Repository for Micropython breadboard projects on the Rpi Pico and the Esp32.
Plays a tune on a WS2812 buzzer using a Raspberry Pi Pico. I saved the song pattern on an RFID tag so that each scan could play a portion of the song off of each tag.
This program reads from a DHT11 temprature/humidity sensor and a temprature sensor. It reads the temprature in F and also gives the relative humidity, and displays the results on a Lcd1602 screen every 2 seconds.
uConfig is a custom configuration parser written in MicroPython that provides similar functionality to the configparser library in CPython. It reads a configuration file and stores the values in a dictionary, where each section in the file corresponds to a key in the dictionary and each key-value pair in the section corresponds to a key-value pair in the dictionary. The config reader program allows for flexible reading of any number of sections and key-value pairs in a configuration file, making it suitable for use in MicroPython projects. I created this project because I wanted a simple solution similar to configparser and I didn't want to have to use a '.json' file, and I wanted to see how closely I could recreate the functionality present with that popular library.
MicroDiscordApi is a Discord api wrapper I wrote to allow the esp32 to access and post to a discord server. I based parts of it on the official api, and other parts on the 'YoutubeApi' project I found on the 'awesome-micropython' repository. I will likely continue to work on this project in the future.