MetaLex is general tool in AGPL Licence for lexicographics
and metalexicographics
For current developpement version of this tool, see MetaLex/v1.0
or see MetaLex-vagrant/v1.0
- metalex proceeds in this way (written in french)
- This is an example of process used with MetaLex
I am a metalexicographer or linguist and I have paper dictionaries.
I want to perform a diachronic study of the evolution of the wording of
definitions in a collection of dictionaries available from period A to period B.
- Traditionally or at best, the contemporary metalexicographer (according to our point of view) would apply the following methodology :
1- Scanning of printed materials (Scan) and enhance its qualities
2- Optical reading of the pictures (Ocrisation) = extract articles content
3- Manual Error Corrections of text articles
4- Marking of the articles with regular standard
5- Metalexographical analysis / decryption of articles
- metalex through its modules operates in the same way by successively executing each of these tasks automatically.
1 = MetaLex enhances the quality of dictionary images
2 = MetaLex extract from dictionary images all dictionary articles
3 = MetaLex corrects dictionary articles
4 = MetaLex marking dictionary articles depending of some standard
**metalex.xmlised.put_xml('tei') or MetaLex.xmlised.put_xml('lmf')**
5 = MetaLex generates some metalexicographics analysis of part of content dictionary
- Some other more complex processes can be done !
MetaLex-vagrant is developped in Python 2.7
and vagrant environment, these packages are required :
- We can install all package dependencies manually
sudo apt-get install vagrant
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
git clone --depth 3
cd MetaLex-vagrant
git clone --depth 3
vagrant box update # Update the vagrant box
vagrant up # Build vagrant machine with all dependencies
vagrant ssh # Connect to ubuntu xenia development
cd /vagrant
- Or we can use
to install all package dependencies :Make sure to execute this file in the current system partition ext4 otherwise right permission will be raised in NTFS partition
sudo ./
- Re-install
to fix Image module functionalities and build documentation
sudo pip install --no-cache-dir -I pillow
You can download and install Vagrant & Virtualbox for Windows from thier official pages.
- Virtually, go to the
python -h
MetaLex arguments :
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Defined MetaLex project name
-c author comment contributors, --confproject author comment contributors
Defined MetaLex configuration for the current project
-i [IMAGEFILE], --dicimage [IMAGEFILE]
Input one or multiple dictionary image(s) file(s) for
current MetaLex project
Input folder name of dictionary image files for
current MetaLex project
--imgalg actiontype value
Set algorithm for enhancing dictionary image files for
current MetaLex project (actiontype must be : constrat
or bright or filter)
-r FILERULE, --filerule FILERULE
Defined file rules that we use to enhance quality of
OCR result
-l LANG, --lang LANG Set language for optical characters recognition and
others MetaLex treatments
-s, --save Save output result of the current project in files
-t, --terminal Show result of the current treatment in the terminal
- Build the file rules of the project.
MetaLex takes file_Rule.dic
file which using specific structure to enhance output text of OCR data (from dictionnary images files). \W
for words replacement, \C
for caracters replacement and \R
for regular expressions replacement. The spaces between headers served to describe remplacement.
- Run your project with the default parameters except dictionary images data and save results
python -d 'imagesInput' -s # We defined a folder containing dictionnary images for current treatment
python -i 'imagedic.png' -s # Or you can also defined a single dictionnary image
- Run your project with your own set of parameters and save results
python -p 'projectname' -c 'author' 'comment' 'contributors' -d 'imagesInput' -r 'file_Rule.dic' -l 'fra' -s
- For the first comand (without parameters), the result in the console will produce this.
With parameters, error and warning messages will disapear.
- After successful command execution you can access results inside imagesInput directory but you can also access it directly from your browser as http://localhost:8080/fs/mnt/fs/ redirects you under '/' of your vagrant host. The vagrant project is available under http://localhost:8080/fs/vagrant . The web file manager is provided using
Special thank to Bill for this version
PETREQUIN, G. et P. S WIGGERS. 2007, «La métalexicographie. Concours et perspectives d’une (sous-)discipline», L’Information Grammaticale, vol. 114, n o 1, doi :10.3406/ igram.2007.4443, p. 7–10. URL
CORBIN, P. et N. GASIGLIA. 2016a, « Structurations formelle et conceptuelle des articles de dictionnaires : panorama des moyens utilisables pour codifier leurs contenus, à par- tir de l’exemple de dictionnaires Larousse », in R. Coluccia, J. Brincat, M. Joseph & F. Möhren éds, Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie ro- manes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013, no 17, p. 143–155. URL
MASLINSKY, K. 2014, «Daba : a model and tools for Manding corpora», URL .
PRUVOST, J. 2004, « Du lexicographe Pierre Larousse (XIX e s.) à la maison Larousse (XXe -XXIe s.) », Revue internationnal de lexicographie, vol. 25, n o 2, p. 39–54.
QUEMADA, B. 1990, «Lexicographie», In Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik, vol. 1, no 156, p. 9–29.