«Metalbot VII» is a windows console program for metalheads. It helps to search informations about bands, genres, subgenres, it recomends some random bands etc. Created by Neoclassic VII This program is for Metalheads only.
For any questions and/or ideas, please contact him оn Telegram: @MetalheadDumbledore
Good luck by using and modifying!
(C) Neoclassic VII
The libraries you need:
- requests
- webbrowser
- wikipedia
- bs4
- youtube_dl
- lyricsgenius
- pyfiglet
- difflib
- colorama
- youtubesearchpython
You also need to install FFmpeg. Here is a tutorial for that: https://windowsloop.com/install-ffmpeg-windows-10/
Requirements.txt added! Now you can just run the command "pip install -r requirements.txt" and install all modules and libraries! Then you will have to download FFmpeg (see tutorial above) and that's it!
I am planning to convert the whole program to .exe so that you don't have to install anything but the program itself.
If you need some help with libraries or if you have problems - contact me!
- Telegram: @MetalheadDumbledore
- Instagram: boka.musayelyan
- Email: neoclassicvii@gmail.com
- Type the name of the genre (Information about genres/subgenres) fully and correctly!
- Type the band name and the song name (Lyrics Founder) fully and correctly!
- If you have any other problems - contact me!
- [requirements.txt] added!
- New algorithm to search genres! Almost all metal genres added!
- Updated Modules
- Fixed Bugs/Errors
Enjoy the music! (especially metal music!)
By Neoclassic VII