Just view this on my website https://j0hnniewa1ker.com/
podman run --name ceevee --rm -d -p 8080:80 quay.io/j0hnniewa1ker/ceevee
Instruction to run:
forked the repo from Saurabh Mhatre
Modified these files
deleted: public/images/header.jpg
deleted: public/images/portfolio/phone.jpg
deleted: public/images/portfolio/project.jpg
deleted: public/images/portfolio/project2.png
deleted: public/images/testimonials-bg.jpg
modified: package-lock.json
modified: package.json
modified: public/css/layout.css
modified: public/images/profilepic.jpg
modified: public/index.html
modified: src/App.js
modified: src/components/about/about.js
modified: src/components/header/header.js
modified: src/components/portfolio/portfolio.js
modified: src/components/resume/resume.js
modified: src/resumeData.js
modified: README.md
added: Dockerfile
- copied these photos but didn't add them to the repo:
- Generated build using command:
npm run build
- Build a nginx image including the build folder
podman build -t quay.io/j0hnniewa1ker/ceevee .
podman login quay.io
podman push quay.io/j0hnniewa1ker/ceevee
- run a container from the image
podman run --name ceevee --rm -d -p 8080:80 quay.io/j0hnniewa1ker/ceevee
- hit
For detailed instructions on how the ceevee template was created go to Saurabh Mhatre's Medium Article