In this repository dedicated to physics you will find various python codes to calculate for example:
The binary code consists of two digits: 0 and and is a positional type number system. It is used in computer science for the representation of true and false logical values How you do it? We start from the number we have chosen, for example 12, and divide by two until we obtain the cancellation of the quotient. For instance:
- 12:2=6 resto 0
- 6:2=3 resto 0
- 3:2=1 resto 1
- 1:2=0 resto 1
- 0:2=0
a = int(input("numero da convertire :"))
def ConvertiInBinario(b):
binString = []
while b > 0:
if b % 2 == 0:
b = int(b / 2)
return "".join(str(el) for el in binString)
Use our password generator to instantly create a secure and random password as desired by the customer. Infact the costumer can decide how the password should be:
indicare= input(" alfanumerico, minuscole+maiuscole , alfanumerico+caratteri speciali ")
Prime numbers are those natural numbers greater than one that are divisible only by themselves and by one. For example, 2 (the only even number, among other things, to be prime), 3, 5 and 7. But not 6, which is divisible by 2 and 3
for i in range(2, Numero):
if (Numero % i) == 0:
primo = False
first of all we have to import libraries.
import time
import qrcode
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode
import cv2
infact most of the code work is done by library presets
first of all you have to write what the questions are
then set the score and how many righ answers you do
Punti = 1
punti_corretti = 0
set ehen the score need to increase and decrease
for domande, domande_corrette in DOMANDE:
risposta = input(f"{domande}? ")
if risposta == domande_corrette:
Punti += 1
punti_corretti +=1
print("corretto Punti:",Punti)
Punti -= 1
print("la risposta corretta è",domande_corrette,"non è", risposta,"Punti:",Punti)
Say that when the score is 0 to stop the quaz and write in a note.txt the score tha the player have done
if Punti == 0:
print("hai perso")
How to create a graph in python To draw a graph with the python language I use thematplotib.pyplot library
.This library contains several functions dedicated to graphical representation.
The main functions are as follows:
- plt.plot draws the graph based on a set of reference data.
- plt.xlabel indicates the unit of measurement X on the abscissas
- plt.ylabel indicates the unit of measurement Y on the ordinates
- plt.legend () indicates the position and characteristics of the legend
- () shows the graphic representation Some axaples of graphic:
Another project using python's math functions may be to determine which of the 3 pairs of numbers is greater