelong learning.}, - volume = {C 111}, - url = {http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ. do?uri=OJ:C:2008:111:0001:0007:EN:PDF}, +@book{henn_didaktik_2015, + location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, + title = {Didaktik der Analytischen Geometrie und Linearen Algebra: Algebraisch verstehen – Geometrisch veranschaulichen und anwenden}, + isbn = {978-3-662-43434-5 978-3-662-43435-2}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-662-43435-2}, + shorttitle = {Didaktik der Analytischen Geometrie und Linearen Algebra}, + publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, + author = {Henn, Hans-Wolfgang and Filler, Andreas}, + urldate = {2023-10-10}, + date = {2015}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-43435-2}, + file = {Henn und Filler - 2015 - Didaktik der Analytischen Geometrie und Linearen A.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/NKAX9D7W/Henn und Filler - 2015 - Didaktik der Analytischen Geometrie und Linearen A.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{kapur_prior_2023, + title = {Prior math achievement and inventive production predict learning from productive failure}, + volume = {8}, + issn = {2056-7936}, + url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41539-023-00165-y}, + doi = {10.1038/s41539-023-00165-y}, + abstract = {Abstract + + A frequent concern about constructivist instruction is that it works well, mainly for students with higher domain knowledge. We present findings from a set of two quasi-experimental pretest-intervention-posttest studies investigating the relationship between prior math achievement and learning in the context of a specific type of constructivist instruction, Productive Failure. Students from two Singapore public schools with significantly different prior math achievement profiles were asked to design solutions to complex problems + prior + to receiving instruction on the targeted concepts. Process results revealed that students who were significantly dissimilar in prior math achievement seemed to be strikingly similar in terms of their inventive production, that is, the variety of solutions they were able to design. Interestingly, it was inventive production that had a stronger association with learning from {PF} than pre-existing differences in math achievement. These findings, consistent across both topics, demonstrate the value of engaging students in opportunities for inventive production while learning math, regardless of prior math achievement.}, + pages = {15}, number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Official Journal of the European Union}, - author = {{European Parliament; Council of the EU}}, - urldate = {2023-01-18}, - date = {2008-05-06}, - file = {European Parliament\; Council of the EU - 2008 - Recommendation of the European Parliament and of t.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UAGJAECD/European Parliament\; Council of the EU - 2008 - Recommendation of the European Parliament and of t.pdf:application/pdf}, + journaltitle = {npj Science of Learning}, + shortjournal = {npj Sci. Learn.}, + author = {Kapur, Manu and Saba, Janan and Roll, Ido}, + urldate = {2023-10-10}, + date = {2023-05-15}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Volltext:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KJGLJ9EM/Kapur et al. - 2023 - Prior math achievement and inventive production pr.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{european_commission_directorate_general_for_education_and_culture_using_2011, - location = {{LU}}, - title = {Using learning outcomes: European qualifications framework series note 4.}, - url = {https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2766/17497}, - shorttitle = {Using learning outcomes}, - publisher = {Publications Office}, - author = {{European Commission. Directorate General for Education and Culture.}}, - urldate = {2023-01-18}, - date = {2011}, - file = {European Commission. Directorate General for Education and Culture. - 2011 - Using learning outcomes European qualifications f.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/KV7KLWAW/European Commission. Directorate General for Education and Culture. - 2011 - Using learning outcomes European qualifications f.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{kapur_productive_2010, + title = {Productive failure in mathematical problem solving}, + volume = {38}, + issn = {0020-4277, 1573-1952}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11251-009-9093-x}, + doi = {10.1007/s11251-009-9093-x}, + pages = {523--550}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {Instructional Science}, + shortjournal = {Instr Sci}, + author = {Kapur, Manu}, + urldate = {2023-10-10}, + date = {2010-11}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Kapur - 2010 - Productive failure in mathematical problem solving.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/5EQD9USL/Kapur - 2010 - Productive failure in mathematical problem solving.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{european_centre_for_the_development_of_vocational_training_perspektivwechsel_2008, - location = {Luxemburg}, - title = {Der Perspektivwechsel hin zu Lernergebnissen: Entwicklungen im Hinblick auf Konzepte, Politik und Praxis in Europa}, - isbn = {978-92-896-0539-7}, - shorttitle = {Der Perspektivwechsel hin zu Lernergebnissen}, - pagetotal = {54}, - publisher = {Amt für Amtliche Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften}, - editor = {European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training}, - date = {2008}, - doi = {10.2801/93702}, - file = {4079_de.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QVJG5ZHU/4079_de.pdf:application/pdf;4079_en.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QRYDCZZV/4079_en.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/X23K3G4E/European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - 2008 - Der Perspektivwechsel hin zu Lernergebnissen Entw.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{hmelo-silver_scaffolding_2007, + title = {Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and Inquiry Learning: A Response to Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006)}, + volume = {42}, + issn = {0046-1520, 1532-6985}, + url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00461520701263368}, + doi = {10.1080/00461520701263368}, + shorttitle = {Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and Inquiry Learning}, + pages = {99--107}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychologist}, + shortjournal = {Educational Psychologist}, + author = {Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E. and Duncan, Ravit Golan and Chinn, Clark A.}, + urldate = {2023-10-10}, + date = {2007-04-26}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Hmelo-Silver et al. - 2007 - Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and I.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FQ7U8G3J/Hmelo-Silver et al. - 2007 - Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and I.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{delors_education_1998, - location = {Paris}, - title = {Education for the twenty-first century: issues and prospects: contributions to the work of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century}, - isbn = {978-92-3-103447-3}, - series = {Education on the move}, - shorttitle = {Education for the twenty-first century}, - pagetotal = {352}, - publisher = {Unesco}, - editor = {Delors, Jacques and International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century}, - date = {1998}, - keywords = {Education, Educational planning, Forecasting, International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century}, - file = {Delors and International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century - 1998 - Education for the twenty-first century issues and.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/L5IA3BME/Delors and International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century - 1998 - Education for the twenty-first century issues and.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{grgic_competencies_2023, + title = {Competencies and beliefs of Swiss teachers with regard to the modular curriculum ‘Media and {ICT}’}, + volume = {5}, + issn = {26663740}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2666374023000638}, + doi = {10.1016/j.ijedro.2023.100288}, + pages = {100288}, + journaltitle = {International Journal of Educational Research Open}, + shortjournal = {International Journal of Educational Research Open}, + author = {Grgic, Marina}, + urldate = {2023-10-09}, + date = {2023-12}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Grgic - 2023 - Competencies and beliefs of Swiss teachers with re.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/HS255MQD/Grgic - 2023 - Competencies and beliefs of Swiss teachers with re.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{winter_entdeckendes_2016, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Entdeckendes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht: Einblicke in die Ideengeschichte und ihre Bedeutung für die Pädagogik}, - isbn = {978-3-658-10604-1 978-3-658-10605-8}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-10605-8}, - shorttitle = {Entdeckendes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - author = {Winter, Heinrich Winand}, - urldate = {2023-01-21}, - date = {2016}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-10605-8}, - file = {Winter - 2016 - Entdeckendes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht Einbl.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/D64SN29Z/Winter - 2016 - Entdeckendes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht Einbl.pdf:application/pdf}, +@incollection{mayer_principles_2014, + location = {New York, {NY}, {US}}, + title = {Principles based on social cues in multimedia learning: Personalization, voice, image, and embodiment principles}, + isbn = {978-1-107-61031-6 978-1-107-03520-1 978-1-139-99016-5}, + series = {Cambridge handbooks in psychology}, + shorttitle = {Principles based on social cues in multimedia learning}, + abstract = {Social cues may prime social responses in learners that lead to deeper cognitive processing during learning and hence better test performance. The personalization principle is that people learn more deeply when the words in a multimedia presentation are in conversational style rather than formal style. This principle was supported in 14 out of 17 experimental tests, yielding a median effect size of d = 0.79. Some important boundary conditions are that the personalization principle may not apply to high-achieving students or long lessons. The voice principle is that people learn more deeply when the words in a multimedia message are spoken in a human voice rather than in a machine voice. This principle was supported in 5 out of 6 experimental comparisons, with a median effect size of d = 0.74. A possible boundary condition is that the voice principle may not apply when there are negative social cues such as low embodiment. The image principle is that people do not necessarily learn more deeply from a multimedia presentation when the speaker's image is on the screen rather than not on the screen. This principle is based on 14 experimental tests in which half produced negative or negligible effects, yielding a median effect size of d = 0.20. The embodiment principle is that people learn more deeply when on-screen agents display humanlike gesturing, movement, eye contact, and facial expressions. In 11 out of 11 experimental comparisons, people performed better on transfer tests when they learned from a high-embodied agent than from a low-embodied agent, yielding a median effect size of d = 0.36. A possible boundary condition is that the embodiment principle may not apply when there are negative social cues such as a machine voice. ({PsycInfo} Database Record (c) 2020 {APA}, all rights reserved)}, + pages = {345--368}, + booktitle = {The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning, 2nd ed}, + publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, + date = {2014}, + doi = {10.1017/CBO9781139547369.017}, + keywords = {Cues, Learning Environment, Multimedia, Performance Tests}, + file = {Mayer - 2014 - Principles based on social cues in multimedia lear.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/DNYRYZKR/Mayer - 2014 - Principles based on social cues in multimedia lear.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9G6WXXN4/2015-00153-014.html:text/html}, } -@collection{fauvel_history_2000, - location = {Dordrecht ; Boston}, - title = {History in mathematics education}, - isbn = {978-0-7923-6399-6}, - series = {An {ICMI} study}, - pagetotal = {437}, - number = {v. 6}, - publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, - editor = {Fauvel, John and Maanen, J. A. van}, - date = {2000}, - keywords = {Mathematics, History Study and teaching, Study and teaching}, - file = {Fauvel and Maanen - 2000 - History in mathematics education.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/AQNUECPC/Fauvel and Maanen - 2000 - History in mathematics education.pdf:application/pdf}, +@incollection{mayer_implications_2014, + edition = {2}, + title = {Implications of Cognitive Load Theory for Multimedia Learning}, + isbn = {978-1-139-54736-9 978-1-107-61031-6 978-1-107-03520-1}, + url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/9781139547369%23c03520-2-1/type/book_part}, + pages = {27--42}, + booktitle = {The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning}, + publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + author = {Paas, Fred and Sweller, John}, + editor = {Mayer, Richard E.}, + urldate = {2023-10-07}, + date = {2014-07-28}, + doi = {10.1017/CBO9781139547369.004}, + file = {Paas and Sweller - 2014 - Implications of Cognitive Load Theory for Multimed.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/Y8MJDTDQ/Paas and Sweller - 2014 - Implications of Cognitive Load Theory for Multimed.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{padberg_didaktik_2017, - location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, - title = {Didaktik der Bruchrechnung}, - isbn = {978-3-662-52968-3 978-3-662-52969-0}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-662-52969-0}, - publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, - author = {Padberg, Friedhelm and Wartha, Sebastian}, - urldate = {2023-01-21}, - date = {2017}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-52969-0}, - file = {978-3-662-52969-0.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ENBGXPZK/978-3-662-52969-0.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/38N7TS7Z/Padberg and Wartha - 2017 - Didaktik der Bruchrechnung.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{bilalic_expert_2008, + title = {Expert and novice problem solving strategies in chess: Sixty years of citing de Groot (1946)}, + volume = {14}, + doi = {10.1080/13546780802265547}, + shorttitle = {Expert and novice problem solving strategies in chess}, + abstract = {In a famous study of expert problem solving, de Groot (1946/1978) examined how chess players found the best move. He reported that there was little difference in the way that the best players (Grand Masters) and very good players (Candidate Masters) searched the board. Although this result has been regularly cited in studies of expertise, it is frequently misquoted. It is often claimed that de Groot found no difference in the way that experts and novices investigate a problem. Comparison of expert and novice chess players on de Groot’s problem shows that there are clear differences in their search patterns. We discuss the troublesome theoretical and practical consequences of incorrectly reporting de Groot’s findings.}, + journaltitle = {Thinking and Reasoning}, + shortjournal = {Thinking and Reasoning}, + author = {Bilalic, Merim and {McLeod}, Peter and Gobet, Fernand}, + date = {2008-11-01}, } -@book{ulrich_gute_2020, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Gute Lehre in der Hochschule: Praxistipps zur Planung und Gestaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen}, - isbn = {978-3-658-31069-1 978-3-658-31070-7}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-31070-7}, - shorttitle = {Gute Lehre in der Hochschule}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - author = {Ulrich, Immanuel}, - urldate = {2023-01-22}, - date = {2020}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-31070-7}, - file = {978-3-658-31070-7.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/45JL59NS/978-3-658-31070-7.pdf:application/pdf;Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/PD8CVNY5/Ulrich - 2020 - Gute Lehre in der Hochschule Praxistipps zur Plan.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{mayer_multimedia_2001, + edition = {1}, + title = {Multimedia Learning}, + isbn = {978-0-521-78239-5 978-0-521-78749-9 978-1-139-16460-3}, + url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/9781139164603/type/book}, + abstract = {For hundreds of years verbal messages - such as lectures and printed lessons - have been the primary means of explaining ideas to learners. In Multimedia Learning Richard Mayer explores ways of going beyond the purely verbal by combining words and pictures for effective teaching. Multimedia encyclopedias have become the latest addition to students' reference tools, and the world wide web is full of messages that combine words and pictures. Do these forms of presentation help learners? If so, what is the best way to design multimedia messages for optimal learning? Drawing upon 10 years of research, the author provides seven principles for the design of multimedia messages and a cognitive theory of multimedia learning. In short, this book summarizes research aimed at realizing the promise of multimedia learning - that is, the potential of using words and pictures together to promote human understanding.}, + publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, + urldate = {2023-10-04}, + date = {2001-04-09}, + doi = {10.1017/CBO9781139164603}, + file = {Mayer - 2001 - Multimedia Learning.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/B8HJT8ST/Mayer - 2001 - Multimedia Learning.pdf:application/pdf;mayer2001.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GNT8FJE2/mayer2001.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{baeten_student_2014, - title = {Student teachers' team teaching: Models, effects, and conditions for implementation}, +@article{kirschner_why_2006, + title = {Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching}, volume = {41}, - issn = {0742051X}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0742051X14000420}, - doi = {10.1016/j.tate.2014.03.010}, - shorttitle = {Student teachers' team teaching}, - pages = {92--110}, - journaltitle = {Teaching and Teacher Education}, - shortjournal = {Teaching and Teacher Education}, - author = {Baeten, Marlies and Simons, Mathea}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2014-07}, + issn = {0046-1520, 1532-6985}, + url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15326985ep4102_1}, + doi = {10.1207/s15326985ep4102_1}, + shorttitle = {Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work}, + pages = {75--86}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychologist}, + shortjournal = {Educational Psychologist}, + author = {Kirschner, Paul A. and Sweller, John and Clark, Richard E.}, + urldate = {2023-10-04}, + date = {2006-06}, langid = {english}, - file = {Baeten and Simons - 2014 - Student teachers' team teaching Models, effects, .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UIMYL4WB/Baeten and Simons - 2014 - Student teachers' team teaching Models, effects, .pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist Discovery Problem-Based Experiential and Inqui.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QCR5XS4X/Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist Discovery Problem-Based Experiential and Inqui.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{carpenter_testing_2007, - title = {Testing the efficacy of team teaching}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1387-1579, 1573-1855}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10984-007-9019-y}, - doi = {10.1007/s10984-007-9019-y}, - pages = {53--65}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Learning Environments Research}, - shortjournal = {Learning Environ Res}, - author = {Carpenter, Dick M. and Crawford, Lindy and Walden, Ron}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2007-01}, +@article{mayer_maximizing_1999, + title = {Maximizing constructivist learning from multimedia communications by minimizing cognitive load.}, + volume = {91}, + issn = {1939-2176, 0022-0663}, + url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0022-0663.91.4.638}, + doi = {10.1037/0022-0663.91.4.638}, + pages = {638--643}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, + author = {Mayer, Richard E. and Moreno, Roxana and Boire, Michelle and Vagge, Shannon}, + urldate = {2023-10-04}, + date = {1999-12}, langid = {english}, - file = {Carpenter et al. - 2007 - Testing the efficacy of team teaching.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/L74DHNZ7/Carpenter et al. - 2007 - Testing the efficacy of team teaching.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Mayer et al. - 1999 - Maximizing constructivist learning from multimedia.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/AR944VVN/Mayer et al. - 1999 - Maximizing constructivist learning from multimedia.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{peterson_flipped_2016, - title = {The Flipped Classroom Improves Student Achievement and Course Satisfaction in a Statistics Course: A Quasi-Experimental Study}, - volume = {43}, - issn = {0098-6283, 1532-8023}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0098628315620063}, - doi = {10.1177/0098628315620063}, - shorttitle = {The Flipped Classroom Improves Student Achievement and Course Satisfaction in a Statistics Course}, - abstract = {There are but a handful of experimental or quasi-experimental studies comparing student outcomes from flipped or inverted classrooms to more traditional lecture formats. In the current study, I present cumulative exam performance and student evaluation data from two sections of a statistics course I recently taught: one a traditional lecture ( N = 19) and the other a flipped class ( N = 24). Independent samples t-tests revealed students in the flipped classroom outperformed their lecture peers by more than a letter grade on the final exam. Further, these students were more satisfied with the course overall, a novel finding in this burgeoning area of research. This latter point, I argue, is likely due to the strong cohesion between the in-class and out-of-class content.}, - pages = {10--15}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Teaching of Psychology}, - shortjournal = {Teaching of Psychology}, - author = {Peterson, Daniel J.}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2016-01}, +@article{mayer_promise_2003, + title = {The promise of multimedia learning: using the same instructional design methods across different media}, + volume = {13}, + issn = {09594752}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0959475202000166}, + doi = {10.1016/S0959-4752(02)00016-6}, + shorttitle = {The promise of multimedia learning}, + pages = {125--139}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Learning and Instruction}, + shortjournal = {Learning and Instruction}, + author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, + urldate = {2023-10-04}, + date = {2003-04}, langid = {english}, - file = {Peterson - 2016 - The Flipped Classroom Improves Student Achievement.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/9UQDMBWG/Peterson - 2016 - The Flipped Classroom Improves Student Achievement.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Mayer - 2003 - The promise of multimedia learning using the same.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/95L4JNWE/Mayer - 2003 - The promise of multimedia learning using the same.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{bagley_improving_2014, - title = {Improving Student Success in Calculus : : A Comparison of Four College Calculus Classes}, - url = {https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5zn1g1dm}, - author = {Bagley, Spencer Franklin}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2014}, - file = {Bagley - 2014 - Improving Student Success in Calculus A Compar.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7RRT6FHD/Bagley - 2014 - Improving Student Success in Calculus A Compar.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{reisslein_encountering_2006, + title = {Encountering the expertise reversal effect with a computer-based environment on electrical circuit analysis}, + volume = {16}, + issn = {09594752}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0959475206000132}, + doi = {10.1016/j.learninstruc.2006.02.008}, + pages = {92--103}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Learning and Instruction}, + shortjournal = {Learning and Instruction}, + author = {Reisslein, Jana and Atkinson, Robert K. and Seeling, Patrick and Reisslein, Martin}, + urldate = {2023-10-04}, + date = {2006-04}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Reisslein et al. - 2006 - Encountering the expertise reversal effect with a .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FAI5E32V/Reisslein et al. - 2006 - Encountering the expertise reversal effect with a .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{carney_partially_2015, - title = {Partially Flipped Linear Algebra: A Team–Based Approach}, - volume = {25}, - issn = {1051-1970, 1935-4053}, - url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10511970.2015.1047545}, - doi = {10.1080/10511970.2015.1047545}, - shorttitle = {Partially Flipped Linear Algebra}, - pages = {641--654}, - number = {8}, - journaltitle = {{PRIMUS}}, - shortjournal = {{PRIMUS}}, - author = {Carney, Debra and Ormes, Nicholas and Swanson, Rebecca}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2015-09-14}, +@article{moreno_when_2006, + title = {When worked examples don't work: Is cognitive load theory at an Impasse?}, + volume = {16}, + issn = {09594752}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S095947520600020X}, + doi = {10.1016/j.learninstruc.2006.02.006}, + shorttitle = {When worked examples don't work}, + pages = {170--181}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Learning and Instruction}, + shortjournal = {Learning and Instruction}, + author = {Moreno, Roxana}, + urldate = {2023-10-04}, + date = {2006-04}, langid = {english}, - file = {Carney et al. - 2015 - Partially Flipped Linear Algebra A Team–Based App.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/26H9ZITU/Carney et al. - 2015 - Partially Flipped Linear Algebra A Team–Based App.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Moreno - 2006 - When worked examples don't work Is cognitive load.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UNZDVVFG/Moreno - 2006 - When worked examples don't work Is cognitive load.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{tucker_flipped_2012, - title = {The flipped classroom.}, - url = {https://www.msuedtechsandbox.com/MAETELy2-2015/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/the_flipped_classroom_article_2.pdf}, - pages = {82--83}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Education next}, - author = {Tucker, Bill}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2012}, - file = {Tucker - 2012 - The flipped classroom..pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FFXCQKKN/Tucker - 2012 - The flipped classroom..pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{praetorius_generic_2018, + title = {Generic dimensions of teaching quality: the German framework of Three Basic Dimensions}, + volume = {50}, + issn = {1863-9690, 1863-9704}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11858-018-0918-4}, + doi = {10.1007/s11858-018-0918-4}, + shorttitle = {Generic dimensions of teaching quality}, + pages = {407--426}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {{ZDM} – Mathematics Education}, + shortjournal = {{ZDM} Mathematics Education}, + author = {Praetorius, Anna-Katharina and Klieme, Eckhard and Herbert, Benjamin and Pinger, Petra}, + urldate = {2023-10-04}, + date = {2018-06}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Praetorius et al. - 2018 - Generic dimensions of teaching quality the German.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GD5388ED/Praetorius et al. - 2018 - Generic dimensions of teaching quality the German.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{santos_green_flipped_2017, - location = {Cham}, - title = {The Flipped College Classroom}, - isbn = {978-3-319-41853-7 978-3-319-41855-1}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-41855-1}, - publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, - editor = {Santos Green, Lucy and Banas, Jennifer R. and Perkins, Ross A.}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2017}, +@article{wittwer_how_2010, + title = {How Effective are Instructional Explanations in Example-Based Learning? A Meta-Analytic Review}, + volume = {22}, + issn = {1040-726X, 1573-336X}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10648-010-9136-5}, + doi = {10.1007/s10648-010-9136-5}, + shorttitle = {How Effective are Instructional Explanations in Example-Based Learning?}, + pages = {393--409}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, + shortjournal = {Educ Psychol Rev}, + author = {Wittwer, Jörg and Renkl, Alexander}, + urldate = {2023-10-04}, + date = {2010-12}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-41855-1}, - file = {978-3-319-41855-1.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/4KIWADNP/978-3-319-41855-1.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/LQAED2DQ/Santos Green et al. - 2017 - The Flipped College Classroom.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Wittwer and Renkl - 2010 - How Effective are Instructional Explanations in Ex.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/JXULLRQ7/Wittwer and Renkl - 2010 - How Effective are Instructional Explanations in Ex.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{oflaherty_use_2015, - title = {The use of flipped classrooms in higher education: A scoping review}, - volume = {25}, - issn = {10967516}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1096751615000056}, - doi = {10.1016/j.iheduc.2015.02.002}, - shorttitle = {The use of flipped classrooms in higher education}, - pages = {85--95}, - journaltitle = {The Internet and Higher Education}, - shortjournal = {The Internet and Higher Education}, - author = {O'Flaherty, Jacqueline and Phillips, Craig}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2015-04}, +@article{sweller_should_2017, + title = {Should self-regulated learning be integrated with cognitive load theory? A commentary}, + volume = {51}, + issn = {09594752}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0959475217303043}, + doi = {10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.05.005}, + shorttitle = {Should self-regulated learning be integrated with cognitive load theory?}, + pages = {85--89}, + journaltitle = {Learning and Instruction}, + shortjournal = {Learning and Instruction}, + author = {Sweller, John and Paas, Fred}, + urldate = {2023-10-03}, + date = {2017-10}, langid = {english}, - file = {O'Flaherty and Phillips - 2015 - The use of flipped classrooms in higher education.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/IPAUICQQ/O'Flaherty and Phillips - 2015 - The use of flipped classrooms in higher education.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Sweller und Paas - 2017 - Should self-regulated learning be integrated with .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/8F3V66ST/Sweller und Paas - 2017 - Should self-regulated learning be integrated with .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{american_society_for_engineering_education_2012_2012, - location = {Piscataway, {NJ}}, - title = {2012 Frontiers in Education Conference proceedings ({FIE} 2012): Seattle, Washington, {USA}, 3 - 6 October 2012}, - isbn = {978-1-4673-1352-0 978-1-4673-1353-7}, - shorttitle = {2012 Frontiers in Education Conference proceedings ({FIE} 2012)}, - publisher = {{IEEE}}, - editor = {American Society for Engineering Education and {IEEE} Computer Society and {IEEE} Education Society}, - date = {2012}, - file = {American Society for Engineering Education et al. - 2012 - 2012 Frontiers in Education Conference proceedings.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/4KPXQL4Y/American Society for Engineering Education et al. - 2012 - 2012 Frontiers in Education Conference proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{van_gog_example-based_2010, + title = {Example-Based Learning: Integrating Cognitive and Social-Cognitive Research Perspectives}, + volume = {22}, + issn = {1040-726X, 1573-336X}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10648-010-9134-7}, + doi = {10.1007/s10648-010-9134-7}, + shorttitle = {Example-Based Learning}, + pages = {155--174}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, + shortjournal = {Educ Psychol Rev}, + author = {Van Gog, Tamara and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-10-03}, + date = {2010-06}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Volltext:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/5N6EDPD3/Van Gog und Rummel - 2010 - Example-Based Learning Integrating Cognitive and .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{abeysekera_motivation_2015, - title = {Motivation and cognitive load in the flipped classroom: definition, rationale and a call for research}, - volume = {34}, - issn = {0729-4360, 1469-8366}, - url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07294360.2014.934336}, - doi = {10.1080/07294360.2014.934336}, - shorttitle = {Motivation and cognitive load in the flipped classroom}, - pages = {1--14}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Higher Education Research \& Development}, - shortjournal = {Higher Education Research \& Development}, - author = {Abeysekera, Lakmal and Dawson, Phillip}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2015-01-02}, +@article{van_gog_not_2015, + title = {Not New, but Nearly Forgotten: the Testing Effect Decreases or even Disappears as the Complexity of Learning Materials Increases}, + volume = {27}, + issn = {1040-726X, 1573-336X}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10648-015-9310-x}, + doi = {10.1007/s10648-015-9310-x}, + shorttitle = {Not New, but Nearly Forgotten}, + pages = {247--264}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, + shortjournal = {Educ Psychol Rev}, + author = {Van Gog, Tamara and Sweller, John}, + urldate = {2023-10-03}, + date = {2015-06}, langid = {english}, - file = {Abeysekera and Dawson - 2015 - Motivation and cognitive load in the flipped class.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/3EV3ZX6U/Abeysekera and Dawson - 2015 - Motivation and cognitive load in the flipped class.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Volltext:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GTRXF3ES/Van Gog und Sweller - 2015 - Not New, but Nearly Forgotten the Testing Effect .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{divjak_flipped_2022, - title = {Flipped classrooms in higher education during the {COVID}-19 pandemic: findings and future research recommendations}, - volume = {19}, - url = {https://educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41239-021-00316-4}, - pages = {1--24}, +@article{van_merrienboer_taking_2003, + title = {Taking the Load Off a Learner's Mind: Instructional Design for Complex Learning}, + volume = {38}, + issn = {0046-1520}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1207/S15326985EP3801_2}, + doi = {10.1207/S15326985EP3801_2}, + shorttitle = {Taking the Load Off a Learner's Mind}, + abstract = {Complex learning aims at the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes; the coordination of qualitatively different constituent skills; and the transfer of what is learned to daily life or work settings. Recent instructional theories stress authentic learning tasks as the driving force for learning; but due to the complexity of those tasks, learning may be hampered by the limited processing capacity of the human mind. In this article we present a framework for scaffolding practice and just-in-time information presentation, aiming to control cognitive load effectively. We briefly describe a design model for complex learning consistent with cognitive load theory. Theoretical and practical implications of the presented framework are discussed.}, + pages = {5--13}, number = {1}, - journaltitle = {International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education}, - author = {Divjak, B. and Rienties, B. and Iniesto, F. and Vondra, P. and Žižak, M}, - urldate = {2023-01-24}, - date = {2022}, - file = {Divjak et al. - 2022 - Flipped classrooms in higher education during the .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/JIZKEAUN/Divjak et al. - 2022 - Flipped classrooms in higher education during the .pdf:application/pdf}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychologist}, + author = {van Merrienboer, Jeroen J. G. and Kirschner, Paul A. and Kester, Liesbeth}, + urldate = {2023-10-03}, + date = {2003-01-01}, + note = {Publisher: Routledge +\_eprint: https://doi.org/10.1207/S15326985EP3801\_2}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/BQZEXYHW/van Merrienboer et al. - 2003 - Taking the Load Off a Learner's Mind Instructiona.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{hrastinski_asynchronous_nodate, - title = {Asynchronous and synchronous e-learning.}, - volume = {31}, - url = {http://elearning.fit.hcmup.edu.vn/~longld/References%20for%20TeachingMethod&EduTechnology%20-%20Tai%20lieu%20PPDH%20&%20Cong%20Nghe%20Day%20Hoc/(Book)%20-%20Sach%20tham%20khao%20-%20eLearning/e-Learning%20Concepts/Asynchronous%20&%20Synchronous%20e-Learning%20(Hrastinski-2008).pdf}, - pages = {51--55}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Educause quarterly}, - author = {Hrastinski, Stefan}, - urldate = {2023-01-26}, - file = {Hrastinski - Asynchronous and synchronous e-learning..pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ING3639V/Hrastinski - Asynchronous and synchronous e-learning..pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{mayer_how_2023, + title = {How to Assess Whether an Instructional Intervention Has an Effect on Learning}, + volume = {35}, + issn = {1040-726X, 1573-336X}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10648-023-09783-9}, + doi = {10.1007/s10648-023-09783-9}, + pages = {64}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, + shortjournal = {Educ Psychol Rev}, + author = {Mayer, Richard E.}, + urldate = {2023-10-03}, + date = {2023-06}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Mayer - 2023 - How to Assess Whether an Instructional Interventio.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GQQ7A25S/Mayer - 2023 - How to Assess Whether an Instructional Interventio.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{nordmann_ten_2020, - title = {Ten simple rules for supporting a temporary online pivot in higher education}, - volume = {16}, - issn = {1553-7358}, - url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008242}, - doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008242}, - pages = {e1008242}, - number = {10}, - journaltitle = {{PLOS} Computational Biology}, - shortjournal = {{PLoS} Comput Biol}, - author = {Nordmann, Emily and Horlin, Chiara and Hutchison, Jacqui and Murray, Jo-Anne and Robson, Louise and Seery, Michael K. and {MacKay}, Jill R. D.}, - editor = {Schwartz, Russell}, - urldate = {2023-01-30}, - date = {2020-10-01}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/GH57PS7H/Nordmann et al. - 2020 - Ten simple rules for supporting a temporary online.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{noauthor_stellwerk_nodate, + title = {Stellwerk}, + url = {https://stellwerk.ch/stellwerk/}, + titleaddon = {Stellwerk}, + urldate = {2023-09-26}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/2ZZRW4NZ/stellwerk.html:text/html}, +} + +@report{weich_erfolgreich_2023, + title = {Erfolgreich übergetreten? Mathematikleistungen und Engagement in naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen}, + url = {https://zenodo.org/record/7782554}, + shorttitle = {Erfolgreich übergetreten?}, + abstract = {Das Fach Mathematik ist in vielen naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen ein wichtiges Grundlagenfach. Zur Erlangung der allgemeinen Hochschulreife spielt das Fach an den Maturitätsschulen in der Schweiz ebenfalls eine grosse Rolle. Seit Jahren werden jedoch holperige Übergänge ins Studium konstatiert, und die Hochschulen diskutieren über Leistungsprobleme ihrer Studierenden in mathematikzentralen Lehrveranstaltungen. Der vorliegende Bericht nimmt das Engagement und die Leistungen von Studierenden in Mathematik in der Eingangsphase naturwissenschaftlicher Studiengänge (Biologie, Chemie, Erdwissenschaften, Geografie, u.ä.) in den Blick. Warum gelingt es vielen Studierenden scheinbar nicht, die Anforderungen in mathematikzentrierten Lehrveranstaltungen zu erfüllen? Liegt es am fehlenden Engagement oder gar am Unvermögen der Studierenden? Oder erwarten die Dozierenden zu viel? Welche Rolle spielen die Lehrveranstaltungen und die Professor:innen sowie Assistierenden? Welche Bedeutung haben die Maturitätsschulen als vorbereitende Institution? Was sollte und könnte sich zur Verbesserung der Situation ändern? Es werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in den subjektiven Wahrnehmungs- und Deutungsmustern der Akteur:innen identifiziert und begründete Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet.}, + institution = {Zenodo}, + author = {Weich, Miriam and Lüthi, Fabienne and Templer, Franziska and Stalder, Barbara E.}, + urldate = {2023-09-13}, + date = {2023-04-17}, + doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7782554}, + keywords = {Engagement, Mathematik, Studienerfolg}, + file = {Zenodo Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/RBHDFI2D/Weich et al. - 2023 - Erfolgreich übergetreten Mathematikleistungen und.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{hanke_clevere_2021, - location = {Bad Krozingen}, - edition = {2., erweiterte Auflage}, - title = {Clevere Methoden für interaktive virtuelle Präsenzkurse}, - isbn = {9798656442817 9783754133972}, - series = {Effizient und clever lehren}, - pagetotal = {113}, - number = {Band 1}, - publisher = {www.hanke-teachertraining.de}, - author = {Hanke, Ulrike and Bach, Nina and Morath, Bianca}, - date = {2021}, - file = {Hanke et al. - 2021 - Clevere Methoden für interaktive virtuelle Präsenz.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/CF8EYABW/Hanke et al. - 2021 - Clevere Methoden für interaktive virtuelle Präsenz.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{honegger_lehrmittel_nodate, + title = {Lehrmittel in einer digitalen Welt}, + author = {Honegger, Beat Döbeli}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Honegger - Lehrmittel in einer digitalen Welt.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IGSM3A3M/Honegger - Lehrmittel in einer digitalen Welt.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{roediger_power_2006, - title = {The Power of Testing Memory: Basic Research and Implications for Educational Practice}, - volume = {1}, - issn = {1745-6916, 1745-6924}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-6916.2006.00012.x}, - doi = {10.1111/j.1745-6916.2006.00012.x}, - shorttitle = {The Power of Testing Memory}, - abstract = {A powerful way of improving one's memory for material is to be tested on that material. Tests enhance later retention more than additional study of the material, even when tests are given without feedback. This surprising phenomenon is called the testing effect, and although it has been studied by cognitive psychologists sporadically over the years, today there is a renewed effort to learn why testing is effective and to apply testing in educational settings. In this article, we selectively review laboratory studies that reveal the power of testing in improving retention and then turn to studies that demonstrate the basic effects in educational settings. We also consider the related concepts of dynamic testing and formative assessment as other means of using tests to improve learning. Finally, we consider some negative consequences of testing that may occur in certain circumstances, though these negative effects are often small and do not cancel out the large positive effects of testing. Frequent testing in the classroom may boost educational achievement at all levels of education.}, - pages = {181--210}, +@article{denner_does_2019, + title = {Does Computer Game Design and Programming Benefit Children? A Meta-Synthesis of Research}, + volume = {19}, + issn = {1946-6226}, + url = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3277565}, + doi = {10.1145/3277565}, + shorttitle = {Does Computer Game Design and Programming Benefit Children?}, + abstract = {It is widely believed that there are educational benefits to making computer games, but there is no systematic review of research on this topic. This article describes a meta-synthesis of research on children designing and programming computer games that investigates the extent to which there is evidence of benefits for computer science learning and motivation. Over 400 articles were identified, and 68 articles met the inclusion criteria. A systematic analysis and synthesis across studies showed some evidence that computer game design and programming can lead to changes in programming knowledge, problem solving, and computer science attitudes and confidence. However, most of the evidence described engagement in computing-related practices and did not measure learning. The findings were mostly positive, although several studies noted more negative attitudes toward programming after making games. The results were similar across different pedagogical approaches, although social interaction may provide unique opportunities for computer science learning. The synthesis resulted in a list of design elements for studying computer game design and programming activities; these can be used to increase the availability of evidence about learning. The article concludes with the identification of gaps in the research and suggestions for additional research.}, + pages = {1--35}, number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Perspectives on Psychological Science}, - shortjournal = {Perspect Psychol Sci}, - author = {Roediger, Henry L. and Karpicke, Jeffrey D.}, - urldate = {2023-01-30}, - date = {2006-09}, + journaltitle = {{ACM} Transactions on Computing Education}, + shortjournal = {{ACM} Trans. Comput. Educ.}, + author = {Denner, Jill and Campe, Shannon and Werner, Linda}, + urldate = {2023-08-19}, + date = {2019-09-30}, langid = {english}, - file = {Roediger and Karpicke - 2006 - The Power of Testing Memory Basic Research and Im.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/KLK54V75/Roediger and Karpicke - 2006 - The Power of Testing Memory Basic Research and Im.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Volltext:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QDUJ6IDH/Denner et al. - 2019 - Does Computer Game Design and Programming Benefit .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{linneweber-lammerskitten_helmut_harmos_2008, - title = {{HarmoS} Mathematik: Kompetenzmodell und Vorschläge für Bildungsstandards}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - issn = {0259-353X}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=13683}, - doi = {10.25656/01:13683}, - shorttitle = {{HarmoS} Mathematik}, - abstract = {Der folgende Beitrag erklärt den Aufbau des Kompetenzmodells {HarmoS} Mathematik und verdeutlicht wichtige Unterschiede zu den geläufigen Kompetenzrastern der Fremdsprachenfächer. Die vom Konsortium vorgeschlagenen mathematischen Basisstandards werden erläutert und durch ein Beispiel veranschaulicht. Zuletzt nehmen wir zu möglichen Missverständnissen Stellung und antizipieren Implikationen für den Mathematikunterricht und den Deutschschweizer Lehrplan.}, - author = {Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Helmut and Wälti, Beat}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, +@article{hilbe_selbst_2022, + title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium. Eine Untersuchung interindividueller Unterschiede bei Schülerinnen und Schülern im Umgang mit der Lernerautonomie}, + rights = {Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=25272}, + doi = {10.25656/01:25272}, + abstract = {Selbständige Wissensaneignung und Lernorganisation sind Schlüsselqualifikationen der Informationsgesellschaft. Die Mixed-Methods-Studie untersucht interindividuelle Unterschiede bei Schülerinnen und Schülern im Umgang mit dem selbst organisierten Lernen am Gymnasium. Es werden vier Lernertypen identifiziert, die durch eine inhaltsanalytische Auswertung von Interviews und zwei Fallbeispiele genauer charakterisiert werden. Aus den Ergebnissen werden Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung selbst organisierter Lerneinheiten abgeleitet. Selbst organisiertes Lernen setzt voraus, dass Lernende zu aktiven Gestaltern ihres eigenen Lernprozesses werden. Die vorliegende Studie geht davon aus, dass nicht alle Schülerinnen und Schüler mit der ihnen zugemuteten Autonomie beim selbst organisierten Lernen konstruktiv umzugehen wissen, da sie sich sowohl hinsichtlich der notwendigen Fähigkeiten zur Selbstregulation des Lernens (Lernstrategien, Metakognition) als auch bezüglich der motivationalen Voraussetzungen zum Lernen unterscheiden. Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind daher interindividuelle Differenzen beim selbst organisierten Lernen bei Schülerinnen und Schülern, die methodisch in einem sequentiellen Mixed-Methods-Ansatz untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die vier Lernertypen deutlich voneinander unterscheiden, wenn auch nicht in allen untersuchten Aspekten. Bedeutende Erklärungskraft wird einer besonderen Vorstellung von Lernen zugeschrieben, die sich verstärkt beim Typ der erfolgreichen Lernenden zeigt: Personen dieses Typs betrachten Lernen als Herausforderung und Chance für die persönliche Weiterentwicklung, akzeptieren, dass Lerngelegenheiten aus Ungewissheit beinhalten und betonen gleichzeitig, dass für erfolgreiches Lernen Persistenz notwendig ist. ({DIPF}/Verlag)}, + pages = {519 pages}, + author = {Hilbe, Robert}, + editora = {{DIPF {\textbar} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}}, editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-01-30}, - date = {2008}, + urldate = {2023-08-18}, + date = {2022}, langid = {german}, - note = {Publisher: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ({SGL}) : Langnau, Emmental}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Mathematics lessons, Mathematikunterricht, Modell, Teaching of mathematics, Bildungsstandards, Competency, Deutsche Schweiz, Educational standard, Kompetenz, Lehrplan, Standards}, - file = {Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Helmut and Wälti, Beat - 2008 - HarmoS Mathematik Kompetenzmodell und Vorschläge .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XLYG644D/Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Helmut and Wälti, Beat - 2008 - HarmoS Mathematik Kompetenzmodell und Vorschläge .pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@book{ammann-tinguely_selbst_2020, - location = {Bern}, - edition = {1. Auflage}, - title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe I: Grundlagen und Umsetzung}, - isbn = {978-3-0355-1620-3 978-3-0355-1619-7}, - shorttitle = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe I}, - pagetotal = {284}, - publisher = {hep}, - author = {Ammann-Tinguely, Christiane and Sahli Lozano, Caroline}, - date = {2020}, - file = {Selbst_organisiertes_Lernen_auf_der_Sekundarstufe_..._----_(Pg_1--110).pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/57ERCRZG/Selbst_organisiertes_Lernen_auf_der_Sekundarstufe_..._----_(Pg_1--110).pdf:application/pdf;Selbst_organisiertes_Lernen_auf_der_Sekundarstufe_..._----_(Pg_111--200).pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/P9K5SWPC/Selbst_organisiertes_Lernen_auf_der_Sekundarstufe_..._----_(Pg_111--200).pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/P2N8769Q/Ammann-Tinguely and Sahli Lozano - 2020 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe .pdf:application/pdf}, + note = {Artwork Size: 519 pages +Publisher: Budrich Academic Press : Opladen; Berlin; Toronto}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Motivation, Empirical study, Empirische Untersuchung, Forschungsergebnis, German academic secondary school, Grammar School, Gymnasium, Learning process, Lernkonzept, Lernprozess, Lerntyp, Mixed-Methods-Design, Qualitative Forschung, Qualitative research, Quantitative Forschung, Quantitative research, Research result, Secondary education, Secondary school, Sekundarbereich, Selbst gesteuertes Lernen, Selbstbestimmung, Selbstständiges Lernen, Selbstwirksamkeit, Self efficacy, Self-determination, Self-directed learning, Self-instruction, Studie}, + file = {Hilbe - 2022 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium. Eine Unt.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ANDQULV7/Hilbe - 2022 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium. Eine Unt.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{weidlich_vorbereitungsphase_2014, - title = {Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorlesungsvideos versus Aufgaben}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10105}, - doi = {10.25656/01:10105}, - abstract = {Im Flipped Classroom oder Inverted Classroom bereiten sich Studierende in der Regel mit Hilfe von Vorlesungsvideos auf die Präsenzveranstaltungen vor. Problematisch daran ist, dass Videos oft nur beiläufig geschaut und oberflächlich verarbeitet werden. In der aufgabenbasierten Vorbereitungsphase befassen sich die Studierenden mit geeigneten Aufgaben anstelle von Vorlesungsvideos. Dadurch sollen lernrelevante kognitive Prozesse initiiert werden, welche wiederum höhere Lernergebnisse in der gemeinsamen Präsenzphase ermöglichen können. Auf Basis der Revised Taxonomy nach Anderson und Krathwohl (2001) und der Basismodelle nach Oser und Patry (1994) sowie Oser und Baeriswyl (2001) wurde eine aufgabenbasierte Flipped-Classroom-Einheit mit dem Ziel konzipiert, den außerhochschulischen Lernraum in der Vorbereitungsphase effektiver zu nutzen. In einer ersten Studie zeichneten sich gewisse Vorteile der aufgabenbasierten Vorbereitungsphase gegenüber derjenigen mit Vorlesungsvideos ab. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-02-01}, +@book{keller_strukturelle_2014, + location = {Wiesbaden}, + title = {Strukturelle Faktoren des Bildungserfolgs: Wie das Bildungssystem den Übertritt ins Berufsleben bestimmt}, + isbn = {978-3-658-05441-0 978-3-658-05442-7}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-05442-7}, + shorttitle = {Strukturelle Faktoren des Bildungserfolgs}, + publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, + author = {Keller, Florian}, + urldate = {2023-08-18}, date = {2014}, langid = {german}, - note = {{ISBN}: 9783830931423 -Publisher: Waxmann : Münster u.a.}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Aufgabenorientierung, Blended learning, Blended Learning, Cognitive process, Deutschland, E-learning, E-Learning, Experimentelle Untersuchung, Germany, Higher education institute, Higher education lecturing, Hochschule, Hochschullehre, Kognitiver Prozess, Learning method, Learning techniques, Lecture, Lehramtsstudent, Lernmethode, Lernziel, Mathematics lessons, Mathematikunterricht, Method of teaching, Modell, Private study, Selbststudium, Self-instruction, Student teachers, Teaching objective, Teaching of mathematics, Test, University lecturing, University teaching, Videoaufzeichnung, Virtual learning, Vorbereitung, Vorlesung}, - file = {Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian - 2014 - Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorle.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7ZUHGUZR/Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian - 2014 - Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorle.pdf:application/pdf}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-05442-7}, + file = {Keller - 2014 - Strukturelle Faktoren des Bildungserfolgs Wie das.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/24ZVIQTS/Keller - 2014 - Strukturelle Faktoren des Bildungserfolgs Wie das.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{fischer_lernen_2012, - title = {Lernen mit Vorlesungsvideos in der umgedrehten Mathematikvorlesung}, - url = {https://dl.gi.de/bitstream/handle/20.500.12116/4776/225.pdf}, - abstract = {{DeLFI} 2012: Die 10. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik {eV}}, - publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik {eV}}, - author = {Fischer, Maike and Spannagel, Christian}, - urldate = {2023-02-01}, - date = {2012}, - file = {Fischer and Spannagel, Christian - 2012 - Lernen mit Vorlesungsvideos in der umgedrehten Mat.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/6FUWCNBK/Fischer and Spannagel, Christian - 2012 - Lernen mit Vorlesungsvideos in der umgedrehten Mat.pdf:application/pdf}, +@collection{greene_handbook_2017, + location = {New York}, + edition = {2}, + title = {Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance}, + isbn = {978-1-315-69704-8}, + abstract = {The second edition of the popular Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance responds to and incorporates the wealth of new research that the first edition inspired on the subject. At the same time, it advances meaningful perspectives on the scholarship and history that originally shaped the field. Divided into five major sections—basic domains, context, technology, methodology and assessment, and individual and group differences—this thoroughly updated handbook addresses recent theoretical refinements and advances in instruction and intervention that have changed approaches to developing learners’ capabilities to self-regulate in educational settings. Chapters written by leading experts in the field include discussions of methodological advances and expansions into new technologies and the role of learner differences in such areas as contexts and cultures. As a comprehensive guide to a rapidly evolving and increasingly influential subject area, this volume represents contemporary and future thinking in self-regulation theory, research, and applications. + +Chapter Structure – To ensure uniformity and coherence across chapters, each chapter author addresses the theoretical ideas underlying their topic, research evidence bearing on these ideas, future research directions, and implications for educational practice. + +Global – A significant number of international contributors are included to reflect the increasingly international research on self-regulation. + +Readable – In order to make the book accessible to students, chapters have been carefully edited for clarity, conciseness, and organizational consistency. + +Expertise – All chapters are written by leading researchers who are highly regarded experts on their particular topics and are active contributors to the field.}, + pagetotal = {530}, + publisher = {Routledge}, + editor = {Greene, Jeffrey A. and Schunk, Dale H.}, + date = {2017-09-11}, + doi = {10.4324/9781315697048}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/LQSCLTGW/Greene - 2017 - Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Perfor.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{stratmann_lernerfolg_2009, - title = {Lernerfolg und Kompetenz: Didaktische Potenziale der Portfolio-Methode im Hochschulstudium}, - volume = {4}, - url = {https://zfhe.at/index.php/zfhe/article/download/55/43}, - abstract = {Ein wichtiger Aspekt des Bologna-Prozesses besteht in der Forderung, Studium und Lehre statt auf Wissensvermittlung auf Kompetenzen auszurichten. Dies konnte jedoch bisher an den Hochschulen noch nicht durchgängig umgesetzt werden, da insbesondere bei der Erfassung von Kompetenzen die größten Schwierigkeiten zu bestehen scheinen. Aus unserer Sicht ist für die Befassung mit Kompetenzen besonders die Portfolio-Methode interessant. Mit Hilfe eines Portfolios erhalten die Lernenden ein Instrument an die Hand, mit dem sie ihren Lernprozess dokumentieren können. Allerdings hat die Portfolio-Methode einen direkten Einfluss auf die Lernsituation, in der die Reflexion des eignen Lernprozesses aber auch das gegenseitige Feedback einen großen Stellenwert einnimmt. In unserem Beitrag möchten wir aktuelle Nutzungsvarianten aufzeigen.}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Assessment im Hochschulunterricht}, - author = {Stratmann, Jörg and Preußler, Annabell and Kerres, Michael}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2009-03}, - file = {Stratmann et al. - 2009 - Lernerfolg und Kompetenz Didaktische Potenziale d.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/D5SPEHIA/Stratmann et al. - 2009 - Lernerfolg und Kompetenz Didaktische Potenziale d.pdf:application/pdf}, +@incollection{greene_historical_2017, + edition = {2}, + title = {Historical, Contemporary, and Future Perspectives on Self-Regulated Learning and Performance}, + isbn = {978-1-315-69704-8}, + abstract = {This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book. The book addresses key historical, contemporary, and future developments in the field of self-regulation. It first deals with five basic domains of self-regulated learning and performance: social cognitive, cognitive/metacognitive, developmental, motivation and emotion, and co-regulation and socially shared regulation. The book focuses on the adaptation of self-regulatory principles to investigate their effectiveness in specific contexts. Research on self-regulation and technology includes what kinds of knowledge and skills are needed to successfully utilize technology in the modern world and how technology systems can be designed to teach and foster self-regulation. The book also reviews the literature on the role of self-regulation in computer-based learning environments, intelligent tutoring systems and teachable agents, digital games, and computer-supported collaborative learning. It further examines methodological issues in assessing self-regulation of learning and performance such as reliability, validity, diagnostic value, and sensitivity to instruction.}, + booktitle = {Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance}, + publisher = {Routledge}, + author = {Greene, Jeffrey A. and Schunk, Dale H.}, + date = {2017}, + note = {Num Pages: 15}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/LGNP9YPX/Greene - 2017 - Historical, Contemporary, and Future Perspectives .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{dorgerloh_lehren_2020, - location = {Weinheim Basel}, - edition = {1. Auflage}, - title = {Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos: mit E-Book inside}, - isbn = {978-3-407-63177-0 978-3-407-63126-8}, - series = {Pädagogik}, - shorttitle = {Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos}, - pagetotal = {189}, - publisher = {Beltz}, - editor = {Dorgerloh, Stephan and Wolf, Karsten D.}, - date = {2020}, - file = {Stephan Dorgerloh, Karsten Wolf - Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos (2020, Beltz) - libgen.li.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ZXMUMDC3/Stephan Dorgerloh, Karsten Wolf - Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos (2020, Beltz) - libgen.li.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UU58XD5P/Dorgerloh and Wolf - 2020 - Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos .pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{konsortium_ugk_hrsg_uberprufung_2019, + title = {Überprüfung der Grundkompetenzen. Nationaler Bericht der Ü{GK} 2016: Mathematik 11. Schuljahr.}, + publisher = {Konsortium Ü{GK}}, + author = {{Konsortium ÜGK (Hrsg.)}}, + date = {2019}, + note = {https://doi.org/10.18747/{PHSG}- +coll3/id/386}, + file = {Konsortium ÜGK (Hrsg.) - 2019 - Überprüfung der Grundkompetenzen. Nationaler Beric.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XP6ZBS67/Konsortium ÜGK (Hrsg.) - 2019 - Überprüfung der Grundkompetenzen. Nationaler Beric.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{brahm_next_2007, - location = {St. Gallen}, - title = {"Ne(x)t generation learning": E-Assessment und E-Portfolio: halten sie, was sie versprechen?}, - isbn = {978-3-906528-52-6}, - series = {Themenreihe ... zur Workshop-Serie / {SCIL}, Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning}, - shorttitle = {"Ne(x)t generation learning"}, - pagetotal = {91}, - number = {2}, - publisher = {{SCIL}}, - editor = {Brahm, Taiga and Seufert, Sabine}, - date = {2007}, - file = {Brahm and Seufert - 2007 - Ne(x)t generation learning E-Assessment und E-P.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/9UMNSMQP/Brahm and Seufert - 2007 - Ne(x)t generation learning E-Assessment und E-P.pdf:application/pdf}, +@incollection{keller_funktionen_2014, + location = {Wiesbaden}, + title = {Funktionen des Bildungssystems}, + isbn = {978-3-658-05442-7}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-05442-7_2}, + abstract = {Am Ende der obligatorischen Schulzeit sind die Jugendlichen unmittelbar mit der Problematik des Verhältnisses von Bildungssystem und Gesellschaft konfrontiert. Die Jugendlichen wurden während neun Jahren an einer staatlichen Institution ausgebildet und haben dabei zahlreiche Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten erworben, die es ihnen ermöglichen sollten, einen Beruf auszuüben. Während der Schulzeit haben sie Leistungen erbracht, die in Zeugnissen bewertet wurden und die ihnen bereits zu einem großen Teil die beruflichen Möglichkeiten und damit ihren künftigen sozialen Status in der Gesellschaft zuweisen. Ob ihre Qualifikationen und Noten allerdings ausreichend sind, um wie gewünscht in eine Berufsbildung oder ins Erwerbsleben einzutreten, erfahren sie erst, wenn sie aus dem Bildungssystem aus- und in den Arbeitsmarkt eintreten. Die Jugendlichen stehen, bildlich gesprochen, zwischen den gesellschaftlichen Teilsystemen Bildungssystem und Wirtschaftssystem.}, + pages = {25--42}, + booktitle = {Strukturelle Faktoren des Bildungserfolgs: Wie das Bildungssystem den Übertritt ins Berufsleben bestimmt}, + publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, + author = {Keller, Florian}, + editor = {Keller, Florian}, + urldate = {2023-08-17}, + date = {2014}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-05442-7_2}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/WF5QA85X/Keller - 2014 - Funktionen des Bildungssystems.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{stratmann_lernerfolg_2009-1, - title = {Lernerfolg und Kompetenz bewerten. Didaktische Potenziale von Portfolios in Lehr-/Lernkontext}, - volume = {18}, - issn = {1424-3636}, - url = {https://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/118}, - doi = {10.21240/mpaed/18/2009.12.18.X}, - abstract = {Mit der Diskussion um die Berücksichtigung von Kompetenzen in Schule und Hochschule ergeben sich für Lehrende neue Aufgaben. Es geht nicht mehr nur darum, Lehrinhalte zu benennen, sondern auch darum, wozu Lernende als Ergebnis des Lernprozesses in der Lage sein sollen. Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte eine Übersicht über aktuelle Nutzungsvarianten und die damit verbundenen Potentiale geben und ein Analyseraster vorstellen, mit dem Szenarien beschrieben und verglichen werden können.}, - pages = {1--19}, - issue = {Indiv. Leistungsdarstellung}, - journaltitle = {{MedienPädagogik}: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung}, - shortjournal = {{MedienPädagogik}}, - author = {Stratmann, Jörg and Preussler, Annabell and Kerres, Michael}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2009-12-18}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QVAHW94L/Stratmann et al. - 2009 - Lernerfolg und Kompetenz bewerten. Didaktische Pot.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{imlig_towards_2018, + title = {Towards a national assessment policy in Switzerland: areas of conflict in the use of assessment instruments}, + volume = {25}, + issn = {0969-594X, 1465-329X}, + url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0969594X.2017.1390439}, + doi = {10.1080/0969594X.2017.1390439}, + shorttitle = {Towards a national assessment policy in Switzerland}, + pages = {272--290}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy \& Practice}, + shortjournal = {Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy \& Practice}, + author = {Imlig, Flavian and Ender, Susanne}, + urldate = {2023-08-17}, + date = {2018-05-04}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Akzeptierte Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/U8TVNKXW/Imlig und Ender - 2018 - Towards a national assessment policy in Switzerlan.pdf:application/pdf;imlig2018.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6MC73E8S/imlig2018.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{zawacki-richter_denn_2010, - title = {Denn wir wissen nicht, was sie tun... Portfolios zur Dokumentation von Kompetenzen in einem weiterbildenden Masterstudiengang}, - volume = {18}, - issn = {1424-3636}, - url = {https://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/121}, - doi = {10.21240/mpaed/18/2010.02.05.X}, - abstract = {Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird am Beispiel eines internetgestützten, weiterbildenden Studiengangs gezeigt, wie die Portfoliomethode als kompetenzbasierte Prüfungsleistung in ein Blended Learning Design integriert werden kann. Im Rahmen einer qualitativen Analyse von Projektportfolios wird untersucht, wie Studierende über ihren Kompetenzentwicklungsprozess reflektieren und welche Kompetenzen auf diese Weise dokumentiert werden.}, - pages = {1--23}, - issue = {Indiv. Leistungsdarstellung}, - journaltitle = {{MedienPädagogik}: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung}, - shortjournal = {{MedienPädagogik}}, - author = {Zawacki-Richter, Olaf and Bäcker, Eva Maria and Hanft, Anke}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2010-02-05}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BNT8S6T9/Zawacki-Richter et al. - 2010 - Denn wir wissen nicht, was sie tun... Portfolios z.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{yang_research_2021, + title = {Research focuses and findings of flipping mathematics classes: a review of journal publications based on the technology-enhanced learning model}, + volume = {29}, + issn = {1049-4820, 1744-5191}, + url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10494820.2019.1637351}, + doi = {10.1080/10494820.2019.1637351}, + shorttitle = {Research focuses and findings of flipping mathematics classes}, + pages = {905--938}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {Interactive Learning Environments}, + shortjournal = {Interactive Learning Environments}, + author = {Yang, Qi-Fan and Lin, Chi-Jen and Hwang, Gwo-Jen}, + urldate = {2023-08-14}, + date = {2021-08-18}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Yang et al. - 2021 - Research focuses and findings of flipping mathemat.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/Q7YL68WJ/Yang et al. - 2021 - Research focuses and findings of flipping mathemat.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{hacker_thomas_von_2013, - title = {Von analogen Portfolios für die Entwicklung von digitalen E-Portfolios lernen}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10919}, - doi = {10.25656/01:10919}, - abstract = {Die Darstellung, Planung, Rekonstruktion, Reflexion und Einschätzung eigener Lernprozesse dienen dazu, die (Lern-)Entwicklung zu unterstützen. Die Arbeit am Portfolio ist ein kooperativ-dialogischer Prozess und sieht eine weitreichende Partizipation vor. Lernende werden bei der Portfolioarbeit veranlasst, ihr Lernen und seine Ergebnisse zu reflektieren und zu beurteilen. Die Erfahrungen führten bei den Autoren zu der Einsicht, dass webbasierte Portfolios, allenfalls Werkzeuge nicht aber Garanten für die Realisierung übergeordneter Bildungsziele sein können. Entscheidet man sich für die Arbeit mit Portfolios, so bedarf es klar definierter Bildungsziele. Eine unbedachte, gegebenenfalls technologiefixierte Einführung von E-Portfolios verfehlt den Mehrwert der Portfolio und insbesondere der E-Portfolioarbeit. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Häcker, Thomas and Seemann, Jan}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2013}, - langid = {german}, - note = {{ISBN}: 9783830928188 -Publisher: Waxmann : Münster}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Analog-Digital-Wandlung, Elektronische Medien, Learning process, Lehr-Lern-Prozess, Lernentwicklung, Lernprozess, Partizipation, Portfolio, Teaching-learning process}, - file = {Häcker, Thomas and Seemann, Jan - 2013 - Von analogen Portfolios für die Entwicklung von di.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/74GYV36J/Häcker, Thomas and Seemann, Jan - 2013 - Von analogen Portfolios für die Entwicklung von di.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{felten_principles_2013, + title = {Principles of good practice in {SoTL}}, + volume = {1}, + rights = {Copyright (c) 2015 Peter Felten}, + issn = {2167-4787}, + url = {https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/TLI/article/view/57376}, + doi = {10.20343/teachlearninqu.1.1.121}, + abstract = {For the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ({SoTL}) to be understood as significant intellectual work in the academy, {SoTL} practitioners need to identify shared principles of good practice. While honoring the diversity of {SoTL} in its many forms across the globe, such principles can serve as a heuristic for assessing work in our field. These principles include (1) inquiry into student learning, (2) grounded in context, (3) methodologically sound, (4) conducted in partnership with students, and (5) appropriately public. Taken together, these five principles can be guideposts for developing and refining individual {SoTL} inquiries and larger {SoTL} initiatives. These principles also can clarify and demystify {SoTL} to those on our campuses who evaluate our work, helping us to make the case for institutional resources and support for {SoTL}. Even more importantly, these principles articulate a vision of a scholarship that enhances, perhaps even transforms, teaching and learning in higher education.}, + pages = {121--125}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Teaching and Learning Inquiry}, + author = {Felten, Peter}, + urldate = {2023-08-10}, + date = {2013-03-01}, + langid = {english}, + note = {Number: 1}, + keywords = {students, evaluation, methods, practice, principles, quality}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CD73EYQX/Felten - 2013 - Principles of good practice in SoTL.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{hugger_digitale_2010, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Digitale Lernwelten: Konzepte, Beispiele und Perspektiven}, - isbn = {978-3-531-92365-9}, - shorttitle = {Digitale Lernwelten}, - publisher = {{VS} Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften}, - author = {Hugger, Kai-Uwe and Walber, Markus}, - date = {2010}, - file = {Hugger and Walber - 2010 - Digitale Lernwelten Konzepte, Beispiele und Persp.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/HX3EJV88/Hugger and Walber - 2010 - Digitale Lernwelten Konzepte, Beispiele und Persp.pdf:application/pdf}, +@inbook{pardo_designing_2014, + location = {New York, {NY}}, + title = {Designing Learning Analytics Experiences}, + isbn = {978-1-4614-3304-0 978-1-4614-3305-7}, + pages = {15--38}, + booktitle = {Learning Analytics: From Research to Practice}, + publisher = {Springer New York}, + author = {Pardo, Abelardo}, + bookauthor = {Larusson, Johann Ari and White, Brandon}, + date = {2014}, + doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-3305-7}, + file = {Pardo - 2014 - Designing Learning Analytics Experiences.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/TFGLJGI6/Pardo - 2014 - Designing Learning Analytics Experiences.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{hornung-prahauser_didaktische_2007, - title = {Didaktische, organisatorische und technologische Grundlagen von E-Portfolios und Analyse internationaler Beispiele und Erfahrungen mit E-Portfolio-Imple- mentierungen an Hochschulen}, - url = {https://www.ams-forschungsnetzwerk.at/downloadpub/e_portfolio_studie_srfg_fnma_salzburg.pdf}, - publisher = {Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellscha}, - author = {Hornung-Prähauser, Veronika and Geser, Guntram and Hilzensauer, Wolf and Schaffert, Sandra}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2007-07}, - file = {Hornung-Prähauser et al. - 2007 - Didaktische, organisatorische und technologische G.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/Q5NFRVIW/Hornung-Prähauser et al. - 2007 - Didaktische, organisatorische und technologische G.pdf:application/pdf}, +@collection{larusson_learning_2014, + location = {New York, {NY}}, + title = {Learning Analytics: From Research to Practice}, + isbn = {978-1-4614-3304-0 978-1-4614-3305-7}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-1-4614-3305-7}, + shorttitle = {Learning Analytics}, + publisher = {Springer New York}, + editor = {Larusson, Johann Ari and White, Brandon}, + urldate = {2023-08-10}, + date = {2014}, + langid = {english}, + doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-3305-7}, + file = {Larusson and White - 2014 - Learning Analytics From Research to Practice.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SX8H9SKW/Larusson and White - 2014 - Learning Analytics From Research to Practice.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{meyer_kontrolle_2011, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - edition = {1. Aufl}, - title = {Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle: zur Ambivalenz von E-Portfolios in Bildungsprozessen}, - isbn = {978-3-531-92722-0}, - series = {Medienbildung und Gesellschaft}, - shorttitle = {Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle}, - number = {19}, - publisher = {{VS}, Verl. für Sozialwiss}, - author = {Meyer, Torsten}, - date = {2011}, - file = {Meyer - 2011 - Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle zur Ambivalenz von .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/485IVXMD/Meyer - 2011 - Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle zur Ambivalenz von .pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{cevikbas_flipped_2020, + title = {Flipped classroom as a reform-oriented approach to teaching mathematics}, + volume = {52}, + issn = {1863-9690, 1863-9704}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11858-020-01191-5}, + doi = {10.1007/s11858-020-01191-5}, + abstract = {Abstract + Innovative methods can change the paradigm of teaching mathematics and inspire teachers to espouse new ideas and gain new experiences. The flipped classroom ({FC}) is currently an innovative pedagogical approach that has high potential to transform the teaching of mathematics. In the case study described in this paper, we investigated one mathematics teacher’s transformation of teaching in two mathematics classrooms through implementing interventions based on {FC} methods; furthermore, we identified several key points of {FC} design as well as challenges and opportunities afforded by teaching mathematics in {FCs}. The results of the study showed that the tasks posed by the teacher, the implemented discourse, teacher feedback and scaffolding, and the teaching–learning environment were changed in {FCs}, although the approaches used by the teacher to analyze the tasks and students’ learning were similar to those used in non-{FCs}, which points out the strengths of traditional teaching approaches. The study indicates that although teaching mathematics in {FCs} created some difficulties for teaching, well-designed {FCs} offered a great opportunity to promote students’ mathematical thinking and understanding. Overall, the results highlight that through {FC}, teachers can develop students’ mathematical potential with {FCs}.}, + pages = {1291--1305}, + number = {7}, + journaltitle = {{ZDM}}, + shortjournal = {{ZDM} Mathematics Education}, + author = {Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele}, + urldate = {2023-08-10}, + date = {2020-12}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/HLLB3YM8/Cevikbas and Kaiser - 2020 - Flipped classroom as a reform-oriented approach to.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{mayrberger_e-portfolios_2013, - title = {E-Portfolios in der Hochschule – zwischen Ideal und Realität}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10918}, - doi = {10.25656/01:10918}, - abstract = {Dieser Beitrag betrachtet vor diesem Hintergrund das Thema der E-Portfolio-Arbeit im deutschsprachigen Hochschulkontext und nimmt Stellung dazu, inwiefern der E-Portfolioeinsatz nach einigen Jahren der Erprobung und anfänglichen Etablierung an den Hochschulen mittlerweile sein konzeptionelles Potenzial ausschöpft bzw. ausschöpfen kann und damit (k)einen Beitrag zu einer partizipationsfördernden oder sogar partizipativen Lernkultur leistet. [...] Dieser Beitrag geht davon aus, dass die Arbeit mit E-Portfolios in der Hochschule heute ihren konzeptionellen Ansprüchen und damit den an sie gestellten Erwartungen in der alltäglichen akademischen Lehre nicht gerecht werden kann. Zugleich versucht dieser Beitrag, konstruktive Lösungswege aufzuzeigen. Dafür werden im dritten Abschnitt systematisch ausgewählte Chancen und Barrieren für die nachhaltige und effektive Integration von E-Portfolios als eine wesentliche Methode einer partizipativen Lernkultur angesprochen. Zuvor nimmt der folgende zweite Abschnitt einige grundlegende Klärungen zum Einsatz von E-Portfolios in der Hochschullehre vor. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Mayrberger, Kerstin}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2013}, - langid = {german}, - note = {{ISBN}: 9783830928188 -Publisher: Waxmann : Münster}, - keywords = {Learning, 370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Higher education institute, Higher education lecturing, Hochschule, Hochschullehre, University lecturing, University teaching, Partizipation, Portfolio, Apprenticeship, Bildungsorganisation, Bildungspolitik, Deployment of media, Digitalelektronik, Educational Environment, Educational policy, Learning culture, Learning environment, Lectureship, Lehre, Lehrveranstaltung, Lernen, Lernkultur, Lernumgebung, Medieneinsatz, Organization of education, Unterrichtsgestaltung, Use of media}, - file = {Mayrberger, Kerstin - 2013 - E-Portfolios in der Hochschule – zwischen Ideal un.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/AWDKUF5E/Mayrberger, Kerstin - 2013 - E-Portfolios in der Hochschule – zwischen Ideal un.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{cevikbas_can_2023, + title = {Can flipped classroom pedagogy offer promising perspectives for mathematics education on pandemic-related issues? A systematic literature review}, + volume = {55}, + issn = {1863-9690, 1863-9704}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11858-022-01388-w}, + doi = {10.1007/s11858-022-01388-w}, + shorttitle = {Can flipped classroom pedagogy offer promising perspectives for mathematics education on pandemic-related issues?}, + abstract = {Abstract + Educators sometimes effect changes in education through the implementation of new ideas, and sometimes extraordinary circumstances force them to change their educational approaches, as during the {COVID}-19 crisis. Although we live in a digital age, the limited use of technology in education, particularly prior to the {COVID}-19 pandemic, and teachers’ insufficient experience with online or hybrid learning and teaching approaches resulted in several countries being unprepared for education during the pandemic. The flipped classroom ({FC}) is an innovative pedagogy with the potential to engage students in mathematics education using hybrid education combined with online and face-to-face learning, which is especially important during a pandemic. However, despite the high expectations surrounding this innovative approach, to date, no systematic literature review has discussed the opportunities and pitfalls of {FCs} in mathematics education regarding pandemic-related issues. In the present systematic review, we aim to bridge this gap and highlight the importance of flipping mathematics instruction during the pandemic and beyond. The results, which are based on textual analysis of 97 eligible articles, demonstrate that {FC} is a promising pedagogy that has numerous benefits for mathematics teaching and learning, although it is not a panacea for pandemic-related issues, as it also has several significant pitfalls. Overall, if the mechanism of mathematics education is to be crisis-ready, we should learn from experiences during the pandemic. In this regard, the current review contributes to research in mathematics education with the aim of gaining insight into successful implementations of {FC} pedagogy, not only during the pandemic but also beyond the crisis era of a pandemic.}, + pages = {177--191}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {{ZDM} – Mathematics Education}, + shortjournal = {{ZDM} Mathematics Education}, + author = {Cevikbas, Mustafa and Kaiser, Gabriele}, + urldate = {2023-08-10}, + date = {2023-02}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/5GCF9693/Cevikbas and Kaiser - 2023 - Can flipped classroom pedagogy offer promising per.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{reinmann_gabi_e-portfolios_2013, - title = {E-Portfolios und persönliches Wissensmanagement}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10917}, - doi = {10.25656/01:10917}, - abstract = {Erfolgreich ist die Einführung von E-Portfolios dann, wenn Studierende deren Potenziale auch über die Hochschule hinaus z.B. als Methode des persönlichen Wissensmanagements und die damit verbundenen Gewinne für die Berufstätigkeit erkennen. Die Reflexion des eigenen Lernens ist zentral und gleichzeitig ein potenzieller Punkt des Scheiterns bei der E-Portfolio-Arbeit im Studium. Es bedarf eines langfristigen Lernprozesses, um mit dem individuellen Wissen systematisch und verantwortungsbewusst umzugehen, und das betrifft alle Formen der Wissensarbeit. Zudem kommt es darauf an, dafür zu sorgen, dass die E-Portfolio-Arbeit nicht im Prüfungs- und Klausurmodus verharrt und in der Folge für das persönliche Wissensmanagement unbrauchbar wird. Im Zentrum steht die Aufgabe, die Studierenden dazu anzuregen, sich langfristig mit ihrem Lernprozess und den erworbenen Kompetenzen auseinanderzusetzen. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Reinmann, Gabi and Hartung, Silvia}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2013}, - langid = {german}, - note = {{ISBN}: 9783830928188 -Publisher: Waxmann : Münster}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Higher education institute, Hochschule, Learning process, Lernprozess, Berufsvorbereitung, Core competences, Key qualification, Knowledge management, Male student, Qualification for key function, Schlüsselqualifikation, Student, Vocational preparation, Wissensmanagement}, - file = {Reinmann, Gabi and Hartung, Silvia - 2013 - E-Portfolios und persönliches Wissensmanagement.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/65MY4E86/Reinmann, Gabi and Hartung, Silvia - 2013 - E-Portfolios und persönliches Wissensmanagement.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{deci_autonomy_1992, + title = {Autonomy and Competence as Motivational Factors in Students with Learning Disabilities and Emotional Handicaps}, + volume = {25}, + issn = {0022-2194, 1538-4780}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/002221949202500706}, + doi = {10.1177/002221949202500706}, + abstract = {Over 450 students (136 elementary, 321 junior and senior high school) with primary handicapping codes of learning disability ({LD}) or emotional handicap ({EH}) completed several questionnaires. All participants were from self-contained classrooms of a state-operated special education system. Questionnaires assessed students' self-perceptions and perceptions of home and classroom contexts, with all variables theoretically reflecting either the competence or the autonomy aspects of internal motivation or students' personal adjustment. Math and reading standardized achievement test scores were obtained from school records. Using multiple regression analyses, students' achievement and adjustment were predicted from the motivationally relevant self-perception and perception-of-context variables. Interestingly, different patterns of relations emerged for the students with {LD} and {EH}.}, + pages = {457--471}, + number = {7}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Learning Disabilities}, + shortjournal = {J Learn Disabil}, + author = {Deci, Edward L. and Hodges, Rosemary and Pierson, Louisa and Tomassone, Joseph}, + urldate = {2023-08-08}, + date = {1992-08}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Deci et al. - 1992 - Autonomy and Competence as Motivational Factors in.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/WJA9633Y/Deci et al. - 1992 - Autonomy and Competence as Motivational Factors in.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{himpsl-gutermann_klaus_4-phasen-modell_2012, - title = {Ein 4-Phasen-Modell der E-Portfolio-Nutzung. Digitale Medien als integraler Bestandteil von universitären Weiterbildungslehrgängen}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=8393}, - doi = {10.25656/01:8393}, - abstract = {Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrages steht eine empirische Studie zum Abschluss eines mehrjährigen Aktionsforschungsprojektes, in dem ein elektronisches Portfolio als integraler Bestandteil eines berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildungsstudiums konzipiert, implementiert und evaluiert wurde. Bei der abschließenden Untersuchung mit Hilfe von Alumni-Interviews stand im Vordergrund, die Perspektive der Studierenden einzunehmen. Welchen Nutzen hatten das E-Portfolio und die darin eingebetteten digitalen Medien für das Studium und darüber hinaus? Welche Probleme traten bei der Verwendung auf und wie gingen die Lernenden damit um? Die Fallstudie auf Basis der Grounded-Theory-Methodik zeigt, dass ein idealtypischer Verlauf der E-Portfolio-Nutzung in vier Phasen beschrieben werden kann, in denen sich Studierende orientieren, positionieren, identifizieren und präsentieren. Neben der Kurzbeschreibung dieses 4-Phasen-Modells werden Probleme, erfolgskritische Faktoren und Handlungsstrategien der Studierenden in den vier Phasen angeführt. Zum Verständnis des Modells werden im ersten Teil des Beitrages der Kontext der Studie sowie die wesentlichen Aspekte der E-Portfolio-Implementierung dargelegt – eine detaillierte Beschreibung des Konzepts, des Forschungsdesigns und der empirischen Nachweise finden sich in der Dissertation von Himpsl-Gutermann (2012). ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2012}, - langid = {german}, - note = {{ISBN}: 9783830927419 -Publisher: Waxmann : Münster u.a.}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, E-learning, E-Learning, Virtual learning, Elektronische Medien, Portfolio, Aktionsforschung, Berufsbegleitendes Studium, Case Studies (Education), Case study, Fallstudie, Forschungsprojekt, Occupation accompanying studies, Phasenmodell}, - file = {Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus - 2012 - Ein 4-Phasen-Modell der E-Portfolio-Nutzung. Digit.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/5P3C9YL4/Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus - 2012 - Ein 4-Phasen-Modell der E-Portfolio-Nutzung. Digit.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{ryan_perceived_1989, + title = {Perceived locus of causality and internalization: Examining reasons for acting in two domains.}, + volume = {57}, + issn = {1939-1315, 0022-3514}, + url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0022-3514.57.5.749}, + doi = {10.1037/0022-3514.57.5.749}, + shorttitle = {Perceived locus of causality and internalization}, + pages = {749--761}, + number = {5}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, + author = {Ryan, Richard M. and Connell, James P.}, + urldate = {2023-08-08}, + date = {1989}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/JNSVS76D/Ryan and Connell - 1989 - Perceived locus of causality and internalization .pdf:application/pdf;perceived-locus-of-causality-and-internalization-m--annas-archive.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SBFICB9Y/perceived-locus-of-causality-and-internalization-m--annas-archive.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{bastian_tablets_2017, +@book{dobler_prufungsregime_2019, location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Tablets in Schule und Unterricht}, - isbn = {978-3-658-13808-0 978-3-658-13809-7}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-13809-7}, + title = {Prüfungsregime und Prüfungskulturen: Soziologische Beobachtungen zur internen Organisation von Hochschule}, + isbn = {978-3-658-25289-2 978-3-658-25290-8}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-25290-8}, + shorttitle = {Prüfungsregime und Prüfungskulturen}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - editor = {Bastian, Jasmin and Aufenanger, Stefan}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2017}, + author = {Döbler, Joachim}, + urldate = {2023-04-16}, + date = {2019}, langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-13809-7}, - file = {Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/5DAFMVHI/Bastian and Aufenanger - 2017 - Tablets in Schule und Unterricht.pdf:application/pdf;tablets-in-schule-und-unterricht-2017.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/KAFWWM75/tablets-in-schule-und-unterricht-2017.pdf:application/pdf}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-25290-8}, + file = {978-3-658-25290-8.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/4AE88ZDF/978-3-658-25290-8.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/4DSTHN97/Döbler - 2019 - Prüfungsregime und Prüfungskulturen Soziologische.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{dorsch_mundigkeitsorientierte_2020, - title = {Mündigkeitsorientierte Bildung in der geographischen Lehrkräftebildung – Zum Potential von E-Portfolios}, - rights = {({CC} {BY}-{NC}-{ND} 4.0) Attribution-{NonCommercial}-{NoDerivatives} 4.0 International,}, - url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/22017}, - doi = {10.18452/21264}, - abstract = {La madurez es importante en la cultura digital. El desarrollo requiere de un proceso educativo orientado hacia la madurez para que los jóvenes puedan actuar de forma autónoma y reflexiva en un mundo interconectado. Los futuros maestros han de ser conscientes de su propia madurez para poder fomentar la de sus futuros estudiantes. El presente estudio muestra el potencial del portafolio para una educación centrada en el proceso madurativo y examina los factores que son beneficiosos para su realización. Se lleva a cabo en seminario sobre Smat Cities dirigido a profesores de geografía en formación. Mediante la técnica de análisis de contenidos fueron analizados, en el marco de una educación para la madurez, los portafolios de los estudiantes y las entrevistas a las que estos se sometieron. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la elaboración de un portafolio contribuyó para que los estudiantes fueran conscientes de su propia madurez e influyó en los hábitos profesionales de ellos. Los estudiantes trabajaron de forma autónoma e intercambiaron sus opiniones en un procesos de discusión.}, - author = {Dorsch, Christian and Kanwischer, Detlef}, - editora = {Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin and Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin and Bagoly-Simó, Péter}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2020-03-10}, - langid = {german}, - note = {Publisher: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin}, - keywords = {Portfolio, 911 Geschichte und Geografie, digitalisation, Digitalität, digitlaización, Lehrkräftebildung, madurez, maturity, Mündigkeit, portafolio, portfolio, reflexividad, Reflexivität, reflexivity, teacher training}, - file = {Dorsch and Kanwischer - 2020 - Mündigkeitsorientierte Bildung in der geographisch.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/GBSBCQCI/Dorsch and Kanwischer - 2020 - Mündigkeitsorientierte Bildung in der geographisch.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{de_castella_unmotivated_2013, + title = {Unmotivated or motivated to fail? A cross-cultural study of achievement motivation, fear of failure, and student disengagement.}, + volume = {105}, + issn = {1939-2176, 0022-0663}, + url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/a0032464}, + doi = {10.1037/a0032464}, + shorttitle = {Unmotivated or motivated to fail?}, + pages = {861--880}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, + author = {De Castella, Krista and Byrne, Don and Covington, Martin}, + urldate = {2023-04-16}, + date = {2013-08}, + langid = {english}, + file = {De Castella et al. - 2013 - Unmotivated or motivated to fail A cross-cultural.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7H9U4IK4/De Castella et al. - 2013 - Unmotivated or motivated to fail A cross-cultural.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@book{caplan_case_2019, + location = {Princeton ; Oxford}, + edition = {First Paperback Edition}, + title = {The case against education: why the education system is a waste of time and money}, + isbn = {978-0-691-19645-9}, + shorttitle = {The case against education}, + pagetotal = {405}, + publisher = {Princeton University Press}, + author = {Caplan, Bryan Douglas}, + date = {2019}, + keywords = {Education, Aims and objectives, Educational sociology, Effect of education on, Finance, Labor supply, United States, Vocational education}, + file = {Caplan - 2019 - The case against education why the education syst.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/WMXTETBV/Caplan - 2019 - The case against education why the education syst.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{caspari-sadeghi_applying_2022, + title = {Applying Learning Analytics in Online Environments: Measuring Learners’ Engagement Unobtrusively}, + volume = {7}, + issn = {2504-284X}, + url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2022.840947}, + shorttitle = {Applying Learning Analytics in Online Environments}, + abstract = {Prior to the emergence of Big Data and technologies such as Learning Analytics ({LA}), classroom research focused mainly on measuring learning outcomes of a small sample through tests. Research on online environments shows that learners’ engagement is a critical precondition for successful learning and lack of engagement is associated with failure and dropout. {LA} helps instructors to track, measure and visualize students’ online behavior and use such digital traces to improve instruction and provide individualized support, i.e., feedback. This paper examines 1) metrics or indicators of learners’ engagement as extracted and displayed by {LA}, 2) their relationship with academic achievement and performance, and 3) some freely available {LA} tools for instructors and their usability. The paper concludes with making recommendations for practice and further research by considering challenges associated with using {LA} in classrooms.}, + journaltitle = {Frontiers in Education}, + author = {Caspari-Sadeghi, Sima}, + urldate = {2023-04-16}, + date = {2022}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/4SJZ6S2R/Caspari-Sadeghi - 2022 - Applying Learning Analytics in Online Environments.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{merkt_marianne_eportfolios_2007, - title = {{ePortfolios} – der „rote Faden“ zur Kompetenzentwicklung in Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=11334}, - doi = {10.25656/01:11334}, - abstract = {Die Realisierung der Portfolio-Methodik in einem studienbegleitenden Konzept in Bachelor- und Mastersystemen kann den Studierenden zwei Vorteile bieten. Erstens unterstützt die Vorstrukturierung durch {ePortfolios} die Studierenden über Lehrveranstaltungs- und Modulgrenzen hinweg in der Entwicklung ihrer Kompetenzen. Zweitens können Teile des {ePortfolios} über die Setzung von so genannten „Showcases“ Lehrenden und anderen Studierenden für Feedbacks oder Bewertungen geöffnet werden. Lernprozesse werden so durch kooperativen Austausch gefördert. Im diesem Beitrag werden die Anforderungen eines solchen {ePortfolio}-Konzeptes an Studienreformprozesse, Hochuldidaktik und Technologie formuliert. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Merkt, Marianne}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2007}, +@collection{lankau_unterricht_2023, + location = {Weinheim Basel}, + edition = {1. Auflage}, + title = {Unterricht in Präsenz und Distanz: Lehren aus der Pandemie}, + isbn = {978-3-7799-7270-9}, + shorttitle = {Unterricht in Präsenz und Distanz}, + pagetotal = {232}, + publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, + editor = {Lankau, Ralf}, + date = {2023}, langid = {german}, - note = {{ISBN}: 9783830918776 -Publisher: Waxmann : Münster u.a.}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, E-learning, E-Learning, Virtual learning, Learning process, Lernprozess, Male student, Student, Bachelor course, Bachelor-Studiengang, Conception, Higher education reform, Hochschulreform, Kompetenzentwicklung, Konzeption, Lehrportfolio, Lernkonzept, Master course, Master-Studiengang, Portfoliomethode, Skill development, University reform}, - file = {Merkt, Marianne - 2007 - ePortfolios – der „rote Faden“ zur Kompetenzentwic.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/9YQLDLZZ/Merkt, Marianne - 2007 - ePortfolios – der „rote Faden“ zur Kompetenzentwic.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Lankau - 2023 - Unterricht in Präsenz und Distanz Lehren aus der .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UD8G2UBD/Lankau - 2023 - Unterricht in Präsenz und Distanz Lehren aus der .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{lopez-crespo_educational_2022, - title = {The educational e-portfolio: preliminary evidence of its relationship with student’s self-efficacy and engagement}, - volume = {27}, - issn = {1360-2357, 1573-7608}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10639-021-10827-2}, - doi = {10.1007/s10639-021-10827-2}, - shorttitle = {The educational e-portfolio}, +@incollection{ryan_captivated_2023, + edition = {1}, + title = {Captivated by Meaning: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Motivation for Entertainment Media}, + isbn = {978-0-19-760004-7 978-0-19-760007-8}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/45638/chapter/396160591}, + shorttitle = {Captivated by Meaning}, abstract = {Abstract - The educational use of portfolios has been increasing in the last few years, especially as technology has also developed electronic versions of portfolios. Although there is abundant information about their benefits and practice description, few studies provide empirical evidence of their implementation. The objective of this study was to provide initial evidence about the use of the portfolio in higher education. Concretely, we aimed 1) to explore the correlation between students’ performance on the portfolio and their performance on more traditional assessment methods 2) to explore whether student’s personal variables predict performance in key elements of the e-portfolio, such as individual reflections, and if these contribute to general academic performance in the course, and 3) to evaluate whether the use of the e-portfolio during a semester changes the students’ self-efficacy and engagement. For this purpose, an initial sample of 73 students were recruited, and an e-portfolio (based on Mahara) was implemented over a semester. The results showed that performance on the portfolio correlated with the score obtained on multiple choice tests. There was an increase in self-efficacy after one semester of e-portfolio implementation, and engagement proved to be an important predictor of the final course grade through the mediation of individual reflections. These results offer preliminary and promising evidence about the relationship of a specific element of e-portfolios, individual reflections with several variables related to academic achievement such as self-efficacy and engagement.}, - pages = {5233--5248}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Education and Information Technologies}, - shortjournal = {Educ Inf Technol}, - author = {López-Crespo, Ginesa and Blanco-Gandía, M. Carmen and Valdivia-Salas, Sonsoles and Fidalgo, Camino and Sánchez-Pérez, Noelia}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2022-05}, + This chapter reviews how self-determination theory ({SDT}) clarifies the motivational dynamics of entertainment media and informs moral questions of its impact. A growing body of {SDT} research has gone behind the flash and spectacle on the screen to assess the psychological fulfillments and key experiences that account for much of its motivational pull. This work provides a blueprint of the specific experiences, content, and features that deepen fulfillment. As important, {SDT} offers a process model of how fulfilling experiences predict sustained engagement over time. The chapter beings with a review of the research on the motivational pull of video games, whose immersive contexts can provide rich satisfactions of basic psychological needs enhancing intrinsic motivation to play. It then turns to more traditional forms of entertainment media, discussing the recent work applying {SDT} to investigate a process model of engagement with {TV} shows, exploring how basic need fulfillments in narratives impact engagement. Finally, practical considerations as well as directions for future research are discussed.}, + pages = {959--C47P104}, + booktitle = {The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory}, + publisher = {Oxford University Press}, + author = {Adachi, Paul J. C. and Rigby, C. Scott}, + editor = {Ryan, Richard M.}, + urldate = {2023-04-14}, + date = {2023-02-23}, langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/DEMS3BAY/López-Crespo et al. - 2022 - The educational e-portfolio preliminary evidence .pdf:application/pdf}, + doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197600047.013.48}, + file = {Adachi and Rigby - 2023 - Captivated by Meaning A Self-Determination Theory.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/2U3RYXGR/Adachi and Rigby - 2023 - Captivated by Meaning A Self-Determination Theory.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{pospisilova_reforming_2023, - title = {Reforming higher education with {ePortfolio} implementation, enhanced by learning analytics}, - volume = {138}, - issn = {07475632}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0747563222002710}, - doi = {10.1016/j.chb.2022.107449}, - pages = {107449}, - journaltitle = {Computers in Human Behavior}, - shortjournal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, - author = {Pospíšilová, Linda and Rohlíková, Lucie}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - date = {2023-01}, +@incollection{ryan_education_2023, + edition = {1}, + title = {Education as Flourishing: Self-Determination Theory in Schools as They Are and as They Might Be}, + isbn = {978-0-19-760004-7 978-0-19-760007-8}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/45638/chapter/396159042}, + shorttitle = {Education as Flourishing}, + abstract = {Abstract + In the perspective of self-determination theory the central aim of education should be that of enhancing students’ flourishing. Flourishing involves not only the development of cognitive capacities but also capacities for agency, prosocial relationships, and psychological wellness. Strong evidence within self-determination theory, reviewed herein, shows how teaching styles that support students’ basic needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence foster these aspects of flourishing, enhancing the quality of students’ engagement, learning, and social relationships. Also highlighted are how students’ motivation and agency reciprocally influence teachers’ tendency to be need supportive, such that interventions on both sides of the teacher-student relationship can enhance learning climates. Nonetheless, this body of evidence concerns optimizing need supports within existing school environments, which too often remain mired in policies, practices, and omnipresent evaluations that are not designed for student flourishing, and which instead often harm both students’ and teachers’ well-being and motivation. The chapter’s conclusion includes a call to broaden the criteria by which schools are evaluated to include process as well as outcome targets. Creating the best schools we can imagine entails the assessment and cultivation of what really matters (i.e., process targets) to student flourishing in both their present and future lives.}, + pages = {591--C29P198}, + booktitle = {The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory}, + publisher = {Oxford University Press}, + author = {Ryan, Richard M. and Reeve, Johnmarshall and Kaplan, Haya and Matos, Lennia and Cheon, Sung Hyeon}, + editor = {Ryan, Richard M.}, + urldate = {2023-04-14}, + date = {2023-02-23}, langid = {english}, - file = {Pospíšilová and Rohlíková - 2023 - Reforming higher education with ePortfolio impleme.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/VS5VBUFW/Pospíšilová and Rohlíková - 2023 - Reforming higher education with ePortfolio impleme.pdf:application/pdf}, + doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197600047.013.60}, + file = {Ryan et al. - 2023 - Education as Flourishing Self-Determination Theor.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/N9M3CCT3/Ryan et al. - 2023 - Education as Flourishing Self-Determination Theor.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@online{noauthor_schulmodelle_nodate, - title = {Schulmodelle Sekundarstufe I}, - url = {https://www.bern.ch/themen/bildung/schule/schulsystem/schulmodelle-sekundarstufe-i-der-stadt-bern}, - abstract = {In den Schulen der Stadt Bern gibt es drei verschiedene Zusammenarbeitsmodelle auf der Sekundarstufe I: Die Modelle 3a, 3b und Modell 4. Vollständigkeitshalber sind die Modelle 1 und 2 auch aufgeführt. Sie finden in der Stadt Bern aber keine Anwendung.}, - titleaddon = {Stadt Bern}, - type = {Inhaltsseite}, - urldate = {2023-02-02}, - langid = {german}, - file = {Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BL3F76AX/schulmodelle-sekundarstufe-i-der-stadt-bern.html:text/html}, +@incollection{ryan_basic_2023, + edition = {1}, + title = {Basic Psychological Needs Theory: A Conceptual and Empirical Review of Key Criteria}, + isbn = {978-0-19-760004-7 978-0-19-760007-8}, + url = {https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/45638/chapter/396156669}, + shorttitle = {Basic Psychological Needs Theory}, + abstract = {Abstract + Although the existence of a set of physical needs is well accepted within biology, the question whether humans have a parallel set of psychological needs has been more controversial within the psychological landscape. The identification, characterization, and study of basic needs has been central to the research agenda of Basic Psychological Needs Theory, one of {SDT}’s six mini-theories. In this chapter, we provide an in-depth characterization of the nine criteria that characterize the basic needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence: essential, psychological, pervasive, universal, inherent, distinct, content-specific, directional, and explanatory. We elaborate on the theoretical and research implications of these criteria and provide a selective review of this rapidly growing body of empirical work. We conclude that basic needs provide a universal and parsimonious framework to account for people’s growth and flourishing as well as their stagnation and problem behavior, while also accounting for the growth-conducive versus toxic effects of different environments.}, + pages = {84--C4P292}, + booktitle = {The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory}, + publisher = {Oxford University Press}, + author = {Vansteenkiste, Maarten and Soenens, Bart and Ryan, Richard M.}, + editor = {Ryan, Richard M.}, + urldate = {2023-04-14}, + date = {2023-02-23}, + langid = {english}, + doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197600047.013.5}, + file = {Vansteenkiste et al. - 2023 - Basic Psychological Needs Theory A Conceptual and.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7IMFK336/Vansteenkiste et al. - 2023 - Basic Psychological Needs Theory A Conceptual and.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{dobeli_honegger_beat_covid-19_2021, - title = {Covid-19 und die digitale Transformation in der Schweizer Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=23693}, - doi = {10.25656/01:23693}, - abstract = {The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the Swiss universities of teacher education in several ways. The article first describes the concrete consequences of the pandemic with regard to digitalization for teacher education in Switzerland. It then argues why the experience gained during emergency distance teaching is not sufficient for a digital transformation of universities of teacher education. Using the {DPACK} model – a development of the well-known {TPACK} model – it is shown that at universities of teacher education it was not possible to promote all the skills of lecturers that are necessary in a culture of digitality during the pandemic phase.}, - author = {Döbeli Honegger, Beat}, - urldate = {2023-02-03}, - date = {2021-12-06}, - langid = {german}, - note = {Publisher: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ({SGL})}, - keywords = {Lehrerbildung, Teacher education, Teachers' training, Competency, Kompetenz, Kompetenzentwicklung, Skill development, Auswirkung, College of education, Competency measurement, Continuing education, Coronavirus, {COVID}-19, Digitalisierung, Digitalization, Dozent, Dozentin, Further education, Higher education lecturer, Higher education teacher, Hochschullehrer, Hochschullehrerin, Kompetenzmessung, Lecturer, Lehrerausbildung, Media competence, Media skills, Pädagogische Hochschule, Pädagogische Kompetenz, Pandemie, Schweiz, Skills measurement, Skills measurements, Switzerland, Teacher training, Teacher training college, Teachers' college, University teacher, University-teachers, Virtuelle Lehre, Weiterbildung}, - file = {Döbeli Honegger, Beat - 2021 - Covid-19 und die digitale Transformation in der Sc.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/94EG2CRZ/Döbeli Honegger, Beat - 2021 - Covid-19 und die digitale Transformation in der Sc.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{martela_needs_2022, + title = {Needs and Well-Being Across Europe: Basic Psychological Needs Are Closely Connected With Well-Being, Meaning, and Symptoms of Depression in 27 European Countries}, + issn = {1948-5506, 1948-5514}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/19485506221113678}, + doi = {10.1177/19485506221113678}, + shorttitle = {Needs and Well-Being Across Europe}, + abstract = {In the quest to identify the key sources of subjective well-being, self-determination theory ({SDT}) has proposed that three basic psychological needs—autonomy, competence, and relatedness—are fundamental to well-being across cultures. To understand their influence on well-being, we analyzed data from European Social Survey on 27 European countries (n = 48,550) using structural equation modeling with alignment invariance that allowed us to get comparable indicators across the countries. Both across Europe, and within each of the 27 countries, {SDT}’s basic psychological needs—both when examined alone and when examined together—were strongly related to key indicators of well-being (happiness, life satisfaction, and meaning in life) and a key indicator of ill-being (symptoms of depression), even controlling for demographic factors and socio-economic position. Moreover, basic needs substantially and sometimes fully mediated the effects of socio-economic position on well-being, underscoring their status as crucial to human well-being.}, + pages = {194855062211136}, + journaltitle = {Social Psychological and Personality Science}, + shortjournal = {Social Psychological and Personality Science}, + author = {Martela, Frank and Lehmus-Sun, Annika and Parker, Philip D. and Pessi, Anne Birgitta and Ryan, Richard M.}, + urldate = {2023-04-12}, + date = {2022-08-22}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Martela et al. - 2022 - Needs and Well-Being Across Europe Basic Psycholo.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/U6UIP6J3/Martela et al. - 2022 - Needs and Well-Being Across Europe Basic Psycholo.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{hielscher_learningview_nodate, - title = {{LearningView} - ein digitales Werkzeug zur Unterstützung eines offenen Unterrichts}, - abstract = {Individualisierung und offene Unterrichtsformen erfordern umfangreiche Kompetenzen bei Lehrpersonen, aber auch bei Schülerinnen und Schülern, die ihren eigenen Lernprozess selbstständig steuern, planen und reflektieren sollen. Die zunehmende Verbreitung von mobilen Geräten (1:1-Ausstattung, {BYOD}) ermöglicht den Einbezug digitaler Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung von offenen Unterrichtsformen wie Wochen- und Arbeitsplänen. Gemeinsam mit Lehrpersonen wird an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Schwyz nach den Prinzipien des Design Based Research das Werkzeug {LearningView}.org entwickelt. In diesem Bericht stellen wir den aktuellen Stand und erste Erfahrungen an der Projektschule Goldau vor.}, - author = {Hielscher, Michael and Tschudi, Christof and Prasse, Doreen and Honegger, Beat Döbeli}, - langid = {german}, - file = {Hielscher et al. - LearningView - ein digitales Werkzeug zur Unterstü.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/DVXZA6PA/Hielscher et al. - LearningView - ein digitales Werkzeug zur Unterstü.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{zimmerman_investigating_2008, + title = {Investigating Self-Regulation and Motivation: Historical Background, Methodological Developments, and Future Prospects}, + volume = {45}, + issn = {0002-8312, 1935-1011}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/0002831207312909}, + doi = {10.3102/0002831207312909}, + shorttitle = {Investigating Self-Regulation and Motivation}, + abstract = {The topic of how students become self-regulated as learners has attracted researchers for decades. Initial attempts to measure self-regulated learning ({SRL}) using questionnaires and interviews were successful in demonstrating significant predictions of students’ academic outcomes. The present article describes the second wave of research, which has involved the development of online measures of self-regulatory processes and motivational feelings or beliefs regarding learning in authentic contexts. These innovative methods include computer traces, think-aloud protocols, diaries of studying, direct observation, and microanalyses. Although still in the formative stage of development, these online measures are providing valuable new information regarding the causal impact of {SRL} processes as well as raising new questions for future study.}, + pages = {166--183}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {American Educational Research Journal}, + shortjournal = {American Educational Research Journal}, + author = {Zimmerman, Barry J.}, + urldate = {2023-04-11}, + date = {2008-03}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Zimmerman - 2008 - Investigating Self-Regulation and Motivation Hist.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6XEBE6ZB/Zimmerman - 2008 - Investigating Self-Regulation and Motivation Hist.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{race_500_2005, - location = {London}, - edition = {2nd ed}, - title = {500 tips on assessment}, - isbn = {978-0-415-34279-7}, - abstract = {"500 Tips on Assessment is an invaluable dip-in aid for hard-pressed lecturers and teachers in further and higher education. It should be read, enjoyed and seriously considered by all those concerned about the quality and appropriateness of their assessment methods."--Jacket}, - publisher = {{RoutledgeFalmer}}, - author = {Race, Philip and Brown, Sally and Smith, Brenda}, - date = {2005}, - note = {{OCLC}: 56642351}, - file = {Race et al. - 2005 - 500 tips on assessment.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/Z559XXPX/Race et al. - 2005 - 500 tips on assessment.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{cleary_self-regulation_2009, + title = {Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement in middle school: Variations across grade level and math context}, + volume = {47}, + issn = {00224405}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022440509000260}, + doi = {10.1016/j.jsp.2009.04.002}, + shorttitle = {Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement in middle school}, + pages = {291--314}, + number = {5}, + journaltitle = {Journal of School Psychology}, + shortjournal = {Journal of School Psychology}, + author = {Cleary, Timothy J. and Chen, Peggy P.}, + urldate = {2023-04-11}, + date = {2009-10}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Cleary and Chen - 2009 - Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XRYITM32/Cleary and Chen - 2009 - Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{mayer_lernzieluberprufung_2009, - location = {München}, - title = {Lernzielüberprüfung im {eLearning}}, - isbn = {978-3-486-58844-6}, - series = {Lehrbuch}, - pagetotal = {151}, - publisher = {Oldenbourg}, - author = {Mayer, Horst O. and Hertnagel, Johannes and Weber, Heidi}, - date = {2009}, - file = {10.1524_9783486848984.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ZLFSXCIR/10.1524_9783486848984.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/9R9PNJHK/Mayer et al. - 2009 - Lernzielüberprüfung im eLearning.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{popa_relationship_2015, + title = {The Relationship Between Self-Regulation, Motivation And Performance At Secondary School Students}, + volume = {191}, + issn = {18770428}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1877042815026701}, + doi = {10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.410}, + pages = {2549--2553}, + journaltitle = {Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences}, + shortjournal = {Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences}, + author = {Popa, Daniela}, + urldate = {2023-04-11}, + date = {2015-06}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/PUUJEKZK/Daniela - 2015 - The Relationship Between Self-Regulation, Motivati.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{biggs_teaching_2009, - location = {Maidenhead}, - edition = {3. ed., reprinted}, - title = {Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does}, - isbn = {978-0-335-22126-4 978-0-335-22127-1}, - series = {The society for research into higher education}, - shorttitle = {Teaching for quality learning at university}, - pagetotal = {335}, - publisher = {{McGraw}-Hill [u.a.]}, - author = {Biggs, John B. and Tang, Catherine So-kum}, - date = {2009}, - file = {Biggs and Tang - 2009 - Teaching for quality learning at university what .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/B6JPWIQP/Biggs and Tang - 2009 - Teaching for quality learning at university what .pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{mcknight_broken_2020, + title = {A broken paradigm? What education needs to learn from evidence-based medicine}, + volume = {35}, + issn = {0268-0939, 1464-5106}, + url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02680939.2019.1578902}, + doi = {10.1080/02680939.2019.1578902}, + shorttitle = {A broken paradigm?}, + abstract = {The paradigm of evidence-based education continues to inform the development of policy in a number of countries. At its simplest level, evidence-based education incorporates evidence, often that provided by randomised controlled trials, into classroom practice. England’s Education Endowment Foundation is in the process of exporting evidence-based school education, promoted as a medical approach, to other countries, including Australia. Australia is in the process of establishing an Education Evidence Base, informed by the government’s 2016 Productivity Commission report. While the literature around evidence-based education is explicit in identifying its basis in medicine, there has been little medical input into its development. Interdisciplinary examination of the medical literature reveals the contested nature and troubled state of evidence-based medicine and what policymakers need to consider to maximise the benefits of this translation into education.}, + pages = {648--664}, + number = {5}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Education Policy}, + shortjournal = {Journal of Education Policy}, + author = {{McKnight}, Lucinda and Morgan, Andy}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {2020-09-02}, + langid = {english}, + file = {McKnight and Morgan - 2020 - A broken paradigm What education needs to learn f.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XIFXU5G9/McKnight and Morgan - 2020 - A broken paradigm What education needs to learn f.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{bose_delineation_1975, - title = {Delineation of the intimate details of the backbone conformation of pyridine nucleotide coenzymes in aqueous solution}, - volume = {66}, - issn = {1090-2104}, - doi = {10.1016/0006-291x(75)90482-9}, - pages = {1173--1179}, +@article{loibl_towards_2017, + title = {Towards a Theory of When and How Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Supports Learning}, + volume = {29}, + issn = {1573-336X}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-016-9379-x}, + doi = {10.1007/s10648-016-9379-x}, + abstract = {Recently, there has been a growing interest in learning approaches that combine two phases: an initial problem-solving phase followed by an instruction phase ({PS}-I). Two often cited examples of instructional approaches following the {PS}-I scheme include Productive Failure and Invention. Despite the growing interest in {PS}-I approaches, to the best of our knowledge, there has not yet been a comprehensive attempt to summarize the features that define {PS}-I and to explain the patterns of results. Therefore, the first goal of this paper is to map the landscape of different {PS}-I implementations, to identify commonalities and differences in designs, and to associate the identified design features with patterns in the learning outcomes. The review shows that {PS}-I fosters learning only if specific design features (namely contrasting cases or building instruction on student solutions) are implemented. The second goal is to identify a set of interconnected cognitive mechanisms that may account for these outcomes. Empirical evidence from {PS}-I literature is associated with these mechanisms and supports an initial theory of {PS}-I. Finally, positive and negative effects of {PS}-I are explained using the suggested mechanisms.}, + pages = {693--715}, number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications}, - shortjournal = {Biochem Biophys Res Commun}, - author = {Bose, K. S. and Sarma, R. H.}, - date = {1975-10-27}, - pmid = {2}, - keywords = {Fourier Analysis, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Models, Molecular, Molecular Conformation, {NAD}, {NADP}, Structure-Activity Relationship, Temperature}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, + shortjournal = {Educ Psychol Rev}, + author = {Loibl, Katharina and Roll, Ido and Rummel, Nikol}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {2017-12-01}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {Invention, Productive Failure, Compare and contrast, Contrasting cases, Learning mechanisms, Problem solving, Student solutions}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FEWNAZRI/Loibl et al. - 2017 - Towards a Theory of When and How Problem Solving F.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{hattie_power_2007, - title = {The Power of Feedback}, - volume = {77}, +@article{sinha_when_2021, + title = {When Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Works: Evidence for Productive Failure}, + volume = {91}, issn = {0034-6543, 1935-1046}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/003465430298487}, - doi = {10.3102/003465430298487}, - abstract = {Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but this impact can be either positive or negative. Its power is frequently mentioned in articles about learning and teaching, but surprisingly few recent studies have systematically investigated its meaning. This article provides a conceptual analysis of feedback and reviews the evidence related to its impact on learning and achievement. This evidence shows that although feedback is among the major influences, the type of feedback and the way it is given can be differentially effective. A model of feedback is then proposed that identifies the particular properties and circumstances that make it effective, and some typically thorny issues are discussed, including the timing of feedback and the effects of positive and negative feedback. Finally, this analysis is used to suggest ways in which feedback can be used to enhance its effectiveness in classrooms.}, - pages = {81--112}, - number = {1}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/00346543211019105}, + doi = {10.3102/00346543211019105}, + shorttitle = {When Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Works}, + abstract = {When learning a new concept, should students engage in problem solving followed by instruction ({PS}-I) or instruction followed by problem solving (I-{PS})? Noting that there is a passionate debate about the design of initial learning, we report evidence from a meta-analysis of 53 studies with 166 comparisons that compared {PS}-I with I-{PS} design. Our results showed a significant, moderate effect in favor of {PS}-I (Hedge’s g 0.36 [95\% confidence interval 0.20; 0.51]). The effects were even stronger (Hedge’s g ranging between 0.37 and 0.58) when {PS}-I was implemented with high fidelity to the principles of Productive Failure ({PF}), a subset variant of {PS}-I design. Students’ grade level, intervention time span, and its (quasi-)experimental nature contributed to the efficacy of {PS}-I over I-{PS} designs. Contrasting trends were, however, observed for younger age learners (second to fifth graders) and for the learning of domain-general skills, for which effect sizes favored I-{PS}. Overall, an estimation of true effect sizes after accounting for publication bias suggested a strong effect size favoring {PS}-I (Hedge’s g 0.87).}, + pages = {761--798}, + number = {5}, journaltitle = {Review of Educational Research}, shortjournal = {Review of Educational Research}, - author = {Hattie, John and Timperley, Helen}, - urldate = {2023-02-03}, - date = {2007-03}, + author = {Sinha, Tanmay and Kapur, Manu}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {2021-10}, langid = {english}, - file = {Hattie and Timperley - 2007 - The Power of Feedback.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/9QA6V6HX/Hattie and Timperley - 2007 - The Power of Feedback.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{huber_ludwig_scholarship_2014, - title = {Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Konzept, Geschichte, Formen, Entwicklungsaufgaben}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10129}, - doi = {10.25656/01:10129}, - shorttitle = {Scholarship of Teaching and Learning}, - abstract = {Ausgehend von Fragen, die Lehrende zum Forschen über eigene Lehre bewegen könnten, resümiert der Beitrag im ersten Teil kurz Begriff, Konzept und Entwicklung des Scholarship of Teaching and Learning sowie die in den letzten Jahren in Deutschland begonnene Diskussion hierzu. Um „implizite Vorläufer“ im deutschsprachigen Raum zu erfassen, haben die Herausgeber dieses Bandes eine Recherche in einschlägigen Publikationsforen unternommen, deren Ergebnisse im zweiten Teil anhand der im Vorwort vorgestellten Typologie des Scholarship of Teaching and Learning bilanziert werden. Aus dieser Sichtung werden im letzten Teil Folgerungen gezogen und Überlegungen angestellt, was zur Weiterentwicklung von Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Deutschland getan werden kann und sollte. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Huber, Ludwig}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-02-09}, - date = {2014}, - langid = {german}, - note = {{ISBN}: 9783763953059 -Publisher: Bertelsmann : Bielefeld}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Deutschland, Germany, Higher education institute, Higher education lecturing, Hochschule, Hochschullehre, University lecturing, University teaching, Fachdidaktik, Specialized didactics, Subject didactics, Male student, Student, Dozent, Lecturer, Analyse, Forschung und Lehre, Fundamental concepts, Konzept, Lehrender, Lernforschung, Research and instruction units, Research on learning, Teacher, Weiterentwicklung}, - file = {Huber, Ludwig - 2014 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Konzept, Ges.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SC5A2697/Huber, Ludwig - 2014 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Konzept, Ges.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/P6PTRW3P/Sinha and Kapur - 2021 - When Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Works.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{boshier_why_2009, - title = {Why is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning such a hard sell?}, - volume = {28}, - issn = {0729-4360, 1469-8366}, - url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07294360802444321}, - doi = {10.1080/07294360802444321}, - pages = {1--15}, +@article{ryan_self-determination_2000, + title = {Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being.}, + volume = {55}, + issn = {1935-990X, 0003-066X}, + url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.68}, + doi = {10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.68}, + pages = {68--78}, number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Higher Education Research \& Development}, - shortjournal = {Higher Education Research \& Development}, - author = {Boshier, Roger}, - urldate = {2023-02-09}, - date = {2009-03}, + journaltitle = {American Psychologist}, + shortjournal = {American Psychologist}, + author = {Ryan, Richard M. and Deci, Edward L.}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {2000}, langid = {english}, - file = {Boshier - 2009 - Why is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning su.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RNN2HY4H/Boshier - 2009 - Why is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning su.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Ryan and Deci - 2000 - Self-determination theory and the facilitation of .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KHBYWYU9/Ryan and Deci - 2000 - Self-determination theory and the facilitation of .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{boyer_scholarship_1990, - location = {Princeton, N.J}, - title = {Scholarship reconsidered: priorities of the professoriate}, - isbn = {978-0-931050-43-5}, - shorttitle = {Scholarship reconsidered}, - pagetotal = {147}, - publisher = {Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching}, - author = {Boyer, Ernest L.}, - date = {1990}, +@article{boekaerts_self-regulated_1999, + title = {Self-regulated learning: where we are today}, + volume = {31}, + issn = {0883-0355}, + url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883035599000142}, + doi = {10.1016/S0883-0355(99)00014-2}, + shorttitle = {Self-regulated learning}, + abstract = {Self-regulated learning has emerged as an important new construct in education. Our understanding of self-regulated learning has been informed by three schools of thought: (1) research on learning styles, (2) research on metacognition and regulation styles, and (3) theories of the self, including goal-directed behavior. Based on these schools of thought, a three-layer model is presented. The innermost layer pertains to regulation of the processing modes. The middle layer represents regulation of the learning process. The outermost layer concerns regulation of the self. Educators and researchers would benefit from an integration of these three frames of reference into a comprehensive model of self-regulated learning.}, + pages = {445--457}, + number = {6}, + journaltitle = {International Journal of Educational Research}, + shortjournal = {International Journal of Educational Research}, + author = {Boekaerts, Monique}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {1999-01-01}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {College teachers, Education, Higher, Learning and scholarship, Research, United States}, - file = {Boyer - 1990 - Scholarship reconsidered priorities of the profes.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/CTCBR2EB/Boyer - 1990 - Scholarship reconsidered priorities of the profes.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7MK3HAMB/Boekaerts - 1999 - Self-regulated learning where we are today.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/MQAZBJ86/S0883035599000142.html:text/html}, } -@book{perry_scholarship_2007, - location = {Dordrecht [London]}, - title = {The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education: an evidence-based perspective}, - isbn = {978-1-4020-5742-7}, - shorttitle = {The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education}, - publisher = {Springer}, - author = {Perry, Raymond P. and Smart, John C.}, - date = {2007}, - file = {Perry and Smart - 2007 - The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/MIUN7HXJ/Perry and Smart - 2007 - The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{puustinen_models_2001, + title = {Models of Self-regulated Learning: a review}, + volume = {45}, + issn = {00313831}, + url = {https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=5202998&site=ehost-live}, + doi = {10.1080/00313830120074206}, + shorttitle = {Models of Self-regulated Learning}, + abstract = {Questions connected with the regulation of one's own cognitive processes attract increasing numbers of researchers in psychology, as evidenced by the several different models of self-regulation that have been developed over the past two decades. The aim of this article was to present and compare the latest models of self-regulated learning ({SRL}), including those by Boekaerts, Borkowski, Pintrich, Winne and Zimmerman. The models were compared on four criteria (i.e. background theories, definitions of {SRL}, components included in the models and empirical work). The results show that theoretical background is an important differentiating feature. The two models that resembled each other more than any other two models (i.e. Pintrich and Zimmerman) were inspired by the same background theory (i.e. social cognitive theory). On the other hand, the models that differed most from the other models (i.e. Borkowski and Winne) were also theoretically the farthest removed ones.}, + pages = {269--286}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research}, + author = {Puustinen, Minna and Pulkkinen, Lea}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {2001-09}, + note = {Publisher: Routledge}, + keywords = {Learning, Comparison, {MODELS}, {REVIEW}, {SELF}-{REGULATED}, Social perception}, + file = {EBSCO Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/TT6FD2CY/Puustinen and Pulkkinen - 2001 - Models of Self-regulated Learning a review.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{york_university_canada_what_2021, - title = {What student evaluations are not: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning using student evaluations}, - volume = {18}, - issn = {14499789, 14499789}, - url = {https://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol18/iss8/01/}, - doi = {10.53761/}, - shorttitle = {What student evaluations are not}, - abstract = {In this Editorial, we stay committed to the objective of the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice regarding sharing, evaluating, and developing stronger evidence-based practice papers by focusing on the topic of national and institutional student evaluations. We create an important theoretical and practical foundation for authors considering publishing with our Journal on studies that utilise student surveys as their primary method of data collection. The editorial begins by providing a comprehensive overview of the history and emergence of student evaluations dating back to medieval times, we trace the evolution of student evaluations to present day looking at the rationale behind the induction of such tools. Following this, we discuss the validity of student evaluations through an exploration of factors such as student satisfaction, the timing of when student surveys are administered, and the idiosyncrasies regarding paper-based and online evaluations. We then further discuss the reliability of student evaluations by contextualising what student evaluations do not say and uncover how various forms of bias can influence the ways student evaluations are both completed and interpreted. Through this we assert that due to confounding factors of bias that influence the results of student evaluations, they cannot always be thought of as wholly objective data collection tools. This then leads into our discussion of the contemporary social contexts within which student evaluations are situated and how both micro and macro dynamics influence student experiences of teaching and learning, where we contest that broader external factors experienced by students can skew the ways teaching is both perceived and evaluated. We conclude our Editorial by critically envisioning a new direction for future manuscript submissions to our Journal. We assert that although the use of student evaluations as evidence of teaching practice may be inherently flawed, there nonetheless remains merit in their use following critical and reflexive engagement throughout the research process. As such, we are hopeful that our critical review of student evaluation-based scholarship may be utilised to leverage higher quality research output.}, - number = {8}, - journaltitle = {Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice}, - shortjournal = {{JUTLP}}, - author = {{York University, Canada} and Ali, Ameera and Crawford, Joseph and {University of Tasmania, Australia} and Cejnar, Leela and {Royal Holloway, University of London} and Harman, Kristyn and {University of Tasmania, Australia} and Sim, Kwong Nui and {Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand}}, - urldate = {2023-02-09}, - date = {2021-12-12}, +@article{muis_role_2007, + title = {The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Self-Regulated Learning}, + volume = {42}, + issn = {0046-1520, 1532-6985}, + url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00461520701416306}, + doi = {10.1080/00461520701416306}, + pages = {173--190}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychologist}, + shortjournal = {Educational Psychologist}, + author = {Muis, Krista R.}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {2007-07-27}, langid = {english}, - file = {York University, Canada et al. - 2021 - What student evaluations are not Scholarship of T.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/38YAIS56/York University, Canada et al. - 2021 - What student evaluations are not Scholarship of T.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@collection{huber_forschendes_2014, - location = {Bielefeld}, - title = {Forschendes Lehren im eigenen Fach: scholarship of teaching and learning in Beispielen}, - isbn = {978-3-7639-5306-6 978-3-7639-5305-9}, - series = {Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik}, - shorttitle = {Forschendes Lehren im eigenen Fach}, - pagetotal = {284}, - number = {125}, - publisher = {Bertelsmann}, - editor = {Huber, Ludwig and Pilniok, Arne and Sethe, Rolf and Szczyrba, Birgit and Vogel, Michael P. and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik}, - date = {2014}, - file = {Huber2014.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/8ZGCGXZ6/Huber2014.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/YPVJMWTA/Huber et al. - 2014 - Forschendes Lehren im eigenen Fach scholarship of.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@book{vogler_hybride_2021, - location = {Bielefeld}, - title = {Der hybride pädagogische Raum: zur Veränderung von Unterricht und Schule in der Digitalität}, - isbn = {978-3-8394-5722-1 978-3-8376-5722-7}, - series = {Pädagogik}, - shorttitle = {Der hybride pädagogische Raum}, - pagetotal = {305}, - publisher = {transcript}, - author = {Vogler, Hans-Joachim}, - date = {2021}, - doi = {10.14361/9783839457221}, - file = {10.1515_9783839457221.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/TKCXRXUZ/10.1515_9783839457221.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XDN67Z63/Vogler - 2021 - Der hybride pädagogische Raum zur Veränderung von.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@online{bildungs-_und_kulturdirektion_bern_selbst_nodate, - title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen {SOL}}, - url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/de/start/themen/bildung-im-kanton-bern/mittelschulen/entwicklung-mittelschulen/selbst-organisiertes-lernen-sol.html}, - titleaddon = {Kanton Bern}, - author = {{Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion Bern}}, - urldate = {2023-02-12}, - langid = {german}, - file = {Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/P8HVQJ74/selbst-organisiertes-lernen-sol.html:text/html}, + file = {Muis - 2007 - The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Self-Regulated Le.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/I4788S2Y/Muis - 2007 - The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Self-Regulated Le.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{jones_was_2022, - title = {«Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine»}, - journaltitle = {Berner Zeitung}, - author = {Jones, Naomi}, - date = {2022-12-14}, - langid = {german}, - file = {Jones - «Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine».pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/PVI6DC6H/Jones - «Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine».pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{hilbe_selbst_2011, + title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Erkenntnisse}, + url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/bkd/dokumente/de/themen/bildung/mittelschulen/entwicklung-mittelschulen/ams-projekte-sol-bericht-deutsch.pdf}, + publisher = {Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt, Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}, + author = {Hilbe, Robert and Herzog, Walter}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {2011-01-03}, + file = {Hilbe and Herzog - 2011 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium Theoretis.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/JP72WIWC/Hilbe and Herzog - 2011 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium Theoretis.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@online{noauthor_unterricht_nodate, - title = {Unterricht in der Volksschule}, - url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/de/start/themen/bildung-im-kanton-bern/kindergarten-und-volksschule/die-volksschule/unterricht-in-der-volksschule.html}, - titleaddon = {Kanton Bern}, - urldate = {2023-02-12}, - langid = {german}, - file = {Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FIIL32AQ/unterricht-in-der-volksschule.html:text/html}, +@article{sweller_cognitive_1998, + title = {Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design}, + volume = {10}, + issn = {1040-726X}, + url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/23359412}, + abstract = {Cognitive load theory has been designed to provide guidelines intended to assist in the presentation of information in a manner that encourages learner activities that optimize intellectual performance. The theory assumes a limited capacity working memory that includes partially independent subcomponents to deal with auditory/verbal material and visual/2- or 3-dimensional information as well as an effectively unlimited long-term memory, holding schemas that vary in their degree of automation. These structures and functions of human cognitive architecture have been used to design a variety of novel instructional procedures based on the assumption that working memory load should be reduced and schema construction encouraged. This paper reviews the theory and the instructional designs generated by it.}, + pages = {251--296}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, + author = {Sweller, John and van Merrienboer, Jeroen J. G. and Paas, Fred G. W. C.}, + urldate = {2023-04-10}, + date = {1998}, + note = {Publisher: Springer}, + file = {JSTOR Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IKVJHSRY/Sweller et al. - 1998 - Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{wang_does_2020, - title = {Does visual attention to the instructor in online video affect learning and learner perceptions? An eye-tracking analysis}, - volume = {146}, - issn = {0360-1315}, - url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036013151930329X}, - doi = {10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103779}, - shorttitle = {Does visual attention to the instructor in online video affect learning and learner perceptions?}, - abstract = {An increasing number of instructional videos online integrate a real instructor on the video screen. So far, the empirical evidence from previous studies has been limited and conflicting, and none of the studies have explored how learners' allocation of visual attention to the on-screen instructor influences learning and learner perceptions. Therefore, this study aimed to disentangle a) how instructor presence in online videos affects learning, learner perceptions (i.e., cognitive load, judgment of learning, satisfaction, situational interest), and visual attention distribution and b) to what extent visual attention patterns in instructor-present videos predict learning and learner perceptions. Sixty college students each watched two videos on Statistics, one on an easy topic and the other one on a difficult topic, with each in one of the two video formats: instructor-present or instructor-absent. Their eye movements were simultaneously registered using a desktop-mounted eye tracker. Afterwards, participants self-reported their cognitive load, judgment of learning, satisfaction, and situational interest for both videos, and feelings toward seeing the instructor for the instructor-present videos. Learning from the two videos was measured using retention and transfer questions. Findings indicated instructor presence a) improved transfer performance for the difficult topic, b) reduced cognitive load for the difficult topic, c) increased judgment of learning for the difficult topic, and d) enhanced satisfaction and situational interest for both topics. Most participants expressed a positive feeling toward the instructor. Results also showed the instructor attracted a considerable amount of overt visual attention in both videos, and the amount of attention allocated to the instructor positively predicted participants’ satisfaction level for both topics.}, - pages = {103779}, - journaltitle = {Computers \& Education}, - shortjournal = {Computers \& Education}, - author = {Wang, Jiahui and Antonenko, Pavlo and Dawson, Kara}, - urldate = {2023-02-12}, - date = {2020-03-01}, - langid = {english}, - file = {ScienceDirect Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ES7KTP96/S036013151930329X.html:text/html;Wang et al. - 2020 - Does visual attention to the instructor in online .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/V9V3VQ9Q/Wang et al. - 2020 - Does visual attention to the instructor in online .pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{bungartz_modellbildung_2013, + location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, + edition = {2., überarbeitete Auflage}, + title = {Modellbildung und Simulation: eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung}, + isbn = {978-3-642-37655-9}, + series = {{eXamen}.press}, + shorttitle = {Modellbildung und Simulation}, + pagetotal = {400}, + publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, + author = {Bungartz, Hans-Joachim and Zimmer, Stefan and Buchholz, Martin and Pflüger, Dirk}, + date = {2013}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-37656-6}, + file = {978-3-642-37656-6.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/2P95TTNQ/978-3-642-37656-6.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/2DUYFNGC/Bungartz et al. - 2013 - Modellbildung und Simulation eine anwendungsorien.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{talbert_flipped_2017, - location = {Sterling, Virginia}, - title = {Flipped learning: a guide for higher education faculty}, - isbn = {978-1-62036-431-4 978-1-62036-432-1}, - shorttitle = {Flipped learning}, - pagetotal = {241}, - publisher = {Stylus Publishing, {LLC}}, - author = {Talbert, Robert}, - date = {2017}, - keywords = {Education, Higher, Flipped classrooms}, - file = {Talbert - 2017 - Flipped learning a guide for higher education fac.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/LYG7EUAE/Talbert - 2017 - Flipped learning a guide for higher education fac.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{deci_edward_l_selbstbestimmungstheorie_1993, + title = {Die Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation und ihre Bedeutung für die Pädagogik}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + issn = {0044-3247}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=11173}, + doi = {10.25656/01:11173}, + abstract = {The authors present the main features of a theory that gives a new interpretation of the link between motivation and learning on the basis of a theory of the self. It is shown that both intrinsic and certain forms of extrinsic motivation are experienced as self-determined. Empirical findings from laboratory and field studies demonstrate that learning motivation based on self-determination has a positive impact on the quality of learning. Furthermore, it can be shown that the social environment of both school and family plays an important role in the development of self-determined motivation. In a final paragraph, the authors discuss consequences for pedagogical practice. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, + author = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-04-03}, + date = {1993}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Publisher: Beltz : Weinheim ; Basel}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Learning process, Lernprozess, Selbstbestimmung, Self-determination, {FuE}-Dokument, Learning achievement, Learning motivation, Learning theory, Lernerfolg, Lernmotivation, Lerntheorie, Motivation for studies, Pädagogik, Pedagogics, Reception, Rezeption, Sciences of education, Socialisation, Socialization, Sozialisation, Subjectivity, Subjektivität}, + file = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M. - 1993 - Die Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation und ih.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/S2IP2ZYH/Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M. - 1993 - Die Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation und ih.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{appelbaum_journal_2018, - title = {Journal article reporting standards for quantitative research in psychology: The {APA} Publications and Communications Board task force report.}, - volume = {73}, - issn = {1935-990X, 0003-066X}, - url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/amp0000191}, - doi = {10.1037/amp0000191}, - shorttitle = {Journal article reporting standards for quantitative research in psychology}, - pages = {3--25}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {American Psychologist}, - shortjournal = {American Psychologist}, - author = {Appelbaum, Mark and Cooper, Harris and Kline, Rex B. and Mayo-Wilson, Evan and Nezu, Arthur M. and Rao, Stephen M.}, - urldate = {2023-02-10}, - date = {2018-01}, +@book{deci_intrinsic_1985, + location = {Boston, {MA}}, + title = {Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior}, + isbn = {978-1-4899-2273-1 978-1-4899-2271-7}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-1-4899-2271-7}, + publisher = {Springer {US}}, + author = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.}, + urldate = {2023-04-03}, + date = {1985}, langid = {english}, - file = {Appelbaum et al. - 2018 - Journal article reporting standards for quantitati.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/IXP5B2KX/Appelbaum et al. - 2018 - Journal article reporting standards for quantitati.pdf:application/pdf}, + doi = {10.1007/978-1-4899-2271-7}, + file = {Deci and Ryan - 1985 - Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Hum.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/82RSUHEJ/Deci and Ryan - 1985 - Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Hum.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{rosling_factfulness_2018, - location = {London}, - title = {Factfulness: ten reasons we're wrong about the world - and why things are better than you think}, - isbn = {978-1-4736-3748-1 978-1-4736-3746-7 978-1-4736-3747-4}, - shorttitle = {Factfulness}, - pagetotal = {342}, - publisher = {{SCEPTRE}}, - author = {Rosling, Hans and Rosling, Ola and Rönnlund, Anna Rosling}, - date = {2018}, - file = {Factfulness Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World—and Why Things Are Better Than You Think (Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling etc.) (z-lib.org).pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RL4MVYAX/Factfulness Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World—and Why Things Are Better Than You Think (Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling etc.) (z-lib.org).pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SK6ER9F8/Rosling et al. - 2018 - Factfulness ten reasons we're wrong about the wor.pdf:application/pdf}, +@collection{schmohl_kunstliche_2023, + location = {Bielefeld, Germany}, + edition = {1}, + title = {Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung: Chancen und Grenzen des {KI}-gestützten Lernens und Lehrens}, + volume = {4}, + isbn = {978-3-8376-5769-2 978-3-8394-5769-6}, + url = {https://www.transcript-open.de/isbn/5769}, + series = {Hochschulbildung: Lehre und Forschung}, + shorttitle = {Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung}, + abstract = {Der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz erfährt in hochschuldidaktischen Kontexten wachsendes Interesse. Durch individualisierte Lernwege ergeben sich für Studierende und Dozierende neue Lern-Lehr-Möglichkeiten. Der Band befasst sich jedoch auch mit den daraus resultierenden Gefahren: Es sind Demarkationslinien zu ziehen, wenn es um Datenschutz oder ethische Bedenken geht. Die Autor*innen des Bandes nehmen verschiedene Sichtweisen ein, um eine multidisziplinäre Betrachtung der neuen Problemstellungen, die die Anwendung von {KI} im Hochschulkontext mit sich bringt, zu ermöglichen. + , + Chances, limits, and threats - a multidisciplinary look at the use of artificial intelligence in higher education.}, + publisher = {transcript Verlag}, + editor = {Schmohl, Tobias and Watanabe, Alice and Schelling, Kathrin}, + urldate = {2023-03-31}, + date = {2023-03-13}, + langid = {german}, + doi = {10.14361/9783839457696}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ZFM5GQP7/Schmohl et al. - 2023 - Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung Ch.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{paulson_what_1991, - title = {What makes a portfolio a portfolio?}, - volume = {48}, - pages = {60--63}, - number = {5}, - journaltitle = {Edcuational Leadership}, - author = {Paulson, F. Leon and Paulson, Pearl R and Meyer, Carol A.}, - date = {1991-02}, - file = {Paulson et al. - 1991 - What makes a portfolio a portfolio.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/NXAZQSV5/Paulson et al. - 1991 - What makes a portfolio a portfolio.pdf:application/pdf}, +@incollection{bates_flipped_2017, + title = {The Flipped Classroom: A Brief, Brief History}, + isbn = {978-3-319-41853-7}, + pages = {3--10}, + booktitle = {The Flipped College Classroom}, + publisher = {Springer}, + author = {Bates, J. Edward and Almekdash, Hasan and Gilchrest-Dunnam, Maggie J.}, + editor = {Santos Green, Lucy and Banas, Jennifer R. and Perkins, Ross A.}, + date = {2017}, + note = {{DOI} 10.1007/978-3-319-41855-1}, + file = {Bates et al. - 2017 - The Flipped Classroom A Brief, Brief History.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XYWWXJJD/Bates et al. - 2017 - The Flipped Classroom A Brief, Brief History.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{gignac_effect_2016, - title = {Effect size guidelines for individual differences researchers}, - volume = {102}, - issn = {01918869}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0191886916308194}, - doi = {10.1016/j.paid.2016.06.069}, - pages = {74--78}, - journaltitle = {Personality and Individual Differences}, - shortjournal = {Personality and Individual Differences}, - author = {Gignac, Gilles E. and Szodorai, Eva T.}, - urldate = {2023-02-14}, - date = {2016-11}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Gignac and Szodorai - 2016 - Effect size guidelines for individual differences .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QUPRXCT3/Gignac and Szodorai - 2016 - Effect size guidelines for individual differences .pdf:application/pdf}, +@inproceedings{baker_classroom_2000, + title = {The “Classroom Flip”: Using web course management tools to become the guide by the side}, + eventtitle = {Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning}, + pages = {9--17}, + author = {Baker, J. Wesley}, + date = {2000}, + file = {Baker - 2000 - The “Classroom Flip” Using web course management .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/8UULVYPT/Baker - 2000 - The “Classroom Flip” Using web course management .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{grabinger_rich_2011, - title = {Rich environments for active learning: a definition}, - volume = {3}, - issn = {2156-7077, 2156-7069}, - url = {https://journal.alt.ac.uk/index.php/rlt/article/view/791}, - doi = {10.3402/rlt.v3i2.9606}, - shorttitle = {Rich environments for active learning}, - abstract = {In today's complex world, simply knowing how to use tools and knowledge in a single domain is not sufficient to remain competitive as either individuals or companies. People must also learn to apply tools and knowledge in new domains and different situations. Industry specialists report that people at every organizational level must be creative and flexible problem solvers (Lynton, 1989). This requires the ability to apply experience and a definition knowledge to address novel problems. Consequently, learning to think critically, to analyse and synthesize information to solve technical, social, economic, political, and scientific problems, and to work productively in groups are crucial skills for successful and fulfilling participation in our modern, competitive society.{DOI}:10.1080/0968776950030202}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Research in Learning Technology}, - shortjournal = {Research in Learning Technology}, - author = {Grabinger, R. Scott and Dunlap, Joanna C.}, - urldate = {2023-02-21}, - date = {2011-12-30}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ILXAV65V/Grabinger and Dunlap - 2011 - Rich environments for active learning a definitio.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{ammann-tinguely_selbst_2020, + location = {Bern}, + edition = {1. Auflage}, + title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe I: Grundlagen und Umsetzung}, + isbn = {978-3-0355-1620-3 978-3-0355-1619-7}, + shorttitle = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe I}, + pagetotal = {284}, + publisher = {hep}, + author = {Ammann-Tinguely, Christiane and Sahli Lozano, Caroline}, + date = {2020}, + file = {Selbst_organisiertes_Lernen_auf_der_Sekundarstufe_..._----_(Pg_1--110).pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/57ERCRZG/Selbst_organisiertes_Lernen_auf_der_Sekundarstufe_..._----_(Pg_1--110).pdf:application/pdf;Selbst_organisiertes_Lernen_auf_der_Sekundarstufe_..._----_(Pg_111--200).pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/P9K5SWPC/Selbst_organisiertes_Lernen_auf_der_Sekundarstufe_..._----_(Pg_111--200).pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/P2N8769Q/Ammann-Tinguely and Sahli Lozano - 2020 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@report{neuber_schulerruckmeldungen_2018, - title = {Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht und Unterrichtsreflexion}, - url = {https://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?id=46591}, - abstract = {Das Projekt "Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht und ihr Beitrag zur Unterrichtsreflexion im Praxissemester ({ScRiPS})" wird seit November 2014 an der Universität Duisburg-Essen unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Kerstin Göbel sowie unter Mitarbeit von Katharina Neuber an der Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen durchgeführt. Die {ScRiPS}-Studie widmet sich der Frage, wie Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht von Lehramtsstudierenden im Praxissemester der Universität Duisburg-Essen sowie von Lehrpersonen im Schuldienst eingesetzt werden können, um deren Bereitschaft zur professionellen Unterrichtsreflexion zu fördern. Die vorliegende Dokumentation stellt eine Aktualisierung der im Jahr 2016 erstmals veröffentlichten Skalendokumentation und -analysen der im Rahmen der {ScRiPS}-Studie entwickelten Erhebungsinstrumente zur Erfassung der Reflexionsbereitschaft und -praxis dar.}, - institution = {{DuEPublico}: Duisburg-Essen Publications Online, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany}, - author = {Neuber, Katharina and Göbel, Kerstin}, - urldate = {2023-02-21}, - date = {2018}, - doi = {10.17185/DUEPUBLICO/46591}, - file = {Neuber and Göbel - 2018 - Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht und Unterricht.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/A2Q7TUD9/Neuber and Göbel - 2018 - Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht und Unterricht.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{ryan_self-determination_2017, + location = {New York}, + title = {Self-determination theory: basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness}, + isbn = {978-1-4625-2876-9}, + shorttitle = {Self-determination theory}, + pagetotal = {756}, + publisher = {Guilford Press}, + author = {Ryan, Richard M. and Deci, Edward L.}, + date = {2017}, + keywords = {Autonomy (Psychology)}, + file = {Ryan and Deci - 2017 - Self-determination theory basic psychological nee.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/YXTY3R2B/Ryan and Deci - 2017 - Self-determination theory basic psychological nee.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{raaflaub_kollegiale_2019, - title = {Kollegiale Unterrichtsreflexion im Lehramtsstudium}, - url = {https://jlb-journallehrerinnenbildung.net/download?wpdmdl=1049}, - doi = {10.35468/jlb-03-2019_04}, - journaltitle = {journal für {lehrerInnenbildung} jlb 3-2019 Peers}, - shortjournal = {jlb 3-2019 Peers}, - author = {Raaflaub, Meike and Wyss, Corinne and Hüsler, Nina}, - urldate = {2023-02-21}, - date = {2019-11-27}, - langid = {german}, - file = {Raaflaub et al. - 2019 - Kollegiale Unterrichtsreflexion im Lehramtsstudium.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/J8XN4VER/Raaflaub et al. - 2019 - Kollegiale Unterrichtsreflexion im Lehramtsstudium.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{deci_self-determination_2008, + title = {Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health.}, + volume = {49}, + issn = {1878-7304, 0708-5591}, + url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/a0012801}, + doi = {10.1037/a0012801}, + shorttitle = {Self-determination theory}, + pages = {182--185}, + number = {3}, + journaltitle = {Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne}, + shortjournal = {Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne}, + author = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.}, + urldate = {2023-03-25}, + date = {2008-08}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Deci and Ryan - 2008 - Self-determination theory A macrotheory of human .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IHKZQDJJ/Deci and Ryan - 2008 - Self-determination theory A macrotheory of human .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{weiland_kooperative_2017, - title = {Kooperative Unterrichtsreflexion im Lehramtsstudium – eine Interventionsstudie}, - url = {http://oops.uni-oldenburg.de/3224/1/weikoo17.pdf}, - author = {Weiland, Laura}, - urldate = {2023-02-21}, - date = {2017-06-21}, +@misc{hilbe_selbst_2016, + title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen an Berner Gymnasien. Schlussbericht zur externen Evaluation im Auftrag des Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamts des Kantons Bern (Langfassung)}, + url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/bkd/dokumente/de/themen/bildung/mittelschulen/entwicklung-mittelschulen/ams-projekte-sol-evaluation-schlussbericht.pdf}, + abstract = {Schlussbericht der externen Evaluation +im Auftrag des Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamts des Kantons Bern +(Langfassung)}, + publisher = {Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Universität Bern}, + author = {Hilbe, Robert and Herzog, Walter}, + urldate = {2023-03-25}, + date = {2016-01}, + file = {Hilbe and Herzog - 2016 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen an Berner Gymnasien. S.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/PDYIXLRZ/Hilbe and Herzog - 2016 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen an Berner Gymnasien. S.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@online{noauthor_analyzing_2023, - title = {Analyzing a meta-analysis of flipped learning}, - url = {http://rtalbert.org/analyzing-a-meta-analysis-of-flipped-learning/}, - abstract = {Some additional thoughts on a recent {EdSurge} article and a critical piece on flipped learning}, - titleaddon = {Robert Talbert, Ph.D.}, - urldate = {2023-02-24}, - date = {2023-02-24}, +@article{deterding_game_nodate, + title = {From game design elements to gamefulness: defining "gamification"}, + abstract = {Recent years have seen a rapid proliferation of mass-market consumer software that takes inspiration from video games. Usually summarized as “gamification”, this trend connects to a sizeable body of existing concepts and research in humancomputer interaction and game studies, such as serious games, pervasive games, alternate reality games, or playful design. However, it is not clear how “gamification” relates to these, whether it denotes a novel phenomenon, and how to define it. Thus, in this paper we investigate “gamification” and the historical origins of the term in relation to precursors and similar concepts. It is suggested that “gamified” applications provide insight into novel, gameful phenomena complementary to playful phenomena. Based on our research, we propose a definition of “gamification” as the use of game design elements in non-game contexts.}, + author = {Deterding, Sebastian and Dixon, Dan and Khaled, Rilla and Nacke, Lennart}, langid = {english}, - file = {Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/WDV6MSF8/analyzing-a-meta-analysis-of-flipped-learning.html:text/html}, + file = {Deterding et al. - From game design elements to gamefulness defining.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UMKCTKKK/Deterding et al. - From game design elements to gamefulness defining.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{freeman_active_2014, - title = {Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics}, - volume = {111}, - issn = {0027-8424, 1091-6490}, - url = {https://pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1319030111}, - doi = {10.1073/pnas.1319030111}, - abstract = {Significance - The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology has called for a 33\% increase in the number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics ({STEM}) bachelor’s degrees completed per year and recommended adoption of empirically validated teaching practices as critical to achieving that goal. The studies analyzed here document that active learning leads to increases in examination performance that would raise average grades by a half a letter, and that failure rates under traditional lecturing increase by 55\% over the rates observed under active learning. The analysis supports theory claiming that calls to increase the number of students receiving {STEM} degrees could be answered, at least in part, by abandoning traditional lecturing in favor of active learning. - , - - To test the hypothesis that lecturing maximizes learning and course performance, we metaanalyzed 225 studies that reported data on examination scores or failure rates when comparing student performance in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics ({STEM}) courses under traditional lecturing versus active learning. The effect sizes indicate that on average, student performance on examinations and concept inventories increased by 0.47 {SDs} under active learning ( - n - = 158 studies), and that the odds ratio for failing was 1.95 under traditional lecturing ( - n - = 67 studies). These results indicate that average examination scores improved by about 6\% in active learning sections, and that students in classes with traditional lecturing were 1.5 times more likely to fail than were students in classes with active learning. Heterogeneity analyses indicated that both results hold across the {STEM} disciplines, that active learning increases scores on concept inventories more than on course examinations, and that active learning appears effective across all class sizes—although the greatest effects are in small ( - n - ≤ 50) classes. Trim and fill analyses and fail-safe - n - calculations suggest that the results are not due to publication bias. The results also appear robust to variation in the methodological rigor of the included studies, based on the quality of controls over student quality and instructor identity. This is the largest and most comprehensive metaanalysis of undergraduate {STEM} education published to date. The results raise questions about the continued use of traditional lecturing as a control in research studies, and support active learning as the preferred, empirically validated teaching practice in regular classrooms.}, - pages = {8410--8415}, - number = {23}, - journaltitle = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, - shortjournal = {Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.}, - author = {Freeman, Scott and Eddy, Sarah L. and {McDonough}, Miles and Smith, Michelle K. and Okoroafor, Nnadozie and Jordt, Hannah and Wenderoth, Mary Pat}, - urldate = {2023-02-24}, - date = {2014-06-10}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ZIA4VRR2/Freeman et al. - 2014 - Active learning increases student performance in s.pdf:application/pdf}, +@inbook{nydegger_mathematik_2020, + location = {Bern}, + title = {Mathematik}, + booktitle = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe I: Grundlagen und Umsetzung}, + publisher = {hep}, + author = {Nydegger, Annegret and Reusser, Lis}, + bookauthor = {Ammann-Tinguely, Christiane and Sahli Lozano, Caroline}, + date = {2020}, } -@article{li_flipped_2020, - title = {Flipped classroom improves nursing students’ theoretical learning in China: A meta-analysis}, - volume = {15}, - issn = {1932-6203}, - url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0237926}, - doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0237926}, - shorttitle = {Flipped classroom improves nursing students’ theoretical learning in China}, - abstract = {Objective At present, current didactic teaching delivery method help nursing students apply theory to clinical situations in an inefficient way. The flipped classroom ({FC}), a novel teaching mode emphasizing self-study and critical thinking, has generated interest in nursing education in China. However, there are a gap in the literature and no consistent outcomes of current studies which compared {FC} and lecture-based learning ({LBL}), and no systematic review has comprehensively compared theoretical scores as an affected outcome in {FC} versus {LBL} modes. -Methods In this review, we analyze flipped-learning nursing students’ scores, and aim to assess the efficacy and provide a deeper understanding of the {FC} in nursing education. Following the inclusion criteria, articles were obtained by searching {PubMed}, Embase and Chinese data, including the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Data, and {VIP} database until 3 January 2020. Data were extracted from eligible articles and quality was assessed. A meta-analysis was then performed using a random effects model with a standardized mean value ({SMD}) and a 95\% confidence interval ({CI}).32 studies were included after reviewing 2,439 citations. All studies were randomized controlled trials ({RCTs}). The {FC} theoretical knowledge scores in {FC} were significantly positively affected compared to those of the traditional classroom ({SMD} = 1.33, 95\% {CI}: 1.02–1.64; P {\textless} 0.001). In addition, 23 studies reported skill scores, indicating significant difference between the {FC} mode and {LBL} mode ({SMD} = 1.58, 95\%{CI}: 1.23–1.93; P {\textless} 0.001). -Conclusions The results of this meta-analysis suggest that compared to the {LBL} teaching method, the {FC} mode dose significantly improve Chinese nursing students’ theoretical scores. However,}, - pages = {e0237926}, - number = {8}, - journaltitle = {{PLOS} {ONE}}, - shortjournal = {{PLoS} {ONE}}, - author = {Li, Bao-Zhu and Cao, Nv-Wei and Ren, Chun-Xia and Chu, Xiu-Jie and Zhou, Hao-Yue and Guo, Biao}, - editor = {Cuthill, Fiona}, - urldate = {2023-02-24}, - date = {2020-08-27}, +@online{erziehungsdirektion_des_kantons_bern_lehrplan_2016, + title = {Lehrplan 21 - 5. Unterrichtsentwicklung}, + url = {https://be.lehrplan.ch/index.php?code=e|92|5&hilit=102m3PnWU64AWEZDAmcmgPHUF895BF#102m3PnWU64AWEZDAmcmgPHUF895BF}, + titleaddon = {Lehrplan 21}, + author = {{Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, + urldate = {2023-03-17}, + date = {2016}, + file = {Lehrplan 21:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CUJSV27M/index.html:text/html}, +} + +@online{sergis_investigating_2017, + title = {Investigating the impact of Flipped Classroom on students' learning experiences: A Self-Determination Theory approach {\textbar} Elsevier Enhanced Reader}, + url = {https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S074756321730479X?token=06C268C463A53319835126735B1D79ADB79C02A5C92C71D2CE8E1A24E7EBF70BA15657508D72A3BEA4770DD9581C146E&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20230302135230}, + shorttitle = {Investigating the impact of Flipped Classroom on students' learning experiences}, + author = {Sergis, Stylianos and Sampson, Demetrios and Pelliccione, Lina}, + urldate = {2023-03-02}, + date = {2017-02-15}, langid = {english}, - file = {Li et al. - 2020 - Flipped classroom improves nursing students’ theor.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/9IWY2QFS/Li et al. - 2020 - Flipped classroom improves nursing students’ theor.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@online{meyer_merkmale_nodate, - title = {Merkmale // Universität Oldenburg}, - url = {https://uol.de/hilbert-meyer/guter-unterricht/merkmale}, - author = {Meyer, Hilbert}, - urldate = {2023-02-27}, - file = {Merkmale // Universität Oldenburg:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/KGVSAD8G/merkmale.html:text/html}, + doi = {10.1016/j.chb.2017.08.011}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/RUGBUNAZ/Investigating the impact of Flipped Classroom on s.pdf:application/pdf}, } @article{yousefzadeh_effect_2015, @@ -3313,145 +3538,31 @@ @article{yousefzadeh_effect_2015 author = {Yousefzadeh, Malahat and Salimi, Asghar}, urldate = {2023-03-02}, date = {2015-08-17}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/EJT8HMTD/2015 - The Effect of Flipped Learning (Revised Learning) .pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@online{sergis_investigating_2017, - title = {Investigating the impact of Flipped Classroom on students' learning experiences: A Self-Determination Theory approach {\textbar} Elsevier Enhanced Reader}, - url = {https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S074756321730479X?token=06C268C463A53319835126735B1D79ADB79C02A5C92C71D2CE8E1A24E7EBF70BA15657508D72A3BEA4770DD9581C146E&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20230302135230}, - shorttitle = {Investigating the impact of Flipped Classroom on students' learning experiences}, - author = {Sergis, Stylianos and Sampson, Demetrios and Pelliccione, Lina}, - urldate = {2023-03-02}, - date = {2017-02-15}, - langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1016/j.chb.2017.08.011}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RUGBUNAZ/Investigating the impact of Flipped Classroom on s.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@online{noauthor_applying_nodate, - title = {Applying “First Principles of Instruction” as a design theory of the flipped classroom\_ Findings from a collective study of four secondary school subjects {\textbar} Elsevier Enhanced Reader}, - url = {https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0360131517302609?token=F73D6446B6F13A5B8B2BDAF567EDC2760D1F90DF26AAAEE81E853A94ABA56CBCB1B4AFF397E62A9C913B0AA3825FA19B&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20230302134618}, - urldate = {2023-03-02}, - langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1016/j.compedu.2017.12.003}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/P6JY3BZ6/Applying “First Principles of Instruction” as a de.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/EJT8HMTD/2015 - The Effect of Flipped Learning (Revised Learning) .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{clark_effects_2015, - title = {The Effects of the Flipped Model of Instruction on Student Engagement and Performance in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom}, - volume = {12}, - issn = {1547500X}, - url = {https://www.thejeo.com/archive/2015_12_1/clark}, - doi = {10.9743/JEO.2015.1.5}, +@article{black_developing_2009, + title = {Developing the theory of formative assessment}, + volume = {21}, + issn = {1874-8597, 1874-8600}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11092-008-9068-5}, + doi = {10.1007/s11092-008-9068-5}, + pages = {5--31}, number = {1}, - journaltitle = {The Journal of Educators Online}, - shortjournal = {{JEO}}, - author = {Clark, Kevin}, - urldate = {2023-03-02}, - date = {2015-01}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Clark - 2015 - The Effects of the Flipped Model of Instruction on.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/RHBT5KEW/Clark - 2015 - The Effects of the Flipped Model of Instruction on.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{charles-ogan_university_2015, - title = {University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria}, - abstract = {The study was carried out to confirm the advantage of a flipped classroom over a conventional one in terms of students, academic achievement. To carry out the study, 100 mathematics students in senior secondary school Hallmark Academy, in Rivers State, Nigeria were used in the study. There were two groups; an experimental and a control group used in the study. A {videoCD} offline mathematics lesson recorded by the teacher was the {ICT} instrument in this approach. The t-test was used to analyzed the data. Hence a major finding was that the experimental group had a mean gain of 28.60 as against 16.62 of those in a conventional class in their pretest-posttest scores. A major recommendation is that teachers should incorporate flipped classroom approach as it encourages direct involvement of students in the learning process.}, - author = {Charles-Ogan, Gladys and Williams, Cheta}, - date = {2015}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Charles-Ogan and Williams - 2015 - University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XVXES5ZX/Charles-Ogan and Williams - 2015 - University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{strelan_flipped_2020, - title = {The flipped classroom: A meta-analysis of effects on student performance across disciplines and education levels}, - volume = {30}, - issn = {1747938X}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1747938X19301599}, - doi = {10.1016/j.edurev.2020.100314}, - shorttitle = {The flipped classroom}, - pages = {100314}, - journaltitle = {Educational Research Review}, - shortjournal = {Educational Research Review}, - author = {Strelan, Peter and Osborn, Amanda and Palmer, Edward}, - urldate = {2023-03-02}, - date = {2020-06}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Strelan et al. - 2020 - The flipped classroom A meta-analysis of effects .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7J7HQ5SH/Strelan et al. - 2020 - The flipped classroom A meta-analysis of effects .pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{neudecker_angelika_inverted_2022, - title = {Inverted classroom backstage. Videoproduktion, interaktive Elemente und Gamifizierung}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=25361}, - doi = {10.25656/01:25361}, - abstract = {The transformation of a series of lectures into an Inverted Classroom is not done quickly. The article shows that a change is worthwhile despite the effort and which aspects have to be considered. It traces the steps taken to record a series of lectures and turn it into an interactive and gamified Inverted Classroom. The article focuses on the out-of-class phase, names the digital tools used and concludes with Chapter 6: Lessons Learnt so that you can benefit from our experience in your own redesign project. (Authors)}, - pages = {13 pages}, - author = {Neudecker, Angelika and Beckmann, Ann Kristin and Becker, Sarah}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-03-08}, - date = {2022}, - langid = {german}, - note = {Artwork Size: 13 pages -Publisher: :null}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, E-learning, E-Learning, Higher education lecturing, Hochschullehre, University lecturing, University teaching, Videoaufzeichnung, Virtual learning, Bildungsforschung, Educational research, Apprenticeship, Lectureship, Lehre, Digitale Medien, Interactive media, Interaktive Medien, Lehr-Lern-Planung, Practice, Praxis}, - file = {Neudecker, Angelika et al. - 2022 - Inverted classroom backstage. Videoproduktion, int.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/3SGVNYLM/Neudecker, Angelika et al. - 2022 - Inverted classroom backstage. Videoproduktion, int.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@collection{uskov_smart_2019, - location = {Singapore}, - title = {Smart Education and e-Learning 2019}, - volume = {144}, - isbn = {9789811382598 9789811382604}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-981-13-8260-4}, - series = {Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies}, - publisher = {Springer Singapore}, - editor = {Uskov, Vladimir L. and Howlett, Robert J. and Jain, Lakhmi C.}, - urldate = {2023-03-10}, - date = {2019}, - langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-981-13-8260-4}, - file = {Smart Education and e-Learning 2019 (Vladimir L. Uskov, Robert J. Howlett etc.) (Z-Library).pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/MGDCKBC2/Smart Education and e-Learning 2019 (Vladimir L. Uskov, Robert J. Howlett etc.) (Z-Library).pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FWC6T6D5/Uskov et al. - 2019 - Smart Education and e-Learning 2019.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{gigerenzer_statistical_2018, - title = {Statistical Rituals: The Replication Delusion and How We Got There}, - volume = {1}, - issn = {2515-2459, 2515-2467}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2515245918771329}, - doi = {10.1177/2515245918771329}, - shorttitle = {Statistical Rituals}, - abstract = {The “replication crisis” has been attributed to misguided external incentives gamed by researchers (the strategic-game hypothesis). Here, I want to draw attention to a complementary internal factor, namely, researchers’ widespread faith in a statistical ritual and associated delusions (the statistical-ritual hypothesis). The “null ritual,” unknown in statistics proper, eliminates judgment precisely at points where statistical theories demand it. The crucial delusion is that the p value specifies the probability of a successful replication (i.e., 1 – p), which makes replication studies appear to be superfluous. A review of studies with 839 academic psychologists and 991 students shows that the replication delusion existed among 20\% of the faculty teaching statistics in psychology, 39\% of the professors and lecturers, and 66\% of the students. Two further beliefs, the illusion of certainty (e.g., that statistical significance proves that an effect exists) and Bayesian wishful thinking (e.g., that the probability of the alternative hypothesis being true is 1 – p), also make successful replication appear to be certain or almost certain, respectively. In every study reviewed, the majority of researchers (56\%–97\%) exhibited one or more of these delusions. Psychology departments need to begin teaching statistical thinking, not rituals, and journal editors should no longer accept manuscripts that report results as “significant” or “not significant.”}, - pages = {198--218}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science}, - shortjournal = {Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science}, - author = {Gigerenzer, Gerd}, - urldate = {2023-03-13}, - date = {2018-06}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SY8DSK6Y/Gigerenzer - 2018 - Statistical Rituals The Replication Delusion and .pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@article{cinelli_crash_2020, - title = {A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls}, - issn = {1556-5068}, - url = {https://www.ssrn.com/abstract=3689437}, - doi = {10.2139/ssrn.3689437}, - journaltitle = {{SSRN} Electronic Journal}, - shortjournal = {{SSRN} Journal}, - author = {Cinelli, Carlos and Forney, Andrew and Pearl, Judea}, - urldate = {2023-03-13}, - date = {2020}, + journaltitle = {Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability}, + shortjournal = {Educ Asse Eval Acc}, + author = {Black, Paul and Wiliam, Dylan}, + urldate = {2023-03-15}, + date = {2009-02}, langid = {english}, - file = {Cinelli et al. - 2020 - A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/SYR88HWY/Cinelli et al. - 2020 - A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {s11092-008-9068-5.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/BJMYRSDF/s11092-008-9068-5.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/Q8W22EDL/Black and Wiliam - 2009 - Developing the theory of formative assessment.pdf:application/pdf}, } @misc{walti_alternative_2014, title = {Alternative Leistungsbewertung in der Mathematik}, author = {Wälti, Beat}, date = {2014-04-02}, - file = {Wälti - 2014 - Alternative Leistungsbewertung in der Mathematik.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UZW8XS96/Wälti - 2014 - Alternative Leistungsbewertung in der Mathematik.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Wälti - 2014 - Alternative Leistungsbewertung in der Mathematik.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UZW8XS96/Wälti - 2014 - Alternative Leistungsbewertung in der Mathematik.pdf:application/pdf}, } @report{albrecht_digitale_2016, @@ -3476,7 +3587,7 @@ @article{graziano_flipping_2017 pages = {5--16}, author = {Graziano, Kevin and Hall, John}, date = {2017-08-01}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UKTVWUYV/Graziano and Hall - 2017 - Flipping Math in a Secondary Classroom.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UKTVWUYV/Graziano and Hall - 2017 - Flipping Math in a Secondary Classroom.pdf:application/pdf}, } @article{tsai_how_2017, @@ -3494,730 +3605,906 @@ @article{tsai_how_2017 urldate = {2023-03-14}, date = {2017-03}, langid = {english}, - file = {Tsai et al. - 2017 - How to solve students’ problems in a flipped class.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/GHAANB9S/Tsai et al. - 2017 - How to solve students’ problems in a flipped class.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Tsai et al. - 2017 - How to solve students’ problems in a flipped class.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GHAANB9S/Tsai et al. - 2017 - How to solve students’ problems in a flipped class.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@book{pelletier_2022_2022, + location = {Louisville}, + title = {2022 {EDUCAUSE} horizon report teaching and learning edition}, + isbn = {978-1-933046-13-6}, + abstract = {Este informe describe tendencias importantes y tecnologías y prácticas clave que dan forma al futuro de la seguridad de la información, y prevé una serie de escenarios e implicaciones para ese futuro. Se basa en las perspectivas y la experiencia de un conjunto global de expertos pertenecientes a la educación superior. Dos años después de la pandemia de {COVID}-19 muchos cambios acaecidos en la educación superior sugieren una evolución de modos de ofrecer educación de "emergencia" o "reactiva" a corto plazo durante circunstancias extraordinarias a realizar inversiones estratégicas y sostenibles en un futuro que será muy diferente a nuestro pasado. Este informe resume los resultados de las discusiones y debates sostenidos por los expertos de {EDUCAUSE} Horizon Report 2022 y sirve como un punto de vista sobre hacia dónde puede dirigirse nuestro futuro}, + publisher = {{EDUCAUSE}}, + author = {Pelletier, Kathe}, + date = {2022}, + note = {{OCLC}: 1348755337}, + file = {Pelletier - 2022 - 2022 EDUCAUSE horizon report teaching and learning.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/95DEDRTN/Pelletier - 2022 - 2022 EDUCAUSE horizon report teaching and learning.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{cinelli_crash_2020, + title = {A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls}, + issn = {1556-5068}, + url = {https://www.ssrn.com/abstract=3689437}, + doi = {10.2139/ssrn.3689437}, + journaltitle = {{SSRN} Electronic Journal}, + shortjournal = {{SSRN} Journal}, + author = {Cinelli, Carlos and Forney, Andrew and Pearl, Judea}, + urldate = {2023-03-13}, + date = {2020}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Cinelli et al. - 2020 - A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SYR88HWY/Cinelli et al. - 2020 - A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{gigerenzer_statistical_2018, + title = {Statistical Rituals: The Replication Delusion and How We Got There}, + volume = {1}, + issn = {2515-2459, 2515-2467}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2515245918771329}, + doi = {10.1177/2515245918771329}, + shorttitle = {Statistical Rituals}, + abstract = {The “replication crisis” has been attributed to misguided external incentives gamed by researchers (the strategic-game hypothesis). Here, I want to draw attention to a complementary internal factor, namely, researchers’ widespread faith in a statistical ritual and associated delusions (the statistical-ritual hypothesis). The “null ritual,” unknown in statistics proper, eliminates judgment precisely at points where statistical theories demand it. The crucial delusion is that the p value specifies the probability of a successful replication (i.e., 1 – p), which makes replication studies appear to be superfluous. A review of studies with 839 academic psychologists and 991 students shows that the replication delusion existed among 20\% of the faculty teaching statistics in psychology, 39\% of the professors and lecturers, and 66\% of the students. Two further beliefs, the illusion of certainty (e.g., that statistical significance proves that an effect exists) and Bayesian wishful thinking (e.g., that the probability of the alternative hypothesis being true is 1 – p), also make successful replication appear to be certain or almost certain, respectively. In every study reviewed, the majority of researchers (56\%–97\%) exhibited one or more of these delusions. Psychology departments need to begin teaching statistical thinking, not rituals, and journal editors should no longer accept manuscripts that report results as “significant” or “not significant.”}, + pages = {198--218}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science}, + shortjournal = {Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science}, + author = {Gigerenzer, Gerd}, + urldate = {2023-03-13}, + date = {2018-06}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SY8DSK6Y/Gigerenzer - 2018 - Statistical Rituals The Replication Delusion and .pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@collection{uskov_smart_2019, + location = {Singapore}, + title = {Smart Education and e-Learning 2019}, + volume = {144}, + isbn = {9789811382598 9789811382604}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-981-13-8260-4}, + series = {Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies}, + publisher = {Springer Singapore}, + editor = {Uskov, Vladimir L. and Howlett, Robert J. and Jain, Lakhmi C.}, + urldate = {2023-03-10}, + date = {2019}, + langid = {english}, + doi = {10.1007/978-981-13-8260-4}, + file = {Smart Education and e-Learning 2019 (Vladimir L. Uskov, Robert J. Howlett etc.) (Z-Library).pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/MGDCKBC2/Smart Education and e-Learning 2019 (Vladimir L. Uskov, Robert J. Howlett etc.) (Z-Library).pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FWC6T6D5/Uskov et al. - 2019 - Smart Education and e-Learning 2019.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{neudecker_angelika_inverted_2022, + title = {Inverted classroom backstage. Videoproduktion, interaktive Elemente und Gamifizierung}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=25361}, + doi = {10.25656/01:25361}, + abstract = {The transformation of a series of lectures into an Inverted Classroom is not done quickly. The article shows that a change is worthwhile despite the effort and which aspects have to be considered. It traces the steps taken to record a series of lectures and turn it into an interactive and gamified Inverted Classroom. The article focuses on the out-of-class phase, names the digital tools used and concludes with Chapter 6: Lessons Learnt so that you can benefit from our experience in your own redesign project. (Authors)}, + pages = {13 pages}, + author = {Neudecker, Angelika and Beckmann, Ann Kristin and Becker, Sarah}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-03-08}, + date = {2022}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Artwork Size: 13 pages +Publisher: :null}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Practice, Apprenticeship, Bildungsforschung, Digitale Medien, E-learning, E-Learning, Educational research, Higher education lecturing, Hochschullehre, Interactive media, Interaktive Medien, Lectureship, Lehr-Lern-Planung, Lehre, Praxis, University lecturing, University teaching, Videoaufzeichnung, Virtual learning}, + file = {Neudecker, Angelika et al. - 2022 - Inverted classroom backstage. Videoproduktion, int.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/3SGVNYLM/Neudecker, Angelika et al. - 2022 - Inverted classroom backstage. Videoproduktion, int.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@online{noauthor_applying_nodate, + title = {Applying “First Principles of Instruction” as a design theory of the flipped classroom\_ Findings from a collective study of four secondary school subjects {\textbar} Elsevier Enhanced Reader}, + url = {https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0360131517302609?token=F73D6446B6F13A5B8B2BDAF567EDC2760D1F90DF26AAAEE81E853A94ABA56CBCB1B4AFF397E62A9C913B0AA3825FA19B&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20230302134618}, + urldate = {2023-03-02}, + langid = {english}, + doi = {10.1016/j.compedu.2017.12.003}, + file = {Full Text PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/P6JY3BZ6/Applying “First Principles of Instruction” as a de.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{clark_effects_2015, + title = {The Effects of the Flipped Model of Instruction on Student Engagement and Performance in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom}, + volume = {12}, + issn = {1547500X}, + url = {https://www.thejeo.com/archive/2015_12_1/clark}, + doi = {10.9743/JEO.2015.1.5}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {The Journal of Educators Online}, + shortjournal = {{JEO}}, + author = {Clark, Kevin}, + urldate = {2023-03-02}, + date = {2015-01}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Clark - 2015 - The Effects of the Flipped Model of Instruction on.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/RHBT5KEW/Clark - 2015 - The Effects of the Flipped Model of Instruction on.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{charles-ogan_university_2015, + title = {University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria}, + abstract = {The study was carried out to confirm the advantage of a flipped classroom over a conventional one in terms of students, academic achievement. To carry out the study, 100 mathematics students in senior secondary school Hallmark Academy, in Rivers State, Nigeria were used in the study. There were two groups; an experimental and a control group used in the study. A {videoCD} offline mathematics lesson recorded by the teacher was the {ICT} instrument in this approach. The t-test was used to analyzed the data. Hence a major finding was that the experimental group had a mean gain of 28.60 as against 16.62 of those in a conventional class in their pretest-posttest scores. A major recommendation is that teachers should incorporate flipped classroom approach as it encourages direct involvement of students in the learning process.}, + author = {Charles-Ogan, Gladys and Williams, Cheta}, + date = {2015}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Charles-Ogan and Williams - 2015 - University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XVXES5ZX/Charles-Ogan and Williams - 2015 - University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{strelan_flipped_2020, + title = {The flipped classroom: A meta-analysis of effects on student performance across disciplines and education levels}, + volume = {30}, + issn = {1747938X}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1747938X19301599}, + doi = {10.1016/j.edurev.2020.100314}, + shorttitle = {The flipped classroom}, + pages = {100314}, + journaltitle = {Educational Research Review}, + shortjournal = {Educational Research Review}, + author = {Strelan, Peter and Osborn, Amanda and Palmer, Edward}, + urldate = {2023-03-02}, + date = {2020-06}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Strelan et al. - 2020 - The flipped classroom A meta-analysis of effects .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7J7HQ5SH/Strelan et al. - 2020 - The flipped classroom A meta-analysis of effects .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{pelletier_2022_2022, - location = {Louisville}, - title = {2022 {EDUCAUSE} horizon report teaching and learning edition}, - isbn = {978-1-933046-13-6}, - abstract = {Este informe describe tendencias importantes y tecnologías y prácticas clave que dan forma al futuro de la seguridad de la información, y prevé una serie de escenarios e implicaciones para ese futuro. Se basa en las perspectivas y la experiencia de un conjunto global de expertos pertenecientes a la educación superior. Dos años después de la pandemia de {COVID}-19 muchos cambios acaecidos en la educación superior sugieren una evolución de modos de ofrecer educación de "emergencia" o "reactiva" a corto plazo durante circunstancias extraordinarias a realizar inversiones estratégicas y sostenibles en un futuro que será muy diferente a nuestro pasado. Este informe resume los resultados de las discusiones y debates sostenidos por los expertos de {EDUCAUSE} Horizon Report 2022 y sirve como un punto de vista sobre hacia dónde puede dirigirse nuestro futuro}, - publisher = {{EDUCAUSE}}, - author = {Pelletier, Kathe}, - date = {2022}, - note = {{OCLC}: 1348755337}, - file = {Pelletier - 2022 - 2022 EDUCAUSE horizon report teaching and learning.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/95DEDRTN/Pelletier - 2022 - 2022 EDUCAUSE horizon report teaching and learning.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{mayrberger_e-portfolios_2013, + title = {E-Portfolios in der Hochschule – zwischen Ideal und Realität}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10918}, + doi = {10.25656/01:10918}, + abstract = {Dieser Beitrag betrachtet vor diesem Hintergrund das Thema der E-Portfolio-Arbeit im deutschsprachigen Hochschulkontext und nimmt Stellung dazu, inwiefern der E-Portfolioeinsatz nach einigen Jahren der Erprobung und anfänglichen Etablierung an den Hochschulen mittlerweile sein konzeptionelles Potenzial ausschöpft bzw. ausschöpfen kann und damit (k)einen Beitrag zu einer partizipationsfördernden oder sogar partizipativen Lernkultur leistet. [...] Dieser Beitrag geht davon aus, dass die Arbeit mit E-Portfolios in der Hochschule heute ihren konzeptionellen Ansprüchen und damit den an sie gestellten Erwartungen in der alltäglichen akademischen Lehre nicht gerecht werden kann. Zugleich versucht dieser Beitrag, konstruktive Lösungswege aufzuzeigen. Dafür werden im dritten Abschnitt systematisch ausgewählte Chancen und Barrieren für die nachhaltige und effektive Integration von E-Portfolios als eine wesentliche Methode einer partizipativen Lernkultur angesprochen. Zuvor nimmt der folgende zweite Abschnitt einige grundlegende Klärungen zum Einsatz von E-Portfolios in der Hochschullehre vor. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, + author = {Mayrberger, Kerstin}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2013}, + langid = {german}, + note = {{ISBN}: 9783830928188 +Publisher: Waxmann : Münster}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Learning environment, Learning, Apprenticeship, Higher education lecturing, Hochschullehre, Lectureship, Lehre, University lecturing, University teaching, Bildungsorganisation, Bildungspolitik, Deployment of media, Digitalelektronik, Educational Environment, Educational policy, Higher education institute, Hochschule, Learning culture, Lehrveranstaltung, Lernen, Lernkultur, Lernumgebung, Medieneinsatz, Organization of education, Partizipation, Portfolio, Unterrichtsgestaltung, Use of media}, + file = {Mayrberger, Kerstin - 2013 - E-Portfolios in der Hochschule – zwischen Ideal un.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/AWDKUF5E/Mayrberger, Kerstin - 2013 - E-Portfolios in der Hochschule – zwischen Ideal un.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{black_developing_2009, - title = {Developing the theory of formative assessment}, - volume = {21}, - issn = {1874-8597, 1874-8600}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11092-008-9068-5}, - doi = {10.1007/s11092-008-9068-5}, - pages = {5--31}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability}, - shortjournal = {Educ Asse Eval Acc}, - author = {Black, Paul and Wiliam, Dylan}, - urldate = {2023-03-15}, - date = {2009-02}, - langid = {english}, - file = {s11092-008-9068-5.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/BJMYRSDF/s11092-008-9068-5.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/Q8W22EDL/Black and Wiliam - 2009 - Developing the theory of formative assessment.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{meyer_merkmale_nodate, + title = {Merkmale // Universität Oldenburg}, + url = {https://uol.de/hilbert-meyer/guter-unterricht/merkmale}, + author = {Meyer, Hilbert}, + urldate = {2023-02-27}, + file = {Merkmale // Universität Oldenburg:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KGVSAD8G/merkmale.html:text/html}, } -@article{deterding_game_nodate, - title = {From game design elements to gamefulness: defining "gamification"}, - abstract = {Recent years have seen a rapid proliferation of mass-market consumer software that takes inspiration from video games. Usually summarized as “gamification”, this trend connects to a sizeable body of existing concepts and research in humancomputer interaction and game studies, such as serious games, pervasive games, alternate reality games, or playful design. However, it is not clear how “gamification” relates to these, whether it denotes a novel phenomenon, and how to define it. Thus, in this paper we investigate “gamification” and the historical origins of the term in relation to precursors and similar concepts. It is suggested that “gamified” applications provide insight into novel, gameful phenomena complementary to playful phenomena. Based on our research, we propose a definition of “gamification” as the use of game design elements in non-game contexts.}, - author = {Deterding, Sebastian and Dixon, Dan and Khaled, Rilla and Nacke, Lennart}, +@article{li_flipped_2020, + title = {Flipped classroom improves nursing students’ theoretical learning in China: A meta-analysis}, + volume = {15}, + issn = {1932-6203}, + url = {https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0237926}, + doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0237926}, + shorttitle = {Flipped classroom improves nursing students’ theoretical learning in China}, + abstract = {Objective At present, current didactic teaching delivery method help nursing students apply theory to clinical situations in an inefficient way. The flipped classroom ({FC}), a novel teaching mode emphasizing self-study and critical thinking, has generated interest in nursing education in China. However, there are a gap in the literature and no consistent outcomes of current studies which compared {FC} and lecture-based learning ({LBL}), and no systematic review has comprehensively compared theoretical scores as an affected outcome in {FC} versus {LBL} modes. +Methods In this review, we analyze flipped-learning nursing students’ scores, and aim to assess the efficacy and provide a deeper understanding of the {FC} in nursing education. Following the inclusion criteria, articles were obtained by searching {PubMed}, Embase and Chinese data, including the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Data, and {VIP} database until 3 January 2020. Data were extracted from eligible articles and quality was assessed. A meta-analysis was then performed using a random effects model with a standardized mean value ({SMD}) and a 95\% confidence interval ({CI}).32 studies were included after reviewing 2,439 citations. All studies were randomized controlled trials ({RCTs}). The {FC} theoretical knowledge scores in {FC} were significantly positively affected compared to those of the traditional classroom ({SMD} = 1.33, 95\% {CI}: 1.02–1.64; P {\textless} 0.001). In addition, 23 studies reported skill scores, indicating significant difference between the {FC} mode and {LBL} mode ({SMD} = 1.58, 95\%{CI}: 1.23–1.93; P {\textless} 0.001). +Conclusions The results of this meta-analysis suggest that compared to the {LBL} teaching method, the {FC} mode dose significantly improve Chinese nursing students’ theoretical scores. However,}, + pages = {e0237926}, + number = {8}, + journaltitle = {{PLOS} {ONE}}, + shortjournal = {{PLoS} {ONE}}, + author = {Li, Bao-Zhu and Cao, Nv-Wei and Ren, Chun-Xia and Chu, Xiu-Jie and Zhou, Hao-Yue and Guo, Biao}, + editor = {Cuthill, Fiona}, + urldate = {2023-02-24}, + date = {2020-08-27}, langid = {english}, - file = {Deterding et al. - From game design elements to gamefulness defining.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UMKCTKKK/Deterding et al. - From game design elements to gamefulness defining.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Li et al. - 2020 - Flipped classroom improves nursing students’ theor.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9IWY2QFS/Li et al. - 2020 - Flipped classroom improves nursing students’ theor.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@inbook{nydegger_mathematik_2020, - location = {Bern}, - title = {Mathematik}, - booktitle = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe I: Grundlagen und Umsetzung}, - publisher = {hep}, - author = {Nydegger, Annegret and Reusser, Lis}, - bookauthor = {Ammann-Tinguely, Christiane and Sahli Lozano, Caroline}, - date = {2020}, +@article{freeman_active_2014, + title = {Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics}, + volume = {111}, + issn = {0027-8424, 1091-6490}, + url = {https://pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1319030111}, + doi = {10.1073/pnas.1319030111}, + abstract = {Significance + The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology has called for a 33\% increase in the number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics ({STEM}) bachelor’s degrees completed per year and recommended adoption of empirically validated teaching practices as critical to achieving that goal. The studies analyzed here document that active learning leads to increases in examination performance that would raise average grades by a half a letter, and that failure rates under traditional lecturing increase by 55\% over the rates observed under active learning. The analysis supports theory claiming that calls to increase the number of students receiving {STEM} degrees could be answered, at least in part, by abandoning traditional lecturing in favor of active learning. + , + + To test the hypothesis that lecturing maximizes learning and course performance, we metaanalyzed 225 studies that reported data on examination scores or failure rates when comparing student performance in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics ({STEM}) courses under traditional lecturing versus active learning. The effect sizes indicate that on average, student performance on examinations and concept inventories increased by 0.47 {SDs} under active learning ( + n + = 158 studies), and that the odds ratio for failing was 1.95 under traditional lecturing ( + n + = 67 studies). These results indicate that average examination scores improved by about 6\% in active learning sections, and that students in classes with traditional lecturing were 1.5 times more likely to fail than were students in classes with active learning. Heterogeneity analyses indicated that both results hold across the {STEM} disciplines, that active learning increases scores on concept inventories more than on course examinations, and that active learning appears effective across all class sizes—although the greatest effects are in small ( + n + ≤ 50) classes. Trim and fill analyses and fail-safe + n + calculations suggest that the results are not due to publication bias. The results also appear robust to variation in the methodological rigor of the included studies, based on the quality of controls over student quality and instructor identity. This is the largest and most comprehensive metaanalysis of undergraduate {STEM} education published to date. The results raise questions about the continued use of traditional lecturing as a control in research studies, and support active learning as the preferred, empirically validated teaching practice in regular classrooms.}, + pages = {8410--8415}, + number = {23}, + journaltitle = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, + shortjournal = {Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.}, + author = {Freeman, Scott and Eddy, Sarah L. and {McDonough}, Miles and Smith, Michelle K. and Okoroafor, Nnadozie and Jordt, Hannah and Wenderoth, Mary Pat}, + urldate = {2023-02-24}, + date = {2014-06-10}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ZIA4VRR2/Freeman et al. - 2014 - Active learning increases student performance in s.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@online{erziehungsdirektion_des_kantons_bern_lehrplan_2016, - title = {Lehrplan 21 - 5. Unterrichtsentwicklung}, - url = {https://be.lehrplan.ch/index.php?code=e|92|5&hilit=102m3PnWU64AWEZDAmcmgPHUF895BF#102m3PnWU64AWEZDAmcmgPHUF895BF}, - titleaddon = {Lehrplan 21}, - author = {{Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, - urldate = {2023-03-17}, - date = {2016}, - file = {Lehrplan 21:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/CUJSV27M/index.html:text/html}, +@online{noauthor_analyzing_2023, + title = {Analyzing a meta-analysis of flipped learning}, + url = {http://rtalbert.org/analyzing-a-meta-analysis-of-flipped-learning/}, + abstract = {Some additional thoughts on a recent {EdSurge} article and a critical piece on flipped learning}, + titleaddon = {Robert Talbert, Ph.D.}, + urldate = {2023-02-24}, + date = {2023-02-24}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/WDV6MSF8/analyzing-a-meta-analysis-of-flipped-learning.html:text/html}, } -@collection{schmohl_kunstliche_2023, - location = {Bielefeld, Germany}, - edition = {1}, - title = {Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung: Chancen und Grenzen des {KI}-gestützten Lernens und Lehrens}, - volume = {4}, - isbn = {978-3-8376-5769-2 978-3-8394-5769-6}, - url = {https://www.transcript-open.de/isbn/5769}, - series = {Hochschulbildung: Lehre und Forschung}, - shorttitle = {Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung}, - abstract = {Der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz erfährt in hochschuldidaktischen Kontexten wachsendes Interesse. Durch individualisierte Lernwege ergeben sich für Studierende und Dozierende neue Lern-Lehr-Möglichkeiten. Der Band befasst sich jedoch auch mit den daraus resultierenden Gefahren: Es sind Demarkationslinien zu ziehen, wenn es um Datenschutz oder ethische Bedenken geht. Die Autor*innen des Bandes nehmen verschiedene Sichtweisen ein, um eine multidisziplinäre Betrachtung der neuen Problemstellungen, die die Anwendung von {KI} im Hochschulkontext mit sich bringt, zu ermöglichen. - , - Chances, limits, and threats - a multidisciplinary look at the use of artificial intelligence in higher education.}, - publisher = {transcript Verlag}, - editor = {Schmohl, Tobias and Watanabe, Alice and Schelling, Kathrin}, - urldate = {2023-03-31}, - date = {2023-03-13}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.14361/9783839457696}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ZFM5GQP7/Schmohl et al. - 2023 - Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung Ch.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{weiland_kooperative_2017, + title = {Kooperative Unterrichtsreflexion im Lehramtsstudium – eine Interventionsstudie}, + url = {http://oops.uni-oldenburg.de/3224/1/weikoo17.pdf}, + author = {Weiland, Laura}, + urldate = {2023-02-21}, + date = {2017-06-21}, } -@incollection{bates_flipped_2017, - title = {The Flipped Classroom: A Brief, Brief History}, - isbn = {978-3-319-41853-7}, - pages = {3--10}, - booktitle = {The Flipped College Classroom}, - publisher = {Springer}, - author = {Bates, J. Edward and Almekdash, Hasan and Gilchrest-Dunnam, Maggie J.}, - editor = {Santos Green, Lucy and Banas, Jennifer R. and Perkins, Ross A.}, - date = {2017}, - note = {{DOI} 10.1007/978-3-319-41855-1}, - file = {Bates et al. - 2017 - The Flipped Classroom A Brief, Brief History.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XYWWXJJD/Bates et al. - 2017 - The Flipped Classroom A Brief, Brief History.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{raaflaub_kollegiale_2019, + title = {Kollegiale Unterrichtsreflexion im Lehramtsstudium}, + url = {https://jlb-journallehrerinnenbildung.net/download?wpdmdl=1049}, + doi = {10.35468/jlb-03-2019_04}, + journaltitle = {journal für {lehrerInnenbildung} jlb 3-2019 Peers}, + shortjournal = {jlb 3-2019 Peers}, + author = {Raaflaub, Meike and Wyss, Corinne and Hüsler, Nina}, + urldate = {2023-02-21}, + date = {2019-11-27}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Raaflaub et al. - 2019 - Kollegiale Unterrichtsreflexion im Lehramtsstudium.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/J8XN4VER/Raaflaub et al. - 2019 - Kollegiale Unterrichtsreflexion im Lehramtsstudium.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@inproceedings{baker_classroom_2000, - title = {The “Classroom Flip”: Using web course management tools to become the guide by the side}, - eventtitle = {Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning}, - pages = {9--17}, - author = {Baker, J. Wesley}, - date = {2000}, - file = {Baker - 2000 - The “Classroom Flip” Using web course management .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/8UULVYPT/Baker - 2000 - The “Classroom Flip” Using web course management .pdf:application/pdf}, +@report{neuber_schulerruckmeldungen_2018, + title = {Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht und Unterrichtsreflexion}, + url = {https://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de/servlets/DocumentServlet?id=46591}, + abstract = {Das Projekt "Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht und ihr Beitrag zur Unterrichtsreflexion im Praxissemester ({ScRiPS})" wird seit November 2014 an der Universität Duisburg-Essen unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Kerstin Göbel sowie unter Mitarbeit von Katharina Neuber an der Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen durchgeführt. Die {ScRiPS}-Studie widmet sich der Frage, wie Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht von Lehramtsstudierenden im Praxissemester der Universität Duisburg-Essen sowie von Lehrpersonen im Schuldienst eingesetzt werden können, um deren Bereitschaft zur professionellen Unterrichtsreflexion zu fördern. Die vorliegende Dokumentation stellt eine Aktualisierung der im Jahr 2016 erstmals veröffentlichten Skalendokumentation und -analysen der im Rahmen der {ScRiPS}-Studie entwickelten Erhebungsinstrumente zur Erfassung der Reflexionsbereitschaft und -praxis dar.}, + institution = {{DuEPublico}: Duisburg-Essen Publications Online, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany}, + author = {Neuber, Katharina and Göbel, Kerstin}, + urldate = {2023-02-21}, + date = {2018}, + doi = {10.17185/DUEPUBLICO/46591}, + file = {Neuber and Göbel - 2018 - Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht und Unterricht.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/A2Q7TUD9/Neuber and Göbel - 2018 - Schülerrückmeldungen zum Unterricht und Unterricht.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@online{bildungs-_und_kulturdirektion_des_kantons_bern_lehrplan_2016, - title = {Lehrplan 21 für die Volksschule des Kantons Bern}, - url = {https://be.lehrplan.ch/}, - author = {{Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern}}, - urldate = {2023-03-30}, - date = {2016-06-23}, - file = {Lehrplan 21:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/8T5YZKVB/index.html:text/html}, +@article{grabinger_rich_2011, + title = {Rich environments for active learning: a definition}, + volume = {3}, + issn = {2156-7077, 2156-7069}, + url = {https://journal.alt.ac.uk/index.php/rlt/article/view/791}, + doi = {10.3402/rlt.v3i2.9606}, + shorttitle = {Rich environments for active learning}, + abstract = {In today's complex world, simply knowing how to use tools and knowledge in a single domain is not sufficient to remain competitive as either individuals or companies. People must also learn to apply tools and knowledge in new domains and different situations. Industry specialists report that people at every organizational level must be creative and flexible problem solvers (Lynton, 1989). This requires the ability to apply experience and a definition knowledge to address novel problems. Consequently, learning to think critically, to analyse and synthesize information to solve technical, social, economic, political, and scientific problems, and to work productively in groups are crucial skills for successful and fulfilling participation in our modern, competitive society.{DOI}:10.1080/0968776950030202}, + number = {2}, + journaltitle = {Research in Learning Technology}, + shortjournal = {Research in Learning Technology}, + author = {Grabinger, R. Scott and Dunlap, Joanna C.}, + urldate = {2023-02-21}, + date = {2011-12-30}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ILXAV65V/Grabinger and Dunlap - 2011 - Rich environments for active learning a definitio.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{ryan_self-determination_2017, - location = {New York}, - title = {Self-determination theory: basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness}, - isbn = {978-1-4625-2876-9}, - shorttitle = {Self-determination theory}, - pagetotal = {756}, - publisher = {Guilford Press}, - author = {Ryan, Richard M. and Deci, Edward L.}, - date = {2017}, - keywords = {Autonomy (Psychology)}, - file = {Ryan and Deci - 2017 - Self-determination theory basic psychological nee.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/YXTY3R2B/Ryan and Deci - 2017 - Self-determination theory basic psychological nee.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{paulson_what_1991, + title = {What makes a portfolio a portfolio?}, + volume = {48}, + pages = {60--63}, + number = {5}, + journaltitle = {Edcuational Leadership}, + author = {Paulson, F. Leon and Paulson, Pearl R and Meyer, Carol A.}, + date = {1991-02}, + file = {Paulson et al. - 1991 - What makes a portfolio a portfolio.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/NXAZQSV5/Paulson et al. - 1991 - What makes a portfolio a portfolio.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{deci_self-determination_2008, - title = {Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health.}, - volume = {49}, - issn = {1878-7304, 0708-5591}, - url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/a0012801}, - doi = {10.1037/a0012801}, - shorttitle = {Self-determination theory}, - pages = {182--185}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne}, - shortjournal = {Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne}, - author = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.}, - urldate = {2023-03-25}, - date = {2008-08}, +@article{gignac_effect_2016, + title = {Effect size guidelines for individual differences researchers}, + volume = {102}, + issn = {01918869}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0191886916308194}, + doi = {10.1016/j.paid.2016.06.069}, + pages = {74--78}, + journaltitle = {Personality and Individual Differences}, + shortjournal = {Personality and Individual Differences}, + author = {Gignac, Gilles E. and Szodorai, Eva T.}, + urldate = {2023-02-14}, + date = {2016-11}, langid = {english}, - file = {Deci and Ryan - 2008 - Self-determination theory A macrotheory of human .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/IHKZQDJJ/Deci and Ryan - 2008 - Self-determination theory A macrotheory of human .pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Gignac and Szodorai - 2016 - Effect size guidelines for individual differences .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QUPRXCT3/Gignac and Szodorai - 2016 - Effect size guidelines for individual differences .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{hilbe_selbst_2016, - title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen an Berner Gymnasien. Schlussbericht zur externen Evaluation im Auftrag des Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamts des Kantons Bern (Langfassung)}, - url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/bkd/dokumente/de/themen/bildung/mittelschulen/entwicklung-mittelschulen/ams-projekte-sol-evaluation-schlussbericht.pdf}, - abstract = {Schlussbericht der externen Evaluation -im Auftrag des Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamts des Kantons Bern -(Langfassung)}, - publisher = {Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Universität Bern}, - author = {Hilbe, Robert and Herzog, Walter}, - urldate = {2023-03-25}, - date = {2016-01}, - file = {Hilbe and Herzog - 2016 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen an Berner Gymnasien. S.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/PDYIXLRZ/Hilbe and Herzog - 2016 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen an Berner Gymnasien. S.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{rosling_factfulness_2018, + location = {London}, + title = {Factfulness: ten reasons we're wrong about the world - and why things are better than you think}, + isbn = {978-1-4736-3748-1 978-1-4736-3746-7 978-1-4736-3747-4}, + shorttitle = {Factfulness}, + pagetotal = {342}, + publisher = {{SCEPTRE}}, + author = {Rosling, Hans and Rosling, Ola and Rönnlund, Anna Rosling}, + date = {2018}, + file = {Factfulness Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World—and Why Things Are Better Than You Think (Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling etc.) (z-lib.org).pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/RL4MVYAX/Factfulness Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World—and Why Things Are Better Than You Think (Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling etc.) (z-lib.org).pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SK6ER9F8/Rosling et al. - 2018 - Factfulness ten reasons we're wrong about the wor.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{deci_edward_l_selbstbestimmungstheorie_1993, - title = {Die Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation und ihre Bedeutung für die Pädagogik}, - rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, - issn = {0044-3247}, - url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=11173}, - doi = {10.25656/01:11173}, - abstract = {The authors present the main features of a theory that gives a new interpretation of the link between motivation and learning on the basis of a theory of the self. It is shown that both intrinsic and certain forms of extrinsic motivation are experienced as self-determined. Empirical findings from laboratory and field studies demonstrate that learning motivation based on self-determination has a positive impact on the quality of learning. Furthermore, it can be shown that the social environment of both school and family plays an important role in the development of self-determined motivation. In a final paragraph, the authors discuss consequences for pedagogical practice. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, - author = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.}, - editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, - editoratype = {collaborator}, - urldate = {2023-04-03}, - date = {1993}, +@book{vogler_hybride_2021, + location = {Bielefeld}, + title = {Der hybride pädagogische Raum: zur Veränderung von Unterricht und Schule in der Digitalität}, + isbn = {978-3-8394-5722-1 978-3-8376-5722-7}, + series = {Pädagogik}, + shorttitle = {Der hybride pädagogische Raum}, + pagetotal = {305}, + publisher = {transcript}, + author = {Vogler, Hans-Joachim}, + date = {2021}, + doi = {10.14361/9783839457221}, + file = {10.1515_9783839457221.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/TKCXRXUZ/10.1515_9783839457221.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XDN67Z63/Vogler - 2021 - Der hybride pädagogische Raum zur Veränderung von.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@online{bildungs-_und_kulturdirektion_bern_selbst_nodate, + title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen {SOL}}, + url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/de/start/themen/bildung-im-kanton-bern/mittelschulen/entwicklung-mittelschulen/selbst-organisiertes-lernen-sol.html}, + titleaddon = {Kanton Bern}, + author = {{Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion Bern}}, + urldate = {2023-02-12}, langid = {german}, - note = {Publisher: Beltz : Weinheim ; Basel}, - keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Learning process, Lernprozess, {FuE}-Dokument, Learning achievement, Learning motivation, Learning theory, Lernerfolg, Lernmotivation, Lerntheorie, Motivation for studies, Pädagogik, Pedagogics, Reception, Rezeption, Sciences of education, Selbstbestimmung, Self-determination, Socialisation, Socialization, Sozialisation, Subjectivity, Subjektivität}, - file = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M. - 1993 - Die Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation und ih.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/S2IP2ZYH/Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M. - 1993 - Die Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation und ih.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/P8HVQJ74/selbst-organisiertes-lernen-sol.html:text/html}, } -@book{deci_intrinsic_1985, - location = {Boston, {MA}}, - title = {Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior}, - isbn = {978-1-4899-2273-1 978-1-4899-2271-7}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-1-4899-2271-7}, - publisher = {Springer {US}}, - author = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.}, - urldate = {2023-04-03}, - date = {1985}, - langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1007/978-1-4899-2271-7}, - file = {Deci and Ryan - 1985 - Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Hum.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/82RSUHEJ/Deci and Ryan - 1985 - Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Hum.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{jones_was_2022-1, + title = {«Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine»}, + journaltitle = {Berner Zeitung}, + author = {Jones, Naomi}, + date = {2022-12-14}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Jones - «Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine».pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/PVI6DC6H/Jones - «Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine».pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{bungartz_modellbildung_2013, - location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, - edition = {2., überarbeitete Auflage}, - title = {Modellbildung und Simulation: eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung}, - isbn = {978-3-642-37655-9}, - series = {{eXamen}.press}, - shorttitle = {Modellbildung und Simulation}, - pagetotal = {400}, - publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, - author = {Bungartz, Hans-Joachim and Zimmer, Stefan and Buchholz, Martin and Pflüger, Dirk}, - date = {2013}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-37656-6}, - file = {978-3-642-37656-6.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2P95TTNQ/978-3-642-37656-6.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2DUYFNGC/Bungartz et al. - 2013 - Modellbildung und Simulation eine anwendungsorien.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{noauthor_unterricht_nodate, + title = {Unterricht in der Volksschule}, + url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/de/start/themen/bildung-im-kanton-bern/kindergarten-und-volksschule/die-volksschule/unterricht-in-der-volksschule.html}, + titleaddon = {Kanton Bern}, + urldate = {2023-02-12}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/FIIL32AQ/unterricht-in-der-volksschule.html:text/html}, } -@article{loibl_towards_2017, - title = {Towards a Theory of When and How Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Supports Learning}, - volume = {29}, - issn = {1573-336X}, - url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-016-9379-x}, - doi = {10.1007/s10648-016-9379-x}, - abstract = {Recently, there has been a growing interest in learning approaches that combine two phases: an initial problem-solving phase followed by an instruction phase ({PS}-I). Two often cited examples of instructional approaches following the {PS}-I scheme include Productive Failure and Invention. Despite the growing interest in {PS}-I approaches, to the best of our knowledge, there has not yet been a comprehensive attempt to summarize the features that define {PS}-I and to explain the patterns of results. Therefore, the first goal of this paper is to map the landscape of different {PS}-I implementations, to identify commonalities and differences in designs, and to associate the identified design features with patterns in the learning outcomes. The review shows that {PS}-I fosters learning only if specific design features (namely contrasting cases or building instruction on student solutions) are implemented. The second goal is to identify a set of interconnected cognitive mechanisms that may account for these outcomes. Empirical evidence from {PS}-I literature is associated with these mechanisms and supports an initial theory of {PS}-I. Finally, positive and negative effects of {PS}-I are explained using the suggested mechanisms.}, - pages = {693--715}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, - shortjournal = {Educ Psychol Rev}, - author = {Loibl, Katharina and Roll, Ido and Rummel, Nikol}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {2017-12-01}, +@article{wang_does_2020, + title = {Does visual attention to the instructor in online video affect learning and learner perceptions? An eye-tracking analysis}, + volume = {146}, + issn = {0360-1315}, + url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036013151930329X}, + doi = {10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103779}, + shorttitle = {Does visual attention to the instructor in online video affect learning and learner perceptions?}, + abstract = {An increasing number of instructional videos online integrate a real instructor on the video screen. So far, the empirical evidence from previous studies has been limited and conflicting, and none of the studies have explored how learners' allocation of visual attention to the on-screen instructor influences learning and learner perceptions. Therefore, this study aimed to disentangle a) how instructor presence in online videos affects learning, learner perceptions (i.e., cognitive load, judgment of learning, satisfaction, situational interest), and visual attention distribution and b) to what extent visual attention patterns in instructor-present videos predict learning and learner perceptions. Sixty college students each watched two videos on Statistics, one on an easy topic and the other one on a difficult topic, with each in one of the two video formats: instructor-present or instructor-absent. Their eye movements were simultaneously registered using a desktop-mounted eye tracker. Afterwards, participants self-reported their cognitive load, judgment of learning, satisfaction, and situational interest for both videos, and feelings toward seeing the instructor for the instructor-present videos. Learning from the two videos was measured using retention and transfer questions. Findings indicated instructor presence a) improved transfer performance for the difficult topic, b) reduced cognitive load for the difficult topic, c) increased judgment of learning for the difficult topic, and d) enhanced satisfaction and situational interest for both topics. Most participants expressed a positive feeling toward the instructor. Results also showed the instructor attracted a considerable amount of overt visual attention in both videos, and the amount of attention allocated to the instructor positively predicted participants’ satisfaction level for both topics.}, + pages = {103779}, + journaltitle = {Computers \& Education}, + shortjournal = {Computers \& Education}, + author = {Wang, Jiahui and Antonenko, Pavlo and Dawson, Kara}, + urldate = {2023-02-12}, + date = {2020-03-01}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {Compare and contrast, Contrasting cases, Invention, Learning mechanisms, Problem solving, Productive Failure, Student solutions}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FEWNAZRI/Loibl et al. - 2017 - Towards a Theory of When and How Problem Solving F.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {ScienceDirect Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ES7KTP96/S036013151930329X.html:text/html;Wang et al. - 2020 - Does visual attention to the instructor in online .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/V9V3VQ9Q/Wang et al. - 2020 - Does visual attention to the instructor in online .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{sinha_when_2021, - title = {When Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Works: Evidence for Productive Failure}, - volume = {91}, - issn = {0034-6543, 1935-1046}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/00346543211019105}, - doi = {10.3102/00346543211019105}, - shorttitle = {When Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Works}, - abstract = {When learning a new concept, should students engage in problem solving followed by instruction ({PS}-I) or instruction followed by problem solving (I-{PS})? Noting that there is a passionate debate about the design of initial learning, we report evidence from a meta-analysis of 53 studies with 166 comparisons that compared {PS}-I with I-{PS} design. Our results showed a significant, moderate effect in favor of {PS}-I (Hedge’s g 0.36 [95\% confidence interval 0.20; 0.51]). The effects were even stronger (Hedge’s g ranging between 0.37 and 0.58) when {PS}-I was implemented with high fidelity to the principles of Productive Failure ({PF}), a subset variant of {PS}-I design. Students’ grade level, intervention time span, and its (quasi-)experimental nature contributed to the efficacy of {PS}-I over I-{PS} designs. Contrasting trends were, however, observed for younger age learners (second to fifth graders) and for the learning of domain-general skills, for which effect sizes favored I-{PS}. Overall, an estimation of true effect sizes after accounting for publication bias suggested a strong effect size favoring {PS}-I (Hedge’s g 0.87).}, - pages = {761--798}, - number = {5}, - journaltitle = {Review of Educational Research}, - shortjournal = {Review of Educational Research}, - author = {Sinha, Tanmay and Kapur, Manu}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {2021-10}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/P6PTRW3P/Sinha and Kapur - 2021 - When Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Works.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{talbert_flipped_2017, + location = {Sterling, Virginia}, + title = {Flipped learning: a guide for higher education faculty}, + isbn = {978-1-62036-431-4 978-1-62036-432-1}, + shorttitle = {Flipped learning}, + pagetotal = {241}, + publisher = {Stylus Publishing, {LLC}}, + author = {Talbert, Robert}, + date = {2017}, + keywords = {Education, Higher, Flipped classrooms}, + file = {Talbert - 2017 - Flipped learning a guide for higher education fac.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/LYG7EUAE/Talbert - 2017 - Flipped learning a guide for higher education fac.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{ryan_self-determination_2000, - title = {Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being.}, - volume = {55}, +@article{appelbaum_journal_2018, + title = {Journal article reporting standards for quantitative research in psychology: The {APA} Publications and Communications Board task force report.}, + volume = {73}, issn = {1935-990X, 0003-066X}, - url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.68}, - doi = {10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.68}, - pages = {68--78}, + url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/amp0000191}, + doi = {10.1037/amp0000191}, + shorttitle = {Journal article reporting standards for quantitative research in psychology}, + pages = {3--25}, number = {1}, journaltitle = {American Psychologist}, shortjournal = {American Psychologist}, - author = {Ryan, Richard M. and Deci, Edward L.}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {2000}, + author = {Appelbaum, Mark and Cooper, Harris and Kline, Rex B. and Mayo-Wilson, Evan and Nezu, Arthur M. and Rao, Stephen M.}, + urldate = {2023-02-10}, + date = {2018-01}, langid = {english}, - file = {Ryan and Deci - 2000 - Self-determination theory and the facilitation of .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/KHBYWYU9/Ryan and Deci - 2000 - Self-determination theory and the facilitation of .pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Appelbaum et al. - 2018 - Journal article reporting standards for quantitati.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/IXP5B2KX/Appelbaum et al. - 2018 - Journal article reporting standards for quantitati.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{boekaerts_self-regulated_1999, - title = {Self-regulated learning: where we are today}, - volume = {31}, - issn = {0883-0355}, - url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883035599000142}, - doi = {10.1016/S0883-0355(99)00014-2}, - shorttitle = {Self-regulated learning}, - abstract = {Self-regulated learning has emerged as an important new construct in education. Our understanding of self-regulated learning has been informed by three schools of thought: (1) research on learning styles, (2) research on metacognition and regulation styles, and (3) theories of the self, including goal-directed behavior. Based on these schools of thought, a three-layer model is presented. The innermost layer pertains to regulation of the processing modes. The middle layer represents regulation of the learning process. The outermost layer concerns regulation of the self. Educators and researchers would benefit from an integration of these three frames of reference into a comprehensive model of self-regulated learning.}, - pages = {445--457}, - number = {6}, - journaltitle = {International Journal of Educational Research}, - shortjournal = {International Journal of Educational Research}, - author = {Boekaerts, Monique}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {1999-01-01}, +@collection{huber_forschendes_2014, + location = {Bielefeld}, + title = {Forschendes Lehren im eigenen Fach: scholarship of teaching and learning in Beispielen}, + isbn = {978-3-7639-5306-6 978-3-7639-5305-9}, + series = {Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik}, + shorttitle = {Forschendes Lehren im eigenen Fach}, + pagetotal = {284}, + number = {125}, + publisher = {Bertelsmann}, + editor = {Huber, Ludwig and Pilniok, Arne and Sethe, Rolf and Szczyrba, Birgit and Vogel, Michael P. and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik}, + date = {2014}, + file = {Huber2014.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/8ZGCGXZ6/Huber2014.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/YPVJMWTA/Huber et al. - 2014 - Forschendes Lehren im eigenen Fach scholarship of.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{york_university_canada_what_2021, + title = {What student evaluations are not: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning using student evaluations}, + volume = {18}, + issn = {14499789, 14499789}, + url = {https://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol18/iss8/01/}, + doi = {10.53761/}, + shorttitle = {What student evaluations are not}, + abstract = {In this Editorial, we stay committed to the objective of the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice regarding sharing, evaluating, and developing stronger evidence-based practice papers by focusing on the topic of national and institutional student evaluations. We create an important theoretical and practical foundation for authors considering publishing with our Journal on studies that utilise student surveys as their primary method of data collection. The editorial begins by providing a comprehensive overview of the history and emergence of student evaluations dating back to medieval times, we trace the evolution of student evaluations to present day looking at the rationale behind the induction of such tools. Following this, we discuss the validity of student evaluations through an exploration of factors such as student satisfaction, the timing of when student surveys are administered, and the idiosyncrasies regarding paper-based and online evaluations. We then further discuss the reliability of student evaluations by contextualising what student evaluations do not say and uncover how various forms of bias can influence the ways student evaluations are both completed and interpreted. Through this we assert that due to confounding factors of bias that influence the results of student evaluations, they cannot always be thought of as wholly objective data collection tools. This then leads into our discussion of the contemporary social contexts within which student evaluations are situated and how both micro and macro dynamics influence student experiences of teaching and learning, where we contest that broader external factors experienced by students can skew the ways teaching is both perceived and evaluated. We conclude our Editorial by critically envisioning a new direction for future manuscript submissions to our Journal. We assert that although the use of student evaluations as evidence of teaching practice may be inherently flawed, there nonetheless remains merit in their use following critical and reflexive engagement throughout the research process. As such, we are hopeful that our critical review of student evaluation-based scholarship may be utilised to leverage higher quality research output.}, + number = {8}, + journaltitle = {Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice}, + shortjournal = {{JUTLP}}, + author = {{York University, Canada} and Ali, Ameera and Crawford, Joseph and {University of Tasmania, Australia} and Cejnar, Leela and {Royal Holloway, University of London} and Harman, Kristyn and {University of Tasmania, Australia} and Sim, Kwong Nui and {Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand}}, + urldate = {2023-02-09}, + date = {2021-12-12}, langid = {english}, - file = {ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7MK3HAMB/Boekaerts - 1999 - Self-regulated learning where we are today.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/MQAZBJ86/S0883035599000142.html:text/html}, + file = {York University, Canada et al. - 2021 - What student evaluations are not Scholarship of T.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/38YAIS56/York University, Canada et al. - 2021 - What student evaluations are not Scholarship of T.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{puustinen_models_2001, - title = {Models of Self-regulated Learning: a review}, - volume = {45}, - issn = {00313831}, - url = {https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=5202998&site=ehost-live}, - doi = {10.1080/00313830120074206}, - shorttitle = {Models of Self-regulated Learning}, - abstract = {Questions connected with the regulation of one's own cognitive processes attract increasing numbers of researchers in psychology, as evidenced by the several different models of self-regulation that have been developed over the past two decades. The aim of this article was to present and compare the latest models of self-regulated learning ({SRL}), including those by Boekaerts, Borkowski, Pintrich, Winne and Zimmerman. The models were compared on four criteria (i.e. background theories, definitions of {SRL}, components included in the models and empirical work). The results show that theoretical background is an important differentiating feature. The two models that resembled each other more than any other two models (i.e. Pintrich and Zimmerman) were inspired by the same background theory (i.e. social cognitive theory). On the other hand, the models that differed most from the other models (i.e. Borkowski and Winne) were also theoretically the farthest removed ones.}, - pages = {269--286}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research}, - author = {Puustinen, Minna and Pulkkinen, Lea}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {2001-09}, - note = {Publisher: Routledge}, - keywords = {Learning, Comparison, {MODELS}, {REVIEW}, {SELF}-{REGULATED}, Social perception}, - file = {EBSCO Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/TT6FD2CY/Puustinen and Pulkkinen - 2001 - Models of Self-regulated Learning a review.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{perry_scholarship_2007, + location = {Dordrecht [London]}, + title = {The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education: an evidence-based perspective}, + isbn = {978-1-4020-5742-7}, + shorttitle = {The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education}, + publisher = {Springer}, + author = {Perry, Raymond P. and Smart, John C.}, + date = {2007}, + file = {Perry and Smart - 2007 - The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/MIUN7HXJ/Perry and Smart - 2007 - The scholarship of teaching and learning in higher.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{muis_role_2007, - title = {The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Self-Regulated Learning}, - volume = {42}, - issn = {0046-1520, 1532-6985}, - url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00461520701416306}, - doi = {10.1080/00461520701416306}, - pages = {173--190}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Educational Psychologist}, - shortjournal = {Educational Psychologist}, - author = {Muis, Krista R.}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {2007-07-27}, +@book{boyer_scholarship_1990, + location = {Princeton, N.J}, + title = {Scholarship reconsidered: priorities of the professoriate}, + isbn = {978-0-931050-43-5}, + shorttitle = {Scholarship reconsidered}, + pagetotal = {147}, + publisher = {Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching}, + author = {Boyer, Ernest L.}, + date = {1990}, + langid = {english}, + keywords = {United States, Education, Higher, College teachers, Learning and scholarship, Research}, + file = {Boyer - 1990 - Scholarship reconsidered priorities of the profes.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/CTCBR2EB/Boyer - 1990 - Scholarship reconsidered priorities of the profes.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{boshier_why_2009, + title = {Why is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning such a hard sell?}, + volume = {28}, + issn = {0729-4360, 1469-8366}, + url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07294360802444321}, + doi = {10.1080/07294360802444321}, + pages = {1--15}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Higher Education Research \& Development}, + shortjournal = {Higher Education Research \& Development}, + author = {Boshier, Roger}, + urldate = {2023-02-09}, + date = {2009-03}, langid = {english}, - file = {Muis - 2007 - The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Self-Regulated Le.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/I4788S2Y/Muis - 2007 - The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Self-Regulated Le.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Boshier - 2009 - Why is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning su.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/RNN2HY4H/Boshier - 2009 - Why is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning su.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{huber_ludwig_scholarship_2014, + title = {Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Konzept, Geschichte, Formen, Entwicklungsaufgaben}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10129}, + doi = {10.25656/01:10129}, + shorttitle = {Scholarship of Teaching and Learning}, + abstract = {Ausgehend von Fragen, die Lehrende zum Forschen über eigene Lehre bewegen könnten, resümiert der Beitrag im ersten Teil kurz Begriff, Konzept und Entwicklung des Scholarship of Teaching and Learning sowie die in den letzten Jahren in Deutschland begonnene Diskussion hierzu. Um „implizite Vorläufer“ im deutschsprachigen Raum zu erfassen, haben die Herausgeber dieses Bandes eine Recherche in einschlägigen Publikationsforen unternommen, deren Ergebnisse im zweiten Teil anhand der im Vorwort vorgestellten Typologie des Scholarship of Teaching and Learning bilanziert werden. Aus dieser Sichtung werden im letzten Teil Folgerungen gezogen und Überlegungen angestellt, was zur Weiterentwicklung von Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Deutschland getan werden kann und sollte. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, + author = {Huber, Ludwig}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-02-09}, + date = {2014}, + langid = {german}, + note = {{ISBN}: 9783763953059 +Publisher: Bertelsmann : Bielefeld}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Higher education lecturing, Hochschullehre, University lecturing, University teaching, Higher education institute, Hochschule, Analyse, Deutschland, Dozent, Fachdidaktik, Forschung und Lehre, Fundamental concepts, Germany, Konzept, Lecturer, Lehrender, Lernforschung, Male student, Research and instruction units, Research on learning, Specialized didactics, Student, Subject didactics, Teacher, Weiterentwicklung}, + file = {Huber, Ludwig - 2014 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Konzept, Ges.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/SC5A2697/Huber, Ludwig - 2014 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Konzept, Ges.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{hilbe_selbst_2011, - title = {Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Erkenntnisse}, - url = {https://www.bkd.be.ch/content/dam/bkd/dokumente/de/themen/bildung/mittelschulen/entwicklung-mittelschulen/ams-projekte-sol-bericht-deutsch.pdf}, - publisher = {Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt, Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern}, - author = {Hilbe, Robert and Herzog, Walter}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {2011-01-03}, - file = {Hilbe and Herzog - 2011 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium Theoretis.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/JP72WIWC/Hilbe and Herzog - 2011 - Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium Theoretis.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{dobeli_honegger_beat_covid-19_2021, + title = {Covid-19 und die digitale Transformation in der Schweizer Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=23693}, + doi = {10.25656/01:23693}, + abstract = {The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the Swiss universities of teacher education in several ways. The article first describes the concrete consequences of the pandemic with regard to digitalization for teacher education in Switzerland. It then argues why the experience gained during emergency distance teaching is not sufficient for a digital transformation of universities of teacher education. Using the {DPACK} model – a development of the well-known {TPACK} model – it is shown that at universities of teacher education it was not possible to promote all the skills of lecturers that are necessary in a culture of digitality during the pandemic phase.}, + author = {Döbeli Honegger, Beat}, + urldate = {2023-02-03}, + date = {2021-12-06}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Publisher: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ({SGL})}, + keywords = {College of education, Lehrerbildung, Pädagogische Hochschule, Schweiz, Switzerland, Teacher education, Teacher training college, Teachers' college, Teachers' training, Dozent, Lecturer, Auswirkung, Competency, Competency measurement, Continuing education, Coronavirus, {COVID}-19, Digitalisierung, Digitalization, Dozentin, Further education, Higher education lecturer, Higher education teacher, Hochschullehrer, Hochschullehrerin, Kompetenz, Kompetenzentwicklung, Kompetenzmessung, Lehrerausbildung, Media competence, Media skills, Pädagogische Kompetenz, Pandemie, Skill development, Skills measurement, Skills measurements, Teacher training, University teacher, University-teachers, Virtuelle Lehre, Weiterbildung}, + file = {Döbeli Honegger, Beat - 2021 - Covid-19 und die digitale Transformation in der Sc.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/94EG2CRZ/Döbeli Honegger, Beat - 2021 - Covid-19 und die digitale Transformation in der Sc.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{sweller_cognitive_1998, - title = {Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1040-726X}, - url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/23359412}, - abstract = {Cognitive load theory has been designed to provide guidelines intended to assist in the presentation of information in a manner that encourages learner activities that optimize intellectual performance. The theory assumes a limited capacity working memory that includes partially independent subcomponents to deal with auditory/verbal material and visual/2- or 3-dimensional information as well as an effectively unlimited long-term memory, holding schemas that vary in their degree of automation. These structures and functions of human cognitive architecture have been used to design a variety of novel instructional procedures based on the assumption that working memory load should be reduced and schema construction encouraged. This paper reviews the theory and the instructional designs generated by it.}, - pages = {251--296}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Educational Psychology Review}, - author = {Sweller, John and van Merrienboer, Jeroen J. G. and Paas, Fred G. W. C.}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {1998}, - note = {Publisher: Springer}, - file = {JSTOR Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/IKVJHSRY/Sweller et al. - 1998 - Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{hielscher_learningview_nodate, + title = {{LearningView} - ein digitales Werkzeug zur Unterstützung eines offenen Unterrichts}, + abstract = {Individualisierung und offene Unterrichtsformen erfordern umfangreiche Kompetenzen bei Lehrpersonen, aber auch bei Schülerinnen und Schülern, die ihren eigenen Lernprozess selbstständig steuern, planen und reflektieren sollen. Die zunehmende Verbreitung von mobilen Geräten (1:1-Ausstattung, {BYOD}) ermöglicht den Einbezug digitaler Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung von offenen Unterrichtsformen wie Wochen- und Arbeitsplänen. Gemeinsam mit Lehrpersonen wird an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Schwyz nach den Prinzipien des Design Based Research das Werkzeug {LearningView}.org entwickelt. In diesem Bericht stellen wir den aktuellen Stand und erste Erfahrungen an der Projektschule Goldau vor.}, + author = {Hielscher, Michael and Tschudi, Christof and Prasse, Doreen and Honegger, Beat Döbeli}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Hielscher et al. - LearningView - ein digitales Werkzeug zur Unterstü.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/DVXZA6PA/Hielscher et al. - LearningView - ein digitales Werkzeug zur Unterstü.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{mcknight_broken_2020, - title = {A broken paradigm? What education needs to learn from evidence-based medicine}, - volume = {35}, - issn = {0268-0939, 1464-5106}, - url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02680939.2019.1578902}, - doi = {10.1080/02680939.2019.1578902}, - shorttitle = {A broken paradigm?}, - abstract = {The paradigm of evidence-based education continues to inform the development of policy in a number of countries. At its simplest level, evidence-based education incorporates evidence, often that provided by randomised controlled trials, into classroom practice. England’s Education Endowment Foundation is in the process of exporting evidence-based school education, promoted as a medical approach, to other countries, including Australia. Australia is in the process of establishing an Education Evidence Base, informed by the government’s 2016 Productivity Commission report. While the literature around evidence-based education is explicit in identifying its basis in medicine, there has been little medical input into its development. Interdisciplinary examination of the medical literature reveals the contested nature and troubled state of evidence-based medicine and what policymakers need to consider to maximise the benefits of this translation into education.}, - pages = {648--664}, - number = {5}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Education Policy}, - shortjournal = {Journal of Education Policy}, - author = {{McKnight}, Lucinda and Morgan, Andy}, - urldate = {2023-04-10}, - date = {2020-09-02}, - langid = {english}, - file = {McKnight and Morgan - 2020 - A broken paradigm What education needs to learn f.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XIFXU5G9/McKnight and Morgan - 2020 - A broken paradigm What education needs to learn f.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{race_500_2005, + location = {London}, + edition = {2nd ed}, + title = {500 tips on assessment}, + isbn = {978-0-415-34279-7}, + abstract = {"500 Tips on Assessment is an invaluable dip-in aid for hard-pressed lecturers and teachers in further and higher education. It should be read, enjoyed and seriously considered by all those concerned about the quality and appropriateness of their assessment methods."--Jacket}, + publisher = {{RoutledgeFalmer}}, + author = {Race, Philip and Brown, Sally and Smith, Brenda}, + date = {2005}, + note = {{OCLC}: 56642351}, + file = {Race et al. - 2005 - 500 tips on assessment.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/Z559XXPX/Race et al. - 2005 - 500 tips on assessment.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{zimmerman_investigating_2008, - title = {Investigating Self-Regulation and Motivation: Historical Background, Methodological Developments, and Future Prospects}, - volume = {45}, - issn = {0002-8312, 1935-1011}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/0002831207312909}, - doi = {10.3102/0002831207312909}, - shorttitle = {Investigating Self-Regulation and Motivation}, - abstract = {The topic of how students become self-regulated as learners has attracted researchers for decades. Initial attempts to measure self-regulated learning ({SRL}) using questionnaires and interviews were successful in demonstrating significant predictions of students’ academic outcomes. The present article describes the second wave of research, which has involved the development of online measures of self-regulatory processes and motivational feelings or beliefs regarding learning in authentic contexts. These innovative methods include computer traces, think-aloud protocols, diaries of studying, direct observation, and microanalyses. Although still in the formative stage of development, these online measures are providing valuable new information regarding the causal impact of {SRL} processes as well as raising new questions for future study.}, - pages = {166--183}, - number = {1}, - journaltitle = {American Educational Research Journal}, - shortjournal = {American Educational Research Journal}, - author = {Zimmerman, Barry J.}, - urldate = {2023-04-11}, - date = {2008-03}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Zimmerman - 2008 - Investigating Self-Regulation and Motivation Hist.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/6XEBE6ZB/Zimmerman - 2008 - Investigating Self-Regulation and Motivation Hist.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{mayer_lernzieluberprufung_2009, + location = {München}, + title = {Lernzielüberprüfung im {eLearning}}, + isbn = {978-3-486-58844-6}, + series = {Lehrbuch}, + pagetotal = {151}, + publisher = {Oldenbourg}, + author = {Mayer, Horst O. and Hertnagel, Johannes and Weber, Heidi}, + date = {2009}, + file = {10.1524_9783486848984.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ZLFSXCIR/10.1524_9783486848984.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9R9PNJHK/Mayer et al. - 2009 - Lernzielüberprüfung im eLearning.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{cleary_self-regulation_2009, - title = {Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement in middle school: Variations across grade level and math context}, - volume = {47}, - issn = {00224405}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022440509000260}, - doi = {10.1016/j.jsp.2009.04.002}, - shorttitle = {Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement in middle school}, - pages = {291--314}, - number = {5}, - journaltitle = {Journal of School Psychology}, - shortjournal = {Journal of School Psychology}, - author = {Cleary, Timothy J. and Chen, Peggy P.}, - urldate = {2023-04-11}, - date = {2009-10}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Cleary and Chen - 2009 - Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XRYITM32/Cleary and Chen - 2009 - Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement .pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{biggs_teaching_2009, + location = {Maidenhead}, + edition = {3. ed., reprinted}, + title = {Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does}, + isbn = {978-0-335-22126-4 978-0-335-22127-1}, + series = {The society for research into higher education}, + shorttitle = {Teaching for quality learning at university}, + pagetotal = {335}, + publisher = {{McGraw}-Hill [u.a.]}, + author = {Biggs, John B. and Tang, Catherine So-kum}, + date = {2009}, + file = {Biggs and Tang - 2009 - Teaching for quality learning at university what .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/B6JPWIQP/Biggs and Tang - 2009 - Teaching for quality learning at university what .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{popa_relationship_2015, - title = {The Relationship Between Self-Regulation, Motivation And Performance At Secondary School Students}, - volume = {191}, - issn = {18770428}, - url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1877042815026701}, - doi = {10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.410}, - pages = {2549--2553}, - journaltitle = {Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences}, - shortjournal = {Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences}, - author = {Popa, Daniela}, - urldate = {2023-04-11}, - date = {2015-06}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Full Text:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/PUUJEKZK/Daniela - 2015 - The Relationship Between Self-Regulation, Motivati.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{bose_delineation_1975, + title = {Delineation of the intimate details of the backbone conformation of pyridine nucleotide coenzymes in aqueous solution}, + volume = {66}, + issn = {1090-2104}, + doi = {10.1016/0006-291x(75)90482-9}, + pages = {1173--1179}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications}, + shortjournal = {Biochem Biophys Res Commun}, + author = {Bose, K. S. and Sarma, R. H.}, + date = {1975-10-27}, + pmid = {2}, + keywords = {Fourier Analysis, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Models, Molecular, Molecular Conformation, {NAD}, {NADP}, Structure-Activity Relationship, Temperature}, } -@article{martela_needs_2022, - title = {Needs and Well-Being Across Europe: Basic Psychological Needs Are Closely Connected With Well-Being, Meaning, and Symptoms of Depression in 27 European Countries}, - issn = {1948-5506, 1948-5514}, - url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/19485506221113678}, - doi = {10.1177/19485506221113678}, - shorttitle = {Needs and Well-Being Across Europe}, - abstract = {In the quest to identify the key sources of subjective well-being, self-determination theory ({SDT}) has proposed that three basic psychological needs—autonomy, competence, and relatedness—are fundamental to well-being across cultures. To understand their influence on well-being, we analyzed data from European Social Survey on 27 European countries (n = 48,550) using structural equation modeling with alignment invariance that allowed us to get comparable indicators across the countries. Both across Europe, and within each of the 27 countries, {SDT}’s basic psychological needs—both when examined alone and when examined together—were strongly related to key indicators of well-being (happiness, life satisfaction, and meaning in life) and a key indicator of ill-being (symptoms of depression), even controlling for demographic factors and socio-economic position. Moreover, basic needs substantially and sometimes fully mediated the effects of socio-economic position on well-being, underscoring their status as crucial to human well-being.}, - pages = {194855062211136}, - journaltitle = {Social Psychological and Personality Science}, - shortjournal = {Social Psychological and Personality Science}, - author = {Martela, Frank and Lehmus-Sun, Annika and Parker, Philip D. and Pessi, Anne Birgitta and Ryan, Richard M.}, - urldate = {2023-04-12}, - date = {2022-08-22}, +@article{hattie_power_2007, + title = {The Power of Feedback}, + volume = {77}, + issn = {0034-6543, 1935-1046}, + url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/003465430298487}, + doi = {10.3102/003465430298487}, + abstract = {Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but this impact can be either positive or negative. Its power is frequently mentioned in articles about learning and teaching, but surprisingly few recent studies have systematically investigated its meaning. This article provides a conceptual analysis of feedback and reviews the evidence related to its impact on learning and achievement. This evidence shows that although feedback is among the major influences, the type of feedback and the way it is given can be differentially effective. A model of feedback is then proposed that identifies the particular properties and circumstances that make it effective, and some typically thorny issues are discussed, including the timing of feedback and the effects of positive and negative feedback. Finally, this analysis is used to suggest ways in which feedback can be used to enhance its effectiveness in classrooms.}, + pages = {81--112}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Review of Educational Research}, + shortjournal = {Review of Educational Research}, + author = {Hattie, John and Timperley, Helen}, + urldate = {2023-02-03}, + date = {2007-03}, langid = {english}, - file = {Martela et al. - 2022 - Needs and Well-Being Across Europe Basic Psycholo.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/U6UIP6J3/Martela et al. - 2022 - Needs and Well-Being Across Europe Basic Psycholo.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Hattie and Timperley - 2007 - The Power of Feedback.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9QA6V6HX/Hattie and Timperley - 2007 - The Power of Feedback.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{lankau_unterricht_2023, - location = {Weinheim Basel}, - edition = {1. Auflage}, - title = {Unterricht in Präsenz und Distanz: Lehren aus der Pandemie}, - isbn = {978-3-7799-7270-9}, - shorttitle = {Unterricht in Präsenz und Distanz}, - pagetotal = {232}, - publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, - editor = {Lankau, Ralf}, - date = {2023}, +@article{weidlich_vorbereitungsphase_2014, + title = {Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorlesungsvideos versus Aufgaben}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10105}, + doi = {10.25656/01:10105}, + abstract = {Im Flipped Classroom oder Inverted Classroom bereiten sich Studierende in der Regel mit Hilfe von Vorlesungsvideos auf die Präsenzveranstaltungen vor. Problematisch daran ist, dass Videos oft nur beiläufig geschaut und oberflächlich verarbeitet werden. In der aufgabenbasierten Vorbereitungsphase befassen sich die Studierenden mit geeigneten Aufgaben anstelle von Vorlesungsvideos. Dadurch sollen lernrelevante kognitive Prozesse initiiert werden, welche wiederum höhere Lernergebnisse in der gemeinsamen Präsenzphase ermöglichen können. Auf Basis der Revised Taxonomy nach Anderson und Krathwohl (2001) und der Basismodelle nach Oser und Patry (1994) sowie Oser und Baeriswyl (2001) wurde eine aufgabenbasierte Flipped-Classroom-Einheit mit dem Ziel konzipiert, den außerhochschulischen Lernraum in der Vorbereitungsphase effektiver zu nutzen. In einer ersten Studie zeichneten sich gewisse Vorteile der aufgabenbasierten Vorbereitungsphase gegenüber derjenigen mit Vorlesungsvideos ab. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, + author = {Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-02-01}, + date = {2014}, langid = {german}, - file = {Lankau - 2023 - Unterricht in Präsenz und Distanz Lehren aus der .pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/UD8G2UBD/Lankau - 2023 - Unterricht in Präsenz und Distanz Lehren aus der .pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@incollection{ryan_captivated_2023, - edition = {1}, - title = {Captivated by Meaning: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Motivation for Entertainment Media}, - isbn = {978-0-19-760004-7 978-0-19-760007-8}, - url = {https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/45638/chapter/396160591}, - shorttitle = {Captivated by Meaning}, - abstract = {Abstract - This chapter reviews how self-determination theory ({SDT}) clarifies the motivational dynamics of entertainment media and informs moral questions of its impact. A growing body of {SDT} research has gone behind the flash and spectacle on the screen to assess the psychological fulfillments and key experiences that account for much of its motivational pull. This work provides a blueprint of the specific experiences, content, and features that deepen fulfillment. As important, {SDT} offers a process model of how fulfilling experiences predict sustained engagement over time. The chapter beings with a review of the research on the motivational pull of video games, whose immersive contexts can provide rich satisfactions of basic psychological needs enhancing intrinsic motivation to play. It then turns to more traditional forms of entertainment media, discussing the recent work applying {SDT} to investigate a process model of engagement with {TV} shows, exploring how basic need fulfillments in narratives impact engagement. Finally, practical considerations as well as directions for future research are discussed.}, - pages = {959--C47P104}, - booktitle = {The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory}, - publisher = {Oxford University Press}, - author = {Adachi, Paul J. C. and Rigby, C. Scott}, - editor = {Ryan, Richard M.}, - urldate = {2023-04-14}, - date = {2023-02-23}, - langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197600047.013.48}, - file = {Adachi and Rigby - 2023 - Captivated by Meaning A Self-Determination Theory.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2U3RYXGR/Adachi and Rigby - 2023 - Captivated by Meaning A Self-Determination Theory.pdf:application/pdf}, + note = {{ISBN}: 9783830931423 +Publisher: Waxmann : Münster u.a.}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Mathematikunterricht, Self-instruction, E-learning, E-Learning, Higher education lecturing, Hochschullehre, University lecturing, University teaching, Videoaufzeichnung, Virtual learning, Higher education institute, Hochschule, Deutschland, Germany, Aufgabenorientierung, Blended learning, Blended Learning, Cognitive process, Experimentelle Untersuchung, Kognitiver Prozess, Learning method, Learning techniques, Lecture, Lehramtsstudent, Lernmethode, Lernziel, Mathematics lessons, Method of teaching, Modell, Private study, Selbststudium, Student teachers, Teaching objective, Teaching of mathematics, Test, Vorbereitung, Vorlesung}, + file = {Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian - 2014 - Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorle.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/7ZUHGUZR/Weidlich, Joshua and Spannagel, Christian - 2014 - Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorle.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@incollection{ryan_education_2023, - edition = {1}, - title = {Education as Flourishing: Self-Determination Theory in Schools as They Are and as They Might Be}, - isbn = {978-0-19-760004-7 978-0-19-760007-8}, - url = {https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/45638/chapter/396159042}, - shorttitle = {Education as Flourishing}, - abstract = {Abstract - In the perspective of self-determination theory the central aim of education should be that of enhancing students’ flourishing. Flourishing involves not only the development of cognitive capacities but also capacities for agency, prosocial relationships, and psychological wellness. Strong evidence within self-determination theory, reviewed herein, shows how teaching styles that support students’ basic needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence foster these aspects of flourishing, enhancing the quality of students’ engagement, learning, and social relationships. Also highlighted are how students’ motivation and agency reciprocally influence teachers’ tendency to be need supportive, such that interventions on both sides of the teacher-student relationship can enhance learning climates. Nonetheless, this body of evidence concerns optimizing need supports within existing school environments, which too often remain mired in policies, practices, and omnipresent evaluations that are not designed for student flourishing, and which instead often harm both students’ and teachers’ well-being and motivation. The chapter’s conclusion includes a call to broaden the criteria by which schools are evaluated to include process as well as outcome targets. Creating the best schools we can imagine entails the assessment and cultivation of what really matters (i.e., process targets) to student flourishing in both their present and future lives.}, - pages = {591--C29P198}, - booktitle = {The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory}, - publisher = {Oxford University Press}, - author = {Ryan, Richard M. and Reeve, Johnmarshall and Kaplan, Haya and Matos, Lennia and Cheon, Sung Hyeon}, - editor = {Ryan, Richard M.}, - urldate = {2023-04-14}, - date = {2023-02-23}, - langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197600047.013.60}, - file = {Ryan et al. - 2023 - Education as Flourishing Self-Determination Theor.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/N9M3CCT3/Ryan et al. - 2023 - Education as Flourishing Self-Determination Theor.pdf:application/pdf}, +@online{noauthor_schulmodelle_nodate, + title = {Schulmodelle Sekundarstufe I}, + url = {https://www.bern.ch/themen/bildung/schule/schulsystem/schulmodelle-sekundarstufe-i-der-stadt-bern}, + abstract = {In den Schulen der Stadt Bern gibt es drei verschiedene Zusammenarbeitsmodelle auf der Sekundarstufe I: Die Modelle 3a, 3b und Modell 4. Vollständigkeitshalber sind die Modelle 1 und 2 auch aufgeführt. Sie finden in der Stadt Bern aber keine Anwendung.}, + titleaddon = {Stadt Bern}, + type = {Inhaltsseite}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + langid = {german}, + file = {Snapshot:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/BL3F76AX/schulmodelle-sekundarstufe-i-der-stadt-bern.html:text/html}, } -@incollection{ryan_basic_2023, - edition = {1}, - title = {Basic Psychological Needs Theory: A Conceptual and Empirical Review of Key Criteria}, - isbn = {978-0-19-760004-7 978-0-19-760007-8}, - url = {https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/45638/chapter/396156669}, - shorttitle = {Basic Psychological Needs Theory}, - abstract = {Abstract - Although the existence of a set of physical needs is well accepted within biology, the question whether humans have a parallel set of psychological needs has been more controversial within the psychological landscape. The identification, characterization, and study of basic needs has been central to the research agenda of Basic Psychological Needs Theory, one of {SDT}’s six mini-theories. In this chapter, we provide an in-depth characterization of the nine criteria that characterize the basic needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence: essential, psychological, pervasive, universal, inherent, distinct, content-specific, directional, and explanatory. We elaborate on the theoretical and research implications of these criteria and provide a selective review of this rapidly growing body of empirical work. We conclude that basic needs provide a universal and parsimonious framework to account for people’s growth and flourishing as well as their stagnation and problem behavior, while also accounting for the growth-conducive versus toxic effects of different environments.}, - pages = {84--C4P292}, - booktitle = {The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory}, - publisher = {Oxford University Press}, - author = {Vansteenkiste, Maarten and Soenens, Bart and Ryan, Richard M.}, - editor = {Ryan, Richard M.}, - urldate = {2023-04-14}, - date = {2023-02-23}, +@article{pospisilova_reforming_2023, + title = {Reforming higher education with {ePortfolio} implementation, enhanced by learning analytics}, + volume = {138}, + issn = {07475632}, + url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0747563222002710}, + doi = {10.1016/j.chb.2022.107449}, + pages = {107449}, + journaltitle = {Computers in Human Behavior}, + shortjournal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, + author = {Pospíšilová, Linda and Rohlíková, Lucie}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2023-01}, langid = {english}, - doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197600047.013.5}, - file = {Vansteenkiste et al. - 2023 - Basic Psychological Needs Theory A Conceptual and.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7IMFK336/Vansteenkiste et al. - 2023 - Basic Psychological Needs Theory A Conceptual and.pdf:application/pdf}, + file = {Pospíšilová and Rohlíková - 2023 - Reforming higher education with ePortfolio impleme.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/VS5VBUFW/Pospíšilová and Rohlíková - 2023 - Reforming higher education with ePortfolio impleme.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{caspari-sadeghi_applying_2022, - title = {Applying Learning Analytics in Online Environments: Measuring Learners’ Engagement Unobtrusively}, - volume = {7}, - issn = {2504-284X}, - url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2022.840947}, - shorttitle = {Applying Learning Analytics in Online Environments}, - abstract = {Prior to the emergence of Big Data and technologies such as Learning Analytics ({LA}), classroom research focused mainly on measuring learning outcomes of a small sample through tests. Research on online environments shows that learners’ engagement is a critical precondition for successful learning and lack of engagement is associated with failure and dropout. {LA} helps instructors to track, measure and visualize students’ online behavior and use such digital traces to improve instruction and provide individualized support, i.e., feedback. This paper examines 1) metrics or indicators of learners’ engagement as extracted and displayed by {LA}, 2) their relationship with academic achievement and performance, and 3) some freely available {LA} tools for instructors and their usability. The paper concludes with making recommendations for practice and further research by considering challenges associated with using {LA} in classrooms.}, - journaltitle = {Frontiers in Education}, - author = {Caspari-Sadeghi, Sima}, - urldate = {2023-04-16}, - date = {2022}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/4SJZ6S2R/Caspari-Sadeghi - 2022 - Applying Learning Analytics in Online Environments.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{lopez-crespo_educational_2022, + title = {The educational e-portfolio: preliminary evidence of its relationship with student’s self-efficacy and engagement}, + volume = {27}, + issn = {1360-2357, 1573-7608}, + url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10639-021-10827-2}, + doi = {10.1007/s10639-021-10827-2}, + shorttitle = {The educational e-portfolio}, + abstract = {Abstract + The educational use of portfolios has been increasing in the last few years, especially as technology has also developed electronic versions of portfolios. Although there is abundant information about their benefits and practice description, few studies provide empirical evidence of their implementation. The objective of this study was to provide initial evidence about the use of the portfolio in higher education. Concretely, we aimed 1) to explore the correlation between students’ performance on the portfolio and their performance on more traditional assessment methods 2) to explore whether student’s personal variables predict performance in key elements of the e-portfolio, such as individual reflections, and if these contribute to general academic performance in the course, and 3) to evaluate whether the use of the e-portfolio during a semester changes the students’ self-efficacy and engagement. For this purpose, an initial sample of 73 students were recruited, and an e-portfolio (based on Mahara) was implemented over a semester. The results showed that performance on the portfolio correlated with the score obtained on multiple choice tests. There was an increase in self-efficacy after one semester of e-portfolio implementation, and engagement proved to be an important predictor of the final course grade through the mediation of individual reflections. These results offer preliminary and promising evidence about the relationship of a specific element of e-portfolios, individual reflections with several variables related to academic achievement such as self-efficacy and engagement.}, + pages = {5233--5248}, + number = {4}, + journaltitle = {Education and Information Technologies}, + shortjournal = {Educ Inf Technol}, + author = {López-Crespo, Ginesa and Blanco-Gandía, M. Carmen and Valdivia-Salas, Sonsoles and Fidalgo, Camino and Sánchez-Pérez, Noelia}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2022-05}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/DEMS3BAY/López-Crespo et al. - 2022 - The educational e-portfolio preliminary evidence .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{caplan_case_2019, - location = {Princeton ; Oxford}, - edition = {First Paperback Edition}, - title = {The case against education: why the education system is a waste of time and money}, - isbn = {978-0-691-19645-9}, - shorttitle = {The case against education}, - pagetotal = {405}, - publisher = {Princeton University Press}, - author = {Caplan, Bryan Douglas}, - date = {2019}, - keywords = {Aims and objectives, Education, United States, Educational sociology, Effect of education on, Finance, Labor supply, Vocational education}, - file = {Caplan - 2019 - The case against education why the education syst.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/WMXTETBV/Caplan - 2019 - The case against education why the education syst.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{merkt_marianne_eportfolios_2007, + title = {{ePortfolios} – der „rote Faden“ zur Kompetenzentwicklung in Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=11334}, + doi = {10.25656/01:11334}, + abstract = {Die Realisierung der Portfolio-Methodik in einem studienbegleitenden Konzept in Bachelor- und Mastersystemen kann den Studierenden zwei Vorteile bieten. Erstens unterstützt die Vorstrukturierung durch {ePortfolios} die Studierenden über Lehrveranstaltungs- und Modulgrenzen hinweg in der Entwicklung ihrer Kompetenzen. Zweitens können Teile des {ePortfolios} über die Setzung von so genannten „Showcases“ Lehrenden und anderen Studierenden für Feedbacks oder Bewertungen geöffnet werden. Lernprozesse werden so durch kooperativen Austausch gefördert. Im diesem Beitrag werden die Anforderungen eines solchen {ePortfolio}-Konzeptes an Studienreformprozesse, Hochuldidaktik und Technologie formuliert. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, + author = {Merkt, Marianne}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2007}, + langid = {german}, + note = {{ISBN}: 9783830918776 +Publisher: Waxmann : Münster u.a.}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Learning process, Lernkonzept, Lernprozess, E-learning, E-Learning, Virtual learning, Male student, Student, Kompetenzentwicklung, Skill development, Bachelor course, Bachelor-Studiengang, Conception, Higher education reform, Hochschulreform, Konzeption, Lehrportfolio, Master course, Master-Studiengang, Portfoliomethode, University reform}, + file = {Merkt, Marianne - 2007 - ePortfolios – der „rote Faden“ zur Kompetenzentwic.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9YQLDLZZ/Merkt, Marianne - 2007 - ePortfolios – der „rote Faden“ zur Kompetenzentwic.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{de_castella_unmotivated_2013, - title = {Unmotivated or motivated to fail? A cross-cultural study of achievement motivation, fear of failure, and student disengagement.}, - volume = {105}, - issn = {1939-2176, 0022-0663}, - url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/a0032464}, - doi = {10.1037/a0032464}, - shorttitle = {Unmotivated or motivated to fail?}, - pages = {861--880}, - number = {3}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, - shortjournal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, - author = {De Castella, Krista and Byrne, Don and Covington, Martin}, - urldate = {2023-04-16}, - date = {2013-08}, - langid = {english}, - file = {De Castella et al. - 2013 - Unmotivated or motivated to fail A cross-cultural.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/7H9U4IK4/De Castella et al. - 2013 - Unmotivated or motivated to fail A cross-cultural.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{dorsch_mundigkeitsorientierte_2020, + title = {Mündigkeitsorientierte Bildung in der geographischen Lehrkräftebildung – Zum Potential von E-Portfolios}, + rights = {({CC} {BY}-{NC}-{ND} 4.0) Attribution-{NonCommercial}-{NoDerivatives} 4.0 International,}, + url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/22017}, + doi = {10.18452/21264}, + abstract = {La madurez es importante en la cultura digital. El desarrollo requiere de un proceso educativo orientado hacia la madurez para que los jóvenes puedan actuar de forma autónoma y reflexiva en un mundo interconectado. Los futuros maestros han de ser conscientes de su propia madurez para poder fomentar la de sus futuros estudiantes. El presente estudio muestra el potencial del portafolio para una educación centrada en el proceso madurativo y examina los factores que son beneficiosos para su realización. Se lleva a cabo en seminario sobre Smat Cities dirigido a profesores de geografía en formación. Mediante la técnica de análisis de contenidos fueron analizados, en el marco de una educación para la madurez, los portafolios de los estudiantes y las entrevistas a las que estos se sometieron. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la elaboración de un portafolio contribuyó para que los estudiantes fueran conscientes de su propia madurez e influyó en los hábitos profesionales de ellos. Los estudiantes trabajaron de forma autónoma e intercambiaron sus opiniones en un procesos de discusión.}, + author = {Dorsch, Christian and Kanwischer, Detlef}, + editora = {Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin and Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin and Bagoly-Simó, Péter}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2020-03-10}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Publisher: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin}, + keywords = {Portfolio, 911 Geschichte und Geografie, digitalisation, Digitalität, digitlaización, Lehrkräftebildung, madurez, maturity, Mündigkeit, portafolio, portfolio, reflexividad, Reflexivität, reflexivity, teacher training}, + file = {Dorsch and Kanwischer - 2020 - Mündigkeitsorientierte Bildung in der geographisch.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/GBSBCQCI/Dorsch and Kanwischer - 2020 - Mündigkeitsorientierte Bildung in der geographisch.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{dobler_prufungsregime_2019, +@collection{bastian_tablets_2017, location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Prüfungsregime und Prüfungskulturen: Soziologische Beobachtungen zur internen Organisation von Hochschule}, - isbn = {978-3-658-25289-2 978-3-658-25290-8}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-25290-8}, - shorttitle = {Prüfungsregime und Prüfungskulturen}, + title = {Tablets in Schule und Unterricht}, + isbn = {978-3-658-13808-0 978-3-658-13809-7}, + url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-13809-7}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - author = {Döbler, Joachim}, - urldate = {2023-04-16}, - date = {2019}, + editor = {Bastian, Jasmin and Aufenanger, Stefan}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2017}, langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-25290-8}, - file = {978-3-658-25290-8.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/4AE88ZDF/978-3-658-25290-8.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/4DSTHN97/Döbler - 2019 - Prüfungsregime und Prüfungskulturen Soziologische.pdf:application/pdf}, + doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-13809-7}, + file = {Submitted Version:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/5DAFMVHI/Bastian and Aufenanger - 2017 - Tablets in Schule und Unterricht.pdf:application/pdf;tablets-in-schule-und-unterricht-2017.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/KAFWWM75/tablets-in-schule-und-unterricht-2017.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{fraser_no_2023, - title = {No Deal: German Researchers’ Publishing and Citing Behaviours after Big Deal Negotiations with Elsevier}, - issn = {2641-3337}, - url = {https://direct.mit.edu/qss/article/doi/10.1162/qss_a_00255/115608/No-Deal-German-Researchers-Publishing-and-Citing}, - doi = {10.1162/qss_a_00255}, - shorttitle = {No Deal}, - abstract = {In 2014, a union of German research organisations established Projekt {DEAL}, a national-level project to negotiate licensing agreements with large scientific publishers. Negotiations between {DEAL} and Elsevier began in 2016, and broke down without a successful agreement in 2018; in this time, around 200 German research institutions cancelled their license agreements with Elsevier, leading Elsevier to restrict journal access at those institutions. We investigated the effect on researchers’ publishing and citing behaviours from a bibliometric perspective, using a dataset of {\textasciitilde}400,000 articles published by researchers at {DEAL} institutions between 2012-2020. We further investigated these effects with respect to the timing of contract cancellations, research disciplines, collaboration patterns, and article open-access status. We find evidence for a decrease in Elsevier's market share of articles from {DEAL} institutions, with the largest year-on-year market share decreases occurring from 2018 to 2020 following the implementation of access restrictions. We also observe year-on-year decreases in the proportion of citations, although the decrease is smaller. We conclude that negotiations with Elsevier and access restrictions have led to some reduced willingness to publish in Elsevier journals, but that researchers are not strongly affected in their ability to cite Elsevier articles, implying that researchers use other methods to access scientific literature.}, - pages = {1--33}, - journaltitle = {Quantitative Science Studies}, - author = {Fraser, Nicholas and Hobert, Anne and Jahn, Najko and Mayr, Philipp and Peters, Isabella}, - urldate = {2023-04-18}, - date = {2023-04-01}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Fraser et al. - 2023 - No Deal German Researchers’ Publishing and Citing.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ZLH6NWGM/Fraser et al. - 2023 - No Deal German Researchers’ Publishing and Citing.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{himpsl-gutermann_klaus_4-phasen-modell_2012, + title = {Ein 4-Phasen-Modell der E-Portfolio-Nutzung. Digitale Medien als integraler Bestandteil von universitären Weiterbildungslehrgängen}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=8393}, + doi = {10.25656/01:8393}, + abstract = {Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrages steht eine empirische Studie zum Abschluss eines mehrjährigen Aktionsforschungsprojektes, in dem ein elektronisches Portfolio als integraler Bestandteil eines berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildungsstudiums konzipiert, implementiert und evaluiert wurde. Bei der abschließenden Untersuchung mit Hilfe von Alumni-Interviews stand im Vordergrund, die Perspektive der Studierenden einzunehmen. Welchen Nutzen hatten das E-Portfolio und die darin eingebetteten digitalen Medien für das Studium und darüber hinaus? Welche Probleme traten bei der Verwendung auf und wie gingen die Lernenden damit um? Die Fallstudie auf Basis der Grounded-Theory-Methodik zeigt, dass ein idealtypischer Verlauf der E-Portfolio-Nutzung in vier Phasen beschrieben werden kann, in denen sich Studierende orientieren, positionieren, identifizieren und präsentieren. Neben der Kurzbeschreibung dieses 4-Phasen-Modells werden Probleme, erfolgskritische Faktoren und Handlungsstrategien der Studierenden in den vier Phasen angeführt. Zum Verständnis des Modells werden im ersten Teil des Beitrages der Kontext der Studie sowie die wesentlichen Aspekte der E-Portfolio-Implementierung dargelegt – eine detaillierte Beschreibung des Konzepts, des Forschungsdesigns und der empirischen Nachweise finden sich in der Dissertation von Himpsl-Gutermann (2012). ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, + author = {Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2012}, + langid = {german}, + note = {{ISBN}: 9783830927419 +Publisher: Waxmann : Münster u.a.}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, E-learning, E-Learning, Virtual learning, Portfolio, Aktionsforschung, Berufsbegleitendes Studium, Case Studies (Education), Case study, Elektronische Medien, Fallstudie, Forschungsprojekt, Occupation accompanying studies, Phasenmodell}, + file = {Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus - 2012 - Ein 4-Phasen-Modell der E-Portfolio-Nutzung. Digit.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/5P3C9YL4/Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus - 2012 - Ein 4-Phasen-Modell der E-Portfolio-Nutzung. Digit.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{mammadov_big_2018, - title = {The Big Five personality predictors of academic achievement in gifted students: Mediation by self-regulatory efficacy and academic motivation}, - volume = {29}, - issn = {1359-8139, 1469-834X}, - url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13598139.2018.1489222}, - doi = {10.1080/13598139.2018.1489222}, - shorttitle = {The Big Five personality predictors of academic achievement in gifted students}, - pages = {111--133}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {High Ability Studies}, - shortjournal = {High Ability Studies}, - author = {Mammadov, Sakhavat and Cross, Tracy L. and Ward, Thomas J.}, - urldate = {2023-04-21}, - date = {2018-07-03}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Mammadov et al. - 2018 - The Big Five personality predictors of academic ac.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/AI9AACIH/Mammadov et al. - 2018 - The Big Five personality predictors of academic ac.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{reinmann_gabi_e-portfolios_2013, + title = {E-Portfolios und persönliches Wissensmanagement}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10917}, + doi = {10.25656/01:10917}, + abstract = {Erfolgreich ist die Einführung von E-Portfolios dann, wenn Studierende deren Potenziale auch über die Hochschule hinaus z.B. als Methode des persönlichen Wissensmanagements und die damit verbundenen Gewinne für die Berufstätigkeit erkennen. Die Reflexion des eigenen Lernens ist zentral und gleichzeitig ein potenzieller Punkt des Scheiterns bei der E-Portfolio-Arbeit im Studium. Es bedarf eines langfristigen Lernprozesses, um mit dem individuellen Wissen systematisch und verantwortungsbewusst umzugehen, und das betrifft alle Formen der Wissensarbeit. Zudem kommt es darauf an, dafür zu sorgen, dass die E-Portfolio-Arbeit nicht im Prüfungs- und Klausurmodus verharrt und in der Folge für das persönliche Wissensmanagement unbrauchbar wird. Im Zentrum steht die Aufgabe, die Studierenden dazu anzuregen, sich langfristig mit ihrem Lernprozess und den erworbenen Kompetenzen auseinanderzusetzen. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, + author = {Reinmann, Gabi and Hartung, Silvia}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2013}, + langid = {german}, + note = {{ISBN}: 9783830928188 +Publisher: Waxmann : Münster}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Learning process, Lernprozess, Higher education institute, Hochschule, Male student, Student, Berufsvorbereitung, Core competences, Key qualification, Knowledge management, Qualification for key function, Schlüsselqualifikation, Vocational preparation, Wissensmanagement}, + file = {Reinmann, Gabi and Hartung, Silvia - 2013 - E-Portfolios und persönliches Wissensmanagement.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/65MY4E86/Reinmann, Gabi and Hartung, Silvia - 2013 - E-Portfolios und persönliches Wissensmanagement.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{mammadov_big_2022, - title = {Big Five personality traits and academic performance: A meta-analysis}, - volume = {90}, - issn = {1467-6494}, - url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jopy.12663}, - doi = {10.1111/jopy.12663}, - shorttitle = {Big Five personality traits and academic performance}, - abstract = {Objective and Method This meta-analysis reports the most comprehensive assessment to date of the strength of the relationships between the Big Five personality traits and academic performance by synthesizing 267 independent samples (N = 413,074) in 228 unique studies. It also examined the incremental validity of personality traits above and beyond cognitive ability in predicting academic performance. Results The combined effect of cognitive ability and personality traits explained 27.8\% of the variance in academic performance. Cognitive ability was the most important predictor with a relative importance of 64\%. Conscientiousness emerged as a strong and robust predictor of performance, even when controlling for cognitive ability, and accounted for 28\% of the explained variance in academic performance. A significant moderating effect of education level was observed. The relationship of academic performance with openness, extraversion, and agreeableness demonstrated significantly larger effect sizes at the elementary/middle school level compared to the subsequent levels. Openness, despite its weak overall relative importance, was found to be an important determinant of student performance in the early years of school. Conclusion These findings reaffirm the critical role of personality traits in explaining academic performance through the most comprehensive assessment yet of these relationships.}, - pages = {222--255}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Journal of Personality}, - author = {Mammadov, Sakhavat}, - urldate = {2023-04-21}, - date = {2022}, - langid = {english}, - note = {\_eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/jopy.12663}, - keywords = {academic performance, achievement, Big Five, cognitive ability, intelligence, meta-analysis, personality}, - file = {Full Text PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/4W4L8URM/Mammadov - 2022 - Big Five personality traits and academic performan.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/FJRVTE4K/jopy.html:text/html}, +@book{meyer_kontrolle_2011, + location = {Wiesbaden}, + edition = {1. Aufl}, + title = {Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle: zur Ambivalenz von E-Portfolios in Bildungsprozessen}, + isbn = {978-3-531-92722-0}, + series = {Medienbildung und Gesellschaft}, + shorttitle = {Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle}, + number = {19}, + publisher = {{VS}, Verl. für Sozialwiss}, + author = {Meyer, Torsten}, + date = {2011}, + file = {Meyer - 2011 - Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle zur Ambivalenz von .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/485IVXMD/Meyer - 2011 - Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle zur Ambivalenz von .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{baker_algorithmic_2022, - title = {Algorithmic Bias in Education}, - volume = {32}, - issn = {1560-4292, 1560-4306}, - url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s40593-021-00285-9}, - doi = {10.1007/s40593-021-00285-9}, - pages = {1052--1092}, - number = {4}, - journaltitle = {International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education}, - shortjournal = {Int J Artif Intell Educ}, - author = {Baker, Ryan S. and Hawn, Aaron}, - urldate = {2023-04-23}, - date = {2022-12}, - langid = {english}, - file = {AlgorithmicBiasInEducation_rsb3.7.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/ILD6S8R7/AlgorithmicBiasInEducation_rsb3.7.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/VW9RY2BA/Baker and Hawn - 2022 - Algorithmic Bias in Education.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{hornung-prahauser_didaktische_2007, + title = {Didaktische, organisatorische und technologische Grundlagen von E-Portfolios und Analyse internationaler Beispiele und Erfahrungen mit E-Portfolio-Imple- mentierungen an Hochschulen}, + url = {https://www.ams-forschungsnetzwerk.at/downloadpub/e_portfolio_studie_srfg_fnma_salzburg.pdf}, + publisher = {Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellscha}, + author = {Hornung-Prähauser, Veronika and Geser, Guntram and Hilzensauer, Wolf and Schaffert, Sandra}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2007-07}, + file = {Hornung-Prähauser et al. - 2007 - Didaktische, organisatorische und technologische G.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/Q5NFRVIW/Hornung-Prähauser et al. - 2007 - Didaktische, organisatorische und technologische G.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{mun_teaching_2018, - title = {Teaching and Learning in {STEM} Enrichment Spaces: From Doing Math to Thinking Mathematically}, - volume = {40}, - issn = {0278-3193, 1940-865X}, - url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02783193.2018.1434713}, - doi = {10.1080/02783193.2018.1434713}, - shorttitle = {Teaching and Learning in {STEM} Enrichment Spaces}, - pages = {121--129}, - number = {2}, - journaltitle = {Roeper Review}, - shortjournal = {Roeper Review}, - author = {Mun, Rachel U. and Hertzog, Nancy B.}, - urldate = {2023-04-23}, - date = {2018-04-03}, - langid = {english}, - file = {Mun and Hertzog - 2018 - Teaching and Learning in STEM Enrichment Spaces F.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/GRD9NFF3/Mun and Hertzog - 2018 - Teaching and Learning in STEM Enrichment Spaces F.pdf:application/pdf}, +@book{hugger_digitale_2010, + location = {Wiesbaden}, + title = {Digitale Lernwelten: Konzepte, Beispiele und Perspektiven}, + isbn = {978-3-531-92365-9}, + shorttitle = {Digitale Lernwelten}, + publisher = {{VS} Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften}, + author = {Hugger, Kai-Uwe and Walber, Markus}, + date = {2010}, + file = {Hugger and Walber - 2010 - Digitale Lernwelten Konzepte, Beispiele und Persp.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/HX3EJV88/Hugger and Walber - 2010 - Digitale Lernwelten Konzepte, Beispiele und Persp.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{hacker_thomas_von_2013, + title = {Von analogen Portfolios für die Entwicklung von digitalen E-Portfolios lernen}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=10919}, + doi = {10.25656/01:10919}, + abstract = {Die Darstellung, Planung, Rekonstruktion, Reflexion und Einschätzung eigener Lernprozesse dienen dazu, die (Lern-)Entwicklung zu unterstützen. Die Arbeit am Portfolio ist ein kooperativ-dialogischer Prozess und sieht eine weitreichende Partizipation vor. Lernende werden bei der Portfolioarbeit veranlasst, ihr Lernen und seine Ergebnisse zu reflektieren und zu beurteilen. Die Erfahrungen führten bei den Autoren zu der Einsicht, dass webbasierte Portfolios, allenfalls Werkzeuge nicht aber Garanten für die Realisierung übergeordneter Bildungsziele sein können. Entscheidet man sich für die Arbeit mit Portfolios, so bedarf es klar definierter Bildungsziele. Eine unbedachte, gegebenenfalls technologiefixierte Einführung von E-Portfolios verfehlt den Mehrwert der Portfolio und insbesondere der E-Portfolioarbeit. ({DIPF}/Orig.)}, + author = {Häcker, Thomas and Seemann, Jan}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2013}, + langid = {german}, + note = {{ISBN}: 9783830928188 +Publisher: Waxmann : Münster}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Learning process, Lernprozess, Partizipation, Portfolio, Elektronische Medien, Analog-Digital-Wandlung, Lehr-Lern-Prozess, Lernentwicklung, Teaching-learning process}, + file = {Häcker, Thomas and Seemann, Jan - 2013 - Von analogen Portfolios für die Entwicklung von di.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/74GYV36J/Häcker, Thomas and Seemann, Jan - 2013 - Von analogen Portfolios für die Entwicklung von di.pdf:application/pdf}, +} + +@article{zawacki-richter_denn_2010, + title = {Denn wir wissen nicht, was sie tun... Portfolios zur Dokumentation von Kompetenzen in einem weiterbildenden Masterstudiengang}, + volume = {18}, + issn = {1424-3636}, + url = {https://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/121}, + doi = {10.21240/mpaed/18/2010.02.05.X}, + abstract = {Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird am Beispiel eines internetgestützten, weiterbildenden Studiengangs gezeigt, wie die Portfoliomethode als kompetenzbasierte Prüfungsleistung in ein Blended Learning Design integriert werden kann. Im Rahmen einer qualitativen Analyse von Projektportfolios wird untersucht, wie Studierende über ihren Kompetenzentwicklungsprozess reflektieren und welche Kompetenzen auf diese Weise dokumentiert werden.}, + pages = {1--23}, + issue = {Indiv. Leistungsdarstellung}, + journaltitle = {{MedienPädagogik}: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung}, + shortjournal = {{MedienPädagogik}}, + author = {Zawacki-Richter, Olaf and Bäcker, Eva Maria and Hanft, Anke}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2010-02-05}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/BNT8S6T9/Zawacki-Richter et al. - 2010 - Denn wir wissen nicht, was sie tun... Portfolios z.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{sobel_teaching_1974, - location = {Englewood Cliffs, N.J}, - title = {Teaching mathematics: a sourcebook of aids, activities, and strategies}, - isbn = {978-0-13-894139-0}, - shorttitle = {Teaching mathematics}, - pagetotal = {240}, - publisher = {Prentice-Hall}, - author = {Sobel, Max A. and Maletsky, Evan M.}, - date = {1974}, - keywords = {Mathematics, Study and teaching (Secondary)}, - file = {Sobel and Maletsky - 1974 - Teaching mathematics a sourcebook of aids, activi.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/C9HNVHFI/Sobel and Maletsky - 1974 - Teaching mathematics a sourcebook of aids, activi.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{stratmann_lernerfolg_2009, + title = {Lernerfolg und Kompetenz bewerten. Didaktische Potenziale von Portfolios in Lehr-/Lernkontext}, + volume = {18}, + issn = {1424-3636}, + url = {https://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/118}, + doi = {10.21240/mpaed/18/2009.12.18.X}, + abstract = {Mit der Diskussion um die Berücksichtigung von Kompetenzen in Schule und Hochschule ergeben sich für Lehrende neue Aufgaben. Es geht nicht mehr nur darum, Lehrinhalte zu benennen, sondern auch darum, wozu Lernende als Ergebnis des Lernprozesses in der Lage sein sollen. Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte eine Übersicht über aktuelle Nutzungsvarianten und die damit verbundenen Potentiale geben und ein Analyseraster vorstellen, mit dem Szenarien beschrieben und verglichen werden können.}, + pages = {1--19}, + issue = {Indiv. Leistungsdarstellung}, + journaltitle = {{MedienPädagogik}: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung}, + shortjournal = {{MedienPädagogik}}, + author = {Stratmann, Jörg and Preussler, Annabell and Kerres, Michael}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2009-12-18}, + file = {Full Text:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/QVAHW94L/Stratmann et al. - 2009 - Lernerfolg und Kompetenz bewerten. Didaktische Pot.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{barton_prozesse_nodate, - location = {Heide}, - title = {Prozesse, Technologie, Anwendungen, Systeme und Management 2016: angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Tagungsband zur 29. {AKWI}-Jahrestagung vom 11.09.2016 bis 14.09.2016 an der Technischen Hochschule Brandenburg}, - isbn = {978-3-944330-54-9}, - shorttitle = {Prozesse, Technologie, Anwendungen, Systeme und Management 2016}, - pagetotal = {343}, - publisher = {mana-Buch}, - editor = {Barton, Thomas and Herrmann, Frank and Meister, Vera and Müller, Christian and Seel, Christian and Arbeitskreis Wirtschaftsinformatik an Fachhochschulen and Technische Hochschule Brandenburg}, - note = {Meeting Name: {AKWI}-Jahrestagung}, - file = {AKWI-Tagungsband_2016_online.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/XQ8CUAM5/AKWI-Tagungsband_2016_online.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/WWYJKCTF/Barton et al. - Prozesse, Technologie, Anwendungen, Systeme und Ma.pdf:application/pdf}, +@collection{brahm_next_2007, + location = {St. Gallen}, + title = {"Ne(x)t generation learning": E-Assessment und E-Portfolio: halten sie, was sie versprechen?}, + isbn = {978-3-906528-52-6}, + series = {Themenreihe ... zur Workshop-Serie / {SCIL}, Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning}, + shorttitle = {"Ne(x)t generation learning"}, + pagetotal = {91}, + number = {2}, + publisher = {{SCIL}}, + editor = {Brahm, Taiga and Seufert, Sabine}, + date = {2007}, + file = {Brahm and Seufert - 2007 - Ne(x)t generation learning E-Assessment und E-P.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/9UMNSMQP/Brahm and Seufert - 2007 - Ne(x)t generation learning E-Assessment und E-P.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{bieletzke_empirische_2022, - title = {Empirische Studie zu hochschulischen Chatbot-Einsatzmöglichkeiten}, - url = {https://rgdoi.net/10.13140/RG.2.2.29147.03361}, - doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.29147.03361}, - author = {Bieletzke, Stefan and Kronsbein, Philipp}, - urldate = {2023-04-23}, - date = {2022}, - langid = {english}, - note = {Publisher: Unpublished}, - file = {Bieletzke and Kronsbein - 2022 - Empirische Studie zu hochschulischen Chatbot-Einsa.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/TCI6IFQD/Bieletzke and Kronsbein - 2022 - Empirische Studie zu hochschulischen Chatbot-Einsa.pdf:application/pdf}, +@collection{dorgerloh_lehren_2020, + location = {Weinheim Basel}, + edition = {1. Auflage}, + title = {Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos: mit E-Book inside}, + isbn = {978-3-407-63177-0 978-3-407-63126-8}, + series = {Pädagogik}, + shorttitle = {Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos}, + pagetotal = {189}, + publisher = {Beltz}, + editor = {Dorgerloh, Stephan and Wolf, Karsten D.}, + date = {2020}, + file = {Stephan Dorgerloh, Karsten Wolf - Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos (2020, Beltz) - libgen.li.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/ZXMUMDC3/Stephan Dorgerloh, Karsten Wolf - Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos (2020, Beltz) - libgen.li.pdf:application/pdf;Table of Contents PDF:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/UU58XD5P/Dorgerloh and Wolf - 2020 - Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@collection{buchter_vielfaltige_2019, - location = {Wiesbaden}, - title = {Vielfältige Zugänge zum Mathematikunterricht: Konzepte und Beispiele aus Forschung und Praxis}, - isbn = {978-3-658-24291-6 978-3-658-24292-3}, - url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-24292-3}, - shorttitle = {Vielfältige Zugänge zum Mathematikunterricht}, - publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, - editor = {Büchter, Andreas and Glade, Matthias and Herold-Blasius, Raja and Klinger, Marcel and Schacht, Florian and Scherer, Petra}, - urldate = {2023-04-23}, - date = {2019}, - langid = {german}, - doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-24292-3}, - file = {978-3-658-24292-3.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/5ZS3I5PI/978-3-658-24292-3.pdf:application/pdf;Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/8BH4Q287/Büchter et al. - 2019 - Vielfältige Zugänge zum Mathematikunterricht Konz.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{stratmann_lernerfolg_2009-1, + title = {Lernerfolg und Kompetenz: Didaktische Potenziale der Portfolio-Methode im Hochschulstudium}, + volume = {4}, + url = {https://zfhe.at/index.php/zfhe/article/download/55/43}, + abstract = {Ein wichtiger Aspekt des Bologna-Prozesses besteht in der Forderung, Studium und Lehre statt auf Wissensvermittlung auf Kompetenzen auszurichten. Dies konnte jedoch bisher an den Hochschulen noch nicht durchgängig umgesetzt werden, da insbesondere bei der Erfassung von Kompetenzen die größten Schwierigkeiten zu bestehen scheinen. Aus unserer Sicht ist für die Befassung mit Kompetenzen besonders die Portfolio-Methode interessant. Mit Hilfe eines Portfolios erhalten die Lernenden ein Instrument an die Hand, mit dem sie ihren Lernprozess dokumentieren können. Allerdings hat die Portfolio-Methode einen direkten Einfluss auf die Lernsituation, in der die Reflexion des eignen Lernprozesses aber auch das gegenseitige Feedback einen großen Stellenwert einnimmt. In unserem Beitrag möchten wir aktuelle Nutzungsvarianten aufzeigen.}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {Assessment im Hochschulunterricht}, + author = {Stratmann, Jörg and Preußler, Annabell and Kerres, Michael}, + urldate = {2023-02-02}, + date = {2009-03}, + file = {Stratmann et al. - 2009 - Lernerfolg und Kompetenz Didaktische Potenziale d.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/D5SPEHIA/Stratmann et al. - 2009 - Lernerfolg und Kompetenz Didaktische Potenziale d.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@book{rosling_factfulness_2018-1, - location = {London}, - title = {Factfulness: ten reasons we're wrong about the world - and why things are better than you think}, - isbn = {978-1-4736-3748-1 978-1-4736-3746-7 978-1-4736-3747-4}, - shorttitle = {Factfulness}, - abstract = {Introduction -- The gap instinct -- The negativity instinct -- The straight line instinct -- The fear instinct -- The size instinct -- The generalization instinct -- The destiny instinct -- The single perspective instinct -- The blame instinct -- The urgency instinct -- Factfulness in practice -- Acknowledgements -- Appendix 1: How did your country do? -- Notes -- Index}, - pagetotal = {342}, - publisher = {{SCEPTRE}}, - author = {Rosling, Hans and Rosling, Ola and Rönnlund, Anna Rosling}, - date = {2018}, - file = {Rosling et al. - 2018 - Factfulness ten reasons we're wrong about the wor.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/2JME7YZZ/Rosling et al. - 2018 - Factfulness ten reasons we're wrong about the wor.pdf:application/pdf}, +@misc{fischer_lernen_2012, + title = {Lernen mit Vorlesungsvideos in der umgedrehten Mathematikvorlesung}, + url = {https://dl.gi.de/bitstream/handle/20.500.12116/4776/225.pdf}, + abstract = {{DeLFI} 2012: Die 10. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik {eV}}, + publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik {eV}}, + author = {Fischer, Maike and Spannagel, Christian}, + urldate = {2023-02-01}, + date = {2012}, + file = {Fischer and Spannagel, Christian - 2012 - Lernen mit Vorlesungsvideos in der umgedrehten Mat.pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/6FUWCNBK/Fischer and Spannagel, Christian - 2012 - Lernen mit Vorlesungsvideos in der umgedrehten Mat.pdf:application/pdf}, } -@misc{berlinghoff_pathways_nodate, - title = {Pathways from the past}, - author = {Berlinghoff and Gouvˆea}, - file = {Berlinghoff and Gouvˆea - Pathways from the past.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/HAQVUYAR/Berlinghoff and Gouvˆea - Pathways from the past.pdf:application/pdf}, +@article{linneweber-lammerskitten_helmut_harmos_2008, + title = {{HarmoS} Mathematik: Kompetenzmodell und Vorschläge für Bildungsstandards}, + rights = {Deutsches Urheberrecht}, + issn = {0259-353X}, + url = {https://www.pedocs.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=13683}, + doi = {10.25656/01:13683}, + shorttitle = {{HarmoS} Mathematik}, + abstract = {Der folgende Beitrag erklärt den Aufbau des Kompetenzmodells {HarmoS} Mathematik und verdeutlicht wichtige Unterschiede zu den geläufigen Kompetenzrastern der Fremdsprachenfächer. Die vom Konsortium vorgeschlagenen mathematischen Basisstandards werden erläutert und durch ein Beispiel veranschaulicht. Zuletzt nehmen wir zu möglichen Missverständnissen Stellung und antizipieren Implikationen für den Mathematikunterricht und den Deutschschweizer Lehrplan.}, + author = {Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Helmut and Wälti, Beat}, + editora = {{DIPF} \{{\textbackslash}textbar\} Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation}, + editoratype = {collaborator}, + urldate = {2023-01-30}, + date = {2008}, + langid = {german}, + note = {Publisher: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ({SGL}) : Langnau, Emmental}, + keywords = {370 Education, 370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen, Mathematikunterricht, Competency, Kompetenz, Mathematics lessons, Modell, Teaching of mathematics, Bildungsstandards, Deutsche Schweiz, Educational standard, Lehrplan, Standards}, + file = {Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Helmut and Wälti, Beat - 2008 - HarmoS Mathematik Kompetenzmodell und Vorschläge .pdf:/home/richard/snap/zotero-snap/common/Zotero/storage/XLYG644D/Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Helmut and Wälti, Beat - 2008 - HarmoS Mathematik Kompetenzmodell und Vorschläge .pdf:application/pdf}, } -@article{roediger_power_2006-1, +@article{roediger_power_2006, title = {The Power of Testing Memory: Basic Research and Implications for Educational Practice}, volume = {1}, issn = {1745-6916, 1745-6924}, @@ -4230,4196 +4517,4372 @@ @article{roediger_power_2006-1 journaltitle = {Perspectives on Psychological Science}, shortjournal = {Perspect Psychol Sci}, author = {Roediger, Henry L. and Karpicke, Jeffrey D.}, - urldate = {2023-04-23}, + urldate = {2023-01-30}, date = {2006-09}, langid = {english}, - file = {Roediger and Karpicke - 2006 - The Power of Testing Memory Basic Research and Im.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/WJUX68WW/Roediger and Karpicke - 2006 - The Power of Testing Memory Basic Research and Im.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@book{elder_oer_2019, - title = {The {OER} Starter Kit}, - url = {https://iastate.pressbooks.pub/oerstarterkit/}, - abstract = {This starter kit has been created to provide instructors with an introduction to the use and creation of open educational resources ({OER}). The text is broken into five sections: Getting Started, Copyright, Finding {OER}, Teaching with {OER}, and Creating {OER}. Although some chapters contain more advanced content, the starter kit is primarily intended for users who are entirely new to Open Education.}, - publisher = {Iowa State University Digital Press}, - author = {Elder, Abbey}, - urldate = {2023-04-23}, - date = {2019-07-01}, - doi = {10.31274/isudp.7}, - file = {Submitted Version:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/88F7LXTT/Elder - 2019 - The OER Starter Kit.pdf:application/pdf}, -} - -@collection{luthiger_kompetenzforderung_2018, - location = {Bern}, - edition = {1. Auflage}, - title = {Kompetenzförderung mit Aufgabensets: Theorie - Konzept - Praxis}, - isbn = {978-3-0355-0686-0}, - shorttitle = {Kompetenzförderung mit Aufgabensets}, - pagetotal = {356}, - publisher = {hep, der bildungsverlag}, - editor = {Luthiger, Herbert and Wilhelm, Markus and Wespi, Claudia and Wildhirt, Susanne}, - date = {2018}, - file = {1 Aufgaben als Schlüssel zu einer kompetenzfördernden Lehr-Lern-Kultur.pdf:/Users/richardconrardy/Zotero/storage/QVQGSKL8/1 Aufgaben als Schlüssel zu einer kompetenzfördernden Lehr-Lern-Kultur.pdf:application/pdf;14 AnalysederAufgabensets und ErlLerngelegenheiten - + Datenschutz @@ -676,7 +676,7 @@


12. GEBF-Tagung - + 21.11.2024 diff --git a/docs/lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.html b/docs/lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.html index 4444a65..38940f5 100644 --- a/docs/lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.html +++ b/docs/lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -21,7 +21,27 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } - +/* CSS for citations */ +div.csl-bib-body { } +div.csl-entry { + clear: both; + margin-bottom: 0em; +} +.hanging-indent div.csl-entry { + margin-left:2em; + text-indent:-2em; +} +div.csl-left-margin { + min-width:2em; + float:left; +} +div.csl-right-inline { + margin-left:2em; + padding-left:1em; +} +div.csl-indent { + margin-left: 2em; +} @@ -37,10 +57,10 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + + - + + + + + + + - - - - - - - Summative Beurteilung im Mathematikunterricht - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Summative Beurteilung im Mathematikunterricht


Grundlagen für den Unterricht
Woche 3

+ - -

Von Lehr- Lerninhalten zu Kompetenzen



  1. -

    Von Lehr- Lerninhalten zu Kompetenzen

  2. -
  3. -


  4. -
  5. -

    Lehrplan 21

  6. -

Teilgebiete der Mathematik


Teilgebiete der Mathematik

  • Arithmetik
  • Algebra
  • @@ -404,15 +225,15 @@

    Teilgebiete der Mathematik

  • Stochastik

Bruder et al. (2014)


Bruder et al. (2014)

  • Mengenlehre
  • Logik




  • Zahl \(\longrightarrow\) Arithmetik
  • Symbol und Formalisierung \(\longrightarrow\) Algebra
  • @@ -421,29 +242,29 @@


  • Daten und Zufall \(\longrightarrow\) Stochastik

Bruder et al. (2014)


Bruder et al. (2014)


Kompetenzbereiche nach Lehrplan21


Kompetenzbereiche nach Lehrplan21

  • Zahl und Variable
  • Form und Raum
  • Grössen, Funktionen, Daten und Zufall

Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)


Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)







graph LR;
@@ -521,42 +342,25 @@ 



Teilgebiete und Leitideen nach Bruder et al. (2014)


Kompetenzbereiche nach EDK (2011)


Kompetenzbereiche LP21 nach Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)





  1. -

    Von Lehr- Lerninhalten zu Kompetenzen

  2. -
  3. -


  4. -
  5. -

    Lehrplan 21

  6. -

Teilgebiete und Leitideen nach Bruder et al. (2014)


Kompetenzbereiche nach EDK (2011)


Kompetenzbereiche LP21 nach Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)


Axiomatische Theorie




Axiomatische Theorie


In der weitesten Bedeutung des Wortes nennen wir die Entwicklung einer Theorie axiomatisch, wenn die Grundbegriffe und Grundvoraussetzungen als solche an die Spitze gestellt werden und aus ihnen der weitere Inhalt der Theorie mit Hilfe von Definitionen und Beweisen logisch abgeleitet wird. In diesem Sinne ist die Geometrie von Euklid, die Mechanik von Newton, die Thermodynamik von Clausius axiomatisch begründet worden.





  • Begriffsbildung
  • Problemlösen lernen
  • @@ -566,29 +370,29 @@


  • Darstellen und Kommunizieren

Bruder et al. (2014)


Bruder et al. (2014)





  • Operieren und Benennen
  • Erforschen und Argumentieren
  • Mathematisieren und Darstellen

Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)


Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)







flowchart LR;
 m1[/logische Ableitung/]
@@ -677,49 +481,36 @@ 



Axiomatische Theorie nach Hilbert & P. Bernays (1968)


Denkprozesse nach Bruder et al. (2014)


Handlungsaspekte EDK nach EDK (2011)


Handlungsaspekte LP21 nach Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)


Axiomatische Theorie nach Hilbert & P. Bernays (1968)


Denkprozesse nach Bruder et al. (2014)


Handlungsaspekte EDK nach EDK (2011)


Handlungsaspekte LP21 nach Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)


  • Beweise beweisen Aussagen welche dann je nach Kontext Theoreme, Sätze, Lemmas, Korrolare, u.s.w. genannt werden.
  • Grundvoraussetzungen werden heute Axiome genannt und werden typischerweise zu Axiomensystemen gebündelt.

Lehrplan 21



  1. -

    Von Lehr- Lerninhalten zu Kompetenzen

  2. -
  3. -


  4. -
  5. -

    Lehrplan 21

  6. -



Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)


+ + -

Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)





Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern. (2016, Juni 23). Strukturelle und inhaltliche Hinweise - Lehrplan21. Lehrplan 21 für die Volksschule des Kantons Bern. https://be.lehrplan.ch/index.php?code=e|5|3
@@ -732,418 +523,478 @@


Hilbert, D., & P. Bernays. (1968). Grundlagen der Mathematik I. Berlin ; New York : Springer. http://archive.org/details/grundlagendermat0000hilb
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + const findCites = (el) => { + const parentEl = el.parentElement; + if (parentEl) { + const cites = parentEl.dataset.cites; + if (cites) { + return { + el, + cites: cites.split(' ') + }; + } else { + return findCites(el.parentElement) + } + } else { + return undefined; + } + }; + var bibliorefs = window.document.querySelectorAll('a[role="doc-biblioref"]'); + for (var i=0; i + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/search.json b/docs/search.json index fb89d6b..c29f40b 100644 --- a/docs/search.json +++ b/docs/search.json @@ -192,15 +192,15 @@ "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#expectation-management", "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#expectation-management", "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", - "section": "Expectation management", - "text": "Expectation management\n\n\nbesser als Powerpoint, Word, Ilias, SWITCHportfolio etc.\nschlechter\nerfrischend anders!" + "section": "", + "text": "besser als Powerpoint, Word, Ilias, SWITCHportfolio etc.\nschlechter\nerfrischend anders!" }, { "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#learning-outcomes-1", "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#learning-outcomes-1", "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", - "section": "Learning Outcomes", - "text": "Learning Outcomes\n\nWir erstellen eine Webseite in 5 Minuten.\nWir schreiben in 7 Sprachen." + "section": "", + "text": "Wir erstellen eine Webseite in 5 Minuten.\nWir schreiben in 7 Sprachen." }, { "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#step-plan", @@ -221,14 +221,14 @@ "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#markdown", "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", "section": "2. Markdown", - "text": "2. Markdown\n# Überschrift 1\n\n## Überschrift 2\n\n*kursiv*\n\n**fett**\n\n[Link zur PHBERN](https://www.phbern.ch/)\n\n![Logo der PHBern](https://www.phbern.ch/themes/custom/phbern/logo.svg)\nkursiv\nfett\nLink zur PHBERN\n\nLogo der PHBern" + "text": "2. Markdown\n# Überschrift 1\n\n## Überschrift 2\n\n*kursiv*\n\n**fett**\n\n[Link zur PHBERN](https://www.phbern.ch/)\n\n![Logo der PHBern](https://www.phbern.ch/themes/custom/phbern/logo.svg)\nkursiv\nfett\nLink zur PHBERN\n\n\n\nLogo der PHBern" }, { "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#html", "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#html", "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", "section": "3. HTML", - "text": "3. HTML\n<details>\n<summary>Lösungsvorschlag</summary>\n3x+2\n</details>\n\n\nLösungsvorschlag\n\n3x+2\n\nVideos:\n<iframe width=\"420\" height=\"345\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/fkudzVU_Vec\">\n</iframe>" + "text": "3. HTML\n<details>\n<summary>Lösungsvorschlag</summary>\n3x+2\n</details>\n\n\nLösungsvorschlag\n\n3x+2\n\n\nVideos:\n<iframe width=\"420\" height=\"345\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/fkudzVU_Vec\">\n</iframe>" }, { "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#latex", @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#r-oder-python-oder-ojs", "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", "section": "6. R (oder Python, oder OJS)", - "text": "6. R (oder Python, oder OJS)\n{r} damit es ausgeführt wird\n```r\n# Create data\nlabels <- c(\"40%\", \"60%\")\nsizes <- c(40, 60)\ncolors <- c(\"#FF9999\", \"#66B2FF\") # You can change colors as per your preference\n# Create pie chart\npie(sizes, labels = labels, col = colors, main = \"Pie Chart: 40% - 60% Distribution\")\n```" + "text": "6. R (oder Python, oder OJS)\n{r} damit es ausgeführt wird\n```r\n# Create data\nlabels <- c(\"40%\", \"60%\")\nsizes <- c(40, 60)\ncolors <- c(\"#FF9999\", \"#66B2FF\") # You can change colors as per your preference\n# Create pie chart\npie(sizes, labels = labels, col = colors, main = \"Pie Chart: 40% - 60% Distribution\")\n```\n\n# Create data\nlabels <- c(\"40%\", \"60%\")\nsizes <- c(40, 60)\ncolors <- c(\"#FF9999\", \"#66B2FF\") # You can change colors as per your preference\n# Create pie chart\npie(sizes, labels = labels, col = colors, main = \"Pie Chart: 40% - 60% Distribution\")" }, { "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#css-in-styles.css", @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#bibtex", "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", "section": "8. BibTeX", - "text": "8. BibTeX\n@ryan_self-determination_2000\n\n[vgl. @ryan_self-determination_2000,S.43]\nRyan & Deci (2000)\n(vgl. Ryan & Deci, 2000, S. 43)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWarnung\n\n\nDies bedarf jedoch gewisser Einstellungen in _quarto.yml!\n\n\n\n::: {.callout-warning}\nDies bedarf jedoch gewisser Einstellungen in `_quarto.yml`!\n:::" + "text": "8. BibTeX\n@ryan_self-determination_2000\n\n[vgl. @ryan_self-determination_2000,S.43]\nRyan & Deci (2000)\n(vgl. Ryan & Deci, 2000, S. 43)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWarnung\n\n\n\nDies bedarf jedoch gewisser Einstellungen in _quarto.yml!\n\n\n::: {.callout-warning}\nDies bedarf jedoch gewisser Einstellungen in `_quarto.yml`!\n:::" }, { "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#extra-slideshow", @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#diskussion", "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", "section": "Diskussion", - "text": "Diskussion\nZiel - Innovationspoolprojekt 24/25\nAnleitung für Studierende und Dozierende zum Erstellen, Publizieren und Verwalten einer statischen Webseite für den Unterricht\nOffene Fragen\n\nPotential für Studierende?\nPotential für Dozierende?\nWelche Features sind wichtig?\nPotential für Mitarbeiter?\nWelche Lizenz ist die richtige?" + "text": "Diskussion\n\nZiel - Innovationspoolprojekt 24/25\nAnleitung für Studierende und Dozierende zum Erstellen, Publizieren und Verwalten einer statischen Webseite für den Unterricht\n\n\nOffene Fragen\n\nPotential für Studierende?\nPotential für Dozierende?\nWelche Features sind wichtig?\nPotential für Mitarbeiter?\nWelche Lizenz ist die richtige?" }, { "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html#bibliographie", @@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ "href": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.html", "title": "Datenschutz", "section": "", - "text": "Ziele des Lernmoduls\n\n\n\nDie Studierenden …\n\nunterscheiden zwischen Datenschutz (als soziologischer Begriff), Datenschutzrecht und Datensicherheit\nargumentieren die Gesellschaftsrelevanz von Datenschutz\nentscheiden inwiefern Daten von Datenschutzrecht betroffen sind.\nkennen die drei Schutzziele von Datensicherheit.\nsetzen good practices von Datensicherheit um.\n\n\n\n\nEinstiegsfragen\nNotieren Sie sich ihre Antworten auf folgende Fragen:\n\nWas bedeutet für Sie Datenschutz?\nEine Person sagt “Datenschutz ist mir egal, Google hat ja eh schon all meine Daten.” Was antworten Sie?.\n\n\n\nBegriffsabgrenzung\nSchauen Sie Was schützt eigentlich der Datenschutz?\n\nNotieren Sie sich welche Teilbereiche von Datenschutz berührt werden.\n\n\n\nDatenschutz als soziologischer Begriff\nHaben Sie ihre Meinung\n\n\nDatenschutzrecht\nIn der Schweiz regelt das Datenschutzgesetz (DSG), bzw. das kantonale Datenschutzgesetzt (KDSG) die rechtskonforme Bearbeitung von Daten. Das DSG gilt nur die Bearbeitung von gewissen Daten durch private Personen (inkl. Firmen) und durch Bundesorgane Art. 2 Abs. 1 DSG. Das KDSG gilt für jede Bearbeitung gewisser Daten durch Behörden vgl. Art. 4 Abs. 1 KDSG. Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ist das europäische Pendant.\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 1 (Geltungsbereich) Für welche Daten gelten DSG und KDSG? Ist der gleiche Begriff bei beiden Gesetzen gleich definiert?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 2 (Bearbeitung durch Lehrpersonen) Welche Daten, welche unter das KDSG fallen, bearbeiten Lehrpersonen?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 3 (Besonders schützenswerte Daten) Welche dieser Daten sind gemäss KDSG “besonders schützenswert”? Welche Unterschiede gibt es hier zwischen KDSG und DSG? Wie heissen diese Daten in der DSGVO und wie sind sie dort definiert?\n\n\nUnternehmensinterne Bestimmungen\nZusätzlich zu den gesetzlichen Vorgaben definieren Arbeitgeber weitere Kategorien von Daten. Diese dienen meist dem Schutz des Arbeitgebers, z.B. vor einem schlechten Ruf. Im Rahmen ihres Anstellungsvertrags erhalten Sie dazu weitere Informationen von ihrem Arbeitgeber.\n\n\n\nDatensicherheit\nDatensicherheit (IT Security) hat drei übergeordnete Ziele (vgl. z.B. wegener_informationssicherheit_2016?).\n\nIntegrität\nVertraulichkeit\nVerfügbarkeit\n\nIntegrität beschreibt, dass die Daten nicht von fremden Personen abgeändert werden können. Kann ein Angreifer Ihr Passwort zwar nicht lesen, es jedoch zurücksetzen lassen und durch ein eigenes ersetzen, ist die Integrität des Passworts (und die gesamte Sicherheit der dahinterliegenden Daten) verletzt.\nVertraulichkeit bedeutet, dass nur eine ausgewählte Gruppe die Daten lesen kann. Ruft eine Lehrperson die Noten durch die Klasse ist die Vertraulichkeit der Noten nicht mehr gewährleistet.\nVerfügbarkeit bedeutet, dass die Personen, welche die Daten lesen können dürfen, auch tatsächlich Zugriff darauf behalten. Sind die Noten eines Lernenden nur auf dem Laptop der Lehrperson gespeichert und geht dieser kaputt, ist die Verfügbarkeit nicht gewährleistet worden.\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 4 (Private Massnahmen) Welche Sicherheitsvorkehrungen nehmen Sie privat um diesen drei Schutzzielen nachzukommen?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 5 (Berufliche Massnahmen) Welche Sicherheitsvorkehrungen nehmen Sie beruflich?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 6 (Pflicht zur Sicherheit) Falls Sie bereits in einer Schule arbeiten, zu welchen Sicherheitsmassnahmen sind sie dort verpflichtet?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 7 (Zielkonflikte) Zeigen Sie, dass es zwischen den drei Schutzzielen Zielkonflikte gibt.\n\nEs gibt nehben diesen drei Zielen noch andere, situativiere Ziele. Als Beispiel sei hier die Nichtabstreitbarkeit bei Verträgen genannt. Hier ist es wünschenswert, dass eine Partei nicht abstreiten kann, dass das Dokument von ihnen “digital unterschrieben” wurde.\nDer Datenschutz wird von drei Säulen getragen (wegener_informationssicherheit_2016?)\n\nPersonen\nProzesse\nTechnik\n\n\n\n\n\nWiederverwendungCC BY-SA 4.0ZitatBitte zitieren Sie diese Arbeit als:\nConrardy, R. (2024, January 1). Datenschutz. University of\nTeacher Education Bern. https://phbern-rconrardy.github.io/lerngelegenheiten/", + "text": "Ziele des Lernmoduls\n\n\n\nDie Studierenden …\n\nunterscheiden zwischen Datenschutz (als soziologischer Begriff), Datenschutzrecht und Datensicherheit\nargumentieren die Gesellschaftsrelevanz von Datenschutz\nentscheiden inwiefern Daten von Datenschutzrecht betroffen sind.\nkennen die drei Schutzziele von Datensicherheit.\nsetzen good practices von Datensicherheit um.\n\n\n\n\nBegriffsabgrenzung\nSchauen Sie Rehak (2018).\n\nNotieren Sie sich welche Teilbereiche von Datenschutz berührt werden.\n\n\n\nDatenschutz als soziologischer Begriff\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 1 (Weshalb Daten schützen?) Eine Schülerin sagt, dass ihr Datenschutz egal ist, denn die grossen Tech-Unternehmen haben eh seine Daten. Wie reagieren Sie?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 2 (“Aber Datenschutz!”) Gesetzliche Vertreter (Eltern) sagen Ihnen, dass etwas nicht erlaubt ist, auf Grund von Datenschutz. Wie reagieren Sie?\n\n\n\nDatenschutzrecht\nIn der Schweiz regelt das Datenschutzgesetz (DSG), bzw. das kantonale Datenschutzgesetzt (KDSG) die rechtskonforme Bearbeitung von Daten. Das DSG gilt nur die Bearbeitung von gewissen Daten durch private Personen (inkl. Firmen) und durch Bundesorgane Art. 2 Abs. 1 DSG. Das KDSG gilt für jede Bearbeitung gewisser Daten durch Behörden vgl. Art. 4 Abs. 1 KDSG. Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ist das europäische Pendant.\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 3 (Geltungsbereich) Für welche Daten gelten DSG und KDSG? Ist der gleiche Begriff bei beiden Gesetzen gleich definiert?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 4 (Bearbeitung durch Lehrpersonen) Welche Daten, welche unter das KDSG fallen, bearbeiten Lehrpersonen?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 5 (Besonders schützenswerte Daten) Welche dieser Daten sind gemäss KDSG “besonders schützenswert”? Welche Unterschiede gibt es hier zwischen KDSG und DSG? Wie heissen diese Daten in der DSGVO und wie sind sie dort definiert?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 6 (Bussen) Welche Bussen kennt das KDSG, das DSG und die DSGVO?\n\n\nUnternehmensinterne Bestimmungen\nZusätzlich zu den gesetzlichen Vorgaben definieren Arbeitgeber weitere Kategorien von Daten. Diese dienen meist dem Schutz des Arbeitgebers, z.B. vor einem schlechten Ruf oder Industriespionage. Diese berechtigten Interessen haben Sie in guten Treuen zu wahren (Art. 321a Abs. 1 OR). Im Rahmen ihres Anstellungsvertrags erhalten Sie dazu weitere Informationen von ihrem Arbeitgeber.\n\n\nHaftung\n“Der Arbeitnehmer ist für den Schaden verantwortlich, den er absichtlich oder fahrlässig dem Arbeitgeber zufügt.” (Art. 321e Abs. 1 OR)\n\n\n\nDatensicherheit\nDatensicherheit (IT Security) hat drei übergeordnete Ziele (vgl. z.B. Wegener et al., 2016, S. 3).\n\nIntegrität\nVertraulichkeit\nVerfügbarkeit\n\nIntegrität beschreibt, dass die Daten nicht von fremden Personen abgeändert werden können. Kann ein Angreifer Ihr Passwort zwar nicht lesen, es jedoch zurücksetzen lassen und durch ein eigenes ersetzen, ist die Integrität des Passworts (und die gesamte Sicherheit der dahinterliegenden Daten) verletzt.\nVertraulichkeit bedeutet, dass nur eine ausgewählte Gruppe die Daten lesen kann. Ruft eine Lehrperson die Noten durch die Klasse ist die Vertraulichkeit der Noten nicht mehr gewährleistet.\nVerfügbarkeit bedeutet, dass die Personen, welche die Daten lesen können dürfen, auch tatsächlich Zugriff darauf behalten. Sind die Noten eines Lernenden nur auf dem Laptop der Lehrperson gespeichert und geht dieser kaputt, ist die Verfügbarkeit nicht gewährleistet worden.\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 7 (Private Massnahmen) Welche Sicherheitsvorkehrungen nehmen Sie privat um diesen drei Schutzzielen nachzukommen?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 8 (Berufliche Massnahmen) Welche Sicherheitsvorkehrungen nehmen Sie beruflich?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 9 (Pflicht zur Sicherheit) Falls Sie bereits in einer Schule arbeiten, zu welchen Sicherheitsmassnahmen sind sie dort verpflichtet?\n\n\nÜbungsaufgabe 10 (Zielkonflikte) Zeigen Sie, dass es zwischen den drei Schutzzielen Zielkonflikte gibt.\n\nEs gibt nehben diesen drei Zielen noch andere, situativiere Ziele. Als Beispiel sei hier die Nichtabstreitbarkeit bei Verträgen genannt. Hier ist es wünschenswert, dass eine Partei nicht abstreiten kann, dass das Dokument von ihnen “digital unterschrieben” wurde.\nDer Datenschutz wird von drei Säulen getragen (Wegener et al., 2016, S. 5)\n\nPersonen\nProzesse\nTechnik\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLiteratur\n\nRehak, R. (2018). Was schützt eigentlich der Datenschutz? https://media.ccc.de/v/35c3-9733-was_schutzt_eigentlich_der_datenschutz\n\n\nWegener, C., Milde, T., & Dolle, W. (2016). Informationssicherheits-Management: Leitfaden für Praktiker und Begleitbuch zur CISM-Zertifizierung. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-49167-6\n\nWiederverwendungCC BY-SA 4.0ZitatBitte zitieren Sie diese Arbeit als:\nConrardy, R. (2024, January 1). Datenschutz. University of\nTeacher Education Bern. https://phbern-rconrardy.github.io/lerngelegenheiten/", "crumbs": [ "Lernmodule", "Datenschutz" @@ -2643,29 +2643,29 @@ "objectID": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#teilgebiete-der-mathematik", "href": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#teilgebiete-der-mathematik", "title": "Summative Beurteilung im Mathematikunterricht", - "section": "Teilgebiete der Mathematik", - "text": "Teilgebiete der Mathematik\n\nArithmetik\nAlgebra\nAnalysis\nGeometrie\nStochastik\n\n\nBruder et al. (2014)\n\n\nMengenlehre\nLogik" + "section": "", + "text": "Arithmetik\nAlgebra\nAnalysis\nGeometrie\nStochastik\n\n\nBruder et al. (2014)\n\n\nMengenlehre\nLogik" }, { "objectID": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#leitideen", "href": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#leitideen", "title": "Summative Beurteilung im Mathematikunterricht", - "section": "Leitideen", - "text": "Leitideen\n\nZahl \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Arithmetik\nSymbol und Formalisierung \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Algebra\nZuordnung und Veränderung \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Analysis\nRaum und Form \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Geometrie\nDaten und Zufall \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Stochastik\n\n\nBruder et al. (2014)" + "section": "", + "text": "Zahl \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Arithmetik\nSymbol und Formalisierung \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Algebra\nZuordnung und Veränderung \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Analysis\nRaum und Form \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Geometrie\nDaten und Zufall \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Stochastik\n\n\nBruder et al. (2014)" }, { "objectID": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#kompetenzbereiche-nach-lehrplan21", "href": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#kompetenzbereiche-nach-lehrplan21", "title": "Summative Beurteilung im Mathematikunterricht", - "section": "Kompetenzbereiche nach Lehrplan21", - "text": "Kompetenzbereiche nach Lehrplan21\n\nZahl und Variable\nForm und Raum\nGrössen, Funktionen, Daten und Zufall\n\n\nBildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)" + "section": "", + "text": "Zahl und Variable\nForm und Raum\nGrössen, Funktionen, Daten und Zufall\n\n\nBildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)" }, { "objectID": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#zusammenhänge", "href": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#zusammenhänge", "title": "Summative Beurteilung im Mathematikunterricht", - "section": "Zusammenhänge", - "text": "Zusammenhänge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ngraph LR;\n b1[Arithmetik];\n b2[Stochastik];\n b3[Geometrie];\n b4[Algebra];\n b5[Analysis];\n b6[Mengenlehre];\n b7[Logik];\n \n i1[Symbol und Formalisierung];\n i2[Zuordnung und Veränderung];\n i3[Daten und Zufall];\n i4[Form und Raum];\n i5[Zahl];\n \n k1[Zahl und Variable];\n k2[Grössen, Funktionen, Daten und Zufall];\n k3[Form und Raum];\n \n edk1[Zahl und Variable];\n edk2[Form und Raum];\n edk3[Grösse und Masse];\n edk4[Funktionale Zusammenhänge];\n edk5[Daten und Zufall];\n b1-->i5-->edk1-->k1;\n b4-->i1-->edk1;\n b5-->i2-->edk4-->k2;\n b2-->i3-->edk5-->k2;\n b3-->i4-->edk2-->k3;\n edk3-->k2;\n b6-->i2;\n subgraph Teilgebiete\n b1;\n b2;\n b3;\n b4;\n b5;\n end\n subgraph B[Kompetenzbereiche EDK]\n edk1;\n edk2;\n edk3;\n edk4;\n edk5;\n end\n subgraph Leitideen\n i1;\n i2;\n i3;\n i4;\n i5;\n end\n subgraph K[Kompetenzbereiche LP21]\n k1;\n k2;\n k3;\n end\n \nclassDef title font-size:14px\nclassDef padding stroke:none,fill:none\n\nclass main title\nclass padding padding\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbbildung 1: Übersicht Fachinhalte und Fachkompetenzbereiche\n\n\n\n\nTeilgebiete und Leitideen nach Bruder et al. (2014)\nKompetenzbereiche nach EDK (2011)\nKompetenzbereiche LP21 nach Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)" + "section": "", + "text": "graph LR;\n b1[Arithmetik];\n b2[Stochastik];\n b3[Geometrie];\n b4[Algebra];\n b5[Analysis];\n b6[Mengenlehre];\n b7[Logik];\n \n i1[Symbol und Formalisierung];\n i2[Zuordnung und Veränderung];\n i3[Daten und Zufall];\n i4[Form und Raum];\n i5[Zahl];\n \n k1[Zahl und Variable];\n k2[Grössen, Funktionen, Daten und Zufall];\n k3[Form und Raum];\n \n edk1[Zahl und Variable];\n edk2[Form und Raum];\n edk3[Grösse und Masse];\n edk4[Funktionale Zusammenhänge];\n edk5[Daten und Zufall];\n b1-->i5-->edk1-->k1;\n b4-->i1-->edk1;\n b5-->i2-->edk4-->k2;\n b2-->i3-->edk5-->k2;\n b3-->i4-->edk2-->k3;\n edk3-->k2;\n b6-->i2;\n subgraph Teilgebiete\n b1;\n b2;\n b3;\n b4;\n b5;\n end\n subgraph B[Kompetenzbereiche EDK]\n edk1;\n edk2;\n edk3;\n edk4;\n edk5;\n end\n subgraph Leitideen\n i1;\n i2;\n i3;\n i4;\n i5;\n end\n subgraph K[Kompetenzbereiche LP21]\n k1;\n k2;\n k3;\n end\n \nclassDef title font-size:14px\nclassDef padding stroke:none,fill:none\n\nclass main title\nclass padding padding\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbbildung 1: Übersicht Fachinhalte und Fachkompetenzbereiche\n\n\n\n\nTeilgebiete und Leitideen nach Bruder et al. (2014)\nKompetenzbereiche nach EDK (2011)\nKompetenzbereiche LP21 nach Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)" }, { "objectID": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html#axiomatische-theorie", @@ -3157,8 +3157,8 @@ "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html#machine-learning-ml", "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html#machine-learning-ml", "title": "KI im Mathematikunterricht", - "section": "Machine Learning (ML)", - "text": "Machine Learning (ML)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nflowchart TD\n A[Architektur];\n TD[Training Data];\n T[Tags];\n F[Feedback];\n App[Applikation];\n P[Prompt]\n K[Context]\n O[Output]\n Pa[Parameter]\n R[Regeln]\n I[Instruktionen]\n SM[Modell]\n UI[User Interface]\n Temp[Temperatur]\n \n \n Training-->Pa;\n A-->SM;\n Pa-->SM;\n SM-->App;\n Anbieter-->App;\n Benutzer-->UI;\n App-->UI;\n UI-->O;\n \n subgraph Anbieter\n R;\n I;\n Temp;\n end\n subgraph Hersteller\n A;\n TD;\n T;\n F;\n Pa;\n subgraph Training\n TD;\n T;\n F;\n end\n end\n subgraph Benutzer\n P;\n K;\n end\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbbildung 1: Übersicht über Machine Learning (eigene Darstellung)" + "section": "", + "text": "flowchart TD\n A[Architektur];\n TD[Training Data];\n T[Tags];\n F[Feedback];\n App[Applikation];\n P[Prompt]\n K[Context]\n O[Output]\n Pa[Parameter]\n R[Regeln]\n I[Instruktionen]\n SM[Modell]\n UI[User Interface]\n Temp[Temperatur]\n \n \n Training-->Pa;\n A-->SM;\n Pa-->SM;\n SM-->App;\n Anbieter-->App;\n Benutzer-->UI;\n App-->UI;\n UI-->O;\n \n subgraph Anbieter\n R;\n I;\n Temp;\n end\n subgraph Hersteller\n A;\n TD;\n T;\n F;\n Pa;\n subgraph Training\n TD;\n T;\n F;\n end\n end\n subgraph Benutzer\n P;\n K;\n end\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbbildung 1: Übersicht über Machine Learning (eigene Darstellung)" }, { "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html#summative-beurteilung", @@ -3558,5 +3558,33 @@ "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", "section": "Bibliographie", "text": "Bibliographie\n\n\n\n\nEidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum. (o. J.). Zitieren aus Werken - Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum. https://www.ige.ch/de/etwas-schuetzen/urheberrecht/ein-werk-nutzen/erlaubte-nutzungen/zitieren-aus-werken\n\n\nThurlbeck, W. M. (1989). Perestroika, Fashion, and the Universal Glue. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 139(5), 1280–1281. https://doi.org/10.1164/ajrccm/139.5.1280" + }, + { + "objectID": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html", + "href": "lerngelegenheiten/LG_math-summ/woche_03.html", + "title": "Summative Beurteilung im Mathematikunterricht", + "section": "", + "text": "Arithmetik\nAlgebra\nAnalysis\nGeometrie\nStochastik\n\n\nBruder et al. (2014)\n\n\nMengenlehre\nLogik\n\n\n\n\n\nZahl \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Arithmetik\nSymbol und Formalisierung \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Algebra\nZuordnung und Veränderung \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Analysis\nRaum und Form \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Geometrie\nDaten und Zufall \\(\\longrightarrow\\) Stochastik\n\n\nBruder et al. (2014)\n\n\n\n\n\nZahl und Variable\nForm und Raum\nGrössen, Funktionen, Daten und Zufall\n\n\nBildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ngraph LR;\n b1[Arithmetik];\n b2[Stochastik];\n b3[Geometrie];\n b4[Algebra];\n b5[Analysis];\n b6[Mengenlehre];\n b7[Logik];\n \n i1[Symbol und Formalisierung];\n i2[Zuordnung und Veränderung];\n i3[Daten und Zufall];\n i4[Form und Raum];\n i5[Zahl];\n \n k1[Zahl und Variable];\n k2[Grössen, Funktionen, Daten und Zufall];\n k3[Form und Raum];\n \n edk1[Zahl und Variable];\n edk2[Form und Raum];\n edk3[Grösse und Masse];\n edk4[Funktionale Zusammenhänge];\n edk5[Daten und Zufall];\n b1-->i5-->edk1-->k1;\n b4-->i1-->edk1;\n b5-->i2-->edk4-->k2;\n b2-->i3-->edk5-->k2;\n b3-->i4-->edk2-->k3;\n edk3-->k2;\n b6-->i2;\n subgraph Teilgebiete\n b1;\n b2;\n b3;\n b4;\n b5;\n end\n subgraph B[Kompetenzbereiche EDK]\n edk1;\n edk2;\n edk3;\n edk4;\n edk5;\n end\n subgraph Leitideen\n i1;\n i2;\n i3;\n i4;\n i5;\n end\n subgraph K[Kompetenzbereiche LP21]\n k1;\n k2;\n k3;\n end\n \nclassDef title font-size:14px\nclassDef padding stroke:none,fill:none\n\nclass main title\nclass padding padding\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbbildung 1: Übersicht Fachinhalte und Fachkompetenzbereiche\n\n\n\n\nTeilgebiete und Leitideen nach Bruder et al. (2014)\nKompetenzbereiche nach EDK (2011)\nKompetenzbereiche LP21 nach Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Bern (2016)" + }, + { + "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html", + "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html", + "title": "Inhalte effizient onlinebringen", + "section": "", + "text": "besser als Powerpoint, Word, Ilias, SWITCHportfolio etc.\nschlechter\nerfrischend anders!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWir erstellen eine Webseite in 5 Minuten.\nWir schreiben in 7 Sprachen." + }, + { + "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html", + "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html", + "title": "KI im Mathematikunterricht", + "section": "", + "text": "flowchart TD\n A[Architektur];\n TD[Training Data];\n T[Tags];\n F[Feedback];\n App[Applikation];\n P[Prompt]\n K[Context]\n O[Output]\n Pa[Parameter]\n R[Regeln]\n I[Instruktionen]\n SM[Modell]\n UI[User Interface]\n Temp[Temperatur]\n \n \n Training-->Pa;\n A-->SM;\n Pa-->SM;\n SM-->App;\n Anbieter-->App;\n Benutzer-->UI;\n App-->UI;\n UI-->O;\n \n subgraph Anbieter\n R;\n I;\n Temp;\n end\n subgraph Hersteller\n A;\n TD;\n T;\n F;\n Pa;\n subgraph Training\n TD;\n T;\n F;\n end\n end\n subgraph Benutzer\n P;\n K;\n end\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbbildung 1: Übersicht über Machine Learning (eigene Darstellung)" + }, + { + "objectID": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_20_PLP_Tagung.html", + "href": "tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_20_PLP_Tagung.html", + "title": "Wie gelingt Beziehungsgestaltung?", + "section": "", + "text": "WiederverwendungCC BY-SA 4.0ZitatBitte zitieren Sie diese Arbeit als:\nConrardy, R., & Conrardy, R. (2024, March 20). Wie gelingt\n<span\nstyle=white-space:nowrap>Beziehungsgestaltung?</span>.\nUniversity of Teacher Education Bern. https://phbern-rconrardy.github.io/lerngelegenheiten/" } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html b/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html index 2c4037c..f415b6a 100644 --- a/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html +++ b/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik.html @@ -1,512 +1,269 @@ - - + + + + + + + + + +Inhalte effizient onlinebringen + + + + + - + + + + + + + - - - - - - - Inhalte effizient onlinebringen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -

Inhalte effizient onlinebringen


Treffpunkt Hochschuldidaktik

- - - -



Learning Outcomes



  1. -

    Learning Outcomes

  2. -
  3. -

    Webseite erstellen und publizieren

  4. -
  5. -

    Inhalte erstellen

  6. -
  7. -


  8. -

Expectation management

  • besser als Powerpoint, Word, Ilias, SWITCHportfolio etc.
  • -
  • schlechter
  • -
  • erfrischend anders!
  • +

    Expectation management

    • besser als Powerpoint, Word, Ilias, SWITCHportfolio etc.
    • +
    • schlechter
    • +
    • erfrischend anders!

    Learning Outcomes


    Learning Outcomes

    1. Wir erstellen eine Webseite in 5 Minuten.
    2. Wir schreiben in 7 Sprachen.

    Webseite erstellen und publizieren



    1. -

      Learning Outcomes

    2. -
    3. -

      Webseite erstellen und publizieren

    4. -
    5. -

      Inhalte erstellen

    6. -
    7. -


    8. -

    3 step plan


    Webseite erstellen und publizieren


    3 step plan

    1. Webseite erstellen
    2. Webseite auf Ilias stellen
    3. @@ -514,100 +271,87 @@

      3 step plan


    Inhalte erstellen



    1. -

      Learning Outcomes

    2. -
    3. -

      Webseite erstellen und publizieren

    4. -
    5. -

      Inhalte erstellen

    6. -
    7. -


    8. -

    In der about.qmd Datei:


    1. Yaml

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    +subtitle: "Untertitel"
    +author: "Richard Conrardy"

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    -title: "Über mich"
    -subtitle: "Untertitel"
    -author: "Richard Conrardy"

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    <iframe width="420" height="345" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fkudzVU_Vec">

    4. \(\LaTeX\)


    4. \(\LaTeX\)





    5. Javascript (mermaid JS)

    -graph LR
    -  Start --> Stop--> Weiter
    -  Start -->Weiter

    5. Javascript (mermaid JS)

    +graph LR
    +  Start --> Stop--> Weiter
    +  Start -->Weiter


    graph LR
       Start --> Stop--> Weiter
    @@ -619,135 +363,129 @@ 

    5. Javascript (mermaid JS)


    6. R (oder Python, oder OJS)


    6. R (oder Python, oder OJS)

    {r} damit es ausgeführt wird

    -# Create data
    -labels <- c("40%", "60%")
    -sizes <- c(40, 60)
    -colors <- c("#FF9999", "#66B2FF")  # You can change colors as per your preference
    -# Create pie chart
    -pie(sizes, labels = labels, col = colors, main = "Pie Chart: 40% - 60% Distribution")
    - -

    7. CSS (in styles.css)

    h1 {
    -    color: #800020;
    +# Create data
    +labels <- c("40%", "60%")
    +sizes <- c(40, 60)
    +colors <- c("#FF9999", "#66B2FF")  # You can change colors as per your preference
    +# Create pie chart
    +pie(sizes, labels = labels, col = colors, main = "Pie Chart: 40% - 60% Distribution")
    # Create data
    +labels <- c("40%", "60%")
    +sizes <- c(40, 60)
    +colors <- c("#FF9999", "#66B2FF")  # You can change colors as per your preference
    +# Create pie chart
    +pie(sizes, labels = labels, col = colors, main = "Pie Chart: 40% - 60% Distribution")


    8. BibTeX

    -[vgl. @ryan_self-determination_2000,S.43]

    Ryan & Deci (2000)


    (vgl. Ryan & Deci, 2000, S. 43)


    7. CSS (in styles.css)

    h1 {
    +    color: #800020;

    8. BibTeX

    +[vgl. @ryan_self-determination_2000,S.43]

    Ryan & Deci (2000)


    (vgl. Ryan & Deci, 2000, S. 43)




    Dies bedarf jedoch gewisser Einstellungen in _quarto.yml!


    Dies bedarf jedoch gewisser Einstellungen in _quarto.yml!

    ::: {.callout-warning}
    -Dies bedarf jedoch gewisser Einstellungen in `_quarto.yml`!
    ::: {.callout-warning}
    +Dies bedarf jedoch gewisser Einstellungen in `_quarto.yml`!

    Extra: Slideshow

    -format: revealjs
    -title: "Über mich"
    -subtitle: "Untertitel"
    -author: "Richard Conrardy"

    Extra: Slideshow

    +format: revealjs
    +title: "Über mich"
    +subtitle: "Untertitel"
    +author: "Richard Conrardy"

    (wenig getestete Optionen: pdf, docx, pptx)


    -  html: default
    -  pdf: default
    -  docx: default
    -title: "Über mich"
    -subtitle: "Untertitel"
    -author: "Richard Conrardy"
    +  html: default
    +  pdf: default
    +  docx: default
    +title: "Über mich"
    +subtitle: "Untertitel"
    +author: "Richard Conrardy"

    Webseite anpassen in _quarto.yml

    -  type: website
    -  title: "test3"
    -  navbar:
    -    left:
    -      - href: index.qmd
    -        text: Home
    -      - about.qmd
    -  html:
    -    theme: cosmo
    -    css: styles.css
    -    toc: true




    1. -

      Learning Outcomes

    2. -
    3. -

      Webseite erstellen und publizieren

    4. -
    5. -

      Inhalte erstellen

    6. -
    7. -


    8. -

    Webseite anpassen in _quarto.yml

    +  type: website
    +  title: "test3"
    +  navbar:
    +    left:
    +      - href: index.qmd
    +        text: Home
    +      - about.qmd
    +  html:
    +    theme: cosmo
    +    css: styles.css
    +    toc: true







    Dieses Gesetz gilt für jedes Bearbeiten von Personendaten durch Behörden.


    Personendaten sind Angaben über eine bestimmte oder bestimmbare natürliche oder juristische Person.






    Der Arbeitnehmer ist für den Schaden verantwortlich, den er absichtlich oder fahrlässig dem Arbeitgeber zufügt.


    Veröffentlichte Werke dürfen zitiert werden, wenn das Zitat zur Erläuterung, als Hinweis oder zur Veranschaulichung dient und der Umfang des Zitats durch diesen Zweck gerechtfertigt ist.

    Art.25 Abs.1 URG

    @@ -758,29 +496,32 @@







    An der PHBern entscheiden gemäss Art. 8 Abs. 1 Bst. o des PH-Statuts (PHSt; abrufbar unter www.phbern.ch/rechtssammlung > Ziff. 1.0) grundsätzlich die Institutsleiterinnen und Institutsleiter über die Nutzung immaterieller Arbeitsergebnisse […]


    Angebotsentwicklung 2025


    Angebotsentwicklung 2025


    Vorgabe 24 – Technologien / Digitale Medien II: Sowohl in den Lernprozessen als auch bei Leistungsnachweisen gelten ausgehend von einem Grundverständnis des Konnektivismus als Teil des Lernkonzepts die Vorgaben Open Source und Open Internet.




    Ziel - Innovationspoolprojekt 24/25




    Ziel - Innovationspoolprojekt 24/25

    Anleitung für Studierende und Dozierende zum Erstellen, Publizieren und Verwalten einer statischen Webseite für den Unterricht


    Offene Fragen


    Offene Fragen

    • Potential für Studierende?
    • Potential für Dozierende?
    • @@ -789,11 +530,16 @@

      Offene Fragen

    • Welche Lizenz ist die richtige?


    + + -
    + +


    Pädagogische Hochschule Bern. (2017). ECKPFEILER FÜR DIE ANGEBOTS- ENTWICKLUNG 2025 Grundlagendokument. https://qmp.phbern.ch/File/CoreDownload?id=5150
    @@ -803,456 +549,477 @@


    Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68–78. https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.68
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + const findCites = (el) => { + const parentEl = el.parentElement; + if (parentEl) { + const cites = parentEl.dataset.cites; + if (cites) { + return { + el, + cites: cites.split(' ') + }; + } else { + return findCites(el.parentElement) + } + } else { + return undefined; + } + }; + var bibliorefs = window.document.querySelectorAll('a[role="doc-biblioref"]'); + for (var i=0; i +
    + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png b/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cfc5c7 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png differ diff --git a/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_20_PLP_Tagung.html b/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_20_PLP_Tagung.html index e0be9ab..d5c4586 100644 --- a/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_20_PLP_Tagung.html +++ b/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_20_PLP_Tagung.html @@ -1,771 +1,623 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wie gelingt Beziehungsgestaltung? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .callout:not(.no-icon).callout-titled.callout-style-simple .callout-content { - padding-left: 1.6em; - } - .callout.callout-titled .callout-header { - padding-top: 0.2em; - margin-bottom: -0.2em; - } + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - .callout.callout-titled .callout-title p { - margin-top: 0.5em; - margin-bottom: 0.5em; - } - - .callout.callout-titled.callout-style-simple .callout-content p { - margin-top: 0; - } - .callout.callout-titled.callout-style-default .callout-content p { - margin-top: 0.7em; - } - - .callout.callout-style-simple div.callout-title { - border-bottom: none; - font-size: .9rem; - font-weight: 600; - opacity: 75%; - } + - .callout.callout-style-default div.callout-title { - border-bottom: none; - font-weight: 600; - opacity: 85%; - font-size: 0.9rem; - padding-left: 0.5em; - padding-right: 0.5em; - } + + +
    + +
    + +
    + + + + +
    + +

    Wie gelingt Beziehungsgestaltung?



    - .callout.callout-style-default div.callout-content { - padding-left: 0.5em; - padding-right: 0.5em; - } - .callout.callout-style-simple .callout-icon::before { - height: 1rem; - width: 1rem; - display: inline-block; - content: ""; - background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-size: 1rem 1rem; - } +
    + + + +
    - .callout.callout-style-default .callout-icon::before { - height: 0.9rem; - width: 0.9rem; - display: inline-block; - content: ""; - background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-size: 0.9rem 0.9rem; - } +
    - .callout-title { - display: flex - } + +


    + - .callout-icon::before { - margin-top: 1rem; - padding-right: .5rem; - } - - .callout.no-icon::before { - display: none !important; - } - - .callout.callout-titled .callout-body > .callout-content > :last-child { - padding-bottom: 0.5rem; - margin-bottom: 0; - } - - .callout.callout-titled .callout-icon::before { - margin-top: .5rem; - padding-right: .5rem; - } - - .callout:not(.callout-titled) .callout-icon::before { - margin-top: 1rem; - padding-right: .5rem; - } - - /* Callout Types */ - - div.callout-note { - border-left-color: #4582ec !important; - } - - div.callout-note .callout-icon::before { - background-image: url(''); - } - - div.callout-note.callout-style-default .callout-title { - background-color: #dae6fb - } - - div.callout-important { - border-left-color: #d9534f !important; - } - - div.callout-important .callout-icon::before { - background-image: url(''); - } - - div.callout-important.callout-style-default .callout-title { - background-color: #f7dddc - } - - div.callout-warning { - border-left-color: #f0ad4e !important; - } - - div.callout-warning .callout-icon::before { - background-image: url(''); - } - - div.callout-warning.callout-style-default .callout-title { - background-color: #fcefdc - } +
    + - div.callout-tip { - border-left-color: #02b875 !important; - } - div.callout-tip .callout-icon::before { - background-image: url(''); - } +
    - div.callout-tip.callout-style-default .callout-title { - background-color: #ccf1e3 - } - div.callout-caution { - border-left-color: #fd7e14 !important; - } - div.callout-caution .callout-icon::before { - background-image: url(''); - } - div.callout-caution.callout-style-default .callout-title { - background-color: #ffe5d0 - } - - - - -
    - -

    Wie gelingt Beziehungsgestaltung?



    - - - -


    - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + } else { + return undefined; + } + }; + var bibliorefs = window.document.querySelectorAll('a[role="doc-biblioref"]'); + for (var i=0; i +
    + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html b/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html index a944539..b9c2900 100644 --- a/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html +++ b/docs/tagungsunterlagen/2024_05_02_KI_Mathematikunterricht.html @@ -1,429 +1,230 @@ - - + + + + + + + + + +KI im Mathematikunterricht + + + + + - + + + + + + + - - - - - - - KI im Mathematikunterricht - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    KI im Mathematikunterricht


    Think Tank Medien und Informatik

    -Philippe Sasdi + + +
    + +
    + +
    + + + + +
    + +

    KI im Mathematikunterricht


    Think Tank Medien und Informatik

    + + + + +
    + + +


    + + +
    + -



    Begriffseingrenzung und -abgrenzung



    1. -

      Begriffseingrenzung und -abgrenzung

    2. -
    3. -

      KI in der Beurteilung

    4. -
    5. -

      Problematische Erklärversuche von KI

    6. -
    7. -

      KI Applikationen

    8. -

    Machine Learning (ML)

    + + + + +

    Begriffseingrenzung und -abgrenzung


    Machine Learning (ML)



    flowchart TD
    @@ -484,142 +285,86 @@ 

    Machine Learning (ML)


    KI in der Beurteilung



    1. -

      Begriffseingrenzung und -abgrenzung

    2. -
    3. -

      KI in der Beurteilung

    4. -
    5. -

      Problematische Erklärversuche von KI

    6. -
    7. -

      KI Applikationen

    8. -

    Summative Beurteilung


    KI in der Beurteilung


    Summative Beurteilung

    1. Datenschutz & Nutzungsrechte
    2. Ethische Aspekte
    3. KI \(\neq\) KI
    4. KI \(\neq\) Taschenrechner

    participants were not able to detect AI-generated argumentative essays




    teachers may not be aware of their inability to identify AI-generated texts among student essays


    Formative Beurteilung


    Formative Beurteilung


    Bildungsnahe Eltern halfen ihren Kindern bei den Hausaufgaben. Kinder aus bildungsfernen Haushalten waren auf sich gestellt.


    (Wälti in Jones, 2022, S. 3)


    (Wälti in Jones, 2022, S. 3)


    Es soll ausdrücklich keine „ständige Beurteilungssituation“ entstehen


    KI und Kinder?


    KI und Kinder?


    Ja, wenn die Puppe gar nichts gesagt hätte, dann hätte Momo an ihrer Stelle antworten können, und es hätte sich die schönste Unterhaltung ergeben.

    Aber so verhinderte Bibigirl gerade dadurch, daß sie redete, jedes Gespräch.


    Momo von Ende (1973)


    Momo von Ende (1973)




    Ich glaub’, sagte sie leise, man kann sie nicht liebhaben.


    Momo von Ende (1973)


    Momo von Ende (1973)


    Problematische Erklärversuche von KI



    1. -

      Begriffseingrenzung und -abgrenzung

    2. -
    3. -

      KI in der Beurteilung

    4. -
    5. -

      Problematische Erklärversuche von KI

    6. -
    7. -

      KI Applikationen

    8. -

    KI Applikationen


    KI Applikationen



    1. -

      Begriffseingrenzung und -abgrenzung

    2. -
    3. -

      KI in der Beurteilung

    4. -
    5. -

      Problematische Erklärversuche von KI

    6. -
    7. -

      KI Applikationen

    8. -


    + +
    + +


    Ende, M. (1973). Momo oder die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gestohlene Zeit zurückbrachte: ein Märchen-Roman (Ungekürzte Taschenbuchausg). Piper.
    @@ -627,423 +372,482 @@


    Fleckenstein, J., Meyer, J., Jansen, T., Keller, S. D., Köller, O., & Möller, J. (2024). Do teachers spot AI? Evaluating the detectability of AI-generated texts among student essays. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6, 100209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeai.2024.100209
    -Jones, N. (2022). «Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine». Berner Zeitung. +Jones, N. (2022). Was wir einst einübten, macht heute die Maschine. Berner Zeitung, 3. https://www.bernerzeitung.ch/vieles-was-wir-frueher-einueben-mussten-macht-heute-die-maschine-706462600086
    Kuratle, R., & Balmer, T. (2021). Kompetenzorientierte Beurteilung an der Volksschule des Kantons Bern. Institut für Weiterbildung und Medienbildung.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + const findCites = (el) => { + const parentEl = el.parentElement; + if (parentEl) { + const cites = parentEl.dataset.cites; + if (cites) { + return { + el, + cites: cites.split(' ') + }; + } else { + return findCites(el.parentElement) + } + } else { + return undefined; + } + }; + var bibliorefs = window.document.querySelectorAll('a[role="doc-biblioref"]'); + for (var i=0; i +
    + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.qmd b/lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.qmd index e168a14..71d0f80 100644 --- a/lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.qmd +++ b/lerngelegenheiten/LG_digi-datenschutz/LM_datenschutz_01.qmd @@ -21,27 +21,32 @@ Die Studierenden ... - setzen good practices von Datensicherheit um. ::: -# Einstiegsfragen - -Notieren Sie sich ihre Antworten auf folgende Fragen: - -- Was bedeutet für Sie Datenschutz? -- Eine Person sagt "Datenschutz ist mir egal, Google hat ja eh schon all meine Daten." Was antworten Sie?. # Begriffsabgrenzung -Schauen Sie [Was schützt eigentlich der Datenschutz?](https://media.ccc.de/v/35c3-9733-was_schutzt_eigentlich_der_datenschutz) +Schauen Sie @rehak_was_2018. - Notieren Sie sich welche Teilbereiche von Datenschutz berührt werden. # Datenschutz als soziologischer Begriff -Haben Sie ihre Meinung +::: {#exr-line} +## Weshalb Daten schützen? + +Eine Schülerin sagt, dass ihr Datenschutz egal ist, denn die grossen Tech-Unternehmen haben eh seine Daten. Wie reagieren Sie? +::: + +::: {#exr-line} +## "Aber Datenschutz!" + +Gesetzliche Vertreter (Eltern) sagen Ihnen, dass etwas nicht erlaubt ist, auf Grund von *Datenschutz*. Wie reagieren Sie? +::: + # Datenschutzrecht -In der Schweiz regelt das [Datenschutzgesetz (DSG)](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2022/491/de), bzw. das [kantonale Datenschutzgesetzt (KDSG)](https://www.belex.sites.be.ch/app/de/texts_of_law/152.04) die rechtskonforme Bearbeitung von Daten. Das DSG gilt nur die Bearbeitung von gewissen Daten durch private Personen (inkl. Firmen) und durch Bundesorgane [Art. 2 Abs. 1 DSG](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2022/491/de). Das KDSG gilt für jede Bearbeitung gewisser Daten durch Behörden [vgl. Art. 4 Abs. 1 KDSG](https://www.belex.sites.be.ch/app/de/texts_of_law/152.04/versions/7). Die [Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO)](https://dsgvo-gesetz.de/) ist das europäische Pendant. +In der Schweiz regelt das [Datenschutzgesetz (DSG)](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2022/491/de), bzw. das [kantonale Datenschutzgesetzt (KDSG)](https://www.belex.sites.be.ch/app/de/texts_of_law/152.04) die rechtskonforme Bearbeitung von Daten. Das DSG gilt nur die Bearbeitung von gewissen Daten durch private Personen (inkl. Firmen) und durch Bundesorgane [Art. 2 Abs. 1 DSG](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2022/491/de). Das KDSG gilt für jede Bearbeitung gewisser Daten durch Behörden [vgl. Art. 4 Abs. 1 KDSG](https://www.belex.sites.be.ch/app/de/texts_of_law/152.04/versions/7). Die [Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO)](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679) ist das europäische Pendant. ::: {#exr-line} ## Geltungsbereich @@ -59,13 +64,24 @@ Welche Daten, welche unter das KDSG fallen, bearbeiten Lehrpersonen? Welche dieser Daten sind gemäss KDSG "besonders schützenswert"? Welche Unterschiede gibt es hier zwischen KDSG und DSG? Wie heissen diese Daten in der DSGVO und wie sind sie dort definiert? ::: + +::: {#exr-line} +## Bussen + +Welche Bussen kennt das KDSG, das DSG und die DSGVO? +::: + ### Unternehmensinterne Bestimmungen -Zusätzlich zu den gesetzlichen Vorgaben definieren Arbeitgeber weitere Kategorien von Daten. Diese dienen meist dem Schutz des Arbeitgebers, z.B. vor einem schlechten Ruf. Im Rahmen ihres Anstellungsvertrags erhalten Sie dazu weitere Informationen von ihrem Arbeitgeber. +Zusätzlich zu den gesetzlichen Vorgaben definieren Arbeitgeber weitere Kategorien von Daten. Diese dienen meist dem Schutz des Arbeitgebers, z.B. vor einem schlechten Ruf oder Industriespionage. Diese *berechtigten Interessen* haben Sie *in guten Treuen zu wahren* ([Art. 321a Abs. 1 OR](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/27/317_321_377/de#art_321_a)). Im Rahmen ihres Anstellungsvertrags erhalten Sie dazu weitere Informationen von ihrem Arbeitgeber. + +### Haftung + +"Der Arbeitnehmer ist für den Schaden verantwortlich, den er absichtlich oder fahrlässig dem Arbeitgeber zufügt." ([Art. 321e Abs. 1 OR](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/27/317_321_377/de#art_321_a)) # Datensicherheit -Datensicherheit (IT Security) hat drei übergeordnete Ziele [vgl. z.B. @wegener_informationssicherheit_2016 S.3]. +Datensicherheit (IT Security) hat drei übergeordnete Ziele [vgl. z.B. @wegener_informationssicherheits-management_2016 S.3]. * Integrität * Vertraulichkeit @@ -97,7 +113,7 @@ Zeigen Sie, dass es zwischen den drei Schutzzielen Zielkonflikte gibt. Es gibt nehben diesen drei Zielen noch andere, situativiere Ziele. Als Beispiel sei hier die Nichtabstreitbarkeit bei Verträgen genannt. Hier ist es wünschenswert, dass eine Partei nicht abstreiten kann, dass das Dokument von ihnen "digital unterschrieben" wurde. -Der Datenschutz wird von drei Säulen getragen [@wegener_informationssicherheit_2016 S.5] +Der Datenschutz wird von drei Säulen getragen [@wegener_informationssicherheits-management_2016 S.5] * Personen * Prozesse diff --git a/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png b/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png deleted file mode 100644 index ff6da6d..0000000 Binary files a/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-revealjs/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png b/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-revealjs/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abdd666 Binary files /dev/null and b/tagungsunterlagen/2024_03_18_Treffpunkt_Hochschuldidaktik_files/figure-revealjs/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png differ