Voting is a crucial feature of civic engagement, and making it accessible to everyone is our mission. This statically generated site is created with Eleventy, deployed over Netlify, and accessible by authorized editors through the CMS.
Run the following to install dependencies and spin up a local server.
npm i && npm run serve
npm install highcharts-export-server -g
highcharts-export-server -infile charts/voting.json -outfile assets/voting.svg -type svg
- Retroactively added CMS with Netlify
- Used widgets to create user interface.
- Local development of admin portal supported by beta features.
- run
- start local serve with
npm run serve
- visit
- run
Pass eleventyConfig
parameter to config function to access features.
Using NPM package for Eleventy plugin to clean up date.
Wanted some links to be given URL re-writes for the top level of my directory while still storing the files in an assets folder. Add the following to .eleventy.js
eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy({ "assets/tld-links": "." })
Markdown pre-processor can be changed from default liquid to other options.
Used Eleventy filter to access next and previous collection items.
Search is powered by Agolia and Netlify with plug and play authentication and features.
The add to calendar button is powered by AddEvent. Pros and cons:
- Pros: free, easy setup, provides multiple calendar options, & includes recurring events.
- Cons: Clunky HTML first approach which creates FOUC; the API costs money, so this is a necessary evil.
- This can be overcome by applying
display: none
to the class which the JS and CSS target.
- This can be overcome by applying
Graph is dynamically put together by Highcharts: API reference. Attempted an SVG export to lose bulky code, but SVG wasn't sufficiently responsive or engaging for my fancy.
The form is powered by Netlify at build time.
Make sure NPM packages are globally accessible by appending source ~/.bash_profile
to .zshrc, which can be found as a hidden file in the user's root directory. Source