diff --git a/openadapt/deprecated/app/cards.py b/openadapt/deprecated/app/cards.py
index 8a276eb44..18f11e69a 100644
--- a/openadapt/deprecated/app/cards.py
+++ b/openadapt/deprecated/app/cards.py
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
import multiprocessing
import time
-from nicegui import ui
-from openadapt.deprecated.app.objects.local_file_picker import LocalFilePicker
-from openadapt.deprecated.app.util import get_scrub, set_dark, set_scrub, sync_switch
from openadapt.record import record
from openadapt.utils import WrapStdout
@@ -67,55 +63,6 @@ def start(self, func: callable, args: tuple, kwargs: dict) -> None:
record_proc = RecordProc()
-def settings(dark_mode: bool) -> None:
- """Display the settings dialog.
- Args:
- dark_mode (bool): Current dark mode setting.
- """
- with ui.dialog() as settings, ui.card():
- dark_switch = ui.switch(
- "Dark mode", on_change=lambda: set_dark(dark_mode, dark_switch.value)
- )
- sync_switch(dark_switch, dark_mode)
- scrub_switch = ui.switch(
- "Scrubbing", on_change=lambda: set_scrub(scrub_switch.value)
- )
- sync_switch(scrub_switch, get_scrub())
- ui.button("Close", on_click=lambda: settings.close())
- settings.open()
-def select_import(f: callable) -> None:
- """Display the import file selection dialog.
- Args:
- f (callable): Function to call when import button is clicked.
- """
- async def pick_file() -> None:
- result = await LocalFilePicker(".")
- ui.notify(f"Selected {result[0]}" if result else "No file selected.")
- selected_file.text = result[0] if result else ""
- import_button.enabled = True if result else False
- with ui.dialog() as import_dialog, ui.card():
- with ui.column():
- ui.button("Select File", on_click=pick_file).props("icon=folder")
- selected_file = ui.label("")
- selected_file.visible = False
- import_button = ui.button(
- "Import",
- on_click=lambda: f(selected_file.text, delete.value),
- )
- import_button.enabled = False
- delete = ui.checkbox("Delete file after import")
- import_dialog.open()
def stop_record() -> None:
"""Stop the current recording session."""
global record_proc
@@ -152,60 +99,3 @@ def quick_record(
"log_memory": False,
-def recording_prompt(options: list[str], record_button: ui.button) -> None:
- """Display the recording prompt dialog.
- Args:
- options (list): List of autocomplete options.
- record_button (nicegui.widgets.Button): Record button widget.
- """
- if not record_proc.is_running():
- with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card():
- ui.label("Enter a name for the recording: ")
- ui.input(
- label="Name",
- placeholder="test",
- autocomplete=options,
- on_change=lambda e: result.set_text(e),
- )
- result = ui.label()
- with ui.row():
- ui.button("Close", on_click=dialog.close)
- ui.button("Enter", on_click=lambda: on_record())
- dialog.open()
- def terminate() -> None:
- global record_proc
- record_proc.set_terminate_processing()
- # wait for process to terminate
- record_proc.wait()
- ui.notify("Stopped recording")
- record_button._props["name"] = "radio_button_checked"
- record_button.on("click", lambda: recording_prompt(options, record_button))
- record_proc.reset()
- def begin() -> None:
- name = result.text.__getattribute__("value")
- ui.notify(
- f"Recording {name}... Press CTRL + C in terminal window to cancel",
- )
- global record_proc
- record_proc.start(
- record,
- (name, record_proc.terminate_processing, record_proc.terminate_recording),
- )
- record_button._props["name"] = "stop"
- record_button.on("click", lambda: terminate())
- record_button.update()
- def on_record() -> None:
- global record_proc
- dialog.close()
- begin()
diff --git a/openadapt/deprecated/app/main.py b/openadapt/deprecated/app/main.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 38388ca9a..000000000
--- a/openadapt/deprecated/app/main.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-"""openadapt.deprecated.app.main module.
-This module provides the main entry point for running the OpenAdapt application.
-Example usage:
- from openadapt.deprecated.app import run_app
- run_app()
-from functools import partial
-from subprocess import Popen
-import base64
-import os
-import pathlib
-from nicegui import app, ui
-from openadapt import replay
-from openadapt.config import config
-from openadapt.deprecated.app.cards import recording_prompt, select_import, settings
-from openadapt.deprecated.app.objects.console import Console
-from openadapt.deprecated.app.util import clear_db, on_export, on_import
-SERVER = ""
-FPATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
-# Recording description autocomplete
-OPTIONS = ["test"]
-app.native.start_args["debug"] = False
-dark = ui.dark_mode()
-dark.value = config.APP_DARK_MODE
-logger = None
-def start(fullscreen: bool = False) -> None:
- """Start the OpenAdapt application."""
- with ui.row().classes("w-full justify-right"):
- with ui.avatar(color="white" if dark else "black", size=128):
- logo_base64 = base64.b64encode(
- open(os.path.join(FPATH, "assets/logo.png"), "rb").read()
- )
- img = bytes(
- f"data:image/png;base64,{(logo_base64.decode('utf-8'))}",
- encoding="utf-8",
- )
- ui.image(img.decode("utf-8"))
- ui.icon("settings").tooltip("Settings").on("click", lambda: settings(dark))
- ui.icon("delete").on("click", lambda: clear_db(log=logger)).tooltip(
- "Clear all recorded data"
- )
- ui.icon("upload").tooltip("Export Data").on("click", lambda: on_export(SERVER))
- ui.icon("download").tooltip("Import Data").on(
- "click", lambda: select_import(on_import)
- )
- ui.icon("share").tooltip("Share").on(
- "click", lambda: (_ for _ in ()).throw(Exception(NotImplementedError))
- )
- with ui.splitter(value=20) as splitter:
- splitter.classes("w-full h-full")
- with splitter.before:
- with ui.column().classes("w-full h-full"):
- record_button = (
- ui.icon("radio_button_checked", size="64px")
- .on(
- "click",
- lambda: recording_prompt(OPTIONS, record_button),
- )
- .tooltip("Record a new replay / Stop recording")
- )
- ui.icon("visibility", size="64px").on(
- "click", partial(Popen, ["python", "-m", "openadapt.visualize"])
- ).tooltip("Visualize the latest replay")
- ui.icon("play_arrow", size="64px").on(
- "click",
- lambda: replay.replay("NaiveReplayStrategy"),
- ).tooltip("Play the latest replay")
- with splitter.after:
- logger = Console()
- logger.log.style("height: 250px;, width: 300px;")
- splitter.enabled = False
- ui.run(
- title="OpenAdapt Client",
- native=True,
- window_size=(400, 400),
- fullscreen=fullscreen,
- reload=False,
- show=False,
- )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- start()
diff --git a/openadapt/deprecated/app/objects/console.py b/openadapt/deprecated/app/objects/console.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f01293a95..000000000
--- a/openadapt/deprecated/app/objects/console.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-"""openadapt.deprecated.app.objects.console module.
-This module provides the Console class for redirecting stderr to a NiceGUI log.
-Example usage:
- logger = Console()
- logger.write("Error message")
-import sys
-from nicegui import ui
-class Console(object):
- """Console class for redirecting stderr to a NiceGUI log."""
- def __init__(self) -> None:
- """Initialize the Console object."""
- self.log = ui.log().classes("w-full h-20")
- self.old_stderr = sys.stderr
- self.buffer = ""
- def write(self, data: str) -> None:
- """Write data to the log.
- Args:
- data (str): Data to be written.
- """
- self.log.push(data[:-1])
- self.log.update()
- self.old_stderr.write(data)
- def flush(self) -> None:
- """Flush the log."""
- self.log.update()
- self.old_stderr.flush()
- def reset(self) -> None:
- """Reset the log and restore stderr."""
- self.log.clear()
- sys.stderr = self.old_stderr
diff --git a/openadapt/deprecated/app/objects/local_file_picker.py b/openadapt/deprecated/app/objects/local_file_picker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 512ef3c5b..000000000
--- a/openadapt/deprecated/app/objects/local_file_picker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-"""openadapt.deprecated.app.objects.local_file_picker module.
-This module provides the LocalFilePicker class for selecting
- a file from the local filesystem.
-# retrieved from
-Example usage:
- from openadapt.deprecated.app.objects.local_file_picker import LocalFilePicker
- async def pick_file():
- result = await LocalFilePicker("~", multiple=True)
- ui.notify(f"You chose {result}")
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, Optional
-from nicegui import ui
-class LocalFilePicker(ui.dialog):
- """LocalFilePicker class for selecting a file from the local filesystem."""
- def __init__(
- self,
- directory: str,
- *,
- upper_limit: Optional[str] = ...,
- multiple: bool = False,
- show_hidden_files: bool = False,
- dark_mode: bool = False,
- ) -> None:
- """Initialize the LocalFilePicker object.
- Args:
- directory (str): The directory to start in.
- upper_limit (Optional[str]): The directory to stop at
- (None: no limit, default: same as the starting directory).
- multiple (bool): Whether to allow multiple files to be selected.
- show_hidden_files (bool): Whether to show hidden files.
- dark_mode (bool): Whether to use dark mode for the file picker.
- """
- super().__init__()
- self.path = Path(directory).expanduser()
- if upper_limit is None:
- self.upper_limit = None
- else:
- self.upper_limit = Path(
- directory if upper_limit == ... else upper_limit
- ).expanduser()
- self.show_hidden_files = show_hidden_files
- with self, ui.card():
- self.grid = (
- ui.aggrid(
- {
- "columnDefs": [{"field": "name", "headerName": "File"}],
- "rowSelection": "multiple" if multiple else "single",
- },
- html_columns=[0],
- )
- .classes("w-96")
- .on("cellDoubleClicked", self.handle_double_click)
- )
- with ui.row().classes("w-full justify-end"):
- ui.button("Cancel", on_click=self.close).props("outline")
- ui.button("Ok", on_click=self._handle_ok)
- self.update_grid()
- def update_grid(self) -> None:
- """Update the grid with file data."""
- paths = list(self.path.glob("*"))
- if not self.show_hidden_files:
- paths = [p for p in paths if not p.name.startswith(".")]
- paths.sort(key=lambda p: p.name.lower())
- paths.sort(key=lambda p: not p.is_dir())
- self.grid.options["rowData"] = [
- {
- "name": f"📁 {p.name}" if p.is_dir() else p.name,
- "path": str(p),
- }
- for p in paths
- ]
- if (
- self.upper_limit is None
- and self.path != self.path.parent
- or self.upper_limit is not None
- and self.path != self.upper_limit
- ):
- self.grid.options["rowData"].insert(
- 0,
- {
- "name": "📁 ..",
- "path": str(self.path.parent),
- },
- )
- self.grid.update()
- async def handle_double_click(self, msg: Dict) -> None:
- """Handle the double-click event on a cell in the grid.
- Args:
- msg (Dict): Message containing the event data.
- """
- self.path = Path(msg["args"]["data"]["path"])
- if self.path.is_dir():
- self.update_grid()
- else:
- self.submit([str(self.path)])
- async def _handle_ok(self) -> None:
- """Handle the Ok button click event."""
- rows = await ui.run_javascript(
- f"getElement({self.grid.id}).gridOptions.api.getSelectedRows()"
- )
- self.submit([r["path"] for r in rows])
-async def pick_file() -> None:
- """Async function for picking a file using LocalFilePicker."""
- result = await LocalFilePicker("~", multiple=True)
- ui.notify(f"You chose {result}")
-if __name__ in {"__main__", "__mp_main__"}:
- ui.button("Choose file", on_click=pick_file).props("icon=folder")
- ui.run(native=True)
diff --git a/openadapt/deprecated/app/util.py b/openadapt/deprecated/app/util.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f73c18974..000000000
--- a/openadapt/deprecated/app/util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-"""openadapt.deprecated.app.util module.
-This module provides utility functions for the OpenAdapt application.
-Example usage:
- from openadapt.deprecated.app.util import clear_db, on_import, on_export, sync_switch, set_dark
- clear_db()
- on_import(selected_file, delete=False, src="openadapt.db")
- on_export(dest)
- sync_switch(switch, prop)
- set_dark(dark_mode, value)
-from shutil import copyfileobj
-import bz2
-import os
-import sys
-from nicegui import elements, ui
-from openadapt.config import config
-from openadapt.deprecated.app.objects import console
-from openadapt.scripts.reset_db import reset_db
-def clear_db(log: console.Console) -> None:
- """Clear the database.
- Args:
- log: Optional NiceGUI log object.
- """
- if log:
- log.log.clear()
- o = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = sys.stderr
- reset_db()
- ui.notify("Cleared database.")
- sys.stdout = o
-def on_import(
- selected_file: str,
- delete: bool = False,
- src: str = "openadapt.db",
-) -> None:
- """Import data from a selected file.
- Args:
- selected_file (str): The path of the selected file.
- delete (bool): Whether to delete the selected file after import.
- src (str): The source file name to save the imported data.
- """
- with open(src, "wb") as f:
- with bz2.BZ2File(selected_file, "rb") as f2:
- copyfileobj(f2, f)
- if delete:
- os.remove(selected_file)
- ui.notify("Imported data.")
-def on_export(dest: str) -> None:
- """Export data to a destination.
- Args:
- dest (str): The destination to export the data to.
- """
- # TODO: add ui card for configuration
- ui.notify("Exporting data...")
- # compress db with bz2
- with open("openadapt.db", "rb") as f:
- with bz2.BZ2File("openadapt.db.bz2", "wb", compresslevel=9) as f2:
- copyfileobj(f, f2)
- # TODO: magic wormhole
- # # upload to server with requests, and keep file name
- # files = {
- # "files": open("openadapt.db.bz2", "rb"),
- # }
- # #requests.post(dest, files=files)
- # delete compressed db
- os.remove("openadapt.db.bz2")
- ui.notify("Exported data.")
-def sync_switch(
- switch: elements.switch.Switch, prop: elements.mixins.value_element.ValueElement
-) -> None:
- """Synchronize the value of a switch with a property.
- Args:
- switch: The switch object.
- prop: The property object.
- """
- switch.value = prop.value if hasattr(prop, "value") else prop
-def set_scrub(value: bool) -> None:
- """Set the scrubbing value.
- Args:
- value: The value to set.
- """
- if config.SCRUB_ENABLED != value:
- config.SCRUB_ENABLED = value
- ui.notify("Scrubbing enabled." if value else "Scrubbing disabled.")
- ui.notify("You may need to restart the app for this to take effect.")
-def get_scrub() -> bool:
- """Get the scrubbing value.
- Returns:
- bool: The scrubbing value.
- """
- return config.SCRUB_ENABLED
-def set_dark(dark_mode: ui.dark_mode, value: bool) -> None:
- """Set the dark mode.
- Args:
- dark_mode: The dark mode object.
- value: The value to set.
- """
- if dark_mode.value != value:
- dark_mode.value = value
- config.APP_DARK_MODE = value
diff --git a/openadapt/deprecated/app/visualize.py b/openadapt/deprecated/app/visualize.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 44f86b42c..000000000
--- a/openadapt/deprecated/app/visualize.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-"""Implements visualization utilities for OpenAdapt."""
-from base64 import b64encode
-from functools import partial
-from os import path, sep
-from pprint import pformat
-from nicegui import events, ui
-from openadapt.build_utils import redirect_stdout_stderr
-from openadapt.custom_logger import logger
-with redirect_stdout_stderr():
- from tqdm import tqdm
-import click
-from openadapt.config import config
-from openadapt.db import crud
-from openadapt.events import get_events
-from openadapt.plotting import display_event, plot_performance
-from openadapt.utils import EMPTY, configure_logging, image2utf8, row2dict, rows2dicts
-if SCRUB:
- # too many warnings from scrubbing
- __import__("warnings").filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
- from openadapt.privacy.providers.presidio import PresidioScrubbingProvider
- scrub = PresidioScrubbingProvider()
-performance_plot_img: ui.interactive_image = None
-def create_tree(
- tree_dict: dict, max_children: str = config.VISUALIZE_MAX_TABLE_CHILDREN
-) -> list[dict]:
- """Recursively creates a tree from a dictionary.
- Args:
- tree_dict (dict): The dictionary to create a tree from.
- max_children (str, optional): The maximum number of children to display.
- Returns:
- list[dict]: Data for a Quasar Tree.
- """
- tree_data = []
- for key, value in tree_dict.items():
- if value in EMPTY:
- continue
- node = {
- "id": (
- str(key)
- + f"{(': ' + str(value)) if not isinstance(value, (dict, list)) else ''}" # noqa
- )
- }
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- node["children"] = create_tree(value)
- elif isinstance(value, list):
- if max_children is not None and len(value) > max_children:
- node["children"] = create_tree(
- {i: v for i, v in enumerate(value[:max_children])}
- )
- node["children"].append({"id": "..."})
- else:
- node["children"] = create_tree({i: v for i, v in enumerate(value)})
- tree_data.append(node)
- return tree_data
-def set_tree_props(tree: ui.tree) -> None:
- """Sets properties for a UI tree based on values from config.
- Args:
- tree (ui.tree): A Quasar Tree.
- """
- tree._props["dense"] = config.VISUALIZE_DENSE_TREES
- tree._props["no-transition"] = not config.VISUALIZE_ANIMATIONS
- tree._props["default-expand-all"] = config.VISUALIZE_EXPAND_ALL
- tree._props["filter"] = ""
-def set_filter(
- text: str,
- tree: ui.tree,
-) -> None:
- """Sets filter for UI trees.
- Args:
- tree (ui.tree): A Quasar Tree.
- text (str): The text to filter by.
- """
- tree._props["filter"] = text
- tree.update()
-def toggle_dark_mode(
- ui_dark: ui.dark_mode, plots: tuple[str], curr_logo: ui.image, images: tuple[str]
-) -> None:
- """Handles dark mode toggle.
- Args:
- ui_dark (ui.dark_mode): The dark mode switch.
- plots (tuple[str]): The performance plots.
- curr_logo (ui.image): The current logo.
- images (tuple[str]): The light and dark mode logos (decoded)
- """
- global performance_plot_img
- ui_dark.toggle()
- ui_dark.update()
- config.VISUALIZE_DARK_MODE = ui_dark.value
- curr_logo.source = images[int(ui_dark.value)]
- curr_logo.update()
- performance_plot_img.source = plots[int(ui_dark.value)]
- performance_plot_img.update()
- "--timestamp",
- type=str,
- help="The timestamp of the recording to visualize.",
-def main(timestamp: str) -> None:
- """Visualize a recording."""
- configure_logging(logger, LOG_LEVEL)
- ui_dark = ui.dark_mode(config.VISUALIZE_DARK_MODE)
- session = crud.get_new_session(read_only=True)
- if timestamp is None:
- recording = crud.get_latest_recording(session)
- else:
- recording = crud.get_recording(session, timestamp)
- if SCRUB:
- scrub.scrub_text(recording.task_description)
- logger.debug(f"{recording=}")
- meta = {}
- action_events = get_events(session, recording, process=PROCESS_EVENTS, meta=meta)
- event_dicts = rows2dicts(action_events)
- if SCRUB:
- event_dicts = scrub.scrub_list_dicts(event_dicts)
- logger.info(f"event_dicts=\n{pformat(event_dicts)}")
- recording_dict = row2dict(recording)
- if SCRUB:
- recording_dict = scrub.scrub_dict(recording_dict)
- # setup tables for recording / metadata
- recording_column = [
- (
- {
- "name": key,
- "field": key,
- "label": key,
- "sortable": False,
- "required": False,
- "align": "left",
- }
- )
- for key in recording_dict.keys()
- ]
- meta_col = [
- {
- "name": key,
- "field": key,
- "label": key,
- "sortable": False,
- "required": False,
- "align": "left",
- }
- for key in meta.keys()
- ]
- plots = (
- plot_performance(recording, save_file=False, view_file=False),
- plot_performance(recording, save_file=False, view_file=False, dark_mode=True),
- )
- with ui.row():
- with ui.avatar(color="auto", size=128):
- images = ()
- # generate base64 encoded images for light and dark mode
- for i in range(2):
- fp = f"{path.dirname(__file__)}{sep}assets{sep}logo"
- logo_base64 = b64encode(
- open(
- f"{fp}{'_inverted' if i > 0 else ''}.png",
- "rb",
- ).read()
- )
- images += (
- bytes(
- f"data:image/png;base64,{(logo_base64.decode('utf-8'))}",
- encoding="utf-8",
- ).decode("utf-8"),
- )
- curr_logo = ui.image(images[int(ui_dark.value)])
- ui.switch(
- text="Dark Mode",
- value=ui_dark.value,
- on_change=partial(toggle_dark_mode, ui_dark, plots, curr_logo, images),
- )
- # create splitter with recording info on left and performance plot on right
- with ui.splitter(value=20).style("flex-wrap: nowrap;") as splitter:
- splitter._props["limits"] = [20, 80]
- # TODO: find a way to set "overflow: hidden;" for the splitter
- with splitter.before:
- ui.table(rows=[meta], columns=meta_col).style("min-width: 50em;")._props[
- "grid"
- ] = True
- with splitter.after:
- global performance_plot_img
- performance_plot_img = ui.interactive_image(
- source=plots[int(ui_dark.value)]
- )
- with performance_plot_img:
- # ui.button(
- # on_click=lambda: plot_performance(
- # recording.timestamp, view_file=True, save_file=False
- # ),
- # icon="visibility",
- # ).props("flat fab").tooltip("View")
- ui.button(
- on_click=lambda: plot_performance(
- recording,
- save_file=True,
- view_file=False,
- dark_mode=ui_dark.value,
- ),
- icon="save",
- ).props("flat fab").tooltip("Save as PNG")
- ui.table(rows=[recording_dict], columns=recording_column)
- interactive_images = []
- action_event_trees = []
- window_event_trees = []
- text_inputs = []
- logger.info(f"{len(action_events)=}")
- num_events = (
- min(MAX_EVENTS, len(action_events))
- if MAX_EVENTS is not None
- else len(action_events)
- )
- # global search
- def on_change_closure(e: events.ValueChangeEventArguments) -> None:
- for tree in range(len(action_event_trees)):
- set_filter(
- e.value,
- action_event_trees[tree],
- )
- set_filter(
- e.value,
- window_event_trees[tree],
- )
- text_inputs.append(
- ui.input(
- label="search all",
- placeholder="filter all",
- on_change=partial(on_change_closure),
- ).tooltip(
- "this will search all trees, but can be overridden by individual filters"
- )
- )
- with redirect_stdout_stderr():
- with tqdm(
- total=num_events,
- desc="Generating Visualization" if not SCRUB else "Scrubbing Visualization",
- unit="event",
- colour="green",
- dynamic_ncols=True,
- ) as progress:
- for idx, action_event in enumerate(action_events):
- if idx == MAX_EVENTS:
- break
- image = display_event(action_event)
- # diff = display_event(action_event, diff=True)
- # mask = action_event.screenshot.diff_mask
- if SCRUB:
- image = scrub.scrub_image(image)
- # diff = scrub.scrub_image(diff)
- # mask = scrub.scrub_image(mask)
- image_utf8 = image2utf8(image)
- # diff_utf8 = image2utf8(diff)
- # mask_utf8 = image2utf8(mask)
- width, height = image.size
- action_event_dict = row2dict(action_event)
- window_event_dict = row2dict(action_event.window_event)
- if SCRUB:
- action_event_dict = scrub.scrub_dict(action_event_dict)
- window_event_dict = scrub.scrub_dict(window_event_dict)
- with ui.column():
- with ui.row():
- interactive_images.append(
- ui.interactive_image(
- source=image_utf8,
- ).classes("drop-shadow-md rounded")
- )
- with ui.splitter(value=60) as splitter:
- splitter.classes("w-full h-full")
- with splitter.after:
- ui.label("action_event_dict").style("font-weight: bold;")
- def on_change_closure(
- e: events.ValueChangeEventArguments, idx: int
- ) -> None:
- return set_filter(
- e.value,
- action_event_trees[idx],
- )
- text_inputs.append(
- ui.input(
- label="search",
- placeholder="filter",
- on_change=partial(
- on_change_closure,
- idx=idx,
- ),
- )
- )
- ui.html("
- action_event_tree = create_tree(action_event_dict)
- action_event_trees.append(
- ui.tree(
- action_event_tree,
- label_key="id",
- # on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value),
- )
- )
- set_tree_props(action_event_trees[idx])
- with splitter.before:
- ui.label("window_event_dict").style("font-weight: bold;")
- def on_change_closure(
- e: events.ValueChangeEventArguments, idx: int
- ) -> None:
- return set_filter(
- e.value,
- window_event_trees[idx],
- )
- text_inputs.append(
- ui.input(
- label="search",
- placeholder="filter",
- on_change=partial(
- on_change_closure,
- idx=idx,
- ),
- )
- )
- ui.html("
- window_event_tree = create_tree(window_event_dict, None)
- window_event_trees.append(
- ui.tree(
- window_event_tree,
- label_key="id",
- # on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value),
- )
- )
- set_tree_props(window_event_trees[idx])
- progress.update()
- progress.close()
- ui.run(
- reload=False,
- title=f"OpenAdapt: recording-{recording.id}",
- favicon="📊",
- fullscreen=config.VISUALIZE_RUN_NATIVELY,
- )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/openadapt/start.py b/openadapt/start.py
index 0b323653d..af22ef99d 100644
--- a/openadapt/start.py
+++ b/openadapt/start.py
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
import subprocess
from openadapt.custom_logger import logger
-from openadapt.deprecated.app.main import run_app
def main() -> None:
@@ -24,8 +23,6 @@ def main() -> None:
subprocess.run(["git", "pull", "-q"])
logger.info("Updated the OpenAdapt App")
- run_app() # start gui
if __name__ == "__main__":