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MaurizioDeLeo edited this page Oct 9, 2018 · 29 revisions


Run # Reference Summary Currently Active Net Numbers Best nets
NA Old Main Original 192x15 "main" run No 1 to 601 ID595
test10 Lc0 Transition Original 256x20 test run No 10'000 to 11'262 11250 11248
test20 Training run reset Many changes, see blog. Yes
test30 TB rescoring Experiment with network initialization strategy, trying to solve spike issues. Experiment with Tablebase rescoring Yes


Technical Info and sampling ratio

Most data from this sheet

  • Alpha Zero reference paper
    Use best guess for games length and assuming resign cuts game length by 30%
Item Without Resign With resign
Positions per game 135 95
Total games 44,000,000 44,000,000
Total positions generated 5,940,000,000 4,158,000,000
Batch size 4,096 4,096
Total steps 700,000 700,000
Total position trained 2,867,200,000 2,867,200,000
Sampling ratio 0.48 0.69
  • Old Main
    Initially new networks generated based on fixed timing rather than on games
Item up to ID xxx From ID xxx From ID yyyy
Positions per training game 135 135 135
New networks per day 6 6
Training Games per day 160,000 160,000
Training Games per network 26,700 26,700 40,000
Total training games
Positions generated per day 21,600,000 21,600,000
Positions generated per network 3,600,000 3,600,000 5,400,000
Total positions generated
Batch size 1,024 256 256
Training steps per day 300,000 300,000
Training steps per network 50,000 50,000 10,000
Total training steps
Positions trained per day 307,200,000 76,800,000
Positions trained per network 51,200,000 12,800,000 2,560,000
Total position trained
Sampling ratio 14.22 3.55 0.47
New main pipeline	Test pipeline		Test 2018-07-20 ? Not sure about what the current values are	

games per new network 40,000 40,000 70,000 positions per game 135 135 82 positions per new network 5,400,000 5,400,000 5,740,000

batch size 256 2,048 2,048 steps per training session 10,000 2,500 2,500 positions per training session 2,560,000 5,120,000 5,120,000

sampling ratio 0.47 0.95 0.89

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