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Recipe Types

MattiDragon edited this page Jul 19, 2023 · 7 revisions

FEN provides multiple recipe types for its different mechanics. They are documented here so that you don't have to dig trough our code to find info about them.

If you use these in your mod and don't have a hard dependency on FEN, it's recommended to use resource conditions from fapi to disable your recipe when FEN is missing.

Barrel Recipes

Generic barrel recipes account for all recipes in barrels besides milking. They have a separate page here.

Milking Recipes

Milking recipes are triggered when an entity steps on a barrel. Afterwards the entity will get a short cooldown before it can be milked again.

  "type": "fabricaeexnihilo:milking",
  "entity": "minecraft:cow",        // The type of entity as an ingredient (note: tags are under 'tags/entity_types')
  "fluid": "fabricaeexnihilo:milk", // The fluid that will be produced as an id
  "amount": 810,                    // The amount of fluid that will be produced, in droplets
  "cooldown": 20                    // The amount of ticks the entity will be on cooldown for after milking

Crucible Crafting

Crucible crafting recipes happen when the right resources are placed into a crucible and its heated if necessary. They produce fluids.

  "type": "fabricaeexnihilo:crucible",
  "amount": 20250, // The amount of fluid produced per item inserted, in droplets
  "fluid": {       // The fluid produced, a standard FEN fluid type
    "type": "minecraft:lava"
  "input": {       // The item required, standard vanilla ingredient
    "item": "minecraft:andesite"
  "requiresFireproofCrucible": true // If true, the crucible has to be fireproof and heating is required

Crucible Heat

These recipes control the heat of crucibles when a specific block is placed below them. Heat speeds up crucibles and allows for some recipes to work.

  "type": "fabricaeexnihilo:crucible_heat",
  "block": "minecraft:fire", // The block below, a standard FEN block ingredient
  "heat": 5                  // The amount of heat applied


TODO: Witchwater world interaction, Witchwater entity interaction, hammering, crooking sieveing

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