IoTServerInsertionAPI helps to easily create custom interfaces to IoT Server for various services (Google Cloud, AWS, IBM Cloud, My SQL, Oracle, REST API services, etc.).
IoTServerInsertionAPI is an add-on to the OnboardTask that makes it easier to connect to different interfaces. More details about OnboardTask, Click here!
The IoTServerInsertionAPI includes:
- Read real-time data to cache in memory (LogPuffer)
- Save data from LogPuffer to Onboard Storage. (if the connection is not available)
- Read back data from Onboard Storage for sending (if the connection works again)
- Objects and methods needed to manage data.
- XServerIoTOnboardTaskProject, minimum version:
- Required Xserver.IoT firmware, minimum version: 10.3.0
- Required IoT Explorer, minimum version: 10.3.19
/// Prefetch realtime data (seconds) Default value: 45, Range: 30-55
public int PreReadSecond
/// Maximum reading density (minutes) Default value: 1, Range: 1-60 - Do not use more frequent data.
public int DensityMaxFreq
/// One communication package size Default value: 100, Range: 1-10000 - Specifies the number of items during data transmission.
public int PackageSize
/// Reads Realtime values to LogPuffer
public async Task<Result> ReadRealtimeValues(Realtime FieldDevices)
/// Add items to LogPuffer
public void AddLogPufferItems(List<LogPuffer.LogItem> NewItems)
/// Returns the number of items in the LogPuffer.
public int LogPufferCount()
///Deletes all items.
public void ClearLogPuffer()
/// Gets LogPuffer cloneobject
public List<LogPuffer.LogItem> GetLogPuffer()
/// Deletes items from LogPuffer
public void DeleteLogPuffer(List<LogPuffer.LogItem> LogItems)
/// LogPuffer to Onboard storage - Copies the item number specified in PackageSize from the LogPuffer to Onboard storage. LogPuffer is in memory, OnboardStorage is in storage.
public async Task<Result> LogToOnboardStorage()
/// Gets the Onboard Storage log file for sending (if error return null)
public async Task<IStorage> GetOnboardStorageLogFile()
/// Gets OnboardStorage logfile number
public async Task<int> GetOnboardStorageLogFileNumber()
/// Deletes a logfile from Onboard storage
public async Task<Result> DeleteOnboardStorage(string StorageName)
Requirements: XServerIoTOnboardTaskProject from GitHub, IoTServerInsertionAPI nuget
In the input field below you can enter the connection parameters
#region Helpers
Realtime FieldDevices = new Realtime();
//Task Handler Period (ms)
private const int TaskHandlerPeriod = 1000;
private const int PufferTaskHandlerPeriod = 5000;
TaskHandler OnboardTaskHandler = new TaskHandler();
TaskHandler PufferTaskHandler = new TaskHandler();
IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogHelpers.Logging InsertionAPI = new IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogHelpers.Logging();
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
_Deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.Info, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "Start initializing...");
#region Check the running of services (Data,Com), after starting the IoT device
bool exit = false;
while (exit == false)
var com = await Services.ComIsInitialized();
var data = await Services.DataIsInitialized();
if (com.Initialized == true && data.Initialized == true)
exit = true;
await Task.Delay(5000);
#region Login to Xserver.IoT Service
var res = await Authentication.Login("onboardtask", "onboardtask");
if (res.Success == false)
await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.Error, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "Authentication error! " + res.ErrorMessage);
#region OnboardTask Config
var onboardconfig = await XserverIoTCommon.OnboardTask.GetConfig();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(onboardconfig.Content) == false)
DexConf = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DexmaConfig>(onboardconfig.Content);
string content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DexConf);
await XserverIoTCommon.OnboardTask.SaveConfig(content);
#region Set Insertion API
InsertionAPI.DensityMaxFreq = 5; //Minutes
//Initialize and Start IoT OnboardTask
OnboardTaskHandler.WaitingTime = TaskHandlerPeriod;
OnboardTaskHandler.ThresholdReached += OnboardTask;
//Initialize and Start LogPuffer Task
PufferTaskHandler.WaitingTime = PufferTaskHandlerPeriod;
PufferTaskHandler.ThresholdReached += PufferTask;
await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.Info, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "Finished initialization.");
bool FailedTogle = false;
private async void OnboardTask(object sender, EventArgs e)
var result = await InsertionAPI.ReadRealtimeValues(FieldDevices);
if (result.Success == false && FailedTogle == false)
FailedTogle = true;
await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.Error, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "InsertionAPI.ReadRealtimeValues: " + result.ErrorMessage);
FailedTogle = false;
catch (Exception ex)
await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.ExceptionError, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "OnboardTask exception error! Error: " + ex.Message);
OnboardTaskHandler.Run(); //Task continues to run
private async void PufferTask(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region Send LogPuffer
if (InsertionAPI.LogPufferCount() != 0)
List<IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogPuffer.LogItem> SentItemsFromLogPuffer = new List<IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogPuffer.LogItem>();
var LogPufferClone = InsertionAPI.GetLogPuffer();
//After sent items delete from LogPuffer
#region Send Onboard Storage
if (ComErrFlag == false)
var onestorge = await InsertionAPI.GetOnboardStorageLogFile();
if (onestorge != null && onestorge.Name !=null)
var datafromstorage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogPuffer.LogItem>>(onestorge.Data);
//After sent items delete from OnboardStorage
await InsertionAPI.DeleteOnboardStorage(onestorge.Name);
#region Log to Onboard Storage
if (OnboardStopWatch.IsRunning == false && ComErrFlag == true)
if (ComErrFlag == false)
else if (OnboardStopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > OnboardStorageDelay)
await InsertionAPI.LogToOnboardStorage();
catch (Exception ex)
await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.ExceptionError, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "PufferTask exception error! Error: " + ex.Message);