Audio & Video codec library for Konata.
Codec | Link |
Wave Codec | Internal |
Mp3 Codec | MP3Sharp |
Silk Codec | libSilkCodec |
Konata.Codec has an internal simple audio resampler.
It can help you to sample the pcm data to any supported format.
It's very easy to use.
// Create audio pipeline
using var pipeline = new AudioPipeline
// Mp3 stream
// Resample mp3 to default
new AudioResampler(AudioInfo.Default()),
// Adaptive audio pipeline
// You don't need to care about the upstream format
// Just tell resampler what should it do in next
new AudioResampler(new AudioInfo
(AudioFormat.Signed16Bit, AudioChannel.Mono, 23333)),
// Output pcm stream
// Start pipeline
- Streaming methods
- AudioResampler can cause audio distortion
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