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Releases: MISTCLICK/vEuroExpressBot

vEX Bot v2.0.0

03 Jul 12:51
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vEX Bot v2.0.0

The update is aimed at greater integration with vEX WebSys
#5 - PR

vEX Bot v1.2

07 Nov 13:10
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Release v1.2 of vEuroExpress Bot.


  • New:
    -- !setup command (W.I.P)
    -- !notam command
    -- The ultimate goal of the Bot Development has been reached! !auth command implemented - automatic pilot synchronization is now possible!

  • Features:
    -- MySQL connection now possible
    -- More MongoDB integration
    -- Stat channels now are able to show more data (related to VA MySQL data)

  • Rollbacks:
    -- Anti-swear disabled

  • Disadvantages of the update:
    -- Hard-coded variables are still a thing

  • Bug fixing:
    -- Nothing special, just small bugs

You can always help us find bugs by joining our Discord Server and joining the VA as a pilot:

  • Further plans:
    -- Add a twitter feed
    -- Add auto stream announcements
    -- Add a dashboard

vEX Bot v1.1

18 Oct 09:11
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Release v1.1 or vEuroExpress Discord Bot.


  • Added moderation commands, such as:
    -- ban
    -- kick
    -- warn
    -- list-warnings and clear-warnings (aliases included)
    -- clear (Bulk deleting message)
    -- mute and unmute
  • General new stuff in v1.1:
    -- The bot now utilizes MongoDB
    -- Now includes "auto-moderation" (looks out for bad words and other stuff, can be configured to your preference in /utils/automod.js)
    -- npm package mongoose is now required (for connection to MongoDB)
  • Bugs fixed:
    -- METAR and TAF bugs again
    -- Various Back-end in-dev bugs (that can't be seen by a user in any way)
  • Drawbacks:
    -- Still includes hard coded variables
    -- There are still bugs that we don't know about

Everyone is as always welcome to find bugs and correct them either via Pull Reqests or a #support ticket in our Discord Server:

  • Further plans:
    -- Auto stream announcements (Twitch and YT)
    -- Sync with website DB - auto activation of pilots

That is all for now! Stay safe and fly for vEuroExpress!

vEX Bot v1.0

09 Oct 18:31
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Hello to anyone following the project!

This is the RELEASE of vEuroExpress bot!

New things in v1.0:

  • Rewritten using Discord.js-commando for easier structure
  • Bugs fixed in already existing commands
  • Added "Support Ticket" system. Use {prefix}sch and tag the channel you want to use for creating tickets.
  • Made statistical voice channels (member count)
  • Added messages when someone joins/leaves


  • Reaction roles still btek, able to be edited from code side only
  • No automod
  • No DB

You can see stuff in more detail in Projects tab.

  • Make it sync with DB of
  • Make automod
  • Make online dashboard
  • Make code usable for other servers with no editing

Hope that everyone enjoys seeing the bot once it is in the vEuroExpress server!

Snapshot 2s1a

10 Sep 18:37
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Snapshot 2s1a Pre-release
  • Responds with a funny image if gets tagged

Experimental Build (v0.1.01-Ealpha) Snapshot 1s2b

01 Sep 11:47
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Implemented in Snaphot 1s2b:

  • Reaction-roles fully functional
  • As many messages as you want are available
  • UTF support
  • Editing any reaction-role message

Cons of Snapshot 1s2b:

  • Reaction-role message editing available only in a text editor, no discord support for now
  • Method for adding more reaction-role messages messes with file system
  • Slight, but not noticable delay

Goals for v0.1.1-alpha:

  • Valid API
  • Ability to utilize website API
  • Fixing the bugs that haven't yet been found
  • Disabling !ping command
  • Making loading times quicker

Goals for v0.2.0-alpha:

Bot stablility

vEX Bot v0.1.1

01 Sep 19:50
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vEX Bot v0.1.1 Pre-release

v0.1.1 includes:

  • Delay issues fixed
  • Bot has vEX API implemented
  • !ping disabled
  • Loading time is quicker by 70%
  • Added capability to utilize website API
  • Added capability to give out METAR and TAF

No serious bugs found.

Any suggestions about what to do between 0.1 and 0.2 will be happily accepted.

Plans for v0.2.0:

  • Start hosting a bot 24/7
  • Do some benchmarks
  • Compile a separate branch into a .jar file
  • Finally make explanations what everything does in the code

Plans that may or may not be fulfilled for v0.2.0:

  • Create a dashboard
  • Make it so the bot answers with something so rude that it is funny or just funny when gets tagged
  • Make a DB for the bot so it is possible to be used on the test server AND on the main server at the same time

Plans that are unlikely to be fulfilled for v0.2.0 and will probably be done later or being discussed right now (not sure about doing this):

  • Making of a separate SyncBot for performing actions with constant listeners
  • Making the API for the website ourselves so it suits the bot first of all (because of it being the main reason to make the API)

Plans beyond v1.0:

  • Adding achievement notifications (VA based)

  • Adding other types of notifications (also VA based)

  • SebaDavinch's suggestions that he hasn't told me but they are in mind.

If bugs found, please report them in issues.

Experimental Build (v0.1.1-Ealpha) Snapshot 1s2a

31 Aug 10:34
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Reaction-role system is in progress of making.

  • Added a command to assign reactions to a reaction role message
  • Added a command to assign roles to reactions to the same message
  • Added the command to display the message and add reactions to it

Noticed and in process of fixing bugs:

  • Adding the roles works on some servers and on others it doesn't
  • For now only custom emojis are supported (e.g. - this 🔴 won't work, due to current discord.js and UTF conflicts)
  • Cache memory is not fully made, data can sometimes be lost.

Goals for Snaphot 1s2b:

  • Fix emoji addition
  • Expand memory for emoji's and roles (for multiple messages)
  • Add UTF compatability

Goals for v0.1.1-alpha:

  • Valid API
  • Ability to utilize website API
  • Fixing the bugs that haven't yet been found
  • Disabling !ping command
  • Making loading times quicker

Goals for v0.2.0-alpha:

  • Bot stablility

Please don't forget that the LICENSE is still in place :)

Experimental Build (v0.1.0.1-Ealpha) Snapshot 1s1a

30 Aug 11:39
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Includes !reaction-role-msg-create command, which is intended to make a reaction-role message.
Not fully functional, unstable, use at your own risk.

vEX Bot v0.1.0

30 Aug 08:41
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vEX Bot v0.1.0 Pre-release

This is the first Alpha release of vEX Bot.

Right now bot includes such features as:

  • simple commands (e.g. !ping)
  • commands with arguments (e.g. !faq and !faq 1)
  • commands limited to certain roles
  • reactions
  • console log of important actions
  • commands that prompt for additional user input (e.g. !announce and the following !confirm and !cancel)

For now, nothing in the code is commented out and/or described what it does.

For now, bot is hosted from a PC and its usage is not available to public due to certain instabilities as well as security and data privacy concerns.

Some goals for next updates: (L - low priority, M - medium priority, H - high priority)
H - Comment out some useless stuff and describe what it does so it is easier to work with the code
H - Create reaction-roles
L - Create offline dashboard app for making changes without touching the code
L - Create an online dashboard
M - Add ability to connect to a certain website's API and process requests and get data
L - Make/Use a MySQL or FireBase DB (not sure yet)
M - Add ability to send a request to a website's DB to verify users in the discord server.

To get more information about the development of the bot you can join my Discord server or vEuroExpress community Discord server.

My server:
vEX Community server:

Thanks for attention everyone!