This folder contains the file to instantiate the container with MSNoise and MariaDB.
Go into dockerfile folder and build image by running command
docker build -t msnoise:latest .
and go back to the previous folder .
From within this folder, by running the command
docker compose up -d
the container with the service defined in the file will be created.
By running the command
docker compose ps
you should expect to find a row in the command output with the name of the container and other fields, including the STATUS with the value 'UP'.
If that's not the case, there may have been some errors, meaning the container was not instantiated correctly.
By running the command
docker compose ps -a
you should find in the row related to the container a STATUS of type 'Exited'.
At this point, you can run the command
docker compose logs
to try to understand the reason that prevented the container from being instantiated correctly.
From within this folder, run the command
docker compose down
In this way, all containers instantiated based on the docker-compose.yml file will be stopped and removed, including the networks defined in the file. Only the volumes in the folder /var/lib/docker/volumes will remain.
The command
docker compose stop
stops the container without removing it.
For any further information, refer to the official Docker Compose documentation at
Once the container is instantiated, you can access it with
docker exec -it msnoise bash
or via ssh
ssh -X msnoise@localhost -p 1001
password msnoise .
From msnoise project folder execute
sudo mariadb < create_schema_user_and_grants.sql
to create schema and assign grants to msnoise data base user.
msnoise db init
will appear a prompt, select 2 for mysql and press enter for all others option. For the password type 'msnoise'. If these operations are successful a file db.ini will be added in the project folder.
Set the start and end date from the configuration web interface - from a cli in the container type 'msnoise admin' to start the embedded web server and in you broser type 'localhost:5000' to reach the web interface - or from the container CLI with 'msnoise config set startdate=$startdate ' command. Also set cron days. Those option are needed by the msnoise scan_archive command.
To dynamically scan archive you must set property values for year, network, channel etc. into the scan_archive_script_params.txt . These properties will be used by the .
In this way the table data_availability will be populated with station's file path and other details . You can always use the data base from its cli typing in the container cli 'mariadb'. In this way a prompt of mariadb will appear. To use msnoise data base type 'use msnoise'. Remember to put always ';' at the end of every data base statement. If you want to show the content of data_availability table just type 'select * from data_availability;', same for other tables . If you want to see all the tables of the msnoise database 'show tables;' .
Now is possible to populate stations table with data retrieved from data_availability table executing
msnoise populate --fromDA
Update stations table with latitude, longitute and elevation data retrieved from stations' station.xml files or from fdsn web service with
If one of the station is not found on fdsn web server you can put station's inventory file in the folder /inventories-for-station-not-on-fdsn folder with the format station_{net}_{sta}_inventory.xml .
Update jobs tabledd with
msnoise new_jobs --init
Add filters into filters table with
msnoise db execute "insert into filters (ref, low, mwcs_low, high, mwcs_high, mwcs_wlen, mwcs_step, used) values (1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 12.0, 4.0, 1)"
You can also add filters from web interface configuration page.
Start cross correlation computation (it could take a long time)
msnoise cc compute_cc
Run in sequence
msnoise cc stack -r, msnoise reset STACK, msnoise cc stack -m
Now it's possible to generate an interefrogram image for each station pair running
A folder msnoise_interferograms$timestamp will be created with all interferograms into /msnoise-outcome-files folder mapped with a folder with same name on host file system to let you take data produced inside container .
P.S. A cron job has been set to execute the script every minute, which restarts the graphical interface every minute as it is often subject to freezes that prevent its normal use.