This project has as purpose to allow you to send messages with the weather forecast to your cellphone daily. The technologies that we are going to use are:
- Twilio, for to send messages
- AWS EC2, for deployment
- python
- A Twilio account with PHONE NUMBER, ACCOUNT SSID, and AUTH TOKEN. See Twilio Web
- A Weather Api account with API KEY. See Weather Api
- An AWS EC2 instance. See Amazon AWS
- Clone this repo
- Rename file to and complete with your data.
- Enter EC2 Instance and run the following commands:
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install -y python3-pip
$ git clone your-repo
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Rename file to and complete with your data.
- Run the script
- You can create a cronjob to automatically run the script daily.