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list of weapons
Tiranadel edited this page Oct 10, 2020
11 revisions
This is a list of weapons that the players can get. It will show the weapon stats and the techniques they have, if any. Not all weapons will have techs. Also, some weapons will share techs. For example, the Spharai weapon will have some of the same techs that the Fists weapon has. For full information, you can use !view-info weapon namehere
and !view-info tech namehere
[Axes] | [Bats] | [Bows] | [Chakrams] | [Daggers] | [Glyphs] | [GreatAxes] | [GreatSwords] | [Gunblades] | [Guns]
[Hammers] | [HandToHand] | [Katanas] | [Lightsabers] | [Misc] | [Rifles] | [Scythes] | [Spears] | [Staves] | [Swords]
[Wands] | [Whips]
- IronAxe | Farsha | Guttler | Kerehcatl | Guttler+1
- BaseballBat
- WoodenBow | RobinsBow | ShigetoBow | LamianKamen | Yoichinoyumi | Gandiva | HomesteadBow
- CompoundBow | CompoundBow+1 | RakshasaGreatBow
- BronzeChakrams | SteelChakrams | SilverChakrams | CobaltChakrams | Krishna
- SmallDagger | MainGauche | Mandau | Terpsichore | Vanir_Knife | Vajra | Kikoku
- Kannagi | Mandau+1 | Kikoku+1 | Kannagi+1
- MagicGlyphs | Glyphs | Glyphs+1
- GreatIronAxe | Ukonvasara | Bravura | Lightreaver | Bravura+1
- GreatForgedSword | Rebellion | Braveheart | Balmung | Nightfall | Ragnarok | Caladbolg
- Macbain | Ragnarok+1
- BronzeGunblade | SteelGunblade | SilverGunblade | CobaltGunblade | Lionheart
- HandGun | Ebony&Ivory | Magnum | Hexagun | SubMachineGun | Quicksilver | X-Buster
- BlueRose | TacticalPistol | SamuraiEdge | SamuraiEdge-I | SamuraiEdge-F | SamuraiEdge-E | SamuraiEdge-M
- BronzeHammer | WarHammer | BlessedHammer | SteelHammer | Daedalus | Daedalus+1 | Mjolnir
- Fists | Cerberus | Ifrit | Verethragna | Spharai | KaiserKnuckles | Oatixur | AntlionClaws | Spharai+1
- SmallKatana | PowerChordSword | Soboro | Kogarasumaru | Yamato | Crissaegrim | Valmanway
- Valmanway+1 | Yamato+1 | Zangetsu | Senbonzakura | Hyourinmaru | Keitonotachi | Hagun
- Masamune | Naturaleza | Sacrament | Lazarus | Ichimonji-Yofusa
- BlueLightsaber | Lightsaber
- ProtonPack
- HuntingRifle | Boomstick | AK47 | Armageddon | SniperRifle | Annihilator | DeathPenalty
- VanirRifle | TacticalShotgun | RocketLauncher | Thunderclap
- FightingScythe | DeathScythe | Vendetta | Apocalypse | Redemption | Xbalanque | Apocalypse+1
- FightingSpear | Lance | Thalassocrat | Gungnir | Corsesca | Ryunohige | Rhongomiant
- Upukirex | Ryunohige+1
- WoodenStaff | IridialStaff | Laevatein | Uffrat | BahamutsStaff | Laevatein+1 | BahamutsStaff+1
- ForgedSword | Mythril_Sword | Cutlass | Joyeuse | Agni | Rudra | Excalibur
- Excalibur+1 | Murgleis | JewelSword | TrueMasterSword | LexTalionis | Soulsaber | Almace
- SilverSword | MasterSword | Xiutleato | Z-Sword | Z-Sword+1 | Mastermune | SilverSword+1
- WoodenWand | YewWand | PixiWand | OakWand | PineWand | ElderWand | EbonyWand
- Aedold | Seveneyes
- BlackWhip | LeatherWhip | DemonWhip | Vampire_Killer | ChainWhip | SpikedSteelWhip | DragontailWhip
- Vampire_Killer+1 | DemonWhip+1
- IronAxe
- Farsha
- Guttler
- Kerehcatl
- Guttler+1
- BaseballBat
- WoodenBow
- RobinsBow
- ShigetoBow
- LamianKamen
- Yoichinoyumi
- Gandiva
- HomesteadBow
- CompoundBow
- CompoundBow+1
- RakshasaGreatBow
- BronzeChakrams
- SteelChakrams
- SilverChakrams
- CobaltChakrams
- Krishna
- SmallDagger
- MainGauche
- Mandau
- Terpsichore
- Vanir_Knife
- Vajra
- Kikoku
- Kannagi
- Mandau+1
- Kikoku+1
- Kannagi+1
- MagicGlyphs
- Glyphs
- Glyphs+1
- GreatIronAxe
- Ukonvasara
- Bravura
- Lightreaver
- Bravura+1
- GreatForgedSword
- Rebellion
- Braveheart
- Balmung
- Nightfall
- Ragnarok
- Caladbolg
- Macbain
- Ragnarok+1
- BronzeGunblade
- SteelGunblade
- SilverGunblade
- CobaltGunblade
- Lionheart
- HandGun
- Ebony&Ivory
- Magnum
- Hexagun
- SubMachineGun
- Quicksilver
- X-Buster
- BlueRose
- TacticalPistol
- SamuraiEdge
- SamuraiEdge-I
- SamuraiEdge-F
- SamuraiEdge-E
- SamuraiEdge-M
- BronzeHammer
- WarHammer
- BlessedHammer
- SteelHammer
- Daedalus
- Daedalus+1
- Mjolnir
- Fists
- Power: 10 - Hits: 2 - Cost: 0 (Starting Weapon) - Element: None - Upgrade: 2000 - 2Handed: True - Torment: False
- DoublePunch - ShoulderTackle - SpinningAttack
- Cerberus
- Power: 40 - Hits: 1 - Cost: 20 - Element: Ice - Upgrade: 2000 - 2Handed: True - Torment: False
- Revolver - Windmill - Crystal
- Ifrit
- Power: 40 - Hits: 1 or 2 - Cost: 40 - Element: Fire - Upgrade: 2000 - 2Handed: True - Torment: False
- RollingBlaze - MagmaDrive - Inferno
- Verethragna
- Power: 60 - Hits: 2 - Cost: 60 - Element: None - Upgrade: 3000 - 2Handed: True - Torment: False
- VictorySmite - ShoulderTackle - ShinjinSpiral - SpinningAttack - TornadoKick
- Spharai
- Power: 80 - Hits: 2 - Cost: 70 - Element: None - Upgrade: 3500 - 2Handed: True - Torment: False
- FinalHeaven - ShoulderTackle - AsuranFists - SpinningAttack - OneInchPunch
- Spharai+1
- Power: 200 (600 in Torment) - Hits: 2 - Cost: Crafted - Element: None - Upgrade: 7000 - 2Handed: True - Torment: True
- FinalHeaven - ShoulderTackle - AsuranFists - OneInchPunch
- KaiserKnuckles
- Power: 50 - Hits: 2 - Cost: 50 - Element: None - Upgrade: 2500 - 2Handed: True - Torment: False
- ShoulderTackle - TornadoKick - OneInchPunch - SpinningAttack
- Oatixur
- Power: 120 - Hits: 2 - Cost: Crafted - Element: None - Upgrade: 6000 - 2Handed: True - Torment: False
- TornadoKick - ShinjinSpiral - ShoulderTackle - SpinningAttack
- AntlionClaws
- Power: 50 - Hits: 2 - Cost: Crafted - Element: None - Upgrade: 4000 - 2Handed: True - Torment: False
- SpinningAttack - AsuranFists
- SmallKatana
- PowerChordSword
- Soboro
- Kogarasumaru
- Yamato
- Crissaegrim
- Valmanway
- Valmanway+1
- Yamato+1
- Zangetsu
- Senbonzakura
- Hyourinmaru
- Keitonotachi
- Hagun
- Masamune
- Naturaleza
- Sacrament
- Lazarus
- Ichimonji-Yofusa
- BlueLightsaber
- Lightsaber
- ProtonPack
- HuntingRifle
- Boomstick
- AK47
- Armageddon
- SniperRifle
- Annihilator
- DeathPenalty
- VanirRifle
- TacticalShotgun
- RocketLauncher
- Thunderclap
- FightingScythe
- DeathScythe
- Vendetta
- Apocalypse
- Redemption
- Xbalanque
- Apocalypse+1
- FightingSpear
- Lance
- Thalassocrat
- Gungnir
- Corsesca
- Ryunohige
- Rhongomiant
- Upukirex
- Ryunohige+1
- WoodenStaff
- IridialStaff
- Laevatein
- Uffrat
- BahamutsStaff
- Laevatein+1
- BahamutsStaff+1
- ForgedSword
- Mythril_Sword
- Cutlass
- Joyeuse
- Agni
- Rudra
- Excalibur
- Excalibur+1
- Murgleis
- JewelSword
- TrueMasterSword
- LexTalionis
- Soulsaber
- Almace
- SilverSword
- MasterSword
- Xiutleato
- Z-Sword
- Z-Sword+1
- Mastermune
- SilverSword+1
- WoodenWand
- YewWand
- PixiWand
- OakWand
- PineWand
- ElderWand
- EbonyWand
- Aedold vSeveneyes
- BlackWhip
- LeatherWhip
- DemonWhip
- Vampire_Killer
- ChainWhip
- SpikedSteelWhip
- DragontailWhip
- Vampire_Killer+1
- DemonWhip+1