This repo is a custom fork of Discord.Net that introduces the newest features of discord for testing and experimenting. Nothing here is guaranteed to work but you are more than welcome to submit bugs in the issues tabs
Labs will not work with normal package of Playwo's InteractivityAddon. The reason is that his package depends on the base lib. You can instead use the InteractivityAddon.Labs package which implements some of the features added in Discord.Net-Labs.
Setting up labs in your project is really simple, here's how to do it:
- Remove Discord.Net from your project
- Add Discord.Net Labs nuget to your project
- Enjoy!
This branch is kept up to date with dnets dev branch. we pull of it to ensure that labs will work with pre existing dnet code.
This branch is what will be pushed to nuget, sometimes its not up to date as we wait for other features to be finished.
This branch is on pause and does not work currently, There is a pull request open to implement a working version of a slash command service. It can be found here
These branches are features for new things, you are more than welcome to clone them and give feedback in the discord server or issues tab.
// Subscribe to the InteractionCreated event
client.InteractionCreated += Client_InteractionCreated;
private async Task Client_InteractionCreated(SocketInteraction interaction)
// Checking the type of this interaction
switch (interaction)
// Slash commands
case SocketSlashCommand commandInteraction:
await MySlashCommandHandler(commandInteraction);
// Button clicks/selection dropdowns
case SocketMessageComponent componentInteraction:
await MyMessageComponentHandler(componentInteraction);
// Unused or Unknown/Unsupported
private async Task MySlashCommandHandler(SocketSlashCommand interaction)
// Checking command name
if (interaction.Data.Name == "ping")
// Respond to interaction with message.
// You can also use "ephemeral" so that only the original user of the interaction sees the message
await interaction.RespondAsync($"Pong!", ephemeral: true);
// Also you can followup with a additional messages, which also can be "ephemeral"
await interaction.FollowupAsync($"PongPong!", ephemeral: true);
private async Task MyMessageComponentHandler(SocketMessageComponent interaction)
// Get the custom ID
var customId = interaction.Data.CustomId;
// Get the user
var user = (SocketGuildUser) interaction.User;
// Get the guild
var guild = user.Guild;
// Respond with the update message. This edits the message which this component resides.
await interaction.UpdateAsync(msgProps => msgProps.Content = $"Clicked {interaction.Data.CustomId}!");
// Also you can followup with a additional messages
await interaction.FollowupAsync($"Clicked {interaction.Data.CustomId}!", ephemeral: true);
// If you are using selection dropdowns, you can get the selected label and values using these
var selectedLabel = ((SelectMenu) interaction.Message.Components.First().Components.First()).Options.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == interaction.Data.Values.FirstOrDefault())?.Label;
var selectedValue = interaction.Data.Values.First();
Note: The example above assumes that the selection dropdown is expecting only 1 returned value, if you configured your dropdown for multiple values, you'll need to modify the code slightly.
Theres a new field in all SendMessageAsync
functions that takes in a MessageComponent
, you can use it like so:
var builder = new ComponentBuilder().WithButton("Hello!", customId: "id_1", ButtonStyle.Primary, row: 0);
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Test buttons!", component: builder.Build());
Theres a new field in all SendMessageAsync
functions that takes in a MessageComponent
, you can use it like so:
var builder = new ComponentBuilder()
.WithSelectMenu(new SelectMenuBuilder()
.WithPlaceholder("This is a placeholder")
label: "Option",
value: "value1",
description: "Evan pog champ",
emote: Emote.Parse("<:evanpog:810017136814194698>")
.AddOption("Option B", "value2", "Option B is poggers")
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Test selection!", component: builder.Build());
Note: You can only have 5 buttons per row and 5 rows per message. If a row contains a selection dropdown it cannot contain any buttons.
Slash command example how to's can be found here.