The SPIR-V Storage Class is used to designate the memory to be used for a variables.
Arguably the most confusing name, the UniformConstant
can be viewed as a "opaque handle" to images, samples, raytracing acceleration structures, etc variables.
The handle itself is immutable / read-only, but the data it points to might not be.
The following is an example of writting to a storage image:
%type_image = OpTypeImage %uint Buffer 0 0 0 2 Rgba8ui
%ptr = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_image
%storage_image = OpVariable %ptr UniformConstant
%load = OpLoad %type_image %storage_image
OpImageWrite %load %coordinate %texel
These are used for interfacing between shader stages. When working with Vulkan, each shaders in a Graphics pipeline can have input/output variables.
Note: The Vertex input and Fragment output have special considerations explained in the Vulkan Spec.
is read-onlyStorageBuffer
is read and write
was added in SPIR-V 1.3, more details and code example can be found in the Vulkan Guide VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class write up.
This is for pointers into texture storage, for storage buffers. But this is only used for image atomics.
%type_image = OpTypeImage %uint 2D 0 0 0 2 R32ui
%image_ptr = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_image
%image_var = OpVariable %image_ptr UniformConstant
%uint_ptr = OpTypePointer Image %uint
%ssbo = OpAccessChain %ssbo_ptr %base %index_0
%value = OpLoad %uint %ssbo
%texel_ptr = OpImageTexelPointer %uint_ptr %image_var %coordinate %sample
%atomic_add = OpAtomicIAdd %uint %texel_ptr %memory %semantics %value
description says "Use of such a pointer is limited to atomic operations".
There is a table in the Vulkan Spec the maps which Vulkan resource types to each SPIR-V Storage Class. There is also a Vulkan Guide Chapter with examples.