- This app forecasts atmospheric CO2 by comparing 3 types of forecasting models, and has been built using Python and VIKTOR.
- The 'actual values' data comes from the Mauna Loa CO2 dataset (a research facility that monitors the atmosphere). The data untill 2017 has been used as input data for the forecasts from 2017 onwards.
- It is based on the following article: https://towardsdatascience.com/forecasting-atmospheric-co2-concentration-with-python-c4a99e4cf142
- Install the VIKTOR cli - create a free account via https://www.viktor.ai/start-building-apps. Also see https://docs.viktor.ai/docs/getting-started/installation/
- Clone the container-app repo
- In your system terminal or IDE terminal;
- Navigate to the container-app (click on the folder or "cd emission-app")
- Execute the install command, to install the app and its dependencies: "viktor-cli install"
- After installation, start the app: "viktor-cli start"
- Open the app in your browser by visiting (Ctrl+click) the URL shown in the command-line shell: cloud.viktor.ai