Code and data sources utilized in Morales-Castilla et al. (2020) to forecast phenology and climatic suitability for winegrape cultivars over the 1950-2100 period.
The modelling workflow is as follows:
- Parameterization of phenological models (done externally through PMP V5.0; Chuine et al. 2013 Plant development models. in Phenology: an integrative environmental science. Springer, pp. 275-293).
- Climate data extraction, bias-correction and storing.
- Phenological forecasting (makes predictions of dates of budbreak, flowering and veraison, for a given year and variety).
- Determination of the climatic envelope for maturation during a baseline period (1950-1980).
- Forecasting of the climatic envelope for the maturation process, for a given variety and year.