Configuration files specify hyperparameter and architectural choices of an RGN model. They are comprised of a list of option specifications in the following format:
# Optional comment
option <optionValue>
Below are the major options along with their descriptions and allowed values. Not all options are documented.
Option Name |
Acceptable Values |
Description |
runName |
string |
user-specified model name |
datasetName |
string |
user-specified dataset name |
num_evo_entries |
integer |
Number of entries present in evolutionary profiles. In this case, it is from calculating PSSM. |
maxSeqLength |
integer |
Longest acceptable protein. Longer proteins will be ignored and shorter ones will be padded. Max irrespective of curriculum. |
trainingShuffle |
boolean |
if True shuffle training set |
evaluationShuffle |
boolean |
if True shuffle evaluation set |
evaluationFrequency |
integer |
number of iterations between evaluations |
predictionFrequency |
integer |
number of iterations between predicting structures |
checkpointFrequency |
integer |
number of iterations between model checkpoints |
numTrainingSamples |
integer |
number of samples when evaluating training set |
numValidationSamples |
integer |
number of samples when evaluating validation set |
numTestingSamples |
integer |
number of samples when evaluating test set |
numTrainingInvocations |
integer |
number of batches to process when evaluating training set |
numValidationInvocations |
integer |
number of batches to process when evaluating validation set |
numTestingInvocations |
integer |
number of batches to process when evaluating test set |
Option Name |
Acceptable Values |
Description |
internal_representation |
transformer, recurrent |
Either use the recurrent neural network or the transformer. |
includePrimary |
boolean |
if True include primary sequence as input |
includeEvolutionary |
boolean |
if True include PSSM as input |
tertiaryOutput |
linear, linear_alphabet, angular, angular_alphabet |
form of output units in last layer |
alphabetSize |
integer |
alphabet size if using alphabetized output |
alphabetTrainable |
boolean |
if True alphabet is trainable |
recurrentNonlinearOutputProjSize |
integer |
if set specifies size of non-linear projection layer after last RNN layer |
recurrentNonlinearOutputProjFunction |
tanh, relu |
type of non-linearity to use |
recurrentUnit |
LSTM, GRU, CudnnLSTM, CudnnGRU |
type of RNN unit |
recurrentSize |
[integer, ...] |
list of RNN layer sizes |
bidirectional |
boolean |
whether RNN is uni- or bi-directional |
higherOrderLayers |
boolean |
if True enables construction of more complex RNN architectures (all options below require this), and integrates RNN directions before passing on to next layer |
includeRecurrentOutputsBetweenLayers |
boolean |
if True passes raw outputs of one layer to another |
includeDihedralsBetweenLayers |
boolean |
if True passes dihedral outputs of one layer to another |
residualConnectionsEveryNLayers |
integer |
connect layers residually every Nth layer |
firstResidualConnectionFromNthLayer |
integer |
begin residual connections at the specified layer |
recurrentToOutputSkipConnections |
boolean |
use skip connections from all hidden layers to final layer |
inputToRecurrentSkipConnections |
boolean |
use skip connections from input layer to all hidden layers |
allToRecurrentSkipConnections |
boolean |
use skip connections from all layers to final |
transformer_layers |
integer |
Number of layers for transformer |
transformer_heads |
integer |
Number of heads for transformer |
transformer_ff_dims |
integer |
Feed forward dimension for transformer |
transformer_dense_input_dim |
integer |
Dimension of fully connected layer from inputs to transformer |
transformer_type |
vanilla or universal |
Transformer type |
act_max_steps |
Integer |
Number of iterations for ACT |
act_threshold |
real |
Threshold for halting |
transition_function |
feed_forward, 1d_seperable_conv |
Transition function to use for universal transformer |
seperable_kernel_size |
integer |
Kernel size for seperable convolution |
include_pos_encodings |
Boolean |
Whether to include positional encodings or not |
All keep probabilities correspond to 1 - dropout probability, and can be specified as a single real number to be used for all layers, or as a list of real numbers, one per layer.
Option Name |
Acceptable Values |
Description |
recurInKeepProb |
real or list of reals |
keep probabilit(y,ies) of inputs to recurrent layers |
recurOutKeepProb |
real or list of reals |
keep probabilit(y,ies) of outputs of recurrent layers |
recurKeepProb |
real or list of reals |
keep probabilit(y,ies) of states of recurrent layers |
recurStateZoneinProb |
real or list of reals |
zone in probabilit(y,ies) of states of recurrent layers |
recurMemoryZoneinProb |
real or list of reals |
zone in probabilit(y,ies) of memories of recurrent layers |
recurStateZoneinProb |
real or list of reals |
zone in probabilit(y,ies) of states of recurrent layers |
recurVariationalDropout |
boolean |
if True uses variational dropout for recurrent state (requires recurKeepProb > 0) |
alphabetKeepProb |
real or list of reals |
keep probabilit(y,ies) of alphabet |
alphabetNormalization |
[batch,layer]_normalization |
normalization for alphabet layer, if not None |
transformer_keep_prob |
float |
Keep probability for dropout. |
Option Name |
Acceptable Values |
Description |
batch_size |
integer |
batch size |
bucketBoundaries |
list of integers |
specifies buckets (protein lengths) to use during batching |
optimiser |
steepest, momentum, rmsprop, adam, adagrad, adadelta |
optimizer to use |
learning_rate |
real |
optimizer learning rate |
momentum |
real |
momentum in steepest and momentum optimizers |
beta1 |
real |
beta1 in adam optimizer |
beta2 |
real |
beta2 in adam optimizer |
epsilon |
real |
epsilon in rmsprop, adam, and adadelta optimizers |
decay |
real |
decay in rmsprop and adadelta (rho) optimizers |
initAccumulatorValue |
real |
initial accumulator value in adagrad optimizer |
rescaleBehavior |
norm_rescaling or hard_clipping |
gradient rescaling approach |
gradientThreshold |
real |
threshold to use when rescaling gradients |
recurrentThreshold |
real |
threshold for clipping RNN cells |
alphabetTemperature |
real between 0 and 1 |
temperature of alphabet softmax |
numEpochs |
integer |
number of epochs to train for |
validationMilestone |
{iteration:drmsd, ...} |
dictionary of (validation) dRMSDs that must be reached by corresponding iterations, otherwise training is restarted with a new seed |
Many initialization options accept an initialization dictionary of the form {'base': spec, 'bias': spec}
, where 'base'
controls the overall distribution and 'bias'
the bias terms, and spec
is of the form {'center': real, 'range': real, 'dist': <dist>}
where <dist>
can be one of 'gaussian'
, 'uniform'
, 'orthogonal'
, 'gaussian_variance_scaling'
, and 'uniform_variance_scaling'
. Additional spec
terms may be specifiable for some distributions.
Option Name |
Acceptable Values |
Description |
randSeed |
integer |
random seed for initializing model |
recurrentInit |
one or a list of initialization dictionaries |
initialization scheme for recurrent layers |
recurrentOutProjInit |
initialization dictionary |
initialization scheme for output projection layer |
recurrentNonlinearOutProjInit |
initialization dictionary |
initialization scheme for non-linear output projection layer |
alphabetInit |
initialization spec |
initialization scheme for alphabet |
recurrentForgetBias |
real |
initial value of forget bias in LSTM units |
Additional compute-related options can be specified as command-line options to
Option Name |
Acceptable Values |
Description |
trainingDevice |
where to place training model |
evaluationDevice |
where to place evaluation model |