This package is no longer maintained, the functionalities can be found in spatialtis_core
A python implementation of neighborhood analysis to profile cell-cell interaction using permutation test.
The parallelism has been implemented, so no need to do multi-processing yourself.
Prebuild wheels for: Windwos, MacOS and Linux in 64bit, on Python version 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
Requirements: Python >= 3.6
Normally, there should be a compatible wheel for your system. Just run:
pip install neighborhood_analysis
If not, it will try to compile from a source, you need to install dependencies.
# for windows
choco install rustup.install
# for Unix
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
pip install maturin
pip install neighborhood_analysis
Assume you have all the above dependencies, clone the repo, and then run:
pip install .
import numpy as np
from neighborhood_analysis import CellCombs, get_point_neighbors, comb_bootstrap
# Get 10000 points, represent cell location
points = np.random.randint(0, 1000, (10000, 2))
# Assign each cell with a type
types_pool = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i']
types = np.random.choice(types_pool, 10000)
# Find cell neighbors at radius set at 10
# The points must be a list of tuple, otherwise it will raise TypeError
points = [(x, y) for (x, y) in points]
neighbors = get_point_neighbors(points, 10.0)
cc = CellCombs(types)
result = cc.bootstrap(types, neighbors)
# On my dual-core mac, this step takes 6~7 seconds.
X = [bool(i) for i in np.random.choice([True, False], 10000)]
Y = [bool(i) for i in np.random.choice([True, False], 10000)]
# The types must be a list of bool
z_score = comb_bootstrap(X, Y, neighbors, ignore_self=True)
Neighborhood analysis
class CellCombs:
def __init__(self, types, order=False):
Constructor function
types: List[str]; All the type of cells in your research
order: bool (False); If False, A->B and A<-B is the same.
def bootstrap(self, types, neighbors, times=500, pval=0.05, method="pval", ignore_self=False):
Bootstrap functions
If method is 'pval', 1.0 means association, -1.0 means avoidance, 0.0 means insignificance.
If method is 'zscore', results is the exact z-score value.
types: List[str]; The type of all the cells
neighbors: List[List[int]]; eg. {1:[4,5], 2:[6,7]}, cell at index 1 has neighbor cells from index 4 and 5
times: int (500); How many times to perform bootstrap
pval: float (0.05); The threshold of p-value
method: str ('pval'); 'pval' or 'zscore'
ignore_self: bool (False); Whether to consider self as a neighbor
List of tuples, eg.(('a', 'b'), 1.0), the type a and type b has a relationship as association
Neighbors search utility functions
def get_bbox(points_collections):
A utility function to return minimum bounding box list of polygons
points_collections: List[List[(float, float)]]; List of 2d points collections
A list of bounding box
def get_point_neighbors(points, r):
A utility function to search for point neighbors using kd-tree
points: List[tuple(float, float)]; Two dimension points
r: float; The search radius
A list of neighbors' index, return as the order of the input
def get_bbox_neighbors(bbox_list, expand=1.0, scale=1.0):
A utility function to search for bbox neighbors using r-tree
bbox_list: List[tuple(float, float, float, float)]; The minimum bounding box of any polygon
(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
expand: float; The expand unit
scale: float; The scale fold number
A list of neighbors' index, return as the order of the input