Welcome to my 100 Days of RTL Challenge repository! 🎉
In this project, I will be coding various digital designs using Verilog and RTL design techniques as part of a 100-day challenge to improve my hardware description language (HDL) skills.
- Day 1: Basic Gates using Behavioral Design
- Day 2: Basic Gates using Structural Design
- Day 3: Basic Gates using Gate Level Design
- Day 4: MOS Inverter Design & Testbench
- Day 5: Random Boolean Expression (ABC + A'C' + D)
- Day 6: Half Adder & Full Adder
- Day 7: Half Subtractor & Full Subtractor
- Day 8: 4-bit Parallel Adder with Control Input
- Day 9: 16-BIT ADDER AND SUBTRACTOR with Control input.
- Day 10: Ripple Carry Adder using 4 Full Adders
- Day 11: 4-bit Binary Multiplier with Adder-Based Partial Product Summation
- Day 12: Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor using Nand Gate
- Day 13: BCD adder Using Verilog.
- Day 14: 4 Bit Divider
- Day 15: 4 Bit Magnitude Comparator
- Day 16: Carry Look Ahead Generator
- Day 17: Carry Select Adder
- Day 18: Carry Save Adder
- Day 19: Carry Skip Adder
- Day 20: Even Parity Generator and Checker
- Day 21: N bit Comparator
- Day 22: Multiplexer [2:1]
- Day 23: [4:1] Mux using [2:1]
- Day 24: 16x1 Mux using 2x1 Mux by instantiating in Verilog.
- Day 25: K:1 Mux using parameter statement (K=64)
- Day 26: Logic Gates using Mux
- Day 27: Full Adder using Mux
- Day 28: DeMultiplexer [1:2]
- Day 29: DeMultiplexer[1:8] using [1:2]
- Day 30: 1:32 Demultiplexer Using Verilog.
- Day 31: Logic Gates using Dmux
- Day 32: 1-Bit Comparator Using 4x1 Mux.
- Day 33: Octal to binary Converter - Encoder [8:3]
- Day 34: Priority Encoder
- Day 35: Decoder [3:8]
- Day 36: 3x8 Decoder using 2x4 Decoder.
- Day 37: 5x32 Decoder using Verilog.
- Day 38: BCD to Decimal Decoder
- Day 39: watchdog timer (WDT)
- Day 40: Monostable Multivibrator
- Day 41: Input Majority Circuit [7 input]
- Day 42: Binary to Gray code Converter
- Day 43: Gray code to Binary Converter
- Day 44: Binary to BCD Converter
- Day 45: BCD to 7-Segment Converter
- Day 46: SR Latch
- Day 47: JK Flip Flop
- Day 48: D Flip Flop
- Day 49: T Flip Flop
- Day 50: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
- Day 51: SR flip flop using JK, D, T flip flops
- Day 52: JK flip flop using SR, D, T flip flops
- Day 53: D flip flop using SR, JK, T flip flops
- Day 54: T flip flop using SR, JK, D flip flops
- Day 55: Serial in Serial out (SISO) Register
- Day 56: Serial in Parallel out (SIPO) Register
- Day 57: Parallel in Serial out (PISO) Register
- Day 58: Parallel in Parallel out (PIPO) Register
- Day 59: Serial-in Serial-Out Shift Register Using JK Flip-Flop.
- Day 60: Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
- Day 61: Universal Shift Register
- Day 62: Barrel Shifter
- ... (Tasks will be added as I progress)
- Vivado 2024.1 🛠️
- The designs will be synthesized and simulated using the latest version of Xilinx Vivado (2024.1).
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for details.