diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7db80e4..90fe6c9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,24 +1,179 @@
-This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the
-application up and running.
Recipe App | Ruby on Rails
-Things you may want to cover:
-* Ruby version
+# π Table of Contents
-* System dependencies
+- [π Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents)
+- [π Recipe App ](#-recipe-app-)
+ - [π Built With ](#-built-with-)
+ - [Tech Stack](#tech-stack)
+ - [Key Features](#key-features)
+ - [π» Getting Started ](#-getting-started-)
+ - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+ - [Setup](#setup)
+ - [Usage](#usage)
+ - [Install](#install)
+ - [Run tests](#run-tests)
+ - [π₯ Authors ](#-authors-)
+ - [π Future Features ](#-future-features-)
+ - [π€ Contributing ](#-contributing-)
+ - [βοΈ Show your support ](#οΈ-show-your-support-)
+ - [π Acknowledgments ](#-acknowledgments-)
+ - [π License ](#-license-)
-* Configuration
-* Database creation
-* Database initialization
+# π Budget App
-* How to run the test suite
+The **Budget App** is a mobile web application build on Ruby on Rails where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what.
-* Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
+The design was made based on the Snapscan layout made by Gregoire Vella on Behance.
+## π Built With
+### Tech Stack
+ Back-end
+ Front-end
+### Key Features
+* Use of Rails framework.
+* MVC architecture.
+* Save and retrieve information from a PostgreSQL database.
+* Log in and registration with Devise gem.
+* Integration and unit tests with Capybara and RSpec.
+* Authorization with CanCanCan gem.
+* Find and solve N + 1 problems with Bullet gem.
+(back to top)
+## π» Getting Started
+### Prerequisites
+In order to run this project you need to have:
+- Installed Ruby (v 3.2.2).
+- Installed PostgreSQL.
+- If you're using Windows, have installed WSL.
+- If you're using MacOS, an option is using UTM.
+### Setup
+To clone this repository to your desired folder, run the following command:
+git clone git@github.com:Luffytaro22/Budget-app.git
+(back to top)
+### Usage
+To open a local server, type the following command:
+rails server
+(back to top)
+### Install
+To install all the ruby gems, use the following command:
+bundle install
+To install the npm dependencies, use the following command:
+npm install
+After installing the gems, run this command to create and migrate a database:
+rails db:create db:migrate
+(back to top)
+### Run tests
+To run the RSpec unit and integration tests, use the following command:
+(back to top)
+## π₯ Authors
+π€ **Manuel SΓ‘nchez**
+- GitHub: [@Luffytaro22](https://github.com/Luffytaro22)
+- LinkedIn: [Manuel SΓ‘nchez](https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuel-alejandro-sanchez-sierra/)
+(back to top)
+## π Future Features
+- [ ] Allow the user to delete and modify their categories and transactions.
+- [ ] Implement an email confirmation.
+(back to top)
+## π€ Contributing
+Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
+Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/).
+(back to top)
+## βοΈ Show your support
+If you like this project please give it a star βοΈ
+(back to top)
+## π Acknowledgments
+I would like to give credits to the following:
+* **Microverse** for this readme template.
+* **Gregoire Vella on Behance** for his beautiful UI layout.
+(back to top)
+## π License
+This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed.
+(back to top)
-* Deployment instructions
-* ...