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pelicangit is a python script that will automatically build your Pelican powered blog whenever you push a blog post into git.

The script will start a simple HTTP server. When the server recieves a POST (from a git service hook, indicating you have pushed a new blog post in markdown or restructuredtext), it will pull down these updates, run pelican to compile them to HTML and then commit and push the resulting HTML into another git repository (e.g. a github pages repo). This can be especially useful when writing blog posts on a client which cannot run pelican locally (e.g. a chromebook)

Note: Currently pelicangit only works on unix environments and has only been tested on Ubuntu.

Quick Start

  1. If you have pelican and pip installed, simply run: sudo pip install pelicangit
  2. Copy your pelican configuration to /etc/pelicangit/ and add the variables specified in the Extra Pelican Settings section
  3. Run with sudo start pelicangit



  • Install setuptools
  • Install pip with curl | sudo python
  • Install pelican with sudo pip install pelican
  • Be sure to install markdown if required with sudo pip install Markdown and any themes you require with pelican-themes

Installing pelicangit:

Run sudo pip install pelicangit

Extra Pelican Settings

Add these variables to your pelican config file (the file you pass with the -s argument to pelican)




  • PELICANGIT_SOURCE_REPO is the git repo you push new blog articles to in markdown or restructuredtext.
  • PELICANGIT_DEPLOY_REPO is the git repo pelicangit will push your HTML converted blog articles to.
  • PELICANGIT_USER is the name of the unix user that will be used to run the git and pelican commands. Ensure this user has a valid SSH keypair to pull/push from/to the git repositories.
  • GIT_WHITELISTED_FILES is a list of files pelicangit will not delete. By default, pelicangit assumes everything in the PELICANGIT_DEPLOY_REPO git repo is the output from pelican, and everytime it runs, it does a git rm on all files before regenerating your entire blog. If you have any files in your PELICANGIT_DEPLOY_REPO that are not the output from pelican then add them to this whitelist variable. I currently use this for a google webmaster tools verification html file and a github readme file.
  • PELICANGIT_PORT is the port the pelicangit will listen on for the git service hook you will configure in the next step

Setup your git hook

The git service hook is the mechanism which informs pelicangit whenever you commit content (markdown/restructuredtext) to your PELICANGIT_SOURCE_REPO and gets it to kick off pelican. For github:

  • Go to your github repo where you keep your source markdown (i.e. the PELICANGIT_SOURCE_REPO you set in step 2)
  • Click the 'Administration' button
  • Click 'Service Hooks' from the left hand nav
  • Click 'Post-Receive URLs' service hook
  • Add the URL/IP of the server you are running pelicangit. The port will be the value used in the PELICANGIT_PORT setting from step 2.
  • Once you have pelicangit running (see instructions below) you can use the 'Test Hook' button to check the hook is working

Running pelicangit

Running with Upstart

sudo start pelicangit

Upstart will keep pelicangit long running (will restart it if it crashes, or the machine reboots). By installing pelicangit, an upstart configuration file will be installed at /etc/init/pelicangit.conf.

When running with upstart, pelicangit will look for your pelican configuration file at /etc/pelicangit/ This will be the only argument pelicangit passed to pelican, so you will need to use the PATH and OUTPUT_PATH variables to define where your content and output paths are as defined here

Running Directly

Call the pelicangit with the same arguments you would call pelican. For example: pelicangit -s /path/to/ /path/to/markdown


If you need to do any debugging, logs currently live at /home/${PELICANGIT_USER}/pelicangit.log where PELICANGIT_USER is the variable specified in your pelican config file.

Source Code

If you are reading this on you can access the source code at Also See ========

Blog article