NOTE:How to use and understand the export and import of module in javascript/multiplication table
1:firstly, create a hmtl file and two js files. namely,module1 and module2 respectively on your editior
2:secondly create and style your html template to be more presentable
3:then on your module1.js, give the table tag on your html an ID then get it by it elementById on your module1.js file
4:the next step is almost same as setp 3, import your multiplication from module2.js
5:on your module2.js is where you'll write a function that'll create a table row and columns for you.
6:after which the the all,all2 and the final function which will make more impact on the table as seen on my module2.js file on my repo.
7:lastly you'll create a multiplication function that will multiply xAxis, yAxis and give an 100% output.
8:export default multiplication after your function and feel free to input any number of multiplication table you want to use on your module1.js file as seen on my repo eg(40,40) , (20,20) etc.