Serial solution using Avx vector instructions, including fused multiply add. With 256-bit registers this can perform 4 "iterations" at once, which is twice as many as the SSE2 solution. As the problem scales particularly well, we also get about twice the performance.
benchmark name samples iterations mean
AvxPi 10 1 820.518 ms
As intrinsics are directly used there is little difference in the compiler flags used and below are the high level statistics.
$ perf stat -d ./out/build/linux-gcc-profile/PiBench/PiBench --benchmark-no-analysis --benchmark-samples 10 "[!benchmark][AvxPi]"
Performance counter stats for './out/build/linux-gcc-profile/PiBench/PiBench --benchmark-no-analysis --benchmark-samples 10 [!benchmark][AvxPi]':
18,989.80 msec task-clock # 1.000 CPUs utilized
92 context-switches # 4.845 /sec
0 cpu-migrations # 0.000 /sec
420,156 page-faults # 22.125 K/sec
104,838,147,991 cycles # 5.521 GHz (71.43%)
8,033,075,338 stalled-cycles-frontend # 7.66% frontend cycles idle (71.43%)
178,612,789,114 instructions # 1.70 insn per cycle
# 0.04 stalled cycles per insn (71.43%)
23,683,097,575 branches # 1.247 G/sec (71.43%)
74,687,544 branch-misses # 0.32% of all branches (71.43%)
6,359,120,038 L1-dcache-loads # 334.870 M/sec (71.43%)
114,107,280 L1-dcache-load-misses # 1.79% of all L1-dcache accesses (71.43%)
<not supported> LLC-loads
<not supported> LLC-load-misses
18.991871520 seconds time elapsed
18.510092000 seconds user
0.479950000 seconds sys
$ perf stat -M PipelineL2 ./out/build/linux-gcc-profile/PiBench/PiBench --benchmark-no-analysis --benchmark-samples 10 "[!benchmark][AvxPi]"
Performance counter stats for './out/build/linux-gcc-profile/PiBench/PiBench --benchmark-no-analysis --benchmark-samples 10 [!benchmark][AvxPi]':
73,431,668 ex_ret_brn_misp # 0.2 % bad_speculation_mispredicts
# 0.0 % bad_speculation_pipeline_restarts (25.00%)
165,497,956,702 de_src_op_disp.all (25.00%)
462,005 resyncs_or_nc_redirects (25.00%)
105,036,989,901 ls_not_halted_cyc (25.00%)
164,421,923,897 ex_ret_ops (25.00%)
5,164,675,949 ex_no_retire.load_not_complete # 59.6 % backend_bound_cpu
# 4.4 % backend_bound_memory (25.00%)
403,173,685,733 de_no_dispatch_per_slot.backend_stalls (25.00%)
74,857,151,606 ex_no_retire.not_complete (25.00%)
105,021,496,039 ls_not_halted_cyc (25.00%)
5,458,038,363 ex_ret_ucode_ops # 25.2 % retiring_fastpath
# 0.9 % retiring_microcode (25.00%)
105,061,826,471 ls_not_halted_cyc (25.00%)
164,437,770,686 ex_ret_ops (25.00%)
61,030,838,582 de_no_dispatch_per_slot.no_ops_from_frontend # 2.0 % frontend_bound_bandwidth (24.99%)
8,019,190,455 cpu/de_no_dispatch_per_slot.no_ops_from_frontend,cmask=0x6/ # 7.6 % frontend_bound_latency (24.99%)
105,079,829,837 ls_not_halted_cyc (24.99%)
19.015071526 seconds time elapsed
18.536473000 seconds user
0.476960000 seconds sys
As expected the bulk of the work is done by vector instructions in the hot loop. Notably there isn't any loop unrolling, which would be intriguing to explore if/how much that would help.
$ perf annotate PiLib::AvxPi --stdio --no-source
Percent | Source code & Disassembly of PiBench for cycles:u (36227 samples, percent: local period)
0.00 : 1cea0: vmulpd %ymm1,%ymm4,%ymm0
0.00 : 1cea4: add $0x1,%rax
0.00 : 1cea8: vaddpd %ymm3,%ymm1,%ymm1
0.00 : 1ceac: vfmadd132pd %ymm0,%ymm5,%ymm0
0.00 : 1ceb1: vdivpd %ymm0,%ymm3,%ymm0
46.52 : 1ceb5: vaddpd %ymm0,%ymm2,%ymm2
53.48 : 1ceb9: cmp %rax,%rdx
0.00 : 1cebc: jne 1cea0 <PiLib::AvxPi(long)+0x80>