For ultimate convenience: Hit the 'Easy Button' below
Change the resource group and region you'll deploy in
Choose the right number of nodes and instance type (1-2 cores per person)
Get the OpsCenter IP from resources.azure.com (see below)
Once all nodes have provisioned, ssh into the cluster and restart DSE in Search + Analytics mode
Copy and paste the commands in the setup script in the root of this git on one of the nodes.
vi setup.sh
then paste the commands and runchmod +x setup.sh
and finally./setup.sh
Fork this git (which includes deck and instructions) and make it unique to the class (edit IP's, URL's ETC): https://github.com/Marcinthecloud/DataStaxDay
Note, all nodes now have public IP's so you'll have acces to DevCenter, Spark UI, and Solr UI
You will login with:
Username: datastax
Password: C@ssandra
To get your public IP's: You can find them at resources.azure.com under Subscriptions -> SE/SA -> Your group -> Network -> PublicIP
####Coming Soon!
Automated install of data and cores
Spark Notebook!
Automatically provision in Spark + Solr mode (requires a custom template that runs independant of OpsCenter)