A node script to print names of all participants on a certificate template, and mail them to students using nodemailer.
Basic info
Jimp.read("./path/to/image.jpg", function (err, image) {
// do stuff with the image (if no exception)
Writing text
Jimp.loadFont( path ).then(function (font) { // load font from .fnt file
image.print(font, x, y, str); // print a message on an image
image.print(font, x, y, str, width); // print a message on an image with text wrapped at width
How To Use?
- Install the required node modules using " npm install "
- Keep the certificate template as "base.png" (preferably, 800x1200) and participants list as participants.json with Name and email fields in the root directory.
// ======= If not (800x1200) run node resize.js ======= //
- Run index script using >> node index.js
- The certificates will be generated in /certificates/
- Host the certificates on a shared hosting to get url
- Replace the url with the url where the certificates are hosted
- Run email.js using >> node email.js and mail will be sent to the participants.
- DONE :)