For practical application, it is not recommended to run DFT calculation with your own code. In the past, researchers have developped many excellent choice of DFT-based codes. Among them, the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) is one of the most widely used computational tools for performing first-principles calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), Hartree-Fock (HF), and hybrid functionals. It employs plane-wave basis sets and pseudopotentials or PAW (Projector Augmented-Wave) potentials to represent the wavefunctions and the core-electron interaction, respectively. VASP is highly efficient in calculating the electronic structure, total energies, and properties of materials.
Plane-Wave Basis Sets. In VASP, the electronic wavefunctions are expanded in terms of plane waves. The accuracy of this expansion is controlled by the energy cutoff E_{\text{cutoff}} , which limits the maximum kinetic energy of the plane waves included in the calculation.
Pseudopotentials and PAW. To speed up calculation, Pseudopotentials are used to replace the core electrons with a smoother potential, allowing only the valence electrons to be explicitly treated. In VASP, the so called PAW Potentials were used to reconstruct the all-electron wavefunction from the pseudopotential wavefunction.
Exchange-Correlation Functionals. VASP support a variety of exchange-correlation functionals to account for the interactions between electrons, including LDA, GGA or more advanced hybrid functionals.
K-Point Sampling. The Brillouin zone of a crystal is sampled using k-points. VASP uses a Monkhorst-Pack grid or Gamma-centered grid to sample the k-points. Denser k-point grids yield more accurate results, especially for band structure calculations.
Self-Consistent Field (SCF) Iteration. In VASP, the SCF process iteratively solves the Kohn-Sham equations to obtain the electronic ground state. This iterative procedure continues until convergence is achieved based on the total energy or electronic density.
A typical VASP calculation consists of several input files and a few critical steps:
- POSCAR: Defines the crystal structure (atomic positions, lattice vectors, and unit cell).
- INCAR: Contains the calculation parameters (energy cutoff, type of calculation, convergence criteria).
- POTCAR: Contains the pseudopotentials for the elements in the system.
- KPOINTS: Defines the k-point mesh used to sample the Brillouin zone.
- OUTCAR: Provides detailed information about the entire calculation, including the total energy and convergence status.
- CONTCAR: Contains the relaxed atomic positions if ionic relaxation was performed.
- EIGENVAL: Contains the eigenvalues, which are used for band structure and DOS calculations.
- DOSCAR: Contains the density of states data. Many other files
Let’s walk through an example to compute the band structure of silicon (Si) using VASP.
POSCAR: Silicon Crystal Structure
0.000000 2.715000 2.715000
2.715000 0.000000 2.715000
2.715000 2.715000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.250000 0.250000 0.250000
INCAR: General Input Parameters
SYSTEM = Silicon
PREC = Accurate
ENCUT = 400
SIGMA = 0.05
ISIF = 2
NSW = 0
EDIFF = 1E-6
POTCAR: Pseudopotential File (from each VASP distribution)
KPOINTS: K-Point Mesh for SCF Calculation
Automatic mesh
8 8 8
0 0 0
Run the SCF Calculation
Run VASP using the prepared input files to get the ground-state electronic density. This is required before computing the band structure.
After the SCF run, you’ll get files like OUTCAR, EIGENVAL, and CHGCAR.
Plotting the Band Structure
To complete