Collaborative filtering model:
- Based on feedbacks:
- explicit feedback(ratings, thumbup/thumdown)
- implicit feedback(book in shopping cart, numbner of episode watched in a TV show)
- User-user similarities (people like you, also like "The Hobbit")
- Item-item similarities (if you like "The Hobbit", you will also "The Lord of Rings")
- User-item similarities : combined both approaches above and use matrix facotrization -> Best trained with Singular Value decomposition (SVD)
- Based on feedbacks:
Content-based model:
- Similarities are calculated based on content based features (like the genre, duration of the movie)
Hybrid recommender model:
- Combined collaborative filtering with content-based
- Because Hybrid Deep Learning algorithms are non-linear, they are less prone to over-simplify a user’s tastes. They allow us to learn much finer interactions between users and items.
- Deep learning models can reveal more complex tastes over cross-domain data (predict a user's taste on music, movies and even dishes!?)
- book data
- user data
- rating data
- explict rating (non-0s) vs. implicit rating (0s)
- calculate sparsity of the matrix
- fillna
- transpose the matrix
- Collaborative filter: KNN approach
- Item-based recommender (CF)- find similiar books and recommend to users
- Use KNN to find k most similar books
- Default params:
- metric = 'cosine'
- algorithm = 'brute'
- k = 5
- Content based model using Natural Language Process (NLP)
- content here is the book title
- NLP steps:
- remove NonAscii, make words lower cases, remove stop words, punctuations and html links in the title
- convert book title in to vectors by TfidfVectorizer (bigram)
- use consine similarity for similarity measurement
- score the book titles based on similarities and get top k most similar book titles by the given book title.