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IoTServerInsertionAPI to Xserver.IoT.100

IoTServerInsertionAPI helps to easily create custom interfaces to IoT Server for various services (Google Cloud, AWS, IBM Cloud, My SQL, Oracle, REST API services, etc.).

IoTServerInsertionAPI is an add-on to the OnboardTask that makes it easier to connect to different interfaces. More details about OnboardTask, Click here!

The IoTServerInsertionAPI includes:

-	Read real-time data to cache in memory (LogPuffer)
-	Save data from LogPuffer to Onboard Storage. (if the connection is not available)
-	Read back data from Onboard Storage for sending (if the connection works again)
-	Objects and methods needed to manage data.


  • XServerIoTOnboardTaskProject, minimum version:
  • Required Xserver.IoT firmware, minimum version: 10.3.0
  • Required IoT Explorer, minimum version: 10.3.19


Logging class


/// Prefetch realtime data (seconds) Default value: 45, Range: 30-55
public int PreReadSecond

/// Maximum reading density (minutes) Default value: 1, Range: 1-60 - Do not use more frequent data.
public int DensityMaxFreq

/// One communication package size Default value: 100, Range: 1-10000 - Specifies the number of items during data transmission.
public int PackageSize


/// Reads Realtime values to LogPuffer
public async Task<Result> ReadRealtimeValues(Realtime FieldDevices)

/// Add items to LogPuffer    
public void AddLogPufferItems(List<LogPuffer.LogItem> NewItems)

/// Returns the number of items in the LogPuffer.
public int LogPufferCount()

///Deletes all items.
public void ClearLogPuffer()

/// Gets LogPuffer cloneobject
public List<LogPuffer.LogItem> GetLogPuffer()

/// Deletes items from LogPuffer  
public void DeleteLogPuffer(List<LogPuffer.LogItem> LogItems)

/// LogPuffer to Onboard storage - Copies the item number specified in PackageSize from the LogPuffer to Onboard storage. LogPuffer is in memory, OnboardStorage is in storage.
public async Task<Result> LogToOnboardStorage()

/// Gets the Onboard Storage log file for sending (if error return null)  
public async Task<IStorage> GetOnboardStorageLogFile()

/// Gets OnboardStorage logfile number  
public async Task<int> GetOnboardStorageLogFileNumber()

/// Deletes a logfile from Onboard storage   
public async Task<Result> DeleteOnboardStorage(string StorageName)


Requirements: XServerIoTOnboardTaskProject from GitHub, IoTServerInsertionAPI nuget

In the input field below you can enter the connection parameters

#region Helpers
Realtime FieldDevices = new Realtime();

//Task Handler Period (ms)
private const int TaskHandlerPeriod = 1000;
private const int PufferTaskHandlerPeriod = 5000;

TaskHandler OnboardTaskHandler = new TaskHandler();
TaskHandler PufferTaskHandler = new TaskHandler();
IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogHelpers.Logging InsertionAPI = new IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogHelpers.Logging();

public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
    _Deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();

    await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.Info, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "Start initializing...");

    #region Check the running of services (Data,Com), after starting the IoT device
    bool exit = false;
    while (exit == false)
        var com = await Services.ComIsInitialized();
        var data = await Services.DataIsInitialized();
        if (com.Initialized == true && data.Initialized == true)
            exit = true;
        await Task.Delay(5000);

    #region Login to Xserver.IoT Service
    var res = await Authentication.Login("onboardtask", "onboardtask");
    if (res.Success == false)
        await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.Error, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "Authentication error! " + res.ErrorMessage);

    #region OnboardTask Config
    var onboardconfig = await XserverIoTCommon.OnboardTask.GetConfig();
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(onboardconfig.Content) == false)
        DexConf = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DexmaConfig>(onboardconfig.Content);
        string content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DexConf);
        await XserverIoTCommon.OnboardTask.SaveConfig(content);

    #region Set Insertion API
    InsertionAPI.DensityMaxFreq = 5; //Minutes

    //Initialize and Start IoT OnboardTask
    OnboardTaskHandler.WaitingTime = TaskHandlerPeriod;
    OnboardTaskHandler.ThresholdReached += OnboardTask;

    //Initialize and Start LogPuffer Task
    PufferTaskHandler.WaitingTime = PufferTaskHandlerPeriod;
    PufferTaskHandler.ThresholdReached += PufferTask;

    await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.Info, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "Finished initialization.");

bool FailedTogle = false;
private async void OnboardTask(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var result = await InsertionAPI.ReadRealtimeValues(FieldDevices);
        if (result.Success == false && FailedTogle == false)
            FailedTogle = true;
            await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.Error, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "InsertionAPI.ReadRealtimeValues: " + result.ErrorMessage);
            FailedTogle = false;
    catch (Exception ex)
        await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.ExceptionError, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "OnboardTask exception error! Error: " + ex.Message);
    OnboardTaskHandler.Run();  //Task continues to run

private async void PufferTask(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #region Send LogPuffer
        if (InsertionAPI.LogPufferCount() != 0)
            List<IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogPuffer.LogItem> SentItemsFromLogPuffer = new List<IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogPuffer.LogItem>();

            var LogPufferClone = InsertionAPI.GetLogPuffer();


            //After sent items delete from LogPuffer

        #region Send Onboard Storage
        if (ComErrFlag == false)
            var onestorge = await InsertionAPI.GetOnboardStorageLogFile();
            if (onestorge != null && onestorge.Name !=null)
                var datafromstorage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<IoTServerInsertionAPI.LogPuffer.LogItem>>(onestorge.Data);


                //After sent items delete from OnboardStorage
                await InsertionAPI.DeleteOnboardStorage(onestorge.Name);

        #region Log to Onboard Storage
        if (OnboardStopWatch.IsRunning == false && ComErrFlag == true)
        if (ComErrFlag == false)
        else if (OnboardStopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > OnboardStorageDelay)
            await InsertionAPI.LogToOnboardStorage();
    catch (Exception ex)
        await EventLogging.AddLogMessage(MessageType.ExceptionError, this.GetType().Name + " - " + ServiceDisplayName + " - " + "PufferTask exception error! Error: " + ex.Message);

Solutions with IoTServerInsertionAPI: