- Download and installation
Users can download the Friend Engine software through:
- a zip file at https://github.com/InstitutoDOr/FriendENGINE.
- the command:
git clone [https://github.com/InstitutoDOr/FriendENGINE.git](https://github.com/InstitutoDOr/FriendENGINE.gitE)
Preferred option as the users can keep track of the changes made to the software through git commands.
After unpacking or cloning the FRIEND Engine distribution, the following (reduced for presentation issues) structure will be shown:
- Friend_Engine_Sources (aka:FES)
- Friend_Engine_Sources (aka:FES)
- Alglib
- Application
- study_params.txt
- FRIEND_Engine
- build.sh
- buildLinux.sh ...
- libFiles
- liblinear
- libsvm
- PlugIn
- connectivityPlugIn
- MotorPlugIn
- ROIbasedPlugIn
- svmPlugIn
- ManualPlugIn.rtf ...
- vardb.cpp
- Simpleini
- TestData
- buildAllLinux.sh
- buildUbuntu.sh
- buildAllMac.sh
- clean.sh
- Windows
- Application
- FriendEngine
- libBrainDecoding
- libConnectivity
- libMotor
- libROI
- clean.bat
- Frontends
- Unity/FingerTap
- Unity/Medieval
- Matlab
- Python
- fsl
- FRIEND_License.txt
- Download example data
Example data of a motor study is provided with the distribution (FES/FES/TestData). Other datasets can be downloaded from the NITRC repository: http://www.nitrc.org/projects/friend by registered users.
- Study parameters file
Before trying to execute any study, you should take some time to check/modify study configuration parameters (subject directory, data directory, etc.) in Windows: FES\Windows\Application\study_params.txt
MAC + Linux: FES\FES\Application\study_params.txt
- MAC+Linux: Engine and plug-ins compilation
Execute the corresponding shell scripts in FES/FES:
- OSX 10.9.5 or later (Mavericks): buildAllmavericks.sh
- OSX 10.6 to 10.8 (Mountain Lion): buildAllMac.sh
- Linux systems installed with fslinstaller.py script provided by FSL site: buildAllLinux.sh
- Debian/Ubuntu systems with NeuroDebian installation: buildAllUbuntu.sh
After compilation, the engine executable and plug-ins will be created in FES/FES/Application folder.
- Windows: Engine and plug-ins compilation
To compile on Windows, we suggest the Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows suite, downloaded from: http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-express-vs.aspx. After installation, users can open the solution file at FES\Windows\buildAll\buildAll.sln. After compilation, the engine.exe and plug-ins file will be created in the FES\Windows\Application directory.
- Engine execution
After executing, the engine will start listening communication in the default port 5678. To change the port, users can execute the engine passing the number of the desired port as a parameter, e.g. engine 6000.