Built For Coding Challenge
MBTA Ticket App allows you purchase the tickets from your location to your destination.
- Visit the website
- Login, if you have an account otherwise you would need to register
- Demo Account => Username: | Password: example
- Click on "Buy Your Ticket" Button
- Select your Origin location in the select input then press Submit
- You may also search in the select input by typing there
- After selecting your origin, Select your Destination in the select input then press Submit
- Confirm Your Purchase and then press the "Purchase" button to purchase the ticket
- You will be redirected to your "Ticket History" page, where you would be able to see all your ticket history
- Download the repository in your local machine
- Open a terminal, and navigate to "MBTA App" directory
- Once you are there then do "npm install", to install the dependencies¹ needed to run this app
- After packages have finished installing then type "npm start" to run the server
- After the server has started running, then navigate to your browser and go to this address: "http://localhost:3000/"
- Dependencies Needed: bcryptjs, body-parser, cookie-parser, dotenv, ejs, express, express-session, method-override, morgan, nodemon, passport, passport-local, path, pg-promise
- Node.js/Express
- Node Package Manager(npm)
- PostgreSQL
- Javascript
- CSS(Flexbox)
- User Authentication