This repository contains my work and progress for the Nand2Tetris course, a project-based journey from building basic NAND logic gates to creating a fully functional computer capable of running Tetris.
Nand2Tetris is a hands-on course that takes you through the fundamental concepts of computer science and hardware engineering. By the end, participants will have designed and implemented a computer from scratch, including its hardware architecture, machine language, assembler, virtual machine, and high-level programming language.
In this repository, I have documented my solutions to the course's assignments, along with comments explaining my approach. Each folder corresponds to a specific project in the course and contains:
- Code: My implementation of the assigned tasks.
- Documentation: Notes and explanations of my approach.
This work represents my learning journey and solutions. I encourage anyone interested in understanding computer science at its core to explore Nand2Tetris.
Feel free to explore the repository and reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.