LIRA is an R package to predict the effectiveness of immunotherapy in patients with NSCLC.
1.LIRA was designed to predict the response to immunotherapy in patients with NSCLC. 2.This package consists a random survival model based on expression profiles of 50 genes, which were selected through univariate Cox regression and subgroup analysis. 3.This package provides functions for different scenarios and allows visual assessment to determine whether patients are suitable for immunotherapy.
It is essential that you have R 3.6.3 or above already installed on your computer or server. Before installing LIRA, please install all dependencies by executing the following command in R console:
The dependencies
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
depens<-c( "crayon", "ggplot2", "randomForest", "randomForestSRC")
for(i in 1:length(depens)){
if (!requireNamespace(depen, quietly = TRUE)) BiocManager::install(depen,update = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("IOBR", quietly = TRUE)) devtools::install_github("IOBR/IOBR")
Then, you can start to install IOBR from github by typing the following code into your R session:
if (!requireNamespace("LIRA", quietly = TRUE))
Load the IOBR package in your R session after the installation is complete:
For transcriptome data of TCGA data sets, we strongly recommend user to use UCSCXenaTools R package. Here, we download counts data of TCGA-LUAD from UCSC using UCSCXenaTools R package
if (!requireNamespace("UCSCXenaTools", quietly = TRUE))
eset<-XenaGenerate(subset = XenaCohorts =="GDC TCGA Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD)") %>%
XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "TCGA-LUAD.htseq_counts.tsv") %>%
XenaQuery() %>%
XenaDownload() %>%
eset<- readr::read_tsv("TCGA-LUAD.htseq_counts.tsv.gz")
# Remove the version numbers in Ensembl ID.
eset$Ensembl_ID<-substring(eset$Ensembl_ID, 1, 15)
eset<-column_to_rownames(eset, var = "Ensembl_ID")
# Revert back to original format because the data from UCSC was log2(x+1)transformed.
#> TCGA-97-7938-01A TCGA-55-7574-01A TCGA-05-4250-01A
#> ENSG00000000003 2032 1000 5355
#> ENSG00000000005 15 0 5
#> ENSG00000000419 1220 744 2898
#> ENSG00000000457 876 560 734
#> ENSG00000000460 250 325 785
#> TCGA-55-6979-11A TCGA-95-A4VK-01A
#> ENSG00000000003 516 2269
#> ENSG00000000005 0 1
#> ENSG00000000419 589 819
#> ENSG00000000457 361 1477
#> ENSG00000000460 88 327
#remove normal sample of TCGA-LUAD
eset<- eset[,!substring(colnames(eset), 14,16)=="11A"]
colnames(eset)<- substring(colnames(eset), 1,12)
#> logical 513 14
eset<- eset[,!duplicated(colnames(eset))]
Transform count data to TPM using IOBR package.
eset_tpm <- count2tpm(countMat = eset, idType = "Ensembl")
#> >>>--- Using variables (anno_grch38) and gene lengths (eff_length) built into the IOBR package to perform TPM transformation
#> >>>--- The gene lengths (eff_length) was estimated by function `getGeneLengthAndGCContent` from EDASeq package with default parameters at 2023-02-10
#> Warning in count2tpm(countMat = eset, idType = "Ensembl"): >>>--- Omit 3985
#> genes of which length is not available !
#using phenotype data derived from TCGA paper []
#> logical 3 495
Annotating genes in expression matrix and remove duplicate genes using IOBR package.
eset <- anno_eset(eset = eset, annotation = anno_grch38, probe = "id", symbol = "symbol")
#> Row number of original eset:
#> >>>> 60488
#> >>> 99.73% of probe in expression set was annotated
#> Row number after filtering duplicated gene symbol:
#> >>>> 56011
res <- lira_model(eset = eset,
pdata = pdata_luad,
id_pdata = "ID",
scale = TRUE)
#> >>>-- Scaling data...
#> [1] "YPEL3" "AL355075.4" "SMOC1" "DCAF8" "FAT1"
#> [6] "AKR7A3" "INTS3" "SETDB1" "RNF44" "NORAD"
#> [11] "FAH" "AGAP1" "PIP5K1A" "MAFK" "TRAP1"
#> [16] "LRRC66" "KIAA0907" "NTF4" "RHPN2" "RRNAD1"
#> [21] "PRELID1P1" "SLC25A6" "PTRHD1" "IGSF8" "TRAF4"
#> [26] "IDO1" "CLEC6A" "CD96" "HCLS1" "CST7"
#> [31] "IGHV3_74" "NCF1B" "FAM162A" "IL2RG" "SH2D1A"
#> [36] "CD247" "CD3G" "GSTO1" "NUPR1" "TBXAS1"
#> [41] "CLEC12A" "CD37" "PRKCSH" "YEATS2" "CCL5"
#> [46] "SEPT14P12" "PPM1G" "TFRC" "NDUFA6" "RAB30"
#> >>>-- 94.00% of model genes appear on gene matrix
#> >>>-- Predicting new data with LIRA model...
#> >>>-- 96.00% of model genes appear on gene matrix
#> >>>=== This sample was testing by RNAseq and was processessed by rbatch pipline...
#> >>>=== The LIRA score will be normalised to a range of 1-10 ...
#> >>>-- DONE!
res <- res$score
p1<- ggplot(res, aes(x= LIRA)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 30, colour = "grey", alpha = 0.5)+
design_mytheme(axis_angle = 0)+
scale_fill_manual(values = palettes(palette = "jco", show_col = FALSE))
#> >>>>Options for `theme`: light, bw, classic and classic2
res<- best_cutoff(pdata = res, time = "os_time", status = "os_status", variable = "LIRA", PrintResult = FALSE)
# help("surv_group")
p2<- surv_group(
input_pdata = res,
target_group = "LIRA_binary",
levels = c("High", "Low"),
reference_group = "High",
project = "TCGA-LUAD",
time = "os_time",
status = "os_status",
time_type = "day",
break_month = "auto",
cols = NULL,
palette = "jama",
mini_sig = "",
save_path = paste0("man/figures"))
#> High Low
#> 429 49
tme<- calculate_sig_score(eset = eset_tpm, pdata = res, signature = signature_collection, method = "PCA", adjust_eset = TRUE)
# colnames(tme)
p1<- sig_box(data = tme, signature = "CD_8_T_effector", variable = "LIRA_binary", palette = "jama")
p2<- sig_box(data = tme, signature = "Nature_metabolism_Hypoxia", variable = "LIRA_binary", palette = "jama")
p3<- sig_box(data = tme, signature = "Ferroptosis", variable = "LIRA_binary", palette = "jama")
p4<- sig_box(data = tme, signature = "Glutathione_Metabolism", variable = "LIRA_binary", palette = "jama")
Combination of plots
if (!requireNamespace("patchwork", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("patchwork")
p + plot_annotation(tag_levels = 'A')
1.Wang ZJ, Fang YR, …, Liao WJ, Zeng DQ; Predicting Immunotherapy Outcomes in NSCLC using RNA and pathology: Insights from OAK, POPLAR, and ORIENT-11 Trials. (2024).
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