From 1d6dd47015f1a5efc0dd1191a235270bc60eb91d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ziad <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 18:39:33 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Update: Temp_Cleaner GUI v6.7-dev
Config.ini | 4 +- | 3 +- | 3071 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 18 +- | 246 +--
5 files changed, 3214 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
create mode 100644
diff --git a/Config.ini b/Config.ini
index 4991c07..17a409e 100644
--- a/Config.ini
+++ b/Config.ini
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-version = 6.6.0
+version = 6.7.0
rammappath = $DEFAULT
adwclrpath = $DEFAULT
winxpepath = $NONE
cdpccpath = $DEFAULT
-appearancemode = 2
+appearancemode = 1
languagesetting = en
customcursors = True
autocheckforupdates = 1
diff --git a/ b/
index 4fc2e47..2a8b14c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ def __init__(self):
self.wm_resizable(False, False) # instructing wm that window isn't resizable.
# disabling HiDPi awareness (see )
- set_appearance_mode("dark") # theme mode is always dark.
+ self.attributes('-topmost',True)
+ # set_appearance_mode("dark") # theme mode is always dark.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51b6c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,3071 @@
+The Project Temp_Cleaner GUI by Insertx2k Dev.
+A simple alternative to all Temp cleaning software available for Windows available under the GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
+License for the Project Temp_Cleaner GUI.
+ A simple program made to help you erase temporary files in your Windows-based PC.
+ Copyright (C) 2021, 2022, 2023 - Insertx2k Dev (Mr.X)
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+For a much better github page, try visiting
+The program Temp_Cleaner GUI was previously Temp_Cleaner and it was using a CUI instead of a GUI.
+# defining the global variable that holds the font_size of the scrolledtext.ScrolledText widget
+# named 'showLicense'
+font_size = 14
+# print greetings text.
+print("Greetings from the Temp_Cleaner GUI Project.")
+print("By Ziad Ahmed aka. Insertx2k Dev (Mr.X)")
+print("Github :")
+print("Twitter :")
+print("Powered by Minimal Accessibility Pack v1.0 by Insertx2k Dev (Mr.X)")
+# end of print greetings text.
+# Imports
+import shutil
+from tkinter import *
+from tkinter import messagebox
+from tkinter import ttk
+import os
+from PIL import Image, ImageTk
+import configparser
+from tkinter import filedialog
+from tkinter import scrolledtext
+import subprocess
+from subprocess import PIPE
+import awesometkinter as atk
+import sys
+import threading
+from translations import *
+from customtkinter import *
+import webbrowser
+import updater
+import ctypes
+import win32api
+import donators
+import psutil
+# initializing a variable containing the path where application files are stored.
+application_path = ''
+# attempting to get where the program files are stored
+if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
+ # if program was frozen (compiled) using pyinstaller, the pyinstaller bootloader creates a sys attribute
+ # frozen=True to indicate that the script file was compiled using pyinstaller, then it creates a
+ # constant in sys that points to the directory where program executable is (where program files are).
+ application_path = sys._MEIPASS
+ # if program is not frozen (compiled) using pyinstaller and is running normally like a Python 3.x.x file.
+ application_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+# printing application path to console display
+print(f"[DEBUG]: Temp_Cleaner GUI is installed in: {application_path}")
+# Defining the function that will get the current values of an configparser values.
+GetConfig = configparser.ConfigParser()'{application_path}\\Config.ini')
+# checking if autocheck for updates is enabled or not, because if enabled will run the updater before running the main program.
+# This is program's Main Window Class.
+class MainWindowLightMode(CTk):
+ def __init__(self):
+ global GetConfig, font_size, application_path
+ super().__init__() # initializing the self.
+ print(f"""[DEBUG]: Current display properties (resolution) are:
+* Display Width: {self.winfo_screenwidth()}
+* Display height: {self.winfo_screenheight()}
+ # Trying to change the theme.
+ try:
+ # Changing the self's theme.
+ = ttk.Style()
+ #"native")
+ except Exception as excpt:
+ print(f"[ERROR]: The following exception had occured while trying to apply the style \n {excpt}")
+ try:
+ set_default_color_theme(f"{application_path}\\style.json")
+ except Exception as apply_style_file_error:
+ messagebox.showerror("Runtime Error", f"An error has occured while we were trying to load the style file 'style.json'\n{apply_style_file_error}\n\nYou can try to make sure if the file 'style.json' is in the same directory as this program and try again\nThe program will close.")
+ raise SystemExit(1225) # error code 1225 is for invalid style.json file
+ # self.configure(background='white')
+ try:
+ self.login = os.getlogin()
+ if str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']) == 'en':
+ WindowNewTitle = f"{en.prog_title_1}{self.login}{en.prog_title_2}"
+ elif str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']) == 'ar':
+ WindowNewTitle = f"{ar.prog_title_2}{self.login}{ar.prog_title_1}"
+ else:
+ WindowNewTitle = f"{en.prog_title_1}{self.login}{en.prog_title_2}"
+ self.title(WindowNewTitle)
+ except Exception as excpt129:
+ self.title(getCurrentLanguage().prog_title_no_username)
+ # configuring program's main window geometry (DO NOT MODIFY)
+ self.geometry('1225x600')
+ # attempting to change the iconbitmap attribute of the window.
+ try:
+ self.iconbitmap(f"{application_path}\\icon0.ico")
+ except Exception as excpt12: # better high level exception handling.
+ messagebox.showerror("ERROR 1 in ICONBITMAP", f"Unable to load icon file for this window due to exception:\n{excpt12}")
+ pass
+ # basically preventing you from resizing it smaller than it's geometry.
+ self.minsize(1225,600)
+ if str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == '1': # light mode
+ # making a full screen scrollable frame.
+ self.main_frame = Frame(self)
+ self.main_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+ # Create a canvas.
+ self.main_canvas = Canvas(self.main_frame)
+ self.main_canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+ # Add a scrollbar to the canvas
+ self.main_scrollbar = atk.SimpleScrollbar(self.main_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=self.main_canvas.yview, bg=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR, slider_color='grey', width=12)
+ self.main_scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
+ # Configure the canvas.
+ self.main_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.main_scrollbar.set)
+ self.main_canvas.bind('', lambda e: self.main_canvas.configure(scrollregion = self.main_canvas.bbox("all")))
+ # Create another frame INSIDE the canvas.
+ self.show_frame = Frame(self.main_canvas)
+ # Add that New frame to a window in the canvas.
+ self.main_canvas.create_window((0,0), window=self.show_frame, anchor="nw")
+ self.banner = PhotoImage(file=f"{application_path}\\banner.png")
+ self.banner_show = Label(self.show_frame, image=self.banner, width=1200, height=300)
+ self.banner_show.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='w')
+ set_appearance_mode("light")
+ elif str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == '2': # dark mode.
+ # making a full screen scrollable frame.
+ self.main_frame = Frame(self, background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ self.main_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+ # Create a canvas.
+ self.main_canvas = Canvas(self.main_frame, background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ self.main_canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+ # Add a scrollbar to the canvas
+ self.main_scrollbar = atk.SimpleScrollbar(self.main_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=self.main_canvas.yview, bg=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR, slider_color='grey', width=12)
+ self.main_scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
+ # Configure the canvas.
+ self.main_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.main_scrollbar.set)
+ self.main_canvas.bind('', lambda e: self.main_canvas.configure(scrollregion = self.main_canvas.bbox("all")))
+ # Create another frame INSIDE the canvas.
+ self.show_frame = Frame(self.main_canvas, background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ # Add that New frame to a window in the canvas.
+ self.main_canvas.create_window((0,0), window=self.show_frame, anchor="nw")
+ self.banner = PhotoImage(file=f"{application_path}\\banner.png")
+ self.banner_show = Label(self.show_frame, image=self.banner, width=1200, height=300, background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ self.banner_show.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='w')
+'TLabelframe.Label', background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR, foreground='white')
+'Label', background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+'Label', foreground='white')
+'TLabelframe', background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR, foreground='white')
+'TCheckbutton', background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR, foreground='white')
+'label', foreground='white')
+ #'Vertical.TScrollbar', background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR, foreground=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ self.configure(background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ set_appearance_mode("dark")
+ else:
+ messagebox.showerror("Unsupported appearance mode in Config file", f"Unsupported appearance mode in config file: {str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['appearancemode'])}.\nThe program will continue with the Light mode instead.")
+ # making a full screen scrollable frame.
+ self.main_frame = Frame(self)
+ self.main_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+ # Create a canvas.
+ self.main_canvas = Canvas(self.main_frame)
+ self.main_canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+ # Add a scrollbar to the canvas
+ self.main_scrollbar = atk.SimpleScrollbar(self.main_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=self.main_canvas.yview, bg=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR, slider_color='grey', width=12)
+ self.main_scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
+ # Configure the canvas.
+ self.main_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.main_scrollbar.set)
+ self.main_canvas.bind('', lambda e: self.main_canvas.configure(scrollregion = self.main_canvas.bbox("all")))
+ # Create another frame INSIDE the canvas.
+ self.show_frame = Frame(self.main_canvas)
+ # Add that New frame to a window in the canvas.
+ self.main_canvas.create_window((0,0), window=self.show_frame, anchor="nw")
+ self.banner = PhotoImage(file=f"{application_path}\\banner.png")
+ self.banner_show = Label(self.show_frame, image=self.banner, width=1200, height=300)
+ self.banner_show.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='w')
+ set_appearance_mode("light")
+ # # defining an informative frame on top of other widgets
+ # self.InformationFrame = CTkFrame(self.show_frame, width=1200, height=60, corner_radius=15, fg_color='green')
+ # self.InformationFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='w')
+ # self.InformationFrame.grid_propagate(0) # fix to ensure the frame remains at the specified width and height even after placing
+ # # widgets into it.
+ # def isRecycleBinEnabledInDrive(driveLetter): -> no longer needed as of v6.6-stable
+ # """
+ # A function for checking whether if a recycle bin folder exists in the specified drive(s) or no.
+ # Parameters: driveLetter -> str
+ # Return values: False if not found, True if found, None if there was an error found.
+ # """
+ # # declaring an array for available recycle bin names.
+ # recyclebin_folder_names = ["$Recycle.bin", "$RECYCLE.BIN", "$recycle.bin"]
+ # # checking if $Recycle.bin folder exists.
+ # try:
+ # folders = os.listdir(driveLetter)
+ # except Exception as exception_details:
+ # return None
+ # # print(folders)
+ # for folder_name_recyclebin in recyclebin_folder_names:
+ # if folder_name_recyclebin in folders:
+ # print(f"Recycle bin folder {folder_name_recyclebin} found in drive : {driveLetter}")
+ # # returning True as the loop has found the recycle bin folder in the specified drive(s)
+ # return True
+ # else:
+ # pass
+ # # returning False as the loop has completed without finding any appropriate recycle bin folder in the specified drive(s)
+ # return False
+ def execute_theprogram():
+ """
+ The function for cleaning the computer using the "Start Cleaning" button
+ """
+ self.ShowNotificationDone = True
+ self.exec_btn.configure(text=getCurrentLanguage().executing_text)
+ self.exec_btn.configure(command=empty_function)
+ self.exec_btn.configure(state='disabled')
+ # show_output() # Calling the show output method so you can actually see what's happening inside.
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ # getting the systemdrive letter.
+ system_drive = str(os.getenv("SYSTEMDRIVE"))
+ # making sure to log the disk space before the cleaning up process and after the cleaning up process.
+ total_before, used_before, free_before = shutil.disk_usage(system_drive)
+ except Exception as exception_fetching_freeds_bexec:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"An exception has occured while Temp_Cleaner GUI was trying to fetch the current available disk space, This can happen if the program doesn't have the administrative privileges or so on\nConsider trying to do any of the following:\n1-Restart Temp_Cleaner GUI\n2-Right click on Temp_Cleaner GUI's Icon and click on Run as Administrator and try again\n3-Create a Github issue on with a screenshot of this messagebox and more details you think that will be useful in solving this issue.\nMore details available below:\n{exception_fetching_freeds_bexec}")
+ self.selection = self.var0.get()
+ if self.selection == '1':
+ # implement other drives recycle bin cleaning feature.
+ # getting a list of all drives and their pathes.
+ windrv = str(os.getenv("systemdrive"))
+ try:
+ disks = psutil.disk_partitions(all=False)
+ volumes = []
+ for disk in disks:
+ if "fixed" in str(disk[3]): # filter them to only return fixed disks
+ volume = str(disk[0])
+ volumes.append(volume)
+ except Exception as exceptionFindingAvailableDrives:
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"An error has occured while trying to access the drives in this PC\nError details are:\n{exceptionFindingAvailableDrives}\n\nIf you see this error message as a user of Temp_Cleaner GUI please make sure to report it as an issue in Temp_Cleaner GUI's github repository ( or create a support ticket in our sourceforge project page.")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # assuming you have a list of all available drives in this pc, let's continue.
+ try:
+ if volumes:
+ for drive in volumes:
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().recyclebin_of} {drive}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'rmdir /s /q "{drive}$Recycle.bin"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ except NameError:
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().couldnt_get_other_drives_will_clean_windrv}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('rmdir /s /q "%systemdrive%\\$Recycle.bin"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection1 = self.var1.get()
+ if self.selection1 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%windir%\\prefetch"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().prefw_text}:\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection2 = self.var2.get()
+ if self.selection2 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\D3DSCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().dxdcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection3 = self.var3.get()
+ if self.selection3 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%windir%\\Temp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().windir_temp_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection4 = self.var4.get()
+ if self.selection4 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Temp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().user_temp_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection5 = self.var5.get()
+ if self.selection5 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Code Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().gchrome_webcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ # getting localappdata value in a variable
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv('localappdata'))
+ # multi profile chrome cleaning
+ listdirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data")
+ except:
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ for dir in listdirs:
+ if "Profile" in dir:
+ if dir == "Guest Profile":
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Code Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ elif dir == "System Profile": # DON'T CLEAN SYSTEM PROFILE
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Code Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection6 = self.var6.get()
+ if self.selection6 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().gchrome_cookies_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ # getting localappdata value in a variable
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv('localappdata'))
+ # multi profile chrome cleaning
+ listdirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data")
+ except:
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ for dir in listdirs:
+ if "Profile" in dir:
+ if dir == "Guest Profile":
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ elif dir == "System Profile": # DON'T CLEAN SYSTEM PROFILE
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection9 = self.var7.get()
+ if self.selection9 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%systemdrive%\\Users\\Default\\AppData\\Local\\Temp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().defuser_temp_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection10 = self.var8.get()
+ if self.selection10 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\INetCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().iecache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection11 = self.var9.get()
+ if self.selection11 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('@echo off | clip')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().clipboard_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection12 = self.var10.get()
+ if self.selection12 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(' del /s /f /q "%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\explorer\*thumbcache*"&del /s /f /q "%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\explorer\*thumb*"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().winexp_thumbcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection13 = self.var11.get()
+ if self.selection13 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Recent"&del /F /S /Q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\History"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().user_recents_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection14 = self.var12.get()
+ if self.selection14 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\discord\\Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\discord\\Code Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\discord\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\discord\\Local Storage"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().discord_webcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection15 = self.var13.get()
+ if self.selection15 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\GIMP\\2.10\\tmp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().gimp_tmp_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection16 = self.var14.get()
+ if self.selection16 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Steam\\htmlcache\\Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Steam\\htmlcache\\Code Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Steam\\htmlcache\\GPUCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().steam_htmlcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection17 = self.var15.get()
+ if self.selection17 == '1':
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().winupdate_downloadedfiles_text}")
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().attempting_to_take_folder_ownership}\n")
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('takeown /F "%windir%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download" /A /R /D Y&icacls "%windir%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T /C /Q')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ # self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('takeown /F "%windir%\\Installer" /A /R /D Y&icacls "%windir%\\Installer" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T /C /Q')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ # self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /f /s /q "%windir%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /f /s /q "%windir%\\Installer"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.reboot_uwp = messagebox.askquestion(getCurrentLanguage().restart_winupdate_window_title_text, getCurrentLanguage().restart_winupdate_window_content_text)
+ if self.reboot_uwp == "yes":
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().restarting_winupdate_service_text}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('net start wuauserv')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END,f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().windows_update_rebooter_exit_code}\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().restarting_winupdate_service_text, getCurrentLanguage().restart_winupdate_service_done_text) -> unnecessary, was really annoying.
+ else:
+ # messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().restart_winupdate_window_title_text, getCurrentLanguage().not_restarting_winupdate_service_warning_text)
+ # removed due to a suggestion, see:
+ pass
+ self.selection18 = self.var16.get()
+ if self.selection18 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Caches"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().win10plus_oscache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection19 = self.var17.get()
+ if self.selection19 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\INetCookies"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().iecookies_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection20 = self.var18.get()
+ if self.selection20 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\IECompatCache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\IECompatUaCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().adds_ietemp_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection21 = self.var19.get()
+ if self.selection21 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\IEDownloadHistory"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().iedownloadhistory_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection22 = self.var20.get()
+ if self.selection22 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\ActionCenterCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().actioncenter_cache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection23 = self.var21.get()
+ if self.selection23 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\AppCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().modern_apps_cache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection24 = self.var22.get()
+ if self.selection24 == '1':
+ self.conf1 = messagebox.askquestion(getCurrentLanguage().clean_ms_store_based_edge_cache_window_title, getCurrentLanguage().clean_ms_store_based_edge_cache_dialog_one_content)
+ if self.conf1 == "yes":
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().clean_ms_store_based_edge_cache_window_title, getCurrentLanguage().clean_ms_store_based_edge_cache_dialog_two_content)
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(' explorer.exe "%localappdata%\\Packages\\"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().msedge_msstore_webcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().clean_ms_store_based_edge_cache_window_title, getCurrentLanguage().done_text)
+ else:
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().clean_ms_store_based_edge_cache_window_title, getCurrentLanguage().operation_interrupted_by_user)
+ self.selection25 = self.var23.get()
+ if self.selection25 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Explorer\\ThumbCacheToDelete"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().thumbcachetodelete_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection26 = self.var24.get()
+ if self.selection26 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\Default\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\Default\\Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\Default\\Code Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().chromium_based_edge_webcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ # getting localappdata env var
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv('localappdata'))
+ # multiprofile edge cleaning
+ listdirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data")
+ except:
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ for dir in listdirs:
+ if "Profile" in dir:
+ if dir == "Guest Profile":
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\Code Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ elif dir == "System Profile":
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\Code Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection27 = self.var25.get()
+ if self.selection27 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\Default\\Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\Default\\Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().chromium_based_edge_cookies_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ # getting localappdata env var
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv('localappdata'))
+ # multiprofile edge cleaning
+ listdirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data")
+ except:
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ for dir in listdirs:
+ if "Profile" in dir:
+ if dir == "Guest Profile":
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ elif dir == "System Profile":
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection28 = self.var26.get()
+ if self.selection28 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Roblox\\Downloads"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().roblox_textures_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection29 = self.var27.get()
+ if self.selection29 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%appdata%\\Adobe\\Adobe Photoshop 2020\\Adobe Photoshop 2020 Settings\\web-cache-temp\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%appdata%\\Adobe\\Adobe Photoshop 2020\\Adobe Photoshop 2020 Settings\\web-cache-temp\\Code Cache"&del /s /f /q "%appdata%\\Adobe\\Adobe Photoshop 2020\\Adobe Photoshop 2020 Settings\\web-cache-temp\\Visited Links"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().ps2020_webcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection30 = self.var28.get()
+ if self.selection30 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(' erase /S /F /Q "%localappdata%\VEGAS Pro\17.0\File Explorer Thumbnails"&erase /S /F /Q "%localappdata%\VEGAS Pro\17.0\Device Explorer Thumbnails"&erase /S /F /Q "%localappdata%\VEGAS Pro\17.0\*.autosave.veg.bak"&erase /S /F /Q "%localappdata%\VEGAS Pro\17.0\svfx_Ofx*.log"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().vegaspro17_temp_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection31 = self.var29.get()
+ if self.selection31 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\McNeel\\Rhinoceros\\temp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().mcneel_rhinoceros_3d_temp_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection32 = self.var30.get()
+ if self.selection32 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q /A:S "%userprofile%\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Microsoft\\CryptnetUrlCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().cryptneturl_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection33 = self.var31.get()
+ if self.selection33 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\pip\\cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().pypip_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection34 = self.var32.get()
+ if self.selection34 == '1':
+ self.conf2 = messagebox.askquestion(getCurrentLanguage().erase_rammap_title, getCurrentLanguage().erase_rammap_content)
+ if self.conf2 == "yes":
+ self.RAMMAPpath_var = GetConfig['ProgConfig']['RAMMapPath']
+ if self.RAMMAPpath_var == '$DEFAULT':
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().default_path_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().default_path_rammap)
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(r'"%systemdrive%\RAMMap\RAMMap.exe" -Ew')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().empty_running_workingsets_rammap_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().erase_rammap_title, getCurrentLanguage().commandsent_to_rammap_text)
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(rf'""{self.RAMMAPpath_var}"\RAMMap.exe" -Ew')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().empty_running_workingsets_rammap_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().erase_rammap_title, getCurrentLanguage().commandsent_to_rammap_text)
+ else:
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().erase_rammap_title, getCurrentLanguage().operation_interrupted_by_user)
+ self.selection35 = self.var33.get()
+ if self.selection35 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Extension Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Extension Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().gchrome_extensions_cookies_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ # getting localappdata value in a variable
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv('localappdata'))
+ except:
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ # multi profile chrome cleaning
+ try:
+ listdirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data")
+ except:
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ for dir in listdirs:
+ if "Profile" in dir:
+ if dir == "Guest Profile":
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Extension Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Extension Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ elif dir == "System Profile": # DON'T CLEAN SYSTEM PROFILE
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Extension Cookies"&del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\Extension Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection36 = self.var34.get()
+ if self.selection36 == '1':
+ self.CDPCCPATH_var = GetConfig['ProgConfig']['CDPCCPATH']
+ if self.CDPCCPATH_var == '$DEFAULT':
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().default_path_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().default_path_winactivities_cache_text)
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\ConnectedDevicesPlatform\\*"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().connecteddevicesplatform_cache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(rf' cd /d "%localappdata%\\ConnectedDevicesPlatform"&erase /s /f /q "{self.CDPCCPATH_var}"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().connecteddevicesplatform_cache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # self.selection37 = self.var35.get()
+ # if self.selection37 == '1':
+ # self.conf3 = messagebox.askquestion(getCurrentLanguage().clear_icon_cache_dialog_text, getCurrentLanguage().iconcache_dialog_text)
+ # if self.conf3 == "yes":
+ # self.process = subprocess.getoutput('%windir%\\explorer.exe "%localappdata%"')
+ # self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ # self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ # self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().clear_icon_cache_dialog_text, getCurrentLanguage().done_text)
+ # else:
+ # pass
+ self.selection38 = self.var36.get()
+ if self.selection38 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Microvirt"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().microvert_memu_logs_memdump_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection39 = self.var37.get()
+ if self.selection39 == '1':
+ self.ADWCLRPATH_var = GetConfig['ProgConfig']['ADWCLRPath']
+ if self.ADWCLRPATH_var == '$DEFAULT':
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().default_path_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().nocustom_path_foradwcleaner_text)
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(' erase /s /f /q "%systemdrive%\\AdwCleaner\\Logs"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().malwarebytes_adware_cleaner_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(rf' erase /s /f /q "{self.ADWCLRPATH_var}\Logs"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().malwarebytes_adware_cleaner_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection40 = self.var38.get()
+ if self.selection40 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(' %systemdrive%&cd /d \\.\\&erase /s /f /q "PerfLogs"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().perflogs_sysdrive_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection41 = self.var39.get()
+ if self.selection41 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('rmdir /s /q "%userprofile%\\.cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().android_cached_data_text} \n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('rmdir /S /Q "%userprofile%\\.android"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection42 = self.var40.get()
+ if self.selection42 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\SquirrelTemp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().discord_squirrel_temp}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection43 = self.var41.get()
+ if self.selection43 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Temp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().local_low_temp_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection44 = self.var42.get()
+ if self.selection44 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\ElevatedDiagnostics"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().elevateddiagnostics_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection45 = self.var43.get()
+ if self.selection45 == '1': # fix for vmware downloads cleaner.
+ # self.process = subprocess.getoutput('cd /d "%localappdata%\\VMware"&erase /s /f /q "vmware-download*"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().vmware_downloads}")
+ try:
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv("localappdata")) # storing localappdata path in a variable
+ dirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\VMware") # listing directory of vmware files.
+ for dir in dirs:
+ if "vmware-download" in dir:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\VMware\\{dir}"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ else:
+ pass
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection46 = self.var44.get()
+ if self.selection46 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\appdata\\roaming\\balena-etcher\\blob_storage"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\appdata\\roaming\\balena-etcher\\Code Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\appdata\\roaming\\balena-etcher\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\appdata\\roaming\\balena-etcher\\Local Storage"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\appdata\\roaming\\balena-etcher\\Session Storage"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().balenaitcher_webcache_files_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection47 = self.var45.get()
+ if self.selection47 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(' cd /d "%appdata%"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\pyinstaller"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().pyinstaller_bin_cache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection48 = self.var46.get()
+ if self.selection48 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Jedi"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().jedi_python_cache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection49 = self.var47.get()
+ if self.selection49 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /s /q "%localappdata%\\recently-used.xbel"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().gimp_recent_docs_list_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # self.selection50 = self.var48.get()
+ # if self.selection50 == '1':
+ # self.process = subprocess.getoutput('cd /d "%localappdata%"&del /s /q "llftool.*.agreement"')
+ # self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.selection51 = self.var49.get()
+ if self.selection51 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\IdentityNexusIntegration"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().identitynexusintegration_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection52 = self.var50.get()
+ if self.selection52 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Axolot Games\\Scrap Mechanic\\Temp\\WorkshopIcons"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().axolot_games_scrapmechanic_workshop_cache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection53 = self.var51.get()
+ if self.selection53 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Roblox\\logs"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().roblox_verbosed_logs_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection54 = self.var52.get()
+ if self.selection54 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\GPUCache"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\Code Cache"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\CachedData"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().vscode_webcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection55 = self.var53.get()
+ if self.selection55 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /s /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\Cookies"&del /s /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\Cookies-journal"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().vscode_cookies_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection56 = self.var54.get()
+ if self.selection56 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\CachedExtensions"&erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\CachedExtensionVSIXs"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().vscode_cached_extensions_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection57 = self.var55.get()
+ if self.selection57 == '1':
+ self.WINXPEPATH_var = GetConfig['ProgConfig']['WINXPEPATH']
+ if self.WINXPEPATH_var == "$NONE":
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().an_error_has_occured_text, getCurrentLanguage().no_path_winxpe_text)
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(rf' erase /s /f /q "{self.WINXPEPATH_var}\Temp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().winxpe_creator_downloadsdir_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().note_text, getCurrentLanguage().winxpe_after_clean_note_text)
+ self.selection58 = self.var56.get()
+ if self.selection58 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\ServiceHub"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().servicehub_identity_file_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection59 = self.var57.get()
+ if self.selection59 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(' erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\HiSuite\\log"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().huawei_hisuite_logdata_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection60 = self.var58.get()
+ if self.selection60 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(' erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft\\webcache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().minecraft_webcache_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection61 = self.var59.get()
+ if self.selection61 == '1':
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().firefox_webcached_data_text}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # print(dirs)
+ try:
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv("localappdata"))
+ dirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles")
+ for dir in dirs:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\{dir}\\cache2"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\{dir}\\jumpListCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\{dir}\\shader-cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection62 = self.var60.get()
+ if self.selection62 == '1':
+ # self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /s /q "cookies.sqlite"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().mozilla_firefox_cookie_data_text}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv("localappdata"))
+ dirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles")
+ # print(dirs)
+ for dir in dirs:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /s /q "%localappdata%\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\{dir}\\cookies.sqlite"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection63 = self.var61.get()
+ if self.selection63 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\VEGAS\\ErrorReport"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().vegaspro17_errorlogs_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection64 = self.var62.get()
+ if self.selection64 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%userprofile%\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Sun\\Java\\Deployment\\tmp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().javadeployment_chkbox_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection65 = self.var63.get()
+ if self.selection65 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%localappdata%\\HiSuite\\userdata\\DropTemp"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().huawei_hisuite_dnddata_text}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection67 = self.var65.get()
+ if self.selection67 == '1':
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%systemdrive%\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WER\\ReportQueue"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().wer_cleaner}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection68 = self.var66.get()
+ if self.selection68 == '1': # delivery optimization cleaning
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().delivery_optimization}\n{getCurrentLanguage().attempting_to_take_folder_ownership}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('takeown /F "%windir%\\ServiceProfiles\\NetworkService\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\DeliveryOptimization\\Cache" /A /R /D Y&icacls "%windir%\\ServiceProfiles\\NetworkService\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\DeliveryOptimization\\Cache" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T /C /Q')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%windir%\\ServiceProfiles\\NetworkService\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\DeliveryOptimization\\Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%windir%\\DeliveryOptimization"')
+ # self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.selection69 = self.var67.get()
+ if self.selection69 == '1':
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().windows_log_files}\n{getCurrentLanguage().attempting_to_take_folder_ownership}\n")
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('takeown /F "%windir%\Logs" /A /R /D Y&icacls "%windir%\Logs" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T /C /Q')
+ # self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('erase /s /f /q "%windir%\\Logs"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection70 = self.var68.get()
+ if self.selection70 == "1":
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /F /S /Q "%windir%\Offline Web Pages"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().offline_web_pages}:\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection71 = self.var69.get()
+ if self.selection71 == "1":
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().winsxs}\n{getCurrentLanguage().cleaner_will_take_lot_of_time}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ os.system("Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().cleaner_has_finished}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection72 = self.var70.get()
+ if self.selection72 == "1":
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().winsp_cleaner}\n{getCurrentLanguage().cleaner_will_take_lot_of_time}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ os.system("Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /SPSuperseded")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().cleaner_has_finished}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection73 = self.var71.get()
+ if self.selection73 == "1":
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().winold}\n{getCurrentLanguage().cleaner_will_take_lot_of_time}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # declaring a list to store the names of Windows.old folders in.
+ winold_names = []
+ try:
+ systemdrive = os.getenv("systemdrive")
+ listdirs = os.listdir(systemdrive)
+ for dir in listdirs:
+ if "Windows.old" in dir:
+ winold_names.append(dir)
+ elif "windows.old" in dir:
+ winold_names.append(dir)
+ elif "Windows.Old" in dir:
+ winold_names.append(dir)
+ else:
+ pass
+ for winolddir in winold_names:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'takeown /F "%systemdrive%\\{winolddir}" /A /R /D Y&icacls "%systemdrive%\\{winolddir}" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F /T /C /Q')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'rmdir /S /Q "%SystemDrive%\\{winolddir}"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ except:
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection74 = self.var72.get()
+ if self.selection74 == "1":
+ # perform google chrome history cleaning.
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /F /S /Q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\History"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().gchrome_history}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ # getting localappdata value in a variable
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv('localappdata'))
+ # multi profile chrome cleaning
+ listdirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data")
+ except:
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ for dir in listdirs:
+ if "Profile" in dir:
+ if dir == "Guest Profile":
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /F /S /Q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\History"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ elif dir == "System Profile": # DON'T CLEAN SYSTEM PROFILE
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /F /S /Q "%localappdata%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\{dir}\\History"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection75 = self.var73.get()
+ if self.selection75 == "1":
+ # perform chromium-based ms edge history cleaning.
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput('del /F /S /Q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\Default\\History"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().chromium_based_edge_history}\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ try:
+ # getting localappdata env var
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv('localappdata'))
+ # multiprofile edge cleaning
+ listdirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data")
+ except:
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().error_in_cleaning}\n")
+ for dir in listdirs:
+ if "Profile" in dir:
+ if dir == "Guest Profile":
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /F /S /Q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\History"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ elif dir == "System Profile": # DON'T CLEAN SYSTEM PROFILE.
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /F /S /Q "%localappdata%\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\{dir}\\History"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n {self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection76 = self.var74.get()
+ if self.selection76 == "1":
+ # perform mozilla firefox history cleaning.
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().mozilla_firefox_history}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # print(dirs)
+ try:
+ localappdata = str(os.getenv("localappdata"))
+ dirs = os.listdir(f"{localappdata}\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles")
+ for dir in dirs:
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /F /S /Q "%localappdata%\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\{dir}\\places.sqlite"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.selection77 = self.var75.get()
+ if self.selection77 == "1":
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().playnite_browser_webcache}\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # now let's do the real cleaning process.
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /S /F /Q /A "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Playnite\\browsercache\\Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /S /F /Q /A "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Playnite\\browsercache\\Code Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /S /F /Q /A "%userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Playnite\\browsercache\\GPUCache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # that's it
+ self.selection78 = self.var76.get()
+ if self.selection78 == "1":
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().opera_browser_cookies}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /F /S /Q /A "%AppData%\\Roaming\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable\\cookies.sqlite"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /F /S /Q /A "%AppData%\\Roaming\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable\\cookies-journal.sqlite"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # that's it
+ self.selection79 = self.var77.get()
+ if self.selection79 == "1":
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().opera_browser_history}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'del /S /F /Q /A "%appdata%\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable\\History"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # that's it
+ self.selection80 = self.var78.get()
+ if self.selection80 == "1":
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{getCurrentLanguage().opera_browser_caches}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ self.process = subprocess.getoutput(f'erase /S /F /Q /A "%localappdata%\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable\\Cache"')
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n{self.process}")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # that's it
+ self.selection66 = self.var64.get()
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"\n\n\n{getCurrentLanguage().finish_cleaning}\n\n\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ if self.selection66 == '1':
+ self.destroy()
+ raise SystemExit(0) # quitting program.
+ # Sleeping a bit for longer (or equal) to 5 seconds.
+ # time.sleep(1)
+ try:
+ # now logging after everything is done.
+ total_after, used_after, free_after = shutil.disk_usage(system_drive)
+ freed_up = (free_before - free_after)
+ if convert_to_str_with_units(freed_up) == "0 bytes":
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().freed_up_diskspace_dialog_title, getCurrentLanguage().freed_up_nothing)
+ else:
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().freed_up_diskspace_dialog_title, f"{getCurrentLanguage().freed_up_diskspace_dialog}{convert_to_str_with_units(freed_up)}")
+ except Exception as exception_reading_free_diskspace:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"An exception has occured while Temp_Cleaner GUI was trying to fetch the current available disk space, This can happen if the program doesn't have the administrative privileges or so on\nConsider trying to do any of the following:\n1-Restart Temp_Cleaner GUI\n2-Right click on Temp_Cleaner GUI's Icon and click on Run as Administrator and try again\n3-Create a Github issue on with a screenshot of this messagebox and more details you think that will be useful in solving this issue.\nMore details available below:\n{exception_reading_free_diskspace}")
+ try:
+ # Ok, let's revert everything back to what it was before.
+ self.exec_btn.configure(text=getCurrentLanguage().execute_text)
+ self.exec_btn.configure(command=multiprocessing_execute_btn_function)
+ self.exec_btn.configure(state='normal')
+ except TclError as tkerr:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"An ERROR has occured during the program's mainloop\nHere are some technical details if you want to reach us\n{tkerr}\nThe program can't continue and will close after you press OK")
+ raise SystemExit(15) # error code 15 is for an urgent mainloop exception.
+ return None
+ def multiprocessing_execute_btn_function():
+ threading.Thread(target=execute_theprogram).start()
+ pass
+ def empty_function():
+ "a function used to fix the issue when temp cleaner gui does not stop the executing button even when cleaning."
+ pass
+ def uncheck_all_options():
+ """
+ A function to uncheck all available cleaning options in the Home Screen UI.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.var0.set(0)
+ self.var1.set(0)
+ self.var2.set(0)
+ self.var3.set(0)
+ self.var4.set(0)
+ self.var5.set(0)
+ self.var6.set(0)
+ self.var7.set(0)
+ self.var8.set(0)
+ self.var9.set(0)
+ self.var10.set(0)
+ self.var11.set(0)
+ self.var12.set(0)
+ self.var13.set(0)
+ self.var14.set(0)
+ self.var15.set(0)
+ self.var16.set(0)
+ self.var17.set(0)
+ self.var18.set(0)
+ self.var19.set(0)
+ self.var20.set(0)
+ self.var21.set(0)
+ self.var22.set(0)
+ self.var23.set(0)
+ self.var24.set(0)
+ self.var25.set(0)
+ self.var26.set(0)
+ self.var27.set(0)
+ self.var28.set(0)
+ self.var29.set(0)
+ self.var30.set(0)
+ self.var31.set(0)
+ self.var32.set(0)
+ self.var33.set(0)
+ self.var34.set(0)
+ # self.var35.set(0)
+ self.var36.set(0)
+ self.var37.set(0)
+ self.var38.set(0)
+ self.var39.set(0)
+ self.var40.set(0)
+ self.var41.set(0)
+ self.var42.set(0)
+ self.var43.set(0)
+ self.var44.set(0)
+ self.var45.set(0)
+ self.var46.set(0)
+ self.var47.set(0)
+ # self.var48.set(0)
+ self.var49.set(0)
+ self.var50.set(0)
+ self.var51.set(0)
+ self.var52.set(0)
+ self.var53.set(0)
+ self.var54.set(0)
+ self.var55.set(0)
+ self.var56.set(0)
+ self.var57.set(0)
+ self.var58.set(0)
+ self.var59.set(0)
+ self.var60.set(0)
+ self.var61.set(0)
+ self.var62.set(0)
+ self.var63.set(0)
+ self.var64.set(0)
+ self.var65.set(0)
+ self.var66.set(0)
+ self.var67.set(0)
+ self.var68.set(0)
+ self.var69.set(0)
+ self.var70.set(0)
+ self.var71.set(0)
+ self.var72.set(0)
+ self.var73.set(0)
+ self.var74.set(0)
+ self.var75.set(0)
+ self.var76.set(0)
+ self.var77.set(0)
+ self.var78.set(0)
+ except Exception as unable_to_uncheck_all_exception:
+ print(f"[ERROR]: Unable to execute the function uncheck_all_options() due to this exception\n{unable_to_uncheck_all_exception}")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def getCurrentLanguage(currentLanguageStr=GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']):
+ """
+ Gets the current language from the config file 'Config.ini'
+ Should return `en` class if the current language is set to en, and so on.
+ """
+ try:
+ if str(currentLanguageStr) == "en":
+ return en
+ elif str(currentLanguageStr) == "ar":
+ return ar
+ else:
+ return en
+ except Exception as exception_reading_config_file:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured",f"Couldn't read from 'Config.ini'\nException details:\n{exception_reading_config_file}\nPress OK to close this program")
+ raise SystemExit(169) # Exit code 169 is for unreadable config file or untreatable getCurrentLanguage exceptions.
+ # This is needed to make sure the program doesn't act weirdly.
+ def showWarnings():
+ """
+ A function used to show all warnings of all available cleaning options
+ """
+ tempWarning0()
+ tempWarning1()
+ tempWarning2()
+ tempWarning3()
+ return None
+ def apply_cleaning_preset(user_choice):
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: Chosen cleaning preset is: {str(self.preset_chooser.get())}")
+ if str(self.preset_chooser.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().preset_default :
+ try:
+ uncheck_all_options()
+ self.var0.set(1)
+ self.var2.set(1)
+ self.var9.set(1)
+ self.var3.set(1)
+ self.var4.set(1)
+ self.var8.set(1)
+ self.var23.set(1)
+ except Exception as exception_applying_preset:
+ print(f"[ERROR]: Unable to apply cleaning preset due to exception: {exception_applying_preset}")
+ pass
+ elif str(self.preset_chooser.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().preset_maximum_cleaning :
+ try:
+ uncheck_all_options()
+ self.var0.set(1)
+ self.var1.set(1)
+ self.var2.set(1)
+ self.var3.set(1)
+ self.var4.set(1)
+ self.var5.set(1)
+ self.var6.set(1)
+ self.var7.set(1)
+ self.var8.set(1)
+ self.var9.set(1)
+ self.var10.set(1)
+ self.var11.set(1)
+ self.var12.set(1)
+ self.var13.set(1)
+ self.var14.set(1)
+ self.var15.set(1)
+ self.var16.set(1)
+ self.var17.set(1)
+ self.var18.set(1)
+ self.var19.set(1)
+ self.var20.set(1)
+ self.var21.set(1)
+ self.var22.set(1)
+ self.var23.set(1)
+ self.var24.set(1)
+ self.var25.set(1)
+ self.var26.set(1)
+ self.var27.set(1)
+ self.var28.set(1)
+ self.var29.set(1)
+ self.var30.set(1)
+ self.var31.set(1)
+ self.var32.set(1)
+ self.var33.set(1)
+ self.var34.set(1)
+ # self.var35.set(1)
+ self.var36.set(1)
+ self.var37.set(1)
+ self.var38.set(1)
+ self.var39.set(1)
+ self.var40.set(1)
+ self.var41.set(1)
+ self.var42.set(1)
+ self.var43.set(1)
+ self.var44.set(1)
+ self.var45.set(1)
+ self.var46.set(1)
+ self.var47.set(1)
+ # self.var48.set(1)
+ self.var49.set(1)
+ self.var50.set(1)
+ self.var51.set(1)
+ self.var52.set(1)
+ self.var53.set(1)
+ self.var54.set(1)
+ self.var55.set(1)
+ self.var56.set(1)
+ self.var57.set(1)
+ self.var58.set(1)
+ self.var59.set(1)
+ self.var60.set(1)
+ self.var61.set(1)
+ self.var62.set(1)
+ self.var63.set(1)
+ self.var65.set(1)
+ self.var66.set(1)
+ self.var67.set(1)
+ self.var68.set(1)
+ self.var69.set(1)
+ self.var70.set(1)
+ self.var71.set(1)
+ self.var72.set(1)
+ self.var73.set(1)
+ self.var74.set(1)
+ self.var75.set(1)
+ self.var76.set(1)
+ self.var77.set(1)
+ self.var78.set(1)
+ # showing warnings
+ showWarnings()
+ except Exception as exception_applying_max_preset:
+ print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't apply max preset due to exception: {exception_applying_max_preset}")
+ pass
+ elif str(self.preset_chooser.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().preset_recyclebin_cleaning :
+ try:
+ uncheck_all_options()
+ self.var0.set(1)
+ except Exception as exception_applying_recyclebin_cleaning_preset :
+ print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't apply recycle bin cleaning preset due to exception: {exception_applying_recyclebin_cleaning_preset}")
+ pass
+ elif str(self.preset_chooser.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().preset_webbrowser_cleaning_with_cookies :
+ try:
+ uncheck_all_options()
+ self.var5.set(1)
+ self.var6.set(1)
+ self.var33.set(1)
+ self.var24.set(1)
+ self.var25.set(1)
+ self.var59.set(1)
+ self.var60.set(1)
+ self.var17.set(1)
+ self.var18.set(1)
+ self.var19.set(1)
+ self.var8.set(1)
+ self.var72.set(1)
+ self.var73.set(1)
+ self.var74.set(1)
+ self.var76.set(1)
+ self.var77.set(1)
+ self.var78.set(1)
+ except Exception as exception_applying_webbrowser_cookies_cleaning_preset:
+ print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't apply webbrowser with cookies cleaning preset due to exception: {exception_applying_webbrowser_cookies_cleaning_preset}")
+ pass
+ elif str(self.preset_chooser.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().preset_webbrowser_cleaning :
+ try:
+ uncheck_all_options()
+ self.var8.set(1)
+ self.var5.set(1)
+ self.var24.set(1)
+ self.var59.set(1)
+ self.var18.set(1)
+ self.var19.set(1)
+ self.var72.set(1)
+ self.var73.set(1)
+ self.var74.set(1)
+ self.var77.set(1)
+ self.var78.set(1)
+ except Exception as exception_applying_webbrowser_cleaning_preset :
+ print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't apply webbrowser cleaning preset due to exception: {exception_applying_webbrowser_cleaning_preset}")
+ pass
+ # elif str(self.preset_chooser.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().fix_roblox_error_preset :
+ # try:
+ # uncheck_all_options()
+ # self.var9.set(1)
+ # self.var3.set(1)
+ # self.var4.set(1)
+ # self.var41.set(1)
+ # self.var26.set(1)
+ # except Exception as exception_applying_rblxfix_preset :
+ # print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't apply rblxfix cleaning preset due to exception: {exception_applying_rblxfix_preset}")
+ # pass
+ # removed as of v6.4-stable.
+ elif str(self.preset_chooser.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().cancel_pending_updates :
+ try:
+ uncheck_all_options()
+ # applying default preset
+ self.var0.set(1)
+ self.var2.set(1)
+ self.var9.set(1)
+ self.var3.set(1)
+ self.var4.set(1)
+ self.var8.set(1)
+ self.var23.set(1)
+ # alongwith windows update cleaning sections.
+ self.var15.set(1)
+ self.var66.set(1)
+ except Exception as exception_applying_webbrowser_cleaning_preset :
+ print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't apply cancel pending updates cleaning preset due to exception: {exception_applying_webbrowser_cleaning_preset}")
+ pass
+ else: # if none of these options are selected.
+ pass
+ return None
+ def startAboutWindow():
+ """
+ Opens the new About Window.
+ """
+ aboutWindowProcess = AboutWindow()
+ aboutWindowProcess.mainloop()
+ return None
+ def close_main_screen():
+ """
+ A function to be executed when the user closes the window of the Home Screen UI.
+ """
+ print("[DEBUG]: User has sent the command WM_DESTROY_WINDOW, will safely terminate the process of this program.")
+ self.destroy()
+ raise SystemExit(0) # exiting python interpreter.
+ return None
+ # def getCurrentCustomCursorsMode(strCurrentCursorsMode=GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['customcursors']):
+ # """
+ # Gets the current status of Custom Cursors mode.
+ # Returns:
+ # ```py
+ # tuple(cursor_for_main_widgets, 2, 3)
+ # ```
+ # """
+ # try:
+ # if str(strCurrentCursorsMode) == "True":
+ # return ('@cursor.cur', '@Hand.cur', '@TextSelect.cur')
+ # else:
+ # return ('arrow', "hand2", "arrow")
+ # except Exception as exception_getting_cursors_state:
+ # messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"{exception_getting_cursors_state}")
+ # raise SystemExit(69430210)
+ # raise SystemExit(69430210) # error code 69430210 is for unable to read cursors mode.
+ # attempts to change the current cursors mode according to the configuration in Config.ini
+ # try:
+ # self.configure(cursor=getCurrentCustomCursorsMode()[0])
+ # except Exception as exceptioncursor:
+ # print(f"{exceptioncursor}")
+ # messagebox.showerror("Unable to use custom Cursor", f"{exceptioncursor}")
+ # pass
+ # Defining a sample get var functionaking a new checkbox.
+ # Defining the ON-OFF Like variable
+ self.var0 = StringVar()
+ self.var1 = StringVar()
+ self.var2 = StringVar()
+ self.var3 = StringVar()
+ self.var4 = StringVar()
+ self.var5 = StringVar()
+ self.var6 = StringVar()
+ self.var7 = StringVar()
+ self.var8 = StringVar()
+ self.var9 = StringVar()
+ self.var10 = StringVar()
+ self.var11 = StringVar()
+ self.var12 = StringVar()
+ self.var13 = StringVar()
+ self.var14 = StringVar()
+ self.var15 = StringVar()
+ self.var16 = StringVar()
+ self.var17 = StringVar()
+ self.var18 = StringVar()
+ self.var19 = StringVar()
+ self.var20 = StringVar()
+ self.var21 = StringVar()
+ self.var22 = StringVar()
+ self.var23 = StringVar()
+ self.var24 = StringVar()
+ self.var25 = StringVar()
+ self.var26 = StringVar()
+ self.var27 = StringVar()
+ self.var28 = StringVar()
+ self.var29 = StringVar()
+ self.var30 = StringVar()
+ self.var31 = StringVar()
+ self.var32 = StringVar()
+ self.var33 = StringVar()
+ self.var34 = StringVar()
+ # self.var35 = StringVar()
+ self.var36 = StringVar()
+ self.var37 = StringVar()
+ self.var38 = StringVar()
+ self.var39 = StringVar()
+ self.var40 = StringVar()
+ self.var41 = StringVar()
+ self.var42 = StringVar()
+ self.var43 = StringVar()
+ self.var44 = StringVar()
+ self.var45 = StringVar()
+ self.var46 = StringVar()
+ self.var47 = StringVar()
+ # self.var48 = StringVar()
+ self.var49 = StringVar()
+ self.var50 = StringVar()
+ self.var51 = StringVar()
+ self.var52 = StringVar()
+ self.var53 = StringVar()
+ self.var54 = StringVar()
+ self.var55 = StringVar()
+ self.var56 = StringVar()
+ self.var57 = StringVar()
+ self.var58 = StringVar()
+ self.var59 = StringVar()
+ self.var60 = StringVar()
+ self.var61 = StringVar()
+ self.var62 = StringVar()
+ self.var63 = StringVar()
+ self.var64 = StringVar()
+ self.var65 = StringVar() # for wer cleaner
+ self.var66 = StringVar() # for delivery optimization cleaning
+ self.var67 = StringVar() # for windows logs cleaning
+ self.var68 = StringVar() # for offline pages cleaning
+ self.var69 = StringVar() # for winsxs store cleanup
+ self.var70 = StringVar() # for windows sp cleanup
+ self.var71 = StringVar() # for windows old cleanup
+ self.var72 = StringVar() # for gchrome history cleaner
+ self.var73 = StringVar() # for chromium-based ms edge history cleaner
+ self.var74 = StringVar() # for mozilla firefox history cleaner
+ self.var75 = StringVar() # for playnite web browser cache cleaner
+ self.var76 = StringVar() # for opera web browser cookies cleaner
+ self.var77 = StringVar() # for opera web browser history cleaner
+ self.var78 = StringVar() # for opera web browser caches cleaner
+ # ----------------------------
+ # a fix for 1024x768 or lower screen resolutions:
+ # ----------------------------
+ if int(self.winfo_screenwidth()) <= 1024 and int(self.winfo_screenheight()) <= 768:
+ font_size = 8
+ self.minsize(800, 600)
+ self.geometry('800x600')
+ # ----------------------------
+ # Defining the function used to show the user the about window of the program.
+ def show_about_window():
+ global GetConfig
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().about_window_title,getCurrentLanguage().about_window_txt)
+ return None
+ def runUpdaterProgram():
+ updater.updaterProgramUI()
+ return None
+ def checkForUpdatesAutomatically():
+ """
+ A function for automatic updates check upon startup of Temp_Cleaner GUI
+ """
+ try:
+ if int(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['autocheckforupdates']) == 1: # auto check for updates is enabled
+ if updater.readVersion() == None:
+ print("[DEBUG]: User is currently running the latest version, from Main Program UI")
+ else:
+ updater.updaterProgramUI()
+ else: # auto check for updates is disabled
+ return None
+ except Exception as readingFromConfigFileError:
+ messagebox.showerror(f"{getCurrentLanguage().cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_title}", f"{getCurrentLanguage().cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_content}")
+ return False
+ # ------------------------------
+ # getting widgets original direction according to the UI language
+ if str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']) == 'en': # if UI lang is English.
+ components_direction = en.widgets_sticking_direction
+ elif str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']) == 'ar': # if UI lang is Arabic.
+ components_direction = ar.widgets_sticking_direction
+ else: # if UI lang is not specified.
+ components_direction = en.widgets_sticking_direction
+ # ------------------------------
+ # placing widgets inside the information frame
+ # ===============================================
+ # self.infoframelbl0 = Label(self.InformationFrame, text=getCurrentLanguage().you_dont_need_anything, font=("Arial", 15), foreground='white', background='green')
+ # self.infoframelbl0.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ # self.InformationFrame.pack_propagate(0) -> does not work.
+ # ===============================================
+ # defining the presets label frame.
+ self.presets_lblframe = ttk.LabelFrame(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().dontknow_whattodo_presets_text)
+ self.preset_chooser = CTkComboBox(self.presets_lblframe, width=500, values=(getCurrentLanguage().preset_default, getCurrentLanguage().preset_maximum_cleaning, getCurrentLanguage().preset_recyclebin_cleaning, getCurrentLanguage().preset_webbrowser_cleaning, getCurrentLanguage().preset_webbrowser_cleaning_with_cookies, getCurrentLanguage().cancel_pending_updates), command=apply_cleaning_preset)
+ self.preset_chooser.set('')
+ # inserting values for the presets combobox.
+ self.preset_chooser.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.presets_lblframe.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.preset_chooser.bind('<>', apply_cleaning_preset) # binding a function that gets called whenever the value of such a combobox is changed by the user.
+ # ---------------------------
+ # Defining the checkbox buttons
+ # --------------------------
+ self.lblframe0 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().recycle_bin_text)
+ self.clr_recyclebin_sysdrive_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe0, text=getCurrentLanguage().windrv_recycle_bin_text, variable=self.var0, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_recyclebin_sysdrive_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe0.grid(column=0, row=4, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe1 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().dxdcache_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_d3dscache_localappdata_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe1, text=getCurrentLanguage().dxdcache_text_chkbox, variable=self.var2, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_d3dscache_localappdata_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe1.grid(column=0, row=5, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe2 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().sys_user_specific_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_prefetchw_windir_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().prefw_text, variable=self.var1, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_prefetchw_windir_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_usrclipboard_content_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().clipboard_text, variable=self.var9, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_usrclipboard_content_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_windir_temp_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().windir_temp_text, variable=self.var3, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_windir_temp_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_localappdata_temp_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().user_temp_text, variable=self.var4, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_localappdata_temp_btn.grid(column=0, row=4, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_default_usr_appdata_temp_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().defuser_temp_text, variable=self.var7, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_default_usr_appdata_temp_btn.grid(column=0, row=5, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_inet_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().iecache_text, variable=self.var8, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_inet_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=6, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_msexplorer_thumbcacheddata_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().winexp_thumbcache_text, variable=self.var10, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_msexplorer_thumbcacheddata_btn.grid(column=0, row=7, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_winrecentdocs_list_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().user_recents_text, variable=self.var11, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_winrecentdocs_list_btn.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_locallow_temporary_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().local_low_temp_text, variable=self.var41, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_locallow_temporary_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.wercleanup = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().wer_cleaner, variable=self.var65, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.wercleanup.grid(column=0, row=10, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.windows_logs_cleanup = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().windows_log_files, variable=self.var67, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.windows_logs_cleanup.grid(column=0, row=11, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.offline_webpages_cleanup = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe2, text=getCurrentLanguage().offline_web_pages, variable=self.var68, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.offline_webpages_cleanup.grid(column=0, row=12, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe2.grid(column=0, row=6, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe3 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().webbrowsers_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_gchrome_webcache_incl_gpucache_codecache_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().gchrome_webcache_text, variable=self.var5, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_gchrome_webcache_incl_gpucache_codecache_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_gchrome_browser_cookies_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().gchrome_cookies_text, variable=self.var6, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_gchrome_browser_cookies_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.gchrome_browser_history_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().gchrome_history, variable=self.var72, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.gchrome_browser_history_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_gchrome_extension_cookies_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().gchrome_extensions_cookies_text, variable=self.var33, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_gchrome_extension_cookies_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=4, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_steam_webclient_htmlcache_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().steam_htmlcache_text, variable=self.var14, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_steam_webclient_htmlcache_btn.grid(column=0, row=5, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_discordwebclient_webcacheddata_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().discord_webcache_text, variable=self.var12, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_discordwebclient_webcacheddata_btn.grid(column=0, row=6, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_chromiumbased_msedge_webcached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().chromium_based_edge_webcache_text, variable=self.var24, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_chromiumbased_msedge_webcached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=7, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_chromiumbased_msedge_browsing_history_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().chromium_based_edge_history, variable=self.var73, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_chromiumbased_msedge_browsing_history_btn.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_chormiumbased_msedge_cookies_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().chromium_based_edge_cookies_text, variable=self.var25, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_chormiumbased_msedge_cookies_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_mozilla_firefox_webcached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().firefox_webcached_data_text, variable=self.var59, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_mozilla_firefox_webcached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=10, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_mozilla_firefox_history_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().mozilla_firefox_history, variable=self.var74, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_mozilla_firefox_history_btn.grid(column=0, row=11, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_mozilla_firefox_cookies_sqlite_file_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().mozilla_firefox_cookie_data_text, variable=self.var60, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_mozilla_firefox_cookies_sqlite_file_btn.grid(column=0, row=12, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_discordapp_squirrel_temp_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().discord_squirrel_temp, variable=self.var40, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_discordapp_squirrel_temp_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=13, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_inetcookies_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().iecookies_text, variable=self.var17, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_inetcookies_btn.grid(column=0, row=14, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_additionalinet_cacheddata_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().adds_ietemp_text, variable=self.var18, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_additionalinet_cacheddata_btn.grid(column=0, row=15, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_iedownload_history_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().iedownloadhistory_text, variable=self.var19, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_iedownload_history_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=16, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_playnite_webbrowser_cache_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().playnite_browser_webcache, variable=self.var75, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_playnite_webbrowser_cache_btn.grid(column=0, row=17, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_opera_browser_cookies_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().opera_browser_cookies, variable=self.var76, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_opera_browser_cookies_btn.grid(column=0, row=18, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_opera_browser_history_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().opera_browser_history, variable=self.var77, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_opera_browser_history_btn.grid(column=0, row=19, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_opera_browser_cache_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe3, text=getCurrentLanguage().opera_browser_caches, variable=self.var78, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_opera_browser_cache_btn.grid(column=0, row=20, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe3.grid(column=0, row=7, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe4 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().photo_editors_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_gimpstmps_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe4, text=getCurrentLanguage().gimp_tmp_text, variable=self.var13, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_gimpstmps_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_gimp_recentdocs_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe4, text=getCurrentLanguage().gimp_recent_docs_list_text, variable=self.var47, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_gimp_recentdocs_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_adobephotoshop_webcached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe4, text=getCurrentLanguage().ps2020_webcache_text, variable=self.var27, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_adobephotoshop_webcached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe4.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe5 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().winupdate_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_windowsupdate_downloaded_updates_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe5, text=getCurrentLanguage().winupdate_downloadedfiles_text, variable=self.var15, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_windowsupdate_downloaded_updates_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.delivery_optimization_cleaning = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe5, text=getCurrentLanguage().delivery_optimization, variable=self.var66, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.delivery_optimization_cleaning.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe5.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe6 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().win10plus_cleaners_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ # declaring a function to warn the user about their choice of cleaning windows 10 os cached data.
+ def tempWarning0():
+ """
+ A function for showing the warning messagebox when the user checks the option to clean Windows 10 OS Caches.
+ """
+ value = self.var16.get()
+ if value == "1":
+ messagebox.showwarning(getCurrentLanguage().win10plus_oscache_text, getCurrentLanguage().warning_win10os_caches)
+ else:
+ return True
+ return None
+ self.clr_win10os_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().win10plus_oscache_text, variable=self.var16, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=tempWarning0)
+ self.clr_win10os_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_win10_action_center_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().actioncenter_cache_text, variable=self.var20, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_win10_action_center_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_winappux_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().modern_apps_cache_text, variable=self.var21, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_winappux_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_msstore_based_edge_webcached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().msedge_msstore_webcache_text, variable=self.var22, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_msstore_based_edge_webcached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=4, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_winexplorer_thumbcache_to_delete_files_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().thumbcachetodelete_text, variable=self.var23, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_winexplorer_thumbcache_to_delete_files_btn.grid(column=0, row=5, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_cryptnet_urlcache_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().cryptneturl_text, variable=self.var30, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_cryptnet_urlcache_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=6, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_connecteddevicesplatform_win10_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().connecteddevicesplatform_cache_text, variable=self.var34, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_connecteddevicesplatform_win10_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=7, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_elevated_diagnostics_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().elevateddiagnostics_text, variable=self.var42, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_elevated_diagnostics_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_identitynexus_integration_folder_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().identitynexusintegration_text, variable=self.var49, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_identitynexus_integration_folder_btn.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_servicehub_identity_file_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe6, text=getCurrentLanguage().servicehub_identity_file_text, variable=self.var56, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_servicehub_identity_file_btn.grid(column=0, row=10, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe6.grid(column=0, row=10, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe7 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().games_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_roblox_game_downloads_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe7, text=getCurrentLanguage().roblox_textures_text, variable=self.var26, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_roblox_game_downloads_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_roblox_game_log_files_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe7, text=getCurrentLanguage().roblox_verbosed_logs_text, variable=self.var51, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_roblox_game_log_files_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_scrapmechanic_axolot_games_workshop_items_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe7, text=getCurrentLanguage().axolot_games_scrapmechanic_workshop_cache_text, variable=self.var50, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_scrapmechanic_axolot_games_workshop_items_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_minecraft_webcached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe7, text=getCurrentLanguage().minecraft_webcache_text, variable=self.var58, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_minecraft_webcached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=4, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe7.grid(column=0, row=11, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe8 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().python_cleaners_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_python_pip_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe8, text=getCurrentLanguage().pypip_text, variable=self.var31, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_python_pip_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_pyinstaller_temporary_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe8, text=getCurrentLanguage().pyinstaller_bin_cache_text, variable=self.var45, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_pyinstaller_temporary_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_jedipython_additionals_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe8, text=getCurrentLanguage().jedi_python_cache_text, variable=self.var46, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_jedipython_additionals_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe8.grid(column=0, row=12, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe9 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().ram_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.empty_winworkingsets_rammap_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe9, text=getCurrentLanguage().empty_running_workingsets_rammap_text, variable=self.var32, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.empty_winworkingsets_rammap_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe9.grid(column=0, row=13, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe10 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().video_editing_software_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_sony_vegas_pro_temp_and_logs_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe10, text=getCurrentLanguage().vegaspro17_temp_text, variable=self.var28, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_sony_vegas_pro_temp_and_logs_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_sony_vegas_pro_error_reports_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe10, text=getCurrentLanguage().vegaspro17_errorlogs_text, variable=self.var61, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_sony_vegas_pro_error_reports_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe10.grid(column=0, row=14, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe11 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().threed_moduling_software_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_mcneel_rhinoceros_3d_moduling_soft_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe11, text=getCurrentLanguage().mcneel_rhinoceros_3d_temp_text, variable=self.var29, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_mcneel_rhinoceros_3d_moduling_soft_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe11.grid(column=0, row=15, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe17 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().special_cleaners)
+ # ---------------------------
+ # defining a function that shows a warning to the user that it is going to delete backup files used to delete windows updates.
+ def tempWarning1():
+ """
+ Shows a warning about WinSxS cleaner.
+ """
+ value = self.var69.get()
+ if value == "1":
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().default_path_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().winsxs_warning)
+ else:
+ return True
+ return None
+ self.wincomponent_store_cleanup_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe17, text=getCurrentLanguage().winsxs, variable=self.var69, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=tempWarning1)
+ self.wincomponent_store_cleanup_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ # defining a function that shows a warning to the user that it is going to delete files used to uninstall current sp update.
+ def tempWarning2():
+ """
+ Shows a warning about Windows service pack cleaner.
+ """
+ value = self.var70.get()
+ if value == "1":
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().default_path_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().winsp_cleaner_warning)
+ else:
+ return True
+ return None
+ self.winsp_cleanup_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe17, text=getCurrentLanguage().winsp_cleaner, variable=self.var70, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=tempWarning2)
+ self.winsp_cleanup_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ # defining a function that will show a warning about Windows.old cleaner.
+ def tempWarning3():
+ """
+ Shows a warning about windows.old cleaner
+ """
+ value = self.var71.get()
+ if value == "1":
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().default_path_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().winold_warning)
+ else:
+ return True
+ return None
+ self.winold_cleanup_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe17, text=getCurrentLanguage().winold, variable=self.var71, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=tempWarning3)
+ self.winold_cleanup_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe17.grid(column=0, row=16, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe12 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().adds_software_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ # self.clr_iconcache_db_file_in_localappdata_dir_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().iconcachefile_text, variable=self.var35, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None, state='disabled')
+ # self.clr_iconcache_db_file_in_localappdata_dir_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_microvirt_memu_log_data_memdump_files_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().microvert_memu_logs_memdump_text, variable=self.var36, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_microvirt_memu_log_data_memdump_files_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_adwcleaner_log_files_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().malwarebytes_adware_cleaner_text, variable=self.var37, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_adwcleaner_log_files_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_perflogs_in_systemdrive_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().perflogs_sysdrive_text, variable=self.var38, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_perflogs_in_systemdrive_btn.grid(column=0, row=4, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_dotcache_folder_in_userprofile_path_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().android_cached_data_text, variable=self.var39, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_dotcache_folder_in_userprofile_path_btn.grid(column=0, row=5, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_vmware_downloads_folder_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().vmware_downloads, variable=self.var43, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_vmware_downloads_folder_btn.grid(column=0, row=6, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_balena_itcher_webcached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().balenaitcher_webcache_files_text, variable=self.var44, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_balena_itcher_webcached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=7, sticky=components_direction)
+ # self.clr_lowlevelformattool_licenseagreement_confirmationfile_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().lowlevelformattool_agreement_file_text, variable=self.var48, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ # self.clr_lowlevelformattool_licenseagreement_confirmationfile_btn.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_winxpe_app_downloads_folder_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().winxpe_creator_downloadsdir_text, variable=self.var55, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_winxpe_app_downloads_folder_btn.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_huawei_hisuite_log_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().huawei_hisuite_logdata_text, variable=self.var57, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_huawei_hisuite_log_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=10, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_huawei_hisuite_dnd_temp_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe12, text=getCurrentLanguage().huawei_hisuite_dnddata_text, variable=self.var63, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_huawei_hisuite_dnd_temp_btn.grid(column=0, row=11, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe12.grid(column=0, row=17, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe13 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().vscode_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_vscode_webcached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe13, text=getCurrentLanguage().vscode_webcache_text, variable=self.var52, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_vscode_webcached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_vscode_cookie_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe13, text=getCurrentLanguage().vscode_cookies_text, variable=self.var53, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_vscode_cookie_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.clr_vscode_cached_extensions_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe13, text=getCurrentLanguage().vscode_cached_extensions_text, variable=self.var54, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_vscode_cached_extensions_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe13.grid(column=0, row=18, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe14 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().javadeployment_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.clr_java_deployment_cached_data_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe14, text=getCurrentLanguage().javadeployment_chkbox_text, variable=self.var62, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None)
+ self.clr_java_deployment_cached_data_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe14.grid(column=0, row=19, sticky=components_direction)
+ self.lblframe15 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().alldone_text)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.destroy_activity_after_done_btn = CTkCheckBox(self.lblframe15, text=getCurrentLanguage().alldone_chkbox_text, variable=self.var64, onvalue="1", offvalue="0", command=None, cursor='hand2')
+ self.destroy_activity_after_done_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ---------------------------
+ self.lblframe15.grid(column=0, row=20, sticky=components_direction)
+ # declaring a container frame to place main buttons in.
+ self.mainButtonsContainerFrame = CTkFrame(self.show_frame, bg_color="transparent", fg_color="transparent")
+ self.mainButtonsContainerFrame.grid(column=0, row=83, sticky='w', pady=20)
+ # changing background color of the container frame to something more useful.
+ # if str(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['appearancemode']) == "1": # light mode
+ # pass
+ # elif str(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['appearancemode']) == "2": # dark mode
+ # self.mainButtonsContainerFrame.configure(bg_color=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ # else:
+ # pass
+ # placing main buttons into the main buttons container frame.
+ # Defining the about button.
+ self.about_window_btn = CTkButton(self.mainButtonsContainerFrame, text=getCurrentLanguage().about_text, command=startAboutWindow)
+ self.about_window_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='w', ipadx=120, ipady=40)
+ # Defining the execute button.
+ self.exec_btn = CTkButton(self.mainButtonsContainerFrame, text=getCurrentLanguage().execute_text, command=multiprocessing_execute_btn_function)
+ self.exec_btn.grid(column=1, row=1, ipadx=120, ipady=40, padx=10)
+ # declaring a space.
+ # = Label(self.show_frame, text="", font=("Arial Bold", 50))
+ # if str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == '2':
+ #
+ #, row=83, sticky=components_direction)
+ # Defining the go to configuration page button.
+ self.config_page_btn = CTkButton(self.mainButtonsContainerFrame, text=getCurrentLanguage().settings_text, command=self.StartConfigurationWindow)
+ self.config_page_btn.grid(column=2, row=1, ipadx=120, ipady=40)
+ # another spacing
+ # self.another_space = Label(self.show_frame, text="", font=("Arial Bold", 30))
+ # if str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == '2':
+ # self.another_space.configure(background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ # self.another_space.grid(column=0, row=84, sticky=components_direction)
+ # ----------------------------
+ # a fix for 1024x768 or lower screen resolutions: (fix #2)
+ # ----------------------------
+ if int(self.winfo_screenwidth()) <= 1024 and int(self.winfo_screenheight()) <= 768:
+ self.about_window_btn.grid(ipady=40, ipadx=50)
+ self.exec_btn.grid(ipady=40, ipadx=50)
+ self.config_page_btn.grid(ipady=40, ipadx=50)
+ self.banner_show.configure(width=775)
+ self.banner = PhotoImage(file=f"{application_path}\\bannerlowres.png")
+ self.banner_show.configure(image=self.banner)
+ # ----------------------------
+ # declaring the clear console method/function.
+ def clr_console(keybinding_arg):
+ """
+ Clear the output console (that `scrolledtext.ScrolledText` variable named `output_show`)
+ """
+ self.output_show.configure(state='normal')
+ self.output_show.delete(1.0, END)
+ self.output_show.insert(END, f"{getCurrentLanguage().deleted_files}")
+ self.output_show.insert(END, "\n")
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ return None
+ def incrFontSizeCoutput(keybinding_arg):
+ """
+ This function increases the font size of the text in the widget `output_show`
+ This function is a part of the "Minimal Accessibility Pack" for Temp_Cleaner GUI
+ """
+ global font_size, GetConfig
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: current widget font size is : {font_size}")
+ if int(font_size) == 100:
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().cant_increase_more_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().warning_cant_increase_more)
+ return False
+ else:
+ font_size = font_size + 1
+ self.output_show.configure(font=("Courier New", font_size))
+ return None
+ return None
+ def decrFontSizeCoutput(keybinding_arg):
+ """
+ This function decreases the font size of the text in the widget `output_show`
+ This function is a part of the "Minimal Accessibility Pack" for Temp_Cleaner GUI
+ """
+ global font_size, GetConfig
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: current widgets font size is: {font_size}")
+ if int(font_size) == 4:
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().cant_decrease_more_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().warning_cant_decrease_more_msgbox)
+ return False
+ else:
+ font_size = font_size - 1
+ self.output_show.configure(font=("Courier New", font_size))
+ return None
+ return None
+ def showHelp(keybinding_arg):
+ global GetConfig
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().help_on_using_minimal_accessibility_pack_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().minimal_accessibility_pack_help)
+ return None
+ def convert_to_str_with_units(size):
+ """
+ Converts the given integer or float into an appropriate storage unit.
+ maximum supported unit is terabytes (TB)s
+ """
+ try: # let's try to convert this into an integer.
+ size_converted = size
+ except Exception: # if all fails.
+ return "N/A"
+ # let's try to make sure the value is not negative.
+ try:
+ size_converted = abs(size_converted)
+ except Exception as abs_convertion_error:
+ return f"N/A\n{abs_convertion_error}"
+ new_size_string = ''
+ new_size_string = f"{size_converted} bytes"
+ if int(size_converted) > 1024:
+ size_converted = (size_converted / 1024)
+ # that's in KBs
+ new_size_string = str(f"{size_converted} KB")
+ if int(size_converted) > 1024:
+ size_converted = (size_converted / 1024)
+ # now that's in megabytes.
+ new_size_string = str(f"{size_converted} MB")
+ if int(size_converted) > 1024:
+ size_converted = (size_converted / 1024)
+ # now that's in gigabytes.
+ new_size_string = str(f"{size_converted} GB")
+ if int(size_converted) > 1024:
+ size_converted = (size_converted / 1024)
+ # now that's in terabytes.
+ new_size_string = str(f"{size_converted} TB")
+ return new_size_string
+ def show_used_systemdrive_space(keybinding_arg):
+ system_drive = str(os.getenv("SYSTEMDRIVE"))
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: current system drive is: {system_drive}")
+ try:
+ total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(system_drive)
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().usage_statistics_for_systemdrive_word, f"""{getCurrentLanguage().usage_statistics_for_sysdrv}{system_drive.replace(":", '')}:
+ except Exception as exception_reading_sysdrv_info:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"An exception has occured while fetch system drive information\nConsider trying any of the following:\n1-Restart Temp_Cleaner GUI\n2-Right click on the Temp_Cleaner GUI's icon and click on the Run as Administrator option\n3-Reporting this to my official Github page at and creating an issue (requires an account at github) with a screenshot with this messagebox in.\nMore details available below:\n{exception_reading_sysdrv_info}")
+ return None
+ self.lblframe16 = ttk.Labelframe(self.show_frame, text=getCurrentLanguage().console_output_text)
+ # ------------------------
+ # Creating a scrolledtext widget.
+ self.output_show = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.lblframe16, foreground='white', selectbackground='#009cda', selectforeground='black' ,state='disabled', font=("Courier New", font_size), width=106, background='black')
+ self.output_show.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+ # disabling the state of the output_show widget to prevent the GUI from glitching
+ self.output_show.configure(state='disabled')
+ # ------------------------
+ self.lblframe16.grid(column=0, row=85, sticky=components_direction)
+ # getting the right theme for the console output.
+ try:
+ if str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == "2":
+ self.output_show.configure(background=atk.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ self.output_show.configure(foreground='white')
+ else:
+ pass
+ except Exception as exception_reading_theme:
+ print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't read the current theme from 'Config.ini' due to exception: {exception_reading_theme}")
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().exception_reading_thememode_title, f"{getCurrentLanguage().exception_reading_thememode_content}\n{exception_reading_theme}")
+ def _on_mousewheel(event):
+ self.main_canvas.yview_scroll(int(-1*(, "units")
+ def _bind_to_mousewheel(event):
+ self.main_canvas.bind_all("", _on_mousewheel)
+ def _unbind_from_mousewheel(event):
+ self.main_canvas.unbind_all("")
+ def activate_autodpi_scaling(event):
+ """
+ Reactivates AutoDpi scaling that got disabled by the `deactivate_automatic_dpi_awareness()` function
+ """
+ print("[DEBUG]: Window or any of it's widgets took focus, Enabling autodpi awareness")
+ try: # Windows 8.1 and later
+ ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(2)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"[WARNING]: couldn't apply fix #1 to enable HiDPi scaling support: maybe user is not running Windows 8.1 or later: details are: {e}")
+ try: # Before Windows 8.1
+ ctypes.windll.user32.SetProcessDPIAware()
+ except: # Windows 8 or before
+ print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't apply HiDPi automatic scaling: maybe the user might need to restart the computer or Temp_Cleaner GUI")
+ return None
+ # calling the clr_console method with keybinding_arg = 1
+ clr_console(1)
+ # binding f6 in all frames and even in self to clear the output console's content.
+ self.bind("", clr_console)
+ self.show_frame.bind("", clr_console)
+ # binding accessibility pack v1.0 shortcut keys to the `self` widget.
+ self.bind("", incrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.bind("", incrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.bind("", decrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.bind("", decrFontSizeCoutput)
+ # binding accessibility pack v1.0 shortcut keys to the `self.show_frame` widget.
+ self.show_frame.bind("", incrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.show_frame.bind("", incrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.show_frame.bind("", decrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.show_frame.bind("", decrFontSizeCoutput)
+ # binding accessibility pack v1.0 shortcut keys to the `output_show` widget.
+ self.output_show.bind("", incrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.output_show.bind("", incrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.output_show.bind("", decrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.output_show.bind("", decrFontSizeCoutput)
+ self.output_show.bind("", showHelp)
+ self.show_frame.bind("", showHelp)
+ self.bind("", showHelp)
+ self.main_canvas.bind('', _bind_to_mousewheel)
+ self.main_canvas.bind('', _unbind_from_mousewheel)
+ self.output_show.bind('', _unbind_from_mousewheel)
+ self.output_show.bind('', _bind_to_mousewheel)
+ self.show_frame.bind("", show_used_systemdrive_space)
+ self.output_show.bind("", show_used_systemdrive_space)
+ self.main_canvas.bind("", show_used_systemdrive_space)
+ self.main_frame.bind("", show_used_systemdrive_space)
+ self.bind("", show_used_systemdrive_space)
+ # executing a command to terminate the program's interpreter upon pressing the [X] button on top of the window.
+ self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close_main_screen)
+ # self.bind('', activate_autodpi_scaling)
+ self.bind("", activate_autodpi_scaling)
+ # calling the check for updates (in multithreading mode) function to check whether if auto updates check at startup is running or not.
+ # try:
+ # checkForUpdatesMultiThreading()
+ # except Exception as executingAutoCheckForUpdatesFunctionError:
+ # messagebox.showerror("Runtime exception", f"An error has occured that Temp_Cleaner GUI's Updater program couldn't handle so it will be raised here\nException details are:\n{executingAutoCheckForUpdatesFunctionError}\nPress OK to continue")
+ # start the automatic check for updates function on a separate thread (fixes the issue where temp_cleaner gui's startup is delayed until updates checking is done)
+ threading.Thread(target=checkForUpdatesAutomatically).start()
+ # self.show_frame.bind("", mouse_scroll)
+ # self.bind("", showHelp) -> causes the messagebox.showinfo help to appear twice.
+ # Defining the function to execute the following selected commands :
+ def StartConfigurationWindow(self):
+ process_2 = SettingsWindow()
+ process_2.mainloop()
+ return None
+class SettingsWindow(Toplevel):
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ This thing here just defines the Configuration window of such software.
+ This function is no longer experiemental.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ deactivate_automatic_dpi_awareness() # deactivating automatic api awareness
+ global font_size, GetConfig, application_path
+ # declaring a boolean var for the custom cursors state.
+ # self.custom_cursors_enable_state = BooleanVar()
+ # Defining the function used to destroy the whole activity without saving any changes.
+ def SelfDestroy():
+ self.destroy()
+ return None
+ def getCurrentLanguage(CurrentLanguageStr=GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']):
+ """
+ Returns `en` if the current UI language is set to English and so on
+ """
+ try:
+ if str(CurrentLanguageStr) == "en":
+ return en
+ elif str(CurrentLanguageStr) == "ar":
+ return ar
+ else:
+ return en
+ except Exception as exception_getting_current_language:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured",f"It seems like this is getting serious now, An Exception has occured preventing Temp_Cleaner GUI from loading strings\nException details are\n{exception_getting_current_language}\nPress OK to close the program")
+ raise SystemExit(16901) # Exit code 16901 is for an error that prevents Settings window strings from being loaded.
+ # Defining the browse for directory function for all browsing folders.
+ def BrowseForDirectory(parent):
+ self.BrowseForDirectoryWindow = filedialog.askdirectory()
+ self.FinalDirectory = self.BrowseForDirectoryWindow
+ parent.delete(0, END)
+ parent.insert(INSERT, self.FinalDirectory)
+ return None
+ # Defining the browse 1 func.
+ def BrowseOne():
+ BrowseForDirectory(self.rammappath_input)
+ return None
+ def BrowseTwo():
+ BrowseForDirectory(self.adwcleanerwpath_input)
+ return None
+ def BrowseThree():
+ BrowseForDirectory(self.winxpeapppath_input)
+ return None
+ def BrowseFour():
+ BrowseForDirectory(self.cdpccpath_input)
+ return None
+ # a variable for the check status of the checkforupdatesautomatically check box.
+ self.autocheckboxvalue = IntVar()
+ # Defining the function to retrieve the configuration from the configuration file then outputs it into the textboxes.
+ def RetrieveConfig():
+ """
+ The function used to get the configuration information from the file "Config.ini" in the current program path.
+ Do not try to call this function, it will be automatically called when needed.
+ """
+ self.RetrieveConfig_Init = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ except:
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().cant_retrieve_config_fromfile_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().cant_retrieve_config_fromfile_msgbox_content)
+ self.destroy()
+ try:
+ self.rammappath_input.insert(INSERT, self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['RAMMapPath'])
+ self.adwcleanerwpath_input.insert(INSERT, self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['ADWCLRPath'])
+ self.winxpeapppath_input.insert(INSERT, self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['WINXPEPATH'])
+ self.cdpccpath_input.insert(INSERT, self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['CDPCCPATH'])
+ if str(self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == '1': # light mode
+ self.appearance_chooser_combo.set(getCurrentLanguage().light_mode)
+ elif str(self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == '2': # dark mode
+ self.appearance_chooser_combo.set(getCurrentLanguage().dark_mode) # you get it using it's index according to 0
+ if str(self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']) == 'ar':
+ self.language_chooser_combo.set("العربية (مدعمة بواسطة حزمة اللغة العربية الاصدار 1.1)")
+ elif str(self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']) == 'en':
+ self.language_chooser_combo.set("English")
+ if str(self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['autocheckforupdates']) == "1": # enabled
+ self.autocheckboxvalue.set(1)
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: Status for autocheckforupdates: {self.checkforupdatesautomatically.get()}")
+ else: # disabled
+ self.autocheckboxvalue.set(0)
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: Status for autocheckforupdates: {self.checkforupdatesautomatically.get()}")
+ # if str(self.RetrieveConfig_Init['ProgConfig']['customcursors']) == "True":
+ # self.custom_cursors_enable_state.set(True)
+ # else:
+ # self.custom_cursors_enable_state.set(False)
+ except Exception as excpt_rtcore_retrieve:
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_content)
+ print(f"[ERROR]: couldn't read the current configuration due to exception: {excpt_rtcore_retrieve}")
+ self.destroy()
+ return None
+ # It is the time to define the function used to save the changes to the configuration file "Config.ini"
+ def SaveConfigurationandQuit():
+ self.attributes('-topmost',False) # disabling window is always on top feature.
+ try:
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ except:
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_content)
+ self.destroy()
+ # Second try.
+ try:
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['RAMMapPath'] = self.rammappath_input.get()
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['ADWCLRPath'] = self.adwcleanerwpath_input.get()
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['WINXPEPATH'] = self.winxpeapppath_input.get()
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['CDPCCPATH'] = self.cdpccpath_input.get()
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: current appearance mode as set in settings window is: {str(self.appearance_chooser_combo.get())}")
+ if str(self.appearance_chooser_combo.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().dark_mode:
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['appearancemode'] = '2'
+ elif str(self.appearance_chooser_combo.get()) == getCurrentLanguage().light_mode:
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['appearancemode'] = '1'
+ else:
+ cantsaveconfig_combostyle_content = f"{getCurrentLanguage().cant_save_config_file_text} {self.appearance_chooser_combo}"
+ cantsaveconfig_combostyle_title = getCurrentLanguage().incorrect_choice_text
+ messagebox.showerror(cantsaveconfig_combostyle_title, cantsaveconfig_combostyle_content)
+ sys.exit(75) # is for an incorrect theme mode.
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: current language as set in settings window is: {str(self.language_chooser_combo.get())}")
+ if str(self.language_chooser_combo.get()) == "العربية (مدعمة بواسطة حزمة اللغة العربية الاصدار 1.1)":
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['languagesetting'] = 'ar'
+ elif str(self.language_chooser_combo.get()) == "English":
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['languagesetting'] = 'en'
+ else:
+ cantsaveconfig_combostyle_content = f"{getCurrentLanguage().cant_save_config_file_text} {self.appearance_chooser_combo}"
+ cantsaveconfig_combostyle_title = getCurrentLanguage().incorrect_choice_text
+ messagebox.showerror(cantsaveconfig_combostyle_title, cantsaveconfig_combostyle_content)
+ sys.exit(195) # is for an incorrect language choice.
+ if int(self.checkforupdatesautomatically.get()) == 1: # checked/enabled
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['autocheckforupdates'] = "1"
+ else: # unchecked/disabled
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['autocheckforupdates'] = "0"
+ # if str(self.custom_cursors_enable_state.get()) == "True":
+ # self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['customcursors'] = "True"
+ # else:
+ # self.ConfigFileSaveProcess['ProgConfig']['customcursors'] = "False"
+ # Right now, I guess it is enough and we should rn write the configuration data to the file "Config.ini".
+ with open(f"{application_path}\\Config.ini", 'w') as self.ConfigFileProcessor:
+ self.ConfigFileSaveProcess.write(self.ConfigFileProcessor)
+ # Defining the window which will tell the user that a reboot is needed to apply the changes.
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().changes_saved_text, getCurrentLanguage().done_reboot_for_changes_to_apply_text)
+ # Okay, enough with that, let's destroy the main loop ok?
+ self.destroy()
+ except:
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().unable_to_save_your_changes_text)
+ return None
+ def getCurrentAppearanceMode():
+ """
+ Gets the current appearance mode to apply to the background of the widgets.
+ Returns a tuple containing the values of text color and background color for widgets.
+ Order goes like that:
+ ```py
+ (background_color, text_color)
+ ```
+ """
+ global GetConfig
+ try:
+ if str(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['appearancemode']) == "1": # 1 is for light mode
+ return (None, 'black')
+ elif str(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['appearancemode']) == "2": # 2 is for dark mode
+ return ('#333', "white")
+ else:
+ return (None, "black")
+ except Exception as exception_reading_appearance_mode:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"{exception_reading_appearance_mode}")
+ raise SystemExit(6969) # exit code 6969 is for unhandled appearance mode exceptions
+ return False
+ def setDefaultRAMMapPath():
+ self.rammappath_input.delete(0, END)
+ self.rammappath_input.insert(END, "$DEFAULT")
+ return None
+ def setDefaultAdwCleanerPath():
+ self.adwcleanerwpath_input.delete(0, END)
+ self.adwcleanerwpath_input.insert(END, "$DEFAULT")
+ return None
+ def setDefaultWinXPEPath():
+ self.winxpeapppath_input.delete(0, END)
+ self.winxpeapppath_input.insert(END, "$NONE")
+ return None
+ def setDefaultCDPCCPath():
+ self.cdpccpath_input.delete(0, END)
+ self.cdpccpath_input.insert(END, "$DEFAULT")
+ return None
+ # Defining the root properties.
+ self.title(getCurrentLanguage().settings_window_title)
+ self.geometry('1202x540')
+ self.resizable(False,False)
+ self.minsize(1202,540)
+ self.maxsize(1202,540)
+ try:
+ self.iconbitmap(f"{application_path}\\icon0.ico")
+ except Exception as excpt672:
+ messagebox.showerror("ERROR 1 in ICONBITMAP", f"Unable to load icon file for this window due to Exception:\n{excpt672}")
+ pass
+ self.configure(bg=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0])
+ self.attributes('-topmost',True)
+ # loading the side banner image.
+ self.side_banner_loader ="{application_path}\\settings.jpg")
+ self.side_banner_loader = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.side_banner_loader)
+ # declaring the side banner image label.
+ self.side_banner = Label(self, image=self.side_banner_loader, background='#333')
+ self.side_banner.image = self.side_banner_loader
+, y=0)
+ # Defining some informative labels.
+ self.lbl0_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().settings_window_title, font=("Arial Bold", 32), background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1])
+, y=7)
+ self.lbl1_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().settings_hint_one, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial", 12))
+, y=70)
+ self.lbl2_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().rammap_path_settings_hint, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial",12))
+, y=100)
+ self.rammappath_input = CTkEntry(self, width=860, height=10)
+, y=130)
+ self.rammappath_input_browsebtn = CTkButton(self, text="...", command=BrowseOne)
+, y=131, relwidth=0.031, relheight=0.033)
+ self.rammappath_defaultbtn = CTkButton(self, text="X", command=setDefaultRAMMapPath)
+, relwidth=0.031, relheight=0.033, x=1125)
+ self.lbl3_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().adwcleaner_working_path_settings_hint, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial",12))
+, y=155)
+ self.adwcleanerwpath_input = CTkEntry(self, width=860, height=10)
+, y=180)
+ self.adwcleanerwpath_input_browsebtn = CTkButton(self, text="...", command=BrowseTwo)
+, y=180, relwidth=0.031, relheight=0.033)
+ self.adwcleanerwpath_defaultbtn = CTkButton(self, text="X", command=setDefaultAdwCleanerPath)
+, y=180, relwidth=0.031, relheight=0.033)
+ self.lbl4_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().winxpe_prog_path_settings_hint, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial", 12))
+, y=205)
+ self.winxpeapppath_input = CTkEntry(self, width=860, height=10)
+, y=230)
+ self.winxpeapppath_input_browsebtn = CTkButton(self, text="...", command=BrowseThree)
+, y=230, relwidth=0.031, relheight=0.033)
+ self.winxpeapppath_defaultbtn = CTkButton(self, text="X", command=setDefaultWinXPEPath)
+, y=230, relwidth=0.031, relheight=0.033)
+ self.lbl5_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().userid_folder_winactivitiescache_settings_hint, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial",12))
+, y=257)
+ self.cdpccpath_input = CTkEntry(self, width=860, height=10)
+, y=283)
+ self.cdpccpath_input_browsebtn = CTkButton(self, text="...", command=BrowseFour)
+, y=283, relwidth=0.031, relheight=0.033)
+ self.cdpccpath_defaultbtn = CTkButton(self, text="X", command=setDefaultCDPCCPath)
+, y=283, relwidth=0.031, relheight=0.033)
+ self.lbl6_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().appearance_mode_settings_hint, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial", 12))
+, y=310)
+ self.appearance_chooser_combo = CTkComboBox(self, values=(getCurrentLanguage().light_mode, getCurrentLanguage().dark_mode))
+, y=335, relheight=0.050, relwidth=0.780)
+ self.lbl7_config = Label(self, text="Choose your language/اختار لغتك:", foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial", 12))
+, y=370)
+ self.language_chooser_combo = CTkComboBox(self, values=("العربية (مدعمة بواسطة حزمة اللغة العربية الاصدار 1.1)", "English"))
+, relwidth=0.780, x=260, y=396)
+ self.lbl8_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().checking_for_updates, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial", 12))
+, y=430)
+ # the checkbox for automatic updates check
+ self.checkforupdatesautomatically = CTkCheckBox(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().auto_check_for_updates, variable=self.autocheckboxvalue, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=None)
+, y=460)
+ # self.lbl8_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().use_custom_cursors_text, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial", 12))
+ #, y=430)
+ # self.lbl9_config = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().use_custom_cursors_hint, foreground='red', background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial", 11))
+ #, y=450)
+ # self.enable_custom_cursors_checkbutton = CTkCheckBox(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().use_custom_cursors_checkbox_text, variable=self.custom_cursors_enable_state)
+ #, y=470)
+ # defining the copyright window button.
+ self.closewindow_btn = CTkButton(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().quit_settings_btn, command=SelfDestroy)
+, y=495, relwidth=0.20, relheight=0.060)
+ self.applychangesandclose_btn = CTkButton(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().commit_changes_plus_exit_btn, command=SaveConfigurationandQuit)
+, y=495, relwidth=0.20, relheight=0.060)
+ # ----------------------------
+ # a fix for 1024x768 or lower screen resolutions: (fix #3 - settings window)
+ # ----------------------------
+ if int(self.winfo_screenwidth()) <= 1024 and int(self.winfo_screenheight()) <= 768:
+ self.minsize(900,540)
+ self.maxsize(900,540)
+ self.geometry('900x540')
+ self.rammappath_input.configure(width=568)
+ self.adwcleanerwpath_input.configure(width=568)
+ self.winxpeapppath_input.configure(width=568)
+ self.cdpccpath_input.configure(width=568)
+, y=335, relheight=0.050, relwidth=0.667)
+, relwidth=0.667, x=260, y=396)
+ self.lbl5_config.configure(font=("Arial",10))
+ self.lbl3_config.configure(font=("Arial",11))
+, y=500, relwidth=0.12, relheight=0.060)
+, y=500, relwidth=0.12, relheight=0.060)
+ # declaring a variable to contain the x position of browse buttons.
+ x_browse_btns = 865
+ x_default_btns = 832
+ new_width = 0.033
+ # ------------------------
+, y=131, relwidth=new_width, relheight=0.033)
+, y=131, relwidth=new_width, relheight=0.033)
+, y=180, relwidth=new_width, relheight=0.033)
+, y=180, relwidth=new_width, relheight=0.033)
+, y=230, relwidth=new_width, relheight=0.033)
+, y=230, relwidth=new_width, relheight=0.033)
+, y=283, relwidth=new_width, relheight=0.033)
+, y=283, relwidth=new_width, relheight=0.033)
+ # ----------------------------
+ # Calling the function to retrieve the configuration information from the config.ini file.
+ RetrieveConfig()
+ # Calling the ConfigRoot's Mainloop (Used to allow the user to interact to the window freely)
+ # ConfigRoot.mainloop()
+class LicenseWindow(Tk):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ global font_size, GetConfig, application_path
+ self.attributes('-topmost',True) # making the window always on top
+ def getCurrentAppearanceMode():
+ """
+ Gets the current appearance mode to apply to the background of the widgets.
+ Returns a tuple containing the values of text color and background color for widgets.
+ Order goes like that:
+ ```py
+ (background_color, text_color)
+ ```
+ """
+ global GetConfig
+ try:
+ if str(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['appearancemode']) == "1": # 1 is for light mode
+ return ('white', 'black')
+ elif str(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['appearancemode']) == "2": # 2 is for dark mode
+ return ('#333', "white")
+ else:
+ return ('white', "black")
+ except Exception as exception_reading_appearance_mode:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"{exception_reading_appearance_mode}")
+ raise SystemExit(6969) # exit code 6969 is for unhandled appearance mode exceptions
+ return False
+ def getCurrentLanguage(CurrentLanguageStr=GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['languagesetting']):
+ try:
+ if str(CurrentLanguageStr) == "en":
+ return en
+ elif str(CurrentLanguageStr) == "ar":
+ return ar
+ else:
+ return en
+ except Exception as exception_cant_detect_currentlang:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"This is getting serious now, An Exception has occured preventing Temp_Cleaner GUI from loading Strings\nException details available below:\n{exception_cant_detect_currentlang}\nPress OK to close this program")
+ raise SystemExit(16945) # Exit code 16945 is for unable to load strings on license window.
+ pass
+ # defining a new toplevel widget to show the program's license on.
+ self.title(getCurrentLanguage().license_window_title)
+ self.geometry('640x480')
+ self.minsize(640, 480)
+ self.resizable(True, True)
+ def decrFontSize(keybinding_arg):
+ """
+ This function decreases the font size of the text in the window (TopLevel widget) `licenseShow`
+ This function is a part of the "Minimal Accessibility Pack" for Temp_Cleaner GUI
+ """
+ global font_size
+ # checking if font size is equal to 4.
+ if int(font_size) == 4:
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().cant_decrease_more_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().warning_cant_decrease_more_msgbox)
+ return False
+ else:
+ font_size = font_size - 1
+ self.showLicenseStext.configure(font=("Arial", font_size))
+ return None
+ print("[DEBUG]: Decrease font size command was ran")
+ return None
+ def incrFontSize(keybinding_arg):
+ """
+ This function increases the font size of the text in the window (TopLevel widget) `licenseShow`
+ This function is a part of the "Minimal Accessibility Pack" for Temp_Cleaner GUI
+ """
+ global font_size
+ # checking if font size is 100.
+ if int(font_size) == 100:
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().cant_increase_more_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().warning_cant_increase_more)
+ return False
+ else:
+ font_size = font_size + 1
+ self.showLicenseStext.configure(font=("Arial", font_size))
+ return None
+ print("[DEBUG]: Increase font size command was ran")
+ return None
+ def showHelp(keybinding_arg):
+ messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().help_on_using_minimal_accessibility_pack_msgbox_title, getCurrentLanguage().minimal_accessibility_pack_help)
+ return None
+ # attempting to change the iconbitmap of the show license window.
+ try:
+ self.iconbitmap(f"{application_path}\\icon0.ico")
+ pass
+ except Exception as excpt0:
+ messagebox.showerror("An error has occured", f"An error has occured while trying to load the icon bitmap for the license window\nError or exception details are:\n{excpt0}\n\nIf you are a user and you are seeing this, consider creating an issue on Temp_Cleaner GUI's official Github page:")
+ pass
+ # defining the scrolledtext.ScrolledText widget that holds everything in the license text.
+ self.showLicenseStext = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self, font=("Arial", font_size), foreground='black', selectbackground='#009cda', selectforeground='black', state='disabled', cursor='arrow')
+ self.showLicenseStext.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
+ # adding license text to that widget.
+ self.showLicenseStext.configure(state='normal')
+ self.showLicenseStext.delete(1.0, END)
+ self.showLicenseStext.insert(END, """License for the project Temp_Cleaner GUI release 1.1 and all releases of it :
+A simple program made to help you erase temporary files in your Windows-based PC.
+Copyright (C) 2021, 2022, 2023 - Insertx2k Dev (Mr.X) or Ziad Ahmed (Mr.X) or The X Software Foundation
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ """)
+ # I don't want the widget to be editable anymore.
+ self.showLicenseStext.configure(state='disabled', background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1])
+ # binding keystrokes "Control-D" to decrease font size, and "Control-I" to increase the font size.
+ self.bind("", decrFontSize)
+ self.bind("", decrFontSize)
+ self.bind("", incrFontSize)
+ self.bind("", incrFontSize)
+ self.bind("", showHelp)
+ # calling the mainloop() of the toplevel widget licenseShow.
+ # licenseShow.mainloop()
+ # if mainloop was destroyed, return this function with None.
+ return None
+class AboutWindow(Toplevel):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ global application_path
+ deactivate_automatic_dpi_awareness() # deactivating automatic dpi awareness
+ # applying style file 'style.json'
+ try:
+ set_default_color_theme(f"{application_path}\\style.json")
+ except Exception as exception_loading_color_theme:
+ messagebox.showerror("An unhandleable exception has occured", f"Unable to apply the color theme file 'style.json' due to an error\nError details are:\n{exception_loading_color_theme}\nYou can try some of the following before trying to contact the developer of Temp_Cleaner GUI:\n1-Make sure your Antivirus software isn't blocking Temp_Cleaner GUI\n2-Make sure the file 'style.json' exists in this directory (The directory where Temp_Cleaner GUI is installed in, i.e.: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Temp_Cleaner GUI)\nif the issue still presents you may want to contact the developer(s) of Temp_Cleaner GUI by creating an issue on the official Temp_Cleaner GUI's Github repository at:\nPlease MAKE SURE to provide us with a screenshot of this dialog box\nThe program will terminate when you press OK")
+ raise SystemExit(400) # unable to apply color theme file 'style.json' to 'aboutwindow'.
+ self.attributes('-topmost',True) # making about window always on top
+ def getCurrentLanguage(currentLanguageStr=GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']):
+ """
+ Gets the current language from the config file 'Config.ini'
+ Should return `en` class if the current language is set to en, and so on.
+ """
+ try:
+ if str(currentLanguageStr) == "en":
+ return en
+ elif str(currentLanguageStr) == "ar":
+ return ar
+ else:
+ return en
+ except Exception as exception_reading_config_file:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured",f"Couldn't read from 'Config.ini'\nException details:\n{exception_reading_config_file}\nPress OK to close this program")
+ raise SystemExit(169) # Exit code 169 is for unreadable config file or untreatable getCurrentLanguage exceptions.
+ # This is needed to make sure the program doesn't act weirdly.
+ def getCurrentAppearanceMode():
+ """
+ Gets the current appearance mode to apply to the background of the widgets.
+ Returns a tuple containing the values of text color and background color for widgets.
+ Order goes like that:
+ ```py
+ (background_color, text_color)
+ ```
+ """
+ global GetConfig
+ try:
+ if str(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['appearancemode']) == "1": # 1 is for light mode
+ return (None, 'black')
+ elif str(GetConfig["ProgConfig"]['appearancemode']) == "2": # 2 is for dark mode
+ return ('#333', "white")
+ else:
+ return (None, "black")
+ except Exception as exception_reading_appearance_mode:
+ messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured", f"{exception_reading_appearance_mode}")
+ raise SystemExit(6969) # exit code 6969 is for unhandled appearance mode exceptions
+ return False
+ def closeAboutWindow():
+ """
+ A function used to close the about window.
+ """
+ self.destroy()
+ return None
+ def showLicenseWindow():
+ """
+ This method is just used to create a window that shows the user the license of the program.
+ """
+ self.ShowActivity = LicenseWindow()
+ self.ShowActivity.mainloop()
+ return None
+ def opentcgwebsiteonbrowser():
+ webbrowser.open_new("")
+ return None
+ def updateCheckFunction():
+ """
+ Attempt to check for updates by manually running the updater program.
+ """
+ print("[DEBUG]: User has manually initializied the UpdateCheck function, The program will display the updater window.")
+ self.attributes('-topmost',False)
+ if updater.latestVersionNumber() == None: # attempts to download the version file from the server, if fails will do the following
+ messagebox.showerror(getCurrentLanguage().couldntcheckforupdates, getCurrentLanguage().couldnt_download)
+ return False
+ else: # didn't fail in downloading version file from server
+ pass
+ updaterProgramUIProcess = updater.updaterProgramUI()
+ updaterProgramUIProcess.mainloop()
+ # self.attributes('-topmost',True)
+ return None
+ def showDonatorsWindow():
+ """
+ A function for the donators button in the About screen.
+ """
+ donators.DonatorsWindow().mainloop()
+ w_width = 830
+ w_height = 410
+ self.title(getCurrentLanguage().about_window_title)
+ self.geometry(f'{w_width}x{w_height}')
+ self.resizable(False, False) # not resizable
+ self.wm_resizable(False, False) # not resizable (Fix 2 - WM MANAGER CLASS)
+ try:
+ if int(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == 2: # dark mode
+ self.configure(background='#333')
+ else:
+ self.configure(background=None)
+ set_appearance_mode("light")
+ except Exception as reading_appearance_mode_error:
+ messagebox.showerror("Runtime Error", f"An error has occured causing this program to be unable to continue\nError details are:\n{reading_appearance_mode_error}\n\nPlease try again later.")
+ raise SystemExit(25584) # error code 25584 is for unable to read appearance mode in about window.
+ # ------------------------------
+ # getting widgets original direction according to the UI language
+ if str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']) == 'en': # if UI lang is English.
+ components_direction = en.widgets_sticking_direction
+ elif str(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['languagesetting']) == 'ar': # if UI lang is Arabic.
+ components_direction = ar.widgets_sticking_direction
+ else: # if UI lang is not specified.
+ components_direction = en.widgets_sticking_direction
+ # ------------------------------
+ try:
+ self.iconbitmap(f"{application_path}\\icon0.ico")
+ except Exception as loading_iconbitmap_error:
+ messagebox.showerror("Runtime error", f"Couldn't load iconbitmap for the window 'About' due to the following error:\n{loading_iconbitmap_error}\nThe program will continue to work but without a Window icon")
+ pass
+ self.lbl0 = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().about_window_title, font=("Arial Bold", 14), foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0])
+, y=0)
+ self.lbl1 = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self, foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], font=("Arial", 13), selectbackground='#f87026', state='disabled')
+, y=30, relwidth=0.80, relheight=0.89)
+ # test
+ # self.lbl1.insert(INSERT, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\nfdkfpgdnsognodsngodfnokvncxvoxcov\n5405430504357084580") -> working!!!
+ # inserting help text on the scrolledtext widget.
+ self.lbl1.configure(state='normal')
+ self.lbl1.delete(1.0, END)
+ self.lbl1.insert(INSERT, getCurrentLanguage().about_window_txt)
+ self.lbl1.configure(state='disabled')
+ # end --------------------
+ # declaring the close window button
+ self.close_window_btn = CTkButton(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().ok, command=closeAboutWindow)
+, y=200)
+ self.showcpyrights_windowbtn = CTkButton(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().open_license_window_btn_text, command=showLicenseWindow)
+, y=240)
+ self.goto_website_btn = CTkButton(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().goto_tcg_website, command=opentcgwebsiteonbrowser)
+, y=280)
+ self.runupdater_btn = CTkButton(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().check_for_updates, command=updateCheckFunction)
+, y=320)
+ self.donatorswindow_btn = CTkButton(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().donators_btn, command=showDonatorsWindow)
+, y=360)
+ # the about tcg icon.
+ self.tcgiconabout = Label(self, text='', background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0])
+, y=30)
+ # a group of variables declaring the width and height of the tcg about logo
+ tcglogo_width = 150
+ tcglogo_height = 150
+ try:
+ if int(GetConfig['ProgConfig']['appearancemode']) == 2: # dark mode
+ self.imageloader ="{application_path}\\about_dark.png")
+ self.imageloader = self.imageloader.resize((tcglogo_width,tcglogo_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ else: # light mode
+ self.imageloader ="{application_path}\\about.png")
+ self.imageloader = self.imageloader.resize((tcglogo_width,tcglogo_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ except Exception as reading_appearance_mode_error:
+ messagebox.showerror("Runtime Error", f"An error has occured causing this program to be unable to continue\nError details are:\n{reading_appearance_mode_error}\n\nPlease try again later.")
+ raise SystemExit(25585) # error code 25585 is for unable to read appearance mode in about window for icon image.
+ self.photoimageloader = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=self.imageloader)
+ self.tcgiconabout.configure(image=self.photoimageloader)
+# when you double-click or run via terminals (command prompt or windows powershell)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # change the current working directory (cwd) to application_path
+ os.chdir(application_path)
+ # attempting to start the main program UI
+ main_process = MainWindowLightMode()
+ main_process.mainloop()
+ # test = AboutWindow()
+ # test.mainloop()
+ # ensuring the program closes properly.
+ raise SystemExit(0)
diff --git a/ b/
index 393c03d..5b1e35c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ class en:
help_on_using_minimal_accessibility_pack_msgbox_title = "Help on using Minimal Accessibility Pack v1.0"
console_output_text = "Cleaning Progress"
- about_window_txt = """Version: 6.6
-Release Channel: stable
+ about_window_txt = """Version: 6.7
+Release Channel: dev
Additional features installed:
1-Arabic Language Pack v1.1
2-Minimal Accessibility Pack v1.0
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class en:
You can press 'F1' to show you some help about using Minimal Accessibility Pack v1.0 or about increasing or decreasing screen font size.
- about_window_title = "About 'The Temp_Cleaner GUI Project (v6.6)'"
+ about_window_title = "About 'The Temp_Cleaner GUI Project (v6.7)'"
cant_retrieve_config_fromfile_msgbox_content = "Unable to retrieve the configuration information, this can be due to a catastrophic failure, or a something else, the settings window will close."
cant_retrieve_config_fromfile_msgbox_title = "Runtime Exception"
cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_title = "A runtime exception"
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ class en:
done_reboot_for_changes_to_apply_text = "All changes you did has been successfully saved, but for the changes to take effect, you will need to restart Temp_Cleaner GUI."
changes_saved_text = "Saved your changes"
unable_to_save_your_changes_text = "Unable to save your changes to the file 'Config.ini', Nothing has been changed yet, and this window will not close."
- prog_title_no_username = "Welcome to Temp_Cleaner GUI v6.6!"
+ prog_title_no_username = "Welcome to Temp_Cleaner GUI v6.7!"
prog_title_1 = "Welcome "
- prog_title_2 = " to Temp_Cleaner GUI v6.6!"
+ prog_title_2 = " to Temp_Cleaner GUI v6.7!"
settings_window_title = "Temp_Cleaner GUI Settings"
settings_hint_one = "Change the way Temp_Cleaner GUI behaves"
rammap_path_settings_hint = "RAMMap Executable Path:"
@@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ class ar:
help_on_using_minimal_accessibility_pack_msgbox_title = "المساعدة في إستخدام حزمة إمكانية الوصول الإدني الاصدار 1.0"
console_output_text = "تقدم التنظيف"
- about_window_txt = """ الإصدار: 6.6
-قناة الإصدار : مستقرة
+ about_window_txt = """ الإصدار: 6.7
+قناة الإصدار : التطوير
:المميزات الإضافية المفعلة
1-Arabic Language Pack v1.1 (حزمة اللغة العربية v1.1)
2-Minimal Accessibility Pack v1.0 (حزمة إمكانية الوصول الادني)
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ class ar:
لإظهار معلومات عن كيفية إستخدام حزمة امكانية الوصول او كيفية تكبير وتصغير الكتابه في الشاشة 'F1' يمكنك الضغط علي زر
- about_window_title = "حول 'The Temp_Cleaner GUI Project (v6.6)'"
+ about_window_title = "حول 'The Temp_Cleaner GUI Project (v6.7)'"
cant_retrieve_config_fromfile_msgbox_content = "خطأ في الحصول علي المعلومات من الضبط، هذا قد يكون بسبب خطأ كارثي او شئ اخر، شاشة الضبط سوف تغلق"
cant_retrieve_config_fromfile_msgbox_title = "حدث خطأ في وقت التشغيل"
cant_read_config_frominside_file_msgbox_title = "حدث خطأ في وقت التشغيل"
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ class ar:
unable_to_save_your_changes_text = "لم يتغير اي شئ حتي الان، وهذه النافذة لن تغلق ،'Config.ini' فشل في حفظ التغييرات في ملف "
prog_title_no_username = "Temp_Cleaner GUI! اهلا بك في برنامج"
prog_title_1 = " مرحبا"
- prog_title_2 = " Temp_Cleaner GUI v6.6 في "
+ prog_title_2 = " Temp_Cleaner GUI v6.7 في "
settings_window_title = "Temp_Cleaner GUI ضبط"
settings_hint_one = "Temp_Cleaner GUI قم بتغيير الطريقة التي يتصرف بها "
rammap_path_settings_hint = "Sysinternals من RAMMap ماهو مسار الملف التنفيذي لبرنامج :"
diff --git a/ b/
index c66b4bb..616b373 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -35,15 +35,17 @@
# a variable containing text file name and path.
-versionFilePath = f'{application_path}\\progver.txt'
-releaseNotesSaveFilePath = f'{application_path}\\releaseNotes.txt'
+# versionFilePath = f'{application_path}\\progver.txt'
+# releaseNotesSaveFilePath = f'{application_path}\\releaseNotes.txt'
mrxTCGFilePath = ""
releaseNotesFilePath = ""
+downloadLink = ""
# a variable containing a string of the current version.
versionNumber = configparser.ConfigParser()"{application_path}\\Config.ini")
-versionNumber = versionNumber['ProgConfig']['version']
+currentVersion = str(versionNumber['ProgConfig']['version'])
+print(f"[DEBUG]: Current version is:{currentVersion}")
# ------------------------
# opening a configparser session for reading from the file 'Config.ini'
@@ -69,114 +71,116 @@ def getCurrentLanguage(currentLanguageStr=GetConfig["ProgConfig"]["languagesetti
messagebox.showerror("An ERROR has occured",f"Couldn't read from 'Config.ini'\nException details:\n{exception_reading_config_file}\nPress OK to close this program")
return None
# ------------------------
-def downloadAndSaveVersionFile():
+def latestVersionNumber():
- A function used to download and save the text file containing the latest version number.
+ Gets the latest version number from server, then returns it.
+ If it fails for some reason, it only returns None
- global versionFilePath, mrxTCGFilePath
with urllib.request.urlopen(mrxTCGFilePath) as file:
- text ='utf-8')
- except Exception:
- return False
- try:
- with open(versionFilePath, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as saveFile:
- saveFile.write(text)
- saveFile.close()
+ text ='utf-8')[0:6].replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
+ return str(text)
except Exception:
- return False
- return None
+ print("[ERROR]: couldn't download from the server.")
+ return None
+# ------------------------
+# Attempting to get the latest version number.
-def downloadAndSaveReleaseNotesFile():
- """
- A function used to download and save the text file containing the release notes.
- """
- global versionFilePath, mrxTCGFilePath, releaseNotesFilePath, releaseNotesSaveFilePath
+# ------------------------
- try:
- with urllib.request.urlopen(releaseNotesFilePath) as file:
- text ='utf-8')
- except Exception:
- return False
+# def downloadAndSaveVersionFile():
+# """
+# A function used to download and save the text file containing the latest version number.
+# """
+# global versionFilePath, mrxTCGFilePath
+# try:
+# with urllib.request.urlopen(mrxTCGFilePath) as file:
+# text ='utf-8')
+# except Exception:
+# return False
+# try:
+# with open(versionFilePath, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as saveFile:
+# saveFile.write(text)
+# saveFile.close()
+# except Exception:
+# return False
+# return None
+# def downloadAndSaveReleaseNotesFile():
+# """
+# A function used to download and save the text file containing the release notes.
+# """
+# global versionFilePath, mrxTCGFilePath, releaseNotesFilePath, releaseNotesSaveFilePath
+# try:
+# with urllib.request.urlopen(releaseNotesFilePath) as file:
+# text ='utf-8')
+# except Exception:
+# return False
- try:
- with open(releaseNotesSaveFilePath, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as saveFile:
- saveFile.write(text)
- saveFile.close()
- except Exception as savingDownloadedReleaseNotesFileError:
- return False
- return None
+# try:
+# with open(releaseNotesSaveFilePath, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as saveFile:
+# saveFile.write(text)
+# saveFile.close()
+# except Exception as savingDownloadedReleaseNotesFileError:
+# return False
+# return None
def readVersion():
- Reads the version number from the downloaded text file, and compares it with the current version
+ Reads the version number from the variable text and compares it with the current version.
If the current version is the latest one, it returns None
If there is an update, it should return True
- global versionNumber
- try:
- with open(versionFilePath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as readFile:
- version = str([0:6]).replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
- print(f"[DEBUG]: Current version in server is: {version}")
- except Exception as readingFromDownloadedVersionFileError:
- messagebox.showerror("Couldn't check for updates", f"Couldn't read from the downloaded version file 'progver.txt'\nDouble check that the file 'progver.txt' exists in the same directory as Temp_Cleaner GUI and try again\nMore details:\n{readingFromDownloadedVersionFileError}")
- return False
- if str(version) == versionNumber:
- readFile.close()
- # print("You are currently running the latest version of the program.")
- return None
+ global versionNumber, latestVersionNumber, currentVersion
+ version = latestVersionNumber()
+ if version is not None:
+ if version == currentVersion:
+ # readFile.close()
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: Server version is : {str(version)}")
+ print("You are currently running the latest version of the program. from readVersion func")
+ return None
+ else:
+ # readFile.close()
+ print(f"[DEBUG]: Server version is : {str(version)}")
+ print("There is an update available. from readVersion func")
+ return True
- readFile.close()
- # print("There is an update available.")
- return True
+ return None
-def getServerVersionNumber():
- """
- Reads the available version number from the file downloaded from Mr.X's Github server and returns it as a string.
- """
- try:
- with open(versionFilePath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as readFile:
- version = str([0:6]).replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
- print(f"[DEBUG]: current version in server is: {version}")
- readFile.close()
- except Exception as readingVersionNumberFromVersionFileError:
- messagebox.showerror("couldn't read version file", f"Couldn't read the version number from the version file 'progver.txt'\nDouble check that the file 'progver.txt' exists in the same directory as Temp_Cleaner GUI and try again\nMore details:\n{readingVersionNumberFromVersionFileError}")
- return False
- return version
-def readReleaseNotesFromFile():
- """
- Reads the release notes file and returns the text in it.
- """
- global versionFilePath, mrxTCGFilePath, releaseNotesFilePath, releaseNotesSaveFilePath
- try:
- with open(releaseNotesSaveFilePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as releaseNotesTextFile:
- releaseNotesTextInMemory =
- releaseNotesTextFile.close()
- return releaseNotesTextInMemory
- except Exception as reading_release_notes_file_error:
- messagebox.showerror("Runtime error", f"Couldn't read the release notes file due to the error:\n{reading_release_notes_file_error}\nThe program will close.")
- return False
+# def readReleaseNotesFromFile():
+# """
+# Reads the release notes file and returns the text in it.
+# """
+# global mrxTCGFilePath, releaseNotesFilePath
+# try:
+# with open(releaseNotesSaveFilePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as releaseNotesTextFile:
+# releaseNotesTextInMemory =
+# releaseNotesTextFile.close()
+# return releaseNotesTextInMemory
+# except Exception as reading_release_notes_file_error:
+# messagebox.showerror("Runtime error", f"Couldn't read the release notes file due to the error:\n{reading_release_notes_file_error}\nThe program will close.")
+# return False
# class for updater program ui window.
class updaterProgramUI(Toplevel):
def __init__(self):
- global versionNumber, application_path
+ global versionNumber, application_path, downloadLink, readVersion, latestVersionNumber, currentVersion
deactivate_automatic_dpi_awareness() # deactivating automatic dpi awareness in updater program.
+ self.attributes('-topmost',True)
try: # attempt to load the icon bitmap for this window.
except Exception as load_iconbitmap_error:
@@ -257,25 +261,25 @@ def dontUpdateAndCloseProgram():
The function for "Don't Update" button.
self.destroy() # destroying window
- try:
- os.remove(f"{application_path}\\progver.txt")
- os.remove(f"{application_path}\\releaseNotes.txt")
- except Exception as exception_deleting_unneeded_downloads: # couldn't delete them.
- messagebox.showerror("An error has occured", f"Couldn't delete the unnecessary files 'releaseNotes.txt' and 'progver.txt' due to a runtime error\nError details are:\n{exception_deleting_unneeded_downloads}\n\nIf you are a user and you see this message please create an issue on Temp_Cleaner GUI's official Github page and MAKE SURE to provide a screenshot of this messagebox\nPress OK to continue.")
+ # try:
+ # os.remove(f"{application_path}\\progver.txt")
+ # os.remove(f"{application_path}\\releaseNotes.txt")
+ # except Exception as exception_deleting_unneeded_downloads: # couldn't delete them.
+ # messagebox.showerror("An error has occured", f"Couldn't delete the unnecessary files 'releaseNotes.txt' and 'progver.txt' due to a runtime error\nError details are:\n{exception_deleting_unneeded_downloads}\n\nIf you are a user and you see this message please create an issue on Temp_Cleaner GUI's official Github page and MAKE SURE to provide a screenshot of this messagebox\nPress OK to continue.")
return None
def openWebBrowserWindow():
Opens a new tab on your default browser that contains the official website for Temp_Cleaner GUI
- webbrowser.open_new("")
+ webbrowser.open_new(downloadLink)
messagebox.showinfo(getCurrentLanguage().update_btn_updater, getCurrentLanguage().opened_webbrowser_dialog)
- try:
- os.remove(f"{application_path}\\progver.txt")
- os.remove(f"{application_path}\\releaseNotes.txt")
- except Exception as exception_deleting_unneeded_downloads: # couldn't delete them.
- messagebox.showerror("An error has occured", f"Couldn't delete the unnecessary files 'releaseNotes.txt' and 'progver.txt' due to a runtime error\nError details are:\n{exception_deleting_unneeded_downloads}\n\nIf you are a user and you see this message please create an issue on Temp_Cleaner GUI's official Github page and MAKE SURE to provide a screenshot of this messagebox\nPress OK to continue.")
+ # try:
+ # os.remove(f"{application_path}\\progver.txt")
+ # os.remove(f"{application_path}\\releaseNotes.txt")
+ # except Exception as exception_deleting_unneeded_downloads: # couldn't delete them.
+ # messagebox.showerror("An error has occured", f"Couldn't delete the unnecessary files 'releaseNotes.txt' and 'progver.txt' due to a runtime error\nError details are:\n{exception_deleting_unneeded_downloads}\n\nIf you are a user and you see this message please create an issue on Temp_Cleaner GUI's official Github page and MAKE SURE to provide a screenshot of this messagebox\nPress OK to continue.")
return None
@@ -284,14 +288,27 @@ def getReleaseNotes():
A function used to get the content of the release notes file and insert it into the scrolledtext.ScrolledText widget of the release notes.
self.release_notes_widget.configure(state='normal') # i want it to be editable.
- if downloadAndSaveReleaseNotesFile() == False:
- messagebox.showerror("Runtime exception", "Couldn't read from release notes file")
- return False
- else:
- pass
+ # if downloadAndSaveReleaseNotesFile() == False:
+ # messagebox.showerror("Runtime exception", "Couldn't read from release notes file")
+ # return False
+ # else:
+ # pass
self.release_notes_widget.delete(1.0, END) # clearing the release notes dialogbox.
- self.release_notes_widget.insert(END, readReleaseNotesFromFile())
+ self.release_notes_widget.insert(END, getCurrentLanguage().checking_for_updates)
+ try:
+ with urllib.request.urlopen(releaseNotesFilePath) as file:
+ releaseNotesText ='utf-8')
+ self.release_notes_widget.configure(state='normal')
+ self.release_notes_widget.delete(1.0, END) # clearing the release notes dialogbox.
+ self.release_notes_widget.insert(END, releaseNotesText)
+ self.release_notes_widget.configure(state='disabled')
+ except Exception:
+ self.release_notes_widget.configure(state='normal')
+ self.release_notes_widget.delete(1.0, END) # clearing the release notes dialogbox.
+ self.release_notes_widget.insert(END, getCurrentLanguage().couldnt_download)
+ self.release_notes_widget.configure(state='disabled')
return None
# a label for showing the updater icon
@@ -301,7 +318,7 @@ def getReleaseNotes():
# other informative labels.
self.lbl0 = Label(self, text=getCurrentLanguage().new_update_tcg, background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], font=("Arial", 14)), y=5)
- self.lbl1 = Label(self, text=f"{getCurrentLanguage().new_version_is}{getServerVersionNumber()}{getCurrentLanguage().current_version_is}{versionNumber}", background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], font=("Arial", 9))
+ self.lbl1 = Label(self, text=f"{getCurrentLanguage().new_version_is}{latestVersionNumber()}{getCurrentLanguage().current_version_is}{currentVersion}", background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], font=("Arial", 9)), y=35)
self.release_notes_widget = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self, background=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[0], foreground=getCurrentAppearanceMode()[1], selectbackground='blue', state='disabled', font=("Arial", 10)), y=55, relwidth=0.7, relheight=0.63)
@@ -313,15 +330,20 @@ def getReleaseNotes():
# Checking if there is an available update or not
# if there is one, the window will continue to appear, otherwise, the window will close.
if readVersion() == None:
+ self.attributes('-topmost',False)
messagebox.showwarning(getCurrentLanguage().update_btn_updater, getCurrentLanguage().running_latest_version_dialog)
+ self.attributes('-topmost',True)
+ return # exiting program
elif readVersion() == False:
+ return
if getReleaseNotes() == False:
+ return
@@ -331,22 +353,16 @@ def getReleaseNotes():
if __name__ == '__main__': # if program wasn't imported as a Python 3.x.x Module file.
- downloadAndSaveVersionFile()
- downloadAndSaveReleaseNotesFile()
if len(argv) == 1:
print(f"[DEBUG]: sys.argv is: {argv}")
# run the gui updater program normally, the program was executed with no arguments.
- downloadAndSaveVersionFile()
- downloadAndSaveReleaseNotesFile()
guiProcess = updaterProgramUI()
- exit(0) # gui program ran very well.
+ raise SystemExit(0) # gui program ran very well.
elif len(argv) == 2:
if str(argv[1]) == "--silent":
# don't inform user if program is on latest version, if it isn't, show the updater ui.
- downloadAndSaveVersionFile()
- downloadAndSaveReleaseNotesFile()
isThereAnyUpdatesAvailable = readVersion()
if isThereAnyUpdatesAvailable == True:
guiProcess = updaterProgramUI()
@@ -355,21 +371,19 @@ def getReleaseNotes():
# there are no updates available, don't run gui program.
print(f"{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}[INFO]: you are running the latest version of the program, no need to update it.")
- exit(0) # exit code 0 means there is no update available.
+ raise SystemExit(0) # exit code 0 means there is no update available.
except Exception as reading_server_version_error:
print(f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}[ERROR]: couldn't download from Mr.X's github server due to an error\nerror details:\n{reading_server_version_error}")
- exit(20) # exit code 20 is for errors downloading version text file.
- exit(1111111111) # error code 1111111111 is for unhandled or unexpected statement end
+ raise SystemExit(20) # exit code 20 is for errors downloading version text file.
+ raise SystemExit(1111111111) # error code 1111111111 is for unhandled or unexpected statement end
print(f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}[ERROR]: invalid argument: {str(argv[1])}, the only valid option is: --silent")
- exit(2) # exit code 2 is for invalid argument.
+ raise SystemExit(2) # exit code 2 is for invalid argument.
print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}{Style.BRIGHT}[WARNING]: one or more unnecessary command line arguments found\nother options will be ignored'")
if str(argv[1]) == "--silent":
# don't inform user if program is on latest version, if it isn't, show the updater ui.
- downloadAndSaveVersionFile()
- downloadAndSaveReleaseNotesFile()
isThereAnyUpdatesAvailable = readVersion()
if isThereAnyUpdatesAvailable == True:
guiProcess = updaterProgramUI()
@@ -378,13 +392,13 @@ def getReleaseNotes():
# there are no updates available, don't run gui program.
print(f"{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}[INFO]: you are running the latest version of the program, no need to update it.")
- exit(0) # exit code 0 means there is no update available.
+ raise SystemExit(0) # exit code 0 means there is no update available.
except Exception as reading_server_version_error:
print(f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}[ERROR]: couldn't download from Mr.X's github server due to an error\nerror details:\n{reading_server_version_error}")
- exit(20) # exit code 20 is for errors downloading version text file.
- exit(1111111111) # error code 1111111111 is for unhandled or unexpected statement end
+ raise SystemExit(20) # exit code 20 is for errors downloading version text file.
+ raise SystemExit(1111111111) # error code 1111111111 is for unhandled or unexpected statement end
print(f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}[ERROR]: invalid argument: {str(argv[1])}, the only valid option is: --silent")
- exit(2) # exit code 2 is for invalid argument.
+ raise SystemExit(2) # exit code 2 is for invalid argument.