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1. 部署自己之前的作业到Kubernetes上,需要编写一个deployment的yaml文件

  1. Create a Java Spring Boot application
  2. Containerize the application using Docker
  3. Push the Docker image to a registry
  4. Install and start Minikube
    • brew install minikube
  5. Write a Kubernetes deployment YAML file
    • brew install kubectl
  6. Deploy the application on Minikube

Some basic concepts

Kubectl, Kubernetes, and Minikube are all related to the management and deployment of containerized applications in a Kubernetes environment. Here's an overview of their relationship:

  1. Kubernetes: Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform developed by Google. It provides a framework for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications across a cluster of machines. Kubernetes abstracts the underlying infrastructure and provides a consistent way to manage and control containers.

  2. Minikube: Minikube is a lightweight tool that enables local development and testing of Kubernetes applications. It creates a single-node Kubernetes cluster on a local machine, providing an environment that mimics a full-scale Kubernetes cluster. Minikube is useful for developers who want to experiment with Kubernetes features, test their applications, or learn Kubernetes without the need for a full production cluster.

  3. Kubectl: Kubectl is the official command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. It acts as a client to the Kubernetes API server and allows users to deploy and manage applications, inspect and modify cluster resources, and view logs and events. Kubectl enables administrators and developers to control and monitor the Kubernetes cluster from the command line or through scripts. Kubectl can be used to monitor and interact with the activity in a Minikube cluster. When you start a Minikube cluster, it creates a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your local machine. You can then use kubectl commands to manage and monitor the resources within that Minikube cluster.

Docker plays a crucial role in the relationship between Kubectl, Kubernetes, and Minikube. Here's how Docker fits into the picture:

  1. Docker: Docker is a popular containerization platform that allows you to package applications and their dependencies into containers. Containers are lightweight, isolated environments that encapsulate an application and all its necessary dependencies, enabling consistent deployment and execution across different environments.

  2. Kubernetes and Containers: Kubernetes works with containers to manage and orchestrate application deployments. It leverages Docker (or other container runtimes) as the default container runtime to create, run, and manage containers on individual nodes within a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes treats containers as the basic units of deployment and scaling.

  3. Minikube and Docker: Minikube uses Docker as the default container runtime to create and manage containers within the Minikube cluster. When you start a Minikube cluster, it provisions a single-node Kubernetes cluster, and Docker is used by Minikube to run containers on that node. Minikube interacts with Docker to create and manage the containers required for running Kubernetes applications locally.

  4. Kubectl and Containers: Kubectl, as the command-line interface to Kubernetes, interacts with containers indirectly through the Kubernetes API server. When you use kubectl commands to deploy or manage applications, Kubernetes translates those commands into actions on the underlying containers managed by Docker (or the container runtime in use).

In summary, Docker provides the containerization technology that Kubernetes leverages to deploy and manage applications. Minikube, as a local Kubernetes cluster, uses Docker as the container runtime. Kubectl interacts with Kubernetes, which in turn manages the containers using Docker. Docker, therefore, plays a crucial role in containerization, while Kubernetes and Minikube provide the orchestration and management layers for running containers in a scalable and distributed manner.

Learn More:

Step 1: Create a Java Spring Boot application

First, we will create a simple "Hello World" application using Spring Boot and IntelliJ IDEA.

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA, go to "File -> New -> Project".
  2. In the new project wizard, select "Spring Initializr". Click "Next".
  3. Fill in the "Group" and "Artifact" details as per your requirement. Click "Next".
  4. Choose the "Spring Web" dependency, then click "Next" and "Finish".
  5. In the generated project, navigate to src/main/java/<YourProjectName>/
  6. Create a new controller class in the same package. The class should look like this:
package com.james.bookstore.controller;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class HelloController {

    public String helloWorld() {
        return "Hello, world!";

Step 2: Containerize the application using Docker

  1. Make sure Docker is installed on your machine. You can verify it by running docker version in your terminal.
  2. In your project directory, create a Dockerfile with the following content:
FROM openjdk:11
ADD target/bookstore-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar bookstore.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/bookstore.jar"]
  1. To create the Docker image, first you need to build your application. Navigate to the root directory of your application in terminal and run the following command:
mvn package
  1. After the build is successful, create the Docker image using the following command:
docker build -t hello-world .

Step 3: Push the Docker image to a registry

For Minikube to pull the Docker image, it needs to be hosted on a Docker registry. For this guide, we'll use Docker's public registry, Docker Hub.

  1. Login to Docker Hub using the command: docker login. Provide your Docker Hub username and password.
  2. Tag the image with your Docker Hub username: docker tag hello-world:latest <your-username>/hello-world:latest.
  3. Push the image to Docker Hub: docker push <your-username>/hello-world:latest.

Step 4: Install and start Minikube

  1. Install Minikube based on your operating system.
  2. Start Minikube with the command: minikube start.

Step 5: Write a Kubernetes deployment YAML file

In your project directory, create a file named deployment.yaml with the following content:

The YAML content should look like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-world
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-world
        app: hello-world
      - name: hello-world
        image: <your-username>/hello-world:latest
        - containerPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hello-world-service
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 8080
    targetPort: 8080
    app: hello-world

This YAML file includes a Deployment and a Service. The Deployment specifies that we want one replica of our app running, and it should use the Docker image we pushed to Docker Hub. The Service will expose our application on a LoadBalancer type, which means it will be accessible through a public IP address in a real cloud environment. In Minikube, this will be the IP address of the Minikube virtual machine itself.

Step 6: Deploy the application on Minikube

Before we can deploy our application, we need to make sure Minikube can pull the Docker image we created. We can do this by pointing Docker's context to Minikube's Docker daemon with the following command:

eval $(minikube docker-env)

Now we can apply our deployment configuration:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

This will create the deployment in our Kubernetes cluster. You can check the status of the deployment with the following command:

kubectl get deployments

You should see your hello-world listed.

Deployment or Pods not working

kubectl describe deployment helloworld-deployment

This will create the deployment in our Kubernetes cluster. You can check the status of the deployment with the following command:

kubectl get deployments

This command will show you the events and configuration related to your helloworld-deployment. Look for any warning or error messages in the output.

You can also check the logs of the pods themselves. First, get the pod names:

kubectl get pods

Then, you can get the logs of a specific pod by using its name:

kubectl logs <pod-name>

Replace <pod-name> with the name of one of the pods that's not running properly. This should give you more insight into what might be going wrong.

Now we need to expose the deployment as a service so we can access it. Run the following command:

kubectl expose deployment hello-world --type=NodePort --port=8080

This will create a service that exposes our application to external traffic. By specifying type=NodePort, Kubernetes will allocate a port on each node for our service.

You can view the service with the following command:

kubectl get services

You should see your hello-world service listed, along with the port it's been assigned on the node. image

Finally, to access the application, you can ask Minikube to give you the URL of the service:

minikube service hello-world --url

When you navigate to this URL in a web browser, you should see your "Hello, world!" message.

That's it! You've successfully deployed your Spring Boot "Hello World" application to a Kubernetes cluster using Minikube and Docker. Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any issues!

image image

2. 能够动态扩缩容,在yaml文件里写好相关配置后就能实现 The requirement you mentioned is to dynamically scale the application, and you want the related configurations to be written in the YAML file.

Kubernetes provides a feature called the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) that automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment, replica set or stateful set based on observed CPU utilization.

Here's how you can set it up:

  1. First, you need to make sure that the metrics server is running in your cluster. The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler uses the metrics server to fetch metrics like CPU utilization. In Minikube, you can enable it with the command minikube addons enable metrics-server.

  2. Next, you'll need to define a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource. This can be done in the same YAML file as your deployment, or in a separate file. Here's an example configuration:

apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: hello-world-hpa
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: hello-world
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 10
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50

This configuration will create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler that manages the number of pods in the hello-world deployment. The number of pods will be between minReplicas and maxReplicas, scaling based on CPU utilization. In this case, if the average CPU utilization across all pods exceeds 50%, Kubernetes will start creating new pods. If CPU utilization drops below 50%, it will start removing pods, down to a minimum of 1.

  1. You can apply this configuration with kubectl apply -f hpa.yaml, if you put it in a separate file named hpa.yaml.

  2. To check the status of the HPA, you can use the command kubectl get hpa.

Remember that HPA is based on the metrics available in your cluster. The example above uses CPU utilization, but Kubernetes can also scale based on memory usage and custom metrics, provided that the metrics are available in your cluster.

Also note that this is a basic example and actual values for minReplicas, maxReplicas and averageUtilization should be chosen based on the requirements of your specific application and environment.


3. 利用Prometheus监控Kubernete以及其上的应用 Monitoring your Kubernetes cluster and the applications running on it with Prometheus is a great choice. Prometheus, a CNCF project, is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.

To use Prometheus for monitoring, you'll need to install Prometheus itself, as well as node_exporter for machine metrics, and kube-state-metrics for cluster metrics. You'll also need to configure your applications to expose Prometheus metrics.

Here are the steps to setup Prometheus for Kubernetes:

Step 1: Install Prometheus

To install Prometheus, you can create a new namespace and apply the Prometheus operator manifest:

Create monitoring namespace

  1. Install Prometheus Operator:

    kubectl create namespace monitoring
    # Add the prometheus-community Helm repo
    helm repo add prometheus-community
    # Update the Helm repo
    helm repo update
    # Install Prometheus
    helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --namespace monitoring
  2. Verify the installation:

    After a while, verify that the Prometheus Operator components are deployed:

    kubectl get pods -n monitoring

You should see several pods starting with prometheus-operator-... in the "monitoring" namespace. If this works, then you can proceed with the rest of the Prometheus setup.

Step 2: Create a Prometheus instance

You can create a Prometheus instance by applying a YAML file with a Prometheus resource. Here's an example:

kind: Prometheus
  name: prometheus
  namespace: monitoring
  serviceAccountName: prometheus
      team: frontend
      memory: 400Mi
  enableAdminAPI: false

This will create a Prometheus instance that will monitor services labeled with team: frontend. You can adjust the matchLabels to match your environment.

kubectl apply -f prometheus-instance.yaml

Step 3: Install node_exporter

Node_exporter is a Prometheus exporter for machine metrics. You can install it with the following commands:

brew install helm
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/prometheus-node-exporter

In this command, replace [RELEASE_NAME] with the name you want to give to this release of the application. If you're running these commands for the first time, Helm will download the chart from the Prometheus community Helm chart repository, update the chart with the latest information from the repository, and then install the application with the name you've specified.

Step 4: Install kube-state-metrics

Kube-state-metrics is a service that listens to the Kubernetes API server and generates metrics about the state of the objects. It's not focused on the health of the individual Kubernetes components, but rather on the health of the various objects inside, such as deployments, nodes and pods.

You can install it with the following command:

apiVersion: apps/v1  
kind: Deployment  
  labels: exporter kube-state-metrics 2.9.2  
  name: kube-state-metrics  
  namespace: kube-system  
  replicas: 1  
    matchLabels: kube-state-metrics  
      labels:  exporter  kube-state-metrics  2.9.2  
      automountServiceAccountToken: true  
      - image:  
            path: /healthz  
            port: 8080  
          initialDelaySeconds: 5  
          timeoutSeconds: 5  
        name: kube-state-metrics  
        - containerPort: 8080  
          name: http-metrics  
        - containerPort: 8081  
          name: telemetry  
            path: /  
            port: 8081  
          initialDelaySeconds: 5  
          timeoutSeconds: 5  
          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false  
            - ALL  
          readOnlyRootFilesystem: true  
          runAsNonRoot: true  
          runAsUser: 65534  
            type: RuntimeDefault  
      nodeSelector:  linux  
      serviceAccountName: kube-state-metrics

You can save this content into a file (let's call it kube-state-metrics.yaml) and then apply it using the following command:

kubectl apply -f kube-state-metrics.yaml

Step 5: Expose application metrics

To monitor your applications with Prometheus, they need to expose a /metrics HTTP endpoint that returns current metrics in Prometheus format. Spring Boot applications can use the Actuator's prometheus micrometer to expose these metrics. You can add these to your application's properties:


You'll also need to add the micrometer dependency to your pom.xml:



Once your application is exposing metrics, you can add a ServiceMonitor to tell Prometheus to scrape metrics from your application:

kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: hello-world-monitor
    team: frontend
      app: hello-world
  - port: web
    path: /actuator/prometheus
kubectl apply -f servicemonitor.yaml

Verifying Your Prometheus Setup

After setting up Prometheus and configuring your application to expose metrics, you can verify that Prometheus is successfully scraping metrics from your application by accessing the Prometheus dashboard:

  1. Run the following command to set up port forwarding:
kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operator-prometheus -n monitoring 9090

To check the service name of your Prometheus instance in Kubernetes, you can use the following command:

kubectl get services -n monitoring

This command will list all the services in the "monitoring" namespace. Look for the Prometheus service in the output. The service name should be displayed in the "NAME" column.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:9090.
  1. Click on the "Status" dropdown menu and select "Targets". You should see your application listed as a target, with the status "UP".
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  1. You can also query your application's metrics: type the metric's name into the "Expression" input field and click "Execute".

Remember to replace prometheus-operator-prometheus with the service name of your Prometheus instance if you named it differently.


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