- Follow the steps to Install Beaglebone Black Wireless from Source with your preferred runtime option
- Run image prep script
bash $PROJECT_ROOT/scripts/install/prepare_image.sh
- Power off the beaglebone then remove the sd card and insert it into your laptop
- Copy the contents from the sd card (For Ubuntu 16.04)
sudo fdisk -l # look for /dev/mmcblk0, ignore partitions /dev/mmcblk0p0 or /dev/mmcblk0p1
sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=openag-device-software-beaglebone-black-<runtime-mode>-<vX.X.X>.img
- Shrink the image to 4GB by following the Software Bakery Instructions
- Compress (e.g. zip) and upload the image to the Google Drive Directory