diff --git a/sub/base64.txt b/sub/base64.txt index cd1427fef0..6a1681aa57 100644 --- a/sub/base64.txt +++ b/sub/base64.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -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 \ No newline at end of file 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 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sub/merged_proxies_new.yaml b/sub/merged_proxies_new.yaml index dcbad56536..4755c1ca31 100644 --- a/sub/merged_proxies_new.yaml +++ b/sub/merged_proxies_new.yaml @@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_02 type: vmess server: @@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: Canada_Ottawa_vmess_03 type: vmess server: @@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_04 type: vmess server: @@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_05 type: vmess server: @@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_06 type: vmess server: @@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_07 type: vmess server: @@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_08 type: vmess server: @@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_09 type: vmess server: @@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_010 type: vmess server: @@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_011 type: vmess server: @@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_012 type: vmess server: @@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_013 type: vmess server: @@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_014 type: vmess server: @@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_015 type: vmess server: @@ -245,11 +245,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_016 type: vmess server: @@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_017 type: vmess server: @@ -275,11 +275,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_018 type: vmess server: @@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_019 type: vmess server: @@ -305,11 +305,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_020 type: vmess server: @@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_021 type: vmess server: @@ -335,11 +335,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_022 type: vmess server: @@ -350,11 +350,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_023 type: vmess server: @@ -365,11 +365,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_024 type: vmess server: @@ -380,11 +380,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_025 type: vmess server: @@ -395,11 +395,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_026 type: vmess server: @@ -410,11 +410,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_027 type: vmess server: @@ -425,11 +425,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_028 type: vmess server: @@ -440,11 +440,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_029 type: vmess server: @@ -455,11 +455,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_030 type: vmess server: @@ -470,11 +470,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_031 type: vmess server: @@ -485,11 +485,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_032 type: vmess server: @@ -500,11 +500,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_033 type: vmess server: @@ -515,11 +515,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_034 type: vmess server: @@ -530,11 +530,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_035 type: vmess server: @@ -545,11 +545,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_036 type: vmess server: @@ -560,11 +560,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_037 type: vmess server: @@ -575,11 +575,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_038 type: vmess server: @@ -590,11 +590,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_039 type: vmess server: @@ -605,11 +605,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_040 type: vmess server: @@ -620,11 +620,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_041 type: vmess server: @@ -635,11 +635,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_042 type: vmess server: @@ -650,11 +650,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_043 type: vmess server: @@ -665,11 +665,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_044 type: vmess server: @@ -680,11 +680,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_045 type: vmess server: @@ -695,11 +695,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_046 type: vmess server: @@ -710,11 +710,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_047 type: vmess server: @@ -725,11 +725,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_048 type: vmess server: @@ -740,11 +740,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_049 type: vmess server: @@ -755,11 +755,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_050 type: vmess server: @@ -770,11 +770,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_051 type: vmess server: @@ -785,11 +785,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_052 type: vmess server: @@ -800,11 +800,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_053 type: vmess server: @@ -815,11 +815,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_054 type: vmess server: @@ -830,11 +830,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_055 type: vmess server: @@ -845,11 +845,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_056 type: vmess server: @@ -860,11 +860,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_057 type: vmess server: @@ -875,11 +875,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_058 type: vmess server: @@ -890,11 +890,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_059 type: vmess server: @@ -905,11 +905,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_060 type: vmess server: @@ -920,11 +920,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_061 type: vmess server: @@ -935,11 +935,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_062 type: vmess server: @@ -950,11 +950,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_063 type: vmess server: @@ -965,11 +965,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_064 type: vmess server: @@ -980,11 +980,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_065 type: vmess server: @@ -995,11 +995,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_066 type: vmess server: @@ -1010,11 +1010,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_067 type: vmess server: @@ -1025,11 +1025,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_068 type: vmess server: @@ -1040,11 +1040,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_069 type: vmess server: @@ -1055,11 +1055,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_070 type: vmess server: @@ -1070,11 +1070,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_071 type: vmess server: @@ -1085,11 +1085,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_072 type: vmess server: @@ -1100,11 +1100,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_073 type: vmess server: @@ -1115,11 +1115,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_074 type: vmess server: @@ -1130,11 +1130,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_075 type: vmess server: @@ -1145,11 +1145,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_076 type: vmess server: @@ -1160,11 +1160,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_077 type: vmess server: @@ -1175,11 +1175,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_078 type: vmess server: @@ -1190,11 +1190,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_079 type: vmess server: @@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_080 type: vmess server: @@ -1220,11 +1220,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_081 type: vmess server: @@ -1235,11 +1235,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_082 type: vmess server: @@ -1250,11 +1250,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_083 type: vmess server: @@ -1265,11 +1265,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_084 type: vmess server: @@ -1280,11 +1280,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_085 type: vmess server: @@ -1295,11 +1295,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_086 type: vmess server: @@ -1310,11 +1310,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_087 type: vmess server: @@ -1325,11 +1325,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_088 type: vmess server: @@ -1340,11 +1340,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_089 type: vmess server: @@ -1355,11 +1355,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_090 type: vmess server: @@ -1370,11 +1370,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_091 type: vmess server: @@ -1385,11 +1385,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_092 type: vmess server: fbi.gov @@ -1400,11 +1400,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: Canada_Ottawa_vmess_093 type: vmess server: shopify.com @@ -1415,12 +1415,12 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz -- name: None_None_vmess_094 + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz +- name: United States_None_vmess_094 type: vmess server: icook.tw port: 2095 @@ -1430,11 +1430,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_095 type: vmess server: ip.sb @@ -1445,11 +1445,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_096 type: vmess server: japan.com @@ -1460,12 +1460,12 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz -- name: United States_None_vmess_097 + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz +- name: None_None_vmess_097 type: vmess server: malaysia.com port: 2095 @@ -1475,12 +1475,12 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz -- name: United States_None_vmess_098 + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz +- name: None_None_vmess_098 type: vmess server: russia.com port: 2095 @@ -1490,11 +1490,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_099 type: vmess server: singapore.com @@ -1505,12 +1505,12 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz -- name: United States_None_vmess_0100 + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz +- name: None_None_vmess_0100 type: vmess server: skk.moe port: 2095 @@ -1520,11 +1520,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_0101 type: vmess server: www.visa.com @@ -1535,11 +1535,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip14.6016725.xyz + servername: ip15.6016725.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip14.6016725.xyz + Host: ip15.6016725.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_11 type: vmess server: @@ -1622,11 +1622,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_22 type: vmess server: @@ -1637,11 +1637,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: Canada_Ottawa_vmess_23 type: vmess server: @@ -1652,11 +1652,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_24 type: vmess server: @@ -1667,11 +1667,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_25 type: vmess server: @@ -1682,11 +1682,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_26 type: vmess server: @@ -1697,11 +1697,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_27 type: vmess server: @@ -1712,11 +1712,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_28 type: vmess server: @@ -1727,11 +1727,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_29 type: vmess server: @@ -1742,11 +1742,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_210 type: vmess server: @@ -1757,11 +1757,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_211 type: vmess server: @@ -1772,11 +1772,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_212 type: vmess server: @@ -1787,11 +1787,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_213 type: vmess server: @@ -1802,11 +1802,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_214 type: vmess server: @@ -1817,11 +1817,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_215 type: vmess server: @@ -1832,11 +1832,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_216 type: vmess server: @@ -1847,11 +1847,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_217 type: vmess server: @@ -1862,11 +1862,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_218 type: vmess server: @@ -1877,11 +1877,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_219 type: vmess server: @@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_220 type: vmess server: @@ -1907,11 +1907,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_221 type: vmess server: @@ -1922,11 +1922,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_222 type: vmess server: @@ -1937,11 +1937,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_223 type: vmess server: @@ -1952,11 +1952,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_224 type: vmess server: @@ -1967,11 +1967,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_225 type: vmess server: @@ -1982,11 +1982,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_226 type: vmess server: @@ -1997,11 +1997,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_227 type: vmess server: @@ -2012,11 +2012,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_228 type: vmess server: @@ -2027,11 +2027,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_229 type: vmess server: @@ -2042,11 +2042,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_230 type: vmess server: @@ -2057,11 +2057,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_231 type: vmess server: @@ -2072,11 +2072,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_232 type: vmess server: @@ -2087,11 +2087,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_233 type: vmess server: @@ -2102,11 +2102,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_234 type: vmess server: @@ -2117,11 +2117,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_235 type: vmess server: @@ -2132,11 +2132,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_236 type: vmess server: @@ -2147,11 +2147,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_237 type: vmess server: @@ -2162,11 +2162,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_238 type: vmess server: @@ -2177,11 +2177,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_239 type: vmess server: @@ -2192,11 +2192,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_240 type: vmess server: @@ -2207,11 +2207,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_241 type: vmess server: @@ -2222,11 +2222,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_242 type: vmess server: @@ -2237,11 +2237,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_243 type: vmess server: @@ -2252,11 +2252,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_244 type: vmess server: @@ -2267,11 +2267,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_245 type: vmess server: @@ -2282,11 +2282,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_246 type: vmess server: @@ -2297,11 +2297,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_247 type: vmess server: @@ -2312,11 +2312,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_248 type: vmess server: @@ -2327,11 +2327,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_249 type: vmess server: @@ -2342,11 +2342,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_250 type: vmess server: @@ -2357,11 +2357,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_251 type: vmess server: @@ -2372,11 +2372,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_252 type: vmess server: @@ -2387,11 +2387,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_253 type: vmess server: @@ -2402,11 +2402,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_254 type: vmess server: @@ -2417,11 +2417,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_255 type: vmess server: @@ -2432,11 +2432,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_256 type: vmess server: @@ -2447,11 +2447,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_257 type: vmess server: @@ -2462,11 +2462,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_258 type: vmess server: @@ -2477,11 +2477,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_259 type: vmess server: @@ -2492,11 +2492,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_260 type: vmess server: @@ -2507,11 +2507,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_261 type: vmess server: @@ -2522,11 +2522,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_262 type: vmess server: @@ -2537,11 +2537,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_263 type: vmess server: @@ -2552,11 +2552,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_264 type: vmess server: @@ -2567,11 +2567,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_265 type: vmess server: @@ -2582,11 +2582,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_266 type: vmess server: @@ -2597,11 +2597,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_267 type: vmess server: @@ -2612,11 +2612,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_268 type: vmess server: @@ -2627,11 +2627,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_269 type: vmess server: @@ -2642,11 +2642,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_270 type: vmess server: @@ -2657,11 +2657,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_271 type: vmess server: @@ -2672,11 +2672,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_272 type: vmess server: @@ -2687,11 +2687,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_273 type: vmess server: @@ -2702,11 +2702,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_274 type: vmess server: @@ -2717,11 +2717,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_275 type: vmess server: @@ -2732,11 +2732,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_276 type: vmess server: @@ -2747,11 +2747,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_277 type: vmess server: @@ -2762,11 +2762,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_278 type: vmess server: @@ -2777,11 +2777,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_279 type: vmess server: @@ -2792,11 +2792,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_280 type: vmess server: @@ -2807,11 +2807,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_None_vmess_281 type: vmess server: @@ -2822,11 +2822,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_282 type: vmess server: @@ -2837,11 +2837,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_283 type: vmess server: @@ -2852,11 +2852,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_284 type: vmess server: @@ -2867,11 +2867,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_285 type: vmess server: @@ -2882,11 +2882,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_286 type: vmess server: @@ -2897,11 +2897,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_287 type: vmess server: @@ -2912,11 +2912,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_288 type: vmess server: @@ -2927,11 +2927,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_289 type: vmess server: @@ -2942,11 +2942,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_290 type: vmess server: @@ -2957,11 +2957,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_291 type: vmess server: @@ -2972,11 +2972,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_292 type: vmess server: fbi.gov @@ -2987,11 +2987,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: Canada_Ottawa_vmess_293 type: vmess server: shopify.com @@ -3002,11 +3002,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_294 type: vmess server: icook.tw @@ -3017,12 +3017,12 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz -- name: United States_None_vmess_295 + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz +- name: None_None_vmess_295 type: vmess server: ip.sb port: 2082 @@ -3032,12 +3032,12 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz -- name: United States_None_vmess_296 + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz +- name: None_None_vmess_296 type: vmess server: japan.com port: 2082 @@ -3047,12 +3047,12 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz -- name: United States_None_vmess_297 + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz +- name: None_None_vmess_297 type: vmess server: malaysia.com port: 2082 @@ -3062,11 +3062,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_298 type: vmess server: russia.com @@ -3077,11 +3077,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_299 type: vmess server: singapore.com @@ -3092,12 +3092,12 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz -- name: United States_None_vmess_2100 + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz +- name: None_None_vmess_2100 type: vmess server: skk.moe port: 2082 @@ -3107,11 +3107,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_2101 type: vmess server: www.visa.com @@ -3122,11 +3122,11 @@ proxies: udp: true tls: false network: ws - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz + servername: ip19.6929198.xyz ws-opts: path: github.com/Alvin9999 headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz + Host: ip19.6929198.xyz - name: None_None_vmess_31 type: vmess server: @@ -3399,822 +3399,11 @@ proxies: public-key: bzpKT_Fgsm2k0oAe5SXJmbQN8OxK4AA4NR42yqM-hnI short-id: '' client-fingerprint: chrome -- cipher: aes-128-gcm - name: United Kingdom_London_ss_111 - password: shadowsocks - port: 443 - server: - tfo: false - type: ss -- cipher: aes-256-cfb - name: Singapore_Singapore_ss_112 - password: amazonskr05 - port: 443 - server: - type: ss -- cipher: aes-128-gcm - name: United States_New York_ss_113 - password: shadowsocks - port: 443 - server: - type: ss - udp: true -- cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 - name: United States_None_ss_114 - password: lTJ1q8DFg - port: 20088 - server: - type: ss -- cipher: aes-256-cfb - name: United States_Boardman_ss_115 - password: amazonskr05 - port: 443 - server: - type: ss -- cipher: aes-256-gcm - name: United States_Reston_ss_116 - password: e4FCWrgpkji3QY - port: 9101 - server: - type: ss -- cipher: aes-256-cfb - name: United States_Boardman_ssr_117 - obfs: tls1.2_ticket_auth - password: fou8MBGij - port: 8081 - protocol: origin - server: us-am3.eqnode.net - type: ssr -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_118 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_Miami_vmess_119 - network: ws - port: 443 - server: - servername: wrmelmwxlf.gktevlrqznwqqozy.fabpfs66gizmnojhcvqxwl.kytrcfzqla87gvgvs6c7kjnrubuh.cc - skip-cert-verify: true - tls: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 03fcc618-b93d-6796-6aed-8a38c975d581 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: megaan.homes - path: /linkvws -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1110 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1111 - network: ws - port: 2095 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 18d96190-c10f-448f-a82a-2d36df5c3cde - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip9.6016725.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 1 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United Kingdom_London_vmess_1112 - network: ws - port: 443 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - tls: true - type: vmess - uuid: 03fcc618-b93d-6796-6aed-8a38c975d581 - ws-opts: - path: /linkvws -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: Germany_Frankfurt am Main_vmess_1113 - network: ws - port: 443 - server: - servername: wrmelmwxlf.gktevlrqznwqqozy.fabpfs66gizmnojhcvqxwl.kytrcfzqla87gvgvs6c7kjnrubuh.cc - skip-cert-verify: true - tls: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 03fcc618-b93d-6796-6aed-8a38c975d581 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: aveiror.com - path: /linkvws -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_None_vmess_1114 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1115 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1116 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 1 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: Germany_Frankfurt am Main_vmess_1117 - network: ws - port: 443 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - tls: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 03fcc618-b93d-6796-6aed-8a38c975d581 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: - path: /linkvws -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_None_vmess_1118 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1119 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_None_vmess_1120 - network: ws - port: 80 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: a888b89a-08ac-40e6-8ad7-cfce9569f967 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: gerMAnyISvP.iR - path: /racevpn -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1121 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: Canada_Ottawa_vmess_1122 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_None_vmess_1123 - network: ws - port: 80 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: a888b89a-08ac-40e6-8ad7-cfce9569f967 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: gerMAnyISvP.iR - path: /racevpn -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_None_vmess_1124 - network: ws - port: 80 - server: plex.com - skip-cert-verify: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: a888b89a-08ac-40e6-8ad7-cfce9569f967 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: gerMAnyISvP.iR - path: /racevpn -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_None_vmess_1125 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1126 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1127 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip16.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1128 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1129 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1130 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1131 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_San Francisco_vmess_1132 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - h2-opts: {} - http-opts: {} - name: United States_None_vmess_1133 - network: ws - port: 2082 - server: russia.com - servername: ip18.6929198.xyz - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 5f3f09ad-89cb-4e94-a7ad-aa8239913555 - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: ip18.6929198.xyz - path: /github.com/Alvin9999 -- alterId: -1 - name: United States_Elk Grove Village_trojan_1134 - password: wkmY1R4EcP - port: 443 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - sni: z-v2-003274.kailib.com - type: trojan - udp: false -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: None_None_vmess_1135 - network: ws - port: 8443 - server: - servername: http1.9290254.xyz - tls: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 9201ffaa-6ca3-4f57-8b1f-266a2f390e43 - ws-opts: - early-data-header-name: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol - headers: - Host: http1.9290254.xyz - path: github.com/Alvin9999 - v2ray-http-upgrade: true - v2ray-http-upgrade-fast-open: true -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: None_None_vmess_1136 - network: ws - port: 8443 - server: - servername: http1.9290254.xyz - tls: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 9201ffaa-6ca3-4f57-8b1f-266a2f390e43 - ws-opts: - early-data-header-name: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol - headers: - Host: http1.9290254.xyz - path: github.com/Alvin9999 - v2ray-http-upgrade: true - v2ray-http-upgrade-fast-open: true -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: None_None_vmess_1137 - network: ws - port: 8443 - server: - servername: http1.9290254.xyz - tls: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 9201ffaa-6ca3-4f57-8b1f-266a2f390e43 - ws-opts: - early-data-header-name: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol - headers: - Host: http1.9290254.xyz - path: github.com/Alvin9999 - v2ray-http-upgrade: true - v2ray-http-upgrade-fast-open: true -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: None_None_vmess_1138 - network: ws - port: 8443 - server: - servername: http1.9290254.xyz - tls: true - type: vmess - udp: true - uuid: 9201ffaa-6ca3-4f57-8b1f-266a2f390e43 - ws-opts: - early-data-header-name: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol - headers: - Host: http1.9290254.xyz - path: github.com/Alvin9999 - v2ray-http-upgrade: true - v2ray-http-upgrade-fast-open: true -- cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 - name: United Kingdom_None_ss_1139 - password: 5b4aa2a3-2d45-4cc3-b8f8-02a562a37e38 - port: 40000 - server: soonhk.soon.guru - tfo: false - type: ss -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: Hong Kong_None_vmess_1140 - port: 13245 - server: - skip-cert-verify: false - tfo: false - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 74d541c4-4395-4852-83e8-3f5e44d10c93 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: Hong Kong_Central_vmess_1141 - port: 30251 - server: hkt2.bika.hk - skip-cert-verify: false - tfo: false - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 9e88a10b-655c-5120-89d0-408634169561 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: Hong Kong_Hong Kong_vmess_1142 - port: 2902 - server: - skip-cert-verify: false - tfo: false - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 640c1077-d10b-4225-a9fb-d3e9c3ce7a00 -- alterId: 64 - cipher: auto - name: China_None_vmess_1143 - port: 45020 - server: - skip-cert-verify: false - tfo: false - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 418048af-a293-4b99-9b0c-98ca3580dd24 -- cipher: aes-256-cfb - name: China_Guangzhou_ss_1144 - password: hGkQ6915tD - port: 16088 - server: - tfo: false - type: ss -- cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 - name: Japan_Tokyo_ss_1145 - password: 5b4aa2a3-2d45-4cc3-b8f8-02a562a37e38 - port: 40003 - server: soonjp.soon.guru - tfo: false - type: ss -- cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 - name: China_None_ss_1146 - password: 9ddd5a1c-2d57-4c68-9f3d-b39ea2b8b698 - port: 40016 - server: hzhz2.sssyun.xyz - tfo: false - type: ss -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: United Kingdom_None_vmess_1147 - port: 24463 - server: - skip-cert-verify: false - tfo: false - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: be4d5bca-0551-4a51-a965-25eaba7ac811 -- name: China_None_trojan_1148 - network: tcp - password: 8d4a8689-e8fd-4405-9834-3f812c528db0 - port: 13027 - server: naiu-sg.05vr9nyqg5.download - skip-cert-verify: false - sni: cloudflare.node-ssl.cdn-alibaba.com - type: trojan -- cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 - name: United Kingdom_None_ss_1149 - password: 5b4aa2a3-2d45-4cc3-b8f8-02a562a37e38 - port: 40005 - server: soonsgp.soon.guru - tfo: false - type: ss -- cipher: aes-256-cfb - name: Singapore_Singapore_ss_1150 - password: amazonskr05 - port: 443 - server: - tfo: false - type: ss -- cipher: aes-256-cfb - name: Singapore_Singapore_ss_1151 - password: amazonskr05 - port: 443 - server: - tfo: false - type: ss -- cipher: aes-256-cfb - name: Singapore_Singapore_ss_1152 - password: amazonskr05 - port: 443 - server: - tfo: false - type: ss -- alterId: 64 - cipher: auto - name: China_Guangzhou_vmess_1153 - port: 43526 - server: - skip-cert-verify: false - tfo: false - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 21a9bff2-72de-4e62-93ff-8b159f66d875 -- cipher: aes-256-cfb - name: China_Guangzhou_ss_1154 - password: hGkQ6915tD - port: 15083 - server: - tfo: false - type: ss -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: Hong Kong_None_vmess_1155 - network: tcp - port: '13245' - server: - servername: '' - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 74d541c4-4395-4852-83e8-3f5e44d10c93 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: Hong Kong_Central_vmess_1156 - network: tcp - port: '30251' - server: hkt2.bika.hk - servername: '' - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 9e88a10b-655c-5120-89d0-408634169561 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: Hong Kong_Hong Kong_vmess_1157 - network: tcp - port: '2902' - server: - servername: '' - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 640c1077-d10b-4225-a9fb-d3e9c3ce7a00 -- alterId: 64 - cipher: auto - name: China_None_vmess_1158 - network: tcp - port: '45020' - server: - servername: '' - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 418048af-a293-4b99-9b0c-98ca3580dd24 -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: United Kingdom_None_vmess_1159 - network: tcp - port: '24463' - server: - servername: '' - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: be4d5bca-0551-4a51-a965-25eaba7ac811 -- alterId: 64 - cipher: auto - name: China_Guangzhou_vmess_1160 - network: tcp - port: '43526' - server: - servername: '' - tls: false - type: vmess - uuid: 21a9bff2-72de-4e62-93ff-8b159f66d875 -- alterId: -1 - name: China_None_trojan_1161 - password: d6d86a97-2bef-4f89-9527-ce2003377677 - port: 13008 - server: naiu-hk.05vr9nyqg5.download - skip-cert-verify: true - sni: cloudflare.node-ssl.cdn-alibaba.com - type: trojan - udp: true -- alterId: -1 - name: Türkiye_Istanbul_trojan_1162 - password: '3648425794742788096' - port: 443 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - sni: artistic-cat.sheepdog670.boats - type: trojan - udp: false -- alterId: -1 - name: Türkiye_Istanbul_trojan_1163 - password: '3648425794742788096' - port: 443 - server: artistic-cat.sheepdog670.boats - skip-cert-verify: false - type: trojan - udp: true -- name: None_None_trojan_1164 - network: ws - password: auto - port: 443 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - sni: 159d770e-fd74-4069-a73b-fe6ececa7951.f82aee4c-752c-4b0c-9793-380d4d76435c.ddnsgeek.com - type: trojan - udp: true - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: 159d770e-fd74-4069-a73b-fe6ececa7951.f82aee4c-752c-4b0c-9793-380d4d76435c.ddnsgeek.com - path: /abbas.ab841vpn.workers.dev/?ed=2560.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY.Telegram-@ViP_FRAGMENT_V2RAY -- name: None_None_trojan_1165 - network: ws - password: auto - port: 443 - server: - skip-cert-verify: true - sni: 159d770e-fd74-4069-a73b-fe6ececa7951.f82aee4c-752c-4b0c-9793-380d4d76435c.ddnsgeek.com - type: trojan - udp: true - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: 159d770e-fd74-4069-a73b-fe6ececa7951.f82aee4c-752c-4b0c-9793-380d4d76435c.ddnsgeek.com - path: /abbas.ab841vpn.workers.dev/?ed=2560.Telegram- -- alterId: 0 - cipher: auto - name: China_None_vmess_1166 - network: tcp - port: '443' - server: - servername: www.zitian.cn - tls: true - type: vmess - uuid: 044f0177-0675-4dcf-89d4-804b6788e518 -- alpn: - - http/1.1 - name: China_None_trojan_1167 - network: tcp - password: fuck - port: 443 - server: - sni: www.zitian.cn - type: trojan - ws-opts: - headers: - Host: www.zitian.cn - name: Russia_Moscow_hy_0 type: hysteria server: - port: 39655 - ports: 40000-50000 + port: 64907 + ports: 30000-40000 auth_str: dongtaiwang.com up: 1000 down: 1000 @@ -4227,8 +3416,8 @@ proxies: - name: Russia_Moscow_hy_1 type: hysteria server: - port: 23142 - ports: 23142 + port: 12345 + ports: 12345 auth_str: dongtaiwang.com up: 1000 down: 1000 @@ -4241,8 +3430,8 @@ proxies: - name: Russia_Moscow_hy_2 type: hysteria server: - port: 23142 - ports: 23142 + port: 12345 + ports: 12345 auth_str: dongtaiwang.com up: 1000 down: 1000 @@ -4255,8 +3444,8 @@ proxies: - name: Russia_Moscow_hy_3 type: hysteria server: - port: 23142 - ports: 23142 + port: 12345 + ports: 12345 auth_str: dongtaiwang.com up: 1000 down: 1000 @@ -4397,13 +3586,13 @@ proxy-groups: - United States_San Francisco_vmess_091 - None_None_vmess_092 - Canada_Ottawa_vmess_093 - - None_None_vmess_094 + - United States_None_vmess_094 - United States_None_vmess_095 - None_None_vmess_096 - - United States_None_vmess_097 - - United States_None_vmess_098 + - None_None_vmess_097 + - None_None_vmess_098 - None_None_vmess_099 - - United States_None_vmess_0100 + - None_None_vmess_0100 - None_None_vmess_0101 - None_None_vmess_11 - None_None_vmess_12 @@ -4503,12 +3692,12 @@ proxy-groups: - None_None_vmess_292 - Canada_Ottawa_vmess_293 - None_None_vmess_294 - - United States_None_vmess_295 - - United States_None_vmess_296 - - United States_None_vmess_297 + - None_None_vmess_295 + - None_None_vmess_296 + - None_None_vmess_297 - None_None_vmess_298 - None_None_vmess_299 - - United States_None_vmess_2100 + - None_None_vmess_2100 - None_None_vmess_2101 - None_None_vmess_31 - None_None_vmess_32 @@ -4526,73 +3715,6 @@ proxy-groups: - Russia_Moscow_vless_71 - Russia_Moscow_vless_81 - Russia_Moscow_vless_91 - - United Kingdom_London_ss_111 - - Singapore_Singapore_ss_112 - - United States_New York_ss_113 - - United States_None_ss_114 - - United States_Boardman_ss_115 - - United States_Reston_ss_116 - - United States_Boardman_ssr_117 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_118 - - United States_Miami_vmess_119 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1110 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1111 - - United Kingdom_London_vmess_1112 - - Germany_Frankfurt am Main_vmess_1113 - - United States_None_vmess_1114 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1115 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1116 - - Germany_Frankfurt am Main_vmess_1117 - - United States_None_vmess_1118 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1119 - - United States_None_vmess_1120 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1121 - - Canada_Ottawa_vmess_1122 - - United States_None_vmess_1123 - - United States_None_vmess_1124 - - United States_None_vmess_1125 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1126 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1127 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1128 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1129 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1130 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1131 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1132 - - United States_None_vmess_1133 - - United States_Elk Grove Village_trojan_1134 - - None_None_vmess_1135 - - None_None_vmess_1136 - - None_None_vmess_1137 - - None_None_vmess_1138 - - United Kingdom_None_ss_1139 - - Hong Kong_None_vmess_1140 - - Hong Kong_Central_vmess_1141 - - Hong Kong_Hong Kong_vmess_1142 - - China_None_vmess_1143 - - China_Guangzhou_ss_1144 - - Japan_Tokyo_ss_1145 - - China_None_ss_1146 - - United Kingdom_None_vmess_1147 - - China_None_trojan_1148 - - United Kingdom_None_ss_1149 - - Singapore_Singapore_ss_1150 - - Singapore_Singapore_ss_1151 - - Singapore_Singapore_ss_1152 - - China_Guangzhou_vmess_1153 - - China_Guangzhou_ss_1154 - - Hong Kong_None_vmess_1155 - - Hong Kong_Central_vmess_1156 - - Hong Kong_Hong Kong_vmess_1157 - - China_None_vmess_1158 - - United Kingdom_None_vmess_1159 - - China_Guangzhou_vmess_1160 - - China_None_trojan_1161 - - Türkiye_Istanbul_trojan_1162 - - Türkiye_Istanbul_trojan_1163 - - None_None_trojan_1164 - - None_None_trojan_1165 - - China_None_vmess_1166 - - China_None_trojan_1167 - Russia_Moscow_hy_0 - Russia_Moscow_hy_1 - Russia_Moscow_hy_2 @@ -4700,13 +3822,13 @@ proxy-groups: - United States_San Francisco_vmess_091 - None_None_vmess_092 - Canada_Ottawa_vmess_093 - - None_None_vmess_094 + - United States_None_vmess_094 - United States_None_vmess_095 - None_None_vmess_096 - - United States_None_vmess_097 - - United States_None_vmess_098 + - None_None_vmess_097 + - None_None_vmess_098 - None_None_vmess_099 - - United States_None_vmess_0100 + - None_None_vmess_0100 - None_None_vmess_0101 - None_None_vmess_11 - None_None_vmess_12 @@ -4806,12 +3928,12 @@ proxy-groups: - None_None_vmess_292 - Canada_Ottawa_vmess_293 - None_None_vmess_294 - - United States_None_vmess_295 - - United States_None_vmess_296 - - United States_None_vmess_297 + - None_None_vmess_295 + - None_None_vmess_296 + - None_None_vmess_297 - None_None_vmess_298 - None_None_vmess_299 - - United States_None_vmess_2100 + - None_None_vmess_2100 - None_None_vmess_2101 - None_None_vmess_31 - None_None_vmess_32 @@ -4829,73 +3951,6 @@ proxy-groups: - Russia_Moscow_vless_71 - Russia_Moscow_vless_81 - Russia_Moscow_vless_91 - - United Kingdom_London_ss_111 - - Singapore_Singapore_ss_112 - - United States_New York_ss_113 - - United States_None_ss_114 - - United States_Boardman_ss_115 - - United States_Reston_ss_116 - - United States_Boardman_ssr_117 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_118 - - United States_Miami_vmess_119 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1110 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1111 - - United Kingdom_London_vmess_1112 - - Germany_Frankfurt am Main_vmess_1113 - - United States_None_vmess_1114 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1115 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1116 - - Germany_Frankfurt am Main_vmess_1117 - - United States_None_vmess_1118 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1119 - - United States_None_vmess_1120 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1121 - - Canada_Ottawa_vmess_1122 - - United States_None_vmess_1123 - - United States_None_vmess_1124 - - United States_None_vmess_1125 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1126 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1127 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1128 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1129 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1130 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1131 - - United States_San Francisco_vmess_1132 - - United States_None_vmess_1133 - - United States_Elk Grove Village_trojan_1134 - - None_None_vmess_1135 - - None_None_vmess_1136 - - None_None_vmess_1137 - - None_None_vmess_1138 - - United Kingdom_None_ss_1139 - - Hong Kong_None_vmess_1140 - - Hong Kong_Central_vmess_1141 - - Hong Kong_Hong Kong_vmess_1142 - - China_None_vmess_1143 - - China_Guangzhou_ss_1144 - - Japan_Tokyo_ss_1145 - - China_None_ss_1146 - - United Kingdom_None_vmess_1147 - - China_None_trojan_1148 - - United Kingdom_None_ss_1149 - - Singapore_Singapore_ss_1150 - - Singapore_Singapore_ss_1151 - - Singapore_Singapore_ss_1152 - - China_Guangzhou_vmess_1153 - - China_Guangzhou_ss_1154 - - Hong Kong_None_vmess_1155 - - Hong Kong_Central_vmess_1156 - - Hong Kong_Hong Kong_vmess_1157 - - China_None_vmess_1158 - - United Kingdom_None_vmess_1159 - - China_Guangzhou_vmess_1160 - - China_None_trojan_1161 - - Türkiye_Istanbul_trojan_1162 - - Türkiye_Istanbul_trojan_1163 - - None_None_trojan_1164 - - None_None_trojan_1165 - - China_None_vmess_1166 - - China_None_trojan_1167 - Russia_Moscow_hy_0 - Russia_Moscow_hy_1 - Russia_Moscow_hy_2