Images should be:
- .png format
- 128 x 296 pixels
- 4 color grayscale.
I run all images through a program which gets them to exactly the PNG format needed by the wyldcard hardware. Sometimes this changes the appearance of the image, especially when it comes to enforcing the 4-color grayscale requirement. If you use a larger pallete, some of the colors will be "rounded" up or down to the nearest grayscale value.
Also, keep in mind that the screens are nowhere near color-accurate. Their "black" is pretty black, but their "white" is more like gray.
If you want instant feedback on how your image will turn out, install imageMagick and run it from the commandline like so:
convert orignal_file.png -alpha off -colorspace gray -depth 2 converted_file.png
See more information in the images directory