This repository presents an extensive exploration of ASP.NET Web API, focusing on the implementation of best practices and modern architectural principles. The key highlights of this review include:
- Application of SOLID principles to ensure robust software design.
- Implementation of Clean Code practices for improved code readability and maintainability.
- Utilization of Clean Architecture principles, following the Onion Architecture model.
- Examination of various design patterns, such as Dependency Injection (DI), Decorator, and Extension Methods.
- Incorporation of essential architectural layers like Identity Layer and Shared Layer.
- Integration of advanced patterns like the Unit of Work and Repository Pattern.
- In-depth coverage of advanced concepts like the CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern.
- Implementation of the Mediator pattern to enhance communication between components.
"UseInMemoryDatabase": "",
"ConnectionStrings": {
"SocialMediaSomee": "",
"SocialMediaHosting": "",
"SocialMediaHostingIdentity": ""
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": ""
"AllowedHosts": "",
"Authentication": {
"SecretKey": "",
"Issuer": "",
"Audience": "",
"PaginationOptions": {
"DefaultPageSize": ,
"PasswordOptions": {
"SaltSize": ,
"KeySize": ,